Ice climbing

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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Beijing Ice climbing

Transcript of Ice climbing

Why do I learn Ice ClImBiNg ??

After graduat ion from un iver s i ty , I strongly felt that life must be practical enough in order to survive in the urban. Mountaineering, my dream lifestyle, is very hard to be a lifestyle in Hong Kong truly. Yes, I realized it deeply. Lost in the Hong Kong City…...NO, I reject the normal, boring lifestyle in city. I must well-equipped for alpinism expedition. Living in the kingdom of my dreaming – mountaineering. My dream my lifestyle my life mission !! SO, I took a China Mountaineering Association ice climbing course in Beijing alone. But, I met a lot of buddy have same dream same passion. All encourage me a lots!!

Lovely Classmate + experienced national instructor = awesome memory learning experience

Pretty miss : 小菲

Equipments c r a z y m i n d f o r climbing

Ice axe with sharp ed

Camera for memory

W a t e r p r o o f j a c k e t f r o m sponorship

Helmet to keep silly head

Spare gloves

w a t e r p r o o f s h e l l from other

IMPORTANT : Trustful belayer

waterproof boots

backpack full of food and water

h a r n e s s f o r i c e climbing


Waterproof plz

Frist Lesson - stick on ice wall : use of crampon

Skilled instructor : 羅彪 Trust your crampons, Crampons should stick on IceControl your emotion and feeling, the frist rule of climbing

W E b e l i e v e d t h e sound of axe entering th e i c e i s ab l e t o provide security. All make us confidence t o c l i m b h i g h e r indeed. The Art of ice axe

Ok fo r bas i c ski l l s . We started to have ice climbing 7~8times per days. Tried but joyful. Enjoying to swing the axe into the ice , step higher and steeper. We perpared to take higher challenge in futher.

S o m e t i m e I t h o u g h , t h e r e i s s o m e o n e p o i n t e d m y s i x s i d e hole......uncomforable. For this reason, I climbed faster and higher to escape the attrack from monster!!

No yield for my dream ! Keeping Alpinism be my lifestyle - Wilson Cheung

Wilson Cheung(c) Copyright by Wilson Cheung.All Rights Reserved.

Wilson Cheung