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Intaki Liberation Front Magazine

Transcript of ILF MAGAZINE





Geography & Philosophy of the Intaki People

by Vremaja Idama

I wish to announce to you that I have arrived safely in Intaki. I am now standing in station, looking out over my beloved homeworld of Intaki V. It has been many years since I last saw this world, but its pull on my heart is strong.



The Intaki Homeworld

Intaki V is a jewel among planets. It is tropical and filled with diverse lifeforms. We have lived and grown on this planet for time beyond measure.

I was born in the town of Asaya, sitting at the base of the Akat mountain range. These mountains mark the southern end of the habitable region of the north pole. My town was hidden from the harsh sunlight in the deep valleys that intersect the mountain range.

Intaki V is a very hot world, and both polar regions were once thick with tropical forests. The equitorial oceans are exceedingly hot, and few living things survive around the equator. The rich and varied life of Intaki V has been confined to the polar regions, and in constant struggle for land, food, and shelter from the environment.

This is important - for our very culture was developed here, on a planet in a constant state of competition for limited resources. We came to realise that the universe is a harsh place, and people need to survive.

We never reached the heights of technology that, say, the Gallente or Caldari did, but we developed a culture able to deal easily with great stress and uncertainty. We learnt that the best way to survive was to work with the environment, not to fight it.

This is reflected by our architecture and constructions, which are usually made of natural substances such as wood and stone, or made to emulate their form. This design philosophy has actually proven quite popular in the Federation.

The Intaki Faith

We are considered by outsiders to be a quiet, reserved and thoughtful people. The unwritten laws, or customs, of the Intaki give rise to these impressions.

We tend to think before we speak, preferring to give a concise statement rather than half formed

thoughts. When someone is involved in a task we prefer to let them acknowledge our presense rather than interrupting. We also tend to look at problems in a more holistic way, considering all things connected.



The Ida, or "Way"

Much of this is crystalised in our philosophy, or as other call it "the Intaki Faith". We simply call it Ida.

The literal translation is "to consider", and is a good description of the Intaki. Some try to belittle us by calling it "the path of least resistance", although that is a good description!

We who follow the Way aim to live a life of moderation, not succumbing to the extremes of self-indulgence, or self-denial. Ida is a way of living, we do not have any beliefs in a heaven or hell, and do not take any writing or saying as "truth". Ida is a path, but Intaki are expected to walk it themselves.

One core tenet is that all things are in a cycle. Death leads to rebirth. A solution only leads to more

problems. We know that the "soul" or "spirit" is eternal and will be reborn many times to learn new lessons, and once it fuly

understands the cycle it may finally move on.

Reincarnation and the Idama

The Reborn are an important part of this. These were people who had reached a level of understanding that they may

choose to be liberated, but

choose to remain and teach others. In earlier times there were many tests and rituals to ensure that a soul had indeed been reborn, and through mental discipline and training these Reborn were able to continue their life work over many lifetimes. These rare people were given the title of Idama.

In modern times, with the assistance of technology, the rebirth process has been made more certain.

In fact many of the techniques and experiences of the Reborn have assisted the development and

perfection of psyche restoration and cloning. But even today the status of Idama is still reserved for those who have been reborn without assistance.

Intaki V - Homeworld of the Intaki People



The Unknown Future

We have become a people of Diaspora - and while many of our ways have remained, many have

changed. The Way is still followed by many individuals, but as a whole we are now a minor group in the New Eden Cluster.

I would hope that we shall soon see a resurgence of the Way, In the hope that our teachings of peace

and moderation be taken to heart by many who do not see the danger in their words. Tonight has shown one thing. Together the various peoples of the New Eden Cluster can achieve great things. This is but a hint of the things we could do in the future.

I would ask that all people work together in harmony - as violence will never give rise to peace and happiness. Thank you all.









On the Failure of the Federation by Saxon Hawke

The recital, or premises on which the Gallente Federation is erected, declares a

consolidation or union of all the its varied parts, or star systems, into one great whole,

under the form of a federation, for all the various and important purposes therein set

forth. But whoever seriously considers the immense extent of territory comprehended

within the limits of the Federation, together with the variety of its climates, productions

and commerce, the difference of extent, and number of inhabitants in all; the dissimilitude

of interest, morals, and politics, in almost every one, will receive it as an intuitive truth,

that a consolidated republican form of government therein, can never form a perfect

union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and

secure the blessings of liberty to you and your posterity, for to these objects it must be

directed. This unkindred legislature therefore, composed of interests opposite and



dissimilar in their nature, will in its exercise, emphatically be like a house divided against


It is natural to a republic to have only a small territory, otherwise it cannot subsist: in a

large one, there are men of large fortunes, and consequently of less moderation; there

are too great deposits to trust in the hands of a single subject, an ambitious person soon

becomes sensible that he may be happy, great, and glorious by oppressing his fellow

citizens, and that he might raise himself to grandeur, on the ruins of his country. In large

republics, the public good is sacrificed to a thousand views, in a small one, the interest of

the public is easily perceived, better understood, and more within the reach of every

citizen; abuses have a less extent, and of course are less protected.

What have you rewarded yourselves with from consolidation into one government?

Impracticability in the just exercise of it, your freedom insecure, even this form of

government limited in its continuance, the employments of your systems disposed of to

the opulent, to whose contumely you will continually be an object. You must risk much, by

indispensably placing trusts of the greatest magnitude, into the hands of individuals

whose ambition for power, and aggrandizement, will oppress and grind you.

Where, from the vast extent of your territory, and the complication of interests, the

science of government has become intricate and perplexed, and too mysterious for many

to understand and observe.



Political liberty consists in security, or at least in the opinion we have of security; and this

security, therefore, or the opinion, is best obtained in moderate governments, where the

mildness of the laws, and the equality of the manners, beget a confidence in the people,

which produces this security, or the opinion. This moderation in governments depends in

a great measure on their limits, connected with their political distribution.

The extent of many of the systems of the Federation, is at this time almost too great for

the superintendence of a republican form of government, and must one day or other

revolve into more vigorous ones, or by separation be reduced into smaller and more

useful, as well as moderate ones. You have already observed the feeble efforts of the

Federation against the Caldari; with what difficulty did they fail to quell that insurrection;

and is not the system of

Intaki at this moment on the

eve of separation from her?

The reason of these things

is that in large free

republics, the evil

sometimes is not only

begun, but almost

completed, before they are

in a situation to turn the

current into a contrary

progression. The extremes

are also too remote from the usual seat of government, and the laws, therefore, too

feeble to afford protection to all its parts, and insure domestic tranquility without the aid

of another principle.



Does this consolidated republic, in its exercise beget such confidence and compliance,

among the citizens of these systems, as to do without the aid of a standing military force?

I deny that it does. The malcontents in each system, who are not few, nor the least

important, are exciting factions against it. The fear of a dismemberment of some of its

parts, and the necessity to enforce the execution of revenue laws (a fruitful source of

oppression) on the extremes and in the other districts of the government, requires a

violently Pro-Federation forces to be kept on retainer.

As such, is not political security, and even the opinion of it, being extinguished? Can

mildness and

moderation exist in a

government where

the primary incident

in its exercise must

be force? Will not

violence destroy

confidence, and can

equality subsist

where the extent,

policy, and practice

of it will naturally

lead to make odious

distinctions among


The people who may

compose this interstellar legislature from the various interior systems, in which, from

the value of its productions, wealth is rapidly acquired, and where the same causes

naturally lead to luxury, dissipation, and a passion for aristocratic distinction; where

liberty is less respected and protected; who know not what it is to acquire property by

their own toil, nor to economize with the savings of industry-will these men, therefore, be

as tenacious of the liberties and interests of the more outlying systems, where freedom,

independence, industry, equality and frugality are natural to the climate and soil, as men

who are your own citizens, legislating in your own system, under your inspection, and

whose manners and fortunes bear a more equal resemblance to your own?



It may be suggested, in

answer to this, that whoever

is a citizen of one system is a

citizen of each, and that

therefore he will be as

interested in the happiness

and interest of all, as the one

he is delegated from. But the

argument is fallacious, and,

whoever has attended to the

history of mankind, and the

principles which bind them

together as parents, citizens,

or men, will readily perceive it. These principles are, in their exercise, like a pebble cast

on the calm surface of a river-the circles begin in the center, and are small, active and

forcible, but as they depart from that point, they lose their force, and vanish into


The strongest principle of union resides within our domestic walls. The ties of the parent

exceed that of any other. As we depart from our home systems, the next general principle

of union is amongst citizens of the same Region, where acquaintance, habits, and

fortunes, nourish affection, and attachment. Enlarge the circle still further, and, as

citizens of different regions, though we acknowledge the same national denomination, we

lose in the ties of acquaintance, habits, and fortunes, and thus by degrees we lessen in

our attachments, till, at length, we no more than acknowledge a sameness of species. Is

it, therefore, from certainty like this, reasonable to believe, that inhabitants of the various

systems, will have the same obligations towards you as your own, and preside over your

lives, liberties, and property, with the same care and attachment? Intuitive reason

answers in the negative.



Kendu Kanarma - The Beautiful Game

by Kenreikko Valitonen

Sport is not the first thing one thinks of when considering the Intaki people. Most likely,

the average denizen of New Eden has only a cursory understanding of this old and widely

spread civilization, and stereotypes prevail in such understanding as they do everywhere


Yet the Intaki are not a people so utterly reserved and diplomatic that they cannot enjoy

rivalry in good humor nor so spiritually aloof that they cannot admire physical prowess.

Indeed, the Intaki are a people like any other, possessed of calm and energy, wisdom and

foolishness, vigor and sloth in equal portions. And they appreciate sport.

Arguably the most popular athletic sport today in the Intaki home systems of Placid,

especially on the homeworld, is kendu kanarma, often simply called "kendu". Kendu traces

its roots to a Gallentean sport that saw its heyday of popularity several centuries ago and

which was at its peak during the time of their first contact with the Intaki. Early Intaki

civilization glorified cooperation rather than competition and the arrival of the

Gallenteans with their strange customs and morals signaled a watershed moment in the

development of the Intaki. It also signaled the beginning of their haphazard love affair with

team sports.



Whereas in most competitive sports played throughout the cluster, two or more teams

square off and the emphasis is on striking the opposition, defending one's own assets, and

scoring more points, in kendu players thrive on the dynamic interplay between members

of the same team. In kendu, victory is achieved by the team whose players' actions are

best synchronized and most complimentary to one another and it is virtually impossible

for one player to achieve anything substantial on his or her own. This concept may be

strange to foreign audiences, but it can be understood by examining the basic rules of

play for kendu kanarma.

Teams: Kendu is

played between two

teams, each having

nine players on the

field. The teams are

told apart either by

wearing uniforms like

the professional

players in the modern

day leagues or, in the

ancient style, by tying

bands of colored

ribbon around the

forehead, upper arms, and thighs.

Arena: Traditional kendu is played on a grass or dirt pitch one hundred meters long by

sixty wide. A buffer zone of twenty meters of cleared space typically extends around the

pitch, and a short wall rings this buffer on professional pitches.

Two teams of 9 players share two circular goals, each five meters in diameter,

suspended one meter off the surface, and centered on either of the short sides of the

pitch. One of the short sides of the pitch is determined to be "north", while the other is

"south". The north goal ring is red and the south is blue.



