I ~~--~-'.~.~ Pages Inarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-19 ·...

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Transcript of I ~~--~-'.~.~ Pages Inarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-19 ·...


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$01.50 OutsIde County


111l' pr"1ll'Tty wll:rh lhl' l~ic;t UlullMIIlIII:l ('mnpnny L~ Ilt prl"wllt df'·v\'loplllll h;lq bCt'll kno\\<'tI n', thr oldIl\'rd 1IU11f' lllm Ule 8th'r!,BM mint'nilt! lin a' ,lIlnntro ,'rl.'W of 20 menIIrf' ("Il'l\rlllll out nbout 500 fCt't of.1I1f' olrl IlInnl'l

SfIIUf' II"'W ('otl·.\rurlloll nnd rt'f1l\lrj('i1nt!lUI«! \0 1'1\1:(' tt

bark canyon abovQ Bonito,

.... _._--~


to tbe many, many new bome IIWllCr8In Rutdosll. This year has seen morenew homes built than ever befon,!. Nextpoint we WIlJlI to make Ill: 1I0w's '-yourInsurance eoverage on U,at new homeami 11.'1 contents?

DAN D. SWEARINGIN, In'coImIUrl\nN~ _ IICI,1 E."U\te - Pholle CL 7-4255

• " <,



. _,"~o===_ .. ~.. __ .= ... -

.'SUbscrlptloll.!l: $3.50 per year In Lin coin County;



()If'lIn Sllrppard. who r.luled 11Illthi' \\1l!1 IU ehnrlt\' tlf Ole:' IllUII' '\Iudall IIIlormnUon would 11:'\'1' In f'tlml'Irolll Ih,· I';ll!>t Utnh MllIllll: ('om·pill,)' oJ Snll l'lIltt' ell}' lIlIIl Umt Ilt'r·mll<;;I(JlI 10 takt' Jllt'lun"! 011 11If' Illln·lilt! propt'I\Y would'lll';,() hll V(' 10 "01\1"fmm thnt offlel'. fir (' A SIPI'll. I,rt'~'·

l<il'll\ of Ulf' eompanv

l.t·[ut...r, of Ill(' ()(omocmUe P1U")' 1'"" III 'hr bUf',IrIt'tl!1 on Ulf' Aql'ndilIn 1",>", Ml'ltll'O. twadro by (h'\....l"Itor fIJI '11f' f'fmutll"f'(' Wl\.q to IX' !llf' 'iI'.

In' k 'I.! C'ampl}('U. Slllle C'h:llrlTllln If(,' .,m "I n Ill't\ ~!l\L(' rhnlrwomnn.('A 1\ III H"I1I. forlllf't (JoVrtnor Jollr, !n .Utt .."d 'Mr~ Mllf' Slehf'lberf/f>rF r.II:f". and Ql'vl'ral Ornl'f' hnldl'l" {II AflllIfll!f'lqUe. IUld a 11('\11 r.wtcIII . '0'1' pmlllOflS. AlulII: with a II''' IrNI 'UN lur !lIP par'Y. to tlU("("('t'(1wwlll,.'" eandldal"" for "tAI(' of/i,·r. 8la!/' B<'n .>(>m'Ofl Toll''' 01 Ro:.well.""lInn art'l\ 1II1t h('l'f' W('ffn~11Y lIlT RUlli I f'f' Pill I)' rM:nm>tfn tWI>dM· f·,mlM't'.llt'p,

M..... m:z'. ha\·... bt'f'1I hl'ld In thf' Tttp "~f,<,Ull>;'" oornmll!f'l' nJr--.o WillG"lll R(llIm nl thp Holiday Hou....• rro\ II'W l'\>'·prllll3.l"}' ('{InV('tlUot\ nl1ro('louu' y "lIaltlI1PJi lUlII ehalrwoltlt'll o lilt r".:,,:M\lUl" a'l prtJPO."('(/ by aArc 1I\{'IIldrd In !Ill' m",nbf'n;~llp" , l:t'( :nl ,. ,....... "t''' hi'lldf'l1 b~' St31elnf' l'lICC'UtlVl' f'(lIl1l1l1!lI'f' ~'n F.d V Mmd of AlbuqurrqUt'--------- ._.. --------




. ,.

. .

Reduce Cbarge,Bond In BirthdayParty Slaying

MINING ACTIVITY --fholo wat modo earlyIhit week al sceno of mining activity In Tan·* . •


lh' OWK nm"Nto:1"fInll""'~'" NI'W" !'ltnff Wrlll'rl

A ItI'W '1'\'('1' '.Irllt... III lIlI ,,:d minelib'....,· UlIlIItu l.all<'. ll11rtllt\(· ! 01 Rul.dl' 1I Aud r"llonpd Ill-- (')la; II'" flll'l'lIto Ihl' "·,'.''''''''f'll Prp:" '"'ll Mondll~'n'l "11 If'w,'h)' ',lOIf' or .-:J\ ...r" couldnol br ,,·t1lwd ", IItI' nuna'. III UleUI:Il~1n ,u.a

AC'C',>r.1 II. "'('~. lilt' W W Hmlth. ,.!:(tnrr~l) '~'h~rnrtor _ fir ItO·.\\f11~ An­'Jtl'lflt ...1 I ,., 'lay lin",ph IhI' nl/lC'ntl ('''IIIl''''. f',uh 1" .··,·f''> h' ff' !Ill1t (\«,$,000 If 4~rmllll hmt'lir;tl pm::rnmwould h" 'If'cd Ill'lt! "'''dt "n lob111 ('.ouWn f':!Ib R,lnl"·. II. 'll... IlIIr'lI·f'a,l Ilill' '1 ItU:dll'.fl

Af'I'1I1' I"'JIl..... InC' . BIlI"J' !oldUll'loral ("''IJ.''~ ('luI> 1-: In" ••!fII·f'. lqnow 1l1lll<1.',- m ('IIl\'I,·' Olil! !t't'\\f'll11\ N"'iN \I, ',FlJ Ilul III IIN'"lmd Andl.ubb'l( k 1""0 , 'f11" linn htL';Ju·.\ (·1111>1'·.·· I'd n $SOO,OOO FU A mIll·fnr,' nUl,,! J\lulN" III !to'wrn. Ulf'ItU!"" " I' "I .':nw In 111 <:ald II hndbrt'll U~fh' -n.,d

W W /-on .!II. IIUNt 3:. wac'> dr$rrlbHI" nr.f' "I Nr-w M""lco'!l lend.

,( nnUnut'tl In l'aJ{p 41


~ ~ ."'_., ~c ~'~_'~ft ~ _

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-- "-"--


. --- --- - -,.. '.

Bill TooleBankruptcyPetition filed


.' ~,......-.-





The RUidoso Plnygrollnd lU·tt" llnsbl'f'n soaked with frequent showers.llud n few heavy m!m, dUl"lng Aug.ust. Sunday the community receIved.99 of l\n Inch of molstur~ during l\stead)' downpour fOI" most of thedaY-'llud again Tuesdny. II steadyrain pOlll"ed .87 of Iln Inch on Rul·doso. .

SCnltered showf.'m hl\vo been re·portl.'d III lithe&- parts of LincolnCOUllly.

M',m.' Uliln Ft'Ven Inches of mots·ture havl' bern mensured III RuI,dUH) 'llIce Aug I tn the Inlt'rmlttenlrallll" II •

A b:Ulkruplt'Y pellllon h"..~ be"11fUl'd by Bill Tooll', former RUldo'"elLy p:l\lllllng eonslIllnnl, In Unltt'dSlatM DIstrIct Court lor Uw District01 Vermollt, and n ml.'l.!lIl1g of crro·1l0fS to IIro\>e claIm.!!. aPJlOJnl 1\ tl'u.,·tl'e. appoint 11 eommlltee of credltora

.nnd 10 examIne UIO bllnkrupt hll!lbeen tIC!. lor 2:3(1 p. hi sept. 12 tn lhl'lJttnnlnJ,lloll ('-ounty Courl Holl.'K\ III8l'1l11lllltlflll, Vt Toolv moved wllhhi' lamUy Irom ht'1'l' III 190'..1 to elltc:or"rlvllle bll!,lnt'll:l In VrrllllJIIL



, , :'

FRIDAY. AtlGUST 23, 1963

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11 _' ".,. "

. ZIP CODE; m~

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,'..',. _. ". ,.- , ..... ',- .", " -- .', ~" .-"


$800 IN CASHOL-trlet Atlorfley Oan &lUI r,~nkd

TAKE.N... IN...RO..8·.B.ERY· ~~I~d:~I~~\~~nl~:::nll~~:~~:by thl' fllmlly of llC'nl' malllnU!1 wtill

. died III 111<' Rutdoc.oollmll!o Vtlllt'yA robber or ro,bbem.•'1.l1r:.·~ tndru~"l,I<n"Jntt~~QA:) I """".P~!~, Jf~1Ul.L eady Wcdtu:=d:l}'

('.:1 ...h and on f'5;:t1tnl1!C.tf·~OO to J!;OO ~Ill!('r!l l:::;lIed thtl} 1I1t1It>'rillllll," ~'.nJlS.\\-1l!! OOJtt!rmNI by tht> R('vIfl t'1ll'c!c'j from Ol1tewtl.Y Ol'Jl>l In "11II'r(' WM no r.lcn of forced (In. noo:.er IDI!'rmnn til Fort 1:111011(01'Ull'(\.\a~· (~I('r I';(Itrll!UlI1!' bl'twl'f'1! Iry II I', bvUt'\'ed Utt' thtef or thlevc<l will) !;tat<,d !b:tl SlalJiIIll-' budy WlC'10 pm And mutnl!lht C\mdny. VII. NUwr had Il kf'Y. or Wf'~ hldlllll In ""m In Rc.'lwI'n tnr till' llU'O/l'lj,' llndlo(1f' ManJml l' J S;:U'lt!cro rl'JlOrted tho nlol'l' ~'lll'tl It wn..'l clo::t'd S:llur, would bl.' rf'ltu',l('(J I" RUld",n III1I~onfln)' day evrJlill;J .. Imt(' fo: lJw fUliM1l1 whleh WI:J lit'

NC'II Wpt f11lUtnt;(lr (II OMt'Wtl)' Wt';t lold \Jl(' Ne:"~;!l !h1'1 wl't'1c that ttl the Mn.'JClll I"tllwml IImllf' Ifl HUl·DrUll. dl·HI\·...rrd tho Ull'll Q\ .0:1[; the:' liIon(')' \liM In OM lOon")' ".ad' doc.n al 10 C" (\ rn s.,lureinyn t:l Mooday mnnllng, Ite adv\tA'd and In hll r.ttrCOIl('!\ W<, "I hnd Gll\lllll::~ wh ) W11'1 bom III Okla.:hn' Uw '!I!('wc. had t,kl'.11 IIp)lroX- lhme dl.'fW:'llq made up roady to Ito .hema "'pb 11 llIoo. l'l <;uf'\'I\'NI b)'Ill1o:l'ly !J".oo iii currmey. Inelw1!ng to Ule bllr.k and thl.' Ihrm> !o!nll.'d II.!) wile, Mr'. loin li!I.\IlUiIl" lind1\\1) fir UIH'(' S50 bllIil. Mlml U bUb, about 81.1110. counung UII' chrekn \bret' .....Iern Mr" 0(";:;1f' Orahnm.'hI' rF~ In $10 ond $20 bllb. Hc smd nnet rnc;h" 11(' rold d.'l (llr Q'l ho Wf'r.1 Fork. Mk. Mr'! Mdrll'Ni /lI,y.110 ('ole. wl'r(' tl\l«m Q!l (4r l1!) he could \('11. Itltt:-e wnSl rw1hlnlf ml!;r.. ('r. Oldabolflll Cll\' Bnd Mr'. Hubyrauld lell II(' dreJ;Jrcd thi!rc \\"ere no 10lt [rom hlq nnrcoUc-1J Inventory b1uup. 1..00 Alllmrn. N M

" .., , '. - ...-- a\li.lIln~p had \)('(In ~ltnIl7.f'd InAlbuquerqllft. n'ld In nUldr"l('. lors<'Ve:'rrtl WI'l'Ic.'l lallowlrl'J lIfI al!l'rf·n.Uon he hnd WIth 11 lorlll blJ.'illlC's:"milD


• •

RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTli'. NJl;W ~:XICO. ,.: 4 • • 14_._ i _,

,;.. .'

Series of Meetings In· CountyTo Outline' New Court House----------_...:.'--....;._-----------.. --


·Insurance AgencyA HEARTY WELCOME



THIS WEEK, We hope your meetings

aro very successful.Billie Clarke - Dial CL 7·~415

. "



rr 14 Pages In 2Sections-Section1~~C}.~.l'~'~bCld . In tbo Houtbwes~'11 Ycar. 'Rolll1d PlAygrolll1c1

" ,_ 4. I •.il!. , _ , ,, ,.


••••••••••••••••••••••••Ar.iJund Town-By Nosey Waters-.... ~~ ...•.•...•........

". ,f'"

el.. [..



Edna Brumbelow a~ Ihc Navajosays ~C'5 already getting lois ofrl)scrvallons for Christmas and JIlewYcar's-sklers from, San Antonioand Houston . , . RuidOfO shbuldhave the biggcst crowds In all lishistory starting next mld.wl'ek and­to run through Labor Day-watchand see Don't Eec how It could beany Itu-ger than last weck-t'nd. butIt will. Most everythlngln town wasFULL , . , Ruidoso Airport harbor-ed about 50 planes Illst week-endwith the Texl\Il Pl'lYate Flyers As­Iloolntlon members having a num­ber of their planes here. along withlots o( others from oUler litates. Atono time. the municipal pori hnd14 planes parked on lis apron. arecord for them. Brown Air SCrvlcehad 3D or marc , . .

'* * *SChoolstudeQIs received their 1962-63 Tomn.hawk onnul\l In an annualsigning party Tuesday evening. witha sock hop WI a part o( the tUfalr. 'EdllDm TonI Tully altd Linda Cq.n·IreU received congrotUIaUons frommany llourccs on the nile publlcatlon-reportedly Ihe best ye! Issued byIhe school. The annual .Wo!! dedi·

....clI.tcd.toMr.··...tld Mrs; 3....~n 1/l1'lt " ..... .' .", . ~_.. ,,_._~- • ,J ... ..:~ • til ..,;~ ... w, '~o; , t 5 'fl.; i 'ir7....,', ~_",... __ ......"",_ ... ' ~ -~_--'- ~._••_••_._...-' ..--..,__ ~.-...."""","~~~.. \ ...,'..--.._

\Cllehers M1'b for !levernl yl'ars who IT'S THAT TIME-Rodney Flanagan, a socond Itoms thl. week.end, because school startshaVe resigned , • . d b d d'*' '*' * gra or In No Hill school, and son of Mr, an Man oy. Young Flanagan', father Is a typo·,Remlncsclng-Jtow many at the Mrs. H. B, Flanagani- portrays Ihe Wistful soller at the Ruidoso News. He hi posed in

oldUmcrg remembl:r the \luge OIJ'lh\ feelings of all youngsters about his ogo as front of Nob Hili f>chool entrance, tho doonor ::rowo lh3t used to- Oy BCroS5 Ih d flY I'k f hi h ld f h ftown In Ule vlolnlty of Bob Mooro's 0 on a vacat on noars. oungsto,rll I 0 owe swing w e jusl {;I ew Qurs romalation. many yellm nco each oven. - him will be pullings away their fishing rods. now.In« about dlClk? Hadn't lhough~ ,katol, bQf,cbaJl equipment and othor suchabout Ulem In mnny yenrs and nil 01 ~._.- - ., .• _ .. --~ ,-~ ~~ .~-_._--------_.._--------a BUdden we mlJ:ood !hem • • , Wohear Bill BO)'cr III ID operate Uler.:evcrat rock faced, gl~ frante:'drenlal unlts built lwo lK'ClSOrl!! ngo,bUlllOt put In Usc. by SIerra. BlLU1C3CO. In Whlle MountlUn Po.rk, Del.lulI,luI Jumlshtbgn hnve been JlI!ltalled Till.' 1.Int'oln CounLy CommL'l:llon.In lbe bexagon clI11Pcd bUildings. For I'm nllnoullt'<'tl OIL'> "H'ek tJll\t plnn:1the (1m Ume. thl:3 winter. Illey will (or Ihc IlCW I.Ultolli ellllnt~· (',,'.1be rented to tul1l't:.1a. we've b{'('ll UOU':(' llre bf·.It:! llU" cull-d to !h"told •• , VOLI'''· llt ',('\('11 '·lwt·I:IUV '.(')lI'd'JI,·,1* * *' mrclln(f'> IlI~Oll;I:I!JU' UII' 1'01\],'~'

We were on hand S3turdl1Y nIght Thl' ('omm:"<,.!mt(f" ',,"'I"11(>T 'o""hat P:3(I p.tn when Rnlph Drown (hI' :ul'tJ1lrt'lur ill I" "J ", V"~l' alllidrove hl.!l plc1cup ID tho lIOUUI end BumPltUm 01 It!! ,tH'U t\ ,Ii il~ "l'li~or Ute Ruldor.o I1lrport fWlWllY ID plnrL; Ilml de ,1~1l'. ror tll.. UPW (-" Hll!tlnt! b.l(JJ . ltolJ:ro nt each til U~cr(J mC'"Un:'~

em New MexIco pllot In 11 t"1n· TIlt' flrq 'chr,!aJ1,>(\ 'hf'f !lIotJ I :.1

cnglncd plane In 11 Inndlnu nl\(!r dark ('.o~Orul, '." W at 7 llll Dr-II I illdurIng a drlztllng rain, The pilot eOllJur:I··., I. WIll! 'Iw I' fA 11I1'f'!I"':pilltced up COUr pa.s::eD/raa nM Clew Dt ml' ('orm:n f;c.!zt"'! 'fl" ('itrrlYl7',out a (.ow minutes Iaterl Thllt Wl:I9 ml.'CUL(I 1'1 RIO(() w"11 UI£' JI·TA Hl'tI'lbe came day Brown took h~.'l mow· 4, Bcd !hl' c-'1p;UIII mP("lr,~ Will Ill'tng macliliJe IItld mowed the hIgh &>!Jl 10 AI"'1l \\ ,ttl :ht:' P,TA T'l'weclb along Ute taxi strtp:; Ihnt4 lJad Haudo mC't'l:f::r will I}f' l)(>pl Ill. ·,tbl!Ctl !'ulfetlng the Wings on !.ow, thl' Hondo School TIIP HUlcCl'>o mpr.'·wln!l'Cd thlP3, He put In marc lban Ir.l.l WI:h ttl(' p.TA VI-uJ! bf' flf'pt .!Ii11) boU1'll a\ the alrpor\ thnt day" hO\\'t'-\1lr lhl' roml.U"IOl:f'r_ nulland ,mare Utnn that the t\(!X\ dllY'~ nrrbjl('("!1l Idll hfl:d ~ Illl" ,'m! ~'d~h

slarllng h1g day's work CIt c4JotUy Ull' RU:dQ~",lffl!'.ltn liot ~,. ~"t... """,.atwr 5 a.m on Sunday . , • of ('~JmmNf'''. Sept 'I. amI willI !lll'.. * .. Ruulo-;o ReultlJr". (.t a brl.'akln ~

New telepbone ntttnber Cor your meE*l/tlg. Sepl 11.directorY: Peggy !lnd Bob Cnrter. The pllU1'1 lor II new Court Hou..c RUIDOSO SCHOOLS STARTCL '1·2002 •.. VlUdge MOl'lili1'l1 T. J. call for Q blltltl l<;,;UI' of $525.000 llf.d ." .SMders says RUldo»'s Ure slrms the It'n1i1Uvl' da~(' lor the btmtl "leI" M .arc go~ CO be remove<! &tid 1nstIl1l· Con is OCt 8. tbe:' WUtlly clerk '\111'1' NE'W' TE'RM." .. O'NDAY,.ed tlPlIlde down to keep water from King, ntltloUI1<'ed Tue:;(/ay Sll'mtoak\t!g the works. causIng shm1s Brolli(>J's of Albuqut'Tque ate to be " • . •. . , Funeral Is Heldlhat set. oU false alarms Uke we'vc the nsm' Qgt'nts. \he County Clt'rk 57 ARE 0.N PAYROLL F'or Former Rw'dosoanhad a UtIle o~t\\-~ll1l.e:. • • 111sO..rt'~l1t'd

Have you read l1bol.1~ livc jewelry, ..--.::,._::::~..::,.::.~;::••:-:::~-:~-:~::--.-:•.-:~:-.. :-:,.::•....-.--_......-..__.-.,----:-.::_.:::::::';":::':::~=.::::::.~-:-::- Ruldl):';o schools tu!qtn Ulf'lr 1!l1'i3- In Clovis Mondaya crue that began Itt Mexico? We've ; I' &4 term Monday, Ali& :ro SUt!M'tn- The fUt\('ral of Mm Irtnll BrO';lo-nseen stOi'fes In magazines! lUll1 news- t .. \(!nt!"t\~ Tam \'II Barruw indtcl1tc-d 11 fonnl'r Itmdtr..o rt"ildcnl. was heldpapers abotrt the becUes that are t f II t\"(\..q a fOl'l'gOM ootIClll"lon Ihnt II In ClOViq Monday. Aug ID S1!(' WIl'l

dccnraled With jewels. and haltered 1 _? ~ new h~gh N'C'Ord rntollmf'rJ could bt> SUrviVed by Itf'r hmb;'Utt/. P",u!With Ito chain tllld tim en ladles' ,~ eXf,'e'C!«I far !he rww lnm Lnst Brown. Clovl'l. 11 WfI, Rebert Brown.coalS. Jackets arid dl"eSiE'3.. The Ar. ' ."~' ; }1lar Iltc> l\>;-ernge. enrollm('tlt ron t>e~llh(), Cnllf. and lhr('e dnugbtemUsan Shop in the Adobe PlAza ha.!l Ju't 0 d!lttle under llOO pUplL'l, Bar. Vera Turck. MOnlE'ITt'V Park, Cl111f .some. They are machcse bUgs, lUld " row sal . :Beth Sht'pherd. Clov!~, nntl.Mltdrf'dwttJ llve three ro lour yeara on bits " .. 111(' scllools pt01Jlde RuldlY-.o OtIC' Jerglrul. Clel\rwn!.er. Flaof ~ bark tn their nUle boxes of It'! Ul\rgl';t p3)I'tolb. wtUl 1'>7 ttm· Mt!l a~-n WM nn nt't1v(' memoyou k~ 'em In overnIght, , • \ j plllY~M 'hl;, year bt't' of lJw RUldo;'.o CIIUrt'h 01 Chrl!>1* * * ' ;- BI1~ '\!;m OJX'1lltt' Ul('lr I'l'gulat fn l11SO l:'o1Jl'tI th(' Brma.-'tt."l rwed hert' Ma' I( ...fll,aM,,; of HUlll" .. f)""'ln. Wl'nd('1/ ChlllO. prp"ldNlt of Ibc •.--.'..~•.. _. _. .

E . s.. U a ...." btl"""'. tlu .ft ..U......'~g . I sche....ul(''l OIl o nUlg 00". lUtd .... - lUld Chllrle9 Wbnrton of \Jle RUldlY'~ whn h..·, bN'lI held III thr ('am7nT-l' M I Trlb I 11 '" I'. P. "V _~ ....... "...... I'" I .....,. j t d h "-<;('3 ...ro n U;;II1f'lt'i ,;omm... nOn"~RT ,···,.(..1(·.·..,·.. Dt''''. f"O"

lrom the DnUa..'l Times ·~erald of , ~. . , 4 "1 lunchroom '110m sen-€' mca.l!lllS 1m131, Cliutth of Chrl5t wa.'! the omell\tlng III ffii (l flT'1 egret' murdrr I' atg(· _.t u 1 A I" r........ elK> r. ••11. __ __ I II b _.... t' IPf'. arJWllflt'<'U ...Oll( a)'. UUUS'\ ... ALI..AttlEnl('AN f'l~TUIUTYAug. 8 Ul which the Sptlrts Writer .,!.-. , narrow rrportl':d Ja:;t Wet'k tnlnisU'r .at the ",uvls rltC3 !lltr.. :"'l,wully f\al' y q,ll).'!n£l !.hnt Ihf' Tribal (:<Iunell I1MI madf' 1\

Louis COx bas a column tong re. 'I Bt>!ow l\tl.' lISted tM sclt90I't/ fl\ml.-'·~. ~-,- - Juf:t,· 2!> cc-ar 1JlSCUlt 11111. wa!l bound df't'I'I,on 10 flt/r('h:t:-'..P lhf' Sif'rra B1an Oent~ 1Iet}Sloy r~m Ulat tbf'

~;.:nIn hthowe


.,......~SlmIht~r ,. '~.'".j~. °lllfd('!:,...r!.,edl~lh'Wf!!h,. new cmflloyc· Funeral Services ~:J!;;;;~~:t~ inc~~-e~l.'t ~:;~!::~:. ra Sit, fACIlitY from Ihf' Slrttll Blan· ",orIMam!!4 lil'rcen Atar. R(lMrt"". I""'J. If' ~, I ~J L<f' \tI. • ....., ('1\ CfllTllJllny. hcndrd by Rnbl'rt 0 l\tlll'hlllfl. "nd hI! \fire. norothy.stories art! appearing itt newwapers ~ •.'. . . , ~ "1' W Barrow- .su!X'tiJl!rndcnl Of Scheduled Friday bond "I $10.000 w~ rl'flu('('(1 10 $5.000 Alldl'r'.on III Roswf'll art' due ht'te from their BelmontIro.m..~ Angeles ro. A.'1.!inta, trom '. , SChools F Mr O'N I }'arnul. Trappe. IUd•• this "'eek.........._ I Ok'-" t . o·r s ea THREE AREAS (11lno 'laIrd Ih:lt Andl'r''(lIJ had II) IIt'1' their ho....tul. ..~J...on·oOu»wu 0 .uu,omo. 91ty two or ..' ."" . •AliCE' M OVE"'On.,'!l'Crt'ta.!'Y· I T b I" I C It ..~ ..~... 0..... u . madf' ! If' rl i\ .,lIs n~ ·OITlIn 1.('(' ."-·ro. Aom.....A In ~~la'·.I~y·~....1'00 mcs every race season. The HIJth School· Pat VaUlant, Pr'n, F'uN!ral !;M'VICM will bI' ht'111 n\ ANN' I d I I ""'R ~ .~... "'" n;o~ .................., I !"'" ARE EXED nil Orrf'T 10 <,pI AU thnt lll'y lall at' TrlaLo; tnt' ihe nl'l\f $300,00I'I All-............ cont nUIng pro ""'. of enter- clpal. Amv AugilAr. secretary: Paul 10 l1.rn FrIday. Aug 23 In the Mtl<;on f't'pll'fl hi" "Ifpr "It Wl\!l \Jlr df"C'I<'talnlng sPOrts Writei'll ofllie me- ) Vance'. Kf'nneth NfI'A-'totl. LeRoy PullCrl1l Hortle Chappi In RUldo.w BY VILLAGE ,\m(!rlt'an to'uturlt)' to he runM......ll'~ f th W d ..,. i . lOll by IIII' ('OIIDcll 10 purchl\.<;f' I'lt' l·~bor Ofty', "-Imo"t ....,.. r n h~N"VI' )Oh 'PreSS 0 e est lUl '\'. ' Oooch. Robert Lee. ·~V(ll'l'tt Ban- .Or Mrn. Lc.-e O·Nr-nJ. 511. who passed k _. DC .. Ct<'q ,.. -,

'South 1s})aylng off h\ h\lirly fine toe- c·; il!~"~'~\;' ' llltet. Bmy Pippin. OLinda LooHam. llWl1.Y Wedn.esda'l1 mOrn\ng thl9 wllCk ~'hrf'(' nnnexatlon r('C';oluIIIIIl:. Wl'rf' Qc~lr(' l\ndd to1p

f'rl1U't' dl/th1e ;'lu


C(\·'. hc'C'n !lhowJnK I"('ad)' Improve-

.......~ ...' J ~ J ""~ _A by thA V'IIINffn of RUld~n,"lllO qnl f' !I111 f' a. It' nAn· rnent In hl8 Behooll·..• ra~•

..un,;".· ...:'" •• ' 1 mitt. Barbara COttle. c!i51c Lee In the ttUldlS) Hospital new. . L. Tr"-" t'U 00 ~'l' ~~ clal 1\!,pretq and tht' dctl\ll'l of thf'_~._ .._ ....._:':'.. ..,lJ<ib Pearson IS leamlrtg to f1y- ii, ., " .' 1 HawkIns, Kathryn Williams, VlrgilOa.ry of the Oreen.· Tree Baptist IL'lIf'('!l at tl spcclw mrctlng last "urch~"n wftrn I·....n.. "'ork~d uut a'

hM 10 bQUrs on the log MW, .and Is· ...... ~ H' , ~. I WhlWtlgIDn. Stanley S!eWlUt, "Joyce ChUrch will conduct the Sl?J'1Jlccs .. Wl'dn("-;da~' nrtcrtwon. The thtec'" _.00 ,., ncl .. "' , ".IllZZY" MUnRELI, FAl\llI,Yaboutnady to solo. 116~s to buY • t Ann Banlster, BUrl&! wilt bc In Fore;\. Ltl.wn Ce.me- additions nr:nelCp,d 10 Ihe vlJlMlo tbo prl'sl'n~ Urn" [lilt! probl'lbly would .\TTBNbS I"tlNERAf,fl, plane shortly , .• 'thE! H. Allen . • . i Jutllor High SChool .Marvln Me.. Wry herE' Wf'rtt AplIC'lle Park. ';f'l'~i71d nddllion bp antloutlel'd In two In Ulret-wce\l.s Mr nnd Mm "Buzzy" MurrellfamilY of· Austin., Mlm, 19 VIlCl\.oo .• ' } i . OUlte. Principal. Dub Wllllatn.'l. Mrs. O'Neal and her husmlnd who III Wlngfll.'ld fllm1~~(-:\d S~lbdlvl!>lon (,11100 <:nld thabL

Ih(' wadS DO,t nt ththCl Rnd family nUendcd thl.' graveside

tiOl'lUlll' Here, Hff J.!;'WfUI 'th~ 'Hdrh1el' ",~ , ..... • ,:, ,... " c, '. 'KathertnE' A Dt'M, Charte!! W, B1. Jg ertlployed nt thl'> ,nUldooo Down!! and fhnt portion of Parodi'>e elm pre "nt tlml' a f' 10 L<;(' m;!' l' ,f'rvlcl"l fnt MM, O. M. Ol'lrrott. (Itco.. bUiwUfreUre shOtUv ami buUd ",,, . ;;<"". 'shop, E. It DunnglUl. NeUe Mosloy. race tro.cJt. helv!' been RUidoso fesl' yrm which had peUtloner! rcqUf>-J, nmount Invulved In UI(' Lralt'lllMlon Atwall't, CQ,ut. bold In !he SO\lthj }'lCw hOme In OOutltry etub li:sfJl.tes - . • Sidney Franklin Ml1Iel'. Katherine dcrItg durmg the rl1clng foC4lotl IUld tor B1l11l'XiltlOtl. All Irlr,U'l'fJ npprov- Blld· thai lIuch an I\lUlOUnCl'ml'nt PlHk Ccrnett'ry Ul 1tooWe11 Saturdl1Y.rJCjt 'dOOl;' to th& Lloltd Da.v.ts. Jr" '.,. 1'ra\11.<l, Slar QetJrge. "Margaret thelr home l'l tn PhoenIx, Atll!. ('u fl1t' l1nt1t'xntlotl3 would probably come from the nu· AuU 17 Mrs.. Garrott was !ho wUef· cs"·1......"" (} S' I I I'd th h b d TIl at rNiU nl Indllm Alfalm 1111' sid faelh· IIf Lt "'AL 0 M. O tt. w..... 1."'- ..~."" • , • '. ." ,re"'"' urv VOl'll nc u e ... us an , ~ <-nne' ........,lnn C'ftllt~' by '-', '''. UIoJ "' ...."'" ~ ""'" ,",'''', .".." 1'1 nnd Irnpl'nv...m(>lI!JI art' """""'rLt>d ... * * '!II .' • , ;' .~', '. Nob Hill SChool-Herbert TraYlor, Adt1l1tt; two daUghtCts. Mm LUnati Mn~'or Wnrtrn Tucker nt 2 35 pm. '~.'" E!f'p,broth(OJ' of Murrell. Mr'$. Oar..

