Ice skating for Public Speaking

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ice skating for Public Speaking

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By Sofia Naznim

Title :- Ice skating

General purpose :- To inform

Specific purpose :- To inform my audience about the types of ice skating

Central idea :- Four aspects types of ice skating that can be studied are figure skating,

tour skating, hockey skating and speed skating

I. Introduction

a) Attention material

There is a story about a girl with a pair of ice skates. A true story. Skating was her

amusement. When she falls, she rises by herself. Uncountable falls, numerous rises.

She spins, she jumps and she was the princess of the ice. Giving her best in ice

skating was her vision as an excellent figure skater. Encouragement by her mother,

she starts off at the age of 9. The girl won as a gold medallist in Skate Asia and Skate

Malaysia. At the age of 13, she discontinued her glory. She was motionless. Lost the

love of her life, she took a stop. Do you want to know who the girl is? I will tell you

at the end of my sharing.

b) Tie to the audience

Beloved audience, do you know what is ice skating all about? Let me share with all of

you. Ice skating is moving on ice by using ice skates. Different people have different

reasons when they skate. Some people skate for leisure and others might see it as a

form of sports. Yes, it is one of the remarkable sports. Astonishing as it sounds, ice

skating is tremendous! Ice skating occurs both on indoor and outdoor. In Malaysia,

Sunway Pyramid Ice is the first and the only Malaysia's world-class ice sports

entertainment. Do you know that last time there was another ice skating rink? It was

located in Mines Wonderland but now it is closed and Sunway Pyramid becomes the

only place that leads the sports today.

c) Credibility material

Many among us still do not have the bigger picture what is Ice skating really is.

Hence, that is the reason why I‟m standing here today.

d) Preview

Therefore, today, I would love to share with all of you the types of ice skating.

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II. Body

1) Figure skating

- An Olympic sport.

- Sport comprises of individuals, pairs or groups.

- Perform spins, jumps, footwork and challenging moves on ice skates.

- Compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior),

and at local, national, and international competitions.

- Figure skating is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games.

- In Malaysia, Sunway Pyramid Ice has played host many prestigious

tournaments such as the Skate Asia and Skate Malaysia.

- The international and prestigious Skate Malaysia competition event has

grown into a premier annual highlight event for all Asian skaters.

- What I‟ve shown you previously was a video of a male skater performing.

Have you ever see female figure skater before? Believe me, they are HOT!

An Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps,

footwork and other intricate and challenging moves on ice skates. Figure

skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level

(senior), and at local, national, and international competitions. Figure skating

is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games. In Malaysia, Sunway

Pyramid Ice has played host many prestigious tournaments such as the Skate

and Skate Malaysia. The international and prestigious Skate Malaysia

competition event has grown into a premier annual highlight event for all

Asian skaters.

2) Tour skating

- A sport and recreational form of long distance ice skating on natural ice.

- Popular in the Nordic countries, especially Sweden, but getting famous in

Finland and Norway.

- Other names:- trip skating and wild skating.

- Skaters follow marked routes on frozen canals and lakes.

- The equipment used and safety requirements differ than others as it is

practised on free and open ice.

- The boots is specialised, which is the blades can be removed as tour skating

involves walking between frozen lakes during winter.

- This skating is so much enjoyable to those who opt for leisure and peace of


Tour skating is a sport and recreational form of long distance ice skating on

natural ice. The Nordic style of tour skating is popular in the Nordic countries,

especially Sweden, but increasingly in Finland and Norway. Other names used

are trip skating and wild skating which is popular in the Netherlands.

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Tour skating usually involves choosing your own tours over the free ice in

groups with all safety equipment and it is practised on free and open ice not on

man-made ice ways or tracks. Skaters follow marked routes on frozen canals

and lakes. Most people get involved in tour skating for hiking or cross-country

on natural ice. The length of the skate blades makes touring skates more stable

on uneven natural ice than skates with shorter blades. The blades can be easily

removed from one's boots is an asset since tour skating often involves walking

between lakes. Tour skate is so much enjoyable to those who opt for leisure

and peace of mind.

3) Hockey skating

- Similar to normal Hockey sport but on ice.