Equipment: Two balls, one a prolate spheroid (the "vatama") and the other an oblate

spheroid (the "palandu"), classically made of sewn animal hide but today biofactured, are

required for play. Most kendu leagues require the vatama to be 25 cm long and 57 cm in

circumference and weigh between 380 and 410 grams with the palandu having similar

size and weight.

Seasons: A game of kendu is divided into four segments, each seven minutes long. The

segments are called "seasons" and are, in order, "candra, ravi, marut, and payas". Every

season begins with the two teams facing one another across the pitch, each lined up

along one of the short sides. Each team possesses one of the balls, which they punt

toward the opposing team to begin the season, starting the clock. A break, usually 5-7

minutes long, is enjoyed between seasons. A complete game of kendu can thus be played

in a little over an hour.

Freedom of Movement: All players may move up and down the pitch freely and there

are very few restrictions on how the balls may be moved. Both balls are in play at the

same time and if one ball's movement is stopped due to an out or advantage, the other

remains in play. Balls may be kicked with the feet, struck with the hands, legs, torso, or

head, or carried with the arms in any direction within the confines of the pitch.

Taking Possession: A ball that is in free play (not being carried by anyone) can be

picked up or struck at any time by any player. Players may use any part of their bodies to

strike a ball away from the arms of an opposing ball carrier. They may not attempt to

take a ball away by grabbing it or by striking the ball carrier. Doing so results in a free

run on that spot for the team in possession of the ball.

Tackle Out: If a player is able to completely arrest the movement of an opposing ball

carrier and the carrier does not strike or drop the ball beforehand, it will result in an out.

Throw Out: At no time may either ball be thrown or rolled with the arms either overhand

or underhand. Doing so results in an out. (When striking, the ball must always be struck in

a way that the strike is clearly visible to refereeing equipment or officials.)

Check Out: When carrying a ball, a player must "check" it on the surface of the pitch

after every ten meters of movement. This can be done by dropping the ball and

recovering it with the hands, bending down and touching it to the ground, or striking it



from the hands with another body part and recovering it after it touches the ground.

Failure to check a ball results in an out.

Bound Out: If a ball leaves the pitch at any point, it results in an out on the team whose

player last touched that ball.

Free Run: When an out occurs, the team to last have possession of the offending ball

surrenders it to a player from the other team at the spot where the out occurred or at

the spot where the ball left the pitch. The other team's player may then take a "free run",

meaning he or she can strike the ball or run with it without direct interference from the

other team.

A player taking a free run must be given a one meter buffer by players of the other team

until he or she has struck the ball or taken a step away from the spot of the free run. This

buffer exists for ten seconds after the player takes possession of the ball at the spot of

the free run. Afterwards, opponents are allowed to tackle the player or attempt to take

possession of the ball directly. Opponents are always permitted to attempt to block a ball

struck by a player taking a free run so long as they do not impinge on that player's buffer.

Advantage: Scoring is achieved by two or more players acting in tandem. In order to

score points, a team must first have "advantage". Advantage is gained by passing either

ball through either goal using "yamala".

Yamala involves a player in possession of either ball "setting up" by holding the ball with

the hands in such a way that another player from his or her team can strike it with the

feet, hands, or other body part. That other player must strike the ball so that it passes

through either of the two goals. Neither the setter nor the striker need be standing still to

accomplish this. Achieving this results in that team receiving advantage, either

"advantage vatama" or "advantage palandu" depending on which ball was used.

A ball that is used to achieve advantage is returned to play by the opposing team, who

may take a free run with that ball from the center line of the pitch on either of its long

sides. Retrieving and bringing such a ball back into play quickly is a hallmark of a team

able to recover rapidly from the opponent's taking advantage.



If the opposing team has advantage, it can be taken away by performing yamala with

either ball in either goal, after which the other team is said to "swing advantage" to their


Scoring: A team with advantage may score points by performing another yamala, but

they must do so by passing the other ball through the goal opposite the one used to

create advantage. Thus a team with "advantage vatama north" must use the oblate

palandu ball to perform yamala at the south goal. After a point is scored, the clock is

paused, all advantage is reset and the teams return to the short sides of the pitch to kick

off just as they do at the start of each season.

Variants of kendu are played on many worlds within Placid and in small, widely-dispersed

communities of the Intaki diaspora. "Agoze Rules" kendu is popular with many Intaki

expatriates and incorporates slightly more violent tackling rules as well as two true

spheroid balls rather than the unusually shaped vatama and palandu. On Intaki Prime, the

sport has enjoyed a revival in recent decades and is one of the most widely appreciated

athletic activities on the homeworld.

Two large-scale leagues facilitate professional kendu, the traditional rules Intaki Premier

League based on Intaki V and more commercialized Agoze Rules-based Major League

Kendu headquartered in Ostingele. (Lately, Major League Kendu was forced to indefinitely

suspended all of its regular season games after the devastating Sansha's Nation raid on

Ostingele in YC112. They are expected to return in the coming year.) In stark contrast to

sports in other regions, even professional kendu players rarely become popular icons.

This is perhaps attributable to the sport's emphasis on coordinated team action rather

than individual talent and showmanship.

In Syndicate space, a sport called "kenduzana" has lately emerged and seems to be based

loosely on kendu kanarma. Kenduzana is played in a spheroid arena and involves a shifting

low-gravity environment. What is up and what is down changes depending on the swing of

advantage and players are often encouraged to put on a show for paying (and betting)

audiences. The Gentleman's Book, a gambling consortium based in Poitot, sponsors a

semi-professional kenduzana league and regular holovid special called Sfear that employs

hundreds of Intaki Space Police and mercenary security officers as part-time athlete-



gladiators. Sfear 19: Colossus, the latest series, drew record audiences for the sport in

Syndicate and Guristas space with limited viewership in the Caldari State.


BackStage at Reprinted with author's permission.



From Whence We Came:

Origin of the First Intaki Colonies by Saxon Hawke

Saxon Hawke sat in his usual alcove facing the courtyard of the Intaki Cultural Center. He

had finished his meditation some time ago, but was still sitting contemplatively. A casual

observer might have followed his line of sight to a peacock that was strutting in full

regalia, but the Suresha's eyes were actually looking beyond the bird, across the

courtyard, through the opposite wall and back into the past.

The young acolyte had to repeat himself several times to get his master's attention.

"Suresha...Suresha...Suresha?" the pupil said, his voice at last rising in inflection to

indicate a question.



Saxon, noticing the student at last, sighed deeply and rose from his mat. He stretched a

knot from the muscles in his back and finally turned to the young Intaki.

"Yes?" he asked.

"The package you've been waiting for has arrived, Suresha," the youth answered

hesitantly. Like many new students at the center, the youth was having a hard time

reading their leader. He seemed warm, but somber. Sometimes he would launch into a

speech and go on for some time. Other times he was unnervingly short spoken. "It's been

delivered to the media center."

"Thank you," was Saxon's only reply before making his way across the courtyard and into

the corridor that would take him to the media center. Upon entering the room, he noticed

the package had been opened and the holovid was already loaded into the player. He

pushed play and took a seat with a good view of the screen.

At first the screen was dark, making the sudden appearance of the logo of the Intaki

Historical Preservation Society seem glaring to his eyes.

"The following is a production of the Intaki Historical Preservation Society," an unseen

announcer proclaimed.

The screen went dark once more and then gradually began to fill with tiny points of light.

"When early man looked into heavens and beheld the stars, he could scarcely imagine that

there were other worlds far from his own, teeming with life. The idea that some of them

were the home of other men did not even seem a possibility," the announcer said.

As the camera slowly panned in on one group of stars, Saxon immediately recognized it

as the Viriette Constellation. The camera panned in further still and eventually a small

ship came into focus.



Gallente Vessel Sojourner reaches Intaki


"The first contact between the Gallente

deep space exploration vessel Sojourner

and the people of Intaki was a surprising

experience for all those involved. The crew

of the Sojourner had recently finished their

survey of several temperate planets

including Ostingele VII and Vey II.

These planets were full of biological life,

but devoid of any civilization. Because they

picked up no communication signals (radio

or otherwise) they assumed the same

would be true of Intaki V," the narrator

continued in an even voice.

Onscreen, the ship was descending through

the atmosphere of a planet. The ship was

an incredible recreation of the Sojourner,

which Saxon had seen in a museum while

studying at the Federation Naval Academy.

"The survey team landed, by chance, in an

unpopulated area and set about collecting

samples of native flora and fauna. On the

second morning of their expedition, the

explorers were startled to emerge from

their landing craft to find a delegation of

leaders from the nearest village waiting

for them," the narrator explained.



The natives presented on the screen were a good representation of Intaki culture, Saxon

noted. There were three men and two women, all of varying age. Saxon secretly wondered

if the actual composition of the original group had been so well mixed. The Gallente crew

was entirely male.

"Having no firm protocol for dealing with indigenous cultures, the captain of the

Sojourner hammered out an impromptu peace accord between the village leaders and his

crew, allowing them to complete their survey mission and leave the planet," the narrator

went on. "Although their planet was in a pre-industrial state, the Intaki proved to be

shrewd negotiators and did not allow the Gallente to leave without first sharing some of

the secrets of their technology. In particular, the Intaki bargained for communication

technology. The Gallente were happy to share what to them was fairly rudimentary

technology, launching several satellites and seeding basic communication equipment

around the planet."

A cut shot to a space view of the planet showed the Sojourner launching the satellites,

little more than blinking orbs. The ship then came about and accelerated into deep space.

"The effect on the Intaki people was immediate as it confirmed legends that people

existed in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Compared to the knowledge that

they were not alone in the universe, this might have appeared to be a small wonder, but it

was one of the great mysteries of the Intaki whose planet's equatorial climates had

divided its people for millennia," the narrator said.

A split screen shot showed groups of Intaki huddled around the vox-only communicators,

laughing and gesturing in apparent disbelief. Even in pantomime, however, it was clear

that not everyone was happy about the discovery.



"The revelation did lead to some turmoil as

many hundreds of generations apart had

created differences in the societies of the

northern and southern Intaki. However,

because their separation remained intact,

physical confrontation was impossible and

the diplomatic nature common to both

populations of the Intaki prevailed.

By the time a full contingent of Gallente

diplomatic representatives returned to

Intaki five years later, the Intaki people had

prepared and united under a single

government to represent them in dealings

with the Gallente," the narrator said.

The screen now showed the Intaki from the

previous scene in the same room sitting

with a group of Gallente diplomats. The

Gallente group now had a mix of genders,

although all of them seemed rather young

and attractive in Saxon's mind.

Some Intakis were troubled by these


"Anxious to have the Intaki planet as deep space base, the Gallente offered the Intaki

people much in the way of technology and training. Within five years of second-contact,

native Intaki were serving on board Gallente space vessels. The first Intaki-born captain

was given command of a Gallente ship 25 years after that. Seventy-five years after first

contact, the Intaki government purchased its own vessels and began exploring

neighboring systems," the narrator continued.

Once again the camera returned to a space view of Intaki V, this time showing vessels

bearing the markings of the Intaki people launching into orbit before accelerating away

from the planet.



"In 22889 (in the old calendar) the first Intaki colony, located on Vey II was chartered.

Over the next 100 years more than 50 Intaki colonies were created in a dozen different

stellar regions. While the majority of these colonies eventually chose to become

autonomous of the Intaki planetary government, the colonies located in the Placid Region

remained loyal," the narrator said.