8I1O\Itd lheharses belirlng the rol. ' .", '. I>tInclpal; Bernice Morr'lS011. Olen. McOrllw. Cedar Rapldsl Iowa. IUld Aug 14. wa~ nttended by nil trus. In rl't»'es(llIt an IllV('mml!ut of ap., ren JtI!.!lf:l.'lI away OU.Aug. 13 lli Call·lOWltig Mnit!S (l\!Ct 1MJWgeth~t 1n '" , \, .., 'j 'don HAlTls. ·We";$olee aarrow. ttUlh Mrs. OelleVIl MclJkey. Shetlllnn. tC't"l A ttl-'lCU%'1on WM lllsel hl'ld In f1toXlmawty 2'l mllUon dollar!' fortUIlonc race llt. lli~ slI.triB tnct. fali!! . A: .,.'. ' ·1--', Moore. Su.c:an PaInter Miller, PatsY Iill1.: tWO sons. Eug-mo E1l1ott. fl'gnrt! to tlntutlll IIns frAnelll"p lor Other oHlel'rs IIf the Trillal BIISII. ----:--,---....--'-'---'...' ...-tnlght tt:ililk lJOb, 'Otidtch. tltl.lly •. ' '.' 7' ' ,; ....' ''; ',. ',rate, M'lU"Y 111en OUtiagtU'l.:Elsle li.lbO.·infleld. Ind,. Md· MOttlS Elliott, RUIdoso. however. no action wag nl'Gl! Council. ChlllO stUd. arl' ,.ttacltig FQrirt COtT~U.tld Jt.UJ.. .."..., \ ",,' 'j Matthews• .Nancy Halo McCarty. Sl.ooktoIl, CIl1ll. ~. taken The bills for Ule rnotJth-of July SlImoon Miller. vleeopresldellt: Dcr·

e ·.;\r~"~:~~~~-'·' ~;--.~ . '~I,:.· :1·.', .,'"1 ~:l~~ ~~!~~~~~;?;r!r~' ls~ar:a~;a~~~~~~:~,,~~~~, a~r6Vcd n.nd auth()ri~ ~.~_ ~b~~~:~~~:~~~:~~r. ~~ A.~bl'~~ f.'~'''·'''''''''!'''~''jr', ',,'II#••',~~. :"

:., ' . ,.' " , ' - it

. , (.' ." ~'! J1 - ..' v <:;.1."',, t>5.· j..

Ii" '. '. __" " - -,.., ..

. .' ~"" f .~... '''-,. ,;"',"'J> "

, ,,;.' .J'. .. f." . r' .. . .;;, -_ ..",,~_ .., ~ . . _. '" ..

! "f1 .. 9t"-<;,l..,I.-/j;~"II~} "' ". .{"-._-,, .. --'*r"" ., .' "'.f. . ... ,} t!NOA <:ANtRElL*' i;." .'

..•. .,'-',' , I ' '4 ' " (*1 ':'O;;;:':':"_~; ":"''':k' 'a":':~'UIl:C·~~"W' "",- '* "li'

. ~"l, Utl'>v uu....;> l4'"-' .."V c,. ""> ,Lind.. " . a C,amt.. ·.e1t.''4, • ·..":.~~~~t~.·.I~~e!::.E~f~. M.··~.~ll ..!!'.~~.~.·~.y,.•~.. ·..···,·.·. J.ti1~';' ":,"':" '·f· r ! -n~~~':~~ltt~ i!~:.u:~th~~1I. ..., . ..,:t. ~... ""~..., .....__"'". Uj'.o''' ow.a........An..........,..,'" 12~ datW:..~tli tb::'l~twaW::[~d-:.::llltl~~,~'gl;;::. from 'NIlICb flnnlu.1s will bo do. d Mr~ M~. nII1YJl\\jbfLtt~ RUI.

'~_~' """,e..".:;,.:... · • . .,: •• :. ' .) 'MercY'l'~ Orbw abOut gettlfig to- ;ft..s.peticaue .~...' ..' .' .' ", . '" 11m.'t sbtrU1,... Ii nf$W-tbe~~.t.l:30p',m., abd WlUt. ., drJI.'. y~cto1iblil )S(ll! MJk:lufnl.. Vl"''''''ptr.lce, tclynUN!d lor the 5\~pt. 2 claSlile AOSUu

I" ~~, J1II'l"b~~ ~ ~ifl. 1)Qm.•. ....'1"<W It .~. ethett1le thtaictidets Imfiied 'n-Wk .. LIndJi Canfrell.dtUgbfll;, 'ot Mr. 1ttftti.ltloso~$ JdstdtY, :.I'ld,lwOiltuD~I-.~l.tedeil.¢h dtly. ,1 nllle )Wl!erl.lktd .nJ'Alldt Milt: DetaiL'; Of tncltlg lor tlil'4 week· ~r. "and' 'lil.~ri""'.u <li _...¥.

If. ~".(;j ~.. ·i~·. '00.;'~ ,.Roller tUId t Charley ni:\d Mrs. C,. ,0••e~u(.~.,~ 0pe.iUb« .~ lltiltite£ ol ln~ .Hllhiltltt et ibllfti'Ckla)' l:\tCl&1t hi I '" A ..., f.... ~ ,., ...................... """... . >ilL ui .. n6(tlO\\'· oemtl'!1'- !:tO IUd"'e 1 en.0..3..en.' ..A~.. '. e ~...'lb re.r-." '""'.··'t i.e•••i.e"", "'.''''.........,.... .. \..A."'. ·i.ll· '" .•·1 "'__1 "-=-.'.. _ .j..'_ "by', ~otCd .J«;keya lire bel"" ~1t1d· .w. ell uro lkk!gfoul' dll.Ys st-att- ttol!,YWood, Pll'mtfa .l>f' l\ :boY, Mtn",..-.-..~ _ "t"utll; ..• . a: ,....~ .. ' ' • ,L " 1 "'"v:&.~~ ;0" , "" ~ - ~ ,n: ...., -..-- .-...- br'/)"'''h'.'. "' m·.. ~Ii .n.g:. UJ.. Ul. '.t'hUl'll¢J,Y'.. spa.t1lg.h~ by the AU"', 1

12:...w.'·SOL.,,,,1.R~·, 10.·1)'0'"'A'.....,," ._w e.,.••. l!et1d~. rrcnn1n Ui~«t.seW\'!."hllve- ".ow1k!t, fndli., Met' we ua. " """'!".r: ..........,.."'.....u A.lrfci':tcan a\1C1iOl1 (l(1.~t'Ib\.l1'\iJlJaY. .., the AIJ.Aerit'.aliWlOt ajilltU ... "'~_~I;~:vl u.u u u UI nql(foso 'I'horougJIbtod Derby on ... lIQ4 ... '4';'" ....~

WhlwMla.,:flrlt w· .1l.4tf.lfliftt .lHCb· ne~." ~. ffljbtted .!tUld* Jj{)WtlS (esUV1tIM tnR{ii~.~.·12 -w. ·!o'be iltaged fn It tent W ·be.~. PSt OI1tha& .IiOIu W:fj, Uml"'¥·teach. utll .."' ....." l\ the race. . SUtldAf. llfflg1Ven Ul' 'iI,nothet ll.rtle1e BOY~,:SO '. '4.~~.1'f!Af4' '. . pUbtlcltt ofnct<.lhl$ W~~ ••" , (~w~.) tM gj1jtmd§ nt tffi!l't(~ ti"tlCk.' .•...... new hllh 'fi'I tnrh'J« Trll\t1 lot 1M JJl'Ame~fire In t!Xlfiy'f! NewlJ, 'G~ lJO~""""




--'-;"-" " .--, .-'"







_. p'

, .

Quick BoyJDovr.n!own~doso

Breakfast ServedAt All Hours

Open 'in 3:00 a.m.Closed on Monday

Ruidoso, New Mexico

News Want·Ads Work Wonders

The Addition of a


We Now lJave Four Operate...On Duty At AIl 'J"lmea

Dorol.hy Sample - J:tines SampleI't'ut:'y Thonllu - LeaI1Jta LaD«ford

Waynel)'t:1 Brawn

Wo Now Havo Complete FacilitIes for Facial.Permanent Specials:

Reg. $20.00 Novf$11.50 -Reg. $11.50 Now $15.00$

Olhor Permanent. $15 and $12.50One R1ot!k \V('S~ of 111gb School ID the Gatewa1For Early or LaCe A,p<llnlmenla Cal1 CL ?.flU

Walk·1n AppolnlmMts"We Neeld Your lIad ID Oar BtIlIlnelb"


"One 1l1ook E~ of the POit Offte.and J1lJt .AI a.JJab1el'



with the la,;gesi stock Qf


Ever Offered in R,ndosot

Famo,us Dr. Scholl's Arch Supports,Zino Pa~~or Corns, Callouses, Bunions,

Heel Cushions. Mpleskin, PowdersCushion Insoles, Medications and Balms •••

__A larg~ var~ety of items:that will bring you comfort andrelief for many foot ailments

. S···S·U·.. ·E· AutOrdTI .. .. . TwIrl .liak ., •••••••••••• , •••

PEACHES f~c>~I~~ .

•News Want-Ads Work Wonders


• _== e _IIl1l"'1'.nM'M1IlIIUllfllll'yuumMMWMlUi"OW_TfmberLod;e1l -makeIVonderfui retirementhomes - they CfJl;t lItbtr.

little and i,PQ upquick. Sec our bl~




•EJCORN ir:~;n.~t~~~................. 29¢• •

I CANNED GOODS :;~~rt.c~. $1• •= .. .. cGREEN BEANS 2u~or...... 25¢

D.OGfOOD Kennel Ration· 4St- 3 For ••••••••••


OLEO 2 lbs. •••••••••••••••••••••• 29;.E·· G'.G.··S··· Junior Size." ' .. , . 3 Do%t!tn ••••••••• , # •




.• • . ,


Keep up-fo.d.t.: Vlt.lity Is g"at, when you.drInk a quart

of Milk a day. .__ .----..J •

~-'\7-~r '-~' r~ .... 'f\~r..

't:~\ 45'),~~ ~~.

.,.,It :

.e, .

lEeK'S FOR ·fUN,



, -

",", ..~ .

See WhatPicasso

Has Done for

White-Stag •••Thoy'ro at New MexIco MI••

in the Adobe Plalo

I'hnnl' tnr AppolnlmMla - CL 74511-:- RuldoH Do..

;•. .,,.

r ,I .~ .

J- '.j • A,



SPECIAL'Month of August Only


. '

1/3 to Y2 OFF

Women" and ChUdron',Sportswea,


Th.... ExpetJ,,,cIlQptratO,.tt S.rv. v.".N.~lt,r. t ol'lt!tmmy _.

G·'·,ewa·;'~-ailfy.··.· Shop······.···8, .... . .'the home of P .' . . .St."el1".CotmeUe'I

~. .


,,, the Oel" .,'1 shop-pin. Cli'ltff

When In Ruidoso ­

Go Westernl

- -"

A. j., noted hair stylistof Roswoll. I. now wrth u.

as is Rose MarieBolh Working Wlrh

Gayle McNeese, Hair Stylistand Manager at



Nationally adverllsed $25 Cold Way.Nylon Hair Brus . and BoUIe of Nan Pollah


lIornr 01 (:aprl CO~mI'UCJI

(:bapllrra/ UotrJ

Haye Your WatchRepaired Rlihtl•.. Right Hero'!

Genuine 'IndianSQUAWBREAD

,\. 1-


Bnna It In andlei OUI tPIlCl81!stslook II overReliable llelVltOIII our watchword. An9 fornil'" bellllty, f&-1itylo youlWlllt h Wllh II smart-

• • •\ J(rf'/8/er WATCHBAND


t'& Jl Christian Church Vanzaflt Families~ Guest·Ranch Group Attend Reunion

Meets In Ruidoso In RuidosQ .SOCIALi CHURCH AND GLUBNO'l".mS The ~.\!Q del Uonte COl1imlk. }"falliJ/y rWirlem W"'/! J1fc!ta last .

, E~t~~~ion Cl~b' "" 'nuldos~~h~Ati~rid" , ::esfQi~n~ :~~~~t":':o~ ~ i~~ :S~ib~ll=rf~k~~g5 9 ~ 'I' v'· M . A:.mbl ··f God· tIJ.~ Pllrlstian C!lurctles of ,New Mex· groumls em Ji'rll;lay, AUg.; J6.. Al;lom

J'" 0 leW OVI,e.,.-ASse . . .y 0 Ico. m~ at First Cllrlstle.n C!lu~h 3Gm,embef$ at~et:l.1b\a t4'st: gjl,U!.

...... . _..-_ ~,,----+l--r'-n=- Meaf"Cufiin!! Meet In Mountainair In OAteway last Thursday fJ:~m JO ~ring ilnllthe group d/;lCllle<l t9 makeServes 4 '''''If nuldoso·ll"ndo valfey Exte.n. pa........ W·.. A. Va;'."ft."• and wi'''', a.m. 'Ull 121lO0n. Charles mll1J, It JUl, a'nnUal aftall'.Th9S¢ attending j

•u" .."...... •......,. ,. '" of Roswell. Committee g~lrman. were pP,liwr'~ ~rs. W, A, Van.,'lon Club will meet In the home of with SOlJeN11 pf t.I1e members of the conduCle4 the bU1'llness meeting. ;Gam of me OateWIlY As~mbly of

See Ii Made Ml'Il ,It, K Knox In RIM~ ,\ug. 28 G/l.teWIl:¥ As.sembly of O<>d OhurQb~lfteen representatives from chlJ1'cb. OodCh~Q In'R\1ldQso; a brother,at noon tor a covert'<l dlstr luncheon 11} RUI~·'a.ttmde(S Ule camp meet- es!n las CMlCC8, i\!buquerquc, AI!\-- .Pa8Wr l1i~1'1 'V'at1Wlltlind familyI1nd regUlar bllslnes:t meeting, The 1!lIl pf ltIll A~embly (It God church. mOB'orqO, .Roswell, CarlsbM and from thll Fl~~~mbly of Godprogram ,IIJ $ClwduJ~d to be ,a rum os h!)III,.~,Mp'unta.~lr. 'l'Jle camp R'l/lcjQECl IIttended. Rev, and Mra. Ohurchin P~; Jl. .sliMr, Mrs.Oil mt'a\ cUlling, t.o be shown by meetliiit ,c~' AUg. 11, Rev, 1"l1n- James Saylor served doughnuts and CatherlM W~vetli~d f~m!lY QfMril Ralph Dunlap, wile ot tt)e Lin· ~1lt ~!p/;>H.ell ~at everyOne enjoyed colfee to the visitbrs. as they arrlv•. Albuquerqlje: ~v. 'pllnt<m V!\ri~!Ul1I'o!n Counly FJ"tenslon Agent of th~ Jli1C1Cfar .Iliml'lng, the flne mel\ls ed, and, family ill 1l(a,tlliflcId. Qh1P, heOarrlzozo, It wa'l anno~nced, l!(!rv~ 111 bit dlnllll5' hall. and the Rancho del Monte, In the' foothills Is the son of Rev. ElIrJ Vanzant,

...... - -. ---,~, -' prelU:hSp~ pI Rev, A' N. Troter of ot the Sangre de Crll!to moupta.ln$ and Is the PM~r of the Ji1ITat AS-Chaparral Hotel Big Bpting. Tex. eight miles north of Santa. Fe, pro- semb}y of Gem Ohurcb in MansfIeld;

The Qalewp,y Assembly of God videa spiritual retreats wIth prof0&- and a daughter of Rev, W, A, Van.Scene of Luncheon Churchhad as a visiting minister. slomd guidance for adults and young lIant, Mrll.. CJeQ,~axtel oL;I:'IlJ,Qs Vcr•l .1 CJnC)rl·ng Mr's. Whl'te Bev. EATl'P~r$s. JXlst.or of tlW 'people. '1'bIs non-denominatlonllJ reo des E~tes, CaJif. 'nJe Yil.~lWts

J . Assem~~Y of, God Churcb In l1Mas, Ilglous rendevoll8 la deslgJled tQ In. came t9~ Terrfmry pf NllWMex'Mr~J Phil White. the former Sandy Tex., nt the Wednesday evening troduce a new adventure in clllis- Ico inlQQlI and ~tt1e4J~QU!lY Cdun­

Jl>n(.'S 01 RuldollO, wlJO was mamed service, Aug. 14. lie was also the Uan !lvlng and learninG" ~arge apQ' ty betPre New Me",lt:P. bec~me ar(~CCllUy, was honored at a luncheon ~ucst s~~cr at the evening servo small groups frQm IIny denomIMtJon 8tate,~V. W. A, Vapz~t N!port~,IWld Sntunlay, Aug, 10. At the 0llaP. I~e on punda)'. AUf{, la, Rev. Van. whQ wish to hold shQrt or elf,tendlld .. ' ' '''., ."nffal Uotel Hostellsfor the lunch~nzant reported, conferences are enCOlJ1'age<l tel su!>· 3(1() 811e~ ftt FIller "4Jl~to. ,,,,Itwa!> M'rll J, PaUl Reynolds of Rul· mit requc8ts well In advance ot qllallty, 690 11.$' IJlflctoso varleJydU;~,o and ll.o'lwcll The table WIL'I Ruidoso Library. scheduled meeUnlr.l to: state Secre· Store, Downtown Ruidoso. SUddertbef'ntt'rt~d wlth aU ammgement 01 lal')'. ,New Mexico ChJi!.oilall Church. Drive.chry:;afllhmnulTls and gladlo)l1. IUld To Change To es,3501 CnmpusBlvd.• N; E .• Albu. --__~ ,_..tlw hnntlrl'l' wall prCllented wIth a .Wl'nter Hours qUeJ'que. N, M. Martln'li daughter, Mrs. JoolU1 W~lIt."Ol'1lll({f> and aL'lo n gift from Ule -------- er who had Bbliih~y'f!.l¢s~y, Aug.

- ho,.lc·~ 0/1 tIlf' gUl-'S! list were Mrll, . The RUidoso Municipal Library Ruidoso Women's 20. and ~s. E<lna·:Prum~lQw,wlionf'yno)d~ Jones, mother of the hOll' wm chlU'lge back to the regullir win· had 11 blrUlday Wednesdu:v, Aug; 21.01'1'" Mrs JelllS White, mother of ter hours be(rlnn1ng Manday, Aug, . Birthdays Marked Iletreslltnepts were ~ed.'

. Mr .phtT Whltt.'; Urn Jimmy Owen. ~, Mrs. Clem Welndol'f. llbrarlan.· W Rolt Ilnd his combo.'Mr'. MIlI'ruy WlrIuns, Miss Wendy reported this week. Beginning next ith Dance Party "l,umb, Mllill C"lIa Cranfill and the Week the hours wlll be: Every Mon· Two RuIdoso women wllP ~lebl'1itt. .h(r.\.(..~, l,tny n,jght ffom '1 untll 8:30 p,m, lind ed their· birthdays this week Wl:1'e

'''- .. - ....---- every Tuesday, Thursday and Fri· himl'Jred Ilt 11 dance party hoote<l by'Xi Psi Chapter day from 3 until 5 p,m, The library Chnrlle Martin and held In Ute aUf•

ls located In the RUidoso Municipal fp,lo Room of the Navajo L<xl~eSdwd uJ(~S Meeting BulldlIlll, one block south of Sud· Motor Hotel Tuesday night this Week;,Aug. 2fi in Hale Home dcrth Drive. Th~. women honored werec.harll~ . ..x j ! 'Ill ehapter of BetA Sigma Pbl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiCiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiriirJij

WI \l meet III the homr 01 Della Halelit II pm Monday, Aug. 24 for ap'''Krnm planning m(.'e/.lng and so­rlnl i\ny woman who 1$ an Excmp·'!Ill Hwmbf'f ll.f Beta Sigma PhI JUl,dHul uHlllalt'd with (l chapter In Rul.clf,·." b ('orcllully Invited to attendurad bl'('orn/" aCQuainted with thisIIp,llll, II wu', reported, For uny In·!l,rllllll/lln, ('0.11 l..ockc Renny. anIIlUlfJl.lIl'(·m,'ul MId

SMITTY'S SHOP. • I1 li••••••••••i

... • < < :>- " .-.' <O',~., __ ~n__• ..;. ••••~~; .... _- __~.:;;:...=;.;;;$;:;;;'";;;;;""'_:;;;;;;:;:;_~•••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••


RUht"a" "btl"..('Illb nl"" I I """bIblrd "'0<111".<1i1"or Ib" nllmlll III1 &\l 1'. m VIIIlln'!Nobl"3 Invll".1.(. Mo()on"ld ).....!t.Id.hl.

Walch The Old Mill Wheel Slono GrindGroin Whllo In Ruidoso

Take Homo A Souvenir of This Unlquo,. GROUND FRESH DAILY ,

• .! •. 5 LBS.

HIH. - ('., ",,·ra. - 1"1101 - noah - Ilecqrden


.' -.. - - ._-_. - - ,-" .

Ruidoso NewflI, FI':.,'. A1wu'"II:f l!Jfi:J

1111 ".,'" -\111', IN\TH./I TO\I \I I.••WIII ,,'11.1'. ,. tn,IIIH'IIC;

I 1 f ' d. 'd 't" lal'. I ;lIt" JlIVIl

• ! t" 'h" 'IAot·drl.'I" "I \11,' .JlJd~'

" .\tl i;tb(l f{ql, Wlu-.t'l, .. 'J.tIO IUf' 1.0

II.~. I jf'ft V/,·(Ir,f dOl', idlt'l ""Lttl

• \A"f k .f .1. ""·11.") \ .J, 11.," V.r··f- 'IJ' .. f )"l'l t, .1' :i 1,11, 1)1.t .. 1)1 lht

,I ;1"" 1... .1'I'tl' d" f'd

j, to, "'1'11 I) l-,1t.\lt . ,I l~t H1 \...-u.l~;~(",', -J-.l. Iff 1.1.&1,) ... ,' ('hi; C'J. 7·

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he" Club In ......", ,.1, 'turlda)' 01 IbeI,wnl h •• I 7 II In.1 Walll.'. BOllA

'1' .u, I II f)

\\ 11".. ),' ... hlo .. t" ,• I,.'" I 1•• 1, ,.",,1"', L-- ~

.' : .

Qg9-If#. I • mh~""'IJt''locf..'t.' J(llJ(~(i{ .(~:::~~::'r$:~~~I:I~I~~~= ;a::le::• • 'tu;'it'i:)' IUP'::bl·v~ I'\:J } Storr. UII\vnlown nu/demo, Sudderth~ ~.' t~~~:n\IU~~~.r* -, :Of "".~!I" . _. nr/n'. . ,

II."" 'oe b,."... • iI ' ••~~!L._

1l.~:~:~·,:..':..I:U;'...{ rl::[ w~~~~:~ ,a W'·' 0- 'S· s'eaufy Shop !~~ '~~,,~~.~~~., • llIl pm. 01.01 ttl !::: , s. n '. !

"""'''.0 CbAItI., No, ::: v··IVIAN WALLACE HiS" 1· t •r.~ O,d., ot lb. 1ll...1· ::: • a 't loy IS .;:~;'H,~la'Tb~::J:y .~~ ::: Oot Acquainted Offer'" Permanant Wave Speclal'l !

Li~f;!/:J!.~ ;:":.~,:~~~~·b~lldl~.: .;; $10.00 Wave $ 7.50 - $12.50 Wave $ t 0.00 aOal....)', VI.lda. iii $15.00 Wave $12.50 - $17.50 Wave $15.00 .r..7Jemb.ra ".Ieoma. := _.-.- =

r'b. Cllr1lUa. "'"m.,,'. hUo.· .. . , $"000 W $17 50 ::".... 01 lbe ",,.1 Cb,bl1.o Cllu,eII . ::: ' '" • ave • !...... un lb. I..... Yond.,. of ...eII .. Haircut. NOT Included....nlb 10' bu.ln... .hd .Iud, .1 ..lb. CI.'m·b al "110 1>. m :: Open evonlngs by appointment.

"",."" '" f ' ," 'Ii, ::: Pone CL 7-6497 !, ,,,,.. ,·1 II,. "Ula ::: Uppor Ruidoso _ Acr"'i, from Food Mart __, II fIt. t, nu • t. U h ....

II- ,., ·r."" I " U U U""".tt, .. I' nl III ""'1ft ""'. _u. - ~.,.,",." ..".~'=--;.:" ~ --'-~';$-~~ ,-:=---,,__~"""'" - _,... "" , II '" I I, ". 1l10IXjllQDOllll(OJ(XIXlaalJ)~JXlllallOO(XXXXJCJCKKIOOCJCXtlOODlXIQUC)'.lOtlClIIOODl:l

'I'b. W um.n·. A uam." 01 U,.1t'·''''''I'•• Cbu,~b meet• • ve,V Ibl,d ,.......d.' ..t IhA ",,,olh al 1:to II.... ;.,Iace hI b. anDounced l'

TI,. WO"'An·. aU••I"n.". UnioD 0'Ih. 0 ..." T.... lI.pUII (~burcb m••la\..' b T"..eta)' lIIornlo. fr011l ••lIt 0Ib 10 L m. In Ih. bOlD.. 0' ID.lD'b.~ I

Tb. 1"1,..1 1'r-br••"1.,, CbuN:b• up".' Aye", I bl,,, ,,..,,,,..tI.,, ....",,,, "I 1 JOIl.. IlL .1 lb. C1Iureli.

n.l.bo"01,1. A.....b.IT ID..ta "(lb, ,.1 and thirdThunda,. 1.00I', II\. III 0G. It UaU 10I'.loa., <lat..way. Ralo.bow Adriao".

80,,'0 "'.... ....,,, fl'.l Tbund., 01I" .oolb•••m. P..... .

~t h. Ann fl- .tll '-f'lI'un AU"l1hU""mu··... "'ft·" .1t".1 rhu'"dDY It' hh"p.,'tli b At r " '"

Th,' .... liNt J ...."'«' '·...1 1U ttl I hI'"In"tl, 0n ) .'r.,..,. n."",I. 14.' h 'lrnl1"1".rt,"_" nl. It Itl A"''',,''-a.n '...e'a".fI11.11

n.lo II'-ma I'h. ~ha\lt.,. lII..t .aoh....01111 atld lounb Mo"d., a.,IILL

WOln.n'. .0'''''.' at Cbureb 0'Cb,I.1 In lb. 0.1•••, IYOJ'J' ntat""I1","a, of lb. mo"Ib at Us.eIlureh."h r:::.:r......"W..... 0' til.Claurcb _b _ad Tuw4a"of tho lII"aUl, al ••10 Po ... al_10 be .naolla"" lata,

Ruld...o .....0·. Club 111.... MclllMCOod Wa4ow4a' at ttuldoao W...•••• C1ub Il/dldlU .t "00 Po _.~ 011 lu.obooa _Una d.t ".ill. t.l.olloo. eo.a1I1.. .U) .d..


Rulll...o • U,,-,,40 ="..n" nOlarb CTlIb =........~ ..d&"......1 w..u... •n. llulll"....Qo.do Vall.,. 0... •

\la, 01 Cc__ "'0 nm; •..." ..'04&, or tlt" lI Ib •• ",M P,.. IS• 1 the C. 01 C. .mea. Th. MMUq I_to 01)0" to th. pulllk\.

ltuldDltO 0 ..1_ and l'rolMaloallJ . .."'cIDa/l'. Clutt .... tbe third Mo•• ;_.,. 01 ..ell lD.atll al TIIO Po" .ttil. 'h.ato Lc4c&

Xt...\1 C1u~ ofttl. 1t.lelNo Yallwm ....to "I Til. ('h.p.'·..I lI"t.1 •• II ,II" ...h W ..d"••".' .

M •• ll'l~(''''""'Id""t0. K. 1t•••'Il1,

.Wr .-rr.aa.lIuld..... r ....IlI·T...e"... AuooJ,aU..lI1Il.,.q ao)t U1W ftl1tlll.a)' .t UNIOO.t11 a. TllO a .. at .-. Oatetarta



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Rosa RitaPI<{J •• - •••.•••

**Sara LeoEocll •••.••••••••••••.•••••CAKES




PIZZA Gino, 8 Inch, Your (,hoit ...Eaell ••••...............•••


ICE CREAM Bordcn'$ \~ Gal.All Flavon ••...•••



Ora Ida


Swift's Jewel


LETTUCE. LB.·.......... 10t







...............~ .....

. .-

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

.AUGUST 23.24






", ,

~ .., "

\. ' .


'f' .'. "..'r' .'


."" ".' ;. " "-' .

GRAPES Thompson Seedless 19«:,. EXIra Fancy Lb. , •• , ••••••••

N'E'.C'TAR'INES' Lo Grande, 19u. Fanty 2'9<Lb. • •••••••• li ••

Paschel, Stalk

HsA~AIIANPU~CH ~:~~3~' CELERy ; LB. 9~uprem.. pag'


on $S Put¢haN otMO~i # OPEN SUNDAYS·..............IIUiIII......... ·

BEAN'DIP ~:.Ol Can I 30C

Monarch .~ Whole or Cream Sty'e




BEEF RIBS Lc;~a~~~ Pound .•....•.... 29c



- - ,'.,", "





• ", "i '.,









". ' ., ,,. ,.',,"



6.7Ox15 8IACKWALL••••••••••••••••••• $12.54

7.5Ox14 8LACKWAU.•••••••••••• , •••••• $14.97

" ','" '. .' ,J, " "'_", _. ,




In Ruidoso

B4l Suna To VIllt


Featurln&' M-Ft. VemaWheel, Jo1U:l Glm Aatt..naut Rid«! &lid • otheF

ExclUn.r RI4es tor AD ~rI



.. '~. :,:';"*t-~'.•. ,.l'. . ,,,,,

". ,:.""'j .' ,"; .' . 'I"


,. ,f.,.' " CO", ". ",'

non't ,.-(use, ,e-wl,et When luses keep goil'lg out; that'sa iure sIgn you need, rnodern .wirlng. 'nsuresofe electricalIMng and better appliance operation; call for' fr.. wiring"uNey noW'

.' -- Call For Free Wirlnj;J Surver .-

.CARTER: ELECTRICODe 1310clt Weld~ of Navajo Lodge

AgenCy Fot "l'escoHOouSigbl.Inc.:Li9hHngF'1i(tU1'~ Lampt '.

. AppUclnc.'.pat...Borided .. UdlnMdContraetoi'i

Comm,el'c1al....cUnUat .Contractori' ....... Phone OL 7·$045

...1...u1dclsoSll'i~19$4 .....


.- ......

