Ignite The Web 2007

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ignite The Web 2007

Openness and the Web

Ted LeungOpen Source Applications


Why do I care?

• Cosmo• Screenshots

The W3 Web

Decentralized Information/Behavior Structure

The open standards web


FlashQuicktimeMP3MP4WMAWMVH.264Yada yada

if((m = ua.match(/Firefox\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Galeon[;\/]\s?([^\s;$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Epiphany\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Netscape\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/K-Meleon\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Camino\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Safari\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/NetFront\/([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Opera[\/\s]([^\s$]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Konqueror\/([^\s$;]+)/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/WebPro/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/Mozilla\/5\.0.*rv:([^\)]*).*Gecko/))) { …} else if((m = ua.match(/MSIE ([^;]+);/)) && (d.platform.indexOf("Win") >= 0 || d.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)) { …


The “maybe” web



What do I mean by open?

It’s not about IP

It’s about collaboration

No single company owns me


I can be a citizen

I have some say in my own destiny

Citizenship comes with responsibilities

Citizenship implies participation

I have a say in direction

What features get designed/built Don’t want design by committee Willing to have decisions made by

parties that have earned trust/merit

My labor can influence outcomes

If I am willing to work I have a say in when features get delivered.

If I am willing to work, that is.

I can work with other people

Sharing their brainpower and experience

Even if they are employed by someone else

Not all the smart people work for you

I don’t mean


A mob/riot


Openness and compatibility are not at odds


Won’t the web route around bad (closed) players?

• Did it route around IE?• Did people route around Windows by

buying Macs?

Let’s look at a scorecard

AJAX Open*OpenLaszlo PromisingFlex Promising, but earlyFlash Not very promising+

Silverlight Not very promisingJavaFX Somewhat

promising, definitely early

I hope I’ve given you something to think about

I’m not suggesting that openness is the only thing that matters.

I am suggesting that you consider its importance

If you found this provoking

Help someone else understand

Be polite and respectful