Igapo Pm Hse Plan Rev 141230

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igapo plan hse

Transcript of Igapo Pm Hse Plan Rev 141230

Generic HSE Plan


NDICE1. Introduccin2. Organizacin2.1. Organigrama Halliburton2.2. Organigrama Geopetsa2.3. Organigrama PAM3. Entrenamiento y Competencia3.1. Programa de Induccin3.2. Induccin de Petroamazonas3.3. Poltica de casco verde3.4. Requisitos Generales para acceso al bloque3.5. Programa de capacitacin y certificacin3.5.1. Geopetsa3.5.2. Halliburton4. Comunicacin4.1. Plan de Comunicacin5. Gerenciamiento del Riesgo5.1. Registro de Riesgos del Proyecto5.2. Comunicacin de riesgos6. Procedimientos de Seguridad6.1. Interface de procesos y documento puente7. Plan de respuesta a emergencia8. Desempeo de HSE8.1. Reporte e indicadores de desempeo8.2. Reporte de Incidentes8.3. Investigacin 8.4. Planes de accin8.5. Alertas y lecciones aprendidas9. Inspecciones y auditoria9.1. Plan de Inspecciones y Auditorias10. Programa de salud10.1. Dispensario Mdico 10.2. Requisitos de vacunacin10.3. Requisitos de exmenes mdicos 10.4. Reporte de inspecciones11. Ambiente11.1. Plan de manejo de desechos11.1.1. Clasificacin de Desechos11.1.2. Gestin de Desechos 11.1.3. Cortes y fluidos de perforacin11.1.4. Desechos no peligrosos11.1.5. Desechos peligrosos 11.1.6. Gestin de Residuos Lquidos11.2. Monitoreo ambiental

IntroduccinEl propsito de este documento es describir la manera en la que Halliburton gerencia el Proyecto IGAPO en aspectos de HSE (Salud, Seguridad y Ambiente) para asegurar la ejecucin segura y efectiva del proyecto. El Plan de HSE es un documento diseado para informar, coordinar y armonizar el cumplimiento de los requerimientos, procesos y procedimientos de HSE en todas las fases del Proyecto por parte de Halliburton y la contratista de Completacin y reacondicionamiento de pozos Geopetsa. Este documento tambin incluye documentos y requerimientos por parte del cliente Petroamazonas EP, Halliburton HMS y Sistema de Gestin de Geopetsa, definiendo los documentos llave de aplicacin para el proyecto (Documento puente).The following documents are taken into consideration: Halliburton Code of Business Conduct Halliburton HS&E Policy & Halliburton HS&E Global Standards and Guidelines Halliburton Management System (HMS) Halliburton Project Management (HPM) HMS Managing Projects and Well Construction Standards, Processes, and Manuals Halliburton MEDEVAC & Emergency Response Plan Geopetsa HS&E Management System Manual, HS&E Procedures, and Operational Procedures Regulatory Requirements Drilling and Completion Programs Halliburton Environmental Management and Waste Management Plans Drilling Contractor HSE-MS manual documents

1. Organizacin1.1. Organigrama Halliburton

1.2. Organigrama Geopetsa

1.3. Organigrama PAM (Lago Agrio).

2. Entrenamiento, Competencia y Requisitos del Personal2.1. Programa de Induccin

Por una vez en el proyecto el personal debe tomar un curso de induccin para contratistas impartido por Halliburton en el cual se expondrn los siguientes temas: 20 reglas del contratista Observaciones de seguridad STOP Life Rules Job Safety Analysis

Halliburton mantendr una base de datos con el personal de la contratista que ha realizado este curso de induccin. Es necesario realizar el curso previo al inicio de las actividades dentro del proyecto.

Las Inducciones son los das martes y sbado a las 08H30 en la Base Coca.

2.2. Induccin de Petroamazonas

Todo personal para el ingreso al bloque de Petroamazonas debe realizar la induccin y portar la tarjeta de PAM. Los requeridos por PAM segn aplique son:

Induccin General y obtencin de tarjeta Curso de Permisos de trabajo para ejecutores Manejo defensivo y liberacin vehicular

2.3. Poltica de casco verde

Se aplicar el procedimiento:Halliburton: ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0109Geopetsa adoptara la poltica de Casco Verde de Halliburton

Se aceptar 1 empleado nuevo por cuadrilla como mximo con la debida aprobacin gerencial.

3.4 Requisitos Generales para acceso al bloque

PERSONAL Tarjeta de PAM Curso de permisos de trabajo (PAM) (Segn la funcin que desempee) Induccin de Halliburton (Base de Halliburton) EPP

CONDUCTORES ( REQUISITOS POR PAM) Tarjeta de PAM Curso de manejo defensivo aprobados por PAM y Halliburton (ANETA, San Francisco Auto Club) Obtener el sticker de manejo defensivo por PAM (previo induccin de 30 MINUTOS)

CONDUCTORES (REQUISITOS HALLIBURTON) - aplica tambin a contratistas que trabajan directo con Geopetsa Carnet de Identificacin de la empresa de Transporte con Fotografa reciente como evidencia de la autorizacin emitida por la Contratada hacia el chofer; Cdula de Identidad; Licencia de Conducir del Grado correspondiente Exmenes Ocupacionales Vigentes Certificado de curso de Manejo Defensivo Vigente (Empresa Autorizada ANT) Certificado de curso de Primeros Auxilios vigente Certificado de curso control de Incendios /Manejo de extintores vigente Induccin Halliburton Contratistas Certificado curso Transporte de Sustancias Peligrosas (FENATRAPE), si aplica No Registrar en la ANT conduccin con presencia de alcohol y drogas Disponer EPP Completo (Casco, Guantes, Lentes de Seguridad, Proteccin respiratoria, Botas de Seguridad con puntera de acero, Delantales, Ropa de Trabajo Adecuada) OPERADORES EQUIPO PESADO Tarjeta de PAM Induccin de Halliburton (base de Halliburton) Certificacin de operador de equipo pesado.

VEHICULOS Y EQUIPO PESADO Liberacin PAM Licencia del Ministerio de Ambiente del Ecuador para Transporte de Sustancias Peligrosas Certificacin de revisin tcnica vehicular vigente acorde a legislacin de cada pas y/o estndar de Halliburton. Certificacin quinta rueda, kin pin (Certificacin SGS o empresa certificadora) Revisin vehicular (ANT) Inspeccin vehicular Halliburton Matricula Vigente de las unidades SOAT Vigente Unidades habilitadas en el Journey Management Halliburton (mensualizados) El programa de mantenimiento preventivo para cada una de las unidades basadas en el estndar del fabricante o en el programa definido por la Transportista. La Empresa de Transporte deber cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: Mantener las unidades en ptimas condiciones mecnicas, con todos los accesorios funcionando adecuadamente y en perfectas condiciones visuales. Garantizar que las unidades no presenten fugas de aceites, refrigerantes o de ningn tipo que pueda contaminar las instalaciones de HALLIBURTON o el medio ambiente. Garantizar que ninguna de sus unidades utilicen ruedas reencauchadas. Usar unidades con antigedad mxima de Diez (10) aos Garantizar que las unidades cumplan obligatoriamente con los estndares mnimos de seguridad que incluyen, pero sin limitarse a Cinturones de Seguridad. Llanta de repuesto que tendrn como mnimo 3 mm de labrado. Accesorios para emergencia en carretera (Gato Hidrulico, Llave Cruz, Sealizaciones, Tacos o bloques de madera, etc.). Espejos retrovisores. Sistema de comunicacin (radio o celular) Extintores multipropsito vigentes dos (1 en cabina y 1 en rea de carga). Botiqun de primeros auxilios. Caja de herramientas bsicas. Bocina de reversa. Parabrisas y vidrios en buen estado. Eslingas/Cintas inspeccionadas y Certificadas acorde a la recomendacin del fabricante (cadenas amarres de carga; una por cada estiba transportada, en caso que la carga lo requiera) Debe contar con sistema de tacgrafo de acuerdo con la legislacin vigente y con dispositivo GPS SATELITAL Seales de carretera Stop, direccionales, luces delanteras y traseras en buen estado y funcionando. Cierres, seguro puertas. Carpa. Kiit de derrames. (Pala., Cinta de sealizacin. Manila/cuerda, escoba. plstico grueso 3x3m, bolsas polipropileno para re empaque (mnimo 10), Material absorbente (tela oleoflica), Equipo de proteccin personal (Guantes de Nitrilo, Respiratoria con filtro para vapores orgnicos, Respirador N95 para polvos y partculas, Delantales de PVC ).