, .' 'Ii- j ,_


~lldh\Q~. Next To Bank


,,' '

O'¥·w-oWlv...TW~<=»TWi~'tXCXDW··uxrUlU"~·i[I.... "

Plus the Ever Popular Pan-O-Rama IB..HolsCarpet GoU Course

On the River Near Downtown RuidosoLook for Our Sign on Mairi. Street

•• f' ••••••••••• '1 •••••••••••••••. " •••••••••••• '., 1,.· ,


School Board CallsFor Bids of FenceFor Athletic FieldRuidoso Municipal School Boar~

In a called meeting Tuesday even·Ing voted to call for bIds for n fenceto be Installed around the athleticfield, voted approval of thll transferof Uw Stockley bus to Mrs. AlleeAllison and adopted a school policybook that gIves rules and regula.tlons for all of the system.

The Slockley pus operates on U,S. Highway 70 as fnr t'a~"t ns Biscul tHm, brlI:glng pupll~ to nil schoolsfrom the RuIdoso 'Down.'l area.

Present for the meeting were BusDrivers Oeorge Creel. Dudc Brown·Ing and StockleY. who discussedmInor problems rt:'glll'dlng the 1963·64 term routt's nlld regUlations;DOal'p Prc~ldcllt Mrs. Ot'l'llld Tully,ami members, Mrs. Jack lIltclumsand Dr. W 0, Horton. alonl: wlti1Supt. Tom W. Barrow alld Barrow'!lsecretary. ullcl U RUldo~ Nt'wl> rt>p.resematlve.

Policy regarding bludent drc!-J.'i. In.cluded In the policy pook, will aP.prove the Wearlllll' of blul' Jew1S orslacks by girl!! (rom thllt fUlh throughthe 12th grlldt> only 0)1 Incll.·mentdays, ski stretch pants by glrlB onthO!!O dnys when schOOl' skIIng is6cl1l'dulcd 'yet to b(' dctconnlnlod)llnd blue Jl.'an~ for boj'li anyttme Mrs AIIPl/) Beavers at RuIdosoonly If worn wltI1 II bl'lt Md with DI)',y1l11 rcpdflcd Ia.."it Saturol\Y lhnt 1\lihln tails luckro In Olrlq wt>artllg "rel'n ratUe.sllllke about three' teetJewlS must WCllr II bt'll I1ml WIU11IulI!J WUJI 10 rattlero Wa:J killed

llt'rO~'j from the Tru.Q1lS place on1 I1 ii lII11hwaY 70.

· ,.",

J ...,.',

. '1\ui'do$o St1J.Qenfs'. Attend Stat~ :t4~et

III ,Albuq'Uel'que .A, group ot el!# RuidO$oHigh

Scllool stullllUts "'~O' are oU!cer$ or, members of the ....\udept !;lluncH at.

tendild tlIe p!pUJ, annUlll atudent

•Council loeadershlp COnference atthe UUivel1,itY'dtf New Mexico ill.AlbuquerqUe Atf~:\!l to 16. '1'hose at­tendtng .Wlll'e tne' following juniors,NlUIcY"Smlth. president: Molly J{ayHarrIs, vlce,p1'esldent; Lois loane,secretary·treasurer, lind lllllli:n Pa­tima, Burley Cantrell and JimmyStee~, and sophomores J{aUlerineFQX and Barbara Creel.

puring the si,,·dl\Y conference thestUdents who were divided Into dis·cusslon groups, heard lectureS onAlms \lond ObJectives, PttTlIamentaryProcedure. Stanc!4rd PI'oJects, GroupLeadcl'3h,lp and COnstitution. Prob.lems which had OCCIln't'Q In sQmeSChools were (tlscussed In ordor tQhelp other stUdents when those

• problems appeared In tllt'lr schools.It was reported by Nllll<'Y Smith.president of Ute Ruidoso High Schoolalupent Council. • ~














I,-•. ,

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, .'-

, *






Next to BowUn's InFronl of the 'I'rack

-," ". '-,-.

RuIdoso.. N. Mex.

t ,',

Licensed Contractor

" - I l. , i, i _ i....... , ..~ BIG ..THICI~MAt-T~



Heating - Cooling andVentilation

1•••••••••••I ••••i •••••••••••••,

---·Hollywood--f>Sheet Metal

............. " , .


I-mE LlAnlLlTY

Auto Fl.nnDcl~ - Bond!


. . . . . .. . ",., .. .


'fhere Is No SubstituteFOR QUALITi

INSURANCEJ. H. Cooper Agency

1622E. second .. Hlohwdy 3ao ~ast .. ROfW.1I'holt. 622~:S90


Goins' Garage &. Jeep'Sales '

, ,'" .. -


Serving RuidoS9

For More Than

Safe Plumbing and Good Public Heallb

Are Inseparable




rho. CL '1.c3Oll Res. rho, '1-129'1 I'klx 1StWalt Crosby Bldl:. RuJlYoso, New Mcxlco

J. U. and Mary L. Cooper - Warren Barrell•

Phone et. ' ..2055


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.ll".i III ; ••••; •••••••••i.~..i ••••i !!= == _. ----~ ....- =• •= =• •• •= == =• •• =• •· ..• •= •- ~•..

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q P ,wi¥! 3 {£.Q4!,•• ;•

Quick· Boy•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •~ Western Office Equipment Co. ~: Located In Ruidoso To Serve Ruidoso :

Breakfast Served : Adding Machines :At All Hours : Typewriters:

Open 'til 3:00 a.m. : .... Casfh Registers ~.f!Closed-on Monday- '--' ~:- .' ..~..~_. ~'Of lCErSupp1iei~-- ~._ .• 'u ...

• •Ruidoso, New Mexico : - Phone CL 7·5031 - :

: Expert Service On All Types Office Machines :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

.•......••..•.......... ~

Fine Candies


Bob Carter



Phone CL 7·Gl~O :...... Hollywood, N. :M.

Fresh Fudge I • F..~sh Divinity•

Unusual GUt$~~m Nambe' Ware.., "" '.,t!, .j;. t-

. ~ ~

.New Shipmenlof'PiJgrim Glass

, '

; _' .(" .... ' ~ ; '''.f " ..,.......,



Ir-. .~ ~.i ';

* 1S1I1A1,1, i\I'I'UANCE REPAIR:ro7(l Suddl'rUl Drive

Phone CL 7,20G2~ , .

· , .



1'. (). BOX 2S!i, 1I0LL\'\VOOD, N. MEX, - :I. B, CLOSE !........11 11 0 11 11111.1101-•...•..•.......•...•.....••...•.•., .

; UNITED RENT·ALLS E• •: Tools and Equipment :: FOR HOME, YARD Be SHOP :: Saws Filed and Tools Sharpened :: We Give Bose Stamps :

: CALL. CL 7,-2967 :• •.: Road Behind E1 Rancho Court :'• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. -= '

; ., _, 5 , ,-- _ ,• : - . j"

t ,

Do You Need Money?Ask for

Leroy ComeUusCall <.1. '7"'1/11 er CL .,..,11


, •••• t ••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••

r ••••••••• , •••••••• , ••••••• ,., ••••

ft" _ = c, ,.. . 'te.





11mfH'J'Lodteft maleeM'CIndt'rrul rMlreltlcnthnm~ - lM)' <"O!Il

IUIlI' and I'll upquirk. St-r our blK


.... 'sp,rl_........................DICK'S

Trading PostWo Buy.. Sell orTrade Anythlng

of ValueAc",," from 'Slt1-lU4tl .

on IIlKbwaY ,.....•......•••••••••..•'

* _. In




em w

J'ur C.ommr.J'('ul ftOll1tl1'lU1a1,.We J>fcll tIp at Eatt'll Cfeanttl,

Uo1t1weotl (''lranera lUl4ltlddowo CIelutera

Ruidoso ,Laundry& Linen Supply

For YourPersonal Laundryand Finish Work'


",,~. -< ""


Drt... the,.. wUb caN udn,Uy..




F.ORSARD AND Hollywood Paint

GRAVEL &Body WorksDo.r Work Wb1dslil.lds Bnd all

Grad.: Work typu o{ .uto gl,.-P_~g. ,. , .Phpn.e ·Ct..7..311S .

~Phon.cL7.~500, 1" Ttof ShlaW;own,r .w. ~....w. Y"" ••t!!*!!!'!!!-!!}lA!'[!l!!!th!e!'!!'-Y!.•• ,!!j,!!o!u!'"Hl!!!w!·~"!'!!.7~O

iii ~ lila ••••• ~ ••••'. Ii •• iii. iii ~ •••••••' iii '.'•• 11 •• ~n._."..· :• •• •

• •• •: n• •.. ..•: IS OPEN 24 HRS. ADAY.!"S Se-m',·i .' S·'ta"'lioD & Restaurant .i.. '. ce '. . ..-.: 10 MU. Wilt oa·V•.s. 'Hlghwa, 70 .!..., '0 _ '


Phone CL .7·6605


A1Io Interior Texture Work, Including the New

~ Ido In GIUlor Finish and Acoustical C.Wnga,(

$ILVI1R I\f~;~- ,. J' . ... '$"" "·OO*··"[lW"AR.D'OFFERED·(01nUIl~ 'rom 1'1l¥" .,_. Lincoln 'State Legis ators . , '.1, OR. ..'; . .to some of the old millIS bulldln$B . I ..'..'. , .. , S'OLVING:~::rp':~ke~\~~~~r~; Take SpotHght In G. Q. P. Batte FO~ AID IN·, ...".... "'" ., .. '~~7!n~~=!~T~:e::;: For Shortenmg Chairman Term TV CABLE SABOTAGE

l'JIlRVINO LINCOLN COUNTY stookholder In Ute New Park Mining NewMe~lco Republicans .nlpped' , .'.. .' . Ruldasp cablll T. V~,:Juc" lJlI,$an~ has a,lrlla!ly. been PUt ln ~~~Cll. tbl~b lsMrs COmpany. thll Elast utah MlnlIll~ a rebelllon InlhebUt\ Saturday in ROSWEt,. BU.I,.DER- pounced a rewl1rd of $1,000 fQr In,, cPmpa.nYOWllers atated. p~o~·

AND MRS. VIC LAMB _ _ _ .. EdJtora & Pt,t 1 . COmpany and the Gran4 DePOllit Be EdWin L M (C9~f1Jlued from Page 1) formation lead\t!g ~ ~ ·lttrest. of mately '20,000 has been spen;, ".O(:e•IE WlLL.I.AMB '... Woman's Pag~ & ClrcUlatJon Mining Cpmpany, the three campau· Taos and h~ard :t membe~s:;; Ing young businessmen by the local the person or ~rw~SUllty of sab. Mar(lh of this year already. they

, pOlE SIDDENS '..... . . 8porlil Editor & Advertlt)!ng les whICh arc reponed to be merlf' chllm call 'F:: r!YGov. Tom 130- spO!>csmen, Smith 15 a director of otaglng transmlllf;ion ¢qulpment for declared.I' ~MES R. (DICK) BENNET'!'. . General News Ing todevelap the five square n:tlles ial~ around 0 e . the First National Bl1-tlk of Alamogor· the cQmpatly In\l.l~s area., 'l'heRuldoSQ gRble1'. V, service

II.tJL R TliOMPSON .. ,. . . _ Commercial Printing of clall'm they hllve staked In~ the ~ "'" / bll nSt W Centr I Com. do. a dlre<:tor in New Mexico Sav· Jqe Harris ,~M .Dqn Ma.nsell Is. brings prOgrams from all thr.ee"sta-

I'~!~y0NoW, BECJ(UCKENRE.fR . 0.rr.IL'(' .a.I_IPP._.I.le':;lr&ld?rymDmeeprtC,la&1 PMralnut!~~ ~nlt'etmo ednltllt:1Ct.n,.~a.w.ce..!".•~.a.r.~,I..ng8'.. to Stee..n·.8 e •...,pu ea a _ ~ a. . • Jngs& J.,.oan Assoclatlon ..wh!ch has sued a jQlnt ·'.'i'if,!l.temtmt this Week tlollS in Albuq\lerque, one Roswellu...... -.., V H..,. ".... .. \IV . ~ "" "'''''.. ... ....j..I~uc:ceCJJhad-ga.tborOOufor-~ qUar four oUh:l!s. ~e RUidoso announce- 'concertltngthe""ma)lj:l\lU!> tamper. and ope EI :Paso stl\t1on-some of

~ I'LE KATHMAN ..~~CWJlpapc~mpO&ltlo ....TIltH-nine property wblcb the EIlS~ tady meeUnlf cxpec ngo s~e ment said. and is engaged In sev· lng With.. dcstwyUig, "or qtherw1s6 the programs In color, and all the, ~ B FLANAGAN ., , .. , ' __. CompOsitor Utah Mining Co, ls prct'.cntly devel attempt Wiuld bO

C'r.~de 1° gust fy W eral self-oWlled or Jointly owned en- sabotaging of. trartsmlssloll: faclll. major networks represented on the

! IIANNE WHITELEY,., ., .. , Boo1l:lceeplnll oping was acquired from Ira Young. Sen. Joo Seen 0 nco n 000 as terprlses In various parts or East- ties," ,which hilS occutred bere 1,Jn f~ve channels offered. Thll com.i (Founded May Ill, 1941) by Lloyd and Ida BloodworUl) a resident OfnAlto. WhOa a~rrv~rt~~ state Chairman, , ern New MexiCO. lseveral occaslol1ll In recent Weeks. Pllny's cablllS transverse an areaI SUb'~rlpUon &350 ""I y('ur III udvance In LIncoln COunty Ytaelallrns"SagaOnd'OUw~at::aCmcaS'Anfl\1 dump. The ouster attempt dldn t come Bmltn was said to have stated he ',{'he statement follows: "Definite tram upper Ruidoso to R\\ldOSO

~ ,.. " .... """ through. However. an attempt.W/Uj had been studying, Ruidoso clQ5ely sabotage h/Uj been. uncovered. The, Downs-a dtstance of about nine, $450 PL'r )'I'ur ou{<,ldf> Lincoln COunty ed from the old mine, HIl acquired made to chnnge the party rulCll so as for two years; that he belieVed the principal dj.lfloulty encountered that ml1llS, and has more than 600 sub-

Published ollce a wl'l"k .'uch Fr Iday In RUIdoso, New Mexico the property and dId further explora- to elect 1\ new chairman In Novem· potential growth of the area W!ls DOW has been affecting receptIon on thll &Crl~ers,I Bccond clllM Po"tulIl' Illllel III Ruidoso, New Mexico lion. Young fold bIg Interest In

tthhL' ber. rather than I~ June. almost Indescribable In his oplnlQn. TV cable sYstC'lll here Is thllt a per. " ,

J property on a royalty basis to e Skeen personally blasted, the In,tent Further, having cxtenslvely evaluat- son. or persons. have been chang. nUU)oso SCHOOLS-Membf'C: N,'w Ml'xwo Prl'M AMoclatlon .. East Utah Mining Company and Itl of the rules chang/; proposal and WOIl Ild the area, Smith was quoted as Ing the amplifier levels. The signal (COntinued fl'(lm Page 1)

1-------- .'-" . at prClll'nL a 6alarlcd -~mployce 01 a roUSing vote of confldencc, ~YlnS' he had determined that the level Is adjusted by representatives Bus Drlvers-"Wayne Estes. Ken.t M A Sl' that comp~ny, 'fhe central \lommlttee, mee1Jng Country ClUb E!oia~s area was "just of Ruidoso Cable TV, ·Inc., and In noth Nosker, George Creel, Leon

'Little Joe' akes Ip H IllYi bern !fled o~e-tJf unltYtl w1l

th Rfe. the very best In Ruidoso ror a qual1· numerbus Instances, upon receipt Farrar DUde BroWlllng "Mrll. Alleer d h f , geologists have been working In the pUblican.~ I'xprc5/>lng op m 8m or ty housing program," of complaints bv subscribers It has Alllson:I An ed iloriol we pflntl'd 0 few w(!cks ago poinle aul I e ae .n~nl·- ar~ IUld thaL conllldl'rable Illn • d h t Id ~ h Ilfl hd k d ~'I<J ~.. 'N,) . SmIth was reporte as llV ng Sll been found that t e amp er as CUstodfans-E H Fuchs GeorgeI,"greumen have losl lo\)(h w,th Iheir con~~I,uenh"an we 0' e money has bcen spent on exploratlon The movement agallhtwSll~een construction on the first three homes been physically turned off, 'thIs has T PeTry Arthur' Struv~ Louis

D queslion "Do Ihey lislcn 10 us onymoro? We Inllma'ed our no· and that assays haVe been made, eame when State Rep. am will be started ijext week, that an to be manually performed and can- piUliUa • , .',nal legil'lolure bulldoled Ihrough Icgi~lallan Ihey Ihough' was However, the names of geologists at Shreccngost, alsodof Llnlcoln8Cofutt1'l' additional 13 homcs will be com· not hapPlln due to any mechanical C f teOri P on I Alice A\lIson

bl h I the East Vtah Mining claims were moved to amen Beet on 0 ""e pleted In the coming months, and malfunctlon or failure. a e a crao e _ ,~od for UI wilhoul 100 much backing from Ihe pu ic 0' a woe. not available. no l\uthl'ntlc reportll Rcpubllcun party rules. This section that the homes will range In price "A tt RuidosO Cable TV Babe Evans, Rutn Struve, Margaret'lce then, we'vo read odllorlol, III Iwo large dally newspapers on 1U!;aYll were avallable, the only dIrects (he state chalrmt\n. to call from $14.000 to $40,000. ~ J sh a r:;: io rd special lock SUrman. Edith Harris, MatHe Cr~l,~ng IL

• samll vllin, pOlnlln" oul Ihal ou, r .fedoral leglslalon are rCIlPon'llbJe Ki.ntemcnt IlCCmed to be a meeting not later than 30 days .. 01 k r A ' H nc.. as a I flO er d ... Marjorie Payton, "Mrs. Carl Ross.~ nu t1 . f Ik I S'" d to the AP '''at after the prlmnry election to elect The tr......emar 0 cccn. omes, boxes for amp I ers· ap. ..,cy ar,Il... " __celving I·s· mail Ihon ev('r bl'fore, &'onlfylng Ihe homo 0 5 oro t Ie one .cen rna e u, .. I Is B tt HomCll ror Better b I I t 11 d at th resent tim ,. '"

U • the mine abuve Bonito, "has turned state ccntral committee olflcers. nc., c er" . e ng os a e c p e, SON OF RUIDOSO COUp.....,...... ~.cd of writing Ihem thoy ,ust don't II,lon 10 usl out to be a jewelry IJtorc of sliver." Shrccengost propo:;ed thilt the rUle Peop!elLl.I'L~,-.!!le RuldQ5o..nc.w ih&--6tatement-flald,,· .·TAKES SPECIAl, AR~IV COURSE

t Here'l an oxample land don 'I think wo're QPpQ~I"g Ih" guy The A"IllOClated PrCSll story printed 'be amended for the centrol cominlt,- source reported, "The main tower hair been broken 0 Army Reserve Pvt, Rllndolph C.II bocaule Wil make Ihole pOinted romarks· wo'ro lusl choltlslng throul{houl tho West last week·end tee officers to be elected In Novem- National Honor Society; hltltorlan In Into and equipment taken from Harris, son of COl. and Mrs, Edward

d l d f h' oservo the and L'arly this weck. confirmed a ber lollowlng eac.h gUber~atorlal the Future Teachers of America; !hllre. On two other occasions, dellb. N, Harris, RuldOllo. compleled an"m, Being a Democ,al on ,IOVino volo or 1m. we r, rl'pOrt the Ruidoso News had sev· election, Pep ClUb member for three ;years; crate shortouts have been found, eight-week sUPl?ly clerk course under)hl to 110m our COl\9,cs~mon Jail MOllloya bccaulc we va earned oml wl'('ks llgo oC COllldd(.lrnble He all>o proposed that a meeting be an alternate to Olrls' State; In FHA Our company Is making every cf· the Reserve '!!'orces Act program at'e right 10 ) claim rulll~ llcU~ttY In the DorJJU) called bctw('cn Sept. 16 and Sept. 30 rour years where she was song lead. fort possible to Illlminate dlstrub. Fort Polk, La., Aug. 2.

Joe send. Ul a 'ollor ooe h wook when Cangreu Is In sonlan, Lalw r('uton: and of a Utah com· for the ('.entral committee to con- er one year. vlce.pretlldent aile year, arces, but. we need the, aS5lstan~ The 22.year.old soldier Is n 11168'1Ilnn newspaplJrs 01 whal hI' and olfwTS in Washlnglon oro doing panY'1l Inlercst In the propertles. sider tho proposal, district song leadel' one year, dl8. 0 the public In helping us guar grlldue.te of Austin High SChool In

.. HAS b db, Followln" art' L'xcerpt<i from the A, He saId such a chanllO In rUles trlet vice-president one year and against thill maliciousness that Is EI Paso, Tex., and attended theIr

VI. Mosl of Ihe roport l\ nboul whol oon ono, u vory P dlbiJla\,('h: would glvl' Ihl.' state chtllrman more Girl of the Year In 1902, causing poor service In some areas University, of. ArlllOllIl in Tlicson.lie about whal "go'"g 10 be dono so wc won', havo a chance 10 Rcno, Nov .API,. A mIning area time to organize the party, Miss Cantrell III n member of the on some occasions. Genernl1y we

Ick 'Ihe barn door bofoll" Olho" '" Iho nallanal capitol do Ihe northwc/ll 01 RUldooo, N M., once Shreccngo·t tried to sUbmit his Ruidoso Assembly 01 tho Order oC have received many pompllments , All IOnds8chool Supplles-Uard•. m. Ihing, Joo's loltor II> u. lJ low wcoks ago (Aug, 7)'cmployed written olr In l\ report as probllbly propollal at thl' very beginning of Rainbow for Girls, and she was on the service given on the five ware _ Household Ulenslls _ Cards

C ' If I I CUT Iho worthll.tlll, hall turned out to be a thl.' ml'l'Unll', but Skeen ruled him Prom Queen lor the Junlor-Bcnlor channels offered-but auch vandal· _ Toys at RuIdoso Variety Slore,c paragraphl in Wh'Lh Ilf' ,,'pouso. ongroH 0 or s a jl'wolry t.lor(' ol'~illvl'r, millionaire out ell (mlC' I' Prom thIs spring, Shc received the Ism 11:\ ho.rmCulo.nd disturbing to SUdderth Drive, Downtown Ruidoso,derat budgol and nnllOnnl \lwnrlHlf) limn ho ends tho ,ame 101· Chnrh"'! S(('cn /laid Monday, . 11 appl'1lrl'd for a moment that chemistry award upon m:aduat1ng tllosO ,mo:>'t nlfected-;;-and we wish to _•. _

I r wllh four pornW n,.h, If' whll h ho I~ "ploalftg,,to roparl" fed· "Vou WOUldn't I'XpC'ct to rhld nomC'- Shrcc('ngolit's proptlsal would got a and wall alw award('d .the LIncoln bring It to '" ,halt, the Iltntement Louis Philippe or Ruldotlo does'al. "'ran' I lor ~ I",,, .pn(1fI1 fund. 101 Now MeKlco. Tho funds ore thlllG IIKL' (hnt," ,",IUd 8\,('<:n Who once mild fC't'I'pllon, County Teachl'r Sorority iicholarshlp concluded. not sell curio•• cotlmeUcs or drup.D .. , I . I Ik' ,f lound IIIlIIlon.. 01' dollars worth of "I R"rc(' We elect our chRlrman 01 ·100. New equipment Is being Installed Pb'- b'- hi bin'"He and simply pod. bo",,1 Jo.·, lollN corloln y " a .ng ou 0 urllllllllll In l1ll1h and Is noW Ule head at Ule ~ronG Ume probablY:' Skeen Miss Cantrell wl11 enter Texas as rapidly ll.'I pooslble, In fact much cJu:iv:~! '/. .. .• ua ess, ex."h Iidol of h" moulh W., ~ofld"r from readIng his lollor, how 01 n nUlllbl'r 01 'lllnln'" pro""rltl'll. Id 'r I C II L bbock T thl . J

f h ' ,. n ,.. sa ec 1 0 eac at u ,ex. s ••••••••••••••••••••••••)Jell clamour Ih"ro W'J\ I.om N.,,,, MeAlCon. or 1m 10 gol us a JJ(\ fmld 26 to 30 men arc develop. He noled timt the cusIQm of eleet- fall where she Will major In Ele-loC 632 gift for 0 "udy I" ovuluoto 1It1lflunilation agalnsl com- Ing Iho mUll' In Iho Bonito dl/ltrlct, Ing UIL' hiatc' c!l/Ilrman In ~une after mentary, 1i:ductltlon, She·htl.$!»Jj;! sis.u~lcoblo dis"mo\ III Nt'w M,."ILO and proViding Inlonlivo fulflll- AbotI~ ItvC"·t;qIlAre mill'll ill Cll11tm1

1OIl' prlmllry election was baFoed on ter. Rose AIm Cantrell who 'rC!lldCll

h f h hnvL' bl'l'lI t;tnkrd TIll' property 1/ l1,e party nominee ror governor more In Denver, Colo" and one brother,enl of Iholo nood. fOf Iho p""pl•• of our stalo, Tal's ono 0 I e bct/lq dl'VI'lopL'l) by NL'W Park Min- or leli"o ImvI1I1I hi!> choice 01 a chair- Burley. who Is a junior in RUldo:o(veral gronh ho monl.am. find I),t'y nil sound \lko IUSI moro lob, In" Co, flant Utnh Milling Co. a.nd man. High SChool. M1sJl Cnlllr(.J1's parents,r moro bur~f)ucralh for 1110'(' [)P'"0 volos 01 tho noxl olcctiort, OTLInd D,'po:lIt Mlnlll" Co Skl'l'lI I'xplllined Ihls In mther a are ,the operators or Ule Apnche

S(eC'1l llnnounc~ u( Salt Lake City Ill'ntll' tOl1l' 8uddmfy, however. he Summit Lodge,8a\Urdny plan... lire belll(l made to lIl!llll'd Ollt Itl a hllrllh denunclatloll ,...._.....__.::~_=_...............~=In1'fllt' UII' threo companll'!!. of 01 UII' IlItl'lJt of Bhreccng(>!,'t'll pro-wllll,'h Ill' In R mlljor IltlX'kbohtcr ponnl

Iff:' Or"t wId of th.. New Mexico "What you art' nllklng Is a vote orntrtkl' 81lturdllY and 111:;0 reported L.'olllldl'l'J{'1' III Inl'," Skeen (mid.Jnajor II/Id'i In thl' Mnmmoth mine HI' !X,lnwd Ollt that hl' WIL!l elcct~In WI'!l(o(\('ntrnl Utah rt"CI.'J1Uy to [l('rVl' OIlL' ycur, rrom JUlie to Junl'

811'I'n ~nld ht' ('ouldn't MUmaw the "I \\('Cl'ptro willingly and I In,vnlul' 01 Ihe New ML'xIL'O 1I11vPT nlncc Il'nd 10 ,('rve lilY tC'rm," Bk~n said.III/' a'\.o;aY'" hl1vl'/I't yet. 1il'I'n r<,port· "} RIIRUL''lt YOll stund up and nay1c'd Ih~ culll'd ihtr find u vcry prom- Ih1'\ III wMt UII' object In," he ndd.Inll1lr prOl'l>cct ('d, rt'll'rrlng to Ille votc",of ('Dnfl· =

6!()('n r.nld Ull' arl'R wun mlnrd den('L' _for Ilold In thl' UIll()'/l lind to r..omC' .._•.~~~. ...---- 3I'xlCOl In 'htt 1IJ30'j) , LINUJ\ ('J\NTRELI_ ....

Ira VOlUIlf, (\ cnrpenwr nnd pro,;· «:onUnucd {rom (tact' II 'J)lCl'tor rrom Rllldo:-..o, llbollt two 13 Mto!J Canlrell will nlr.o be nul,Yl'lIr'l acro found trn/'M 01 "lIv('r In do:;o' 81U1 Princes!) 10 l't'prC'l'>l'nt HUI. ..wu.:;W IJInlNlllLd,umPl'd by !WId dol\O lI\ Ult' SlIn Oarnlval In EI Pll!lflmlnert), SWl'n flnld [)rtlUIIll In the nl'xt J)I'<'('rnbcr~hlllt!l lum('d IIf' VIlIIJ:l lind rJtont'l Mb. (lnlllrl:'l1 I!. n Rrlldulllc 01 nul.", hill" urad.. III \;t'r nrC', IIC' r,nld do~o tlInh School ('1l\f~"1 of 111G3 nne

.VOllllU ('nIlL'd 81('('11 for hl'lp W~I'JI waJI 'ucllv(' .n ,,.('11001 aflnll'l'l nnd hl'JdIhl' r:11\;I'r r.trlkl' 1101 ltJo bill lor h"n mRny oWI'C'I In t:<'hool orllanlZllU01l!l

'n,l' Dn'n In In 100 LIIl('(.ln Notionnl 8111:' wn!l I'dltor or Ihe tlChool 011•Forr'-1 III thL' UOllllo Vnlley 14 mll~ IIUn!. thl' Tnmnhawk; n tnL'mberIrom Ituldo:w or IIll' (,.Mt III both the ·junlor tmd

thl' &l'lIlor plnys: trCf\5urcr 01 the


,A Paront's No. One Job .o Reading Iho stO/lllng ItO/l.', /(1 lao~ and Ufo mogazinos, In"WI magollnos and '" Ih" nol"",'. pro'" 01 Iho poculiar "ravoll": lelln age.. In ,oml:' of Ihtl" oudOLlOU', lon~olou crimos and ex-billons· loon ogo.. from nlldtll" dan and Tlch famllios as well all

,om Iho pOO'O' .• Ium ..'ctlon, WI' rt' movod 10 ropodl a romarkII'VII modo a Loupl.. 01 Illnos In ","'" toile. boloro sarno Ruidoso'oups canCllfnlng ~llh 50 rHony p""plC! who have children ovor·,ok one tocl Ihol IS 0 go'pel lr ulh Ihtly oro II,,' Dnd toroma,' par­~IS. Their No Onll loh •• bClng 0 lo!htlr or a mo,hor· nolo mDr­~on' or a lobolo', or 0 (\l<J(fmuf\ 01 0 commilleo or a club pro,l.,nl or a volunloor communlly wo.k", Tholo things oro fino, and'e a pa,t 01 Ilvlno bu' ."11. nhovo ol)JI.'I\o, a man or 0 woman.ould rocagnlZo hll or hor loh fiRST tI bOlng a paronl. ClolonollI,h IhD young.lors In .ho fonllly II tho ho" anlidolo for provon'.

.g Iroublosomo tct>n 00"" No n""d '0 "Iohoro'o on Ihll lUll mulllovtlr and 101 " soalc into you' conU'L'f1W slowly 110 Iho Irulh will,III you.

~Watch For Tho Littlo OnoslI $chools orn oponmu nero" Iho nnllon In I"" noxl fow doys.tcclted 111110 ono\ ho'" 'n Ru,doho nro Intoro.led In Iho now fron.:era they Will bo Invodino '0 ",'"r".lod and intonl on c1oJlraomctlvlllol Ihal Ihny WIll poy Iltlltl lIoed 10 Ihoir paronlS' coullanino.. r"&0 careful whon you eron Iho hlrool, .. Thoy also Will bo onler·g and deportlllg fro", hUloI alono '''0 various roulol in our aroo.foc'. In many mC!o,. IhoUI Wilt ho n'Oro 111110 one\ walkino and

lOnlng aboul Ihon hovo boon", Iho ,ummor monlhs, I,'s up 10 Ullthe motorls", 10 holp Ihom n"oollolo Ihoir roule, lafoly, lot',

••p our eyos poe led for Ihllm lol's drtvo slowl'! ond koap our foo''olsed '0 jump on .ho broko pC/dol And. on (Jenoral lofoly for IhoI:)od- how obovI pvttlng II"s 111 your wol/CI:rO CARRY IN YOUR WAllET~ We can 01/ docrooso h.ghway dooll" by lollowlng ono plainInd .Implo program Oboy 'ho rulc. Thol fflOorU obeying all Iraf..c slgnl and drlvmO senSIbly ond coutloou.ly How many pooplo(,volved in folol wrockl up 10 now .ay 10 'hornselvos avor ~nd1ver "If I hod only ohoyod tho fulll~I"",. - ~-"'" ~~---elW.W..•••..••• Ul



! Pho. ES 8·4885 Ruidoso Downs §•~11II111 11•••1•••••••••••••1••••••••1•••••••••••••11•••11

~~. ::::_:::._._:;;::; ==-:::- :: =.::,=::::=.=:=:_::::_,:II






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· I





. .












