Implementation of health research funding under H2020 SC 1- “Health, demographic change and...

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Implementation of health research funding under H2020 SC 1- “Health, demographic change and wellbeing “

Elmar Nimmesgern PhDDG Research and Innovation

European Commission

Infoday IMI2

Ljubljana, 13 January 2014

What is Horizon 2020?

The EU’s 2014-20 programmefor research & innovation

A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union &European Research Area

Funding(million EUR, 2014-2020)

Health, demographic change and wellbeing 7 472

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the Bioeconomy

3 851

Secure, clean and efficient energy * 5 931

Smart, green and integrated transport 6 339

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

3 081

Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 1 310

Secure societies 1 695

Science with and for society 462

Spreading excellence and widening participation 816

• Translating science to benefit citizens

• Improve health outcomes

• Support a competitive health & care sector

• Test and demonstrate new health & care models, approaches and tools

• Promote healthy and active ageing

Horizon 2020 - Societal Challenge 1

Also look elsewhere! EU support of health related research & innovation is not limited to Societal Challenge 1

Less prescriptive topic texts

Two-year work programme

Stronger focus on end users

Broad topics


New Approach

More Opportunities for SMEs

• 20% of the total budget for societal challenges/LEITs to go to SMEs

• Simplification – a great benefit to SMEs

• A new SME instrument

• 'Innovation in SMEs' - a dedicated activity for research-intensive SMEs

• 'Access to risk finance' with strong SME focus (debt and equity facility)

Image courtesy of Vlado/

Wanted: international cooperation

• A priority

• Key goal: more and better international cooperation

• Horizon 2020 is open to participation from across the world

• Targeted actions across the entire programme

• Horizon 2020 Regulation and Rules for Participation apply

• Participants from USA can be funded in SC1 (but not other SCs)

Getting you started faster

• A single set of simpler andmore coherent participation rules

• New trust/control balance

• Just 2 funding rates for different beneficiaries and activities (70 and 100%)

• Single flat rate for overhead or 'indirect costs' (25%)

• Simpler financial regulationto come

• 8 months' time-to-grant(exceptions for the ERC and in duly justified cases)

Image courtesy of ponsuwan/

Horizon 2020'Health, demographic change and wellbeing'

Strategic initiatives linked to SC1

Innovative Medicines Initiative 2

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2)

Active and Assisted Living

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

The SC1 work programme 2014/15 in brief

Call for 'co-ordination activities'16 topics (10 in 2014, 6 in 2015)

Call 'personalising health and care'34 topics (15 in 2014, 17 in 2015, 2 open in both years)

€ 1,21billion

Understanding the call topics: example

'PHC 2 – 2015'

'Specific challenge'

'Scope', includes estimated budget (not binding)

'Expected impact'

'Type of action'

Personalisinghealth and care

• Understanding health, ageing & disease

• Effective health promotion, disease prevention,preparedness and screening

• Improving diagnosis

• Innovative treatments and technologies

• Advancing active and healthy ageing

• Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care

• Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation

Call 'personalising health and care'Seven focus areas

• Inter-sector cooperation for environment- and health-based interventions (2015; € 4-6 m, € 18 m total)

• Translating -omics into prevention and health promotion (2014; € 4-6 m, € 24 m total)

• Evaluating existing screening and prevention programmes (2014 ; € 2-3 m), € 15 m total)

• Control of infectious epidemics through rapid pathogen identification (2014; € 15-20 m, € 15+5 m total)

• Vaccine platforms for TB (2014) and HIV (2015) (€15-25 m for both topics, indicated € 25 m for 2014, € 21 m for 2015)

From "omics" … to prevention

Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening

Co-ordination activities

Applying for funding – process in brief

Publication of the calls

Submission of proposals

Signature grant agreement

Information on the outcome of the evaluator

Time to prepare the proposal

Preparationof the grant


Applying for funding – your one-stop shop

Thank you very much!