Los Super- intendentes encargados de IGAPO son los responsables de firmar el formulario, a continuacin se exponen los mismos;

Isaac Flores Isaac.Flores@halliburton.com Byron NietoByron.Nieto@halliburton.com



OWNER:HSE EcuadorAPPROVED BY:PM ManagerJOB REVISION BY:HSE ManagerREV. DATE:December 2014REV. NO:1PAGE:12 of 103

HSE Plan

Halliburton PM IGAPO HSE Plan1. 2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. Programa de capacitacin y certificacin3.5.1 Geopetsa

CursoRig Pass / NEORefresh Rig PassWell Control Fundamental Well Control SupervisorFirst AidH2SFire FightingForklift OperatorWelding CertifElectric Hazard Certif (CICE)Mechanical Maintenence SystemTop Drive MaintenenceElectrical Maintenance Top DriveDefensive Driving (Evaluation by Third Party)Stop / SOCPressure SafetyGeneral Awareness Explosives and RadiationFall Protection CompetentFall Protection AuthorizedPHTLS

Duracin 4 das2 das4 das5 das2 das1 das1 da3 das1 da5 das2 das4 das5 das2 das1 da1 da1 da3 das1 da5 das

Frecuencia1 Vez2 aos2 aos2 aos3 aos2 aos3 aos2 aos2 aos4 aos1 vez1 vez1 vez2 aos2 aos2 aos2 aos1 vez1 vez1 vez

Tool Pusher

Supervisor Dia/Noche





Obreros de Patio

Supervisor Mecnico

Supervisor Elctrico

Asistente Mecnico

Asistente Elctrico


Operador Montacarga


Supervisor HSE


3.5.2 Halliburton

CursoRig Pass / NEORefresh Rig PassWell Control Fundamental Well Control SupervisorFirst AidH2SFire FightingStop / SOCPressure SafetyGeneral Awareness Explosives and RadiationFall Protection Competent

Duracin 4 das2 da4 das5 das2 das1 da1 da1 da1 da1 da3 das

Frecuencia1 Vez2 aos2 aos2 aos3 aos2 aos3 aos2 aos2 aos2 aos1 vez


Asistente Coman

Supervisor HSE

4. Comunicacin4.1. Plan de Comunicacin


Reporte Diario HSE Geopetsa Reportar principales riesgos identificados y sus controles. Riesgos en prximas operaciones 24, 48 y 72 horas. Reporte de observaciones stop y KPIs.Company Man HAL, Supervisor HSE HAL, Rig ManagerHSE GeopetsaReporte XXXDiarioN/A

Reporte Diario HSE HalliburtonComunicar si la operacin es segura.Reportar principales riesgos identificados y sus controles. Riesgos en prximas operaciones 24, 48 y 72 horas. Reporte de observaciones stop y KPIs.Project Manager, PM Manager, HSE Manager, IGAPO Drilling Manager, HSE Manager Geopetsa, HSE Coordinator GeopetsaCo Man HALReporte HALDiarioN/A

Notificacin inicial de IncidenteReportar las atenciones de primeros auxilios, tratamientos mdicos, trabajo restringido, incidentes vehiculares, de equipo o ambientales. Determinar la activacin del Plan de Emergencia. Este reporte es preliminar y est sujeto a cambios.Project Manager, PM Manager, HSE Manager, IGAPO Drilling ManagerHSE Rig Geopetsa / Co Man HALCorreo electrnico Preliminary Incident Report En cada evento2 hora

Reporte de Incidentes Reportar las atenciones de primeros auxilios, tratamientos mdicos, trabajo restringido, incidentes vehiculares, de equipo o ambientales. Determinar la activacin del Plan de Emergencia.Project Manager, PM Manager, HSE Manager, IGAPO Drilling ManagerHSE Rig Geopetsa / Co Man HALReporte de Incidentes FO-ECU-HAL-HSE-010GeopetsaPS013 (Investigacin de incidentes / accidentes)En cada evento24 Horas

JSA Identificar y comunicar efectiva los riesgo asociados a una operacinCompany Man HAL, Supervisor HSE HAL, Rig Manager, Cuadrilla del taladro, PSLs HAL y terceros involucrados en la operacinRig Manager Geopetsa / HSE GeopetsaJSA FO-ECU-HAL-HSE-002

ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0103Previo a cada operacin N/A

Lecciones aprendidasComunicar efectivamente las lecciones aprendidas, implementar correccin en forma oportuna.Company Man HAL, Supervisor HSE HAL, Rig Manager, Cuadrilla del taladro, PSLs HAL y terceros involucrados en la operacinHSE Geopetsa / HSE HalliburtonAlertas HSEConcluida la investigacin

Reportes simulacrosComunicar efectivamente los simulacros y lecciones aprendidas, implementar correccin en forma oportuna.Company Man HAL, Supervisor HSE HAL, Rig Manager, Cuadrilla del taladro, PSLs HAL y terceros involucrados en la operacinHSE Geopetsa / HSE HalliburtonFO-ECU-HAL-HSE-601-ESNotificacin previo al simulacro y posterior con conclusiones

Reporte MensualPresentar un reporte mensual donde se evidencie la gestin de HSE (Charlas de seguridad, Horas Hombre de trabajo, simulacros, cantidad de residuos y aguas han sido generados)Company Man HAL, Supervisor HSE HAL, Rig Manager, Cuadrilla del taladro, PSLs HAL y terceros involucrados en la operacinHSE Geopetsa / HSE Halliburton

5. Gerenciamiento del Riesgo5.1. Registro de Riesgos del Proyecto

Pendiente realizar anlisis de riesgos de locacin a trabajar (GEOPETSA)

5.2. Comunicacin de riesgos

6. Procedimientos de Seguridad6.1. Interface de procesos y documento puente

Documento de Procedure Cross Reference HSE

7. Plan de respuesta a emergencia Plan de emergencias IGAPO Atencin a Emergencias Geopetsa PE001

De acuerdo a las Guas de SSA de Petroamazonas EP, cada contratista debe tener sus Plan de emergencia. 8. Desempeo de HSE

8.1. Reporte e indicadores de desempeo

Los indicadores de desempeo reactivos se calcularn en base a los siguientes criterios:

Incidentes Personales sobre la base de 200,000 horas trabajadas. (Nmero de incidentes X 200,000) / Horas Hombre trabajadas.

La clasificacin establecida para incidentes personales es la siguiente: First Aid Medical Case Restricted Work Case Lost time incident

En incidentes personales la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar los siguientes indicadores: Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), y Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR). Incidentes Vehiculares sobre la base de milln de millas. (Nmero de incidentes X 1,000,000) / Millas. La clasificacin establecida para incidentes vehiculares son la siguiente: Document Only Vehicular Reportable Vehicular recordable

En incidentes vehiculares la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar mensualmente el siguiente indicador: Recordable Vehicle Incedent Rate (RVIR)

Incidentes Ambientales sobre la base de 200,000 horas trabajadas. (Nmero de Incidentes reportables + Incidentes Registrables X 200,000) / Horas Hombre Trabajadas. La clasificacin establecida para incidentes ambientales es la siguiente: Environmental Incident.

En incidentes ambientales la contratista (Geopetsa) deber reportar mensualmente el siguiente indicador: Total Enviromental Incident Rate (TEIR)

Se adjunta el Estndar global ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0108 como referencia para determinar la clasificacin de los incidentes.

Adicionalmente la contratista deber reportar las horas hombre trabajadas y el nmero de persona en el formato de Petroamazonas EP

8.2. Reporte de IncidentesTodo incidente o Near Miss debe ser reportado inmediatamente al supervisor inmediato y este debe realizar, Preliminar Incident Report en las prximas 2 horas en el que ocurri el evento.

Posterior al reporte inicial el supervisor debe elaborar un reporte formal en el formato REPORTE DE INCIDENTE FO-ECU-HAL-HSE-010 y enviarlo al Departamento de HSE de forma electrnica en un periodo mximo a las 24 horas desde que ocurri el evento.Equipo HSE Halliburton

Santiago AguirreSantiago.Aguirre@halliburton.com0995434213

Santiago FalconiSantiago.Falconi@halliburton.com0984434221

Jorge GrandaJorge.Granda@halliburton.com0997954651

Cristhian CortezCristhian.Cortez@halliburton.com 0984253195

Mauricio PilacuanMauricio.Pilacuan@halliburton.com0998456238

Gilberto HerediaGilbertoEliceo.HerediaVillamarin@halliburton.com0995265770

Katherine VargasKatheryn.Vargas@halliburton.com 0992513493

Jonathan Balseca (Medico)Jonathan.Balseca@halliburton.com0999466111

Veronica Ochoa (Medico)Veronica.Ochoa@halliburton.com0999466111

Adicionalmente se adjunta el formato de Reporte de Incidentes para referencia.

El departamento de HSE de Halliburton y Servicios Petroleros IGAPO son los responsables de registrar el evento en el sistema RHS.

8.3. Investigacin Todo incidente o Near Miss debe ser investigado por un grupo multidisciplinario, el grupo de investigacin debe estar conformado como mnimo por las siguientes personas:

Personal directamente involucrado Supervisor del rea/contratista o PSL. Representante de HSE del contratista Representante de HSE de Halliburton y/o Servicio Petroleros IGAPO Representante del Comit de Seguridad y Salud Local Representante imparcial de otra rea/PSL

Los incidentes reportables se investigaran siguiendo la metodologa ISHIKAWA para lo cual se adjunta el formato respectivo

Y los incidentes registrables o Near Miss High Potencial se investigaran con la Metodologa del TAP ROOT

8.4. Planes de accin

Las investigaciones tienen como objetivo identificar la causa raz de un evento y con esta informacin definir un plan de accin efectivo para que el evento no se vuelva a repetir o con la misma o mayor severidad/probabilidad.

Los planes de accin deben tener responsable de cumplimiento y fechas efectivas, debern ser avalados por la gerencia de HSE de Halliburton y Servicio Petroleros IGAPO.

La contratista deber llevar un control mensual del porcentaje de avance y cumplimiento de los planes de acciones propuestos.

8.5. Alertas y lecciones aprendidas

Todo incidente y Near Miss una vez que fue reportado investigado y definido sus planes de accin debe generar una Alerta de seguridad local para difundir las lecciones aprendidas asociadas

El representante de HSE de la contratista debe generar la Alerta de seguridad en el formato que se adjunta a continuacin:

Estas lecciones aprendidas sern difundidas en los morning meeting, reuniones zero y enviadas va correo electrnico a todo el personal previa revisin y aprobacin de la gerencia de HSE de Halliburton y Servicio Petroleros IGAPO.

