If you really want to save this earth

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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please save our earth

Transcript of If you really want to save this earth


As we know,

By watching the present condition of Climate & crime, we all could easily feel the problems of our big home (earth). Then though the problems are many but our earth is the single one suffers all those many. And then, for all the problems there are also no kind of solution activated by any kind of organization.

In this way, We don’t know about others but, though our earth is a big home where we all live then as a human and as a member of this family, we all ten friends (Biswaranjan Rath, Chiranjeeb Mohanty, Kamal lochan Sahoo, Lipun kumar Nayak, Sunil Mohanty, Anshuman Bhuyan, Biswaranjan Das, Rati ranjan Parida, Sarala Das & Barada prasanna Rath) have discussed a lot and then written this book for the well wishes of all our family members. Then, we are not sending by GOD who could tale, WHAT TO DO? But as a member of this big home (Earth), we want to help all our family members. Because, We could only make a No problem earth by making its entire element problem less individually. And this is only possible if we will make all of us unite and think for a solution internationally.

Hence at next, If you really want to save this earth then, read this book thoroughly and do something more for the saving of our own earth.

As we know,

By applying mathematics we all could easily find that, our earth is a set with all of us as its individual element. In this way, we could only make a good set of earth by making all of us good individually. Hence from next, we all must define ourselves individually. So at first, What are we as an individual?As we know, We all are at first everything for our life as; we all are feeling everything for our life only. Then after getting a life at next, we have our body which holds our life for some time and then our brain that drives our life for that time. Then our life with our body & brain becomes a real individual as; we all are feeling and understanding everything around everything with a sense of ‘I’. Then at next, Where is starting point & ending point of our individual life?

As we know, Our life started its journey from the day we are getting birth and it will be end on our death. Then, we have the information about the starting point of our life as it is our birthday but we have no idea about the end point as it is undefined. Then, we may kill to end our life but we have no idea about the natural death. In this way, without discussing about the death part which is not in our hand, we must define the questions related to our birth. So at next,

Who creates our individual life?As we know, Our parent creates our individual life. Then at next,

Who create our parent’s life?As we know, Our grandparents create our parents’ life. Then at next,

Who is responsible for our grandparent’s life?

And then at last,

Who is the first parent? As we know, The answer at this point is undefined as there is an unknown first and thereby, at this point the starting point of our life is also in an unsolved manner. In this way, again without discussing about those things which is not in our hand, we must define the questions related to our life after our birth towards our death. And thereby, the individual journeys of our life with a vehicle like our body and with a driver like our brain. So at next, What is the meaning of life on the journey of a death? As we know, After becoming an individual at next, we all are individually different from every other individual and also same within an individual set for our kind of individuals.

For example:- After becoming a real individual at next, we belong to the set of real things and thereby, equal with every other real thing as per our real characteristic and different from every other unreal things. Then, within the set of real things, we belong to the subset of living things and thereby, equal with every other individual living thing and different from every other non-living things. Then among the set of living things, we belong to the subset of animals rather than trees. And then among the animals, we belong to subset of human. And then at next, by dividing again & again we will find our every other division and then at last, our last particle which cannot be further divided.

In this way, From all of the above answer we must concluded that, All the individual particle of us are different at an individual level but are also same within us to make us different from every other individual like; tiger, lion, human etc. Then, within the set of human we all individual human are same and then, different from every other individual set of tiger, lion, bird etc. And then at last, we all are equal for the set of real things and different from every other unreal thing.

Hence, We all individuals are different at our individual level and also same at this level that, all the above answers are true for all of us.

Then as we know, Among every individual set made by every individual, the set of powerful human made by every individual powerful innovative human is the most powerful set. And this is because; by revealing the nature’s power, the human are satisfying their every need and in return, they are trying to control the whole surrounding. Then by watching television we all could also understand that, for the entire existing thing it is the human who really creates more than everything with everything.