HOME DELIVERY;service that ,ash so little


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-, ,,".,


, . "




lARDV~ "AMPBELL. . ,""

.'; "


New Mexlc:o produced

New Mexico proc:essed

Distributed by the dairythot's a locol Eastern NowMexic:o Industry




OFMILK thai's;'... -






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~A welcome sight to our hun-dreds of route customera , •. thefamiliar, c:ompletely modern re­frigerated Clardy· Campbelld'alry.store-on-whoels and the'dependoble. friendly milk mon,Enjoy Ihe regular c:onvenlence ofthis efficient and economic:alhome delivery servic:e.

,~h. $ervice of long"timo p'opularity •. • tho

mora for '0 itHtch moro





. '.

#'. .-~ , '

!"t, Sennlllgton', Verment lire limen, Call" bo~etI, f!J:I01drl~plD, ~., ~visitors In the ll'red aarlb home In il~nl'lI IShl\r~PllrS, m~ni oU1~, '-t'.... ~,~~~I~~,tIC:~tfrl~~;~\JI~~~Canl~~c~b1t ~~~ ...~UI~~!I~~~~~.,?!I~~ ••.. ' .,.';:" ~

f e'hoes I'd with (\ «Oil aud faHllly, l111rl tlll'Y , . ...". Q..' Wl'rr l'speclally Impl'I'Sn'd with the LSoHcO.APL·astTY.00UR~~. .... '.~.... '~ .•...~::.. tnll phIl'S and ,Ci'nlt' pHillis In R\IJ. :t

Pal Ch\lbbuc~ repol'ts 011 l~ Ilholltl' (Io~o. MI'. lllld Mrs. Edward Dt'vlscall he bad w,till Mrs, Ralph Slebl'I't 'nc('ollJpanlcdtJJclll all thulr R\llcbso . . . .. ..<; ...In San ClemCllte, Calif,. In which he trip, .:.:~.::;,;..:..:.......;,,~:::::....-;:;:;;:;,;;;;I }~was told her husband hod sUfrered Mrs. Herbl'l't L<'c Trllylor who hus ..'~ t·n. second heart aitack l'ecl."ntly, but liN'1I a pntll'llt In the Ruidoso Has· B Let .... ~:

-Ab Is repOrted rcc;overing. Tile Sieberis pilnl !ollowln'r a slllrht. droke, Is Oil. ar er f1' "''t_. • _ lived In RuldQSo {Or many yellrs IlllW 1\\ homl.'· alld gettmg along (\';, , ," . . tf,J:tt'

TIle Johllny Jamse fnmlly Is vaoa- prior to moving to CallfQl'Dla, wpll nil Clln be eXJl\'Cted, it WUli I'C', l'l\f·\I;7;~~..,~Il~~:;~~~~r~;AIR "!" ~'~tlonlng III Callfornla tills week.. 1 Mr, and Mrll, William li'OK and pol'lud, 1'11011" CL 7.2062. "; ~ b:.Jan{es Is cmployed by Drown Ail' son am of Hoosick Falls, Ncw VOI'k, .. ,- .... -..----.....-~....- .. ,\,Sl'l'vlce, and Mr, and Mrs, li'1"cd Dl'vls' of N"'\'II Wltnt·Ads Work Wonaers _ ......_.__.._,._.._,-~ ~.,.~~ ::::::-,:;::;:::-:=~=:;;;;;::;;::::::;;;;:::;;;:;:;;:;;;;;:::;:;,;:::. 7'":::---'--:-- .__c_ ,... ._~ -"'--""- '." __"'~' ~_--_.._." -_. _.,~- -- _. .~.- ,-' ." . , , .' ;, . t

~. ~ ~ .... ,." --"" ..~~, .....'~~~~~."P''''",'...'oQ,'..,.'' .. "~~" • • !.',-"':.'" '''','~" +.,,.

a~~ SII(d. ''Nol~hbpr, COl't'I~ WSoc­Hon 8, pl\ge 401 the nlnUl 'book ptthe nulcs l\nd R<!gulatlous of Ihe Vlt·!I\ge of R\Iidosp It I!> lUcngle tA:l own,opcrnte; or even consIder ownln l\(an ail' condttlonel' 01' l\1UI otJJermCllll,5 or cooUI) l\ bUlldln," He ll,lsotold me It U1e tc·.Jl'ist heard o( tJJlsit might get out and I'uln tJJe. placefN a rccreatlon a ren, He mighthave sumtJJlIl but I doubt It, don'tYQ\!.

.. " I










~~ THEl--ir-.....,M_.-;·, TRUTH

All GUNrER.',



: I

" .. ,:~ ~,..

: " " ... '-"

, ',-

': """-,,

. : .


- -=.•• -."

'/., 1.,, - ..

,--'------"-"'. -. - ..-

Hairs Construction .&Excavation .

• nUlldlnc aod ncmodl'lIn..Lot Lt'vcllol: - Gravel lind Dlr.

. St'ptlc Tllnks - nUcbuPlIO. CL 7-t191 or CL 7-t1ll0 - RUltMlO, N, Ill,

I'. O. Box 411 - lIollYWlKld

PHONE CL 7·5620


Home Cleaning and MainfenancePainting Be Papering and Cabinet Work

Carpenter Work of All Kind

',; .., .';JI, .,'

\'_ :\",' ~," ';' 'i~l., 1-." .d,t}:" <1.:.\" ""',' Jot,.. .

'('I' : ,', ,;t>, ". • ..


JOf)KEYS TO BE Gl'l~STS ! NOTICE TO DIDDERSOf' MONS NI~XT WEEK 'Ibl' RUldooo MunICIpal SChulIf..Thc RuldO')() Lions Club at Us I'l'gll- a~ 1I0W aec('pull/t IlId... lor fOI1('!Iw11\1' \\,('('kly mOClllllf Tuf.'Sday night· of Ihl.' nllllellc Ul."ld Bids will I)(' nl.'·liraI'd a report 011 Ule donk('}' basc. jl'epted up 10 Ulld mc1l1dlnr{ Supll'm­b:d! game played It\St Wednesday bcr 10, tOG3 nt 6:00 1111\., at Whll'hnIght with tJJl' Jockeys. Thcre WM lime aU bldu will OC' o/X'nl'd public'!>'nil etollmuted audIence of around \' and rrod uloud400, Lion Jack Spall &1\ld, and tile FurUIl'r Information may bl' aU.('v('nlna WM con jdorcd nol only n.! tnlncd from !Jla sup('rlntcndant'o of·lot of fun (or both participants and flee.~Pl'ct~torll but quite a good nnilncIII.11 BllPll'd: Mr!l W)'l){'llla Tully, P~",,.UCCC33. 'ldc'lIt of Uu'Bollrd .

The Lion:;, who \\'1.'l'C dl'frotl'd will, Mfll I'c,\rl U1lChl'!\:I, SCcretary 01Ilavl' !ht> vlclorlou.'l Jock('yr; I\'l lJwlr Ull.' board 623.30'!peclat glI(':.11I lit tJJelr rcuutar dID· I _.. -......._.. ,. - ._--lI!'r ml'Mln~ Ill'xt Tul'1oda)' nlghl Nl'wlt \\'nnt-Alis Work \\'omlt'rs


, .

-''':'l' "

.. >\1,-\ y


! \'. I.- ..~- _..,

Ruidoso; Hdrold Cr(lswell, Arte$jol Bob Ny-meyer, Ccnlspad; and John Wheatley, Clay­ton. The offic:ers and direc:tors discussed op­eration of the Hc:ensing law and made plansfor their 1964 c:onvention to be hold in Rui.doso on Feb. 16, 17 and 18, 1964.

, ' .


... ",.,.,


........ I' • ," l_ ""~ I'


• ;. ~" -.---.--;-; ,-~~-~~...,......,...- .......--,.....,..., )-,--,,,",:,,.., $,!",...",,,,"",t.'"..,• ...".,........,--,........,..., ...,......,...., ,---..,..._-,......,..'-...,..........., ....,.,...---._.1,1-'-.-r•."l"'},--'-'----...,......,...--...,...-..,....7',-~-...,...-~-~, .. '

Triple A Television Service

-ono of our specialties b providing fun covorago Auto In­suranco for porions who havo difficulty in obtaining ado-quate protoctlon through normal channels.. .


Seo or Phone Us Today - No Obllg.:atlon

MacKesso~ Jnsurance Agency .Meander DrIve Phono CL 7-6835Ruidoso, N. M. P. O. Box 176

2. I '3 .£1. •• liII & II,

_._---..-_~.,.- -- .-.-~- -

-",~ __ '"'0.,..- _

~lllll4l!llIIIII..J!'MIlI!n!ll!!lll!:J!Illl"C!lllIIIIj_iftl!ImI!!I••i Ii ••41,"1'" 'I iJ' ,11i.'_..IIIllIlWlSlll


..•..............•~ .........•..........•...•.....• • •~ FARMER'S FRUIT T ~ ~~aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiDiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii~

: local MountaIn - ValJey Fruit. and Veg.tabl.. : fiX-ALL: From La Luz Canyon :• •• •: Local Red Delicious Apples - Peaches :: Home Grown Tomatoes - Watermelons :E and Camaloupes :: On Sudderth nrlve opposllc lIro TroIlt!)' BIIJ'Kel" :• •..•.........•....•...•..•...•..._......••..•...•.* = .


Two Carlsl:uid MenHUrt In' CollisionRUidoso Pollee Investigated an ac·

Sorority ChaptC'fS cldent midnight 1a.'lt'l'hul'i;day In Rul··· ':'. '

(~Jct. ACqtlUl'ntnd doso which hospitalized two Carls-;.... '.~" bad men. J. D. Reynolds, 47, 900· ..,~ \

CofkcSctAug,23 North Pate and Joscph Searoy, 39, ~'~ '~',',1810 Dowling drive, were occupani3 I ,'" " •

MC'lllb£'lb of all [our ehaJ,1tlYrll of of an Internallonal pickup which re. , " ... ~,13f'l a Slgml\ Phi Sorority and tJJelr porledly drove Into tJJe patJJ ef a I '.' " _.

Iruc,t'! will gatber for a gl'l·acqualnl- Prices Creameries tractor and trail· .•cd eoff~ at 7 p.m. on Wrdncsdny, er on U. S. ~O.-~

• AUI!. 28 In thc Gold Room of the It, was. reported tJJe pickUp ap­fJ(lllday Uou.'f', Ml's. Tom Choate, pnrenUy fnUed to heed II. stop sign :l."!mll'man of Ihl' welal committee of and ran In front of the big dairy rig,Phi C'hllptl."r which Is III charge of which was en route to Portales.a\'fungenWI\\f" reported. The drivel' of the dairy truck was ~ :.. .. ..

.- ... ,... ---"-'--'-- provided wltJJ a new tractor and pro· ~'

I\IAII, SI~R"I('E AT ALTO el'edl."d all ·to Portalcs, spokcsmen Ii ,. ..... • It •

l'lJ·lmll~1l."r Atlren Lindamood all· ~a~'nJ~~~~cdf~te~~e(l~~~I~~ledrlV!!I' ~ \. '.;. , ')Illluncl'd, tJJat Aug. 10 bl'ouf:thl l\ new . '<~. ' } ..11I'111 ~l."I'vlel' 10 Al(().. ..holltlny nnd Rcynolds' reportedly SUffered }lOS- .

Sunday mull-along with the en. "lblllCI

"n_eck 1~I}.udrlcs and tsbrbutsels, .." 'Pi'" ~~tlunce of Mr, ZIP. WI C "",arcy ..... ~evCTe CU , ru ll- r . "" \....

es, llnd abrasions o( tJJe legs, ~ "" ~ _. ..'Till' mall sl'lIcdulc hn..'l bl"l'n chang. ._ 1"""- .·w_..

cd nnd Ih,e Incoming Illall arlves Dlalr I-lalladay who has been In .•••: ~'''' #

h(>forl." thc oHlce opens l\t 8',00 a.m" the Veterans' Hospital In Albuquer. r"~ ..:....~ '..J1. 1 L.~,and will be workl'd Immedlatcly que Cll'st for a period of two menths t '" J • ~aliPr lis opl'nlng. Any mall lJUIi Is lind then for one month, Is now at ~. "1'''.''. 1.'( .~In thl!' oTflCl' shortly bl'forc 5:00 home lor a few wcclal and will reo~. -p. In wlll.'n Ihl.' efflce closcs wJII go tum to Albuquerque the last day of ,', ::...'::l- .' '~.;~l. '.. • ... \ ' -Ollt al U:20 p.m. tJJl'l month for further treatments, '. •• " • ..; \ ...:,,,~. __ _ '

iit«~~«m~ TAKING A'LOOK-Sam Allen, a chlnc:iIIa ranc:her'and bre~d.·:;~c.:,~;c:LincolnAppliance-Service ~~eo~o~lllto; ~~:rr~c~~s one of the old abfmdoned mine shofts-In

Sales - Service - InstallationOn All Gas Appliances


('I, 7-(;315 - NI/:hts CaD - CL 7-U35HERIS SKINNrm LEO PAGEL

• •

_......,...,..."..., . "", ,: .,

.iilll.I•••••i •••••••i••i ••iiiii I••••••••ii••••fS••••••I ••il••i ••iii.ii iiiiiillii•••••••••••iiliiii.liil.i•••••••••••••••i.I.~•••I••I •••••••••••I.n.I•••••••••Bggl••••I••i •••iii.ili••••·~· ._/= . . ~.

; . · ! THE 64'S ARE COMING! '•••••­••••••••••.'••=••Call today for a free estih'late =

Spocicdizlng In Chain Unk,. Panel Wea". =Redwood and Stockade =•All work guaranteed =•Up to 5 Years 10 pay 5

....coMANCHEFENC,E COMPANY =. 405 E, McGaHey, Roswell ~ Phon. 623·1494 =

. .. :.< Call CoIled. Roswell 623..1494 =li.j ~••••~•••••••••••~ III ~ '5 .

)1.~ --= T"EY'VE GOT TO GO! GET IN ON THIS GREAT SAVING SEASON!;rtJ . ,'i "~. ',~l ;f. ,


., tharl'i~ Seeds'~ Phone Nlibl or Da":C.,'.... .... P.o. BoX.1$ :.

""da)'tOn 8obmertlliletum~,Gai=~!:"11taDP. ! I ..RUIDOSO,NEW ME:X.1ir1.·. . . . . tdaI:meDa'oCel$ul'J1'lim,p', ..... '.' Ttlll'k· . ;: .. . . ,I i . .'. . . . '.

., l ~ '. .(Ieclt. Biw•.)til'.....pamp.-Eteclric Co*#~Beatenj Pmp. > = · .'.. '. .. . . .;,••••••~.~••••,•••••_H'••H'••••_.HHH.j.HH.tHHH'••••••••••I •••...................................................11•••11 1••••1 0 ••••••••1•••••••••••••••••••••••••11••••11 '1 .

- -----_.- ,,- --."._., .-,,-- ".-_.-


located Behind Ruido~.Nursery

Complete Service on TV. Radio &: Steroo

HOURS: 9 fo 6 - 6 Days a Week,

Service Calls $3.50 in Ruidoso

). ' .Phone CL 7..3016 ." ... M.IllI"."ItllMiftlllillift,iifiiffi_iHI.:.amiM...lidl.K....iM4IMiMMiil14_..mc.lilid••A~




•- -0-' , . .,. _. , • ,'" _.,,~,

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';OIlRY WI a~ "tOO" 11I"IUweANTIQU1:. V#lSE, M~S JONEU ~PE

"' W#lS 1NSU.R!D AT-



,.. '

Bac. Fans; -rune In !lace:Ruwu on YOUI' H~,

To~ Station. BroadcasthyRuldoao Do\Vl1l SportsNetwork:

.c:mT:-.J.U CntllaI .~,.'DOB"BeWiI .~r.w.

JD)D*~ D:NN...~'

i~t'''~. Orr...... b, '\


,..~ (- .JbjAV...~""""'·~"''''''':'.~ . ,~~~, ,0 , • j, '''., ' " ~

JlJUtt-~. :*<ltrL- ...~.,.... ....doli li .::

'~-',', t· ",", . ..;

KffIJP~., .~~........'.............~ ~"" .: . ". " " ' ..........................,ti,ri:.·=·.., .' ,~~~ ~

• 4 ~ ,. ':.. . • . >o.~. . .

. ' _.~, ,


" - .• ' ' '',' ."Jr ,",' '. .

GOT A·I.EAKY ROOF?'\' - f. •


9, Iii


INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS, SCOUTS AND,:, I' II"D .""",. '" T T C! ''.' ,I,.n.n.y~' .'

Rambler AgencyGarage Service

Seven ·Days A WeekAll Makes of Cars

. Special This Week19B1 Rambler - Air Condllione.d, 4·doOr,Overdrive, real clean • .. • • • • $1.425

Salelman:Bud13radshaw, CL 7.4050F. E. '1Jill" BaIrd~David T. Baird

v. So BlPwa7 1. -n.l11Wooa





- Ruidoso Downs -••••••••••••••••••••••••

.. ,..... """ ."" " .. " ...",.",

........•.......... ~....

50 LB. CANS,.


WE GIVE GOLD, BOND ST.um~ ON ALL P1JJWIIA,8EII. Hhrar 70 ~ HoUywooct

......................................~••••••••~ ..; ,


THIS SATURDAY BY DAVE <PARKSsatlU'day mornbJ&has been set

lUi the da~ rot aU tittle Leag­uem to tum In unUIK'JI1l!I.

Dub WIWamll, president orlNmmer recreaUon stated Ulls"'eeI' that aU 1IO)'S WhO partici­pated ·In thclltunnier procramahoulcl turn In the suits at 8:00

.JLm, Satmday at Denton Field,

-wonderful retlremeJtthomes - ~ey . cost

UW" and ,10 upquick. See our blr


>. ,., •• < '-'l' .• _'.' .. ~.'r< ,

'. ,




f ,

,.. ~ ..".~ .. -,.

"",,-..' <",,,.,,,.Q, ,>

••ri •. ,., ',.:





. .



,, ,. '


, "

out uniforms last Sunday for the opening of·..• I practice which began officially M0 n day .

morning. .". . I



FEATURE RACES nus ·WEEK-END­THURSDAY (This Week) - John F., Miles pprse; thorough­

bred allowance for 3-Year-olds at 4 furlongs.FRIDAY-Sonora Sprint for Quarter Horses 3-years-old and ...

up at 350 yds.; Horseshoe Courts purse for thoroughbredsat 61j2 furlongs.


SATURDAY --- AU-American TrialS for 2..year-old Quartet­horses at,400 yds. in the 4th, 5th, 6th; 7th and 8th raceS;KO:s.:TV.Purse, a thoroughbr~d claimer f()r3-:year-olds at6 furlongs; Jay Mehaffey Appreciation Day pUl'se, thor­oughbred claimer for 3-year-'olds at mile and 1/16.; Odes­sa Day purse, thoroughbred a11owanee·fbr3-yeat--o!dg at5;~ lmlongs. .'. '" . .

SUNDAY -Ruidoso Thoro\1ghbred ~rby at 'l1h fu~l()rlgs.. with$22,5QO purse; K-iJRRleature race in tne 11th, 'yet

to b~' lilted. . ~ - " ., ,

.~ '/OIo.tn' SERVE'OU ··'o:tAANS..· . . '., . ~. ,J. . P ..llqQm-r', p', 1'.

. NIwI()XohltEloe.\'riQ~Ealt.nd!M' ci~ncl '1t'''ijllCli~' .&o~.~

2~~~V~*tONVENIENt~Wilt cAll fOr .....rvCitlOM maa. hi .....wnce/DAllY $AtI$. for all........... . . ~ .NtwPOUtY~ ~i1ft6th~ ...ys,.ttcbfs'.v~til tUn.:rutOffke-t Id;OO: . .

A.M. fD '%OOP.M. ': . ...., > ll-~ 'i:~ '. $.' '¥''''' -j!-;j>~,"';i"P"'>'t,~I't'1t,~,*'~." ' . ..., ~"',' ~fJiIf _....... ~~.'

,>"" .• c.... " ' ..~., "'.' ,,_ .. "'__ . ,~,_ ~_


JUST A FIT-Joe Blue, tackle on Ihe 1963 WarrIor footballsquad, gols a helping hand from head coach Ken Newton.tome 30 boys checked out uniforms last Sunday as openIng,game of the season draws near,

t .'~

. " ........................................................... , •••••••••• I •••••••••

ALL-AMERICAN MAY·SET NEW RE(ORDIWITH RICHEST STAKESI At B nror 1300,000 gross vnJuc, the portM stllkc.g, run llU1t year was tho

!lJth numlng or the All·Amerlcan S273,5S0 Oarden State Stakes run atFuturity here Labor Day, Monday. New Jersey's Gardcm State Park.Sopt 2. will lop II~ dngle-trllck spon- • The toP 12 &take3. lncludJng thl!lsored hol'St' ra.crng I.1akes or any year's AlI.Amerlcan. run In thokind prescnlt.'d In the MUon last n"tlon last year follow:y(,l1r, Arlington.Wo.d1lntton

Currently. th(' AlI·Amerlron has FuturIty. .... . ..... , $357,250&263.000 In the pot ror sure. 1101. AlI·....merican Qtu\rter 1I0rccoountJllg the number ot Trtnls that Futurity 11(03) .. $293.000 (est.)will be reqUIred when they lUll con- Ollfden State Slnkc.g .. , ..... 1273.630

I lested hl'ro UI1!l Saturday. III $5,000 ChnmpagJffi Staken . $189.615j: pl"r Trlnl. six trlnl!l woUld 'boost the PrenltnC$S Stakes .. $186,300

lotal purse plum $30,000 to em 1111. Kentucky Derby ..._.~ '1~.11iOtime rceord-brenklng $293.000. lIollywood Gold C1,Ip ...'. 1162,100

The rlcht>St hono rtlclng &takeg Gardenla. Staten ..", $100.m01 nny lUnd contested tn the Unlted BonIn nll3 Mllturlty $153,910SIlIt03 last )'ear WOll the S357.2S0 Belmont Blnkcs ' $153,300Arllngton-Wn~n Park Futurity. Aqueduct Futurity.. $152,150

'I won by Candy Spots, but JolnUy· &mIll AnltA Derby..... ' $152.100

1 , spon:;ored by the two Chlcago tracks. ~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~• The actual hJgh ~1e-trllck sup- N--. Want.-Ada W.... W....._ ... ,e, • r ••


- I

'ho. CL '1-4310




. , '

Sports Sputs

CHECK HEADGEAR - Newly hired assistantcoach Evereft Banister checks size of helmet·being tried on by senior guurd Mike Capps.Capps was among 29 other players checking

- .

We hear Jerry FlUcmll.ll. Wllll\Vorklng out with Ne\v Mexico Mill,tllr)' In.,1JtUW'1l tlrh't t:ih'lng gridsqUtlQ the other day,

",--,- .~~. --------~

;} .' '1

. -.

One Biotic We,t of Old Mill

..~- ........~--'~---------


Genuine Hickory SmokedB.tf, Ham, Spat. Ribs

ChIcken and German Hot Unks



I~...... _. ~ ,_M ~ cl I.

I'LL TAKE THIS ONE-In 'hll pholo taken at lost Wednesdaynight'. Donkey Ball Game 01 Denton Fiold In Ruidoso. Downs,two lachys draw their moun', for a Iry at riding the cantank­erous crillers. The Jockeys defeated the Lions 8·2 in a hIghlycontested bailIe.

"1 ,o'"o I~L;"

-~"-,,."-",_, PAGE S~ ,.,......,. ."""i.-.............' •

Ruidoso NewsFriday, AugUst 2;l, IP63


With the first rour-day racingweclt-end wtJtten Into tbe records,Jockey 0, W. WlIJled. movect clooetto the RuldQl«l 00wJlS JockeychampionshIp with siX WIJ)I1cta. threeseconds. and threo thlrd'J tor a' to,lal of 42 point/}. hlgb tor tho week.(·nd cmd good ror a IIrm 1~lnt

lead over Elbert Minchey.Joe Sherman moved bnck Into the

Iltandlnlt!l In eIghth place with tourwIllner». one second and tour thirds,colkcUng both hlllvC5 of the dallydOUble on Thuradlly, whJlo Jilek Wal,Ilice moved Into llixth spot.

Bob Arnelt retaln.'J control of tholrolnC'r rilandlnlls. but O. D. Wooumwre'lj('d tiCcond pillce tram JimCurry with three winners, a flCC·and. lind II thIrd. •

Damon Pollard, who teamed withJC<'key Joe Sherman In colTllllng thedlilly doublo Thursday, moved to

• • • withIn nine polnt6 or third plllco.More AnlC!lopr Arl'lUI Opened , __....: •__..:..__. Forly UCl'fl:.c:J will be lIvallable ror ml'nt or Gamo lI.Ild FWl up to 10:00alltt'lopc' hUlllt"rl1 all tho LF Ranch a 10, Bl'Pt, 3 on tho regulnr 19J!3In ChnVt"ll CoWlly llnd 40 on the rorln. AppUcanlo mUllt write In th~lrMl'qn t1ntelope "tudy arell In De· choIce of arC!ll,Ol\('n tlnd ChnvclI ('{)unU~. Th('>';(' , Perrol1!l eligible to apply IIro tho&cWill be elthpr wx h\Ulta, Oct. 20 nnd who M\'O not alrendy submitted aJ)­:n pllcRUon ror a 1003 antelope hunt,

Appllc"UOIL'I will be re<!<!lved In nnd who dId not havo 1\ public anto­the Bnnln Fe ortlcc of the Dep:lrl- lope IIccn:::o llUlt year.l!!, 0 ~__~__

AItI~A FISIIINO nF-PORTRUlllo.",o urea trouL rJr.hlng 19 re­

ported fBII', 1'11e river Lq high andmuddy Irom receRt rnlnn

BOml' f1"lh belnll I.Bkcn on worms.('UWi "lid me!! at. Nognl nnd BonitoL~k(>

"'''·'i .PI' , o'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• •= Contr,ttlng -- DesIgning - Wlrmg !• •: Commercial - Besld.nlill :• ••• •: DEALERFORFAMous , :• •: HOTPOINT APPLtAlfCES' ~ :• •• •: RADIO SQUIPPtJ> VEHIctSiS :• •: rOR BETTEIL FASTER SERVICE :· ' " .· . ..· ...: BeHlr Llghtbtg·.no.tn'l COlt, - It P......., :• '1''' .•.• ~ - - "'.i· Wf'l'RLYELECTRlt ~: . _M :

• 'II'JPho. CL7..&07S,~ ltul<l* -1818 Sudd..mi·''lI

• - - il ".' , ,' .. ' . '•.

.j••••i_••••••••••*••••••••••'••••i'W••••••••••••" I;' , ~

4'0 Players ReportFor Tiger WorkoutsHearl C'I)Jch Melvin Romer~ of the

Carita'! Tlgerli reported th~ weekIhnt about 40 bOYIl have checkedOUI un.form!! for practice WhichIElartfid M","day this week tor tile10113 yeaH n, 'I'lle TI«erll hlWft only four starte]'sfrom In~t Ycar'!S learn and a total otf~ven lel!ermlln relUrnlng,, R'lfnero laterJ thl" wc'ck thai tile ',

lKIUl\d In n ,\'(JUIl~ g~(IlIP wllil quitea number of fre'lhmen ami sopho,more., m? klr;g up tho team,

atarlerfJ from IM.t year are LlonolOrlego, Davtd MontoJ/a. Rolland

!Zamora and Pe!r Carabajal. OthcrIlet'ermvn are JackIe Walker. John.., ny Oamr bt'U and Johnny Walker,I The orcnlng game for Ow TigersI wlll 1;0 wah till' RUld(JSO Wafl'lorll,he'To on AUlfUIl1 30,



us I, \' fUll3us,. \. $W.03us., \. '12.0'ON'.V $3.49


, "

Lions Claim Foul:Lose To JockeysIn Donkey Ball GameLalit Wcdnl'y.(fay nlght In a donkey

1l/l1J game at DcmlQll Field In Rul­do~;o DC}Wnl, Ill(! Jockcyn downed theLIon" Club. 8·2 '

The! Lloml, champs of Ihe unusunl::prJI'l tile past rew yearB. chargedthl' JOCkc>Yfl wlCd "buzzerlj" and

, _. ----- ,-,...-.. ----- riding U!chnlquClll which were notfall' In the' ('untt"llt However, thesochl1rgl'!1 nrc' only /lUflplclons on theIllIft 01 U1l' d,,·lhroncd champs 116 Il)eIT\C'mberll 01 thc. locill club claimlllPY clClIIld nol hnv(l betm bl!tlten Ittl1l' foul IIIl'thoelo; had 1101 boen u!«:od

'fhc. I.lon~ hllvo Ill!lued nnQlhore~hl1l1enl:c' to till' JockeY'! for a con.t,,;;1 noxt yrar and Ir tho gnme 16Ilnylhlnu like lllC one last weck thebaIlie Ilhould be a nell out.

Mer.JI of Ihe playerfl on bolll teamstitoyed on the fJround marc than ontil(! ml'an 10nU'l?(lro nnd at one pointom' 1.1011 member lIelulllly carried1\ /\Jnllll donkey around the llB!JellattN hltllng the ball Instead of try.Illll to ride Ihe. anlmlll.




(In the Giltewa;)




The Ink WenAgenln UNDERWOOD Typewriter.

Adding Machines, Calculatofl'Il/O Nrw Y.rk AftliU

- Alam.'....., N. Ira.




- Wo May Be Equalled, But Not Excell.d ...In Fine Food .

ExceUent Sll'VletCoUritOQ~tnonntl-_.

6ur Gold and O...."I..m. Avc:dki....·,., .. .....nqu.I., hlnch..nt, MMfI!'D

No Chf:lI'QI1)(c'p!hrhoa.nfIJltfttithmtMtIt '.Our ',""'reT. S.N.VH'O tAWHk...............6·· ..