9. Inspecciones y auditoria

9.1. Plan de Inspecciones y AuditoriasEl Plan de Inspecciones se ha establecido en funcin del Estndar Global ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0101 Auditorias de Salud, Seguridad y Ambiente.

El equipo de HSE de Halliburton, Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y Geopetsa son responsables de: Atender auditoras de HSE Global segn los requisitos del estndar ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0101. Adems son responsables de colaborar con la gerencia en la realizacin y preparacin de auditoras globales, autoevaluaciones del sitio e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de responsabilidad.

La Gerencia de Halliburton, Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y Geopetsa son responsables de: Realizar Site Self Assesmente e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de responsabilidad segn los requisitos del estndar ST-GL-HAL-HSE-0101. Desarrollar planes de medidas correctivas e implementar medidas correctivas de Site Self Assesment e inspecciones por niveles en su rea de responsabilidad.

Auditorias Globales

Las auditoras de HSE Global se realizan de acuerdo con los procedimientos de Auditora de HSE Global. El equipo de auditoras de HSE Global realiza auditoras peridicas de las instalaciones de Halliburton y Contratistas segn lo determinado por un anlisis de evaluacin de riesgos de HSE Global anual o cuando lo solicite el Departamento legal o la Gerencia de Halliburton. El equipo de auditoras de HSE Global revisa el cumplimiento operativo de Halliburton con los requisitos reglamentarios de salud, seguridad y ambiente pertinentes y las Polticas y Estndares de HSE Global de Halliburton utilizando metodologa basada en los riesgos y protocolos de auditora apropiados. En la conclusin de la auditora, el equipo de auditora de HSE Global prepara un informe de auditora describiendo las deficiencias identificadas y proporciona una opinin general de la auditora sobre la efectividad del sistema de gestin de HSE para garantizar un ambiente de trabajo seguro y que cumple con los requisitos. Una vez recibida la aprobacin del gerente de auditora de HSE Global, se distribuyen los informes de auditora de HSE Global a la gerencia pertinente. Los planes de medidas correctivas para auditoras de HSE Global se preparan bajo la direccin del destinatario de la auditora que recibe un informe de auditora y sern sometidos y revisado/aprobados por la auditora de HSE Global. El equipo de auditora de HSE Global informa y realiza el seguimiento con el destinatario de la auditora sobre las medidas correctivas rastreadas y controladas de acuerdo con los procedimientos de auditora de HSE Global. Las medidas correctivas tomadas para abordar los resultados de auditora de HSE Global se implementarn dentro de los 120 das de la fecha del informe de auditora. Las medidas correctivas que excedan los 120 das para el cierre estarn sujetas a informes a la gerencia operativa y HSE.

Autoevaluaciones del sitio (Site Self Assesment - SSA) Se efectuarn mediante la jurisdiccin pertinente y las listas de verificacin de Halliburton proporcionadas en la pgina web de listas de verificacin de auditora de HSE Global. El gerente designado del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin/ubicacin es responsable de asegurar que se llevan a cabo las SSA de sus respectivos lugares de trabajo o instalaciones operativas al menos una vez cada seis meses. La gerencia debe asignar recursos competentes suficientes para llevar a cabo las SSA necesarias. Las deficiencias detectadas durante las SSA deben ser abordadas por la gerencia de la instalaciones/ubicacin designada mediante planes de medidas correctivas. Estos planes de medidas correctivas estn sujetos a la aprobacin de la Gerencia de PM, la Gerencia de HSE de Halliburton, la Gerencia de HSE de Servicios Petroleros IGAPO y el Departamento legal. Las SSA y los planes de medidas correctivas deben ser registrados en SHE-MIS (o sistema de gestin de informacin de Halliburton) y conservados en un formato y una ubicacin aprobada por la gerencia de HSE Global. Las medidas correctivas tomadas para abordar los resultados de las SSA se implementarn dentro de los 120 das (a excepcin de aquellos tems que requieran medidas correctivas inmediatas o mitigaciones) de la fecha en que finaliz la SSA. La realizacin de una auditora de HSE Global no reduce la responsabilidad de la gerencia de la instalacin/ubicacin de llevar a cabo SSA segn este estndar.

Inspecciones Nivel 1 Inspecciones mensuales especficas del rea de trabajo

Los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin garantizarn que se lleven a cabo inspecciones formales de HSE, al menos una vez por semana, en sus respectivas reas de trabajo, usando listas de verificacin de inspeccin en niveles adaptadas a las reas de trabajo particular.

Los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o instalacin establecern un proceso de seguimiento de medidas correctivas para asegurar que las medidas necesarias para resolver los problemas identificados durante las inspecciones en niveles sean comunicadas a la gerencia, investigadas, registradas y controladas hasta la finalizacin.

Inspecciones Nivel 2: Inspecciones trimestrales La gerencia estatal/regional/de la instalacin junto con los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin garantizar que se lleven a cabo inspecciones trimestrales (nivel 2). El personal operativo de HSE ser responsable de identificar y coordinar los equipos de inspeccin. Estos equipos de inspeccin debern estar conformados por representantes de la gerencia estatal/de la instalacin y equipos de HSE, pero tambin podrn incluir a supervisores del rea de trabajo local y representantes de seguridad, segn corresponda. La gerencia estatal/regional/de la instalacin, junto con los supervisores de primera lnea del lugar de trabajo o la instalacin, debern implementar un proceso de seguimiento de medidas correctivas para garantizar que se investiguen, mitiguen, registren, corrijan y controlen las medidas necesarias para abordar los problemas identificados durante las inspecciones en niveles. Las medidas correctivas de inspecciones en niveles debern ser rastreadas en planes de medidas correctivas o en una base de datos adecuada y las medidas debern implementarse antes de la prxima inspeccin. 10. Programa de salud

10.1. Dispensario MdicoDispensario Mdico equipado en concordancia al Acuerdo Ministerial 1404 Reglamento para el Funcionamiento de los Servicios Mdicos de Empresas. Adems contar con equipo mdico para emergencias mdicas: DEA, tabla espinal con araas, inmovilizadores, maleta de emergencia, equipo de rescate de espacios confinados y de alturas si es que aplica.10.2. Requisitos de vacunacinTodo el personal debe tener vacunas vigentes: Fiebre amarilla: 1 dosis (10 aos) Hepatitis A y B: 3 dosis (5 aos) Ttanos: 3 dosis (10 aos) Tifoidea: 1 dosis (3 aos)

10.3. Requisitos de exmenes mdicos

Todo el personal que trabaje para la contratista deber tener los exmenes Pre-ocupacionales, Ocupacionales (anuales), de seguimiento y cuando ya salgan de la empresa los Post ocupacionales.

10.4. Reporte de inspecciones

Realizar inspecciones semanales del campamento en lo que corresponde a catering, habitaciones y lavandera.

Verificacin que el proveedor del servicio de catering cumpla con los requerimientos de Salud Ocupacional descritos anteriormente, en especial atencin exmenes mdicos y vacunas vigentes, y carnets de manipulacin de alimentos.

Realizar anlisis mensuales bromatolgicos de los alimentos en un laboratorio certificado.

11. Ambiente

11.1. Plan de manejo de desechosLos desechos que se produzcan en las actividades de las operaciones de SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO debern manejarse siguiendo la totalidad de los lineamientos aplicables establecidos en los Planes de Manejo Ambiental (PMA) especficos de los Estudios de Impacto Ambiental de cada uno de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO, con el fin de manejar adecuadamente los riesgos ambientales y cumplir con todas las obligaciones del Cliente as como condiciones especficas de las Licencias Ambientales otorgadas a la operadora de los campos y todas la legislacin ambiental vigente aplicable a las operaciones dentro de los contratos suscritos. Todos los subcontratistas de SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO, debern certificar que sus trabajadores conozcan y cumplan con todas las normas para la disposicin de desechos de acuerdo a este plan.Para cada operacin de perforacin, se deber:1. Realizar un anlisis medioambiental y la identificacin de los riesgos,2. Identificar los requisitos legales y otros requisitos aplicables,3. Definir objetivos y metas ambientales en acuerdo con SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO,4. Garantizar la disponibilidad de los recursos necesarios para la implementacin,5. Definir los roles y responsabilidades, los planes de entrenamiento, la documentacin, el control operacional y la preparacin para respuesta a emergencias,6. Toda regulacin ambiental obligatoria ser ejecutada y auditada regularmente por SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO. Adicionalmente a las regulaciones vigentes o de cualquiera de las partes involucradas, siempre se debe hacer todo lo posible para proteger el medio ambiente durante todas las etapas y en todos los aspectos de las operaciones de perforacin.7. SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO garantizar el cumplimiento de la reglamentacin y de las normas para el monitoreo ambiental permanente con el fin de garantizar que todos los procedimientos se sigan correctamente y toda la informacin necesaria se remitir al lder de HSE del proyecto.8. Medir, monitorear y evaluar la ejecucin y cumplimiento del PMA correspondiente y garantizar la aplicacin de las medidas correctivas segn sea necesario.9. Mantener registros y gestin de la informacin.10. Comunicar e informar al cliente sobre la aplicacin de los PMAs y su cumplimiento.11. Llevar a cabo auditoras y revisiones ambientales que lleven a la mejora continua.

