I Inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1858-01-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · tirm of Lutterloh & Co.,...

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Transcript of I Inewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1858-01-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · tirm of Lutterloh & Co.,...

  • m m m m m m m m m

    )f*.t?h . .-

    P L E A S E C A I . L A N D S E T T L E .

    A l l tho86 owiug me Notes or Accounts will please call and settle the same, as 1 am in w ant of funds and I cannot afford to indulge them any longer.

    J . 0. POE.J a n ’y 4, 1858. 73-Im

    N O T I C E .r a i H E Copartnership heretofore exis ting between theJ L subscribers, {in thf freighting business,) under the

    tirm of Lutterloh & Co., is this day dissolved by m utual consent. James F. Marsh or Thos. S. Lutterloh will close the business of the late firm.

    T S Ll'TTEULOn, j F. M . \R s n ,W. P. ELLIOTT,JNO. B. TKOV, Jr .

    Dec’r 31, 1857. _

    C ( ) l \ \ 1 7 T X K R S n i P N O r i C E .

    f l l l l E undersigned would respectfully inform theB. citizens of Fiiyetteville •md the surrounding

    country, tliat they have entere.l into Copartnersh ip AO.MN tor the purpose of carry ing on the

    \ V a ; ; o i i - ! f l a k i i i s :in !ill its branches, at the old stand on the corner in Franklin and Maxwell Streets, where they would be any will receive sealed

    bids for ^10,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of (’umberland, and ^IW.OOU of the CouponBondsof the Town of Fayetteville, until the 4th of January nest, and for like amounts of each on the 1st Mondays of February, March and April.

    The County Bonds bear 7 per cent, interest, payable on the 1st of June and 1st of December, and are r e deemable ^0 years from 1st June 18o7.

    The Town Bonds bear t'l por cent, interest, payable 1st Ja n ’y and 1st July, and arc redeemsbie ’JO years from 1st January 18-50. I

    These Bonds are a part of the ^ltK.i,l*0 'J authorizc l ' by the General .Assembly to be issued by the Town and | County respectively, in payment for their subscription ; (if iltk>,(XK.i to tl.e Capital Stock of the Western Rail Road Company, und are the only Bonds ever issued by either Town or County.

    The Town Bonds are each. A few of the County Bonds are !}>100, the remainder

    C. B. MALLETT, Pres tDec. 10, 1857. ny-tf

    T h e i j a r g ^ t C a r r i a g e F a r t a r »f i n t h e S o M t h :

    T \

    A. A. M c K r/r i IA . \

    KE S P E C T F U L L Y i n f o r m s h i » f r i e n d s a n d I ' l e

    p u b l i c , t h a t h e h a s b u i l t u p l a r g e s u b s t a n t i a l B r i c k R u i l d i n p s a t h i s O M S t - i n d . e x p r e s s l y lo r m a u -

    u f a c t u r h . p ei l a n d d>> :in_v w o r k in h i s l i n e o n a s g o o d t e r m s a s a n y w o r k d tu i e e l s e w h e r e t h a t i s a s we l l d . n n ’. H e n o w h a s o n h a n d ,

    F i n i s h l d . t h e L A R G E S T S T t X ’ K tif

    ( ' n r n U n r t u i c h e s , l i o c k itHii

    /> / / ! . ' i ' / ' •E v e r o 3 e r e d i n t h i s p l a c e , an«l a v e r y l a r g e st'>c:v o f w o r k n e a r l y f i n i s h e d , w h i c h w i l l b e t i n i s h e i i d - i i h . .\I1 o f w h i c h w i l l be s o l d v e r y l u w t o r onh a n d m o r e tli.nii U.N K H L N l ' K K l * A N U F l l l ^ Ni ' i i - c l e s f i n i s h e d a i i d i n courriu hoM inliii'lely .su|>crior il is to all these imilutians.

    iA>“'''"ld at 3I.IKI per bottle, or *i.x hollies lor ii5,(Kl. by the S O L K 1* t to I* K 1 KT(J R S,

    E S i : ' V J A T | | ^ l * A « E , J K . A; € 0 .mani ’k a c t c b i h #


    PlTTSBURtUI, P a .

    Samuel J. Hinsdale 80le agent for Fayetteville June 14, 1807.

    tO ^l'lic Presbyterian Fsaltnodist__Character Notes. A fur ther supply ju s t received.

    E. J HALE & SON.

    N O T IC E .^ I ^ I I E undereigned having executed a power of At-

    ̂■ -'ioore, he is thereby author ized to make all Bettleinents for me and in my name, and geiierally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 personally present. J . j . MOORE

    iayet tevi lle, June 3, 1857. 18tf

    t o n s No.by

    Aug- 28.

    (UJANO.1 PERUVLa.N GUANO, for sal«

    WORTH 4̂ UTLEY.38-

    T. C. & B. G-. W O R T H ,C o i i m i i s s i o n & F o r w a r d i n g M e r c h a n t s ,

    Brou'fi ŝ Building^ Mfuter Street^

    W ilm in g to n ^ .V € ,Usual advances made on consignments.

