IC Travel Agent November 2014

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The How-To Magazine for ICs, OSRs & Home-Based Travel Agents

Transcript of IC Travel Agent November 2014






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Steve Crowhurst steve@ic-travelagent.com

250-738-0064 www.ic-travelagent.com


SMP Training Co. www.smptraining.com


Steve Crowhurst IC TRAVEL AGENT is owned and published by Steve Crowhurst, SMP Training Co. All Rights Reserved. Protected by International Copyright Law. IC TRAVEL AGENT can be shared, forwarded, cut and pasted but not sold, resold or in any way monetized. Using any images or content from IC TRAVEL AGENT must be sourced as follows: “Copyright SMP Training Co. www.smptraining.com” SMP Training Co. 568 Country Club Drive, Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada, V9K-1G1 Note: Steve Crowhurst is not responsible for outcomes based on how you interpret or use the ideas in IC TRAVEL AGENT. T: 250-738-0064.













25 THE INSIDE TRACK – Reprinted From CT Consumer

26 SELLING TRAVEL WITH STEVE - Reprinted From CT Agent




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SELLING TRAVEL… click‘n’go!

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Love your planet. Send tourists! What a shame. Our own planet is in turmoil. It is starving for love and attention and many of its

tenants are just plain starving. What can we do about it? Well we can, you can, anyone can who

sells travel, send more tourists to ailing countries. Truly focus on building your business and

sending more clients off to various areas around the world to share the wealth.

As you would have read, times are tough in various areas of the world and of course it’s even

tougher to send a client to a war zone and who would want to, but then that war will end one

way or the other and when it does, it’s your time to shine. I’ve mentioned this before that tourism

always bounces back after a tragedy. It’s the way it is, however for now, there are places that are

fit to visit and need less boots-on-the-ground and more flip-flops in the sand and bags to be filled

at the shopping malls.

Tourism is truly a “what goes around, comes around” industry. One of “ours” will visit them, and

then one of “theirs” will visit there… and the dance continues until we have all visited somewhere

and so have they. In this way we meet, we chat, we understand, we befriend and the planet gets

healthy. No need to pack and label your luggage “Mars” just yet – well not until we actually do

blow ourselves up. Let’s go inside and help the planet and make some moola too.

Here’s to your continued success!

Best regards.

Steve Crowhurst, CTC



PS: Don’t forget to check out the new titles at The Travel Agent’s Store.

Steve Crowhurst, CTC, Publisher

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If you ever wondered what you can do to better the world you live on? Here it is:

sell more travel to not only the same ole places you always sell to, but also the

more obscure places too. That’s right. It’s time to spread the wealth.

Interesting facts appear once you start to dig

a little deeper as to where the dollars go that

your clients spend during that trip you

booked them on. Most times that money is

spent in major cities and resorts and rarely

gets spent in the smaller regions, towns and


What happens then both here at home and

overseas is that many tourist areas are dying

off, starving for tourists and very hungry for

that tourist / shopping dollar.

You might want to start at home and put

together some programs that will take your

clients to relatively unknown destinations of

which there are thousands across North


Sounds crazy, but if you live in America you

could create the All American Apple Pie Tour

and that’s exactly what it is. A tour to find

and eat of course the BEST apple pie in the

country. It’s a foodie tour with a difference.

It’s a tour that allows you to have your cake

and eat it too.

If you live in Canada then let’s go hunt for the

best local ice hockey rink in small town

Canada. A sports tour for hockey fanatics.

Throughout North America there are

numerous sightseeing spots that are not

always on the map. They are local and

known for their beauty, scenic vistas and

who knows what arts and crafts can be

found there. For sure it could be an arts and

crafts tour of various states, provinces and


So you’ve got the idea as to how this works

now you can apply it to the rest of the world.

Naturally the big cities and well known

countries will always get their share of the

tourist dollar – but once again, what about

those outlying areas?

At the time of writing we know that tourism

is down in many countries and of course for

the right reasons as the tourist sees it.

People are worried about Ebola and getting

caught between any two warring factions as

today they can war away from home.

When tourism starts to slow, then tourists

wait to go. There is a pent up demand to get

back on the road and to fly the skies. Many

tourists will still travel as they planned but

head off in a direction away from the trouble

spots. Nothing new there. What you can do

however is to attract those travellers with

the offer of something new and exciting.

Stick to your niche if you wish, but dig

deeper. So you may be a specialist in island

vacations, excellent. Cycling tours of France

may be another niche. Antiquing and

adventure tours might be your calling. No

matter your niche, there are more than the

obvious places to enjoy it. Start spreading

the news!

From here on we’ll take a wider look at

where in the world you can help boost

tourism and do it by taking your clients a

little further out than normal.