But then as we also know, Whatever the human is creating are only by using the raw materials around them and the human are not the creature of nature. Then, with the help of male and female a powerful human can create every new life but the human are not the first parent. In fact, the human are not the creator of themselves also. Then, by analyzing the present knowledge of a human about Sun, Stars, Universe etc, we all could also realize that, the set of powerful human is powerful only among all other subsets of an only individual set (Earth). Hence,

An unknown power which is now so much powerful than everything by being the parent atom of everything is what he is, “GOD” In this way, The above GOD is that first individual set to which we all are belonged and thereby, the only one who is responsible for everything. Hence, this GOD cannot be the only GOD of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, male, female etc; as nobody knows who is GOD. In fact, this is the GOD of everything as everything is made by GOD. But then, though the above statements are same for all of us but by analyzing the surrounding it does not seems that, we all are aware of this only unknown GOD. So at next, we all must define GOD in more details as,

How the GOD creates everything?As we know, Without having knowledge about every element of the only set (Universe), a human could not understand the reason behind its creation. Hence, the answer for the above question is still with GOD. So at next, Why the GOD creates everything? As we know, By getting a real beautiful default individual life we all could individually realize that,

“The mighty GOD at first creates everything and then creates the individual lives to feel every of its own creation individually. And then among all individuals, the GOD creates an individual powerful human to understand every of his own creation and develop something more with the help of every other individual thing”

For example:-

Our life is the only important thing given by GOD for which, we all are everything for everything. Then after our life, our body comes in second and then, we all need food as energy to operate it and thereby, the food as the first basic need. Then after the first need food, we all need a sleep at next as like the basic energy sun in day and no sun at night. Then after the regular food & rest, there comes the shelter for our body at next because, the body is a chemical reacting chemically with every effect of nature so that, we need a shelter to make our body safe from the surrounding and thereby, the shelter as the second basic need. Then at next, after finishing the jobs of an individual, there comes the first division of life as the division of male and female to create a new life rather than an individual life and thereby, the third basic need of life. In this way, we all living creature are same up to this level as, we all came into this world and fulfilling our basic needs within our life time. But then, where is the development? Hence, the GOD at next developed the human among everything for the development of every other thing.

But then, By analyzing the present activities of every individual human it does not seems that, all the individual human are belonging to the same division of powerful human and trying to understand & develop everything individually. Hence, at next rather than defining more about the other divisions, we all must try to find the divisions of human in more details. So at next,

What are the human? As we know, We all are at first individually everything for our individual beautiful life as we all are able to feel everything around everything for our life only. And then, without life there is no meaning of everything. Then as we have also discussed, all these things are happening only for the mighty GOD as; the GOD is the first parent of every individual thing. In this way, we all are same at this level that,

“We all are GOD created by an only GOD”

Then as we can feel, Among every creation of GOD, the creation of a human who could create something more than everything is just an unexplained gift for every individual human. And then, the existence of every other individual thing for an every individual human to develop everything is just like; “The GOD is always and everywhere to help every human”

In this way, As a creation of GOD and with the help of everything created by GOD, the human are being everything and then doing everything.Then, by analyzing the development of human we could easily realize that, among the whole universe, the GOD creates the Earth with full of accessories for every human to reach everywhere by having an existence within space. And then, by analyzing the successes of human among the set of real things, we could also realize that,

“Human are the real GOD”

But then, By analyzing a crime over every field it does not seems that, we all are feeling GOD everywhere next to us as; by killing we are just making one individual out of everything and thereby, take all the happiness of that individual whereas, by taking a life we are getting nothing actually. Then as we know, if a life is beautiful for all of us individually then it is also beautiful for every other individual. And then, though we all are not the creator of everything then we have also no rights to finish that everything. Hence, from all of the above information it is cleared that, though we all are different at our individual level, we all are making so many

different divisions. And thereby, the division of powerful human becomes powerful only for every individual powerful human rather than a different kind of an individual criminal. So at next, we all must define the divisions of an only individual in more details. Hence at next,

What are the divisions for an individual?

As we know, We all individual are everything only for our default individual characteristics. And then, we all are divided as per the different decision of our brain like; by applying the formulas as yes or no, good or bad, head or tail, male or female, positive or negative, true or false, minimum or maximum, day or night, 0-1, etc, a brain is taking its decision and divides an individual for that kind of option.

For example, As per the default characteristics, every individual are either real or not real but all the elements of either level are same at that level. Then as we know, every real are either living or non living. Then, every living thing is either animals or trees. And thereby, within the starting individual to the ending individual, every individual are divided but are equal at one side of that division of individual by default. Then, as per the decision of a brain this is as like; if an individual ‘X’ have to kill a goat, then ‘X’ have only two options. Yes to kill or No to kill. If ‘X’ kill, then he is in the division of goat killer group and if ‘X’ does not kill, then in the division of not killer. Then, if there will come another task for the same ‘X’ to eat a fruit then at that time the ‘X’ has also the two options as yes to eat or no to eat. And hence, that ‘X’ comes under another group of division and so on.