    Nov. 11, 1857. 6!i-tf

    T). ;V. T a M O N ' I ' ,

    Com m ission M erchan t,Wiliiiin;:'toii, C.


    I’ersoiial a t tent ion given to all produce lient to him either for sale or shipment.

    Nov’r tl. r,7-1ypd

    D A V I D M c D r i ' K l E ,

    H r i r k m t t s o n a m i P l a s t e r i ' r ^L'pared to do all kinds of work in his line, in-

    .1 _____ i *̂;iIand


    prejeluding the putt ing up of T urpen t ine Stills in this

    1 the adjoining counties.r’ayetfeul le , .April 27, 18->7. 8 - l \ - p d

    J . W I L I J A M P \ ( ; E , \ l d . ,

    # • M T T S i t O K O # # , V .

    D K. P.VOE may be found at his ofiice when not jirofessionallv «iigaged..May t>, 1>')7. ' -W

    B. F. P E A R C E & C O ,l»KALEftS IN

    F()KKK;\ and DOMI-STK’ DRV liOODS.H \ r s . ( ' M ’S, BOt)T.> ̂ ,\NU SHOES,

    L niLrt'/hia (iitil tit-nilt/- ( ’/othiiKj,

    H A V STRKKT,i ' a y e t t e r i H e ^ . V . V .

    Jiilv -St I.r K . \ K C E , J K


    J . \ V . l U K K I iN now rece iv ing ' iVoiii t h e N o r t h the

    lar^'e.-Jt, tiut>.>t, auiJ luos t i-Hret'ully >0- lected stoi'k of

    F 9 l e i :ever ofl'ere*! in th is market; which, a id e d to h;s o-.vn manufacture, makes hi.s assortment rc 'tnplete;—all ot which he will seil uu thelowe.st p 'S-uble terms for cash or on time to putictiiul ̂.11111.

    ( A . X ' l ' W E I . L ’S X .

    S t r a i m ’t J u s t ice Revise if ,jWm; l i e v ised


    j m

    New (jioods Again!r J I H E undersigned has now in S tore a COMPLETR M , STOCK OF •


    — ALSO— ’N e g r o K e r teys , B lank^ tf , H a t s a n d B r o j a n s .

    All or any of which will be sold low. Those in want call soon. q . w . I QOLDSTON.

    N. B.— A few Bushels Seed Wheat.Oot’r 19, 1857. a2-*tf

    respectfully solicts public patronage. We will spare j no pains to render all comfortable who may favor us

    with a call. Our Table shall be furn ished with the best the Market affords.

    Our STALLS are in good repair , well supplied, and at tent ive Ostlers in attendance.

    We also have a Large Stock of Goodson hand, consisting of a general variety , which we offer low for cash or on time to punctual dealers.

    STEED, HARRIS & ROSS.Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 28, 1857, 5G-*6mpd

    V A L U A B L E L A N D F O R S ^ ^ \ L E 7

    T h e Subscriber will sell at public Auction, a t the Court House, in Elizabethtown, on the first Mon- i pay of February next, a Tract of LAND, recently tlie

    property of Archibald Smith, lying on both sides of Turnbull Creek, about seven miles from Cape Fear River, containing 440 .\cres.

    I t is well Timbered and has a good site for a Saw Mill upon it—the st ream affording a larger and more uniform supply of water than any other in the county , with easy water carr iage for all kinds of produce to the River.

    Term s— Ninety days credit , for an appoved nego t ia ble note.

    II. H. ROBINSON.7o*2wEiizabethtown, J a n ’y 6 , 1858.

    E X E r r T O i r s n o t i c e !T B IITE sn^.«ci‘i (ht having (|u I’.ified -it the November

    Tf'rin of the CoTinty I'oiirt . r' lliaden, as Execa- , tor of ii.»' i“t li Testament of Willie Atkinson.

    D eed , iier-.'tiy requests all persons indebted to said j estate, to make immetliate payment, and all pertii-n;, ('.crk -,! at office, the Fourth Monday in \ .and in the Eighty Secorii) ve;ir ut' \iui '

    ' j M. H .U tn ivLumberton, Dec 1‘Jth l.''-'>7.

    S I 'A'I 'E O r N o iM ’li - \U< (BtSt )N ( , (! , I

    C o u r t of P lea» liiiu (.Juai 't i T e rm ,

    Angus D. MrI.ean \s M -'c.-ru Original Attachment , lev'ej oo

    Land ou Richland

    'fitf..-»iot. -• in 1' 1,

    limits of this •■'tale. It s th 1 ,,(.'ourt, tha t publication be m.i'l- . Fayet tevi lle (Jbsccver. for t i josi . a t the next Term . f tl,:» . ouit, •(Jounty of P iohei '11 at liio (' ,., f n on the fourth .Nloiiday '.d 1 , ,there to show cause why lu ■ ;, ,-i i' case should n:;t be coL: l.Mii;i;-.l i , , ,claim, wherein ju igiuuiit fiii:il v.'il him. and a venditioni expnUHs

    Witijess, John M. H;triuia!i, 1 at Oflice, the fourth .M. ;iJav iu ' • and iu the bJd year of .\ij; r ,f. ].,7 i* t ; t ] J M ii^.