The World Needs Help

France is and has been the major

recipient of tourists and most often

in the #1 position. The UNWTO

publishes it’s Tourism Highlights as

shown below and this is always a

good read to determine where the

world’s travellers are travelling to,

and where they’re not.

The infographic on the right, based on

data from the WTTC and created by

the UK newspaper The Daily Mail is

showing 50 places said to be hot spots

and emerging destinations. Some of

those places are now or have been

suffering various setbacks as you will

determine. The idea here then is to

stay current and be aware of the

places and regions within these

countries that are well worth being

promoted, despite the small number

of tourists visiting at this time.

Click the image or this link to view:



The infographic offers a list of 50 hotspots, counting down from number fifty to the number one

hotspot – and then of course there’s personal preferences involved. I have trimmed the

infographic to show the starting hotspots and the leading hotspots. You can review the entire

infographic by clicking on the image or the link provided above.

At Number 49, you can see BiH is listed. Well for me, Bosnia & Herzegovina is the #1 place to visit

and having toured around BiH, not everywhere of course but a few major areas including

Sarajevo. BiH is a place I would be selling, as to me it is much higher up the ladder than #49.

My visit to BiH was thanks to a consulting contract I had through SRI - Stanford Research

International. With a driver and guide I was escorted around the country to major sites that were

pristine and gorgeous. It is these areas that most of the one billion plus tourists who fly the skies

never see. It’s the areas YOU know about through personal experience that you can promote and

help boost that out-of-city economy.

Now, as we know so well, a country in good shape today can disintegrate within months into a

terror torn or weather-beaten copy of its former glory and when this happens it is a crying shame

for everyone and most of all the local people. At some point in time however, things do right

themselves and tourism is once again allowed to flourish. It is at this time you can start to arrange

custom tours to your favourite and new found, off-the-beaten-track locations, helping spread the

wealth when you can. Redirect those tourist dollars to the other areas and regions that need the

financial boost. You can still sell to the same old big city haunts however there’s more money to

be made and shared selling new and pristine areas of the countries you know so well.

Sarajevo - the old city area and market.

Facts about

Ebolain the U.S.You can’t get Ebola

through water

You can’t get Ebola through air

You can’t get Ebola through food


body fluids, or their meat. Ebola poses no significant risk to the

United States.

You can only get Ebola from:Touching the blood or body fluids of a person who is sick with or has died from Ebola.Touching contaminated objects, like needles.

Touching infected animals, their blood or other

The Anti-Virus Program The Ebola outbreak has added to the world’s woes and very specifically in West African countries

and as you well know, Europe and North America and other countries too, have their own Ebola

situation. At the same time various media outlets are telling us that tourism has stalled in some

of the affected countries and rightly so. However, the entire world is not to be forgotten and it’s

now a very prudent thing to market the destinations you always sell to, that remain “safe”.

It seems that the travelling public are showing signs of uncertainty and not sure whether they

should travel or not. Well here’s a map showing over 1300 alerts for various diseases and virus

outbreaks that includes your basic flu virus and all the way up to exotic fevers and of course the

current Ebola epidemic. Your clients have been flying to and travelling through “infected” areas

it would seem and as you well know catching the flu from a fellow traveller is far easier than

catching / contracting Ebola.

Click the map to view on the HealthMap website.

Stay on top of what’s happening around the world in terms of Ebola and other diseases as this

will be the top topic for many more months. You will need the information to put your client’s

minds at rest. If your clients are looking for a virus free destination, you can show them the

countries shown in pure white, no dots. A little chilly here and there, but hey… no dots!

See more images like

this in the November

issue of Selling Travel.

Think About Branding

before you sign up! We hear a lot about branding these days….it used to be that branding was something ranchers did to their livestock so they were easily identifiable. Since that time, brand has come to mean the name of a product or service, or almost anything. And today, people are considered to be their own “brand”, in some circumstances. You hear about rock stars such as Beyonce or Justin Timberlake as being a “brand”. Well the same is true in the travel industry…..we have many retail brands and now, as more and more travel agents move to becoming independent travel professionals, some are becoming brands themselves.

Your brand could be the name of your business, as in Faraway Places Travel, or it could be simply your name, Claire Korchinsky Travel. Once you are known to your clients and in your community by your brand, it has value. It represents something….perhaps trust, expertise, reliability, good customer service, etc. So when you join a host agency, it will be very important to understand what your options are with regard to branding. You may like the host agency’s brand a lot….in which case, go with that. If you are not certain, ask some questions. Do you lose your brand completely if you join this group? Can you keep your brand and if so to what extent? Completely or just as a secondary name? Whose name will appear on your invoices, on your website and on your business cards? Yes, you do have to consider the regulatory issues, but usually a “doing business as” option is always available. The important thing is you need to ask a lot of questions before signing an agreement….and ask yourself how important is keeping your own brand? If you’ve done a good job building your brand, it should be pretty important. You have what’s known as “brand equity” and that has a value to you.