As mismo, el subcontratista es responsable de:1. Implementar procedimientos para recoger, separar y clasificar los desechos peligrosos de los no peligrosos para el almacenamiento temporal adecuado segn se define en el Plan de Manejo de Desechos del PMA correspondiente al campo de operacin.2. La disposicin de los residuos se deber realizar de acuerdo al Plan de Manejo de Desechos del PMA correspondiente al campo de operacin.3. Las aguas negras y grises, debern ser tratadas y descargadas de acuerdo al PMA correspondiente al campo de operacin as como a la legislacin ambiental vigente.4. Durante toda la operacin de la perforacin se la subcontratista deber en todo momento actuar con el fin de minimizar la cantidad de residuos y deber observar y cumplir con todas las leyes y reglamentos en relacin con la generacin, transporte, almacenamiento, tratamiento y / o eliminacin de desechos.5. Todas las reas deben mantenerse limpias y libres de desechos.6. La subcontratista deber indicar sus fuentes de generacin de desechos, volmenes estimados, y proporcionar los mtodos de reciclaje / reutilizacin, los mtodos de tratamiento y / o mtodos de eliminacin y gestores calificados.7. Promover e incentivar, una filosofa de minimizacin de desechos y de reciclaje para reducir el volumen de desechos producidos.8. Asegurarse que todo el material de desecho siempre est almacenado e identificado adecuadamente, de tal modo a evitar contaminacin al aire, suelo, agua superficial o subterrnea.9. Garantizar que el almacenamiento, transporte y disposicin final de desechos no causen un riesgo a la seguridad, salud o a la comunidad.10. Disponer que todos los trabajadores estn provistos con el equipo de proteccin necesaria para la minimizar su exposicin a los desechos.11. Los trabajadores debern ser capacitados para el manejo y disposicin de los desechos, e informados de los riesgos potenciales para la salud que puede causar cada tipo de desecho.

11.1.1 Clasificacin de DesechosLos desechos slidos se clasifican en Desechos Peligrosos y Desechos No Peligrosos, de acuerdo a la legislacin ambiental vigente:

DESECHOS PELIGROSOS (Categorizacin de segn el Acuerdo Ministerial 026, Registro Oficial No. 334 del 12 de mayo de 2008. Acuerdo Ministerial 142 del 21 de diciembre del 2012 (Listado nacional de materiales y desechos peligrosos). DESECHOS NO PELIGROSOS

11.1.2 Gestin de Desechos El manejo de los desechos slidos, iniciar con la clasificacin en la fuente, el respectivo almacenamiento en recipientes separados y su disposicin final, en recipientes claramente sealados e identificados; para lo cual se tomar en cuenta los procedimientos establecidos. Para todos los desechos generados se llevarn registros desde el sitio de generacin hasta su disposicin final. La subcontratista disear un procedimiento interno de gestin de desechos donde se indique que una vez que se generen los desechos, sern clasificados y validados en lo posible para determinar si debern ser reciclados, reutilizados y dispuestos para su entrega y disposicin final. Se deber realizar talleres de capacitacin por lo menos una vez al ao, sobre el manejo de desechos slidos al personal que realiza actividades dentro del rea del proyecto.

11.1.3. Cortes y fluidos de reacondicionamientoLa disposicin, tratamiento y disposicin final de los lodos y ripios, se realizarn fuera de las plataformas de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO mediante transporte, tratamiento y disposicin final con empresas gestoras calificadas con Licencia Ambiental vigente en el Ministerio del Ambiente.

11.1.4. Desechos no peligrosos En el caso en que la CONTRATISTA desarrolle sus actividades en reas donde no existe el servicio de recoleccin de desechos proporcionado por la operadora del campo asignado a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO, la subcontratista es responsable de la apropiada recoleccin, almacenamiento, transporte y disposicin final de desechos. Adicionalmente la subcontratista debe implementar un plan para la separacin en la fuente, de los desechos slidos peligrosos y no peligrosos (ejemplo: trapos con aceite, fundas de plstico, desechos biolgicos, metal, papel, elementos orgnicos, etc.) en recipientes separados. Entrega de desechos orgnicos: este tipo de desechos sern entregado para ser convertidos en biofertilizantes. Entrega de desechos inorgnicos: estos desechos sern dispuestos de manera provisional en los recipientes con la respectiva identificacin, conforme a la clasificacin propuesta y posteriormente entregados para ser transportados a la disposicin final con gestor calificado. Todos los desechos biodegradables debern transformados en fertilizante orgnico (compost) a travs del sistema de celdas podra ser utilizados para fomentar el programa de rehabilitacin de reas afectadas o entregados al recolector municipal para su final disposicin. Los desechos para reducir la cantidad de desechos slidos, los desechos no biodegradables e inorgnicos como: plstico, cartn, papel, metal debern ser clasificados y pesados para finalmente ser reciclados o ser entregados a un gestor de residuos calificado. Los escombros sern enviados a escombreras autorizadas en los diferentes municipios por intermedio de un gestor ambiental calificado.

11.1.5. Desechos peligrosos Se clasificaran y almacenaran de acuerdo a su categorizacin. La sealtica a aplicarse deber ajustarse a lo establecido en la norma INEN 2266 para almacenamiento de productos qumicos y peligrosos Los desechos debern rotularse y adecuarse en base al norma NT-INEN 2288 para su transporte Entrega de residuos peligrosos: Se llenar el registro cada vez que los residuos peligrosos sean entregados a un gestor ambiental calificado para su transporte, tratamiento y disposicin final.

11 11.1.5 11.1.6 Gestin de Residuos LquidosTodo campamento temporal debe disponer de sistemas aprobados para el tratamiento de aguas de desecho (aguas negras y grises). La subcontratista debe verificar y garantizar que las aguas de desecho sean debidamente tratadas y dispuestas, y que stas no contaminen ningn cuerpo de agua cercano. Los efluentes tratados deben cumplir con los lmites permisibles establecidos en las Regulaciones Ambientales para Operaciones Hidrocarburferas (Tabla 5, RAOH 1215). La subcontratista es responsable del tratamiento, equipos y costos requeridos para mantener los efluentes dentro de los lmites permisibles requeridos por las Regulaciones Ambientales. Una copia de los resultados de dichos anlisis debe ser entregada al Departamento de HSE Halliburton en campo.

Aguas Negras y GrisesEstas provienen de las descargas de los inodoros y lavabos, su tratamiento estar a cargo de la subcontratista. Estas aguas se recolectarn y se canalizarn hacia una planta de tratamiento, en donde se realizarn anlisis semanales de acuerdo a la siguiente tabla Tabla 5: Lmites permisibles para descargas de aguas negras y grises del raohe d.e. 1215

Aguas IndustrialesProducto de las actividades de lavado y/o limpieza de los equipos e instalaciones y otras aguas derivadas de los trabajos. Su tratamiento estar a cargo de la subcontratista, posterior a su tratamiento esta agua ser enviada mediante camin vacuum al sistema de reinyeccin de la compaa operadora de los campos asignados a SERVICIOS PETROLEROS IGAPO.

Se deber realizar anlisis peridicos de control, as como, anlisis para el cumplimiento de los parmetros estipulados en el tabal 4a del Anexo 2 del RAOHE, previo a cada descarga (reinyeccin). La contratista deber realizar los respectivos anlisis de laboratorio de todos los efluentes que se evacuen.

Aguas de FormacinSe reinyectaran en los pozos reinyectores indicados por la operadora de los campos para el efecto, de acuerdo a lo establecido en el PMA respectivo.

11.2. Monitoreo ambientalEl monitoreo se realizara para cada plataforma donde la subcontratista desarrollar sus actividades de reacondicionamiento/perforacin y cada uno de los puntos de monitoreo ser testificado y aprobado de acuerdo a lo aprobado en el PMA correspondiente a cada plataforma.Los monitoreos se realizaran mediante metodologas validadas y los anlisis en un laboratorio acreditado por el Ministerio del Ambiente y el Organismo de Acreditacin Ecuatoriano.

Drilling Contractor HS&E MS Document Architecture


Halliburton Organization, Responsibility, and ResourcesHalliburton HS&E ResponsibilityHalliburton is responsible for: Executing the work and delivery of the project scope detailed in the contract in compliance with applicable national and international Laws, and all Customers and elsewhere in the CONTRACT and in a manner that is ethical and of the highest integrity. The development, communication, maintenance, implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the project HSE documentation in line with Customers HSE Control Framework, Standards and Manuals and the requirements stipulated in the Contract and for ensuring that all project activities conform to HS&E standards and procedures Ensuring timey and quality notification, reporting, investigation of incidents and the communication and the implementation of actions to prevent recurrence based on lessons learnt. Ensuring that Contractors and lower tier subcontractors safety policies, standards and procedures are acceptable to Halliburton and to Customer and implemented in order to maintain the highest level of health and safety standards in all activities throughout the duration of the project. Ensuring that Halliburton and Contractors management systems are aligned, compatible, and clarifying which policies or procedures shall be adopted if conflicts arise. Ensuring the availability of required resources for the implementation, monitoring, and improvement of the HSE plan Establishing a clear and agreed command and control structure and communication plan Informing its employees and those of its subcontractors prior to an employee commencing any work about the requirements applicable to employees, instruct the employees to strictly comply with those requirements, and caution the employees about consequences in case of any non-compliance. Ensure that personnel working on the project have adequate safety equipment / clothing for all operations required to deliver the scope of the project and appropriate training in the use of such equipment. Ensure that personnel working on the project have the competence, is trained and is properly supervised while acquiring the required competency level. Maintaining and making available to Customer and authorities the required HSE records Establishing a Management of Change process to promptly and reasonably address HSE recommendations requested by Customer. Implementation of an effective Risk Management Process and tools to ensure that work-related hazards and potentially adverse environmental aspects are identified, the impacts and consequences analyzed, the risks and/or impact significance assessed and evaluated, controls and contingency plans defined and implemented to minimize the likelihood of negatively impact on: The well being and physical integrity of all persons working in or affected by the project The integrity of the operation and the assets used or involved, and The reputation of Halliburton Reporting any hazards to appropriate contractor supervisors when situations exist where safety has been compromised, following up to ensure that appropriate actions have been taken to correct the situation. Ensure Equipment Integrity Plan and identifying responsibility for third party equipment maintenance and operability. Ensure that integrated project emergency response and contingency plans are in place and coordinated with Customer and /or outside third party groups such as oil spill response, rig evacuation, and medical response teams. Measuring, monitoring, analyzing and reviewing HSE performance as per defined in the KPIs, incorporate lessons learnt, drive improvements, and implement the required preventive and/or corrective measures required. Implementing the Audits, Inspection, and Reviews to ensure compliance, adequacy, and effectiveness of the Project HSE Management Documents.