    S T A T E O F NOU r j l c ,K(>BK.'''(>N ( O LM y

    C o u r t o f Pi'. j s aii ' i (^i^drt r Sy-.; ,

    T e rm . I'SoT.Wughington .■> J diii« .u v» M .

    Original Attacliiuent levie 1 on .N';:: -!' .. .,. ., Land on Richland Sw.iinp. a !i -'.>i,,, •Dauiel .Mc.Millan. .\l>-ry (.irah-aru -1:,; .j, ," '

    I T aj-pearing to the -atia.-ia'ti-ni . - ,•the defendant. .\l:iloo!ii 15 xt!;, r . i , -limits of this State, it is ttiti'-T .n . (Jourl, tha t puhiicatioi ' 1- m i i- : >r ■ - , .Fayetteville Observer t -r the sii-1 ! ; ■, 1 ■ •- a t the next Term of tli » tJouri. i County of Robeson a t the t'ourt 11 u,._- jv on the !■.u r th Monday in Fi-i.ruirv i;,:--; • to show cause whj the land lifvi- . ,,should not be condemi.ed t'j - , , neth Braswell, Henr% B.'-isv. .. V. . Lotty Braswell, and the clnlJ.cii u:.Tobi.13 Braswell; doc'd.

    T hii is a Petition fiie-1 in the . 1 ,r ̂ ; Slaves among the ue.\t o. kin of H,. in: 11;. deceased, late of the (Jouniy ■!' !;.■

    I T appearing to the .-iati.'•faction ■: tiu- < • Court that s a i l Kinneth Liraswei,. il.'urv i, Wheat Braswell, and Lofty Braswe':'.. cl.:' i; !, Braswell, deceased, who w is a br ita. r La.,' R ichard Braswell, and also the i liiiJr- kin of Tobia.s Braswell, deceased, wbn wi- brother of said intestate, anJ wli o-.- -known, are non residents of tiii> St ' : iLi ■ ■■ said Kinneth, Henry, Wheat an l L)ttv dren of Williara Braswell, deceise i. i'..; dren and next of kin of said T ) ; is r>ri-» -l . whose names are unknown, are L.r< i i i r pear at the next Term of the Court : 1’ -te r Sessions, to be held for tiie (.'i'U;,t} ct' the Court Ho;ise iu Lumberton, ou ti.e on in February next, and plead, ans.ver or said Petition, otherwise the sam ■ wi:! par te as to them, and a decree be r e n d a i . fesso. J- M. HART.\;.iN

    Deo’r 4, lS-j7.

    [ \ ( 5 | . . \


    I l l M ' l I '

    1;; I T'

    for t i " ‘

    or Mf t - r f -

    (.’o r ti'

    R. S. FKKM H. I,.Dec’r 14.

    C L E fT k A N D M A S r i : K ' SRANDOLPH COrNTY, N- ''

    W HEREAS, Jesse Marley ha? fi!->’ ^of the Clerk and .Master in I 1 • ' Idolph County, his bill of complaint (iii’.ns'-J' ; ley, Thomas Marley, the hfirs »t " Teague, the heirs at law of It- i - 1̂ V hei rs a t law of Polly Branson anJ 1 - ' ' ' ■ wood, Polly Siler, John Stewirf. 1- Daniel, F rankey Beck. Nancey .Vllri li?. - ’ Daniel, and Sophia Wood, praying it'f of the Will of Miriam P. Alston, .‘ind a[' settlement of the plaintiff ’s adniiiiist 'i»;i>':- ' ̂as he r testa tor; and it appearing t v I'ev - deHtndants (excepting John and ̂ ‘ ' j- ' , ̂non residents o f this State, therefore, .given to said non resident defVn iatu-' 7 ‘. the nex t Cour t of Equity, to be heM ! ' ' ^ i a t the Court House in Asheborougli. ou t;!* ̂ .day of March, 1858, then and there to l or dem ur to said bill, otherwise the ^auu' ■ ken as confefsed, and heard ex parte as t ■ “ ,

    Witness, J. Worth, Clerk and .Mast''' '• a t .Asheborough, this 8 th Dec'r. 1?̂ " , .6 ?*Ct] J.

    c T 7 e R K A N D M A S ' r i : H > ’RANDOLPH COUNTY. N '

    W HEREAS, Jona than Worth, a.iwa-* * bonis non. with the will anntS'Y.Neill, Senior, and as administrator of - ,has filed in this office his bill ot ' .J e n n e t McNeill, R. E. Harris and ,Mart in McNeill, John .McLeau, Henry ‘Flora, and Sarah Shaw, for a cot.?‘t'^'^'‘. _ . te s ta to r’s will and for a final settlement ̂ j ,and it appear ing to me by affidavit tliit t .and wife, and Sarah Shaw are not inha