- Which skaters use their sticks to hit a puck into the opponent's net. A fast-

paced physical sport, it is most popular in areas that are sufficiently cold for

natural reliable seasonal ice cover, such as Canada.

- Have you ever watched „How I Met Your Mother‟ drama series? If you

experienced watching it, you can see the Canadian loves to watch Ice Hockey


- It is the official national winter sport of Canada, where the game enjoys

immense popularity.

- We in Malaysia also have our national ice hockey team; it has been a

member of the International Ice Hockey Federation since 2006.

- Although currently not ranked in the world ranking, I have faith in our

Malaysia team that they will succeed in bringing Malaysia internationally


Ice hockey is a team sport played on ice, in which skaters use their sticks to hit

a puck into the opponent's net. It is somehow rather same as hockey except it

is played on ice. A fast-paced physical sport, it is most popular in areas that

are sufficiently cold for natural reliable seasonal ice covered such as Canada

and Switzerland. In Canada, it is the official national winter sport, where the

game enjoys immense popularity. This can be seen in “How I Met Your

Mother” TV series how the Canadian enjoys going to ice hockey tournament.

In Malaysia, the Malaysia national ice hockey team is the national men's ice

hockey team of Malaysia. It has been a member of the International Ice

Hockey Federation since 2006. However, Malaysia is currently not ranked in

the International Ice Hockey Federation but I have faith in our Malaysian team

that they will succeed in bringing Malaysia internationally sooner!

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4) Speed skating

- Divided to long-track, short-track speed skating and marathon speed skating.

- It is a sport of racing on ice skates. The blade of the speed skate is longer and

thinner than that of the hockey or figure skate.

- The long track is a 400-m on which two skaters‟ race simultaneously.

- In long track the race is against the clock rather than the opponent.

- The longest track is 3000-m Olympic race.

- The short track, a more recent development, is a 111-m which four to six

skaters race during each heat. Short track is a race to the finish line.

- Speed skating can also be participated by women, but their distances are

usually shorter than men‟s where women skate the same program as the men

in World Championship.

Speed skating is a competitive form of ice skating in which the competitors

race each other in traveling a certain distance on skates. There are few types of

speed skating which are long track speed skating, short track speed skating,

and marathon speed skating. The blade of the speed skate is thinner and longer

than that of the hockey or figure skate. There are two types of track used in

international competition. Firstly, the long track is 400 metres flattened oval

on which two skaters race simultaneously. In long track the race is against the

clock rather than the opponent and the longest Olympic race is 3000 metres.

Secondly, more recent development, the short track is 111 metres oval on

which four to six skaters race during each heat. Short track is a race to the

finish line. Women were accepted into competition at the same time in most

other skating sports. Differ from inline skating, their distances are usually

shorter than the men's where women skate the same program as the men in the

World Championships.

III. Conclusion

A. Final Review:

Thus, today I have revealed the categories of Ice Skating.

B. Tie back to the audience:

I believed now you have a clear view of the types of ice skating. I‟m very happy

because I got the opportunity to stand here to share the knowledge with all of you.

If God willing, who knows, one of us might be an international representative for

our country in Ice Skating in the future. Dear audience, would you like to know

who the girl in the story was? The girl is here among us, try to make guess friends.

Let me give you a clue. The girl was born and bred in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

and yes, I‟m the girl in the story.

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C. Concluding remarks:

Before I end my word, I would like to recommend ice skating to those who do not

have tried this sport before. I just got an idea, why not class, we have a trip to

Sunway and try ice skating together? Trust me, it is more thrilling than playing

roller blade. I bet it will be exhilarating because it is so much wonderful! Last but

not least, highest appreciation to all of you for lending your ears and the golden

attention you all had contributed during the presentation. Thank you very much.

Notes: I hope this draft would help those who wants to know more about how to write short articles mainly for public speaking or

ideas for articles, presentations and etc. This is a sample of my own based on personal experience and other extensive research I

gathered. I made this for BEL ( English Course) for Presentation Skills. Hopefully this helps you in any way that is possible! =)

Don’t forget to time yourself when you speak because sometimes you tend to speak more when you have a lot of information.

Relax and be confident. Best of luck! ❤

P/s: Now there are two ice skating rinks than Sunway Pyramid. One in Damansara and

another one in Putrajaya. Mine was backdated. =p