Chfllrod II ()proralrod n, IAu n.kl'lrI'ho. ( •• 1 GJr.1 At Ihn Y 10 lIoll)'W",

WE'VE HAD LOTS OF RAIN • • ••Sinco Ihe big rains lalt woelc, th. beat prot.ctlon for your

car Is a good quality groaso lob now. NOlhlng I, mo... Im­portant oftor rainy wealher than upett s.rv/c••

\\ IInl ,\1 'TU KI'I'.("ALHT\ I'll" II ~ ."J ". \ .• Iul'

"1.-\ II UI: \1 IIHC hi It ... ~4!11llI \ lilt'"

1\11 '" .. 11110 I.. • UI \.,Iul'

'11. " '" 11. I I.. """ L,It,I'.1,'Clltll III ""II ... ~ \1>'" HIIlInllltt'fl

.. "., III U'II KC1100I, HI.')'I.n,M-

White Auto Store

GETS A HHPING HAND Dub Williams, on Ihe ground. of theRu,do~o [10m Club ,s about to get auislance from C, L."Bones' w, '~Jh'. L,on Boss. ond a member of Ihe Jockey's tepmufter b"m{) urlablll '0 Iloy on donkey after hilling ball. Theoamo playod la" Wodncway nighl 01 Donlon Field in Ruido·so Dow,n was wC," by Iho Jockoys,


~~·£~?:.~!!!__.._....__....}!~!!tt~ ... ..... . .•••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

A ", .IIl '. i·. J,uft' j' J 111 flu\- 'til, 'J'I" llUC k', 1)0' :... ·:'.ll I~c)()d oV(lrnliI.'f k '1.'1 h" HI I:, H ..I,ff 'Iu~ ,,,' HJ;f~f~tI wnll {WI, t,lnrt.·rti 'ronl l002'u" ,I.' L' f' •• ' hf' It '"f ...· -" W .s tf Ifl' : d l' " nt·' ttUlh(~r ,up t;(.lInd 'nlf- Urn't"""'1,,1 ,L', '.", I""'" 1'",. ", UII" tI,,, hll', IlU"cl "llc'I'd. bul wl'llthL will,"lfI.a 11'11, WI'J. ',Jll-, u :;"h· h"a'" 'Jr' Uw VTlJ.'))"'u, N(·wton rnDUnt6(J

I, ". " "',' y .. ", J I 'I" , 'I I Villi " ",. Twu In... J<'1'~ bublN' thp Wllrl'lol"jI"~ 1"'.0. '" " ,,'I, ('I',''''' ! ", III<' hu' IIl1d !JUt kllt'ld Jerry

, ,," ('"", I, K' '., ,"'"", iwh, C'.'UlU'· 1110 p"ulld lIuurd lrom .... bl.'.' 'JI' 1~\',"11 "Id' ,I,.,J llu' ;UJI' 1,·,.1> '((IX 1" '.huwJnu "ood pronlbw", If, " 'I" I, " ., ,.cl·, ,,' 1111 II I', J"hll l.lrutC'rwllod, fullbnck

'fi'l 1ft..' I" 'I ~'Uh:,ft·t 't01l1 Bantu Fe



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.,11' I WII 'I 1':'.1 't·'! H.ll'l '. 1 hu\·..·~. JJtI'tl.'I~! lloltct '1 ""nUt· P(~IC't:!j.()r"Iht II hdr,el "411 {J., JI,: 'II ~·.·t '..tlfl j-·J"u.ulk-,uf., hlt~. bt"C'n t;t'Jf1(~l4t() "Jock.'1lIlId ,., III!I'" ,u..1 III" ","rkUlll' I'~ III 1'11" WI'I'k" IlIr Ihl' l4Ul w(ock.

"" IlIh'I""" '1,01 "",1 1'111\', ,../ u... ' "lid ul rnr'IOIl IIC'r£' nnd lIot lor rId.C/'IC'IWI J U.lf.1' fAUlf.,.".'

n ....... ", Ii' ',"I."'l) t clt·III .. '.I\ 'n"~lJllh h., WOIl two. WllC' I'lI'C0ndwc'"k" ,I, "" II" 'hi ~"lU \\'111 ~ 'WI(" urul tlllfd \wl('I' III 24 mounta,tlll ,,,,,,1 ,." ' I .. ", I, hI", ,thel '" \ . hlulkr,!'f \Ii Il" ('III'(! lor hili expertI,'\h lit 1"/1 II, ".1' Id.' ••1 I" "h,,"1 ,hUlC.·/Iuu.....hlp Illt}t '"und 111m pre.11.'1" ',IIf'" /"1".< I, '\I'ltlIIJlII~: \"111 whllt c'mllt! htH'" b('I'1I n traUloI"'" 11\ I/,~ I·' ,,'. "I"" ctlllul. ,1m. k I"'" "I' wlll'lI hI' '.layNI WIUI lillY,",,1 'u,:!J"c. I"' . ,"fo' I "·,'h.lt· Ilk" u ('1I111uln with" IlInklng• '",.;."_"~ . .- .,.....'... h'IJ wlwll Ilu' hurr", 1111l'mpted 10~_......,~,,~"-'-'...'-'........---"..__a ISt.1I In Ihl' IIr~1 tllTlI III 8111Urdoy'o

I C'HlI,d flU'p 'I dem't know how he'luI II" ('Olllll...hh·d "Iu'd" Nenl.1''''',ldlllll r.1('\\ Iud "If(· r;('(Otlll'd toI", "t1·l1llnln. 011,111111111 hl!l horw\\h,lt· thrnldllUJ hili WIW lllroUllh theullru·.1l1nll horde'," Ouod work. Pcr­'."we.or f

Quick BoyDowntown RuidosoBreakfast Sorved

At All HoursOpen 'lil 3:00 n.m.Cloned on Monday

Ruidooo. Now Mexico11*_ .,. ~ " ..... ~-_... .1OII~~_lW.....u ~l:l;\,o ~~.:. ...1l-...........A .....__"'..-" . ..












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= __- t

While Supply Lasts


... --



improved and repairedfred Jones of Carrizozofield of Lincoln.


.By tho way, Mom and Dad - while you orohero- .







Reg. 98cEacll •• , , .

SOc SizeEach

. VISIT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT·-,Iay·away now and don't worry about oftorChristmas bills or toy shortages at tho lastmlnutel 1O~o down hdJds any item until Doc.23.

~~:hS:z~...••.... , •..•.•••. , ••.•. 29¢

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Reg. 5e Each






FREE." With PUrthSlSe of$1.00 or More

From Our School Supplies Scction-


Reg. 2 for 5c






WOODEN PENCILSReg. 2 for 5c ......... ~ .. 6 For 10¢





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For information leading to the arre~t· and)conviction of the person or persons maliciously

tampering with, destroying, or otherwise. sabotaging,.or interfering' with the trans~!ssion facilities of

RUJDOSO· CABLE T• V.,The folloWing persons, -only~. are authorized

.l-epresentativesof Ruidoso Cable T• V., Inc:·BILLARNSPIGER . --8··1··L..S·I··M···•...... ..... P .... 8JOE HARRl·'DON··•·MANS"'L. 'S , EaIJ


.J.P~HON:,E .. CL ..• 1.2311.- 1._ ..,....l ~ ......... __ ... , , . ,. . . I

,,+till ,f • ".',,'l •. ;;.oA-Il'''.''




· ....","w·_"''"'

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" J ~ ; ... ,I,., " • ''''', .,," t, >0.. ., ._. ~"" . i ... : I.... .o, I~. •• If ,.. . • oj I .• If ....., ...,. I, ....... _,r. J

. .


$1.00 Cartridge Pen With 49c packof Cartridges •


Listen to KRRR For Our "Namo II & Claim II"Radio Spots -...

Each .


Wllh 3 Dividors-2 Hole High Count Pages•


Only .

For tho Beginning Grados



,Hundteds of Back to School Hems-here and(arriving) daily. Never heslfate to ask us foran unusual iteml If we don't have it we'll getit.

Reg. 2Sc Each 17j.Only. . • . . • . • .. • • • .. . • • .. • • • . . .. • • .. • • . "



HoUywoodf·N.14e:x:•• ,', i' ,.- ", -,~ ',' ..,., " ,'''.,' '" .,." •• <, ,.'" ' .'. ,.' .". • " ",' ,. .,~.• '. ",'••••

. ' '.'',' ,/•• , ' __"'. ~ .<,,~"A "I", .,,' " • ..•/ ..i.i.\~(;~.'~.:.....~""". lljmbtefCla~1704'Doo(S6d.n •

.'. Getthe best buysand the big..gest trad~-ins! All ye~r long,Rambler sales have been sOaring­smashing Me ((Icard after another.But Wetr6 not sat/sfied yet-and wewon't be until we wind up the seasonstill higher on the best·seller list.TO make sure, we're going all·out.We're offering the best buys yet-big­g8S( trade,ln allowances when youbuy an already low-priced Rambler.COmErln and make us prove that theseate Rambler's Savlngeit Daysl

T1mberLoelgcs make....~-:,homcs - tlley ~t­

IIIt1e and co upqUick. sec our big






'"• .:.4",.f\ .





FINED $250 FOR D. W. J.Gilbert Edward Chasto.ln. Ruidoso

Downs W,llB fined $250 on n OWlcharge In Municipal Court. Aug. 10.

•rOIl Rene ~, For Sale lips,

also maD, other k1Dcls. NIlWII Ofnce.

.•. _.". ... ,.-',"""~, . " ,

. A·,. . ,. t B.\dld.J!1,n, .. D.P.rlatedU99ten, Pemm!1j JoMII. McKinney, • 'R·'ut:t-'A-dOOE. sm.NVEN.... . ',nOr" ~;:L ~rMl'old, Te",;; AnP,..FQ.~teJ,'••Lock- •..... r··· To Humai\e Society iJeY, Tel(.: LIU"J'y 4(i.n~s. Lopez. so ews

A·,·· t· ·t.'I:'().r. II. ...;..:.-;;.·..'·.·.:, ,;.'.'·1 's,h.·",.'11:.. (. .M~~ MI!.QlI~fl1S'iLIQyl\ Nowell, Frlt\!,\y. M81Ist~,)QGa:.... CIVIleS . ~ ..C'U.lM.~ ~ :ll~", !t'lll~tosl'\: JO$¢prr Slfl\t¢Y. .1, O. 'C' . ': ..,-R·'lIle. . " . ,

$00 ft. Pl'Ve4 ~lU\w~y...l22.11 qO~I',tg~~~~lt~u~ ~y~~i~~~~~c~~~~~~hi~~~~s.Ob[i~~: '. outt ... eslJJIlcom . bttllqlngs to. fu~-LmIlQJACoWl~ au, Tl;1X,: Jlilll\ Rqm~rQi .Sll-W ;PatrIcio; F' L I'

Ralph ~wn flew Charn~ Martin ma~e SQ~ety to !;Ie ~e~fgr .1t$aJlt·;J;leth Smith,· Abilene, Tex. j Fay or ... ocato Kansas Tuesda;y I~ we~ :Where mal ~helter. The blJAlUngs ·lncJI!c\1l Jm:ki$oJ), Kennlt, ,+ex.UlJ,rtlJl p,ttendcd the f\1i1ernl of a two 12x;.J4 foot glU'Il~E!$llnd three (lId' .. . " . . I "

niece alld also vJslted W1th his mo- mote~ ul)lts w1thb~tb.$. n has not C L'k D .. . Ph C·'· tlle~\ .. '. Yetb~n deQllIed where to PI9,~ tAe. . . ar:;. Ie onunoes. '. one om• S~~:~~wla~rs~e~iill:r~:~eAI~ ~~I~~o: t~W&o~lIn~= r::e~ ....ClQbbf,lrE~~h()ther '. The New M~IC9 s..:up....reL..•-m-e-l!Co:'-.·url---·HtJ· Dell Clly, Tex.. where she attendE:d $ecUon of the Ia.rge barn on the old Fo\!t oars teleSCQ~~ :11\ Ole heavy :ssucd 11. I'ullng Motldaythat ~ttleA

;m InsurlUlce meeting.' Grl!!c;lston~lMInQh t>'QUth Of the WI.nI:;" after·tbe.rae(!s traWe em Sudderth a slx-yenl' dispute over relocatlobRalPh Brown made two Ql~~·ter field Homesteltd sUbdl~lsl(m. Anyone !~ fro~t. of the Ol\tewl\.y R.esto.ul'nnt "r lines and facilities· of the RuIdoso

· trips to Albuquerque Friday last wanting to adopt a dog or eat or 10 mst I"rlctay aboU16:40 p.m. Telephon\J Co.weeK, one In the mOrn!IJg an;i one "eF0rt nbout sltny aplmalsCIl!l con· .'LYlh~ Ml1dl'ed Col1lte'i','R\Hgoso. 'rhe high court ruled that th~In. the afternoon. and on saturday 'act the Uumane !)oclety at CJ:. '1. In car No. I,golng west s~G1u\led tl} l'OlUpnny wns entitled to l'c!ml)ut§ll.

,lie made two trips to EI Paso. a061.mnkea lelL turll. v.r-remtano, behind ment for relocating all 4.919.9 feet cl.fBrown's All' Service rep<>rl.s tho,t " , ... . , ., 1P cnr No. 2 bumped Into car No. linllS located on lnnd abutting n right '

'fl'om 70 10 80 plnnes were seryl~ bUNlmR LIGl.n DiJ~, . t •. Car No. a, lollowillg, l;lrlveu by of way. .there over last week-end.. These' Fon U~1'EWI\V INTERS~OllONS Mn!comnenqel''SI,i;). rnnfmed cal' The decIsIon waS tile se<;on4 by Uleplanes were from varJous loWn$ In VlUage Mamhall '!';J. SllJldem No.2. Car No, 4, driven by J. D. Supreme Court in the dispute \.Xl.'reJCa.. Inclu(lJng Sanger, OO~, stl\.ted that two bllnkerlllilit$ we:i~ M<:Olintock did the same- to No.3. tween the telephone QOm~any anctDimmitt. Mtd~, O~ona. Ft.. WQrUl, now aUthorized to ~ J~n¢d (Ill .Mrs. lJendemon, an (,)Coupant In tJlf' State Highway .commission.PlainvIew. SCguln, ,Corpus Christl, SUddel.'ttl in the G/l.tewaYI\~ lUl~ lbe third car received a knee In· The lines ln qu~l(jn eXtetldedHouston, LUbb()Ck, Amarillo, EJI,rth, woUld be Installed ~9re ~ ~s:ln~ JUl'Y. She Was given e1Ul'l.·gency 1:1.'1'055 pl'lvnte hind Which Wl1S l\dja,.EI ;Paso, Pecos, })enton and san An- n1ng of sc\)ool. • U'eatment at the 'Ruldoso--lIondo cent to old hlgtlway right ot way Intonlo; and from Kobbs, r.ovlngWn, He also !!tilted thnt he ha.~~.u~. Vnlley Gene1'll1 Hospttal and \Vaa Ill- Lincoln County. 'Roswell. Albuquerque, santa Fe and ed from the HllIh~y pepat1mem l~ed. There Wel'C no othel' Injuries. Tht' commission hlld contended BEING REPAIRED-The, old Parson Hotel nearVaughn. New Mexico; san DletrO t.hat the speed I1ml\$ bQ-.loweted pn however t):lero was damage to fend- that payment fpr rcl®nUol\ of the the old Parson Mine In the Bonito orca whereand Los Angeles, Calif.; Denver, SUdderth In.llie Oliteway a~to eM!, bumpcl'S lU1d rear ends. No \lues would be unconstitutional. .Colo.; lU1d Nogales nod Phoenix. conform to the sPeed lltnit In the Chllrges were filed. • --:---'~, ---__, a new silver strike has been reported is beingArlZJ . downtown area. . Ruldo.so pollee luvestlgllted the \V1'cck series, .

tJ·y trlp, Visiting hours: 2 lo • p,m., IS to ·ut .:.- ·ust ,ot ut 0 .....C .00 . "" .'<x~ l ',.Joe'Skeen, Sto.te senator, flew In 8 p.m. . '\, ~ ,," ~

to have his plane servICed. as did Admitted in the last few dayS as \' ~..

Eugene Ferez. patients In Ruldoso-lJondo Valley WELL LIKE IT OR NOT (..:, '"M~ay tllls week. Ralph Brown Geneml Hospital have been: ' . . IT'S 1·· '"flew a patient, Mrs. Ada .10 Foster, R. O. DeBerry. od@sa, 'fex.; PaUl . . _ .. '. i". ,,-'''to Plainview, Tex. Jaquez, Kathryn Gabbart, Larry \.

Ernest Sammnnn, a 5On~In-law of Simon, JaQkl!J Worden, RuldOE!o . \.the Ralph Browns, and Larry Boo- Oowm: savina Torrez,. VIckie .ClJll,v· \decker from ;Plalnview, Tex., flew ez: Hondo; Leanltn Langford, Mar·In to pick up a Cessna 182 Which velie Stewart, Michael Thompson;Sn.mmnnn had purchllSed from George Till, Hollywood: BlancheRalph Brown. Brodie, Lewis Mlddletotl, EI Paso:W~esday afternoon this weck Jim Proctor. Cherl Rooney. Rene

there were pllU1es In from Carlsbad Stallings, VIrginia W1nnns. Chai'lesand santa Fe. both planes bringing P. Cook, Charles MUlTny, Jr.•people hert' on bustness. Michael Brct Stlrman. Jimmy Aklns,

Priscilla Aguilar, Ruidoso: Isabelle

Don L. and Don B. Siark. Owners






Get the- best values in best..selling Ramblers! All Rambiers..... American, Classic, Ambassador­give you Ramblerexclusives like Deep­Dip rustproofingand Ceramic-Armoredmuffler. All models give you the extrasecurity of Double-Safety Brakes.The wide cholceofsix·cyllnderand V,Spowerhicludes the American's 125.hpmiles.per.gallon champ of every econ·amy runentered.And that's just asam·plingof features thatwon Rambler '63the "Car of the Year" Award~



fj' , .. :


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2976 SucJderth nrlvePhone CL 7.2062

...,',':. ,il. ItD.AUTO SALES Highway 70•• ' ,,,, •._"" .. ,.,~", ",., .',"'.' '" ,. _ '.~. _ "",<"',.,,-r." ",,""._ •••. A.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -, ',; ~"""; '.'<-' ','- -:' _.', ,"", '. ".'" " .•


.'"tilll;\iIii(~ilir·.":"·.'i1iiil··!iii1~:i.:'"'.t'•..Iili'·".;".j;·.fJ.~·till··''iIIl<.""'Iili''''liilIrn.-ilir-.'.:'.•.•..•-y_.. tiii~'-·iIii·'." ' ."--.'".'1ili"·'t"1.'')'.··.·.•..•••••..•'(.5".•, '.,iIIIi,, 1IIIIi:·' ·· , ' ' > :r ··· ' ·· ·, ., =.;".. ""."' ..:;.'.''''''.',''''."'--' ,,'..2.:..:,;,,' ~~,n. ,.. _'~'._


I!•••••r••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••t ••I•••~•••••£• •• . r. •

5 PLANNED SCENIC TOURS .~ ~=i••••=~••E••.===•==••••••••••=•

I5:•=••••••=DAY AND NIGHT E• ••• •• •Iii••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••r

TS .SILveR WINGS-1st, L1eut,· rney D, Nichols of Las Cruces

. 's been Qwarded silver wingsUnited States Air force navl­tor following graduation from

· vlgatortralning 'at Jamesonnelly AFB, Tex, lIeut, Nichols,n of (!;.r. and. Mrs, Warren ·E.

·ichols ~f Las; Cruces, receiveddar and celestial nav'ig'lifmnaining In Air Force T·29 "Fly.g Classroom" aircraft. He iseing reassigned to Mather AFB,

'Qlif., for advanced training. Aember of Sigma Alpha Epsilon,ichols received his B. S. degree

rom New Mexico State Unlver·ity. Hlf wif~, Ca-rlyn, Is theaught1! of Mr. dod Mrs. Carlass ofRuidoso. .

" , '-_ -- --I'll 1cJr School at Ruidoso Varletlore, Sutleleftl!· prlve, DoWJ1loWJ1uldoso. .


Best·time to make a real buy-






... ij'

• i


'" .

'•' .

'. :,


•* * *FRI. ,.;. SAT.

:DOUBLE BILL"THE THREE'.' ", ' , ,.' ,


· Plus •Rita HaywortJi

Rex Harrison in




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...,! ",• ,,,~!:,.,-,, fj"

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Horse Racing - Skiing - Camping - :Fishing,Galling ........ Rldb:ig - Hunting

... ,~.--"-.",..-",:~.---~ ....~~,,,..~ '---~~~

" .',"'f" :'.', ,-,>">,,,'-P:~"""

• ~ t."" 'l; •, ,

" , "

231 luxurious vacatIon homoslte. avallab.. for 'mrmkflate

construction. Water, roads and pow.r aN provided. Th_./

Alplno VlIIago p'at is fully ap~roved. AU lot. a,.on..haff

aero or larger and may, be purchased on <i varltty of con­

venient terms.."

/ ,'" s" ~



. . '


i '., ~

~.,'.~ .~.·.·I· '': ..~i I ~~} ,\ .J...!.!4f--_.~

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Man,·fumUI••. are alr.~cI)'.. 1

negodQftit~ fol' custom .cab'ns. '" "

and VQ~(jlort hIdeaway.. 4J.• " j..

," 1<'\1 • I

ready 0" thepropet1V. Cp".

fractor arid d••ISln servIce an..'

, '" /'

"" ~ s=""-=~~~._-=o>.'~ _., =,


-1'1118 Cartoon-(In color)

-1'1lL'S CarlooD­mWII'HllIIIfllltllllllllllMllllllH~~!'l1IlMllllDIIii'__ ... - • ,. 'ti ., ._

Alsoclatlo", Mrs. Charles Fuller, Picacho and Roswell; Mr. and Cruces IUld Lalo Ollna of OtoroMrs. Robert Corn, Roswell; Michele Mitchell of Albuquerqu&, '~ounty. wouta arrange. to be In Jt,ul·Miss Wool 1963, Robin Read, Miss Wool, 1964; Mrs. Abe M. ~f~~~ ~~~ and last 140nda

ys (I>Pena, and prosldant of the Wool Growers Association of Ros· Jack Underwood, local attorneywell, and Charlos Fuller. bRd beeq servfng all assistant here

, ,. b __~" •.•••_~_.- .. _ .... but rCf<lgned two weeks ago.Hoyle had a litmllar chars[' tlll'd : NO Ar'f'()JNT~mNT \'ET _

agnJnst hIm In Jllno which wn.'i rl'-: "'Oft ASSlb'1'AN1' D. A. nlmE Eddie ~Iddens drove his wife anddueed to nssauJt'iUJd he wa:l !lJl('<!; Dl ;Irlel Attorul'Y Dan 80sn stated thrce children to Truth or Conse­$75 In the Oistrlct Court In Cllrrl?.ozo. WI'dJl!,~(Jay III RUidoso. that 110" ap" quencetJr ;N, Mex.. last Week-end

- ••-." • ; pr.ln'mrllt 01 n new As.'l1h1ant D~rl!ll whero they nro visiting reJatlvell, i.

Jeallll ror Schtol $1.00 up. Shlrl/\-! AttorJlr~' Inr IIII' RuIdoso Rrea hnd He returned S\UldlLy.· I

Socks-Undenvear-at RuJdllSll Var-! a'l l l't bC'('11 madl' He 5tated that In Mrs. Mllrvln McQUire and chll- '-~ Ilei)' store. SuddcrUJ Drlvt', nown.', UII' ownntlm!' that he and his two dren wcre In Albuquerque early lh13lawn UuldOllO. _~I~t~n~:_ (:II."":II..~CUIl1C)·l."r or' Las week ~h~pl~ I •'r a 7 B II W"I I IIIIlI! Sf 'PI __ l I'll 231111 _ ~ _ I ' 1_ ... j ". _ I' .

I II jj ri."i.l I

-~.t .1,

I '" I,


I II . ~ II . " I'


2!l1GNuddet1h Drive I Il'hollCl CL 7-2t6~

.1111111111111111111...1111..... I. 2" 1I J" .• __ 'J I _ .1_I a f 1 Tn 1. J II I I 11 .. dI ' 11 J'I I-"~ '" ,- """ ..PHi_nIHII]]1 2 _12 lilT 1__&11 I7r O.E~t:::!!:··~..r_~,i:;:: ...." '. ",:,'::::::::::J"":::-_

.'.,' ..



'" I"

~ .'


. '


~'"':' ," . -,

In ColorI'IIUI Cartoon

Next to the Yucca BarCarrizozo, N. M.

The All-New

Yucca Gri"Now under new management

On four wa, home rrom the ruel'll II10JI by and I'f 01U'

Sea Food and Steaks'III Ihe CMlIe, III 10\\'11 - One IJ1O<'k orr UlJ:h"., Gf

Ruidos.o's Ftontier Town

2 & SUE! S Ii &ESISIli.S ••••1 Ii 21hl3l£ 21£2 ~. .,

CEDAR CITY i'.&•••I:•I

., .• • • • • 3 RoUI 7Sc I:




Mercaml1e'StoJ:e. '

Fall FUm Special

TShlrtJ ........ 750AntlCl\ltI-Clotks~ ,FurnUuteltlld

Dlthtt.· .

.WoodShec1'--PltlUte FtamtiGllQQdJ::9b'iShop ...... Ola.ndNew GunI· .

We~B~)', Sell or T,rGd~ ...~' . \4- MIltW..-tnt(IWCft·70-

Modern GroceryGold Bond Stamps - Double on Wednesdaf

S~dderthDrive· Skyland Area

with Purchase of $5 or Mor.


, ',' '.'\ .. - .' "'.

' .. , .


In Coror-1'11/11 Cartoon­



Peter finchJane Fonda

Angola Lansbury in


011 IIIway 70 "'I Enlrance'ro llacc Track

AdmimlllJn A.dulls 6.~

CmJ.lmJo:N UNDr~R 12 FREE. ..,. ...2'BIG HITS ~~~y.

* *. * I ~.THUR.;" FRI. - SAT... : ;..~~••.

Doris Day "'L~.James Garner In .


. . .... ,,..t< .•,

........ '.' ,' .. '

~ '~"._ ~ ""'-- .... .. :i...• _._. ,~•.,... __._ .....-.WOOL QUEEN VISITS-Ruidoso Downs was vIsited Sunday bythe Wool Queen of New M..,xlco and a group of Wool Gro.wers Association members. All shown presen' In the winner'scircle where a race had been named In hc,r honor, from left,Abe Pena, vlce.presldent of 'fle New M1!x1co Wool Growers

_. ----- _.~---- -- • : • • it 1:;,; •

Rape Case Moved Wllo3 beln"~boked. and Ulat no onecame to ,JJer assistance.

To District Court Her hw:;ijand. Cannan Oreen. wasJt'Wl'l itoylo. a Negro. whom an- clllled l19 II wlt.nc1lS by Dan SoBa,

lIt1l1'r Nl'l:ro. MJ'lI. Corrine oreen. distrIct AttOrney, Oreell testified thatlu'cu:"d 01 mIlO here In tOO ClU'ly he left tbe hQuse and that he dIdn'tlJIf;Jlllng houm of Aug. 9, Wll9 nr. know wbll.thllppencd untU he camernlglli'll to tbo Dlstrlct Court In Cllr. back Intt')' tll'lt day.rlZ!)w by JIU;!Jce or the Peace H. M. Bgl. O. S. Montes and Officer LuOmhnm. WednoodlJ.y, Aug. 21. cas OOllZnlC3, Who 1nvesr.tga~d MJ'lI.

Mrli Green te-..>tlrled Ullll afw Green's complaint and took -Hoyle,ImvlfIl{ a t1ghtwllh her hUSband. who Into, C;uMOdy, stntod that theY dtd"lliok olr" with 11 rrlend. thnt she not. have II medIcal cxmlnntlon't1ub­thrl'w hl'r hUIlb:md'lf clothC!! outside stnt1Ullt.lnrr Mra. Oroen's lCstJmony •Whllt· r.ho Wl1.'l do:ng the throwIng mat she was IiUc<:e35fUlly sC'duced.IlIlel l'ven before sho could ltckhl.'r Hoyle's bond WIl8 placed...t $1,000own cloUlC9 on, Ill/e Mid. HOyle aM ho WllS turned over to Bhcrttl1'/L1Il1." Into tho bC(lroom and Ulrew Oltm Bradley.hl'r aercn.'1 the bed and raped her. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiShe mid -Utal tho protcIrtcd and !I/lcrl':1l1cd. but not loud bccnl1!lO she wonderfuJ rcllremen' •

--~.~--~~---~-_.~~.. • = • hOnu:Jo-;n~e:o ::'~ANTI ES quJck. ~ our hie

CEDAR CITYRuidoso's Frontier Town

" .Good ,upply oJ wash ,tarld" plain and marble top • roundtables. old muslcol Instrumants • playor pIanos - organs andphonographs. wide ..Iectlon of old c1C)Cks.

..-. ,~_·_"_ ...ft_lii_.._.. '_....ti_f _ • ...-....'" r , ...-" ......' .5_..."''c;C ., ,00,. I - 1 .. 1 . I "I.. r" .... '1" I -" .1' .~= I", '-we'

, _ ..... '--:" .PhOEEIOHT .., .. !_ .' ..,.Ruidoso NeWB . ,.. , ..... .

F'/·lda)'. August 23, 1963 I_ ._ .we i •

tNlINN'»'~»M..NJ .






. '

I "- I....,,,,,

... , , .

, . f

00',."'". .' , "


frenh Lean

GROUND BEEF3LBS.·FRANKS ~'~~~~~c~". ~~at 49cSTEW MEAT L:~hket......... 39c

we give frontier stompsdouble every wednesday ~~__IV:::::::;:::


AUGUST 23·24

SALT PORK LL~.a~ 29c

SPARERIBS L~.a~ , " 49c

STEAKS i~.r ~~~ ..~.~ 79c

PORK' LIVER Lb ~ :.. 19C

, .

Merit I

BACON118. PACK ........

1;). ~

FRUIT PIES Banquet a·lnch'Each ..•.....


Dulc:h Treat

. ICE CREAMHALF GAL.· ........FISH STICKS 8 Oz............. 3SC

* '* '*fLOUR Fl~' L~:~·~. .................. 79c

~ RANGE DRINK :IF~r ~~. ~': 69c

.EANS ~a;:~ ~~~'~. ~~: .3~.O. . . . . . . • . .• 29cAPKINS ZOO Family Pack. • . . . . •• 4Sc


fCOFfEE,2 LB. CAN ...,DETERGENT Energy Giant .....•

~'T''OMATO SOUP Campboll·.~ . 2 For .•.•••

·C·'HILI Gebhardt', 69c~ _.< ..0 01. Con , ...•

" ~APPLE JELLY f;·~:. 29c

:, Swift', Jewel

'. :SHORTENING:3 LB. CAN: .TISSUE ~~d~:11 Pack . .. .. . • .. . • .. • 79c

,BABY FOOD ~o~:: ~~r~.I~~~ ..... 23c

.TOMATO JUICE:aFI;;~~I~ ~~.~~. 49c

'SUGAR .·10 LB. CANE $1.49. CAN MILK P'et or Cornal/on 31 c

{ 2 for .•.••.•....•• tI

il CHEESE :~~.c~'~ ·89c( CORN ~~~~o~. ~~~ .~~~ . .. .. . .. .. .. 29c

f . DOG FOOD Ideal 3'·lC~ 2 For •.•. I ••• o' •••••


[i WHIP, 16 Ol.· ..~

h ! JELLO 3 For .• : ••..••••••••...••••••;1;: J;}. ~ ~

~. PEACHES Lb. ••...•.••.••....•••• 19c

I LETTUCE· LB. to~lj .. FRESH CORN 3 For. , •.•.•• , ., 25t

11·. .' CELLO.CARROTS 3 For u25c

t'i Hollywood f:Obd Mart Willa. Opelt? nata'... AW..k-7tol1· .- BOTB,$TOm:s OPEN SUNDAYS -. .. '. ,-

.' "






; ,,'. '. .,.," ,

'" .'.,

--------'C---------------------,--J '.--• 74

..-;. ," ,, ','




. ;.','

" " '"



·4..... -.'

i $ " . '




, ,

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,ii' f ' " '~,' ,.', tid " . ' '. : lIi l '.' .. ' "", ....

NIW.EXICO'STATI,"AIR... ~;q" ", ,. "j' t " ,; 's l' • i I" '-;'It « 'p t' ";.:


ACTION PACKED""81·G DAYSANDNIGHTS1', .,. r. IEP'. 12.22,1963p'rl,(g. u

, .