Now the screen showed Vey II as it must have appeared prior to the arrival of Intaki

settlers. It was a verdant planet, but very different than the jungle-world of Intaki. Mighty

oaks and towering conifers dominated the landscape.

Extensive ice field in the Eugales System

"In addition to the first colony on Vey II,

Intaki expansion also included traditional

colonies on the temperate planets of Frarie

VI, Frarie VII, Harroule IV, Brarel II and

Ostingele VII as well as domed underwater

colonies on Annancale VII and Agoze V. The

Intaki planetary government also staked a

claim on the Eugales System, which lacked

an inhabitable planet but contained rich ice

fields," the narrator said while the screen

showed a montage of images from the

various colonies.

"In accordance with Intaki traditions of self-

reliance, the colonies in the Placid Region

were left to handle their own affairs for

matters that dealt with their individual

planetary operations and, as a result,

various forms of government took shape on

them. These ranged from the anarcho-

syndicalist commune of Brarel II to the



monarchy of Frarie VII. Regardless of their

planetary government, each colony was

allowed to send representatives to serve as

part of what grew out of the original Intaki

unified planetary government," the narrator


Saxon noted with some interest that the filmmakers had chosen to gloss over the fact

that several of the colonies, including Frarie VII had suffered through civil wars in the

early stages of their development. In fact, the war between the Harroule colonists had

been so disruptive that the colonial self-rule policy had been brought into question.

"This larger governmental structure was designed to handle issues related to outer

space or those that affected the colonies uniformly (such as on-going relations with the

ever-expanding Gallente empire). Each colony was allowed two representatives in the

Rajya Sabha and a number of representatives in the Lok Sabha proportional to their

populations. These legislative bodies then elected from their own membership a Council of

Ministers and Prime Minister to serve as an executive body. The various ministries

included such areas as trade, defense, health, astral mining and tourism," the narrator

explained as the screen showed archive footage of the construction of the Lok Sabha's

meeting hall.

"The Prime Minister was also responsible for the annual selection of the Council of

Judges, a group of 12 colonial representatives who also served as a supreme court for

the Intaki colonies. The two legislative houses, along with the Council of Ministers and the

Council of Judges were known collectively as the Intaki Assembly," the narrator said.

The images on the screen continued to include archive footage of video taken from old

sessions of the Intaki assembly. Saxon was somewhat embarrassed to realize that he

could not identify by sight any of these founding fathers and made a mental note to

emphasize history lessons when next he spoke with his children.



"When the Gallente proposed the creation of the Federation joining the Gallente with the

Intaki, Caldari and Mannar, the Assembly debated the matter for a period of 18 months. In

the end, the Assembly voted narrowly to join the Federation, surrendering its sovereignty

to the Gallente central government. The shrewd negotiators among the Intaki contingent

did ensure that certain aspects of autonomy remained intact and the Assembly's original

structure remains today - although it has no authority to act outside the confines of its

nine-system territory," the narrator said as the screen once more showed a map of

Intaki and other nearby star systems.

As the video concluded, Saxon sat reflecting over its contents. The Historical

Preservation Society was looking for his blessing to distribute the video. With Federation

Day festivities to take place just a few days later, Saxon was somewhat reluctant to do so

immediately, however.

Finally coming to the conclusion that those opposed to the Intaki movement would likely

write the production off as

"revisionist garbage"

anyway, he jotted down a

few notes and included

them in a transmission to

the preservation society

giving the video and its

contents the approval of

the Intaki Liberation Front.







Intaki Colony: Planet Agoze V

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Agoze/Placid

Colony Common Name: Agoze V

Colony Local Name: Dubaana

Government Type: Republic

Population: 10 million

Principal exports: Rocket fuel

History: Lacking any solid ground above its oceanic surface and having an average temperature of more than 175 F (80 C) made Agoze V an unlikely choice for a colonial location. In fact, its settlement was predated by three attempts to terraform other planets within the system.

Agoze V became a colony only after an expeditionary team discovered large deposits of naturally occurring



ammonium perchlorate and aluminum in the submerged topography of the planet. These materials were sought after as fuel components for space weaponry like rockets, missiles and torpedoes, making it a worthwhile investment to develop the technology for underwater extraction.

Initially, the colony consisted only of mining staff, all living in one underwater station called an aarambh. Eventually, more aarambh were constructed and extensions, called nikatata, were added to the existing facilities. The increased space allowed the miners to bring their families and the foundation of the colony as an independent entity was laid.

As the mining companies that built them initially owned all of the structures, local governance was handled by corporate policy. However, about 75 years after the colonial charter was issued, a labor riot erupted and forever changed the course of the colony.

In the aftermath of the riots, egregious violations of safety, working conditions and pay

standards were uncovered. Many of the colonial managers and corporate executives faced criminal charges and rumors ran rampant that the colony would be abandoned. A

settlement was reached,

however, and ownership and operation of the colony was turned over the colonists themselves.

In establishing their local government, the colonists fell back on the familiar, allowing the presidents of the various labor unions to serve as a governing council. The tradition continues to this day and union membership is an important

part of Dubaanan society. Nearly every profession now has a union and only union members have full rights. Related unions form coalitions and those coalitions appoint representative to the governing council. The miner's union remains the largest and most powerful union and its representative is traditionally viewed as the leader of the council.

Because the colony's main export is used in weaponry favored primarily by the Caldari, many Dubaanans harbor

sympathetic feelings toward them. Most recently, this manifest itself in the proposition by the Dubaanan contingent to the Intaki Assembly that Intaki's shipping contracts be made with Ishukone. Clearly the presence of a Caldari megacorporation in the area represents a potential financial benefit to the colony.

In addition to being first of two underwater colonies settled by the Intaki people, Dubaana also has the distinction of being the only colony on which no Idama claims permanent residence. The colony's local name, "Dubaana," comes from the Intaki word meaning "hidden beneath the waves."



Intaki Colony: Planet Annancale VII

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Annancale/Placid

Colony Common Name: Annancale VII

Colony Local Name: Lagaana

Government Type: Democratic

Population: 25 million

Principal exports: Petroleum products

History: The only planet in the Annancale system with a breathable atmosphere, Annancale VII is an oceanic

world covered with water. The global ocean has a number of relatively shallow areas where large domed cities, called gumbaj, have been constructed.

Where its sister-colony on Agoze V has facilities constructed deep underwater to escape the planet's high

surface temperatures, Annancale's domes are constructed so that they actually breach the surface.

This serves two purposes. First, it allows natural sunlight into the habitation units. Ports at the peak of the domes

allow residents

access to the surface oceans where pleasure boating, fishing and aquatic sports are widely popular.

The main industry of the colony is the extraction and refining of petroleum. Although tapping into the resources beneath the sea floor is difficult, the volume of the reserves makes it worthwhile. It is estimated that the colony



will be able to continue its current processing rates for at least 600 years.

Once the petroleum is collected, it is sent via a planetary pipeline to various processing facilities. A wide variety of products ranging from plastics to fabrics

and cosmetics to cleaning chemicals are then produced.

The locals call the colony by the name Lagaana, which translates loosely as "those anointed by the sacred oil." The fact that Lagaanan ceremonies use a distilled and perfumed petroleum oil is a departure from traditional Intaki ceremonies where the oils are plant based, usually from the jaitoon, an indigenous olive variant.

When its charter was issued, the Lagaanan colonists established a government of democratic representation. Each gumbaj has a governor who is advised by a cabinet of ministers assigned to various areas. The residents of the gumbaj also elect a sabha, or council, to serve as a local legislature.

Each gumbaj also elects a representative to serve in the pradhaan sabha, the planetary council. By tradition, the

sabhaasad with the longest tenure serves as the leader of the council and head of state for the colony. In the event two or more sabhaasad should have equal tenure, the members of the pradhaan sabha vote to elect their leader.

Visitors to the colony are encouraged to attend during the annual Jahaaz Chalaana, a sailboat race to circumnavigate the planet. The racecourse, which covers more than 75,000 Km, takes most crews about 40 days to complete. The current record, set two years ago, is just over 36 days.

Another destination is called the Shrine of Sati, a small house that sits on the only known area of land above the ocean's surface. Sati, an Idama known for her dedication to the self-reflection aspects of the Ida, lived in the house alone for years. Sati was known to entertain host guests, but she preferred to be left alone to consider the many aspects of life.

About 100 years ago the house was discovered empty. There are no records of Sati leaving the colony and no one has seen her since. In the years since her disappearance, the house has become a destination for students of the Ida to stay in isolation for short times while reflecting on their own lives.



Intaki Colony: Planet Brarel II

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Brarel/Placid

Colony Common Name: Brarel II

Colony Local Name: Sajha

Government Type: Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune

Population: 75 million

Principal Exports: Crystalline Materials

History: Despite its relative proximity to the Intaki home system, the only temperate planet in the Brarel System

was actually one of the last in the Viriette System to be settled. The planet's history of volcanic activity left its surface covered with a deep layer of ashy soil unsuitable for agriculture and very little in the way of potable water.

The discovery of large deposits of laser-quality crystals 60 years ago prompted terraforming colonists to make the planet more habitable and, today, the colony hosts a sizable population, most of whom reside in the cities of Sikkim and Goa. Sikkim

serves as the capital,

although the nature of politics in the colony make that designation somewhat confusing to outsiders.

Initially faced with a very limited amount of sustaining resources, the early colonists on

Brarel II (called Sajha by

the natives) decided to form themselves into a collective. In addition to sharing supplies, shelter and resources, the colonists ultimately chose to share their authoritative mandate.



There is no single executive officer in any part of Sajhan society. Instead, a congress is chosen by lottery each quarter. Those chosen by the lottery report to Sikkim for an orientation session and then return to their home to serve their term, passing laws and executing government business.

While the congress sets the colony's policy agenda, all votes approved by the congress have to then be ratified by a general public election held each month. Ratification requires a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs but by a two-thirds majority in the case of external affairs.

Local and regional governments follow the planetary model as well. In an effort to streamline the voting process, all

elections are held on the first and second day of each month. Women vote on the first and men vote on the second in even-numbered months, with the reverse in odd numbered months.

Sajha's representatives to the Intaki Assembly are selected annually at the first election day of the summer quarter. Like the congress, Sajhan assemblymen are chosen by lottery. Their one-year term is the shortest of any Intaki colony and because there is little hope of re-election in the random process, Sajhans rarely have any senior positions within the Assembly.

Voting days are considered national holidays and most businesses are closed in order to allow citizens the ability to participate. The franchise has always been universal to all natural-born citizens regardless of gender. Naturalized citizens are eligible to vote (and entered into the quarterly lottery) after one year. The legal voting age has been lowered twice and now stands at 14.

Visitors observing the Sajhan electoral process have described it as "organized chaos" and "the most frightening democratic endeavor undertaken by mankind." Sajhans pride themselves on the system, however, and voter turnout is

consistently above 97 percent. Local media devote large portions of their broadcasts and publications to informing the public on upcoming elections.

The unusual nature of the colony's government has caused it some difficulty in negotiating large trade arrangements, but it is generally agreed that once a pact is reached all the fine points have been discussed at length.

In addition to being a supplier of laser crystals, the colony is also known for its obsidian products. Local artisans have

developed techniques for crafting the material into nearly every shape imaginable. In addition to statuary, Sajhan artists also create useful day-to-day items like dishes and cups from the black volcanic rock.

The colony is also home to Idama Pakami Durahma. The Idama, in her immediately previous life, was one of the founding settlers and her advice is often sought in times of crisis. Although she claims no official authority, she is the unofficial "godmother" of the colony.