Halliburton Project HS&E Organization

Clarificar los recursos dedicados y de ejecucin. Considerar la parte operativa, superintendente co man etc.

Drilling Contractors & Third Party Management ResponsibilityThe DC and other Contractors are responsible for executing the work and delivery of the project scope detailed in their respective contracts in compliance with applicable national and international Laws, and all Customers requirements and elsewhere in the CONTRACT and in a manner that is ethical and of the highest integrity.The DC and other Contractors management are responsible for their own safety activities and shall fully adhere to the project Halliburton Safety Policy and Customers HS&E requirements. The DC and other Contractors management are specifically responsible for: The safety of all contractor & sub-contractor personnel. The integrity (certification, calibration, functioning etc.) of all assets and equipment used, and are to carry-out their works in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and the execution of their contract activities as detailed within this project HSE Management document. To develop, implement, and monitor a project HSE Management Document to achieve the project objectives. Ensuring the communication to all involved meet Customers and Halliburtons expectations and requirements Provide an adequate number HSE resources to fulfill the requirements of the project Ensure that their personnel are familiar with Customers, and Halliburtons, and their own requirements, HS&E rules, procedures, and systems, and are competent and trained to carry out their work safely and with due regard for the environment. Implementation of an effective Risk Management Process and tools Compliance with subcontractors HS&E-MS and Quality Management Systems in line with the project HSE Management Document and the Bridge Documents Monitoring and Reporting on the implementation of the HS&E program and HS&E performance. Ensure all personnel arriving at the operation site receive a thorough safety briefing from the site HS&E Coordinator. Providing Contractor personnel with necessary protective and safety equipment and appropriate training in the use of such equipment. Timely performing proper maintenance, inspection, and certification to all Contractors equipment and facilities furnished to ensure equipment integrity, safe, and uninterrupted operations. Ensuring timey and quality notification, reporting, investigation of incidents and the communication and the implementation of actions to prevent recurrence based on lessons learnt. Preparing and ensuring readiness and functionality of adequate Emergency / Contingency plans Implement a systematic Audit, Inspection, and Review Program In addition, the following excerpts are below added from Drilling Contractor HSE management system to show the commitment on management of HSE responsibilities. The responsibility of implementing the HSE-MS lies directly and individually with Line Managers, from the President through to every employee. The responsibility for HSE rests upon all personnel and is an integral part of, and inseparable from, the daily operations of the company and its rigs. All Drilling Contractor employees are issued with an agreed description that overviews their individual general responsibilities for HSE. Detailed HSE responsibilities for senior positions are listed in HSE Management Plan (document # HSE-01-05) under section 4.2 and embedded throughout the DC RMS. All Drilling Contractor personnel are responsible for protecting the health and safety of our employees, customers, subcontractors, 3rd party contractors, communities, and the environment wherever we operate. Effectiveness of the HSE arrangements are assured and measured in 2 ways; one by HSE preparedness (i.e. assessment and review, pre-job communication / pre-tour meetings) and two, by delivered HSE performance (i.e. against Goals & Targets & Area HSE ranking). Sub- Contractor Performance Criteria (Incluir los contratistas y riesgos especificos)The following steps shall be taken to ensure the sub-contractors, working for Halliburton in the project, are fully conversant with their responsibilities regarding HS&E. These shall be verified during the vetting and registering process: Ensure development, communication, familiarization and understanding by the Sub Contractor of their work scope, Customers and Halliburtons HS&E requirements, policies, standards, the project known hazards and risks, and the subcontractors roles, responsibilities Ensure that subcontractors management system is consistent with Customers and Halliburton Management Systems and develop and implement Bridging document. Ensure that Subcontractors submit their own specific HSE Plans and work procedures for Halliburtons and Customer approvals before commencement of the work by the subcontractor Ensure that selected sub-contractors have sufficient knowledge of and resources to protect health, safety and the environment, implement their project HSE plans, and fulfill the HSE requirements of the contract. Ensure that Subcontractors Personnel is trained in all applicable HSE requirements and shall participate in project specific induction or training requirements. Share information that shall assist sub-contractors in planning and meeting the HS&E objectives and fulfilling their role during the term of the contract; Evaluate the subcontractors technical and operational capabilities, past and present HS&E and Operational Performance during the sub-contractor selection process; Hold sub-contractors accountable for compliance with standards, and assess and discuss HS&E performance with them; Review the performance of sub-contractors against the HS&E requirements periodically during the work and at the end of the contract. Monthly and Quarterly HSE meetings shall be held with sub-contractor management in the Project office. Audit & Review sub-contracts on annual basis and measure compliance. The HS&E department shall provide specialized assistance to sub-contractors to further improve their HS&E Management system.Responsibilities of All PersonnelWhile HS&E is a line management responsibility, each person working in the project must take responsibility for their own safety. Before starting an operation, each person shall be aware of the hazards and risks know how to control and reduce them, be alert to changing circumstances, and knowledgeable of how to respond. Each individual has the responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, and therefore must act accordingly. It shall be the responsibility of every employee to follow the Project HS&E rules and procedures. To take responsible action to STOP unsafe acts or operations until the situation is corrected and ensure proper reporting of situations which could lead to HS&E incidents or near misses. Drilling Contractor wish to add the principle of STOP work authority which is enforced and practiced thoroughly amongst the Drilling Contractor worldwide operations. All DC employees are EMPOWERED and REQUIRED to take responsibility for their personal safety and the safety of their fellow crew members. Every employee has the authority to stop any operation if they feel that the situation is unsafe or that the work is being performed in an unsafe manner. When an employee notifies their immediate supervisor of an unsafe act or condition, it is the supervisors responsibility to either correct the safety issue immediately, or protect the crew from the safety hazard and then develop a corrective action plan to eliminate the hazard. Halliburton Project HS&E Leader ResponsibilitiesThe Halliburton HS&E Project Supervisor reports directly to the Halliburton Project Manager and shall be responsible for the provision of leadership, expertise and guidance on HS&E matters, processes and issues as they relate to the operations under the scope of the project, helping to define, establish and incorporate HS&E responsibility and accountability through the project and creating value for our customers and stakeholders by effectively and efficiently implementing the Risk Management and HS&E program.Roles and Responsibilities: Demonstrates active and visible commitment, setting consistent examples and expectations in order to convey clarity of purpose, motivate the employees and ensure conformance. Leads and oversights of all aspects of the development, deployment and maintenance of the project HSE Management Document to meet HS&E objectives and requirements Ensures Customer, Halliburton, and Contractor standards are met Provides timely and effective feedback to the project manager about the existing and/or potential hazards / risks, system and non compliance gaps that could lead to incidents, injuries, and jeopardize the achievement of the project HS&E objectives Liaises with the Customer and Contractor HS&E Managers/Personnel to develop and maintain philosophical alignment, assure clarity of expectations, compatibility and conformity between management systems, plans, and objectives. Coordinates deployment of systems, tools and processes to facilitate management of HS&E requirements / tasks Facilitates the Contractor / Sub-contractor review and evaluation process Ensure timely and accurate reporting and investigation of incidents as per Halliburton and Contractor standards. To ensure the implementation of quality incident investigations, definition and implementation of corrective / preventive to avoid recurrence / occurrence of incidents. Measure and monitor HS&E performance and preventive programs, and provide timely and actionable feedback to the Project Manager. Coordinates the implementation and maintenance of the performance review process Maintains regular communications with Project and Site Management to proactively identify potential improvement opportunities Plan, and conduct audits as per defined plan and requirements Communicates with Customer and regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with requirements in all HS&E related areas Captures Lessons Learned related to HS&E and facilitates the process by which they can be applied for continuous improvement Ensures the implementation of the environmental pollution prevention, waste management plan, spill contingency plan, and site reinstatement and abandonment

