
Post on 16-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Idioms

  • 1) be bound to certain or likely to happen

    2) judging by appearances to make judgements based on the way sb/sth looks

    3) the apple of somebody's eye a person or thing that is loved more than any other

    4) day in, day out happening every day

    5) once in a blue moon very rarely

    6) come to an end to end; to stop)

    7) go off the deep end to suddenly become very angry or emotional

    8) miss the boat to fail to use an opportunity

    9) all of a sudden suddenly

    10) have one's heart set on to desire greatly, to be determined to

    11) keep your fingers crossed to hope for good news

    12) come out of your shell to become less shy and more confident

    13) in full swing having reached a very lively level

    14) head over heels in love loving somebody very much

    15) Keep up with the Joneses to want the same things that other people have

    16) over the hill old and therefore no longer useful or attractive

    17) be in the same boat to be in the same difficult situation

    18) bark up the wrong tree to make the wrong choice and waste one's effort

    19) come rain or shine no matter how hard it is to do

    20) in the nick of time just in time before something bad happens