Some host agencies just want to promote their brand, and hey, that may have advantages if you think that brand has more value than your own. Other host agencies will allow you to retain your own branding on all your touch points with the customer. Make sure you know what your options are and be sure to weigh them! Go with the brand that will serve you best.

By Jill Wykes

Brought to you by The Travel Agent Next Door

Pathogens on Planes:

How to Stay Healthy in Flight

By Dr. Mercola

E. coli

Most Infectious Disease Is Transmitted by Touching a Contaminated Surface


I found this excellent article online and as you can see the

author asks “us” to spread the word by sharing the

information. Click here to view the webpage.

Immune System to the Rescue: How to Avoid Getting Sick Even if You’re Within the ‘Transmission Zone’



“Exposure to influenza viruses is necessary, but not sufficient, for healthy human hosts to develop symptomatic illness. The host response [emphasis added] is an important determinant of disease progression.”

More Tricks for Minimizing Your Risk of Getting Sick on a Plane

"'Set your ventilation at low or medium,' he says. ‘Then position it so you can draw an imaginary line of current right in front of your head. I put my hands on my lap so I can feel the current — so I know it's properly positioned.' Then if something infectious is floating in your personal space, he says, that air from the vent will create enough current to knock it away."

New York Times

My Top Tips for Healthy Air Travel

Consume a diet that's rich in raw whole foods; avoid junk foods, processed foods, sugar, and grains, which all can tax your immune system.

Get plenty of high-quality sleep. Strive for 8 hours, which will typically mean 8-9 hours in bed after you factor in time to sleep and times you wake up.

Exercise regularly and effectively; when on a long flight, walk around frequently to prevent the risk of pulmonary embolism.

Get adequate sunlight exposure to optimize your vitamin D level; if this is not possible, use a safe tanning bed or take an oral vitamin D supplement.

Rehydrate with water, not soda, while traveling; most airlines offer bottled or canned sparkling water. Make sure you drink water frequently while you are flying.

Take a high-quality probiotic (good bacteria) and eat plenty of fermented foods like kefir and natto, which are natural sources of probiotics. A probiotic supplement can help prevent the constipation that many people get while traveling, as well as, be used to treat traveler’s diarrhea.

Do a quick cleanup of your hotel room as soon as you check in. Simple precautions like wiping down faucets, handles, and countertops, washing glasses, and removing the bedspread can reduce your risk of exposure to pathogens.

Consider using an Earthing/grounding pad while flying to help correct the bioelectrical disruption you experience when you are not in contact with the earth's surface. One trick that I have been using for a few years after a tip from Dr. Stephen Sinatra is to remove one of my shoes when flying and put my foot on the metal support frame on the seat in front of me. Doing this will ground you to the airplane frame and help mitigate damage from radiation at 35,000 feet.

If you suffer from motion sickness, pack some fresh raw gingerroot. Ginger is a wonderful natural remedy for nausea, as well as being a remedy for a number of other health problems.

Address your stress; minimize it as much as possible. My favorite stress-busting technique is EFT, which is like acupuncture without the needles.

The divorce rate in Canada is about 40%. Divorce is never something people come to easily.

There’s always that nagging doubt, could I have made it work? Am I better off now? Getting

into a marriage is the easy part…it’s all visions of romance and white dresses and picket fences

with perfect children running around. Well, the same could be said of business partnerships

and contracts. It is very easy to get into a marriage or a business arrangement, and not always

so easy to get out of them.

Getting into them is the exciting, seductive part.

And yet, it should be the part where we have all

our senses on high alert and examine the fine

print very carefully before we enter into a

contract. It is so important to see clearly at this

stage. But few of us do.

If you are an independent travel professional you

will have a contract with a host agency or

company. When you joined your host

agency/company you may or may not have

shopped around to see what was available

elsewhere. You may or may not have really read

your contract carefully to understand exactly

what the benefits were. And you may or may not

have given any consideration to the “out”


Few of us do. When we are getting married, we

are not thinking about that and when we are

entering a business partnership, we are also in

the so-called honeymoon period and we are not

thinking of getting out.

But a few months or years down the road, we

often start to think about getting out, wondering

if the grass is greener elsewhere. If that

describes you right now, then please consider

the following:

Have you identified what you are

dissatisfied with and what you need?

Have you investigated other options


Have you investigated how you can exit

your current contract?

Have you sought legal advice?

Are you staying in a less than satisfactory

situation because it’s easier?

Maybe it is time to look around, check out other

options and make sure you know the terms of

cancelling your current contract…is there a time

frame? Is there a penalty? Are you automatically

renewed and on what date? Make sure you are

in a happy business “marriage” and don’t stay for

the wrong reasons.

Dysfunctional Business

By Jill Wykes

Are you in a arrangement?