In this way, from all of the above information it is cleared that,

We all are individual at first. As, we all are feeling everything individually.

Then at next to an individual, we all are same within every individual set for our every default individuality given by the default GOD. Examples;

1. Default body structure2. Default place of birth3. Default characteristic4. Default basic needs5. Default parent

And thereby, every default property that makes us an individual among our kind of individuals by default.

Then at next to a default individual, we all are making divisions as per the decisions of our brain. And then among every decision, the decision of a human is more important as, the human are the Real god for every other real thing.

Then as we know, we have no control over our default properties but we can control the decisions of our own brain. In this way, we can make our home better by doing better things and worst by doing every worst thing. Hence, we can only make our default home (Earth) as a no problem world by making its entire elements problem less individually. And this is only possible if every powerful human will decide to do the problem less work individually as; we can only make a set of happiness by making all of its elements happy.

Then as we know, all the things are known to everybody but still we are doing bad things and making a bad kind of earth. As, by the action of killing, raping, duplicating, polluting and thereby every worst thing, we all are feeling problems rather than happiness.

Then as we know, we all are loving our children but not caring for them as; we are doing bad and bringing a bad earth in future for them. And then, we are also feeling unhappy on a death of our relatives but still we are making enemies whereas we all are descendent from the same parent.

Then as we know, by using the products like; car, ac, refrigerator, etc and by creating every wastages, the human are affecting the climates more seriously. As, the human are using them without an awareness.

Then as we know, without using the resources of earth for bringing the happiness, the human are wasting the elements by creating so many weapons to kill everybody. And then, for the testing of those things the human are also affecting the climates.

Then as we know, we all human are not responsible for the natural activities but we are still affecting our surrounding by making pollutions and killing trees, natures, everything.

Then as we know, by giving birth to different numbers of child as; 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, we are creating so many differences whereas there is no meaning of everything as, the types of child is dependent on GOD.

Then as we know, for the refreshment of our life we all went near the nature but cannot understand their beautiful existence and wasting them uselessly.

Then as we know, by making the products like; Drugs, Tobacco’s, Duplicates and thereby every polluted things, we are just earning money but with so much disturbances.

Then as we know, we all are here for feeling everything individually. But still we all are not feeling everything individually as, most of the people are not getting their basic needs to be fulfilled easily.

For example; Most of the people are using and feeling most of the things repeatedly whereas, there are many people left behind with nothing. It’s like; we are using more than one car, house, delicious food, etc and there are many of us who are not known to these things while there is no meaning of everything and everything after the death of us. And then as we have discussed, we could only make a happy earth by making all of us happy.

Then as we know, there are some default defects like; diseases, accidents and thereby, every difficulties that are given by GOD. But then, rather than clearing the default difficulties, the human are creating more difficulties by doing every kind of crime and making a world of worst rather than of our own.

In fact, All these things are happening only because of our unknown knowledge about everything and hence, for our different decisions made by our brain. In this way, rather than being good and powerful in the universe, the human are showing their powerfulness over every other individual and thereby, destroy everything that the GOD creates for their best creations to understand everything. This is like; among all of us, somebody is killing somebody is helping and thereby, different people with different decisions. Hence, from all of the above contradiction it is cleared that, we all are unknown to the meaning of our powerful life and thereby, we all are unable to decide everything related to our life. And then, for our different decision we all are not making an individual kind of earth.

In this way,

By watching every bad kind of thing we all could easily feel the problems of our earth. Hence, rather than discussing about anything more, we all must be united and share our ideas to save the earth by saving every of its element in a well organized manner because, we could only make a good set of earth by making all of us good individually. So from next,

What we must do?As we know, By watching every activities of our surrounding, we all could find many problems without any solutions. And all these things are happening only because of the human who are unknown to their activities and for the government who is not trying to control everything. Hence, we must establish an individual international government with an individual rules for making all of us same at one individual level. Because as we have discussed, Either we all have to do good things or we all must do bad to make our kind of earth. So an individual government must be established like; “An individual government for this individual earth”

Then as we know, by doing a crime a person gets relaxed by changing it nationality from one country to other. This means that, we all are divided as per our country whereas; we all are living inside this individual earth. So, without an individual rule for every individual, we cannot control every individual.

Then as we know, there are many different religions, different rich & poor and thereby, many more different things. And then, for all these differences there are also some different outputs. Hence, an international government to check all at one individual level.

Then as we know, by involving in different types of crime, we are making the other’s life in danger. Whereas, we all are individual and we have only rights to hurt our self individually. Hence, an international government must be activated to make all of us free from every kind of harmful things and should create a good surrounding.