Choose Yours NOW ...•

Make Your Own DealNOW ...

", "

, ;',' ,', _ ..", ,. . t':' . ,

,,., ,--""1,, ,,:, " ..' __ ,,,,,, " .... ,..;;~,'c"..r,,,jl_':,,, ',;"'>',~ ,"


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" ...




. ,

, ' , .



..'_"', ... _".,.... ':,:.~.,' ',','. ,'",_,,, ,"h,'.",,·· ,,_ .>,~


. " .


' ..

.' .Best V.alues, Best Views,II

"Finest Area. _.G:o'Out To, ~

See . .. You Will Agree.

,'" 0 .. , ",_ • \ "_,, ''',

, ~...:':',. ,"""--""'. '

~', " ';,'

-", .1>' ~

--==---eF.1-----------------,---------• I­·;---=-=--=----------------=='--------::::-----::::--.----------

Overtime nrc Low c.'t1arge, br·l:)cpth I'wells 2 for IW - ptnclllSoxtll-Churltc out of ~,tn&._1 ,AU. Rulers - Palik! - nail PoInlPeM -'"Amerlenn WII'lUcl'i JJ.1t~.f4\d·~ Evcrythlnll' In 8t'hool S'uppUes alDiamond, a thttfl.qUf,(1C!t bl'l>Ufal' RuldO!lo Variety Stor.., Suek1arUtI w John Askew'. lU.rat«t thorough. Drh'c, Downtown RuldOllO.

i;p(ed will be tM prime lAetor-1 ".._. . • . it = PJ.-oJll~ - . I . bred speedster, oamsl.opnpw, bClni ..' ' .. - '.._.~, .,--~In f&Ct, the .cnlyfaclor-hete Satut- ".,' RutdOIO NI,W. : by Deep Bun.clUldy Dlnmond. . RuldollO \'arlclY store II.. lhtl'day when .4 amblUol1!t Juveniles . "hi ' ,"ftl i • • • , ,~ A _........ '063 With the Trials ••(01' this year'a Larcat and 100llt Complete 8Wlo-."_,'..... the cal.1to baU%e tor the rla.ht 1':'0' 'D'OittrNS RUJ'D DO NS~ .' F.nday, us"'" -, .1 . AII·American being scheduled tor lion of &hool SuppUes In the Aru---.-...... th td' 11 urn" In . SatUrday, It will be IntcresUng w bark to lkhool Clothes Too. Su.s..to Participate In CI v.'Or l' II - e' ;, 'i . ChIef Nez..! noic tM progress or the ICorc Ibat derlh Drive, Dcm'1ltown Rlllcklso.richm quatlei' hbtHr.!.akes-the '. Semora Spdnl Frlda,. \\len' through Ibe sale.') ring laat - - - - •.• . - '.$285,000 A1J.Arnerlcan ~l.:V. I Last year's queen of the Ruidoso year, NeWll Want-A". Work Wondel'1l

With onlY the 10 fWen lndtvtdual· , .P0wn9 thoroughbrecb, Bogle Fnnn·s ' • • i1y.t~med fl.nl~~ro~ ~~thy'sl' ) AtOmiC Girl, wtt1 be loOkIng for the fUTURITY WINNER-Ringsby Rocket, owned by Susie Ringsbyfho-I!" 'l'rlals ~'U W .....e e \ ....,......... t;l'~ .•'Vnca........ sf- w the wbmer·s Young, daughter of 8lfJ Ringsby of the Ringsby Truck Firm ofgrand fll1ale LabOr Day. the luck: f .' "'St~SO.P1J"WV r;,l.l.tr clrcle-~re Friday when she IlOpa Denver, won the RuIdoso Thoroughbred Futurity ot Ruidoso

'0' the draw Wednesdf.y WAS such F r II>..~ .. ........1"'[ blU or the abltUng gllle In a Held D S d Th hor' e t al'ned b J,'m Martin and rIddenthat. U could well cllminate tleVMal ! .....(llJJIJtEl{!.'.(orVlU"''''. . or elghl goIng aIler the tdx and ooe- owns un ay. e s, r ytop pro,;p«:ts and. perlUP!l, one· . u- ...nI< balt rurlong Hon;esboe CoUJ1, purse. by Jack Arterburn, ron the 6 furlongs in 1: 14.2, paying $27.80whole Trial dlvlsfon f.rOnt a finAl l'IOO~C Jj()."" .. In n stroni 35().yo.rd quarter horse to win, $12.80 to place, and $4.80 10 show. HIs share of thomot at the 400-yani straightaway CO-CealW'C. 12 1ldn1ll!aUttg strnlghl. $53,900 purse was $26,950. In the winner's circle from right,class!c, , aWay Sl:redbalh. plU3 four hoperul' i k A b Rl b R k t J B F s VI P iThe five dJv1slons Win ·1tO as the 'I.lso-eligiblC3, represent a UghUy oc ey rter urn, ngs y at e, . . ergu on, ceo res-toUl1b, fifth, sixth, MM!tllb and· .. ~ed IIne.up g\1tUIing ror the dent of Ruidoso Downs, Mrs. Gene Hensley, MIss Chdrleneeighth races on saturday'S 12-race·~ra sptfnt. Penrod and friend. ~program: and the shUffling' ot lheAn'IOIlft Atc>mJc 01t1·8 most rOo ' •• = ' '

entri t:ards deereed tbAt no ICSil . ' ~~.wUl be DIck B,e. RllJDOSO RACE TRA(~K 20 '5 1'H"""'IJ three of the .f/)~~cJ. LOCAL MEN IN WINNER'S CIRCLE-When Don R., q,wl'ied by NQ'.,AcMtt ~tfe.fa B. Taylor's SELECTIONS FOR SATttRDAY a e orsesWlt;-H~ H~eyfs aoetta; Lee & L. A. and leo Patten of Bayard won the 11th and ,JeQtured . .ifel!'IJ AlIbb_~,~IPit8l1amllS' t'lne 1, sturgeon. Speeding Leddy, Short00.5 Mr. T1nkY 13&1'. and C. Ford d I L I ih ' l1ne1lf, J. H. NAll APtIOOe Bonan:ta, Cut. . A £1· -blH'atrW Bar~ pop up race named for the Rut o$d-fiondo Vol ey C. OT C. ast vrs- ~lDY_·'13eaU 13rumme1I·' l3elford's 2. Senor ~. newdJI'Y. Kln~ly . re lal efu tNt 'same ,dash. thel~ day, local C. of C. ofliclalswere called to the winne;f$-cltcle John's PIck, W. O. Ferguson'S a. Qlft. ~ b A

, .·Tlkt ~nd di'V1ston UJO, drew to pose wIth Jockey Joe Sherman and Trainer TOllY seeley, Jack: and Big Six Stables· Speed 3. B. Jolly. Mlraculum, IWnJlc In' AII.Amer'I·canp~ of hJghly-regatdlld~rs. J A I ft I J k C' d II C' fCd· hf f 13Ul'$i., Flyer.headed by Wei!lterti Stable.'S'llnbealen r. t e Sde ran a, • 0 • prexy: an at rig' i rOm '1'liC ever cotrJ.'lt.en~ Acme Oln, In ... Ooctta. Bar r"I\('I', Mr TlnkyTIllY' Watch, DOD ,CIi!lOOb's Miss the right are C. of C. directors Max Oliver, les CreW.5J Cecil the mOlley In 22 of his Ill.<>t 27 starts, nllr or UIC GIl hl'lld tbnt went undM'Croton on, BUd Wat'1'et!'&' Hyg'f(l Smith ond Manager. Bob Walker. shares high weight or 122 pounds S. Miss Crolon 011, TillY WatCh, !In' halnlll!'r ror a grooll or $212.000Led and 0011 l3fo!taW'jt M\ia1c Nole, "" , " . ' ",' ri , ", WIth Prince Bonanza llod O. Jack. UygtO Leo [II In.1 VNll',; first I\lmual AII·Amal·tJi tht! UiJl'd ntgh~ hOWeVer, the Wlfi. ehlP9 li'gatnst a. couPle tit· terrors them llS 50''; to the wll\1.1Ct.Zl% 10 cbdltle<l lat,t out tor $2,250 and going G. QUincy Jo 00, 00 For Oold. call Fuiurlty Sale a£ RUldooo l')own.'l,tHir may b&ve to dO IiOmerW%. hust- that ttlread» have l1bsoonded With second, 10'" 10 third, 10<;f.,!ttlollrUl, back a4 his more preferred sprint Dnto Rita, til(> am;lzln!f pCt(,'Cntage of o.lMootling ·to malcethegrade~' wl!le- riCh FutUtJtytunds here this ilurn· and minor nward9 of $0,001' to fiM; distance. 7. Eagle'!i Bnr Man. Choundcll. 33 p£'r c4'nt -or 20 hcad.. GlIll re­'QPen scramble feat~ L, .R. mer-Mr, 'tlnky Bar, \VInbet tit the $7,000 to sixth; *5,000. .tl:NCtith: D, W, WhIW<l. lendllltJ the riders Miss JeUie nar. . malIn ellqlb:!} for thm yellr'n tlCar~~eocb. Jr/a Dl."tle, RIb., , Clu\.rles $81.500 KanSti8. Futurity, lliId Blir $4.000, eighth; $3,000, filnQt~ and h~rc, -w1f.,t. be aboard fMl's AJlbhnl, 8. Matter . 11lgh, B1ta Char!!l'. $:tOO,OllO AIl-Amcdco.l1 renewnl LabatMte!de's QillbcYJd.O6•.and ltadtUt Fa.~~ .impresslve W\mler or the $2.000 to the 10th and last!.JilltJjel': Ii. fltj¢:MtltIer here earl11n the meet- DoUble Q. Leo. Day.

" Llv~kCo/s OOFOtOokL $Cl!J,700 RuIdosO Open F.uturltY. Thursday This Week lng, 'tdlilc Jlick WallaCe hM the leg 9, SU!l.-rot Olrl, Ebony Boy. Mid- 'topping tM ll!.lt ,nrc Mr. Tlnky1J:'he Jatlet' pe.lf"WUlbavt some- . With the secorxt ,~U.Ametlcan ·Sees. Miles Itcln<ircd' .\lIJ 011 Acme Oln l\nd Joo Sherman tll~L prowler. .' Bnr, ownCcl bY lMJ,.CC9 10. M.. R.

., u»ngextta. Ii~ i4ke.Q'Il1bCyJo 00 Bale cotl1li1gtrpnext 'l'hUrSdtl.y. Aug. A tTjo;;t InIl?r'esUtl(f Jltllr.-mlle on,ptl.i1ctl,Bonanzll. 13l1ly Powell wm 10. Ai'CIlta; My Bily L('a. Prlnco M, nnd V. M,,., ,or Urm;e' Sprln/fa,belnlt. deadllne-day 110,000 supple- 29, it alsO v.itl be! Intereilt!hg w liote thoroUghbred daSh lor' 3:i/mr.oldS, be'·~ to cotlvlnce O. Jack he De~r. N. M. nud MlUlol" Hlgl1, owned bYmetitahtltrY, ahd,OO J.l\:Jt t:4old being '\he'performances ot lOot~daY'8 enUUtid the J6111i F. Mitcs pUrSe, 1Wf (he·cl!.C;S or this freId. . 11. DoUble l,r, Nell. Ulddt>n SIn, Willlnm HnmlllOrlatld H. J. SWv.one ~Jthe tnost-'~YlWQlWlltioriS' 'I'nal hOpetuls haltered out of the headllIles ThursdaY's' I'IWlnlt .here tn 1hllSOnorit, honotfll# the UWe Andy Dill. ' N'n;lln or AlllITlrigofdb, Both haveat '1$,000 hi last YE!lU". 1JllL\lj;Iti1LJ. sates ~ laSt fatL '1'0· determine thiS week, Texas track that annuallysfagO:l 11 12. Mr. 'rOWl!l', New Creek, OrcclI . totl$f !'lInea "Wbnthemselves out,u,_

, AU.~AfuertcailP'utlJtlW .1lUe,.. . w~ther' ime fortunate cltiten. boUght ,With ntUll !fuIkt'!: ,~~m. hIgh.. $JI},OQC).l:lIUS qUllrlerhorsc. futUrIty, )Jene1'le1'. -" - ' Mr Tlnky n~ htl\llrtg minted more. 'MI.Mfig on to'tbe fotil1h~VLslon, UteWlnner ot 'thIS Yl!lU"s All-Arnett- Ilghtfi)g fub w(!(!k's &<:tlvlt.y, ~ac1 Sure NOW" thelftCY Vi!tCt'anrepre- ·_.·_H_'_ Ihan 541.000 I.lI~ bl!1l1g pUrchased,'~ ~'s Eag!a'4t'!I&r. Mart can' or~ ,tesstortuila,teawner sold by, BattltdWs Trlills~ tt1'r! 'tJ14 All. tenting, nie Haymaker Filim Mntu()()so RAeI'; TnA(~K for S3,500, mid :Mahor 111gb being. woull1apPeAl' tol1olda!illlJfitad-one, hE1'e"lU'e we to lh&t wentutldcr Am~rlCan 1"UtlttItYJa<lkpot rUid E~-trloUonplcture-TV ~Iar' Dala, Rob. SELOOI'JONS FOR FRUJAY , wl'lI ovcor bf(t~,lWO purchase prleo

van.ti«e over Vetn.~. ,,~tlno the hamtnt!r laM feat' lliId the prIces day s fIDats Of the$:U.MO,OlJ nUl- crl.$Otl, looms 11 luke Warm tavnr1ttl J Chlca Beau Dearel>l Ll"/vl~ TI~p wllh C"'o1fll!lJM or mot(t than $40,000.·~ nee:OIitl'eWa yatltWi...~~ theybtought~ '. .' .,., '. dow Thoroughbred PerbY. tM ~'1& oyer such other ~Oll~ as 0Pl1 ()t.l~ . ' '. 1111_ ytlar'u ll&!nndannual Alf.a!1d n.D. ~Ietd'•.~. .1etUe1o{r., '1'IrtkY., Bar•. $3,500: Neta pre.hollday rat:}fig J!r'ogram "Wl,1tnrokaw's B/a<;k OPal, .. aedBcc ........,11·1.. H"m"''' "'('kUt<! Do'I'''n .\n1"rlr~n J'ufUr"v sale 10 be

·,Bar'. another .1M()q~.Ji~. en- Ch4rge; $20,000: Easter Charge, tomJnue Wlllt 1M ,.~ ·jtliiQa\ Rabch's OUi' ncqu~t 'tli¢ Ed Wyn. ..• "'''.r " .. u", .. • .... , "'.. .." •liahtE ,. " . '.'.... .$l(,(lOO:savatmab'ii Deb~ $10.000: AII·Amerlel1n Sale Thlit~ l)e~'kOop·sMr. MlIIIJle Bartl J.lf:,;ookY' KId Jl\cIc Jlce qUick ~:"~,~~~c:! ('1~i:":..:r::::::;.,:::;

,1f#tbe' I1nat~,Ute: #falltb~~ .toblj'r:i)'·S8l?p:..1.650~OOJi'(ltCJljld, wcek,AUIt.29, tuld'WI1l~ ¢Uma~ . Ib. Ute Eli/eut she drab In,. KemJ'"- Mr: Fall Out. " 0·' '0 '01' II j:'labf ,t!llnv¥ .~it', WlIJ fiild,k~.~ plucked frortJ)beri~le'lcr.oqofSal' Henry" .$3,000; DO~bl~ ~t tberlcl1estot"UijUjl~f' hOr;:e€t Chafin's. tUlbell,fet1,Potgy BIlI"" ... i3erllWlllf Ma$'l>r lUll, Slilgllr'll iI full y".dJn;bi'Gtber to l'ft,,~=::-~nml'm=tW~~tJt~·~~~~r.$¥?icJiW1l t':~f~a~c~p~1.AtI~Jl~dC~. on ~~bt.~ecrtaAot"~.I. '.,~:;JJ~800if,. ,. ,..,. " '. ' ,1'J\lky n"";AllOff nall1~CaI,I~11'.J,.:~~.~ ilOIlc1 .$lQIl1dtmYtlt~~xC(!ltrltheThls 'nftutdliylS If!tl.hltt'!'" Ui~ '1,lUitQUg':\lIio.!lIlt1l:l~ ,..' ",~J J,B, t. Mr, ~o!Xl' Btir~ Pallll!) ~ Vlttllly,. .R()Ck~t lIy,:Jt~ Bati !l1~k1 ",fa'VO'ilIe 'over· It ' , H~'j BIt*. Triaftit IU1dad~ tot1'e flnilltl race brln<>lli!f 'Wge~t" .' 'band of Cthlltn'beQ' ,~etF1a.'Sh·< , ~te lit .Qt0fd6 naf.. " . ,. '. ' " IntJf, ~ptjjll' uMttlhe Igmit1t1., , .,CbIifi.,' :~VetD;' P«trl:~.$ Ui l! 1t 'Pettormil~ ,,' ~lvab~ '·10' Jwlft s':yellt....,ld$;, ~bty 'WUt.' tMm_.ret DeeI4' •.- ,';";'; ',;' ·1i.,Otllmlili" Ku:tiatl\/Tlilt Slfl\W,., ~o, othcra Ulllt;,JIgure: to futW ,,au," ., ' ',' ..;"" " collld~lmUl&te i1exl week!s " '55 lind sllpperyltOCk ~nnriDOmili1l ." A' '. .J1le' Gthel'••" " "j~Jl . '1.·ll~d c.tcber, J.rray »ar, nH3h~ A~cU~lt~t',~t\il,f~~kt!~.!otk~ ,

SUf. ~ ,JbOi!lt..•u..wa<~n".;i¥~ Pff~ tn Midt-tliMhlgrlotntitl J. T. tJl'&(ly's·tsastc..U,ftettitlS 'are~.Jbd 0&11,. ~;t.ra)l's.~Or'rl!. ..". ", .'f) _, 10, Af(jfijlcKlrk John'/t '1?J~,f~ on the!~ ......~ hee ~\IIbd~Of 'allY breect the .form plll.yera· tI<ldhl&.tli!ldlhat .1'1J#rlfflt.C1dfdblU'•. , " . (lOr. ' iI. :Fa.Y1im, DIce Man, Cob.r3, 1{1. PHilce lJCk1tlnZ~. ," ,

.'.~~~ lti:lCtt.~~n'Jll1!rd~~~lor&sb()t.At .1soi1lC1tid~~n~AJ<t.B~ t\otf.l'J,It.~U'j.4 ., :' .~,,", :mond ", ", "'~ ~ ..,. ,U: SUto Now. ,y~aot~; OW',.._~.~~,~•.~~ ~ !f~ ~~:tt~k. ~ed ~waY'f"l" ~, .~• .."... '"'" \!fl<. It,.'!!:1f!! .i Wt.~...."'!t........ M•• "....... S·i6:...· """,,,, 6/1';:' .~.\4I AU-,.. " Pl.,..~ 'ri_,.,.....,.. "v J'ilt'mg;s......, u..MlY "'UI\I. ~bm ~r tlA1 .....de....... 'S_,:tUiKM~ o. E. :Mw"",,":"l"'t' n. ' ...or" ,i..,',,'-,"".. 12. Senna. 11.1"/.",..1 w~I';'''''';'olI,bal' tIM. ~l!i1". Will bitlt'lakli'.ltl they !too &tleb ftCh AU·Amerlcan elfftlbles l'iSf Dl(l!d\,1Iitk1lll;l\'.'N~r. Cattle CO!.' ., pjl'l' ~ . , 'M SOb.,OWfic!<l.W aV~MllOt'e lUtd t!1. J(,tt,., .,.... .•..: bet~,~ .• t~ .~ ~IUepUI'$C StIce$' ~tlIl8' 1ft !toot of Wild Peco:J, f.:_t~J'U4,~~lISWOi'tb'~', .·If(iO(f~' ~"~ K. "'.I'Inf" 4~ "'.' ..... ncstB\lt -Stlr!l1tow mUNt!nt), .

< ~ , ,-,' : ',: .',. '

't~ , ',}

'- ' " . ' -,; ....., ,v,~.. ~,\!'n -- '. , " ,,' . ,"" ='"='<'" >.'"t-:,,~r;'Jr'~:' :"'~'" ',_;'.'- . ., ", '" . ===. ;' -- ,~ :'-:,'__',:' .>""r, , =,== ~."-,,--, '\, "'=-- -, .-.. "-" , ' ,',' -- .

I,','; •. =' I< • ~ . • ,=,- =,= ,,'--,.- -,- . -- .:....-..c.-..._'-" ---'----'~-~~'~',_ " .. -'- -- -'- .,-- ~ ~,

,J) :-.'. = ='_.~. -, ..... -

=: -- =- ..'-,-, -..;-'- -- -'1.1.' REMAINING IN B AUTIFUL,' VALUABLE I- -- -= _.'--- ., ':",.' =,.-..--- _:- -- -- -- -- -= ..- -'. 5'. =- - .- --, -- -- ~ -- -- U l _- ----- ~ ..- -- -- -- -_. ~,,-- -• = ' ~':,_.. i ", ='= ' , ' " , ~ ...... ~ .. === "', ,,'.~ -- -- =- ...-== "~"'--_ f:,",,' _=. "'" =

- '., 'I' --. -= \: =,• ~. IN 47 DAYS, 46OF" THE 34 REMAINING ~

c=:" ' .. ;t =.... 1\, ,,-,"', -_ "', ," ,~>_ ~... l _.

§ , " J' ",: ,~" '. TREMENDOUS LOTS §'. § . RUIDOSO'S BLUE CHIP ';t';,. ""',.' , ,.- - ' , ~.

I LOtS HAVE BEEN SOLD v . '~:,.' WILL GOI BY SEPT. 5 !--------------------------,--------------------=---------==






.,• •

. ...., _...., " ..

" ,.,



•.. '


" I'

'010 .. (I ,

, -.' ---...-




" .,,', :. '"' ' ".' ,;", " '

.} . .;I: >t : "'..... ' "._-"

" JJ,


. "



•,i' ..



. '


.. ,





e~gy fot· iI~rtn~, nutrient energy"

ror lasting bcaJth.

100% 1tr$¢y milk .. af~·frcsh, ,

flavot cbUdrcn tQ."~ l:'Iesl'he. all hsextras. All.j'enc~ costs: tlo mofl; 'manordinat1 mili. ~n fat~ it's today's bitt·, ..8~tfoo4bar&ab21,Statt~J it ~eaJ: ,~, '('~ • . ',1 ,~ ~'A~

't·~~ ~' , ' ". r ~\ \".) ;~. .,. ~1;" '(" " ...: , ~1 r ~ ','"

~., ~ .to. .'"


" WE ARE VERY GR4.TEfUL.To all our frlonds in Ruidoso for their fine support In sending us guestsancf diner.,Your help has packed the Villa Inn through most of thrs season and we want togive credit where credit is due-the home folks are really boostiJ~g us. For a gayand carofroe ollday, ou can recommend the Villa's beautrful rooms, the finofood in our drn m (The flqme Room) whore Joo Ortiz Is chef, and rn ourcoffee shop-and 0 . course the fine music for dancfng and Ustonrng by CarmonPhillips and Johnny Schultz In our cocktaU lounge•.•. ,


' ...... ~-'"if'\'J''f;''C~''':'~. ,"'- - , -- ~



. ,

. Pat C,hubl'UCIc, Oen MKr, _ Phones C~ 7-3105 or CL '1-GOOs - Ruidoso••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I •••••••••••I •••••••••••••••••••••••••~

_ .'1' i

~milk •••a naturally better bod)' builder'.


'. '• •

3t -:-

Young bodies-arc atso buUtonc step at• tIme. It's thicftl by profeins-"na­,urc·' lXtilding bYocb.itAU·l~ymilkprovIdes mote buUding bl.odcs thllrt toyother nalilta! milJc.lt SUppUI:$ them inan c¢ia1ly wetul torm.

Activo younjstets bcl1eflt ftom theabundir1t cncrgy~ptOducing elements inA1140r$01 mUt'. Includc~ ate quiek

. ".


WelfDrilling,!nd Repair 'Work

M. H. McClendon




, ... , ,

.'..; .

, '1'" i


, . ' .

. -. ,' .. -. -----------_._' .. -


CreditIs 4Iways


.f.'.' ,.•••..•..•••••


112 the lleari of theHCl"~(eroApache ID4Iu- Reaeivallon

Licensed Water WellConfracioJ:'

....IZ.·'I:'.11I1 I'TIP I[,"nn Ell GlenCOD', N. M..- Pho. Hondo. OL 3-4313


Horseback Riding

Rifle Be ArcheryCamping


HikingOpal1J WeekI- JIIDtI TIn A....'

WrUe lor BI'I)C1l1ll'1l1!Sa It, Jllll15.... New HtWce

, TtmberLodretl make. wondertul retlrl!ment~

lIomea - they COlli \IIbtr~little and 10 lin •

quick. See our bigAC!.

. , ' ' .'."-~~':~~.....",~;,,;....'~'q.. .-,~

, ..

. ..

I '

~ j", .

,,"'. ,,-,.

, • ,'.' > '" ."



, '.





•,, ,, "



,/. ,", "'IJ. ' ..'";','



Ice Skating the Yoar 'RoundTh. Southwest'. Nowe.t and Most Modorn Ice Arena

In Beautiful Ruidoso Down.

Located Next to Chaparral Hotel




. , '

. . ' .,- 'JlMIr 'W...li.3~.....···PlOMCL7~-A~ ,

FOR COMFORTWhen You Want Wumth



-.. _. . .•• p, ' ,. -. . . "., ., •


','" t< ~ ~-J l,r ';~_)10(4, "'~"l [, I ..... "'_, ...

-.:....._. __~ - 1!' .• --.I- .....:...__ _ _ ;~...! ".' "~-.C............._

'IlINK WILL Uf: Ol'..:N ..-on I'('nu(' SK,\TINO A8 .·OLLO\VSt .Mondll)' Ihru TlI.urada)' 2:M - III" SAturdaY !lnd HIli1K.y 11:00 - I:M

and 7138-111" 1:30_ 3lHI:H- lID 4:"- 1:114:11 - G:M 7:31- 11:617131- I':~

I('I~·()'R"MA III available (or lpet'la' partlt'l!l and all rroupacU\'lllhi b)' rt'llcrvaUen. Il\Ilulrc at office tor IIJ1Ct'llll rAk!I.

" ,




In StockNestern Concrete

..+ ~ . " " ," ...' . ~ , ."

---PAGJlI TEN----- Tex., al'e here and OVeT' th.e,w~Jc.. HII'" d Nt of·~fpg-d~eyINI« weD M~' 'f!1"x»w-.t hl'me.,,~ 'u~ al"'; ,. "','",,'J[..• ""Ii" '",' "".ye~r.()Jcl"1ItlllA1l',~~,:rJl"J«h' ' "','~'Ruidos'0 News cnd they had theIr dllUtrnler and 0 VWOO * 0 es PQtUCIl, ;ll'/plll !lCOr~.2J in tll,vor of An Id~ tor ",rela~ Slmd&y "'~,L~~. ~rp~paces,," 'fbe M!1oree for the 1'imil.I)~r.liCll,le ', .•,' . '.' ,'" tf···,1:\"'1,' '_," '"

·famlly, the JAckie Yl!-~t kl.~vc A ' , , ,11 "". " • ,tM,jo¢!wf'r" ' ••.. " a!WrncXllHul,4"9ffllo,of,·ibo"t~ "lnme:·Hol1o:mJm··.A!f"B;.. :~VC!Jlt"'was'm~Sil(rm·tll~ tra.!fmormt 'JII ;"hi . : '__F_r1_d_a_

y,_A_U_glJSt__2_3_._19_63;..'__ tlmUly reU11I01t.tn the cool mOlJ,l'lla~, Ur, and Mr/i. Al;thurCOmellws .W'sdJIU ~bCtt, w~te 9f one of }tut<!O'jjQ,Q9~ w.n~1JelJ: ql. M'.,A,.· .:"1"1." ; , ';;~, f''', ,bl.lckSlQn,coatum(l -.na Wall l\i,tc!pd..' .• , _: ~'~": ..• '

Mr. and Ml'S.R. L, Lawl101l.·of tr!mr Oa)'lill1!l<f il~n~ the' week-end oUt' favorite~.pr~~IUy ahqwpl~ pf. U!.&SQuthwcst. Ta,ke a 366thvl'J,ng To. Col ~E) . ell by Mrs. LI~zle CpmlWChe.?'be' " '~ " ' .'College StAtlon, T<lx.. were hOll8e here as IDl~ of Horse Shoe Court. With a IWW 'Qaby daU8'hter, IJWI~ dove totbe 1.1'01' QlI.vc, Ilrop m: I\pQ' Ml'~ and'~.. QIlrlStl,e ~IilZi ;Qt traditional cercmOllY Ill' of llotb sa\1' """ .. r,' '. ' ,

Mf6. weelt. The Ol\l;lbertll hp,1l trom squth.LEEN LINDAMOOD fore last.trom AlalllQeQrdo 1iJ!(m! SCWer~l da$'s em QAU(omJll, ):Iut have beem resld· lal ope~tom Of 'tM.Cll-ve. aJ}4 WAQ, Commltt~Oh.I\I~J:l, WeJllWl1 Cb.tn<l.expII\ID99, . ,. ,: .':'"' . , '.

ru:~d:: ntglll of Ill/It week Mrs, Mr, llnd MI'l,l. Waller Schneld¢r re. !:lete hvrt Wcek In their Carrizo IllS' thJa sutrmn=rat Balcer'I$Ae.rC$,. are alWayl'! oraerIP~the lat«;t,in·l.s~l)e~ ~ !"pe,lllalmvm~Upn 14~t week Mr.. ,atIg Mrs. J:,a:Pllz. ar~·the pl'Olld ,,',ol'rt Nl'al of EI Paso Ilnd Mill" turned last week'from I,)eIIVl!!' wllere Oanyon home. Tbe you~ lady. NelcSa Jo, :Welgl:l,e(l nQveltJi$ lUld ~uvep.lr:r•. ~roWll':,JQneW~Y.al·riv¢dnWlXlbers /:If t1:Ie parilllt8'pf the young wom/lA 1)onor. . ,'.,'.I{le Neal of Denton. Tex., werc Ulcy had been to Ule Natllimal coin Mr. and Mr&.' Walter E. Elder In llt au even '1 pOund$- and moU,er arQund,and 19~ngo I1Pouf. o,ne~lg1),Ui ~60!A'J'fWtI9al FI~hWl"Wm.g IIUlol1Q- ed, .' . ',' , . " ""ry gracIous hosleblles to n parW 8how held Ulerc. ftom Penver, Colo., were B'l.Icsts Ilt atul c!llUjJllf.et aTe' boUl dplng fine. (If t\. ml~e eas~ q'QW!1.pyUle.rlver w~ man Air 'Fp,rc~ J;4as~ mJM Mamo- . " . . '1IiI'a. .Ea"le Creek Lodge The partY Mrs. A. M. 'nlOmson of AIllmQgor. the Ho)fday center last w~".end. QUI' cqhdolcllces gO to Ule family there)':Ou WUI: '~! Ull$ time of Ul.e gOrgq'ftOr ~,"90ffc~ patty" at the , " ,. , '.' B' .,," m"g'.

