IHA Pro Bono Branding

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Logo and Branding design for IHA

Transcript of IHA Pro Bono Branding

Studio Grafik

Building Homes to Build Community

Studio Grafik

Building Homes to Build Community


IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community


IHABuilding Homes to Build Community


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May 20, 2010

Dear Lorem Ipsum,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non metus velit, sed ullam-corper nunc. Suspendisse orci nibh, feugiat ornare malesuada dignissim, volutpat vel velit. Vestibulum sollicitudin posuere eleifend. In a mauris felis. Mauris auctor eleifend malesuada. Maecenas imperdiet vulputate turpis id imperdiet. Sed leo arcu, auctor eu ornare quis, tincidunt sed neque. Phasellus ac blandit lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean dictum ullamcorper tristique. Morbi porttitor elit ac mauris dapibus malesuada. Fusce ultrices laoreet dapibus. Curabitur vestibulum. Sed lacinia, enim sed lobortis rutrum, urna urna mollis libero, vel rhoncus ipsum sem ut nisi. Donec commodo sodales imperdiet.

Vivamus eu lorem at mi fringilla varius at accumsan mi. Phasellus pharetra fermentum sem id rutrum. Cras vulputate sapien eu ipsum venenatis sit amet facilisis justo tincidunt. Nam ac sollicitudin tortor. Mauris et ante vel lacus malesuada feugiat quis sed nulla. Aenean facilisis dui in risus suscipit mattis. Sed et sapien urna. Donec luctus risus sit amet sapien consequat vel dignissim velit commodo. Donec vitae ornare magna. Maecenas imperdiet elit vitae ante congue tristique. Suspendisse massa, et bibendum nunc interdum id. Proin suscipit consequat odio, non placerat neque scelerisque non. Nunc aliquet imperdiet odio eu vulputate. Ut tempor ullamcorper velit, ut bibendum elit lacinia imperdiet. Vestibulum consequat elit sit amet enim pellentesque ultrices. Praesent molestie, felis eget laoreet venenatis, mauris enim pellentesque enim, a tempus est sapien tincidunt sapien. Nam vitae quam sapien, quis semper ligula. Quisque suscipit gravida velit, sodales adipiscing libero tempor sit amet.

Suspendisse neque libero, malesuada in tincidunt eu, facilisis nec leo. Vestibulum posuere rhoncus nibh, ut blandit dolor sagittis vel. Nulla aliquet hendrerit purus, ut ultricies tellus luctus vel. Phasellus condimentum libero a enim fermentum pellentesque. Phasellus id dolor enim, ut bibendum quam. In hendrerit magna ut orci placerat malesuada. Phasellus convallis interdum erat, ac condimentum magna condimentum a. Nullam interdum augue. Duis amet ullamcorper neque. Quisque interdum vulputate felis, non ullamcorper massa viverra et.


Hendrerit Magna

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

731 North Market St. Frederick, MD 21701interfaithhousing.org

P: 301.662.4225C: 301.222.3456 F: 301.662.6477


Building Homes to Build Community

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

Travis H. Hardmon, MPAthardmon@interfaithhousing.org

731 North Market St. Frederick, MD 21701interfaithhousing.org

P: 301.662.4225C: 301.222.3456 F: 301.662.6477

Business card front

Business card back

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

731 North Market Street, Frederick, MD 21701



IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

731 North Market Street, Frederick, MD 21701

Shipping label

IHABuilding Homes to Build Community

Interfaith Housing Alliance, Inc.731 N. Market StreetFrederick, MD 21701301-662-4225


Find us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/interfaithhousing

Photo Credits: Tim JacobsenDesign by studio gra�k

Throughout its twenty-year history, IHA has

continued to enhance its capabilities by

forming innovative public and private

partnerships. With a strong passion for

mission combined with excellent business

practices, the organization is uniquely

structured to continue responding to the

changing needs of our region.

New CommunitiesDowntown Cumberland, MD – 25 lease-to-purchase townhomes and community center in partnership with the City of Cumberland, the State of Maryland, PIRHL Developers and Boston Financial Investment Management.

Greencastle, PA – 14 duplex single-family homes in partnership with Dan Ryan Builders and Sandy Spring Bank. Dan Ryan is a long-time advocate and supporter of IHA’s affordable housing programs.

IHA also has projects pending in Carroll, Frederick and Washington counties in Mary-land, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania.

More than 20 years ago, faith and community leaders held a meeting in Williamsport, Maryland to address the growing need for affordable housing in western Maryland. Today, Interfaith Housing Alliance (IHA) serves central and western Maryland and south-central Pennsylvania.

Programs and Services• Homeownership• Rental Homes• Supportive Services

IHA strengthens communities by providing affordable housing opportunities and supportive services to improve the quality of life and economic stability for seniors, working families and individuals.

IHA is the region’s leading nonpro�t affordable housing developer. Thousands of low to moderate income seniors, working families, and individuals have bene�ted from our programs.

Overall Accomplishments• More than 1,100 housing units created• Over $150 million invested in the

communities served• Received more than 30 awards for excel-

lence for work in affordable housing





IHA offers a wide variety of homeownership opportunities and programs. In addition to our Self-Help Program, IHA has acquired and rehabbed homes for resale and has partnered with developers and government agencies to construct townhomes and duplexes for first-time homebuyers.

Public/Private Partnerships

IHA partners with builders/developers, financial institutions, government agencies, faith-based organizations, and individuals to develop unique affordable homeownership opportunities.

Lease To Own

IHA prepares families and individuals for homeownership by providing Homeowner-ship Education and Counseling and other supportive services during the lease period.

Self-Help Program IHA provides low and moderate income families with the opportunity to become first time homebuyers through our Self-Help Homeownership program. To date, more than 200 families have contributed a substantial investment of “sweat-equity” – 30 hours per week for a total of more than 1,000 hours – physically building both their own homes and those of their future neighbors. A remarkable 65% of total construction is performed by participants, who are supervised by IHA’s experienced construction managers.

IHA provides a broad range of affordable rental opportunities including family and senior housing. Our communities include amenities such as special needs units, outdoor recre-ation areas, multipurpose rooms, exercise space, libraries and computer rooms, and supportive services. IHA also provides in-house property management services.

Building on our experience of addressing the challenges of those we serve and by leveraging partnerships, IHA’s programs go beyond “Sticks and Bricks” to build vibrant and sustain-able communities. IHA provides pre- and post occupancy Homeownership Education and Counseling. In addition, IHA links families and seniors to the appropriate resources to meet their health and human service needs.

“Living here has been a good thing for all of us. The community here is family-like; we’ve made friends that we will consider family forever.”

Maryanne O., resident at Washington Ridge in Frostburg, MD

“The support and dedication from the staff is unbelievable, and all the hard work put into this program has made my goal of becoming a homeowner possible. This is one of the greatest experiences of my lifetime, and my family and I will never forget such a blessing.”

Latia R., Homeownership Program Participant


“Like many others in the program, I started this experience as a single parent with the desire to give my child a safe and comfortable home to grow up in. The work was hard, but seeing your dreams come true by your own work and sweat was a life-altering experience. Instead of giving me hous-ing, this program gave us a home.”

Sarah L., Self-Help Program Participant SUPPORTIVE SERVICESRENTAL HOMES