Ignition five 10.01.11

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This weeks ignition five from Carly and Vanessa

Transcript of Ignition five 10.01.11


10th January 2011

1. Using social networking to solve problems

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

In the wake of the snowstorm that has many New Yorkers snowed in, the PICnet

team used the social collaboration platform Ushahidi to build a

Snowmageddon Cleanup site. The site is a hub for residents to quickly submit problems, solutions, and victories,

locating them on a map where others nearby can help or be helped. We could

use similar here….

1. Snowmaggaeden Clean Up

2. Metro Freedom of speech in Hong Kong

Since Hong Kong became a part of China in the late 1990’s, there have been

increasing concerns over freedom of speech in domestic press. Metro Daily

highlighted the issue by asking readers to submit fictional stories of what they

thought the world would be like in 2028. The best stories were published in a

special April Fools issue of the title. The campaign is to be run again in 2011.

C 3. Nike for a Better World

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

Nike’s Better World site launched yesterday, developed in the much-discussed and lauded

HTML5. Scrolling down the site’s content – which includes Nike’s new Free TR Fit shoes (designed with environmentally-preferred rubber) and pieces touting sport’s role in combating political unrest, homelessness,

poverty and other social ills – gets you over 14,000 pixels closer to a ‘Better World’. It’s an

altogether compelling, well-designed and informative experience. We really like the anti

apathy vibe…

3. Banishing Apathy with Nike

C 4. Schweppes Facebook App

A new app, called ‘Profile Yourself’ was recently launched on the Schweppes

Facebook page. It allows users to manipulate the new Facebook profile

page photo layout and display one giant photo across all windows as opposed to

multiple photos. With this app, Schweppes is combining two key trends of Facebook tie-ins and customisability.

C 5. KLM target waiting passengers

If you’ve ever dreamed about strutting down the runway during one of the most highly-publicized fashion shows of the year, then New York City is going to help you partially indulge in that fantasy. From November 19th through to the 30th Victoria’s Secret’s SoHo store will be displaying nine different sets of wings that have been worn by models like Heidi Klum and Adriana Lima, and giving passersby the opportunity to pose in front of them and have their picture taken. The photos will then be uploaded to the Victoria’s Secret Facebook page so you can share them with friends.

Well, KLM decided to run an experiment with it’s social community, for people who check in via foursquare for flights

or tweet about waiting to board the next KLM service, and they called it “KLM Surprise” a campaign that aims to bring

random surprises and happiness to the boring wait for flights.KLM’s social campaign involved a team of people identifying KLM

passengers currently waiting for flights (and hanging out on twitter), before researching each person’s social profile to find

out a little more about their personality and destination, before matching that to a surprise gift that they’d give before each person boarded their flight. All in all a happy customer

experience during some down time.