.. ;;. hOllor of Mr and Mr do and Mrs. Oeorge LevereR of Mr. Eloor Is the Regional Dfreclor ot ~mmett'$'otter. (lI1 the dllllU1 of year ,see llr¢!iiilar river tlow}ng, Mes~.erQC]eJ:emo,nl4l. OrOUll@Sat- AU ~pes Dlclionari, for School. . ',' '.. 'Iflt·, Hem.on who had b(>cn m·ar. Hobbs Brc enJCJYlng a vacation In of Ihe IOU! U. S. OMI servl~ Com. Emmett'", stiller, Jesme, WAC has 'l'Aer~ ,J~ rl)()m,,(Q!' a plc,plc lllld wiJ4 W'cSayaml ,Sund~YJ 'I\'I1g; 11 and. 18. from ~o to ~.9!i At n~ 060 Variety , .' ..,., .,dill EI PUIlO on Baturduy. Aug. Ihelr summer home here. mlsrdon. They also vlslled their S1=entaIDtoftlipelnourcommunltY* floWer" ~reAl'~ab?-Uq~nce; making. AltIloijgh flOm!! of,Ihe.;cetemQn!al ,S~" S~dd~J1JJ JJdvc, Qowtowp . ,l' wa' II 'bl'llIn' or old fashJoned The AI SWallSOn.'1 are back llt frlends, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wimberly .Mr. lll1d MI'$, ;Ray Felton !l~nt rQJ'.Q~\lUfU1 p1.q~ur~. ~t1g~-'1']lf;r~ W~,c;lo.st:d, tIl~~um~ .~IVI\\& Were ~UI~?:,~:" '_" ,', '" , C,ontractor

Ill\lLrl' lor tlw newly wI'c1~ and a Eagle Creek Lodg<1 after beIng In while here. Monday 1n RPSWell on buslnesl,l; Is nl;(J. ~ picniC grQuP(f, dlrClctly invIted.: .for thll :Rll.l}Qe l>f Ule MOun-(Io~~ :., . ' '., , ."ph·u·,ur-prt,,{· to UlI'm Thl.l EJ Paw for 11 fow days IllIit wcck, . Mrs, Lee Wimberly waH In Capl. W: a. Oralg has been III lUid In ll?ro~· from,!h!! Fox ca.vc. with taln 004$, J¢d' oth!!r tradlUQ~l Tlm1J'erLodgcs make ., ,,1wr, tht> orChl'JlLrll playing at Thursday, Mra. Robert Neal and tan SundiLY to l!lttcnd Ule dinner glv· !h!! hQspltlll. but Is out and Ceellng tables. So, we, In our cQmmlJ,l'lltg', dance~ which were pcrformed both wondjlrful retirement

II ul t'llcll wl'I'k'('nd In RUlcJoso- MI8s Angle Neal returned to EI Paso, en QY' Mrll, FrallcCIl ShflW. wl\o Is m~C!J bctter. • ... . , ,". tuwe"onlr tQ gQ 11 few mllea' to, .l?CCt\'lghIs. 'PIllhQ·~ti~c;e«. It • • J.CjmCll _ they ~ost,,,'·!It·d !/lI' lIIU~lI' Il!ld played and Miss Neal will go home W DenlOn, poiImn!lter at Ft. st~nton, Mrs. 8hl\w n!}m lOrI oc

hkeltjJ~ ~en visiting In and

d. !atke .a({vlal14lge Oflt,wtmtdthClIIlSI~ nplWrcQI~ at' ille tlfcdltee ~rty.." Uttle and go up .........._1._. P.O. Box HI

" mil II' Illul ~Ulll:·d the Vl.'ry TIlX., after an extended vI/lit with enlertalncc:l the wstmf!.sters of LIn- .......we tepa". lew days. ,,"'•• "" ;an, .8Q' peoP!! come m C$nJl m es w.mcb Js;s\mU",r1!o,t;I'le Alftual,!tblU1h qUlc:k, See our big _"111 III ttl<' oldl'r C'rowd Lov('ly re- the Neal!! at Ihelr Eagle Creek lIum· coIn County, Harley Parnell, /Wn O{. Mr. and for, " • • " of JUlY' CeteU\onial'1lx'&1pt thtitllijl}1Y • ad. :l.uidOio NOW Moxloo

'llllf>IlJo. WI'H' "NVI'II III a bellUU· mer home. Whtle Ihey were /lore. M~ and Mrs Frcd Pool, Jr., and Mrs. Jack Parnell left Sunda$' CQr We ,hCQr that Ule Tom !QrbYIl are 011e gJrl Is /lonored,and only female ', dt>('11/ Illt'd tllbl.. ill kt'l'plng wlUl Mr/!, Neal presented n book, "CaP- famt.~' frolll Midland, spent several Flagslaff, Ariz., to make hh home. finallY ~ettll1g to move Into tIlelr atlendants accompany her, Wll~ 13. 12l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1tlllllllllllllllllllllUlIllIS~-.

".rJdl/'ll pllr~} tlVl.' Mounlaln Waters" to Ule nul. day';! In theIr t;ummer home In Rul· Mr. and Mrs. Nell SmlUl and neW home up on Ule hili. . '" ., ..., . ' . ~: ,:: ::::: e : .. __ ;; ':~_"p ~':_e~"_-:" _ "-':-;--":-'-'"T:""-:~l\'C""::'.~l, I" Hom A II",", lin VI' lx'l?n enter· do 0 library. She III the auUlor of Ule doso children, form!!rly of Dexter, have Mrs. ::uond, operator at Bond'.!! '" ~'''';'''1'':~ ...." :..~:;-: r:;"';"!'~'''' y t.~:~, 'if i;i '" ~ ,. ,.' "J,," T ~'.;.'" ;~, ""' e ", ,". :~"~;" .':, ':; ,.\

',~' ""II,\, VtJl''1h Jall'ly Tho book and l.t concern~ Ule pipelines The D. T. Chesser famIly from moved tQ RUidoso DOWlls and wlU OrQcery has been allin' and tQ her" ~':",:,' ,: . , ," ,:, ~. .. ': " fi, -, ,'!',' "';,;', ~ ,.. ,,,,."1', " " :,' .'"p ' ..", .... ,. "\.. ,:' ,r. 11 ,,", LIII/" 11\110 were on both Eagle and Honlto Creeks RQi'well we:e week-end vlsllor& here. be. Jiving at Bob Smfth's Trailer 'Ne /lend Bllt.well greetings. Ws. ' ' ,,' ','." " ;, " :; .• ,",,': "f' . ,.,'!". ',f~ ~ .; ':/ ,,'< ~,:, t", "1>,,,' \ ,'I' and thiolrn/ld 6hould provl.l to be qultu an add· VI';ltlng Mr nnd Mrs. Bert RIce Pa~k. Bond plays UJ,e plano for the I~lan ' -:--...._+>-"~,: ' , ." .f. :l . : ' :'" , .', "..: ." ":~:;,;"

. ,,"'r ... ," ... ,110 Ih"1ll Mr and (>d ntlrllctlon to Ule people of this thH week.W Mr. Wee'lf sl'lter, Ml"a'. Betty Bllll has returned trQm Mon. Church at the sawmill. Incidently, ,.'.. :" '" _, ~ ... ', '. , . '. " . 11 ,.. ~ .... '!::: ~"'p'Illli WJ,'I)I, Illltl tlilullhl('r und community Ul!ltlQ' our tine Ruldo'.o j InlCfl Ma~hnll and her frlenl!, Mra. tana, Where she went on bw;ll1css. t)1e all day event lit the church,hall " , ' , , .. ' . \ .: - ...~, " ..' " ':}, ,", ", O~' <,,,~:;;.VJ.

II C'.II, r.' II II "' La ml;~lI. 'f('X, IIbrary, Annll' f.IV ,nl1,',~on from Eureka, Kan,. Trudie Balcom. accompanled by been pre-sflheduled for last sundE!)'. . '.. . "' '. ,~J ~~ t,-: ' ". t , :",; :' '; ""'" ., 11>,·/" I', -A'" 110'.... 101'.\ wt'/·k Mr. and Mrs FrIlnk Kirby-Smith., Mr llnd Mr', 'rom Jones ang-tam. BhlrJeyFellQn ,and children, spent IIUllead of the ;!!ith, ao~ repCltted.la!:!t , ','.' 1 l' .: '.'" "i~\)/~t,,';,.,",.':"I' IUltl M I' CharHt· Nnbourll thl'lr dnu(lhter Joey llnd KIrby LI'I" lly and Mr Carl Erlckl'l(l1'lllttenlJed Saturday night and again Sunday at week. but llt the last minute, tij.e -") s ,>'\' ',''',: ""'''.:"'·.a '"l' II' Ala lIIol{ordo IMt .B~own of EI PllllO WNe hl'f(> OVN :hl' r(Jdl'J at Three Hlvers Ill$t Sun. ClOUdcroft, llttendlng a lllnglng con· mCJl were call~ out tp f.elIrch fQr." ., ~., . "'. ",d,".; "j , '.

, ,,'" da\ !tIC' w('ek-I'nd, dllY yentlon. Where singers from all over a lost boy, on UJe rl!S4lrvation. (lUld, ' .. ~ .,.~.:.. ,~ ..;. I ':, b~'f'"" Ah.r. JtJh,l.',"'" "pent IIL~t Tul'~" The Warren S('hulfllldwr family Jut.l: llnd (Joldle Towers l1l1d C1"rq fexas, New ,Mexico and Oklahoma the bay wa'L later found); flQ--thef ' • •. .', ,"", .,'/ ,,';jli' "~,,':.' ......:.

'II J{1J'\l',,1I of PraIrie VllInJ,('·. Kan"!. rmd Mn, J'·"l·r f>nll'I'tlllnet! Ihu horsemen, il'aillercc!. seycral Qutstanding qual" I1vent was called'olf, lind Minerva ' ",:',,;,:,; ...r··'.':" ~l'" "i- .', ';'.'lf 111..1 MI' JtJ,· 'VUlt·" of pm'l.1 W 1) HorlOn and !>IJll!1 of Hllll!lJw tra;rll'f"., Juckt'y'1 rille! perllOnnel at tet.ll rtl~de tHe event a really enter. hlld cooked, a bllt balch 01 cblclwn.l ' ;',' • '.,,, ' "., I' i~';~~,:';' '. ;:,'\1 .,';¥~.":'.l"·t

-". '--'-- - W('re In the ('mnmunlly HaturdllY Ihl' RUld'J":) PoWIlH track with their talnlnt Week-end. bot when Tom WM cl'lIed olit on1be ''.'. " ~"\ ' ~, ;;" ":/', ','..............................; muklng 11 stop al tlJ(> ';lore anllual burrel ··tyle supper nt theJr What loeal businessman "chlck. hunt, be !lot only went. but the fried • ~. I",.:::, r-' ,',,, ,'. . '..

TIle Hugh PUckett hlmlW of !loll' hom.. heluw nulrtoso tJOWfl.~ TUe~ ened (lut" on 0: car tracl!! recently chicken, also. As fllr Bs we COUld' , . ," '; '" ',' :'~" ;" ~ ','1';'":,,,,,WI'~ "pent the wrwk,cnd a~ Eagle dllY l,v'.'Il1nu· Ov('r 200 aUc!l1ded !hIs atilt relllmed the car, the dat nfter find out, !hey wlll be having Ule 111l~ , ,,;:,., . ,. ' ", ,1. ". " '.: .

Greek !.mIUI' II n'l,ynl)11' I· ... t'nt whlcl\ 11.1 terved OUt,. t1le ''nlght before" uyfng be didn't day event next Sunday, Aug~ \IA. ' ,Alll'I*n f.tndnmol,IJ nttendl'll till', Rldl' III thplr beautiful ynrd. ,clearly recall all of the event!! of Ito all Of tile frIends or :Bill sltock. "..,.,o.II;O....iol()'\o:~

wl'ddlJll& In Currlww f!lIturdllY 01 , ••. ","""-_-.--.. Ihe night belore? • ey, owner of CarrizO :RldInIf"S!ablcs.au,nn 8llelleC!r 1U1c1 Shl·!l.on Prle'er. R.d D Herman Porter nnd /lQn, Bill Par· nnq wno has been seriously 111 tor A

Huutluy. II lIrllUP of county j!o<l. UI 050 owns tel', of ~el\, Were In town Man- COUple of weeks, \Vb nre /1lad· to re-mIL' h'r wl'fe l'n\('I'IIIIII('I1 III I/Ie" ' da)' nnd also to visit theIr sister nnd port U1Bt Bill Is "on' Ule mena." llndhOlllo of Mr and Mra. Jilek Hllllw ~I Jlv TnflDm nAU~OM . aunt. MI.'ilI Inez POrter, II pallent at should be Iiack soon, herding hhCapita" AIII(>11 LmtlumoOd ('lIluy- (Jut> uf lh~ fllni11ent events of tile Ihe 'hospital here. horse9. Bill Was In n critical condl.I,d Ihl'IT hO'<pllallly • '1·:.·I,1l \\'(1'1 the Donkey Baseball Lem Coltharp hns been a lIIUe tloJ:l for several days, nnd a lot of

"it'nl' hl'lll I[~';~ 'J'hUl't)day night at under the Wealher nnd :;0 we scnd' pml"o 1l'1)(!S to the hospital doctors Il.lll1la I'hlllpptl lit flll.dlHlO II.,. IlI'I,'Ull F'lI'ItJ. our neW !;porl."·8re"* • cheery ..~t Well" to our buddy, [md" nurses tQr doing such an ex.

',,'op. film ,"vllr) nlKIIt bul Kun- I"f HllIelu II Down.'l, It teatured !he Lern. . cellcnt Job.J. 7·/1120 1I1IlIywllod. N. l'I1. dll)'. In II)' 5:311 p,rn._JUt &1 11:31 JUI·It. J' \"t, the LIOllil Club and' t1l& • Mrs. RuUl Holder Is still operaUna _" ;0I.............................. ",m n drllp hilI' ..tl"r hOllr... . J',l'Iwy, 1'J'(~:.('I~..!!lemf\elves c~~~~ Ule LIIUe SulilJay SChool and Church I.largest and MOISt OCImplde 8elec. '

, - ,,-- _. , ,p. ,. . , behind Howard's Cite llnd each sun· /ldIJ'of SchOol S\IJltlHt\I IJi the .reaUltlllllllll;BIlIIIIIIIIlIllJllllll:I_HIIUIIllJlJJflllHIIIlIll1llIIIIIllIlllllflIlllltlllINllllUllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln:IIJUIIlIlIlIlIltI;lIlUlIJrlllllJUlIll1I11IIIIUlllllllN.._IlIlNlN......I.II.~ day mornlnr ptckIJ up chlldren .n itt nlddOllo V"rlet,. Store Slidelerth

over and t_kes them to Bunday !)rlVeI', Dowrilown RuI": .SChool and home altaln. Mrs. HQlder ... , , • I .'

Is to be commended tor lu!r helplor our youll1lHWr!l, nnd nil chUdrcnare Invited to vlr.lt and hear UleBible Ics'roll'J each 8W1day morningat 10:00 a.m. , AC1l:NTURYOI"

Jack Shriver, local mcrehnn~ilU\!}' ._......_ .._"~·i.:COM::=J::C::IUiCL::=A!;,o=. ;D;Ali:;:Kt~N:.;;O;'=been at TruUl or Consequences for ~ .,IJllveral da¥s taJclng the balm nt onnof !he bath holJ$CS there.

:Mra. Wayne Langford, who !'e.ccnUy underwcnl an appendCctomy ..at QUI' oo"pltal, lias r~cd and



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"orshi........ 123 vv••u

OKItI::..,T~~a...lJa~~.~-=:'.rt"" .'lIuld".. 1)0"". N........ ,'"

/J..",I"\I tkhUll1 0 ::to 0. m. r'I'r"lnlll. Union, .:ao p" .. {>I',,,.,. hilla ""1\10". IIl;lUl .. III. .1"lIncblnlf Ollrvlce. "10 Po ..Wed. 1'I1l(bt O,nlce. 'I~ ....

l'l\on. 1!lS SoW!. •aATICWAI' f""UKrn 0" ORalb

Cba,.l.. Wbarton, lltalol*flund., ,..,,,INI11th,,' t-il.ltlv. !J r}a Il.m.\\ "''oh'I' "n.l (·...nhlunlon 10:10 ....\\ ... "',,', 1 {\(I I' nl.w. ,1,..·.1". 7 :m I'm.•'l'IlYllr MI1OUII!r'I.ll'lln.,· 11I1110 ('1AJll1, 1I,ll!I ..m.Thu~n"dl" I""u'lm. 11.30 a,m. SUI'l4t.f

(&1\1 \11 .. tTY ~";TUOJ)1f1T

( III III'UU... TJH"n'lA 0, 1t1t'1•• felIOh

1'"lIIt..r .Qll lll"" \, \1'ir '1111" NrrvJ('o At 1;:::tI -N..If. It.

I;,.11t .1.. ''0 ",,111 ~l 9 45 .. rn.\\' 10·, " .. '\'I;hl 1).00 p.rn. liT.

°"1'1"", -", i I ,.~ht 11 45 11m. 'Vol'lllll., . .

. "n ... ", ,.. ..,. hI '[;flO I••m. MTr \(t r -J' J' 1 \\' Z"C 'M lind (,'ommlaaloa •,'1, '<." ..

*"-F 7iii PT Tn..;;;; T' . ;




You can 11ft your life •••.'

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#'--'.'--Our Churches

The Business Firms Whose Names ',Appear at the Bottom of This Ad~l

Make This Special Church Feature ~!l

Possibl~ Ea~h ,Week: t:~

Ruidoso State Bank ,,:;:Growing with Ruidoso ' . •

. Member p, D. t. O. '.. .

Ruidoso' L~undry-Linen' SUD'1!dThe Obeapeet Luxl1r1&.Man.can Aftord fa to lIi.n. r-.,'. Laundq Don' • Behind Thunderbird Ourlo •. or.7~ ,

, ' • t. ,

Keeth G'as Company I L, SilJe. - Servico I 1

'.In th~ o.ate~~ ~ !~O~$ OL~~ -: '~'J'~

Lrla.!!:;ftdSJe.xfg.n~~'!Jg~'l,lce'tBut of Bink .... Phb1ieOL.7~ .-,. ,i,._., -.. ,- '" ....• -- -


J'tlLL C.lOlIl'aL ORU.OIl• ...... D...... )f. II

fl" .. m.-8uDdll.)' !SQooL11:00 a Ill. -SUDdll.)' Mot1lln. "'or.

.blp.·,10 Po m. -tlunda, Ilnnlq Wor­

IblpT:IO Po Ill. Tu..c1a,- Toun. 1·~DI.

.. Cbolr l·ractlc..'110 Po In ThUl'lIda,- l·ra'... 11..\·

'll" •1'U...1.lIT OUIIIIIT''',. onUiloll"a'a., Oa"••7-a.ld"••a... .II. 11.:1'1.,. WI,"'nI'll... OL , .....

lIunda, llcllool-ll:46 "'" tilMo,nln. WOl'llblp-Il:00 L Ill.ChI nbo (lntermIlclIAI.) You t II

r.llo".bIP. • Po m. •CURIIITIAN "clime. IIICln',rx"

Sunda, School ..rvlt*l • A Cl bllunda, al 0:46 .. '"

En\')' Hondo', 11:00 m. I nnuldoAo Womah'. c."Iub UmnnyItlMtlnlr tollo"lo. I'q'UJIU' ""te.Heb Iblrd S'lnday•

OnURell (I" oIlCHllll CURIHTL. D. II:

tluhlono 1.10nn ('Iub 1Iulhl1nll'Bunday. III 10tOO ""m. lind 11:00 LtD,

flunlll,. Schnlll ./lodSllcrllhlanl :o.r.,.,Ung

"KilT ,"'...,'IlT OHII...IIa.w. &. t.. " ••n".r. •·•• i ..

Rundo, IIchool. ll.4r> ... tilWOl'llb11l j.lorvlc,," 11:00 .. lao

Tr&lnlq Union. G'OO p m.WOl"lblp 8ervlCft, 1:00 p. m.W..tnettda, Nllbl f1l'rvlc8, 7:00

.{ladlo unolcea 11:1/1 0.. m IJanda,OATil'"Al'

.1..11lUI8 1.1' 0 .. 000 CltUllOB1'.1..., 0 ......,.. a.ldo••nl.. W. A. V.nunt, l'ular

b'loda, radIo Ilrol,am \I .. m.~uodll.)' 8dlool. 11:45 .. m.Womln. "orablp. 11 .. m.Ilvlnlq ..AncelllUo ••nlee 7:::9 Po ..T......,. IIU "'••••••iIIS-,I•••fF •••11 .1'Ie4nMda, ..enln. ,.ao p,.,... Um.'lid Blbl. ..ue1t.nallT lOBaIlDI'Ta'U.l.Jt cnURCB

Uf'lt'. 'I.an -'f"~J.h"••1A.htl'Church Beboo!' ':4.1> a m.Moralq WOl'llhlll. U:OO .. lit.YOUDI' Peopl. ot U1. Cburcll..

.:00 II lit.

aOIDOIIO B"PTJII1' cnuao.W.r.•• oI.y~•• P....,......l':aln\llr OIllOW4,

lIunda, 8ebool"'10 .. m.Momlnlt Wlltllbh.-ll a m.&\I"n,,,ll1l1.lo M"""allJ» ~:30 p.m.Wed. NIgbt DIble Sludy-6,lW 11.1110
























UNITED STATEJS R. S. (43 U. S. O. 11'71 I. there will beDEPARTMENT 'OF THE offered 10 tile highest bidder, but lit

INTEJRIOR not le!\S than the appraised value. atBUREAU OF LAND a public sale to be held at 10:30

MANAGEMENT o'clock n.m.• on the 1st day of Oc-NOTICE FOR PUDLICATION lober. 1963 next, at Bureau of Land

PUBLIC SALE . Manllgement, Land Office. 113 WlIllh·July 30. 1063 Inglon Avellue. Slinta Fe. New Mexl.

of 'section 2455, co tho foUowing tmcts of IlInd:

Land Description Acres ApprnlsedVaiuo

Under provisions

Parcel No.

. .


_ ." c_ • , .,.

Lord's Supper P'ates •••••••••••7Sc:Head Scarves (western) ., ••••••7Sc:NavaJo Dolfs •••••••• , ••••••• SOc:Assorted liem. of White Sand .SOc uphaut/ful Pillow•••••••••••••$3.50Mocs, Soft Soles •••••••. $3.95 upChenlU. a.d ~pt.adl ••••••$9.95 up

Now Mexico (6) G'alses •• : ••••• 3Sc:New Mexico Plates •••••••••••• 9ScCup and Sau,cer. • •••••••••••• 95cCoHe. Mugs , , •••••••••••••••39c '

TurquoIse Ear Bob., .Necklace. • •••••••••• $1.13 .ach

Apache Tear Drops Ear Bob.,Necklaces ••••••••••• $1.26 .ach

INDIAN HAND MADE JEWELRYOut of Pawn Elec. ladto •••• , •$9,95

.~ ,~

Olit of Pawn Not.leo Razor •••• $.i.9SOut of Pawn Floor lamp •••••• $5.00Out of Pawn Old Can.bottom

Rock., .•.••• ,. ~ •• $1-.00Cloc~s •••••••••••••••••$10.00 up

.. ANTIQUE CoHee Table. & Stand.

Stereo HJ.Ff Itecord Play.I' ••••$65.00•


W... otiHlgftway70-0NHI'L .... .t... 7..339«)RocKS -- AJUl,OW HEADS- CYPRESs KNEES

''WHER& YOU .ARE WELCOME TO LOOItu, " - I' 'lr _.p ...-......------




T. 6 S.• R. 15 E .• N, Mox. Prln.Mt'r • New MexiCOSec 11: AU&c. 14: NW'.~. W1'lNE.... N ....,1SW'..&c. 22; aw'.• sw'•. E "'JSW' ••SE'•• SEI,NE'"fi(·c 13: E'uSW'•• W'~SE'4

Sl'c. 24: NW'.8<'1.' 24: 8'~SW'.

l' 6 S, n. 16 E,8<'<". 17' 8 1•

8<'c 18: Loltl 3. 4. SE'... EI~SW'i.

&'c 10: EI,~NE"'.

BI'(' . 20: W l,iJ NW I,

. &'C jl. l.oL'l 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 0, O. 10. 8'h&c 4: Loin 3.4&'c 5: Lolli I. 2. 3. 4Sl,,' 0: W'.tWla

T 6 S. n 17 E.o See. 18: Lot 3 44.11 610.00

'nil' Illnd will IK' wid /iulJJecl to UIC IIRt'mellt for me llmounlb of l11e bllb.provlGlon:t 01 Ute Act of July 17. 1014 The envelopes must be marked In138 Glnt. 5O'J I. a\l 10 011. IlM arid pot,. the 100000r left, Il&lld corner "Publlo

S3le BId, Parcel No. ,="'-,~.n~; AcL of Mart'h 4. 1033 147 "l.nt. <NM O37OMQ). eNM 0370850). <NM1&701. n..'l to "'Jtllum; Act of Augl15t 03708311. sale held 10:30 a.m,. OC.30. lWO 1:!6 Stat 3911. I\!l to dltche.'l tober 1. 1D63," '11lo hlghcn1. bidderand cllnat'! No bid wlIl be received al the salo w1l1 be reqUired to P3Y(or le!'_'l ehnn all ot the offered land Immediately 1110 amown Uterrot.In roch pafel'! TII<- au!JlorlZl"d oUl· Any ndvel'llC clnlmnnts o( th<- above·Cl'r fl'!',crVt>9 lilt' rIght to reJecL lU1Y deJICribcd land nhould nIl.' thl'lrBnd nil bld'l prIor to the Umll' of ~ cll\ltnlI. or obJccUOi1!J. with thll un./I1U1IK'C oi filial eertlflcnte The Du· dcl'lligned on or betore the time des­renu of Laml MnnngemcnL hns noL Ignaled for sale, Any contiguouschecklld Oil' record.. or Lincoln COun· owocr claiming 1\ prcterence rllllllty to l\.<;c(·rlnln Ule exilltcnoo ot nd· mu.'lt nsscrt and prove such rlllh\ver$(' cllllm.'i 81119 mny be made by to the undersigned wlthlh 30 daysthC' prlllclpal or hl'l a(;l'nl.. either per· from the above Illde date. Howe\' ,collally nl tJw E;l\lp or by mall. Blib conUlJUous owners wlU not be IIble tofor n pnrecl mu.;;t bll for all the 1l1nds ns:;ert their preference righl.n to anyIn thC' parerl Bldg !lent by mtll1 will parcel lor wlilch bld.!l arc not reobe con"ldprro ollly If received nL the coWed, For reimbursement to own­Lnnd Ottle<>. POBox 1251. Sanln erll at nuthorir.cd Improvemenbl 011PC'. NC'w MI'XlCO prior to 10;30 the Innd9, payment of coot 01 pUb!J.o'C'lock n m. on October 1. 1003. cation, nnd othl'r requiretrll'tlln. ~.('emdo; ""U bl.' In 5llalC'd envl'lopca 43 orn. Part 250. For furUler In·llCCompanlC'd by cel1lt1rd check!!. formnUon. write: Dougln.IJ E Hen.P05t • offlc(' money ordel'll. baI\k rlques.. Mnnager. P. O. aox 1251,drafL'I. or ca.~lllr(l· c1lepk!! outde santa Fe, New Mexico.

~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~pa~y~ab~le~IO~th~e~B~ur~cn~u~o~t~L!Ln~~d~"Ma~fL,~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(~TItrU 0-131

11mbttLocf(cs make:nndcrrul rclJrcmcnlhom~ - thtl)' cost

muc and 10 up. quick. Sec our hi&'




, .



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\< .:.. l '<;:t'it " , -,;'~ .'.. ',".('~,

Yat~:.tt~irtl~it\~!!nl!~~'~.80~~;20.,,', "l"AQJll 'J!]I;,~, ". , thIrd by I\n e~tMh.· •• ~ •••• - !II " ".".,,;••••••• jj , "J!'.~2.2(11' J:)~k.~~. 3~/: ,2'~1 MII,. .' ", .·RUldoso ~T6urBS~Ok 0 Jll,ck WIIS l\. w1t'Q. tQ wire • . .""~

:j¥rJP~t~~~~~7~:6=;\~1 .~~.~~~a;'A~l~l~63 . ~~=:{~i~!~:J~; i' . FOR YOURlUMBERNEEDS~ I''ovel' Clil\l'B'e;';;J:~,~\~.20; .~ Rtl'ed . JclSl1E;'r~e....:l yenr aids: 6 fur. ert prmccss. The ridIng hero of the • '.'.t'W1.M. q.!l,l),T.7"~.' 10~;J{~'s l3trellk, 20.40. 9.20. !IllY WaS filbert Minchey Winml,lg for : T...........' . to, i.he "0.. Id. ReIiab.leff ....... R'...·do.S.",'8 o·ld.est and bes't stockedq~mel" - ~Ionlilke .and OVer 4.801 Jt,. a, JQJ'I~. '13,00, 7.80; Mr.·tratner Percy Ilodgeson Repowder • _... ,..... .., . .. .' .