Intaki Colony: Planet Frarie VI

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Frarie/Placid

Colony Common Name: Frarie VI

Colony Local Name: Rohaanar

Government Type: Theocracy

Population: 25,000

Principal exports: None

History: Frairie VI is a temperate planet, but only just. Orbiting closer to the Frarie star than its neighbor Frarie

VII, and with a much higher average temperature, the planet is also nearly devoid of fresh water. For these reasons, it was initially passed over for colonization.

Some 30 years after the settlement on Frarie VII was ordered into quarantine, a cult led by Idama Jeevan Nirantar decided to relocate to the planet to escape scrutiny they were under on the Intaki homeworld.



Nirantar and his followers, called the Rohaani, were extreme followers of the Intaki principles of minimalism and the tradition of the Rebirth. They believed that only by following the most deprived lifestyle could their souls be cleansed and be prepared for the final ascension of consciousness (a process known to the Intaki as the Rohaan).

While living on Intaki Prime, the cultists were known to clash with other people due to their extreme interpretations of the Ida. Rohaani, for example, normally eschew clothing of any kind, nor do they "waste" water by bathing. While most Rohaani subsist on a minimal diet of lentils and rice, all are vegan.

The most controversial of their beliefs, however, is what they call a "conservation of consciousness." For the Rohaani, the creation of a new life is an extreme waste of resources and collective set back to their goal of

universal Rohaan. They believe it takes many lifetimes of sacrifice to reach the final ascension and so a child who

is not a reborn elder represents generations of future labor toward perfection.

As an extension of this belief, the Rohaani participate in a ceremony known as the "saunp dena." When a Rohaani

woman begins labor, the eldest or most infirmed member of the group is selected. At the moment of delivery, the elder commits an act of ritual suicide, freeing their consciousness for rebirth in the new infant.

Allegations that some Rohaani elders were "assisted" in their suicides led to the arrest and interrogation of several Rohaani leaders, including Nirantar. Before the investigations were completed, Nirantar and 25,000 of his followers fled the planet and established their colony on Frarie VI.

Authorities on Intaki Prime eventually charged Nirantar with murder, but recognizing the new colony�s autonomy

under the articles of planetary settlement established by the Intaki Planetary Government made it impossible to extradite him. Nirantar was tried in absentia and convicted.

In a surprise move, Nirantar agreed to be transported to Intaki for sentencing. However, prior to the arrival of Intaki authorities, Nirantar participated in a saunp dena ceremony.

When the Intaki police arrived, they found a suckling infant in place of the man they had come to detain. In accordance

with Intaki traditions, criminal charges do not follow a person through rebirth and so the young Nirantar was left with his family.

While Nirantar grew and matured, leadership of the cult passed



Intaki Colony: Planet Frarie VII

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Frarie/Placid

Colony Common Name: Frarie VII

Colony Local Name: Ud'har

Government Type: Hereditary monarchy (Jav'ri II, is the current sovereign)

Population: 200 million

Principal exports: Vaccines, biotech products, medical supplies and equipment

History: Frarie VII, given its more hospitable temperatures and abundant resources, was the first of two

planets in the Frarie System to be colonized by the early Intaki settlers.

Tragedy struck the early settlements, however, when a previously unknown bacterium native to the

planet nearly wiped out the initial population. The bacterium caused an extraordinarily quick but

painful death in 99 percent of those who came into contact with it.

A small pocket of people with a natural immunity to the bacterium survived, but remained infected and

contagious. The entire planet was locked down in quarantine and by order of the Intaki Assembly all

space faring vessels were destroyed. Within weeks of the initial outbreak, the settlers were left to fend

for themselves.

During the next few years, the settlers began to divide into two clans. The larger group worked to

develop medical technology to cure themselves and put and end to the contagion. A smaller, more



radical group plotted to defy the quarantine and escape the planet.

For more than 30 years the conflict drug on. Both groups were marginally successful in reaching their

respective goals, but constant conflicts between them prevented total fulfillment.

Despite their lack of success in curing the disease caused by the bacterium, the larger group did develop

many medical breakthroughs. In time their entire society came to be led by the council of doctors that

served to lead the research efforts.

The smaller group made a number of breakthroughs in technology as they struggled to recreate all the

necessary systems to assemble and launch a space vessel. A council also led this group for a few years until a

charismatic young man posing (falsely) as the reborn incarnation of an Idama killed by the plague named

himself Majamantra Tel'ek the I.

It was actually Vashti, the daughter of Tel'ek, who was instrumental in cementing the future success of the

Frarie VII colony. Described as a young woman of exceptional beauty and powers of persuasion, Vashti

believed that rather than fighting with the doctors, her clan should work with them.

Tel'ek Family Crest: Two Houses

Made Whole

Given the bitterness that developed after three decades of often-bloody

conflict (raids against the research facilities of the opposing clan were

fairly common) parties from both clans initially met Vashti's proposals

with resistance. However, her marriage to the head of Medical Council

coupled with the untimely demise of her father and her ascension to the

position of Majamantri helped win supporters to her cause.

In short order, the Medical Council abdicated its authority to Vashti and

the researchers from both clans began working together. The

breakthrough that led to the cure of the disease was still another 20 years

coming, but it did come. Spaceflight was achieved at nearly the same


Once more able to participate in interstellar trade, the colony quickly

made a name for itself as a producer of medical technology. In addition

the labs that had been used for decades to eradicate the Frarie bacterium

were soon being used to develop treatments for use on other colonies

facing similar troubles with native pathogens.

The hereditary line established by Tel'ek remains intact today with

Majamantra Jav'ri II a direct lineal descendent of the original monarch.

The family crest and the official symbol of the colony is a two-headed

eagle bearing the slogan "Two Houses Made Whole."

The locals call the colony Ud'har, a word in the Intaki language that

translates loosely as "redemption."



Intaki Colony: Planet Harroule IV

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Harroule/Placid

Colony Common Name: Harroule IV

Colony Local Name: Duureanta

Government Type: Republic

Population: 120 million

Principal exports: Electronic components, narcotic medicines and illicit drugs

History: One of the last colonies established by the Intaki prior to the founding of the Gallente Federation,

Harroule IV has had a difficult history. The original planetary surveys showed that both silicon and naturally occurring ferrites were present in large quantities, making it an ideal location for the production of the small electronic subcomponents necessary for the construction of most technological devices.

What those surveys did not show was that the planet's dominant vegetation was an indigenous variant of the



plant the Intaki call khuska. Traditional Intaki cuisine makes use of the khuska seeds, which are smashed into a paste known for having a sweet, nutty flavor. Oil extracted from the paste can also be used in the preparation of pain-relieving medicines.

One of the colony's early distinguishing features was its large non-Intaki population. Of its initial 2 million settlers, 500,000 were not Intaki. In fact, several of colony's governors in the early years were of Gallente descent, including Pierre Montblanc, who is credited by many as setting off what is known as the Khuska Conflict.

It was during Montblanc's first term in office that a debate on the khuska plant so common to the planet began to take shape. For years, a small amount of the plant had been harvested for use in making medicines. When the volume of industrial production began to rapidly skyrocket, however, some began to surmise (correctly) that the

plant was actually being used to fuel illicit drug operations in the nearby regions lawless space.

Montblanc initially requested a panel of experts explore options to address the situation, but he became frustrated by

what he called the "endless debate of the Intaki Intelligentsia." To quickly stem the production of khuska oil, Montblanc ordered that millions of acres of khuska fields be burned.

Several groups, including not only khuska producers, but also environmentalists who feared what would happen when so much ground was cleared of vegetation by fire, immediately opposed the order. Montblanc's comment also incited an anti-Gallente backlash that was promoted by agent provocateurs hired by the illicit drug producers.

The final breaking point came when Montblanc was re-elected governor of the colony. Almost immediately accusations

of election fraud began to circulate and a series of riots caused several deaths. Montblanc declared martial law and ordered planetary defense forces to enforce a mandatory 24-hour curfew, effectively placing the entire colony under house arrest.

The order proved to be too much for Commander Bhagat Jinnah, leader of the defense forces. Jinnah, and those

troops loyal to him, declared Montblanc's administration invalid and moved to seize control. The resultant civil war lasted nine years and, when it threatened to bring the Ostingele colony into the fray, brought the Intaki Assembly's policy on colonial self-rule into question.

The Khuska Conflict came to an end with an armistice agreement brokered by Idama Adhrit Vaakpati. A plaque at the entry of a war memorial in the capital city of Vaashnapoor includes a quote from the Idama reading "Peace is not

something you wish for; It is something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away."

In the years since the war, the colony has generally prospered, although the illicit drug trade of the neighboring Intaki Syndicate is still a cause of some strife. Today, the locals call the colony Duureanta, a word in the Intaki language that translates loosely as "without end" and alludes to the popular belief that the peace agreement will last in perpetuity.



Intaki Colony: Planet Ostingele VII

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Ostingele/Placid

Colony Common Name: Ostingele VII

Colony Local Name: Kapda

Government Type: Hybrid democracy/theocracy

Population: 225 million

Principal exports: Textiles

History: Settlers of the Ostingele VII colony found the jungle planet to be much like their home planet and

benefited from the ease in adapting Intaki flora and fauna to the new environment. Early on, two animals in particular thrived on the planet, setting the stage for the colonies development.

The first was a small Intaki moth called the kakeeda that was imported for the silken fibers harvested from its cocoons. The kakeeda unexpectedly interbred with a substantially larger native moth,

creating a new species called the vishaal. Because of the difference in size, a single season of vishaal harvesting produced as much raw silk as five

years of kakeeda farming on Intaki. The silk was also significantly stronger, softer and more lustrous.

In addition, herders discovered that the planet's native grasses produced changes in the physical characteristics of the goats and sheep that they raised. Among these were sleeker and softer wool.

Within a decade of the founding of the colony, it was producing large quantities of new textiles, which quickly became the standard for use in Intaki dress and decor. The textile market of Indradhanush - the colony's capital



city - bustles year round with activity. So much money flows through the market, in fact, Pend Insurance Investment Bank has a depository in orbit above the planet.The people came to call the colony Kapda, a name that translates roughly as "the great tapestry of life." The Kapdan colonists opted for a hybrid representative government, forming a popularly elected unicameral legislature called the Shaastragya Vyavasthaapak.

The executive power is given to "The Avatar." The current Avatar, Sanjeevani, has led her people for 28 years. She is known for her warm demeanor and has made improving the quality of life of her colony's children her main cause.

The Avatar of Kapda is selected from a special portion of the colony's reborn population. This group, known collectively as the Gurus, serves as both the spiritual advisors and the planetary judiciary. The Gurus have their own standards for admitting members to their ranks and they are not shared with outsiders. However, adepts are ALWAYS reborn and

usually between the ages of five and 10 when chosen for membership. To date, no one identified as an Idama has ever been selected.

The textile market of Indradhanush helps make

Kapda one of the wealthiest of the Intaki colonies.

When a reigning Avatar dies, the Gurus convene and select the new. Surprising to some outsiders, Avatars are usually young when chosen, with the median starting age being around 19. Those Guru who have spoken publicly on the matter have stated that because the Avatar is actually a

reborn incarnation, their physical age in this lifetime is not an indication of preparedness and by choosing a younger candidate, it helps ensure a long and stable rule.