Then as we know either the earths have only the nature of living things or there must be some other in some other planets. As, only the earth within this universe is not acceptable. So rather than becoming the most powerful among the whole universe, the feelings of human as a GOD over the other makes no sense rather than a destruction. This is like; we all want everything but not doing everything whereas, we all are only decided as per our own work. Otherwise we all are everything by default and same within the set of GOD.

Then as we know, we all are feeling happy only for the help of an innovative individual human and we all individual cannot do everything individually. So by killing, rather than stopping someone from helping us, we all must try to make every human good as we are everything for a good human.

For example; We all are feeling happy at the time of

2012 accessories and could get more if we will make every human good as they are responsible for these things. Hence, an international government must be activated to stop murders.

Then as we know, we all feels happy for every good thing

like; good car, good gadgets, good surrounding etc. But still we all individuals are not getting all these things individually. Hence, an international government must be activated to bring happiness at an individual level because; we could only makes us happy by seeing

everybody with happiness so, why not we bring the happiness for all the others. For example;

We can make us happy by getting our every wished accessories but also feel unhappy when we see a beggar, a blind and thereby, every sorrowful thing.

Then as we know, we all are feeling happy for every good human. Hence, we can only helps us by making every human good as, one individual human cannot bring happiness in every field of innovative creation.

For example; We all are feeling happy in

different fields for different human as; Doctor, engineer, singer, dancer, scientists and thereby, for every individual good human. And one individual cannot be from every kind. Hence, an international government must be activated to help every human at their own individual level.

Then as we know, we all are in the form like; “At first our individual particle, then all of our individual particles within us, then our family, then our colony, then our city, then our state, then our country, then our continent, then our planet, then our solar system, then our galaxy and then at last, our whole universe”. Hence, an international government must be activated to make all of us unite at our earth level.

In this way, By analyzing every field we all could realize that, it is the decision of a human which affects everything around the human. So we all human must do the good thing and create a good earth rather than a bad earth as, the types of decision of a human is directly affecting the surrounding. And then, we all are feeling good for every good thing and bad for every bad thing. Hence at next, we all must have to become good individually and start an international

government which would take care of every activity and thereby, for the welfare of everything by punishing every bad thing. As,

“A criminal is harmful for this entire earth”So from next, Rather than feeling proud for every default things, we all must feel proud of our own good did as, we cannot feel proud for any kind of crime. Then at next,

Why we allocate an international government? As we have discussed, We all individuals are different by getting everything by default from GOD and then, we all are again divided as per our different decision. Then from the above divisions, the division of GOD cannot be changed but our decision is directly depend up on us. Hence, rather than GOD, we all are decided as per our decision and thereby, our own work (Karma). In this way, we should make an international govt. which would decide everybody as per their decision and thereby, as per their work (Karma).Hence, An international government with all of its sub governments must make all of us same at our basic needs level at first because, the place of our birth is not in our hand and then, we all have an individual life to remember everything once in our life.

For example:- By tasting a type of food once in our life, we all remembered it for our life time. But at this present condition, all foods are not tasted by all of us individually. This is like; every people are taking their food that grows at their own location and cannot taste all other things within their lifetime whereas, we all are here for only an experience. And then,

our life has no meaning and it also must be end on our death. Hence, An international government must bring us our local food in a big amount but all other outside foods must once in our lifetime and thereby, the same example for every other need.

Then as we know, we all are at first everything for our default properties. Hence, an international government must take care of every resource and must distribute it to every other equally. For example:-

There must be an international government to check the use of air conditioners, the use of petrol and thereby, every other polluting and non renewable resource by making an individual rule for everybody. Because, everybody are using these products and every other must use these products. So, there must be a systematic use of everything by everyone.

Then for all of us, there must be an international government to check the use of drugs, alcohols in a proper manner like; once in day or etc. And then, the government must also check the duplicate products as; by getting a bad product we are not feeling satisfactions. And without satisfactions, we cannot bring the happiness at whole.

Then for feeling a good system, there must be an international government to check the use of everything by making everything as good. As, all these things are created by GOD for the human to develop some more good things.For example:- With the help of everything like; trees, animals, metals, minerals etc, a human is getting helped for developing every new thing.

Then as we know, we all are feeling everything for our life and then, a living human is making us so much happy in our lifetime. Hence, there must be an international government for everything as; everything is not created by us but for the development, these are all needed.