HSE ManagerHSE Coordinators

Project Operations Key Interfaces For all contractual issues between Customer and Halliburton, the Halliburton Project Manager is the point of contact and liaises with Customers FCP Wells Lead.For all project operational issues the Halliburton Project Manager is the point of contact and has overall responsibility for the Project Operational, Health, Safety, and Environmental performance and compliance to regulations, policies, standards, and requirements and liaises with the main Contractors, Halliburton Products and Service Lines and other Sub-contractors to manage the project operations. The Halliburton HS&E Project Supervisor shall handle any issues concerning the Health and Safety of all employees, and/or any issues concerning the Environment and is the point of contact with Customers HS&E Management, Contractor, PSLs, and Sub-contractors regarding HS&E issues.For all contractual issues between Halliburton and the main Contractors, the Contractor Project / Area Manger is the point of contact and liaises with the Halliburton Project Manager.For all Operational issues, the Contractor point of contact is the Contractor Operations Manager.Rig Site - Chain of CommandHalliburton Drilling Supervisor at the Well-Site (HAL-DSV) is the responsible and accountable person for the safety of the working site and the well, and for the protection of the Environment. The HAL-DSV has the authority to STOP delay, modify or suspend any phase of the operations if he determines that is unsafe to proceed and shall only authorize restarting of the operations when all corrective actions and precautions having been taken and it is safe to operate. His name shall be displayed and clearly visible for all at the project operations site or rig site.The DC Rig Manager have overall responsibility and accountability for the Safety of their personnel, the protection of the Environment, their equipment, and have authority over all their personnel. They shall ensure that all work is safely executed at the worksite.HAL-DSV or HAL- is responsible for ensuring the correct application of the regulations and HSE plan and makes every decision regarding Safety and Environmental guidelines accordingly.HAL-DSV is responsible to ensure the review and implementation of the Well Control Procedures. The DC Rig Manager is responsible for the execution of the agreed well control procedures. HAL-DSV or HAL- is responsible for the managing the Emergency Response and MEDEVAC plan at the Wellsite as On Scene Commander in liaison with the Halliburton Emergency Response Team and the Halliburton Project Manager and with contractors site manager and Emergency Teams.Halliburton shall establish an emergency response plan in conjunction with the Civil Work Contractor and the Drilling Contractor, and shall ensure that adequate procedures for MEDEVAC operations are established and agreed prior the initiation of the project activitiesThe safe execution of the operations depends on the close cooperation between the HAL DSV, and the contractors site manager and supervisors.

Figure 1 Customer - Rig Site Line of Command

Halliburton DSV shall work in close cooperation with the DC contractors site manager / supervisor to: Ensure project requirements, rules, and expectations are clear Ensure high levels of awareness of the hazards / aspects / risk at the work place, prior and throughout the execution of all the operations. Ensure high level of alertness among all personnel to observe and eliminate unsafe acts. Empower employees to take responsible action to eliminate unsafe acts and STOP unsafe operations. Ensure safety standards, procedures, and regulations are used at all times. Ensure an effective risk management exists and implemented. Be prepared to respond to any potential emergency situations. Ensure an effective and continuous monitoring of operations and equipment integrity through effective inspection and audit process. Ensure a drug / alcohol free work environment is maintained.

Training and Competence Assurance Manning ProgramHalliburton shall make available sufficient and competent resources to the execution of the project activities, the achievement of the project HSE and operational objectives, and the supervision of the project personnel and activities to ensure adherence to applicable safety and operational requirements.Halliburton shall ensure that the personnel required to manage and conduct the operations are competent, timely available and ready for work at the work site or rig when required, and accounted for at all times.Halliburton shall ensure the implementation of an effective hand over process including the documentation and personal discussion of the hand over notes during the change. Copies of the notes shall be submitted to their respective line management superiors and shall be filed in the project documents repository. This applies for all key project roles including Operations, Drilling Supervisors, Rig Managers, HS&E Site Supervisors, crew changes, and other rotational positions or shift changes. Drilling Contractor shall provide every operation with standard manning needs for the rig operation; however they shall also accommodate any additional manning / personnel requirements to suite customized project requirements (to follow Government specific requirements, or Operator specific requirements etc). Project Worksite Arrival ProgramHalliburton shall ensure that new project personnel or any person that has not been at the project for the last 90 days including client, subcontractors and visitors receive induction on the project HSE requirements, rules, expectations, security and emergency procedures, hazards, risks and controls to manage those risks. Records of attendance of these inductions shall be maintained.Halliburton shall work with the project Contractors to establish process to account for any personnel working in the project sites and shall provide to the new arrival persons, with the security and safety induction including a detailed explanation (T Card system or Alternative as developed). Halliburton shall maintain and ensure that its DC Subcontractors maintain a rotation personnel schedule and shall provide notification prior arrival or leaving the worksite the list of persons arriving or leaving the project site along with the assurance of their training compliance, competency, medical fitness, The DC and Civil Work subcontractors shall ensure that all employees and personnel arriving to the Work / Rig Site receive a proper induction to include at a minimum: Signing in with the Wellsite HS&E coordinator, an ongoing rig operations briefing, letting the site medic support know of any prescription medications or preexisting medical conditions, the minimum level of required PPE in all designated work areas, current operations and hazards of the operation, any special requirements, the emergency response alarm types and muster points, designated smoking areas and security considerations. Drilling Contractor shall provide the company standard safety induction and a detail orientation to all new employees and visitors reporting at the Drilling Contractor Rig Manager office. Short Service Employees ProgramHalliburton shall put in place a Short Service Employees (SSE) Program for all personnel with less than 6 months service in the same job type or his/her present employer and shall ensure that no more than 20% of the crew members are SSE.Halliburton shall ensure that all SSE have completed the minimum required training, received the project induction, and completed all requirements prior going to the worksite. SSE employees shall be identifiable by using Green Hard HatTraining ProgramContinued safety awareness training and education shall be an integral part of each employees expected job duties. Halliburton shall ensure that its employees and subcontractors personnel prior to the start of their work are experienced in their job and have received the necessary HSE and Job related training required by law, Customer, and Halliburton requirements. See Attachment 5 Halliburton Training Matrix See Attachment 6 Drilling Contractor Training MatrixDC shall provide their respective training matrix with their HS&E Plan and demonstrate compliance to its requirements and provide as appropriate certifications.DC is responsible for providing this continued training and keep an up-to-date training log to illustrate each employees proficiencies. This shall be done in compliance with Customer and Halliburtons minimum training requirements Drilling Contractor shall provide the company standard training program to all its employees as specified in the RMS Training Matrix Compliance Procedure (document # HUR-012) and also shall accommodate any additional training requirements to meet customer or per legal demands. CommunicationTo ensure the timely communication to the appropriate person(s) that needs to be communicated and reduce the risk of miscommunications, Halliburton Project Manager shall develop and present to Customer the HAL-Customer Communications Matrix addressing the contract and operations communications requirements. This Communications Matrix is a living document and shall be reviewed, modified and distributed to appropriate recipients. It is the responsibility of the Halliburton Project Manager to maintain current this document and establish with Customer representative the mechanism to incorporate changes required. Specifically the matrix should contain the communications and approvals for change of HSE, programs, schedules, equipment modifications, and personnel changes. The same way, the Halliburton Project Manager with the Managers of the Drilling and Civil Work Contractors and Halliburton Organization Management shall develop, distribute, and maintain a Communications Matrix to ensure that proper communications are done to the right person, at the right time, in the proper format through the agreed channels. This is a living document and shall be modified and distributed to appropriate recipients. It is the responsibility of the Halliburton Project Manager to maintain this document and establish the mechanisms to incorporate and communicate the changes required. Specifically the matrix should contain the communications and approvals required for change of programs, schedules, equipment modifications, and personnel changes. Halliburton shall ensure effective means to communicate effectively and appropriate language to the project personnel HSE and operational issues and shall provide means to ensure that personnel are aware of the operations, the hazards of the work; the risks and controls necessary to mitigate those hazards, and the emergency response actions in the event of an incident.Halliburton shall provide and maintain the required communication equipment to ensure that all field operations are communicated with Halliburtons and Customer central operation centers.

HS&E MeetingsHalliburton shall schedule, arrange, conduct and ensure attendance to regular HSE meetings throughout the project operations. The HSE Meetings Scheduled shall be included published at the beginning of each month Halliburton shall communicate to Customer and all other parties of the Projects HSE meetings time and place. These meetings purpose is to: To maintain high levels of awareness regarding the hazards and risks of the operation To disseminate and to ensure that Halliburton and subcontractors employees are familiar with their specific HSE requirements, procedures, practices, and controls systems To communicate lessons learnt, performance results and issues, and HSE Plan results The following HSE Meetings shall be implemented for the project:CUSTOMER Monthly HS&E Review The Halliburton Project Manager shall present to Customers Project Manager the monthly HS&E and Operational Performance Review including, incidents report analysis, actions to prevent recurrence, assessment of what is / is not working well, and actions for improvement.Monthly DC HS&E & Operational Performance Review Review of the project HS&E performance, HS&E Plan, and Operational Performance including incidents report analysis, actions to prevent recurrence, assessment of what is / is not working well, and actions for improvement. The Halliburton Project Manager shall lead the meeting and as required shall have the participation of DC Contractors Operations Managers. The following project Operational and HS&E meetings shall be held:Customers HSE Meetings Halliburton shall participate as required in Customers required HSE meetings and shall ensure in its communication plan proper channels of communication to ensure timely and appropriate response to these requirements.Rig Management Weekly Tracking Review Parties shall meet after the weekly management walkthrough to review and update to the inspection & HS&E issues tracking report and previous week HS&E issues. Lead by the Halliburton DSV and with the DC Rig Manager, Halliburton HS&E Supervisor, DC HS&E Supervisor, and other DC Supervisors.Daily Rig Management Meeting Lead by the Halliburton DSV and with the DC Rig Manager and DC HS&E Rig Supervisor, DC Maintenance Supervisors, Third parties Supervisors and Camp Boss. These meetings are required to discuss the daily operation requirements and forecast strategies for the subsequent shift and the next 48 hours.Weekly Safety Meetings: To be attended by all personnel and led by the HSE Coordinator and with participation of the HAL-DSV and HAL HS&E Coordinator. DC shall maintain records of attendees, topics discussed, action items arising, action parties responsible for close out, and target dates for completion. The meeting shall review of unsafe acts observations, any recent accidents or incidents, and encourage personnel to be aware and continually "self audit" their own particular behaviors and work area. The Rig Manager / Tool Pusher should encourage crews participation by expressing concerns, sharing experiences, and making suggestions. Two-way communication is a must.Pre-tower Meetings: Discuss handover and shift work plan, current HS&E issues, and any expected hazards or risks in the operations ahead. This meeting should be logged in the daily reportTool Box Talks: Prior to hazardous and/or non routine operations (e.g. casing running), lead by the Line Supervisor with all involved personnel, to ensure the job and its inherent hazards are understood, controls are in place, the tools and work practices are appropriate, relevant expertise is available, and permit requirements are understood and verified as being in place."On the Spot" Safety Meetings: Called by a responsible line supervisor to immediately correct any unsafe practice. These meetings should be brief but directed at educating personnel. Note that the instigator must ensure the work area is safe prior to the meeting and that monitoring of the suspended activity is maintained during the meeting.