The importance of this is debatable, however, as secular members of Kapdan society note that the actual powers of the Avatar are constrained by the colony's charter. The Avatar helps shape the Shaastragya Vyavasthaapak's agenda and serves as the head of state, but has limited ability to assert control over the government.

Having the second largest population of the colonies still loyal to the Intaki Assembly and its location on the boarder of Gallente high sec, help to make Kapda a major player in

Assembly politics. Generally speaking, Kapdans are the least likely to favor secession from the Federation and the Kapdan contingent in both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha lobbied vocally against the awarding of the development and defense contracts to Ishukone Corporation and Mordu's Legion.



Kapda is also recovering the loss of its daughter colony on Ostingele IV. Although extraordinarily hot, an effort was

under way to terraform the planet to serve as a mining colony, allowing access to the planet's precious metal resources. However, a surprise attack by forces of Sansha's Nation resulted in the loss of the entire colonial population of 2 million people. Following the tragedy, the Kapdan government abandoned all plans to develop the planet, leaving it to the capsuleer community to harvest its resources.



Intaki Colony: Planet Vey II

by Saxon Hawke

System/Region: Vey/Placid

Colony Common Name: Vey II

Colony Local Name: Maatrukaanan

Government Type: Communist collective

Population: 275 million

Principal exports: Luxury wood products, building materials

History: In the year 22794, first contact was made between the Gallente and the Intaki. At the time, the Intaki were in a pre-industrial stage of development. However, the Intaki were quick to adapt and learn the use of Gallente technology. In 22889, the first permanent Intaki colony was chartered on Vey II, touching off a century of Intaki settlement.

In the centuries since its founding, the colony has grown to be the largest population of Intaki in the Viriette

Constellation outside of the homeworld. Historians agree that it has also enjoyed the most peaceful evolution. That isn't to say the colony hasn't seen its share of troubles, however.

When the colonists arrived, their initial settlement was located on the planet's northwestern hemisphere. The

area was in its summer phase and the climate proved very hospitable. A few months later, temperatures began



to fall and many of the settlers, accustomed to Intaki's tropical climates, began to have serious doubts about the sustainability of the colony.

When winter set in and the colonists experienced snow and naturally occurring ice for the first time, nearly a quarter of the original settlers packed their belongings and returned to Intaki. Those that stayed, however, formed the base population that became the core of Maatrukaanan's society.

Those hearty individuals banded together sharing their resources and supplies, calling on every remaining member to contribute in the manner most befitting of their skills and abilities.

The colonists quickly distinguished themselves by ridding themselves of a leadership structure entirely. Thinking of

themselves as "mutually co-dependent individuals living collectively," the colonists spread out over the planet in groups called "Parivaar," an Intaki word symbolizing the family nature of the units.

Within each Parivaar, which might have been as small as a few dozen people to as large as thousands, decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue were made in the best interests of the collective society with the interests of every member of society given equal weight.

Despite differences in policies and traditions, the Parivaar largely coexisted peacefully on the planet, preferring to settle disputes through negotiation. Only a few small, localized conflicts are recorded in the colony's history.

As the colony grew and developed, the settlers began to make increasing use of the planet's abundant lumber resources. Nearly the entire planet's surface was covered with old growth timber at the time the colonists' arrival.

Today, the lumber is used primarily in two ways. First, Intaki artisans on the planet use it to make a variety of products ranging from furniture to utensils. The intricate carving done by master-level craftsmen cannot be duplicated by machine processing, making it highly sought after by collectors. In addition to finished products, construction grade lumber is exported from the planet to locations throughout the Gallente Federation, where Intaki architectural designs using natural materials have become popular.

The colonists are mindful of the importance of maintaining their precious resource, however. For centuries there has been a standard procedure to plant two trees for each one harvested. The colony's local name, Maatrukaanan, also reflects this belief. It translates loosely as "the forest that gives birth to the world."




The Intaki Liberation Front is a role-play corporation that operates in low-security systems in the Placid Region. Our focus is defending and nurturing the people of the Intaki system who have suffered generations of neglct at the hands of the

Gallente Federation. We are headquartered at Intaki V, Homeworld of the Intaki People.

We pursue the protection of the Intaki

system and homeworld through the adrenalin-rush of anti-pirate PvP/PvE as

well as through diplomatic means. We also engage in industrial activities including mining, trade, and manufacturing to help boost the economy in the region.

The ILF is a moderate-leaning organization with a "Not Red Don't Shoot" (NRDS) policy and numerous "blue" allies and friends in the region.

Though we are unhappy with the condition in which the Federation has left our homeworld, and though

we envision a future where Intaki is an independent power in the empire of man, we are not partisans bent on violent secession. We are not allied with the Caldari, and we are neutral to the Federation/State faction war.

Though role-playing gives our game play focus, it does not rule our game play. We have members who mine, who run missions, who do science or trade or industry, who explore, and who focus on PvP - we

like to run operations together when we can. We do not force our members to spend all their time in Intaki, though we like everyone to spend some time in Intaki and to respond whenever possible to a

"call to arms". That means spending time in low-security space, which can be risky if you aren't careful but fun if you are.

Our headquarters is located in the Astral Mining station at Intaki (with a spectacular view of the homeworld), but we also have an office in the Freedom Extension Storage station in the high-sec system of Stacmon, so you don't need to travel into low security space to apply. You don't need to be ethnic Intaki to be part of our corporation, but you do have to care about the defense of the Intaki



homeworld. And you don't need 30 million skill points, either - we welcome pilots of all skill levels and experience levels.

To learn more, come to our public channel "FreeIntaki" in game, explore our website "" (this site), or send an evemail to our leader, Saxon Hawke. See our Contact Us page

for additional methods of contact and our What We Offer page for the benefits of corp membership.

And to those who have awakened to their destiny and are ready to defend and serve the Intaki people,

Join Us!




The Intaki Liberation Front was founded in December YC 108 by Saxon Hawke. At the time of its

founding, the corporation was a small, political organization that advocated the nonviolent secession

of the Intaki System from the Gallente Federation.

Although not the first or only separatist group, the ILF filled a void that existed between more Federal-

leaning corporations like Placid Reborn and violent revoluntionary groups like Intaki Union.

In the months following the founding of the corporation, Hawke began to publish a series of academic papers on the failure of the Federation to provide a reasonable quality of life for those Intaki who chose to live in the home system.



As the corporation's ideals began to attract followers, the ILF began to branch out beyond its original roots as a think tank and began to take an increasingly active role in the Intaki System.

The ILF Today

The Intaki Liberation Front is an anti-pirate organization with the protection of the Intaki system and

homeworld is its primary mission. The corporation's long-term goal is to create a stable, secure Intaki where pilots can conduct their business without constant fear of destruction.

Expansion and diversification within the corporation have brought manufacturing to the system, serving to increase employment and boost local commerce.

The ILF is not a militant anti-Federation corporation. The ILF is not affiliated with the Mordus Legion or the Intaki Syndicate. The ILF is not allied with the Caldari, and is a neutral party in the

Federation/State faction war.

Intaki 5-5 Trade Hub

Always looking for ways to improve the lives of the citizens of

the Intaki system, the ILF has launched a large-scale attempt

at establishing a true low-sec trade hub above Intaki Prime.

Headquartered at the Astral Mining Refinery station orbiting Intaki V - Moon 5 and unveiled on March 9, 2010, the Intaki Trade Hub's purpose is to serve as a "one-stop shop" for

small and medium ships. The increased mining, manufacturing, shipping, and sales activities

associated with the trade hub have already created numerous new jobs for Intaki locals and handsome profits for industrialists and traders who choose to operate there.

Customers can find every model of small and medium T1 combat ship, industrial ship, and mining barge

on offer at Intaki 5-5 at prices competitive to the high-sec Placid trade hubs. All T1 small and medium standard ammunition is also on sale at the hub. Numerous other items, including rigs, faction ammunition, meta items, and a wide selection of T2 items are available as well.

During the month of July 2010, over 160 ship hulls were sold at the Intaki Trade Hub, in addition to hundreds of millions of ISK worth of items used to fit those ships. August 2010 saw sales of the first small T2 ships at the hub.



Administering a low-sec trade hub may be difficult and sometimes dangerous work, but the ILF and its partners are honored to bring increased commerce, prosperity, and business development to the area.

Intaki Homeworld Relief Effort

In response to shortages resulting from the Federation-

Caldari faction warfare activity and the presence of

Serpentis and capsuleer pirates, the Intaki Liberation

Front has developed a program whereby its members

continually bring relief supplies into the system.

The corporation deploys these donations in Giant Secure Containers (GSCs) anchored in various orbits around Intaki Prime. Planetary authorities then retrieve these supplies for distribution to the population. During one operation that received widespread media attention, the ILF provided over 150,000 m3 of relief supplies to the Intaki Homeworld.







The calendar for Intaki V, names of days, weeks, and months. As was already mentioned, Intaki V has a

602.2 day year. This has been delineated as follows:

1 week = 6 days

1 month = 5 weeks

1 year = 20 months (100 weeks)

This creates a year of 600 days; of course, at the end of each year, 2.2 days are left over. The solution

to this problem has been the creation of an 11-day month that is celebrated at the conclusion of a five-

year cycle. This corrects the Intaki calendar at the end of the five-year cyclical period as well as

providing a special holiday for the Intaki.




FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK: Illhorti - Illhorti - literally, "First day"

SECOND DAY OF THE WEEK: Ahemti - Aahemti - literally, "Aahm day"

THIRD DAY OF THE WEEK: Candraymti - Candraymti - literally, "Moons day", (day when most moons

are visible at one time)

FOURTH DAY OF THE WEEK: TAhrti - Taahrti - literally, "Star day"

FIFTH DAY OF THE WEEK: Idahti - Idahti - literally, "Holy day of the Idamas"

SIXTH DAY OF THE WEEK: Juhambhti -Juhambhti - literally, "Day of Rebirth"


FIRST WEEK OF THE MONTH: Jhuambheyhti - Jhuambheyhti - literally, "Week of Rebirth"

SECOND WEEK OF THE MONTH: Ideyhti - Ideyhti- literally, "Week of Ida"

THIRD WEEK OF THE MONTH: Ameyhti - Aameyhti- literally, "Week of Aahm"

FOURTH WEEK OF THE MONTH: Shadaeyhti - Shadaeyhti- literally, "Week of Destruction"

FIFTH WEEK OF THE MONTH: Atrbhaeyhti - Aatrbhaeyhti- literally, "Week of Ataarbhava", (ataarbhava -

the bardo)


FIRST MONTH OF THE YEAR: Juhmbhicandra - Juhmbhicandra - literally, "Rebirth Moon", (juhambhaati

- rebirth)

SECOND MONTH OF THE YEAR: Kalkicandra - Kalkicandra - literally, "Kalki Moon", (Kalki, an Ida deva)

THIRD MONTH OF THE YEAR: Idacandra - Idacandra- literally, "Idama Moon"

FOURTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Ahmicandra - Aahmicandra- literally, "Aahm Moon"

FIFTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Ramacandra - Ramacandra- literally, "Rama Moon", (Rama, an Ida deva)

SIXTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Budhicandra - Budhicandra- literally, "Budh Moon", (Budh, an Ida deva)

SEVENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Shaylmycandra - Shaylmycandra- literally, "Harvest Moon",

(shaylaamya - harvest)



EIGHTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Intk'hcandra - Intk'hcandra- literally, "Little Intaki Moon"

NINTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Naracandra - Naracandra- literally, "Peace Moon", (narav - peace)

TENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Intacandra - Intacandra- literally, "Intaki Moon"

ELEVENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Kalicandra - Kalicandra- literally, "Kali Moon", (Kali, an Ida deva)

TWELFTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Indracandra - Indracandra- literally, "Indra Moon", (Indra, an Ida


THIRTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: atArbhacandra - Ataarbhacandra- literally, "Ataarbhava Moon"

(ataarbhava - the bardo)

FOURTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Shurbhucandra - Shurbhucandra- literally, "Devil Moon",

(shurubnha - devil)

FIFTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Ca'hacandra - Ca'hacandra- literally, "Silver Moon", (candra - silver)

SIXTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: avsracandra - Avsracandra- literally, "Avsratjaara Moon",

(avsratjaara - avatar)

SEVENTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Laghucandra - Laghucandra- literally, "Low Moon", (laghu - low)

EIGHTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: agnicandra - Agnicandra- literally, "Agni Moon", (Agni, an Ida deva)

NINTEENTH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Krishcandra - Krishcandra- literally, "Krish Moon", (Krish, an Ida


TWENTIETH MONTH OF THE YEAR: Ulsacandra - Ulsacandra- literally, "Destroyer Moon", (ulsodard -


TWENTY-FIRST MONTH (QUINARY CYCLE): KumhbelA - Kumhbelaa- (Kumhbelaa - ancient holiday,

meaning origin unknown)


"WINTER" (cool, rainy season): vitkala - Vitkala- Juhmbhicandra to Aahmicandra

"SPRING" (warm, rainy season): velA - Velaa- Ramacandra to Intk'hcandra

"SUMMER" (hot dry season): vilAda - Vilaada- Naracandra to Shurbhucandra

"AUTUMN" (cool dry season): vharlAda - Vharlaada- Ca'hacandra to Ulsacandra







Intaki Language

compiled by Apollonius Verus

Intaki brethren, as we encounter the citizens and capsuleers of New

Eden during the course of our daily lives, let us honor our ancestors

by putting to good use the ancient language of the Intaki homeworld.

As you traverse the spacelanes of New Eden, greet others with

words of the traditional Intaki language used for centuries on our

homeworld. Sprinkle your conversations with Intaki terms, and

never fail to educate those you meet on their meaning.

There can be no excuse for not at least uttering the ancient Intaki

greeting "Namas" from time to time.



Intaki: A Language Reborn

The preface to Bataav's forthcoming Intaki: A Language Reborn is reprinted here by permission of

the author:


The very word itself cannot be narrowed down to one meaning. A solar system, a people, a

language. To speak of Intaki is to invoke thoughts of multiplicity and diversity on every level.

Indeed the language itself, as if to reflect the innate disposition of the people, can be varied and

without direct translations for the contemporary languages of New Eden. Instead, the Intaki

language conveys the concept behind the speakers intended meaning, allowing the listener to

interpret this for themselves.

Students of Intaki will be aware that the language is said to bear great similarities with that of

the original colonists and while this cannot be proven, it is suggested that the culture's spiritual

leaders, or Idama, may be responsible for the endurance of the language. More curious is the

fact that despite being separated by equatorial oceans too inhospitable to cross save for some

trade, the planetwide culture of Intaki was relatively consistent upon first contact with the

Gallente, and this was no more evident than in the language and its dialects. Again,

anthropologists have pointed to the Idama as the explanation.

The theory is that the ancient practice of ritualistic Rebirth has allowed the Idama to preserve

the language and wider culture through their teachings to a greater degree than would perhaps

otherwise be the case. There are even some who suggest that Idama might have sometimes been

Reborn on the opposite hemisphere to their previous incarnation, which would go some way to

explaining the similarities between the two.

Despite the presence of the Idama, centuries passed and inevitability could not be denied. Two

dialects evolved, both clearly descended from a common mother tongue yet distinct in their own

right. The Intaki language became less used in everyday life, and found itself reserved for Ida

ritual and meditation and for the teachings of the Idama.

Upon contact with the Gallente, and in the generations that followed, through Federation

membership and the scattering of the Intaki people throughout the stars the ancient language



has declined in usage further and the now even native dialects of their home world have begun to

suffer a similar fate.

In recent years there has been a resurgence in popularity for the study of traditional cultures

across New Eden. Whether this is an unconscious attempt by capsuleers to recapture a lost link

with their own humanity or whether the various cultures have at once realised the fragile nature

of their heritage, has not been identified. What us known though, is that through this cultural

revolution much has been rediscovered with regards to Intaki and what follows is the results of

much study and research by Intaki linguists.

Intaki is Reborn.



A Brief Intaki Lexicon

The following are a few common Intaki terms and expressions.

Essential Expression:

Namas - Greetings; I bow to you (lit. the first person present indicative form of the verb "to

bow"; " bow [to you]." )

Other Salutations:

Keeni? - How are you / Are you alright? (lit. "alright/okay" )

Suprab heti - Good morning

Suprab nahi - Good night

Phirm ilenge - See you later

Military Titles:

Suresha - Esteemed leader; has the most authority

Mahesha - Second in Command; reports to Suresha

Isha Sainika - Director of Combat Operations

Aditipala Division - Combat Units, including PvP and missions

Karna Division - Combat Support Units, including covert ops, reconnaissance, logistics

Isha Silpa - Director of Non-Combat Operations

Vidya Division - Industrial Operations

Pankaja Division - Mining Operations

Reva Division - Transport Operations

Isha (generic) - Leader

Pasha - "Commander". Military title. Originally used directly for a regional commander but has

various modern military and social uses.

Pasha-Jun - Immediate subordinate of a Pasha. "Under-Pasha".




Kainta - Beloved (lit. "loved")

Ahm kamai tah - I love you (Ahm - I; kamai - love; tah - you)

Ahm asumi tah - I hate you


Beklaand - Idiot

Soovari - Pig

Khotey ki aulda - Son of a donkey

Cardinal Numbers:

Unnai - Zero

Illor - One

Eka - Two

Tri - Three

Chatair/Petair - Four (Depends on dialect)

Panc - Five

Sey - Six

Sapet - Seven

Hastan - Eight

Nau - Nine

Dais - Ten

Ordinal Numbers:

Illoren - First

Eken - Second

Trin - Third

Chatairen/Petairen - Fourth

Pance - Fifth

Seyen - Sixth

Sapete - Seventh

Hastane - Eighth



Nen - Ninth

Daise - Tenth

Keep the flame of Intaki culture burning bright! Preserve the language of your ancestors

as a living tribute to the triumphs and sacrifices of those who came before you.

Disclaimer: Not all this terminology is official Intaki canon, but most has passed into common

usage over time. Many of the more colorful slang expressions (profanities, insults, etc.) are not

included in this list. Those are rarely used anyway, as most Intaki are stoic and self-controlled by



Placid Reborn website. Detailed list of expressions on which much of this lexicon is based.

Intaki Liberation Front forum. Source of many of the Intaki military terms.



Short Story by Mammal Taffren


In the southern hemisphere of Intaki Prime, the looming volcano, Yasur, casts its sweaty

glare over an open salty bay. This was one of the places the Gallente first landed.

The people who lived here were simple, then. Their brown toes crumbled the settled ash

into a fine grey powder, dusting their feet pale. When the Gallente came, they showed off

cargo from their ships, glittering things, things of which the people who live below Yasur

had never dreamed.



In the shadows of overhanging palms, they spoke with the newcomers, who told them

wondrous things – that beyond the white sands that were the only borders they had

known was more than they could imagine; that each of the bright spots in the fundament

was a star, just like their bright hot one, and that each of those stars had worlds.

They stood and watched the ships take off, then grow distant, then disappear altogether,

leaving behind a dream of mysterious and esoteric cargo. And that night, Yasur flared,

glowing red tendrils streaking out into the cosmos.

Despite their belief in the Ida, Yasur loomed large in the people’s consciousness, a great

and terrible thing, able at a whim to destroy, but the source of fertility for all the soil in

the region. They spoke to the grim mountain, and believed it spoke to them.

Great globs of molten stone drizzled the ground around, and soft flows trickled from the

lip of the rock. Yasur cried that night, cried that it was losing its children.

Then, it was morning, and a fresh blanket of ash had drifted along the cane huts the

people had cowered in overnight. The people went out and spoke to Yasur, to reassure the

mountain that they would not leave it, but it was silent.

Even now, people travel to Yasur from all over the Federation, Intaki descended from that

humble tribe, begging the mountain to speak again.

But Yasur slumbers on.



Collected History of the Intaki People

by Jalia Kovak,

Monastery high in the Akat Mountains

on Intaki V

This is an attempt to summarize what is known

about the Intaki race, culture and ideology from

CCP-authored literature. It is also my attempt to

highlight salient points and draw other

conclusions from inferences made in the source

material (Jalia's thoughts are shown in italics).

From the Gallente Racial Description on the EVE


In addition to [the Gallenteans and immigrants

from the other established empires] there are

two human races, the Intakis and the Mannars,

both of whom the Gallenteans found while

exploring and expanding their empire. Both were

at a very primitive level when the Gallenteans

found them, but since coming under the

protection and guidance of the Gallenteans, both

races have flourished and are today a full-

fledged members of the Federation.

Plural of Intaki is apparently Intakis (much as I would have preferred Intaki to cover the plural as well!) Likelihood that the Intakis were not a space-faring race at the point of first contact with the Gallente.



From the Gallente Government Page:

The Gallente Federation was founded a little over 300 years ago. At that time the

Federation consisted of 17 sectors or districts and four races. A district is a group of

solar systems (of various sizes). The number of districts has steadily increased through

the ages and now stands at 62. The four races at the Federation's creation were the

Gallenteans (by far the largest of the four), the Caldari, the Intakis and the Mannars.

Intakis were founder-members of the Federation. Although smaller numerically than the Gallente and Caldari, presumably a larger population than the Mannar.

From the Gallente Timeline Page:

22794 AD - The Gallenteans meet the Intakis

23121 AD - The Gallente Federation is Founded

23341 AD - Current date

The 327 years between first contact and integration is enough time for substantial cultural and technological change within Intaki society at all levels, not only amongst the elite. A total of 547 years of Gallente involvement in Intaki affairs.

From the Character-Generation Process:

Intakibase racial attributes and skills: INT 8, CHA 6, PER 3, MEM 7, WIL 6 Electronics,

Gallente Frigate, Small Hybrid Turret.

Gallente base racial attributes and skills:INT 6, CHA 8, PER 8, MEM 4, WIL 4 Drones,

Gallente Frigate, Small Hybrid Turret.



Artist ancestry. It is widely believed that the

introvert Intakis create the most stunning and

thought provoking art around. They've

revolutionized many art-forms and created new,

such as metapaints and touch sculpture.

Intaki artists seem to have a unique ability to

create and convey unparalleled beauty that is

universal for all human races.

Diplomats ancestry. Since their inauguration

into the Federation the Intakis have slowly

established a reputation as superb diplomats,

negotiators and bureaucrats. In the tense and

often violent world of EVE these qualities can be

of vital importance.

Reborn ancestry. Although persons in risky

positions (such as space ship captains) use

clones, the general Intaki public refrains from

using them. Instead they have a unique method

for transferring the personality of a dying

person into a newborn baby.

Steeped in tradition and perfected with

technology the Reborn process is the ideal Intaki

vision of 'afterlife'.

