If microanalysis

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Transcript of If microanalysis

This is the start of the IF microanalysis showing the motorbike scene. The mise en scene of this part show the character wearing larger coats and heavy scarfs to cover up there school outfit. This could be a part of a rebellion against the school. The previous scene showed the character smoking which is another sign of rebellion. The second screenshot of the motor cycles shows the character on the bike which could show him being an adult and his dislike of being treated like a child.

This is a small screen shot showing the main character driving away with a stolen bike, this wide camera shot to show the whole character and the surroding area, this gives us the implication of rebellion against the civil society which he lives in, rather then a rebellion against the school.

This is the start of the large bike scene showing the two charter riding the bike. There is a non diegetic sound in the backing of this scene, the sound in the scene should be a thrilling and energetic sound to go with the bike scene however it has a scary and creepy vibe, this doesn't fit into the voice. There are a lot of camera techniques in this scene which gives a better analysis of the film such as pans and cut of the bike. This gives the indication of a fast scene. Which could show rebillion.

This is the beginning of the café scene showing the setting and thee outskirts of the café. Using an establishing shot to show the front end of thee café also the bike. The first screenshot showing the main character with a side angle with a slight low shot implying the character authority and rebellion.

The Film then changes to a black and white, this is an unknown reason for this, this could be due to a lower cost of filming, or the director preferred to use this style of filming. The mise en scene gives the audience a thought of the charters rebellion, the character are taking off there scarfs to show they are school children and how they don’t care if the waitress knowns.

4 screenshot of Coffee • These 4 shots are in order of the small scene where they are

ordering there coffee. The first part of the scene is the waitress asking what they want and one character replies with ‘white’. As the lady is making two white coffees the 2nd character responds with black, this a slight sign of over confidence and cockiness. This shows rebellion, or the main character could be trying to impress the female character..

• In this scene it shows the ‘Male Gaze’, which refers to the boys looking at the waitress ass. This implies there child like attitudes, also how they are school children and don’t meet many women.

• The camera angles they used with the waitress is an over the shoulder shot, this could indicate she approves of the gaze, however it also show her disapproval.

• In this clip of screen shot it show the main character trying to kiss the lady, with a mid shot to show the two characters and the lady. He kisses her out of rebellion on society, by kissing without ask of hint he does it out of his cockiness and boosting.

• This scene is sprung up in the café scene as audience is unaware that it is going to happen, there is little sound in the background so it is a silent scene which indicate the dialogue is important

• The main character moves over to the juke box and replays a song previously played earlier in the film, it has an African and native style to it. This could imply anger or rage which the character also portrays.

This scene then escalates to a odd and unusual tiger sex scene, I feel it has a relation to the music in the background which has African style and tiger are a native to Africa. However this violent sex scene could be due to his immaturity and childlike thought which cause this unusual scene. Throughout the scene the audience is unaware if the scene is real or if it is a figment of the characters imangation. The camera angle and shot are in a hand held view very is cuts and pans to the character.The diegetic sound which is play has an increase in tempo as the scene countiues which could imply it get more aggressive and violent.

• This is the final scene to be analysis, this scene to me highlights freedom, they are in an open space without rules and safety , they can express they inner child like attitudes. However this scene could also be a figment of the main charter mind and all be fake.