Ia ipad 7sins iteractive brochure

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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This is a uni assignment for exhibition for the 7 sins. It is all my own photography

Transcript of Ia ipad 7sins iteractive brochure

S i n

S y n o p s i s

S e r i e s

B o o k i n g

L U S TDeath by


In Dante’s story about the ascent to heaven,

he discovers that some souls avoid some of

the deadly sins, but that every adult does at

least some penance for sexual misbehaviour.

Cat Mueller, a prostitute, is paying early.

Booking Date October Fri 9th,

Sat 10th, Sun 11th

G L U T T O N YThe desire to consume more than one requires has the capacity to enslave the brain. John Walker is is an obese man and the master of over-indulgence but this time it’s not his choice. September Fri 11th, Sat 12th, Sun 13th

P R I D E The most serious sin, from which all others arise; a love of self perversion to hatred and contempt for one’s neighbour. We make ourselves and others unhappy by demanding attention and recognition, or by not asking for help and guidance when we need it. Heidi Schanz is a professional model and she has a choice to make. August Fri 7th, Sat 8th, Sun 9th

W R AT HFew remain passive when they are wronged. Vengeance, whether pre-meditated or in the heat of the moment, can rear it’s ugly head with ferocious consequences. This twisted piece of the series begs the question; who is the murderer and who is the victim? December Fri 11th, Sat 12th, Sun 13th

S L O T HLaziness is the common manifestation of this disabling sin, but event more subtly shown through indifference, of an unwillingness to act and an unwillingness to care. Victor’s sins have taken some time to find him out. July Fri 10th, Sat 11th, Sun 12th

E N V YIt’s human nature to want what others have, especially when we consider ourselves better-qualified and more deserving. Tracy Mills has a normal family life, apparently worth murdering for. November Fri 13th, Sat 14th, Sun 15th

G R E E DA free market has proved to be the most effective way to make a nation prosperous. Our worth as people is equated with our financial assets. There are enormous profits to be made in illegal and legal businesses alike, where business people ‘kill each’ other as part of the job. Eli Gould, a wealthy lawyer has met his murderer before and pays the ultimate price. June Fri 12th, Sat 13th, Sun 14th


The 7 Sins are the most deadly vices,

according to Pope Gregory the Great in the

6th century. In the order of severity used

by Pope Gregory, they are Lust, Gluttony,

Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride. This

series of theatrical performances features

the same serial killler who bases each kill

on one of the seven deadly sins. We follow

two detectives as they unravel the stories

behind each gruesome death.

For the uninitiated, Greenaway is an artist,

curator, writer, publisher and most famously

a filmmaker. His technique uses images to

tell a story rather than plain old narrative

structure. With over 50 films under his belt

and nominations from Cannes to Berlin the

man has a distinctive approach that flies in

the face of Hollywood.


True to form, Greenaway is breaking the

mould yet again with his inaugural foray into

theatre production. 7 Sins crosses the line of

traditional theatre by fusing live performance

with video installation art. Like most

Greenaway productions it’s themes centre of

death, mystery, and sex. Watching 7 Sins is

not unlike so many other Greenaway films

where one can not help but revel in the clue

counting and semiotics spotting.

Every colour has a meaning, every

murder weapon is a totem. Every

visual means nothing

and everything at


Staff and Contributors Editor: Peter Hubert Creative Director: Sally Smith Contributing Writers: Darryl Sweedman Graphic Designer: [Rebecca Tease] Photographer: [Sam Jones] Advertising Sales Manager: Cynthia Neal Publisher Brisbane Powerhouse Pty Ltd 119 Lamington Street, New Farm Q 4005 PO Box 364, New Farm Q 4005 Tel 61 7 33S8 8622 Fax 61 7 3358 8611 Box Office 61 7 3358 8600 info@brisbanepowerhouse.org ABN 18 091 551 290 Published by Brisbane Powerhouse Arts. (ABN) 14 612 345 12 All information is correct at time of printing. Please confirm aII details when booking. 7 SINS may not be reproduced in whole or part without the written consent of the Publisher. brisbanepowerhouse.org