One of the few high-tech cities on

Intaki V

The stereotypical Intaki is likely to be viewed positively by the Gallentean as intelligent,

insightful and determined (high INT/MEM/WIL). On the negative side they are likely to be seen as unsociable, hostile and inwardly focused (low CHA/PER). It seems clear that the Intaki in prominent positions might tend to be best represented in bureaucratic, scientific and artistic endeavours within the Federation. We see them heavily represented in all Gallente organizations at an agent level in the game.



Note that the Reborn process indicates that this is potentially a ritualistic and ancient process, since cloning or other scientific techniques are said to have 'perfected' the procedure. This may well create additional fear or hostility from non-Intaki - it may be viewed as witchcraft or a heathen practice.

From The Syndicate Faction/Corporation Descriptions on the Organizations Page:

Formed by Intaki exiles from the Gallente Federation during the Caldari-Gallente War. The

Syndicate has slowly grown in stature and influence and now serves as an important link

between the empires and the illegal elements in the outer regions. Syndicate space is a

pirate haven, but still retains enough civility to allow pretty much anyone to travel there

to do business.

The Syndicate markets are always chockfull of contraband goods and

illegal wares that are hard or impossible to come by elsewhere. Each

Syndicate station is a autonomous entity, but the cooperate on

security and information issues.

The unofficial leader of the Syndicate is Silphy en Diabel, a former

Sister of EVE that returned to Syndicate space to save her family's

fortune. Since then she's turned out to be just as resourceful and

ruthless as her late father.

The Intaki Syndicate is a independent state on the borders of the

Federation. Its a haven for all the undesirable elements of society

without being too rough and tough. The Syndicate have fostered their

role of mediators between merchants from the empires and the

outer regions, which makes trading with Syndicate space brisk.

The Intaki Bank has seen brisk business in the decade since it decided to keep the names

on all accounts secret and inaccessible to anyone. Everyone knows that dirty money

pours in and out of the bank, but the general consensus of the Syndicate is that if it

doesn't provide this service, then someone else will.

The Syndicate is the biggest black market dealer in the world of EVE, a place where shady

traders from the outer regions can meet merchants from empire space. Intaki



Commerce handles these transactions, making a nice profit for the Syndicate.The

Syndicate wants their space to be relatively trouble-free, so as to encourage people to

visit and spend their money. With empire policing infrequent, they employ their own police

force to enforce the peace.

A strong indication that the Gallente Federation distrusted the Intaki people enough to forcibly exile many of them from regions of Gallente space during the Caldari-Gallente War. Note the reference to the organization of The Syndicate as a conglomeration of "city states". Also be aware that virtually the entire region under the auspices of The Syndicate is granted 0.0 security status by CONCORD. This indicates widespread piracy, anarchy and violence.

Whether the original Syndicate exiles can be construed as criminal elements within the Federation at the time of the war or not is unclear. It may be that they adopted this stance at a later time in order both to continue to survive and foster an independent and self-governed Intaki proto-state. The Syndicate exiles are probably not typical of the Intaki populace in general. Given the racial and cultural characteristics of Intakis shown above, it seems unlikely that Intaki society in general supports racketeering, piracy and the trade in illegal goods.

From the Mordu's Legion Literature from the EVE Chronicles Section:

[One Caldari ideological conflict] was the Waschi Uprising, which took place a few

decades ago in the Kamokor system. Then, a few radical Caldari attacked settlements of

Intakis in the system and proclaimed that the Caldari State was solely for people of

Caldari origin. The Caldari authority, as ever fearful that their finely woven social

tapestry of corporatism would be torn asunder, sent in their best military units to quell

the uprising before it could spread any further.

The Intakis are truly a diaspora race, with settlements relatively deep within Caldari space. Note that although innocents were killed, the Caldari authorities and military did pledge substantial support for the Intaki people.



When the Caldari broke from the Gallente Federation many Intakis

that sympathized with their cause were exiled from the Federation.

The most militant of those went over to the Caldari and asked to join

them in their fight against the Federation. These were all experienced

military personnel and thus very valuable in the early stages of the

war when veterans were few and far between.

The Intakis were all put into a separate squadron, with a Caldari

officer. His name was Muryia Mordu. Mordu was a brilliant young

officer and one of the more open-minded Caldari, who generally are

extremely xenophobic. He immediately took to the Intakis and they to

him and together they formed one of the more revered fighting units

in the Caldari Navy during the war with the Federation.

After the war ended the Intakis were offered cheap land and accommodations in Waschi

City on the planet of Kamokor IV. For awhile the Intakis lived peacefully, slowly becoming

part of the Waschi community. Yet the presence of the Intakis caused tension in the city

and slowly radicals, feeding on the xenophobic tendencies of the Caldari, gained strength.

In the end the radicals gained majority in the city and began seriously harassing the


When Caldari authorities tried to put an end to this the uprising started in earnest, with

the radicals and their supporters demanding the exportation of all foreigners and the

closure of the borders. The Intakis were driven out and, in desperation, they called on

their old commander Mordu to help them defend themselves and get back what was

rightfully theirs. Mordu, now retired, agreed to assist. The catch was that Mordu and the

Intakis were no longer part of the Caldari Navy. Not deterred by this small fact, the group

formed an independent mercenary corps to fight the radicals. This was the inception of

Mordu's Legion.

Likelihood of a mixture of public support and condemnation for the Caldari people and state. Many may cite the previously successful fight by the Caldari against the Federation as a sufficient justification for a call to arms for Intakis against the Gallente. Probable expectation by many that Caldari military partisans (especially Mordu's Legion) should be willing to lend support either overtly or tacitly to attempts to secure Intaki autonomy.



Possibility that there are Intaki militants who seek a messianic return of Mordu to deliver the Intaki people from their fate. Still others will view the Caldari with contempt based on the actions of these radicals, viewing Intakis as truly alone in their struggle.



Here is an additional piece of backstory material that makes mention of Silphy en Diabel

and the rise of the Syndicate:

Five hundred years ago the Intaki people lived a simple life on their home planet. For them

the sky was a mystery they were only slowly unfolding with their pre-industrial

technology. Then the Gallenteans arrived and swept them into the modern age in one swift


Silphy en Diabel

The Intakis, initially overwhelmed, adapted

quickly and within a century they had seasoned

space travelers and active members of the

Gallente governing body. They soon established

their reputation as fair-minded humanists that

excelled as deft negotiators and clever

businessmen, fitting perfectly into the Gallentean

way of life.

The social uproar following the Caldari departure

from the Federation touched the Intakis deeply

and many of them sympathized and even

supported the Caldari - the yoke of the

cumbersome Federation bureaucracy lay as

heavily on the Intakis as the Caldari.

Understandably the Gallenteans were forced to

deal harshly with these elements to prevent a

complete fragmentation of the young Federation.

Apart from a few minor uprisings the Federation

quickly subdued the Intakis. Those deemed the

biggest threat to the stability of the regime were

arrested and exiled. Some of these went over to

the Caldari side, but the majority of the exiles,

some five thousand in total, went out into the

great unknown at the outskirts of Federation

space. There they built themselves new homes in



the form of sprawling space stations - the

Federation barring them from colonizing any

planets or moons.

In time as the exiles became more organized and their power increased through asteroid

mining and black market trading they formed a loosely connected organization and

termed it the Intaki Syndicate. The syndicate is not political in any sense - each member

station enjoys complete autonomy - but they share economical information and help each

other in security matters.

From the Gallente-Caldari War (The War Drones On literature from the EVE Chronicles


After a while the Caldari agenda became clear -

they were willing to sign peace if the Federation

would return Caldari Prime and acknowledge the

newly formed Caldari state. But the Gallenteans

couldn't agree to these demands for two

reasons: one, they were loath to admit a

sovereign state into their midst; close to their

own home planet and were unwilling to uproot

the sizeable Gallente population on Caldari Prime.

And second, the Gallenteans were not alone in

the Federation and if they allowed the Caldari to

leave the Intakis and Mannars, both of them

starting to flex their economical and political

muscles, might be tempted to follow, thus

throwing the whole society into turmoil. The

Gallenteans were forced to regard the Caldari as

rebels and renegades and had to try to get them

back into the Federation, with good or evil.

One could expect any declaration of Intaki sovereignty over the home systems to be met by

Gallente-Caldari War:

The War Drones On



condemnation and an similarly violent response. This appears to show the limits to the Gallente "democracy". Political unity is held to be more important than self-determination, presumably even if a peaceful resolution is sought.

Jalia's Further Musings on the Intaki People:

Where do the Intakis hail from and which systems can be regarded as the Intaki homeland? One can assume that the original homeworld is Intaki, a 0.1 system in the Viriette constellation of the Placid region.

If this is so, how much of Placid is predominantly populated by Intakis? How much of the Intaki populace is contained within these core systems as opposed to distributed as exiles within The Syndicate or as minority groups within other regions inside the Gallente Federation and indeed the other empires?

My assumption is that Intaki presence in The Syndicate is largely space-faring or station- bound rather than planetside. Hence the majority may reside within Placid or other regions. Given the poor security status afforded to systems within Placid and The Syndicate should we assume that the Gallente Federation places little regard on policing the Intaki regions?

Does this indicate complicity on the part of the Gallente goverment and military with Syndicate drug lords and other criminal elements to maintain a thriving black market for illegal goods to feed the desires of the supposedly decadent Gallente elite?How much support is there for the Intaki cause within the Caldari state and conversely how much support for the Caldari is there amongst the Intakis?

What is the broad Intaki position towards the struggle for freedom of the Minmatar? Are their ideals somewhat aligned and if so is there or should there be diplomatic ties between the two? Would Intakis be generally anti-slavery and perhaps tainted towards the Amarr? Does The Syndicate routinely indulge in the slave trade?



Intaki Economic Review

by Saxon Hawke

OOC: The following market information and statistics are consistent

with what is logically true about the Intaki Prime economy keeping in

mind the scarcity of details available in CCP canon. The purpose of

this analysis is to provide a clearer framework for roleplay.

The Intaki economy is largely based on two things: tourism and technological exports. The

planet's GDP per capita is comfortable, considering the cost of living there; however, it



still faces a high inflation rate, lack of maintenance and new investment in infrastructure,

a poverty rate estimated to be 16% to 24%, a 6.4% unemployment rate (111 est.), and a

trade deficit of 5.2%. So while it is a wealthy country, it's people do not always share in

that wealth.

In addition, consumption of drugs in Intaki, particularly Rise and other narcotics, has

risen sharply in recent years. This is partly because traffickers use narcotics to pay their

local collaborators, who then sell the drugs to local customers.

Drug trafficking brings money laundering, and can also bring corruption when traffickers

attempt to buy influence. Drug traffickers show no respect for national boundaries or

fundamental principles of national sovereignty. Virtually all systems are victims of the

corrosive effects of the production, distribution and consumption of illicit drugs, and the

laundering of drug money.

Intaki Economic Statistics

Values presented in ISK [$] unless otherwise stated:

GDP (111): $2.929 trillion.

Inflation (111 est.): 8.3%.

GDP PPP (111 est.): $4.819 trillion.

Real growth rate (111 est.): -2.5%.

Per capita income (111): $69,000. (PPP $113,000, 111 est.)

Unemployment (111 est.): 6.4%.

Local Currency: niSka (valued at appx .001 isk)

Natural resources: Hydroelectric power, forest products, fisheries products.