Then as we know, after our death there is no meaning

of everything. And then, for the period of 70-80 it also very less time for human to do everything among which, child age and old age are with a big part. Hence, we could only make our short life beautiful by making everything beautiful around us. And this is only possible if every human must do the good things individually and an individual international government to work for every good thing.

Then as we know, there are every corruptions acting at every field. Hence, there must be an international government to stop every type of corruptions and thereby, a good use of everything rather than the bad use of everything.

In this way, By analyzing everything we could easily understand that, we all must try to establish an individual international government for this individual earth. So at next,

How we allocate an international government? As we have discussed, We all are decided as per our decision and thereby, our work (Karma). In this way, we should make an international government for everything which will decide everyone of us as per our decision and thereby, as per our Karma. In this way,

We all must establish an individual international government to make all of us equal at our education level. Then, there should be the tests to rank all of us. And then, everybody with a job as per their capacity. For example, Higher ranked person must get a higher post and all other as per their sequence. Then if, somebody wants to change their field, they have to give the exam for that field. But for this, there should be an equal coaching everywhere as; the knowledge is same everywhere.

Then, there must be an equal paying scale at every individual field. Like; 1, 00000 for the highest post in doctor, engineer, designer, and player and thereby for every field. Then, 50,000 scale for the less high level and then at next, all in a similar manner. And then within the same scale, the most brilliant must get more as a reward from the international government so that, there will always be a spirit of completion over everywhere and by competing, we will become more powerful.

Then if everybody will do the job, who will do the physical work? Hence, there must be a same scale and same ranking for every physical work because; we all individuals are everything for our brain & body. For example:- Either an individual must study hard or can do a hard work. Hence, there should be every field for a human to bring the money as per their work.

Then, there must be an age limit for every brain work so that, no one would waste their time. For example:- If somebody fails to become a powerful within the given time then they must change their work and stop wasting time.

Then, by applying these formulas, we could make every place beautiful along with a beautiful earth internationally.For example:- As per the rank, everybody will serve their nearby location with both physical and mental work and also will serve the whole earth with their innovative thoughts & hard work.

Then by doing so, we all could make every place better rather that a single one as; we all are getting paid as per our own brain and not for our place. Hence, there will be no problem arise for every country. As, people are reaching other places only for earning more money and leave their own place undeveloped.

Then by doing so, we all will feel relax as; there would be no fear for our loss in businesses. As, everything are of an international government and we are the care taker. For example:- Some of the people become shopkeeper and taking tensions for everything that has not been created by them.

Hence, An individual international government means everything under this government and then, every individual as a caretaker for everything of this government. In this way, by making this government, we all could experience a single best kind of chocolates, cars, gadgets, technologies, everything and everywhere. Then in other field like; music, dance, painting, etc, we all could feel the best one and thereby, everything with their best level. So at last, When we start doing well and making a good international government?

As we have discussed,

All the beautiful creations are at first created by the unknown GOD and then, the GOD creates a human to take care of everything. But then for all these things, the GOD creates a time as a witness for every creature. Hence, the most real important thing for a human is the known time rather than the unknown GOD. Then as we also know, every individual are everything for their life and their life is everything for a time. So,

What is time?As we know, Time is the most crucial thing as it never stops for anything. Then the time is divided for everything as Past & Future. Because there is no present as the present itself is GOD. For example; Nobody could feel the present as; the moment we think the next it becomes a past and thereby, before thinking it is just a future. Then as we can feel, we may have a present hour, present second, present year etc, but all are measured as a past or future. In this way, we can only feel the present as an only time for the decision of our brain as, we all are taking decisions every moment with the help of option like; yes to do or no to do. And then, we cannot change our past and cannot know our future. Hence, we all must do well in our present to feel a good past in our future.

In this way, If we really want to save this world then we all have to think positive right now and wait for the result as; our result is directly proportional to our own did and then the types of our results are given by GOD. Hence, if we will start doing well now, we will get a good result from GOD at next. But if we will never do well, we will never get a good result. So start doing well now so that we could be happy within our lifetime. In fact,

