Image Planning

Post on 29-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Image Planning

1. Shooting the Images Image planning 2. Shooting the images Location After considering the theme of my magazine I have considered all of the local scenery which I have easy access too and which would give a better atmosphere to my images. There are various locations that would fit my requirements of creating an autumn feel within my images. These locations are Hetton Park, Hetton Lyons Country Park and Elmore Golf Course. I would only use these locations for some of my photos as others would need different lighting to show off the clothing more. For other images I will use the rooms in my house as they will provide a harsher lighting to show the clothes features better. 3. Inspiration for my image location 4. Shooting the images Make Up and Hair To continue the autumn theme I will use dark shades of makeup on my model. Using a dark shade of lipstick and eye shadow with bronzer to contour her cheekbones. These shades will match the scenery in the background of the images creating a link with the subject and the background. For the hair I plan to make it messy to look windswept at this will correspond with the season. I will alternate from having her hair tied up and then down to create a change in my photos and to make it more interesting for the audience. This alteration would also be appropriate to show off certain features of the clothing the model is wearing. 5. Shooting the images Poses and Props All of the poses will look feminine and show off the clothes well. They will be specifically chosen to show the models curves and to display how the clothing lies. The model will look happy and comfortable to give the connotations of happiness and being cosy. These will promote the clothing well and persuade the audience to buy them. The props used will be the branches and leaves in the scenery and to connect the subject with the background and make the flow of the image smoother. 6. Shooting the images Poses and Props All of the poses will look feminine and show off the clothes well. They will be specifically chosen to show the models curves and to display how the clothing lies. The model will look happy and comfortable to give the connotations of happiness and being cosy. These will promote the clothing well and persuade the audience to buy them. The props used will be the branches and leaves in the scenery and to connect the subject with the background and make the flow of the image smoother.