Agriculture (6.5% of GDP): Products--bananas, pineapples, coffee, beef, sugar,

rice, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants, corn, beans, potatoes,


Industry (25.5% of GDP): Types--electronic components, medical equipment,

textiles and apparel, food processing.

Commerce, tourism, and services (68% of GDP): Hotels, restaurants, tourist

services, banks, and insurance.

Trade (111 est.): Exports--integrated circuits, medical equipment, bananas,



pineapples, coffee, melons, ornamental plants, sugar, textiles, electronic

components, medical equipment.

Major markets (110): Gallente Federation 33.9%, Caldari State 23.3%, Intaki

Syndicate 17.9%, Minmatar Republic 10%, Amarr Empire 4.9%.

Imports: raw materials, consumer goods, capital equipment, petroleum.

Major suppliers (2008) -- Gallente Federation 42.9%, Caldari State 6.9%, Intaki

Syndicate 6.3%, Minmatar Republic 5.4%, Amarr Empire 4.7%.

Population (111): 4.299 billion.

Annual population growth rate (111 est.): 1.3%.

Ethnic groups: Intaki 92%, Gallente 3%, Jin Mei 1%, Civire 1%, Deteis 1%, all others

combined 2 %.

Education: Years compulsory -- 9. Attendance -- 99% grades 1-6, 71% grades 7-9.

Literacy -- 96%.

Health: Infant mortality rate -- 9.45/1,000. Life expectancy -- men 74.61 yrs.,

women 79.94 yrs.

Work force (111 est.): 2.05 billion; this official estimate excludes Caldari nationals

living in Intaki legally as part of Ishukones corporate operations.



Mining Tips for New Pilots

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner/pilot of a brand new Rookie class vessel

of your races preference. This ship has been equipped with a civilian-class weapon

(varying by vessel and skill), as well as a basic mining laser. While you have also been

provided a basic tutorial by your local insurance company and assigned agent, this guide

has been provided as a supplement and aid for helping you decide your future. It is

recommended you read this guide prior to starting your new career, however, later

portions depend heavily upon the information and skills you will gain from your initial


As you have probably seen already, this part of the galaxy does not provide many free

lunches. Ship owners are expected to provide a service or commodity of some kind in

order to earn ISK, and often this will require ISK before you can provide many services.

The exception to this is running simple courier missions for other ship owners, running



simple locate-and-destroy tasks, and mining. This guide will assume you will take up

mining, however, please keep in mind that you are not limited to always being a miner, and

many other career paths are open to you in this universe.

Getting Started

When you first start your ship ownership (create your character), there are a few fine

points you may wish to observe to make your mining career easier. The first is your past

/ profession. This should be a technical or industrial one, giving one a starting skill in

mining and/or refining. For the next step, school, you should choose the technical school.

Finally, you will choose your majors. This guide recommends a path which will give you

mining, refining, and advanced refining, however, you may choose your skills as you see

fit (more mining skills versus refining skills, mining drone usage versus refining skills,

etc). Please keep in mind while you may only start with a limited set of skills, additional

skill packs, which will teach you new skills, are always available for purchase. This will not

be a problem because by the end of this guide you should be a proficient miner, raking in

the ISK by hundreds of thousands.

After you have completed this phase of your ownership (character creation), you will find

yourself piloting your new vessel near your training school. Before following the

instructions of the local insurance agent, click on the icon immediatly below your picture.

This will open up the "Character Sheet". From here you can train skills, and it is important

to remember that you should always have a skill training, as they train even while you are

offline! So select a skill (we recommend "Mining", which is located in the "Industry" skill

set, however, you may train another skill as you see fit).



Now that you are training, follow the instructions of the insurance agent. They are there

to teach you the basics of movement, mining, combat, cargo containers (jettisoning and

retrieving), and docking. Their instructions should eventually lead you into the local

station, where they will continue their tutorial. Here they will teach you about various

services, such as the refinery, the market, and refitting station. After they have finished,

it is time to contact your agent. Agents are located in the "Agents" tab to the left of your

docking screen. Right click on his or her picture, and select "Talk To...".

Your agent will have 3 missions for you. They usually go in this order (may vary); deliver

an item, buy an item, and eleminate a threat. The last mission may prove to be a challenge

(depending on your

starting race and

gunnery ability), so

to help you out, here

is a quick tip; After

your first two

mission, open up the

character sheet and

look under the skill

set called

"Gunnery". There

should be two skills

there, "Gunnery"

and one other. You

will want to buy a

cheap turret that matches that type (if you have more than one extra skill, choose which

ever you prefer). Also, do not forget to buy ammo if your turret requires it (projectile and

hybrid turrets require ammo, load it via the refitting service in the small circle under the


Initial Mining Check

Initially, you will need to mine low-grade asteroids. The return is a bit lower than you may

expect for a path to fortune and fame, however, eventually, you will be able to move on to

greater value asteroids. For now, however, you will be stuck mining 'common' ores. Trust



us, you are not equipped well enough yet to go after anything worth big money, as they

tend to be in systems where pirates roam... and pirates can (and will) turn your nice

rookie ship into scrap. That is not profitable, so we recommend you avoid such a situation

for now.

The asteroid ore that you initially should look for is called "Plagioclase". It is one of the

common asteroids, however, not as common as some others. It is usually present in 1.0

and below systems, so that should help you, however, the caveat is many other pilots

before you have probably searched it out and you may not find it in the system you

started in. Before we go out, we need to check our equipment and money.

Running those tutorial

missions should have

left you with a small

amount of ISK, hopefully

around 10,000 ISK, if not

more. If you didn't get at

least this much from

your tutorial missions,

you may wish to partake

in the 5,000 mission the

tutorial agent will then

offer (involves

destroying 5 training

drones at the training area in the starter system, and retrieving the certificates they

then drop, don't worry too much about damage, as repairs to your ship are free for now...

just remember to warp back to the station if you run out of shield and/or armor). Using

this money, you will want to buy a Miner 1 from the market (if it is not available at the

starter station, gradually increase your range until there is one available). If you were

lucky enough to also start with the "Electronics" skill (located under the skill set by the

same name), you may also wish to pick up a survey scanner.

Load your new equipment by going to refit service and removing the basic miner from the

ship. Replace it with your new Miner 1. If you also purchased a survey scanner, load it up

in one of the slots labeled "--" (for mid point) (if you get a message telling you that you



can not mount the survey scanner due to lack of the electronics skill, that means you

bought one despite not having the skill). Once you are equipped, check the repair service

to make sure your ship is fully repaired, then feel free to leave the station.

Map Use

A suitable system for launching your new mining career should meet the following


- Be 1.0 to 0.8 security

- Had less than 30 other pilots in it

- Is nearby (less than 5 gate jumps away)

- Has at least 1 station that offers both refining and market services.

Finding such a system is actually very easy. Open up your ship's navigational maps (the

icon on the left that looks like a few white dots connected with lines). This will trigger a

query to CONCORDE for the most recent star maps, then display them with your current

location. There will also be a new window open that has two tabs: "Search" and "Display

Settigns". Select the "Display Settings" tab.

With the display settings tab open, it is time to make a few changes. First go to the

"Labels" tab, and dim all options except for "Solar Systems". Next go to the "Stars" tab.

Go to "Animation", and make sure both options are not selected. Now select "Security

Status" under "Color stars by". This will show the security level of the systems around

you (if you can not see any systems around you, you may need to zoom out). The systems

you will want will be near your own (either be connected to it by a line, or connected

through up to 2 other systems (connected by lines) and will have a white dot, signifying

high security. Once you have found a viable canidate, remember where it is, then hit

"Number of Pilots in Space" under "Statistics:". This will requery CONCORDE for the the

location of pilots throughout the known galaxy and update it on your display. Hopefully, the

dot that you had your eye on did not swell too much, but if it did, hover the cursor over it

to see exactly how many players are in the system. Any more than 15 may lead to

crowding, and there are plenty of systems, so don't give up if the one you chose is also

very busy/crowded. If finding a system nearby (or even seeing a system at all) is a



problem, you may want to flatten the map (via the button labeled "Flatten"), or try

zooming out some.

Once you've found a system, right-click on it and select "Set as Destination". You can now

close the map. After closing it, select the big yellow "Autopilot" button and watch the

stars go by.

Finally Mining

Now that you're in a suitable system, it's time to find a good asteroid to mine. Go ahead

and warp to any asteroid belt in the system. Once there, start looking at the asteroids. If

you have a survey scanner, this involves flying within 5,000 meters of the asteroid and

using your scanner. If you do not have a survey scanner, you can simply eyeball.

Plagioclase will be a small asteroid (compared to the others) without anything special on

it. Once you've found a suitable asteroid, approach it, lock onto it, and start mining.

You're finally doing some serious mining, congratulations. While this asteroid's ore is

relatively easy to extract, be warned, the road to fortune is paved with hardship. As you

attempt to get ores that fetch better prices, the danger to your ship, your cargo, and

even your life will increase. But that is far ahead in your future, and while thinking ahead

is an important step we can't let it interfere with the present!

Keep mining until your mining laser turns off on it's own. This will signal that your cargo

hold is now full, and it's time to return to station. Go ahead and chose to "Dock" at the

nearest station of your choice, and let the ship handle the rest. Once docked, unload your

ore, and if you have mined more than 333 units (which you should have), you will be able

to refine. Open up the refinery service and refine what you have. You should then be able

to quick sell the minerals for at least 15,000 ISK total (give or take). Leave the station and

return to the asteroid belt you were in before (if you have trouble remembering where

you were, you may want to place a bookmark). Continue mining and refining until you can

get a new ship.

The Right Ship and The Right Character for the Job But what kind of job will you be doing?




Not the most glamorous work, but everybody seems to do some eventually. It takes time,

but you can always bring a book. And if you get into mining the rare ores (can you say

Pirates?), you can make a LOT of money and it's rarely dull. Miners should focus on

getting the largest cargo hold they can and preferably 2 or more Hi Slots that can use

Miner lasers (more on that below). Traders also need a large cargo hold but can skip the

Hi Slots and focus on things that increase their speed. For traders, time is money.

SUGGESTED MINER SKILLS: Industry, Refining, Mining, Drones, Mining Drone Operation,

Refinery Management, Metallurgy, Electronics, Survey SUGGESTED TRADER SKILLS:

Bartering, Black Market Trading, Broker Relations, Smuggling, Trade, Warehouse


Other skills can bought that will improve your speed, agility, and so forth.


Picking the right ship can be confusing if you try to sort through all the ships that are

available for sale. To make it a little easier, we will focus on the Frigate. You start the

game with a small frigate. With this starter frigate you should be able to do some basic

mining, trading, and even a little bit of fighting. But you will be weak and slow, so here are

a couple of tips:

Your first purchase should be a Cargo Extender. This will let you carry more stuff

whether it's ore, trade goods, or loot. You will need the Mechanic skill to install it, though

some folks will install it for you if you ask. Just be wary of strangers.

If you plan on mining, your next purchase should be a Miner 1 laser. This will replace your

starter tool and allow you to mine faster.

Start planning and saving for your next ship.

There are many other frigates and you will probably buy one of them before you graduate

to Cruisers, Industrials, or Battleships. The Frigate class of ships includes a lot of variety.

There are frigates for fighting and frigates for hauling; there are fast frigates and slow



frigates; some frigates require more skill than others. In short, there is a frigate that

would be good for nearly every type of work you might want to do.