All these things are happening only because of our unawareness for everything like; we are kicking a cow and thereby, every other GOD in different ways, because of our unawareness for everything. But as we know, we can only make an individual kind of earth by making its entire element same at that individual level. So, either we all must kick everything and thereby, kill everything or, nobody of us will do a crime individually. In fact, all these things are again happening as; we all are of an individual kind by default and then, we all deciding differently. In this way, this book is for helping every one of us to decide an individual decision (Good) and to bring an individual international government for making all of us same within an individual set (Good). ConclusionFrom all of the above discussions we all must conclude that, we all are individually different from other and same within a set of our kind of individuals. In this way, if we will make our self good individually then, we could make every kind of good sets automatically. So from next, let’s forget about our revenges as; we cannot change our past. And we must start doing a good as; we can make our future so good. Hence from next, “Let not make end this world from now, make this moment to start making a world of our own. Because, We all must believe that; after mars, we must reach our ‘Sun’ and then our Galaxy and then, a powerful among the whole universe. So from next, let’s help each other to discover our self individually then our earth and then our universe at last. Then, if all these things will happen within our life time, then we might be the luckiest one to understand a lot of things. In this way, this book is all about an awareness messages for every individual human to perform their work perfectly and thereby, for every president of every country to be united and take their decisions to bring an international government as soon as possible. So,

Let not the money decides our future; Let our decisions decide our own good and bright future.

Points to remember

At first, we all are everything for our life only. As, our life is the first thing that we get in our life. Then,

Once our life starts, it must be end on our death. And it is true that, we all must die one day and then, there is no meaning of anything for us. Then,

Our parents are the only real GOD for us as; they actually give us everything by giving us a birth. Then,

After getting a life, we all are real individual at first. Then,

By being a real individual, we all are different and also same within a set. As, we all are individual for our default different property and also same as, we all get these things from an unknown and thereby an individual GOD. Then,

We all are unknown to GOD but can understand the GOD by understanding everything around us and can feel the GOD by feeling our parents as the creator of us. Then,

To drive our life on the journey of a death, we all have a brain as our driver. Then,

We all need food as a fuel, shelter as a stand and sex for a creation of an individual and thereby, to be a GOD for that individual. Then,

We all real individuals are same up to this level. Then,

Among this division, we all human are different as per the different decision of our brain. Then,

If we take a good decision, we will make a good earth and thereby, a bad earth for our bad decision. As, the human are doing everything around everything. Then,

To make a good earth, we all have to be good individually as, we all are the individual element of this only set (Earth) Then,

To make all of us good, we all need an individual international government to punish us for our bad did and also reward us for our good did. Then,

To start an international government, all the first person of every country must take a decision as soon as possible. As, the time never stops and thereby, we have no present. Then,

We all must try to be good from now and wait for a good result as; the results are given unknowingly by GOD. Then,

We all must forget about every past as; we cannot change our past. Hence, if we will not start taking good decisions now, we will make a bad past for us individually. Then,

Though we are taking bad decisions individually, we all make a bad kind of earth. As, we could only make an individual set of good earth by making its entire element good. Then,

We all must think good for everything as; we all feel good for a good thing made by a good individual. Then,

By making everything good, we all must feel and discover many good things within our life time.


From now, we all must release every criminal as; we cannot change our past and thereby, cannot bring that time. And we also must bring an international government for every good and bad in future. So the only thing we can do now is to make a moment as a present for everything and thereby, a good past and a good future from next. In this way, rather than stopping a human from making the human as a powerful among the universe, we all must help every human to do every kind of good things as, we all are feeling good for every individual good and innovative human. So from next, we all must think a criminal as a criminal for this earth and thereby try to stop every kind of crime. And all these things will be possible, if we will think about an individual GOD for all of us individually and thereby, all these creations are created by GOD for every individual to feel everything individually. Then at last, we all must not make harm to others as; we all are not the creator of anything. And then as a developer, we can only develop by making everything good. Hence,

“We all are waiting for the decision of the president”


“Either we all individual are playing an individual character written by GOD or we all are playing of our own and made the GOD playing a real time game” “From next, by being good we can only be powerful but cannot be that first parent GOD. So from next, we all must give thanks to GOD regularly for giving us such a beautiful life to feel everything and a human like brain to understand everything. Hence, as we live our life regularly, we all must pray our GOD regularly by feeling GOD everywhere next to us”

“Just do good individually and make every individual sub set good to form at last a super set of good earth”

So at last, Either we are unable to save our earth or we can save this. Then for unable part, this book is for making all of us able. And then, if we are able but not doing any thing, there must be an establishment of an individual international government to punish us for our wayward nature. As, “We can only & only make a good earth by making all of us good individually” So, “Let’s make all of us good individually and thereby, a good surrounding at a whole” And then, [If you do not want to do anything, then listen to your heart and if possible, please just read “ Srimad Bhagavad-Gita]