Brought to you by The Travel Agent Next Door

Agency Headlines For sure there is enough going on in the world to keep every man, woman and child glued to

their favourite gadget as the various headlines from around that same world enter their lives.

Is there room for any more headlines? You bet, and you and your agency could be the catalyst

for the more upbeat, friendly, non-political headlines that are focused on travel. The question

is: what do you have to say for yourself?

What grand slam of an idea for a story can

you pitch? What’s going on in your world,

the world of travel that you could turn into a

headline and post it throughout your

universe to capture interest from your

existing clients and their friends?

As you well know, there’s more than enough

doom and gloom happening around the

world and so one or two positive headlines

would, could and should add a little sunshine

to your community and give your clients

something to look forward to like a


Sometimes the average, hard working

person, forgets that they also need to take a

break despite what’s happening worldwide.

Many times that same person will take on

the mood of the world and feel that this year

is not the right year to take a break, to get

away, to enjoy themselves when others are

in pain. It’s a worthy thought but it’s

miscalculated. Here’s where you come in

and step up to the happiness bar.

Start With What Your Suppliers Are Pitching

Always the best place to start when you are

looking for a headline. Somewhere within

that list of preferred suppliers is a gem of a

discount, a deal, a value-add and it’s waiting

for you to wrap your words around it and

send it off to your clients who may or may

not know about it.

If they do know about the deal you are

pitching then your headline will be a

reminder. For the person who is not aware

of the deal, they will appreciate the heads-


As you well know I’m a believer in the

statement, “Whoever owns the news, wins!”

and there it is again. Get your newsy

headline out there working for you and be

ready for the inbound calls and emails.

Your next piece of business is to plan next

month’s headline. And the one after that.

Here’s some ideas to gain extra eyeballs:

Ask a question: What will you tell your

friends if you don’t go?

Make a claim: This is the lowest price yet!

Offer an insider’s secret: The Secret to

Cruising for 50% off is…

List three things: Here’s three reasons why

you’ll want to book on this tour…

Study the headlines of your suppliers and

see what they are coming up with to gain

your interest and also the consumers. Ask if

you can use their same headlines if you are

intending to sell their product offer.

Visibility & Sales This is an age-old discussion when it comes to being in sales and making sales happen. It all

comes down to your visibility as a company and how visible you are. The internet, email and

everything smartphone-ish has not helped your visibility. It has in fact helped your invisibility

grow to the point where you are marketing from behind that large heavy duty curtain of cloud.

The consumer can “see” the essence of you in your words and images, but they’re not sure if

you actually exist. Time to step out from behind all things digital and be real.

And there’s the challenge. Your online

presence is felt but not seen. Unless you are

the master of posting videos and deliver all

your marketing via live presentations.

In a video, you can face the camera, talk to

your clients, deliver the special of the week

and support the headlines in your blog and

emailed newsletters. Your clients can see

you and by all accounts you are alive and

well and living somewhere.

Projecting yourself via video is good. It’s a

marvellous way to set up your presentation

where you will appear on stage to talk live

about your product offers and services.

Once you become visible to your clients you

can go back to your online presence as now

they know you actually exist, they know who

is actually handling their money, who is

booking their travel arrangements and

where to find you when they need you.

If it is within your marketing budget, plan at

least one live presentation per quarter and if

you have the stamina for it, go for a monthly

presentation and change the theme to suit

the season and or the destination you intend

to focus on.

Chances are your suppliers will help you

underwrite the costs. Just ask.

Nostalgic Video We’ve mentioned owning the news, making headlines and being visible, well here’s one more

idea for you and that’s to go retro with your video. This app which works on your iPhone and

iPad is excellent. So next time you are out and about on a FAM or vacation, click to this app

and start recording. Have some fun with it and then post it under a Remember When headline.

With that clip complete you can return to “normal” present day imagery to close the sale.

Click the icon to view on iTunes.

You can read more about using retro video ideas in the new “GO VIDEO!” eGuide

publishing soon here: The Travel Agent’s Store.

READ ME HERE Did you know that I write a column in the consumer version of Canadian Traveller? The articles

are all pro-travel agent and come under the title of THE INSIDE TRACK. See opposite for the

latest article that some travel agents have copied and sent to their clients. If you do so,

remember to source back to the magazine and state the link: www.canadiantraveller.net.

The agent issue of Canadian Traveller is

found at the link below and in each

monthly issue you can look for Selling

Travel With Steve – PLUS you can often

find my How To Sell articles that focus

on the products and destinations of

CT’s advertisers. Here’s the link to the

agent issues of CT:



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4. Travel related marketing products such as calendars and magnets plus all your standard business products – business cards, envelopes, letterhead, flyers, and more.

5. Wide selection of ticket packaging options for groups, weddings, and niches.

6. All products available in small quantities (some as low as 25).

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