Ver Anexo 6. Plan de Reuniones Rig 220

Safety Observation Program Employees and all personnel working in the project are empowered and have clear expectations, accountability, and authority to take responsible action to STOP and correct unsafe behaviors and or operations, as well as to pro-actively recognize and reinforce positive safe behaviors.Halliburton Project Management shall ensure the effective implementation of the Observation Program (STOP / HOC) Critical elements in the implementation of the Observation Program are: Leadership. All managers are expected to actively participate by making observations, monitoring trends and participation, recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors, and taking actions based on the results of the analysis. Training and motivation to all managers, leaders, coordinators, and personnel prior the initiation of the project activities and throughout the life of the project Monitoring number of participants, frequency and consistency of participation. No Quotes imposed. Systematic identification of significant hazards and/or behaviors and immediate actions at different levels and frequency as described below Daily review and analysis of the observations to identify significant behaviors / hazards for immediate action and to raise awareness by the Contractors Site Managers, HAL DSV, Project HS&E Leader for as appropriate Weekly review and analysis of the observations data for identification of significant and repetitive issues at the project level for immediate action and to raise awareness through the project Monthly basis, analysis of data collected and report to management the following two areas: Significant & repetitive unsafe acts and behaviors, and risks Trends and variation of observations, participation of levels of supervision, and project participants. subcontractors working on the project Continuous feedback, recognition for consistent and quality participation, and motivation to front line on results of the program Halliburton Project HS&E lead shall oversee the implementation of the Civil Contractor and Drilling Contractor and conduct weekly and monthly reviewsDrilling Contractor standard safety observation programs and details are described in RMS document # HSE-6-01 DUPONT STOP for each other program

Risk ManagementFor the effective management of risk to minimize the likelihood of negative impact on: The well being and physical integrity of all employees and other persons working in or affected by the project The environment The integrity of the operation and the assets used or involved The reputation of Halliburton, Customer, and ContractorsThe Project Management team implements the processes and tools to ensure that all work-related hazards and potentially adverse environmental aspects are identified, the impacts and consequences analyzed, the risks and/or impact significance assessed and evaluated, controls defined, implemented.Halliburton Project HS&E Leader shall ensure alignment of Halliburton Global HS&E standard - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment - with Customers requirements specified in Customers HSE Control Framework, Managing Risk Manual and as required shall modify the methods and incorporate them in the project HSE Management Document, and communicate to all parties involved for proper alignment and management of the risks associated with a project.Halliburton shall conduct the risk assessment of identified hazards for Worst-Case credible scenarios using the Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) and the hazards, risk assessments, controls identified, responsible for action and control identified shall be documented in the Risk Register that shall be used for communication, tracking, monitoring and review.Halliburton shall conduct the Health and Risk Assessment (HRA) and Environmental, Social, Health Impact Assessment of security, and Health, environmental, and social aspectsHazard identification begins with project planning and ends with the safely completion of the project and is done with participation of employees involved in the tasks. Risk is managed throughout the well construction process. See the attached Risk Management Map through Well Construction (See attachment 1000-MS-WC-Risk Management Process).DC, Halliburton Products Service Lines & other Sub-contractors shall conduct Risk Assessments for the entire scope of work activities including mobilization assuring all risks are mitigated to As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP). It is mandatory to do a risk assessment prior the initiation of all non routine activities. Documented demonstration of ALARP shall be produced for all foreseeable Major Accident Hazards identified during Project Hazard Identification workshop. The process shall meet requirements of Customers HSE Control Framework, Managing Risk Health Risk Assessment shall be carried out for the activities where there is employees exposure to hazardous substances or conditions at work place, such as chemicals, noise, vibration, temperature, stress, etc. Hazard Identification and Worksite Hazard ManagementHalliburton shall use a variety of tools to aid in the hazard identification; among those are the Observation Program, Planning Hazard ID and Program Reviews road and site assessments, Mob and Demobilization Planning, Hazard Hunt, Walkthroughs, Analysis of Inspections, Job Safety Analysis.Halliburton shall participate and ensure that Contractors and Subcontractors participation in Customers Worksite Hazard Management ProgramDrilling Contractor standard risk/hazard identification and management are described in RMS document # HSE-4-02 under Assessment of Operations. Job Safety Analysis (JSA)The HAL-DSV must ensure the systematic implementation of the JSA at the worksite.All personnel shall be trained in Job Safety Analysis or equivalent method JSA is mandatory for each medium and high risk activities, for the execution of non routine activities, and for simultaneous operations including maintenance and / or Man Ridding activities. DC or CWC Supervisors shall review and discuss with those involved in the activity the work the JSA as per DC Job Safety Analysis procedure and shall complement it with the real time assessment of the area activities, circumstances and conditions of operation prior the execution of the work activity.The DC Rig Manager and the Halliburton DSV shall review Simultaneous Operations Conflicts and ensure they do not approve conflicting simultaneous operations,Halliburton PSLs and other well services providers shall review and discuss the work JSA as per HMS Job Safety Analysis with those involved in the activity making sure to complement it with the real time assessment of the area activities, circumstances and conditions of operation prior initiation of all new activities. Drilling Contractor standard Job Safety Analysis program is described in RMS document # HSE-4-01Hazards Communication & AwarenessCommunications methods with the purpose to maintain a high level of awareness about the hazards and risks and the controls and the appropriate methods include: Tour Changes, Safety Meetings and Tool Box Talks, Safety Alerts, STOP Program, Management Safety Meetings, Induction Program, Location HS&E Briefings, Hazardous Materials Communications, Material Safety Data Sheets, Posted Signs, Chemical Containers ID and Hazard Warning Labels, etc.The Halliburton Project HS&E Leader in conjunction with the Contractors HS&E supervisors shall lead and cooperate on the communication process to ensure timely and quality communications and availability of material for communication. Well-Site HS&E and Operations Briefings DC shall communicate to all persons arriving to the operations site during the site induction (HS&E Operations briefings) the minimum level of PPE required while working at the operations site. DC shall keep basic safety equipment for visitors to the operations site DC shall designate the Safe Areas where personnel do not have to wear PPE and post signs clearly identifying those areas. DC shall identify for all areas where specific PPE is required and post visible readable signs advising all personal of the protective equipment required for all working areas. DC, Contractors, and Halliburton shall have available additional Personal Protective Equipment as required by the specific activities through Job Safety Analysis activities, Material Safety Data Sheets, and Safety Procedures. DC Shall ensure that the appropriate security briefing forms part of the induction process Drilling Contractor well site safety briefings are described in Crew HSE Meetings document # HSE-16-01 and in Safety Alerts document # HSE-17-01.Risk Mitigation and ControlsTo ensure effective controls Halliburton shall implement the procedures as per Global HS&E Standards and Guidelines. The Project shall maintain a risk register defining actions and controls ownership to ensure proper tracking and implementation of the controls. DC shall implement the Drilling Operational Procedures, the controls derived from the Job Safety and Risk Analysis, check lists, Work Permit, Lock Out Tag Out (Energy Isolation), Work at Height, DROPS program, Confined Space Entry, Lifting Operations, Hands Free Lifting Programs, Caving (Ground disturbance), Journey Management Program, Measuring, Monitoring, and Inspections. The topics on risk mitigation and controls are discussed and described in detail on the following procedures. They are JSA document # HSE-4-01, Work permit system document # HSE15-01, and Journey Management Guidelines document # HSE-WI-7.15.Project Safety Rules General Safety RulesTo achieve the requirements of the Halliburton HS&E policy and strategic objectives, Halliburton and all the contractors involved in the project shall communicate and adhere to the following general project HS&E Rules: There is no job so urgent that it cannot be stopped by any person if it is thought to be unsafe to conduct and/or if violates HS&E regulations. It is every employees responsibility and obligation to take responsible action to STOP unsafe acts or operations until the situation is corrected and ensure proper reporting of any situations which could lead to HS&E incidents or near misses. It is mandatory the application of Customer Life Saving Rules requirements (see section 9.0) Strictly follow HS&E procedures, work instructions and apply the HS&E training received Mandatory use of proper PPE as required in the working areas. Jobs safety must not be compromised due to the lack of proper tools or PPE. Upon arriving at the location, report to the Company Man / Rig Manager and ensure that an HS&E safety briefing is received prior to continuing to any part of the Project Worksite Upon arriving at the Project Worksite, notify the medic of any existing medical condition and / or prescription drugs that you may be using. Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas that should be clearly labeled and enforced. No smoking shall be permitted outside of these areas. Use of cellular phones is not permitted at the rig and while performing working activities Ensure good housekeeping and personal hygiene is maintained at all times. It is mandatory to report all incidents and or issues to the company man/rig Safety advisor It is prohibited to use or possess narcotic drugs or alcohol at the rig-site, while working, and/or driving vehicles. This shall include any unopened containers (Halliburton / Contractor drugs and alcohol policies). Halliburton reserves the right to carryout random test any person at the Project Worksite. Prior to driving to or from location, risks of the road conditions shall be made and drivers are to complete the Journey Management Plans; Complete Vehicle & Load Security Inspections, and ensure the correct paper work, and obtain authorization prior to commencement of the trip. While operating vehicles:1. Always observe all signs, signals, and directions including but not limited to adhering to all speed limits.2. Do not use cell phones or radios while operating vehicles.3. Ensure that seatbelts are worn at all times when driving, operating, and/or riding in any vehicle.4. Do not drive a vehicle unless have been appropriately licensed, trained and approved by management and strictly follow up the driving regulations.5. Always develop and follow the prescribed Journey Management Plan and ensure there is no deviation from the plan.6. Follow the fatigue reduction principles7. All drivers shall company with the Halliburton country driving manual requirementsDRILLING CONTRACTOR General Safety Rules1. The Supervisor shall ensure that all employees receive copies of the companys General Rules at their induction. Each employee shall formally confirm his receipt of General Safety Rules (GSR). 2. The Supervisors shall ensure that new employees are tested at their induction to ensure they have an adequate understanding of the GSR. 3. Rig Managers shall ensure that GSR is posted in prominent positions within the work site. 4. The Safety Supervisors shall ensure that any revision to GSR is communicated to the employees. Lifting and Hoisting OperationsHalliburton shall ensure the implementation of the of safe hoisting, lifting, rigging operations throughout the execution of the project operations at rigs sites or involving cranes, overhead cranes, and or winches in line with Customer HSE Control Framework, Lifting & Hoisting Manual.Halliburton shall ensure that its work processes and procedures for safe hoisting and lifting operations address the controls (e.g. barricades, signage, lifting plan, inspection and certification of lifting and hoisting equipment, work site management, etc), emergency response, tasks, personnel, training and equipment required.Doc No.Category / Standard No.StandardGuideline

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-EQP04064 Standard 6Lifting & Hoisting Equipment - Inspections (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-EQP04074 Standard 7Lifting & Hoisting Equipment - Operations (See attachment)Guidance (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-GHS06066 Standard 6Proper Lifting Technique (See attachment)Guidance (See attachment)

Country Lifting & Hoisting Policy (See attachment)

Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors assess the risk, obtain the permit to conduct the operations, ensure the integrity of the lifting equipment through proper inspection, certification, and maintenance program, and the availability and good operating condition of safety devices and protective equipment. Halliburton shall ensure that the Drilling Contractor or other Contractors operators of cranes and heavy equipment shall be trained and competent, posses valid heavy equipment operators license, have proper certification, and are aware of the standards, procedures, hazards and risk associated with lifting operations.Drilling Contractor lifting operations, precautions, and inspections are detailed in the Lifting Equipment Management System (LEMS) document # HSE-WI-10.5Permit to Work ProcessHalliburton Project HS&E Leader shall ensure that the implementation of a Permit to Work Process to ensure that hazards and risks associated with work activities are indentified and controlled and that the PTW process meets Customers standards and requirements.For all Rig site activities in the project shall use the DC Permit to Work System for the entire Well-Site operations. Critical operations shall include the use of one or more permit types: hot work, simultaneous operations, working at height, man riding, energy isolation, confined space entry, excavation and trenching, and handling of radioactive and explosive materials.The Drilling Contractor shall provide training on the Work permit Procedures to all Supervisors signing on and or requesting on a Work Permit.Operations / Service supervisors are responsible for obtaining a fully endorsed permit before starting any work covered by the work permit system.It is mandatory that all operations included in the Permit to Work System are approved, and the permits are signed by HAL-DSV and the DC Rig Manager prior starting the operation. DC Rig Manager is responsible for verifying that all the Work Permit requirements have been completed and satisfied and it is safe to conduct the operations and then signing the Work Permit. DC Rig Manager shall assign a Permit Controller to check the safety of work in progress, the validity of permits and the adherence to the precautions specified. The HAL-DSV must approve the initiation of work and sign all work permits after approval and signature by the DC Rig Manager. Halliburton DSV and the DC Rig Manager prior approving the execution of Simultaneous Operations shall review the work permits for potential conflicts and ensure they do not approve conflicting simultaneous operations.Doc No.Category / Standard No.StandardGuideline

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0701C7 Standard 1:Personal Protective Equipment General (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0702C7 Standard 2:Head Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0703C7 Standard 3:Eye and Face Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0704C7 Standard 4:Hearing Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0705C7 Standard 5:Respiratory Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0706C7 Standard 6:Protective Clothing (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0707C7 Standard 7:Hand and Arm Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0708C7 Standard 8:Foot Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

A Fire Watch is required at all times when any Hot Work is being performed. The work permit program at the rig site is administered by the DC HS&E Supervisor.The Drilling Contractor detail PTW version is included in HSE-15-01. The basic responsibilities are as follows. All personnel are responsible for obtaining a fully endorsed permit before starting any work covered by the work permit system. Permit applicant shall specify the scope of work to be done and equipment to be used, when applying for the permit. Permit Controller shall check the safety of work in progress, the validity of permits and the adherence to the precautions specified. Permit Issuing Authority (Rig Manager / Night Tool Pusher and the Operator DSV) must be aware of the number of jobs being performed in any one area, to maintain adequate supervision. Should also ensure that a permit is issued for a job which shall not conflict with another task that could create a hazardous situation. Permit Holder shall be responsible for the safe execution of the work under their direct control. Stop all activity in the area any time a hazardous situation arises. And shall return permit to controller when the task is complete. A Fire Watch is required at all times when any Hot Work is being performed. Personal Protective EquipmentHalliburton shall ensure that its employees and subcontractors working for the project at the worksites comply with the Halliburton Global HS&E Standards for Personal Protective Equipment and Customers HSE Control Framework, Personal Protective Equipment Manual. Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used to provide adequate protection to employees against identified hazards that cannot be sufficiently controlled by other means and shall conform to local and international standards. Halliburton shall ensure verification for adequacy of defined Personal Protective Equipment requirements when the hazard, exposure or controls change. The HAL DSV is responsible for ensuring compliance by contractors and all project personnel with PPE requirements at the worksite. All Persons on site shall be required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the working area.Drilling Contractor or Civil Work Contractor shall prominently display PPE requirements and ensure that all persons at the worksite have clarity of the required PPE to be worn, warning about the potential hazards in the respective area, and restricting access to areas of exposure.Halliburton, Drilling Contractor, and other Contractors management shall ensure that their personnel have available and wear the required PPE and are trained in the requirements, correct use and maintenance of PPE The Drilling Contractor guideline for basic requirement, issue, and use of standard PPE is described in document # HSE-11-01. PPE is intended to shield or isolate personnel from chemical, environmental, and physical hazards up to certain limit. PPE is supplied by the Company to all Drilling Contractor employees to wear while on duty. Minimum Personal Protection Equipment RequirementsAll personnel and visitors entering the designated rig area shall conform to the minimum levels of personal protective clothing and equipment: Long sleeved coveralls and/or long sleeve shirt and trousers (fire retardant) Approved safety helmet Approved eye protection (when grinding, or using high pressure water, a full face shield shall be worn) Steel toed footwear with ankle support; GlovesAdditional to the basic PPE, special PPE shall be available and shall be used when regulations, hazard & effects management process or JSA indicate requirementProhibitions It is prohibited the use of loose or floppy clothing while working around rotating or moving equipment It is prohibited the use of rings, neck chains or loose jewelry while at work. No metal helmets or bump caps The possession / use of mobile phones & lighters on the rig site beyond the non PPE mandatory area. The Drilling Contractor list of prohibited items are detailed in document # HSE-WI-8.1 and the general practices to be followed (Dos and Donts) are detailed in document HSE-WI-8.02 covering the DC Safety Rules. Hearing ProtectionHalliburton shall ensures that its employees and its contractors for the project comply with the standards to prevent loss of hearing among employees by providing adequate protective equipment, managing noise exposure, providing education and training, properly signalizing and warn people entering in high noise areas, by the following standards apply.Doc No.Category / Standard No.StandardGuideline

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-HYG0301C 3 Standard 1:Noise Management (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-PPE0704C7 Standard 4:Hearing Protection (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)

DC shall produce noise maps and put in place a hearing conservation program whenever employee noise exposure equals or exceeds an 8 hour time weighted average (TWA) of 85 dBA. Hearing protection including head phone type hearing protection or soft ear plugs, shall be readily available to personnel working in high noise level areasTemporary Pipework Halliburton shall ensure adherence with Customers EP 2006-5393 Standard for temporary pipe work, its requirements and controls for all temporary pipe work provided to, installed and used at the Project well sites. Doc No.C5 Standard 6StandardGuideline

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-HCM0506C5 Standard 6Radiation - Ionizing (See attachment)

BP-GL-BU-HS&E-HCM0504C5 Standard 4:Explosives (Assembly and Use) (See attachment)Guideline (See attachment)