Qqa.r~e, 'ilUO. , .splcer. 12.(l(l. T....l;15 'l.ij. I\t i. dollars. Ill;' nIso ro<le JJ,O. : • .~'~t/1' rac:e~ Wlir C)1~ and uP: .' NinfJ? rap~ year olds and up: :~i1'o3~:~~.:O~l\~~~5i.~~~~:. ...... __~,~.._.... _~_. L'I1111ber and Material Firm ••• that's us! ,.,

~~~~ur~~~:sn&~~~:.1l15.~' :':8; 'hrc~;' ;:~. ~~~:J~'~v~~'o~~~: m~1r:~~~~c:ert y~a~~I~na~~d up' : BESIDES FxNE~ciuAfjrtITEMS, WE ALSO Om.RTHE--·?:·~Fc~lv:J.~I'fitll·8Clc,,''r.''''y1e:aOr1·020ld5~and up"~T~'~~;'~:'year aids and up' 6 furlongs: lWp0wder, '7.00, ".W, 2.80; :

.,..".. "..,."" .~ . ." ... •. .' ......• Hungry Kid 480 320' Acc's Fe. • BEST IN TRADING STAMPS....- FAMOUS'W:l .furlon~; :No' ~l'trl\S, ll'2? 5.:10,8'7(1 ~lIf~:Fclaslll~ ~m, 49.60: 16.SQ. dora. 2.80. T:"'!: 14 4.';. • . :3.40. Trw;tworUty" 6.60,. :1.60. aarf '7Fo·60·"pnsJ2fP!lJ0,1liT$~:"765,fOl3,SQ, Send • Second rllce-3 yellr olds and up; • S. & H. GREEN STAMPS'baraBel.'ger.....40. '1'-1:36 3-5. . r.·.e.~. , .' .. .. 51L f'l . 130 t 940 .. 40 •

;Ell h", 'lacerra year olds and up: JjJleventl) rac»-3 year aids and "'. ul~O!rs. ms.orm.:, .• ' •8'70~rds; flea ~ider. 6.40, 3,~. up;· 5'n1 furlon/m: Don R.. 18.40, 2.80. Fll m Joe: 5.60. 3.00, Perc s •280' M BQ\) 3 fO 3.00' ScottIe 10.20. 5.40; Jay's aUll, 26.40, 9.80; Rose. 2.80. T-1.08 1·5. .5:fO: T.:.:51~1,1. ."j:' ., Nllhar's arandy. 11.00. T-l: 07 1.5. DlIlly Double - Repowderand'Nln~race...-3·y~r aIds: 6 fur: Twel~th rllCC_3 yellr -aids and up: ~t:~r~'~:i6~ear olds; 400 yd;.;

longs' Bay RUlerQ.40. 2.20, 2,fO, 1 mile, SleptOver. 6.60, 5,00. 5.40, M B L d 1'700 580 5iJ:' FlyNlgh,t de, Nlgllt, 2.201 :UOj DoUble aelglan Chick•. 3I.60,. 13.20; Red Ing~ CharnrgaerY' 3' 2'0 ' 3 '00: . "',,nma'L. Nell; 4.60. T.;,.,.;t·~15.Thread,3.(lO. T-l:43. . .. '..' .• ...... : WE GIVE 8 .. D.GREEN. STAl\IPS tl~ I

Tenth face-3 year 01129 and UP: Qulnlela...,sleptover and Belgian pa~ts, 6.40. T-.2Q.4. . . ,:lit350 d ..... vld 'l40 3 M 260' Chick $367 60 Fourth race-:! yea,. aids, 350 yds.. : Hlway 70 T C D 1 .M' r>.(1Rhod

yar ~ '41'nY2 60&>0 '24'0" ";""::s' p'ay' Att~ndanee.:.2 900 (est) Bet Mo, 5.20. 3.40, a.60: 'l:oliY's Twist.. , . . .• • e aney, anager.. ': W:

Brac:et~/[:o: T:"'{18.3, .' ......., Handle-$104,418.·"· i~:I:r; Tamo's Sugar Rey, 2.SQ. : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• III'=- ".E!e.venth raee-.-2 yearoldsi 6 fur· F' ·d Fifth 'mce-3 year olds and up; 6.40: Nest.cr. 10.00, 6.60; Blue Slllge. News Wllnt:Adll Work Wo~ers News \Vllnl·,\ds Work wondO.:;.,r#.'i.[ :.',

longs. Rlngsby 1'WQket. 27.60. 12.BOd, fl oy 3iiO Yllrds' Peggy Bar '7.20 5.00 3.40. T-I.tY1 2.ij. . "7'$.4.80; True a~l1ev.er. 6;40, 3.80; Ma • .". • , • .ad'lc, 2.on. "'1'.14 n,."• Nap"oca'ion won ....e "SChiltz AI. 3.40, Joe Gordon, 5.,40. 3.60. Amber a Tenth race--3 ~nr olds: 7 fur· . i';' ','

TwelffiJ;~ .;;.r olds and up; lowan;e" Friday at RuIdoso Downs. Darling. 4.00. T-.18.1. longs; Yard Man. 3.20, 2.40, 2.20: WELCOME. VISITORS TO RUIDOSO r· '.!'7 tL f'.J1 'R"'f COunt, 5680 NllpaooaUon did the 5111 furlongs QUlnlelll - Peggy Bar and JoeScorcbum. 2.60, 2.80; Deep Fathom. W h d h ·1I\j~·· "

7'~ ",.ong~.....,.,. ed 10'00' In 1'07 15 i rr $9 50' $260 d Gordon, $2020 3,00. '1\-1 :25 205. 0 oro appy to seo .you an ope you WI10.20, 11.20; ~,C)",uPi Ventur , ., . • • pay n., ., . an Sixth rllce-3 year olds' 612 fur. Elewnth race--3 yellr olds; '7 fur. return oftro throughout tho yeaI"''7.00: Phyllis ~lUJ}by, 4.40. T-l:36 $2.20. I" j n 60 '5.20 400' I k O'J k 8 8 ~ 6045.. First rllce-3 year aids' 6'h fur. ongs. Mr. Sp cer. ...., ,.. ongs: Stac ao,. 0,.... ,4.00;'Q'Uinlts!a -nUff C:Dunt and Nothing longs: Slindy Land. I:MO, ,5.60~ 5.00; Wild Westel'D. ~3.40,. 6.40; Magic Dr. Coy Slone. 11.20, 8.SQ: Desert 0 '11'"

V t ed $11'780 • Chance Bar 3.40 4.00' Ruth's Song Flame. 3,00. T-t~:21 35. Princess. 5.40. T-I:16 3·5.. I '~t~~d~nk ,;.. .:500 (est.) 8.40. T 1:22 1.5.' .' • seventh. rllcc-L3 year olds amI up: Twelfth race-3 year olds and uP; ,Handll;-;:- $289 an. Secooo racc-2 year o)ds; 5 % fur. 870 ~ards. Horned Reed. 52,8;0, 26.60. 1 mile; aattle Linn, 22.20. 8.60, 4.40;-Th' ./ d' longs: Romangorra, 8.00. 4040. 3,20: Uo;C::S J~~:wi~Z.~' 7.40. 5.60, aright Call Me Red. 6.20, 3040; Jelln's De·

Urs ay Miss sunland~ a.fO. 3.00; Gay Jen· Elghth'''r~ce-:i y~nr olds and up; mQ~I~~~ ::-1~~~t~":;'Llna and Callnle. 3.80. T-1.08 (-5. 1 I 16 milo' My Boy Lea 20 60 940 Me Red, $38.20,

Don Ro• .captured .!be relloture race Dally I1ouble-Bllndy Land and 4.8~: Doubl~ Stall. 5.80.3:40:' Sudden Totlll Handle-$272.050.'and relurned $18."0. $10.20 and $5.40 ~mllngorra. $125.20. Glory 520 T-l'48 1.5 Total Attendance-4,900 (est.)here Thursday liS 2,000 rans wager· ThJrd race-2 year olds: 400 yds.: Nlntn ·mcc-.3 'and .. year olds: _ed $104.418 on the 12 races, Little Maroon, 46.11(), 22.00. 10.40: 51 furlanI'll' Bally Bov 25 20 1420 NewlI Want-Ada Work Wondel'llThe resUits: AnimllS Reed, 10.20, 7.20; Jolly --::~~:.-.__"_'_-:.-.:.-.'-'_._._._. ..,.... _

First race-3 ye.!'r 0ld8 and up; Deno. '7.00. T-:2I.l1.51,!: (urlongs; PrInCe Tongo. 8.40, Fourth race-:! yellr olds: 4005.20. 3.60: Valpqre. 8.20. 6.20; Shari yards: Gina hye, 6.20, 3.60. 3.80:Cut, 6.40. T-l :1>9. Chlcn. Win. 4.00. 3.80; BOlUld Along.

Second race-3 year olds and up: 5.00. T-:20.'7.6!i! furlongs: Courtesar, 6,40, 3.60, Fifth nce-3· yea'!' olds and up;3.40: Deacon arown. 5.60 3.60: MI5Il 440 yards: Joe Win, 22.4(1, 9.60. 6.20;Edisto, 3.20. T-l:21. (.5. ' Joe Fallll. 5.60. 3.80; Bull Twist.

Dally Double - Prince Tonga and •.80. T-:22.7.ColU'tesar. $fO'.oo. . QUiniel1i - Joe Win nnd Joe Flilla.

Third rnce-2 year 0100: 400 yds.: '31.SQ.That·s Margie, 3.20. 2.80. 2.60; Magic Slxlh rllce-3 year olds and up:Manner, 10.20. 6.«Q: My Matt, 4.60. 550 ynrds: Wnrreo's Chubby. 560.T :20.4. 3.60. 3.20; a1g Bllr, 4.00, 3.60; Bar

1l'ourth race-:I yenr olds: 400 COunt, 5.li0. T-:28.'7.yard.'l; Miss :BarbIe. 40.20, 17.60. seventh rllCe-3 year olds; 550.10.00: Milk River, 7.60. 5.20; ~an yards: Sweet Straw••.00. 3.60, 2.80:Commando. 13.20. T-:20.C1. Orey Sahrl. 5.60, 3.20: Char Bet, •

Fifth race-3 year olds and up: 3.00. T-:47.2. .350 yards: Llld,y aold BOlr. 4.40, 3.ll0. Eighth raee-3 year olds and up;2.00: HIJo Ahna. 6.60. 3.60;' atam 8'70 ynrds: Bow Straw• .000. 4.20.Link, 2,60. T-:18.2. 3.20: I1y Sheriff. 3.20. 3,00: Royal

Quintela-Lady aold au and HlJo 00. 4,00. T-:47.4.Anna. $26.80.· Ninth mc0-3 year olds and up;

Sixth racc-3 yeaf'Olds and up; eWa furlongs: Bush Queen. 2200.300 yards: Lndy Slelteck. 12.00, 7.80, 0.80. 5.60: Bro. ChnSo, 3,80. 320;•.00: Al A Shane. 38.BO. 15.010; Clabo 'Ban Son, 4.20. T_l:20 2·5.bcr Oem. 10.26. T-:IB.4. Tenth rllee-3 year aIds and up;

seventh race-2 yellr oIds: .. fur. 6 furlongs: NudlrC Mo. 12,20. 6 60.longs: Bmy aound. 11.80. 6.20, 6.00; 6.00: ColUltry Delivery. 4.00. 4,00;Dark Pleasure. 4,00. 4.00: Red Pic, OUif Ollie, 7.00. T-l :13 <I.ij.

Eleventh rnce-4 year 01119 andup: Il % furlongll: Nnp:llxmtlon, D60.2.60. 2.20; Judllla. :lAO, 2.20: Daldn.mar. 2.20. T-l:07 1-6.

Twolfth rllce-3 yenr Old!) nnd up:I milo & 70 ynrd!l: Molester, 1300.11.20. 3.40: Jet Plow. IUO. 640; BlrJelfman, 3.20. T-I :47 2-1l.

Qumleln-Moll'!llcr nnd Jet Plow.1131.40.

Jlandle - rlM.ll70.Altend~ce - 3.000 leall

SaturdayRalph Lowe's 1rard Man l'(lunUrd

the 7 furlong tmek record nnd KC'II01lS1on'5 Sl.nck 0 Jilek of' RotiwrlJWon the other hnll of UlC Iwo IrlaldlvtslDtt3 for the $25.000 ('J;UmaledRUldooo 'nloroughbred Derby here8aturday.

D. W. Whited rodC' Yard Mnn.owned by Ralph Lowe from Mid.land. Tex.• got up in tile tlnal !\lrldcafter mntchlng the 1:25,2 Umes tOtthe dItllnn~. SCorche llnd Dl'('p Fa.thom ran respecUvely &eCond and

KILOWATT,,.~ ~'IlI!Ii'i"l"'.

of course







..;' .. ' .. -

f'. ~,•


r - " • "

-" '1 • fI. __ ~.. . - ..

When you hav~·an·,.Llfomaflc..


You tan ·hartg up your dish towel for good, on-ce Reddy Kilowatttakes oVer the dishwasbing·chore. All automatic'electric disllwa"sher,g~ls' dishes-.hygienically c1~an"':'in water too' hot .for hands. Keeps

.. th~' kitche.h 'tidy,. too, withdlsties inside-out of sight. ' .Saves hundreds of hours every yecu'·. •• .time bett~rSpeht Dn:h1ore't~wardingtasks" .See your dealer soOn for an auloiTtaU6·electric.. di$~"Yfa~her.-.....bUUt·i.n or portable•.


the dishes?

Who's goingto do

~, .

~,~ " - ~ .",'" '!,

:'. ',.' :.,' 'RAce REsUL·rs:. ,.~,~~ I

INGSB'¥\ROCKET' .~. ~. J:~'_' '. ~ '..,,'. ~.. , ' ' . ,,- . I

3:F· ...URITy···.' C"H'·A.'M'"'p... ¥f~ .,., '~by~~~·Js;~,Jiew. RUI. 3.40; Maw Cllopn. 5.fO. ·3040- Aka.4 ..or9J1gh"4~d ~tit1~ cbllomp. lady. 3.00. T-1 :16 3.Jl. . .' ...

Second race-llYear olds and up:e 2'Ycl!of-Q14col,tst\'ea'ked ac:ross 6U! furlon~s; .COur~r•.1~.60. 8.00,fl~\it1e, \n.. ~siX·flU'lol)g '7,SQ: TwtIlllUP. 7.00, 5;W: Dot'$ Com.

S , ~y In);14;..2.& to Win 'the mand. 4.60. T-1::l8 1-6.eVe~t lI~l'!ilt\lflied $27.80. Dally DOUble' - MlracuI\lm lind

. and $4.80 t() ,some Of the 4,500 Courtesar. $1l4,20. .::e:~o w!!otched l\IId had the Thlrq race-2 year olds:400 yds.l'

.Mr. Tinky Bal', a,fO. 3,20, 2.60; lWB'l\1~uI~: . ~ Bnr, 13.20. 5.20; Rllpld ,Moon. 5.80.

st TAce--3 year olds an!! up: T-:20.5.10Il!r~;MJracu1Ufn, 10.20. 6.00. Fourth raee.-3 year oldsl 350.................................................



• The down Payment on a C~r. "I'

• New Clothes 6 months from now. If: • Education for your ·Children. ·'~1~i ..~ • The Down Payment on a Home. <,~l}J.. ,~II ~ • Security for the Future. ,...'I

if you have a TARGET . ..

i ,<

ii!oso ~ttlttJ·· ,II ...y.........,IIf-.••,d.,...... .~·l

~ .~Ntw~ tIJ:/iJi Capltal!ind Surplus $325.000.00!UldOio DoWDI Pho. ES~ -1- all1dftO Pho. CL '1-6115

• Member r. D. L C.

f "






' ., ,


.. ' .

H,· .


( , .... ~

., .



" ,',..

CL 7-5705




• '1 """. " ,

Member M7L;S~, It. •• -,) ,,,".'" "

-;"'; .. :'


i' b

Jack Bennett

- UaU or Wrlle-


II.II•Iif: .•I I• II I'·,·,IiI ;

. • I

• I·,: II I: II I

, : I: ..III I: II I ..ItI II"·..I I.I I:I I1'·• 1I fIII I


I '•••"I:. .. If

p..1J.... C"L'" 7':"" 4'3",.... ,.; !!0 '· . .. I'.. , •..... - . .' .... '.,' ..... ..' 1'1·

'.. , .""""~"".'.)"~'" , .... .,.,,'-

, ,




"Ruidoso's Prestige Address"

Ready For Occupancy - Nov. 1


1h Acre and Larga- .

Terms- Up to 10 Years





. r ':iii;"'"

-Your Rent Check Pays For Everythtng-.Gracloull living Without The Cares and R.sponslbilltl••

Of A House and YQrd T9 MQt'lt<:lfrl .

. ' '? '

CRAB APPLESCherokee Lane

Iliwuy 70 - CL 7-3393

Learn To KnitJuanny's Yarn'Shop

Free InstructIonAt Ro9k tudie~

Mechem Driv. .Phone CL 7-=t________________1 " • . "0 _ it

~, ''T-l'" ' .. ',; -' ,'", ':,


• •


, ..


,,' v , "

, ,


, .

""Tm r", re-- ...... __


'_ .•.•• _.~ _ .• _~_ ...,..,..., .......,.. .. -",'"' •• ~.._ ~,ft~ •• _.'"'··"" , .. "", -."." -- -' .- ,'••• - ',.


Good Restrictions For YourProtec:tion

" .... ' "

... !'-'. ,., ...... '. '•


=,,' I 5


. ," '~

Bookkeeping ServiceTllX~

Pbo. OL 'I-tOllOGladys Thomson


All Weather Roads

Licensed NurserymanGraduate Landscapin~



C~rrizo Canyon NurseryPho. CL 7·4197


Visit .Our field Ollice One-Hoi' Mile,

North of Altoor See A.DY Qualilied·R.ui-•

doso RealESftdeBtoket.


. ,

.. ,






.'Appro','lmatllly 87 aCCC-S In tbe llc-autiM Rui(!Of;iO Va'ttr,y,· Adc-quate water rights (lnd

r"""""- ·---Ml·iverf\,outnge ·1nelU!Jcd. ,Qorgooull view, lJand Imitable for subdivision or private es~te,.

LarfJC luxury·type SPan1s11 hOuse, newly redecorated, conilllllS 3 bedrooms. 2 ti1~ llatbllJ

plus maW,; rflom an$l batll, 4o.ft. Uvlllg room wilh flrllpll\Ce. enclosed Innni porch QV\lr• •

90 Wet. modern kitchen, 2·cnrg(ll'ngc,


Phone CL 7·6356or Write Box 912,


, .II, '·', III.,•,••I,I


· I, ,••I ,·,, ,I ,I ,I ,

• I, ,, ,, I, I

II, ', 'IItl, I, ,I IIII I, J

I I, ,HI ,

II" ',il, I'l'

'I' .I,1101IereClby:Rumbaughllnc.,··,t" f' .. ('· .....j.,.,. ., ....... ,,0'

7 Acrro, 114 MIle off lllgbway 37

nnd li4 Mile from Alto

Wl1I sen II ACf('s, Cllbin nnd

Watcrwell or I Acre, CabIn nnd

Watcrwdl - Or will sen In l·Jl,cfe


All Acreaae Front on County Road





., "rbeo. .



-- -,T" . /~. ._' • ",,' .,

~ -" -', -. '. -~"",.'<. _. <- ., •• '

. ".~" '''',' ,..


... , ",' ..

For Information Dial CL 7·4500, CL 7·(HWO or CL 7-4355



.. ', ...


• Welding• Radiator Repairs• Portable Welding

Equipmentm...,. '10 - RuJdoIo Dowz:lI

PhoGe J:8 I-aII

?' , ' - .!'~"'

'. '.

WILL )JUY-Bhorl Icrm lIrr,t mort: 1DABY SITTiNO'':' By any o~ Wp.I'K ("ll'I'" WITil tls' O;l-I,T!CIV;'/li:~:: ~~~ol~:d contrncfJl at ~nod. In my bomo. CL'1-50ll0. 33.tfnc.. ','.;,,'r.,hi"l., Allllhalil'l"l N I' II I

C U CL19, No cQmrnl';.<Jlon, ••._..~ ..•.~ '-"- _.. " I'I'mtJ alil·m,('lrlr. CI. 7·C.ll30, 11-41c

R 7·3613 or wrIte DOle 420, Rul. I l''OR RENT-otncc r.pace, utllltll'q ..- .• ,. . .~. _.~dozo, rl-41p. I paid. RUldo:.o Municipal AlrJlflrt. ;'f 'It I ~. '\m: "'ur!' bllJldlllf!. 24'x40' iFOR~RENT:":II u?~. ~~ 'd' t -' i phone CL 7-4331. 4·z.tfc. .~l 1,..... 1. ,,'~n HU:Ulr:1J l'~Kcl'III'nt l()o ,...... 0 ro, one an wo I .•.. ' •. " .c ., .' .' ". 1'.1/[:111" no probll'm. SUitable:u\''Uroonu, $15 and $20 per weck I I'· . .. ... I LaCall CL 7-3700 .n.t! TUMLINSON .. ,,1. I.. L""l'r t:Y'PI' {lOP· W._ ~. 'IJ C. ! "1' I. 'I:k kt. (' WrIt... Box 33n, Rui-ron ~8ALE:."FJ'TePJtlCO wood nnd' TV & RADIO SERVICE' I~,' n. N M. or pbulIl' CL 7-3507ctove wood. Located lx'hlnd Tramp..I 10 Bhl('r·!.l Slloppln~ Ccuter I.. . _ ..:. _ ~f~~=0 In OatewllY AddiUon. CL 7. Dn.y Phone CL 7·3130 ,Hilt fAI I'; TI. n lC n', O!\(J bt'd. Ih~'~'_=~~~ _ ~,'iI.Itc, Night Phone CL 7·01GB : 1 t'" ., "':"'. ("lnJIIII'!('ly rfOfll'(·ornt· j

..! ::. I ',,!':l IPy Drah';' I1h'hway &4 I_-_,_, ..._~._.. _-_-_._'_' ' II '" L:,!', 94i1 Dyl'l'. EI I';to

.... ~ t\~~r (·i1ui~,t. Ezi'C ~5101. (l\(-ntn~J.

Burgess Plumbing Co. Iril~l~;;tm Yot18i1Y(:Il{,Ck'O:~On SUdderth Drive PJumbinll Contractor and' H,,~·)b"'~fln Pump, We r('palf nil

In Skyland Ilmr.d J. For ral(,3 or ~rvlcc ('nilRepair 8e.rv1CfI Nt'al Pump ami Electric, CL 'l-GU36

Loana on Anything of Value O....1cBarralna In OUt-Gf·PaWD We AD.swllr BervlC«l Callis An" Time --------------ltem1 We 1la7 Have ' ZIP C.QOE No, For RUltlotO t9 ll834.5

• NIChi Calli: ~. we have n rublx'r !ltl1J11P you CADWBA't YOU WANT Dov.r _ E8 8-4Gt1 II (' on your return address. News

BID Carpenter, JlV. Bu - CL'1-5451 ~fi.C~· Uc.

Pho. ex. 'I.wI - Ruld050 P. O. Box Dl' _ Ruidoso, N. II. BEAUTY COUNSELOR COSMEI'.lOS - Your looal representAtives,D('lIn UnIf', CL '1·G239j ClnUdlneMorrl!:on, CL 'l·C353. 4'-Uc.

L. ' 1

_._- NOTICESec. solA of the Untform Bnildlml

Code, Stl1te of New MexICO, was lb· I .oorpor.ated III ordinance' 100,' andMopled by the ltufdO~o Otty Coun·cU•. May 3rl!. 1957 ns tbe BuildingTltleCbI1e for U1c'Vlllage of Rul.C!O"..o, County of Lincoln, State otNew Mexico,

Sec.8dlAI Uniform Bundlng Colle:· .No pemoil. firm .or corpol'atlon

Willi, erect, construet. enlarge. al··tel'. repair. move. Improve, remove,oonvert Qr demolish IIny building 01'struct4re In the City. or cause sameto l:Ie done, without firs! obtaining

· 1l. lit'l'arate' building pertnit Cor eachbuilding or structure from U1C CitynuUdln[{ OC!lcla1. •.

Please contac~ the nuUdlng om·cial who:-,c name nnd addru5s np.peam below. In I'eglll'd to the above.wllhout lielay.

'BERT RICERuidoso City Building Inspector

8-16·23·30: 9·6·13

" • ','Jr,;" ': ", l1"- 'I,' .' .

'rf!~'¥!l~~~ .l>t~mao~reqt1lffitll. ' -- 'V' t" . '7'k~ .' 'V' ,.n. "T''~i.. iHr... If"'; ti ",..... '.fild$ ori.o%,l~m(Q\Jr(.) ~lItlaer, MarketPlace oJ Ca~yon: Be al ey.........SUS......".,r:,SS PIRECTOR~ ........., ...~r, . o. #o"'~.,'M ~,~ .. ,.". .

· •fo\lr~~r ,dtive Yf.!l)l~. ~peC1flCll· ,. , . .' , .. . . .... .. ,· t1o.I1l> ar~l\Va.IA!l)f.! at1h~ omc~ of ..tbeVlllagc C!er)c,. . .· '. ;ali:l$ w1lI b~()~J)f.!d at !J\e r~lar

mcel.lIfg·()f t,j)¢ ~t)M'd of Trll.Stc~ onA,uIH!SV flltll, X9~. In the 14lmlclpalBuill1llllt $,1r--1f(iFp,m. ~ ~.~ ". ....

The Vill\loget r~erves .the right toreJe(!t anr ifnI! an bids and waivea)l to~l1t1el!, '. ~Y. order of 'rtUstees

Village of ~utdosoj(lmes L. Hlne, Clerlt


" . - ,


. ",•

~'i-<'!·:-".';>.J- t

.\.~_., .

; ,F 11.

fl:..-__-,,_ ._.__.._ ~ _ .......__... __,

REASONABLE FINANCINGGet the~ Facts on T·his.. ~

r~ ~~ .~,



•. .

I I, $ .1.,.._ I' I J,J- , ,- .:, t •$ ; •• 41 ,

Le a EasterREAL ESTATE-,


- Member Y. L. 8.-Teleptwne CL 1-mM - NOTARY PUBLIO-

I eo.. ,

;,.,--...'.....;;;.~,'--,-- -""""""'-- - ~~ ~ - ---.. _.."",,--,-- - -





"Your l"tlenc117 Brow"

nul'! OltACIOU8 3 bf'droom, modctll brick hOIllt' tOl'ntc-d on t'lCtfll 1lU'llo decd('CJ lot 19" ""I bll) OWII('f hn~ mOHd 1111I1 flC;l'!b to 1:('11 Let u~ t:lIow )·OU today. ImmcdilUc poo-

, t111.

; ------_._.--_._..,...--HOUSE FOR SALE:-Two b('drOoJO/by owner. cl'lltrlll heating. Cully In·sulated. Priced to sell. Located be.hind RUldoSQ Stale nlwk, Do)) l~uh"

ICll!l, CL 7.4Gl13. 7-4tp... ..".:.,_ , ·;;.;;j.~F~O':;R~a~A~L~E~·;';'.~"5~llOO~.~fo~t~lo~t~w~l~tt~1 ~tr~ll~II;1l'r~ .1.iJmr~.EllIicitl1....B.allc:J....MJ:UllllIQl:'-_':"':"_":'=·'",..-,'" -_.--..' 1" '•.... J,' : .. '/ ',' II .. Ulle. 0 0 oc /lOU 0 If Cil 10110

/ ,d) ~:l ~~~.J t:: "C,'Ii'), t' W:··,; omcc. Call mornlnCl\ CL 7-4774. {l.2lc. CL 7.4255 SALES:!r !' ~, <f -., p 't:l' I' '('n 11.n~' \ ":10 I!"' J N

r i, 11" Ii-J ~.\.)! L_~ ,i lI?i-1' tt: ",:. ":,j" /1'. _.c' -t .. " , __,,"'E.--'-=-- =---,,-._--"'.~-~ -... Mart~le Whitlock • ess abIes~ I' '~l'"-f'7 ft''''f L;.'''' ,'.... ~ .., ,v / "" " ". BULLDOZER won... BiU Mc'"l $;... ~\:;> ~ '~1''':-''~! '>~....-. .:.:l:.. l. '.- -'i:._, -10 C ~ ~I.I""" ~ - "'

.; .';.','" 0\. ".j .' .• " < '_,:, .. ,' .,' a••" , "'NO ...... '1-4500, 29·ttcItI # Wf' l' ~~~......~.~......-'~;"--

.~" _.' • 1 ., .... _- .,-- ---- • -- - ".--=--~- "" '----.-:' .'. ,"'., '.. ;~.. _c _. .. .1 I"OR- 'SALE-Ovnl drop leaf soUd FOR SALE - Cafe equipment,. ," • •. '0":.- •• ' , • I pine table and four Captnln's ch(llrs, booths, chairs, staln1eaateel watt-

, •.._ .... -_! .•.."._;~--~ •.• SUMMER CAD.CQ",I I':OR SALE I' All Lalide furniture. $1'15.00. Also ress staUcn; sla1nles.a 8teeJ coffeeI illS LIVABl.K I'NI"()ItNI1iJlI'~O WINTF~UZED CABIN,locatt'd on tho rIver In 0111'1 If two bamboo r.tools. upholstered fn statlon. can OJarence Pol, CI.o '1-

/' A/ M!-.It 01\ T1';WA V. '" JU.~l whal yOIl have been wailing for Larue dccdt>d 10L. 107.ft. Iy~lIow, Pbon.c.C~ J•.3l!1!i:-_~:t!n.= G511. ~ lI-atp,-Uo.,1I ..,.'a,'" Will, oomr of our mo~1 b('aullful Pondero3R IJlnl':! lendll to a Hood pineo to live,•/'ll "",',lOn 0/1~ln" ..

. £·~ ••S~~':1'~,j' '~ )~_....~ ~'/*.f

, ..,3u·J~'lerJ'" f' 1(/

'H r 1- I)-Pi• "''ii !,.(,, -t:e- t · ltll'

-1. / .l '• iJ..,4 t

'~'''''-'''''' ' ..'.


~. '"_.$Qq., II ='"

• ••



QUtllltl«t. tral~ real eslato peoplo stand rcadt tb lile~ 10\1In ClllUng. or In hclPlna )'OU buy. JUllt Uto rl,M PIlOt 01 PfOi)oClrty bere In thcl Oreat PLAYOROUND OP/ '11llI: SOUTH.WEST throuab Ule wmblnro crrort!l of Ute

Ruidoso Multiple Listing Service ..'!be Rellitonl below and UtclrU~ aatC!l PClOPlit

will do Uto Job tor )'OU:

AnODE REAL ESTATII LOOK1!2 REALTl'Robert. Ptarson Betty Il. LooURalph MCOUlrfi J. D, LOeb

DIU Nt'&1, Jr. Del1a Halt"'AnnEN DARRET1' REALTOR Dick 8mlth .· Wnrten DtlrreU LINCOLN 00. 1U:ALTl'

O. IL RUSICU zatl(! Petty .. . . . PIClC6 Hya"

'N. n, CROODY RIlALTl' MlLDnEI> WJ.!mI:t RJIlAL· W. n. CroMl' DrATII· W. n, AltlUlider Mildrid WaMklI,. W. 8. Atwoo<! 1"rcld Ofe.1rtOUt.l:t.A EA8TER lUlAL Dl'ATJIl •• 1(. O.....lJ,· ~1"~ J.J.~J9JCo~lttNt\'Y't.,W1Cti1\M:AL~~crow.........""! .......""".. .~ U11Jer A.-of' '''L "-

iiIi~-'.,...... _ DAlfJ); 8WJCAIU1KJnt. JltCkO"'~"""'O"''''' lMtin~'.. . """"'" JOi* • ...........:.'~.' ..' ., ~~.,. , ' . ~~.~ .~~~

\ ".~ JQI.'I. • )UtI~ WblUOU.u.N~ .,,~~.

:.....,..fj Z: ·js_ '_' i ·..·j , s' , ,. ,.It·· _i' 'i.'· ·m,- ': ' "'f'_ t" '",'.7 1 Hi ,- r'd'

Ir '----------------------------'1---------\;

•t . ~

,,,; .

. . ,


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I " ,


~-,"'" ­,


S'·. .

". ..


." "


• •



Ranch SalesBllINeal



HENRY T. WICKERaary Darnes - Salesman

A~k Any RUltlo:>o Rt'allor About

Sun ValleyVaCl\Uon Homesltes

OUlCf!'8 AcroseFrom RuidOSO

Foot Ottlc.

P110. CL 7·36112Day or N1iM

Bolt 83:1-RutdOIO

,. -- -.-

5 B. R.. two baths. two story•frame' and ·InsUlated home. Qlenr ot4ebt, ,gn large lot, In lall pllles. Easy.iloccessable. To trade for smnl1er110me In Utis area.


Llvlna room. tlepurate dlnlnlf room.four bedroom.'l. utility rOOnl. nll1ld'sroom, three b3l.M. lIrt!JIIl\CC1. p:u!e)rllY In ellcb room. carpeted.


Chl\fmlna 3-room Oucst UOU:o'Ml1y also be r('nW! with lafie

htl\1!;f. If dCl11red

4 D, Ro. two bntm. two story bric,,"venrJ:lr with 7 outside rentn~~, clearof debt. loentl.'d In Po:tales, No M.To tfade for unimproved laud. Willu'nde up or down.

For elqlerlenced nl\lp In condUct­illS' your next, n~J Estule Auction

. Sale. coulnct Hcnry T. Wlc"cl". Renl·tor - Col. Tom Flowers, Auelloneflr.

fuR ~WOO<1cUttenr" ~U;Pioneer Chain Sawall C. & L. Lbt.'" Supply 00 Hlwl1 '10. Holb'wood.

BACKJIOE For rent by bour or. day with operator. Ruldoeo au

Co., plio. CL 7.~. 11·Ue.

WANTED W~llrr'i.". ~'t'nr aroundwork. ApplY III 4·Wmdg eale. Car.rlwr.Q. N M 9·ltp.

FOR S~LE Two of the ftncst lot'!In all of Rllldo.10, Country Club E~..taw!! CL 7.(j73f1 1)·2te





Ask Ally RUIdoso Relltor AboUt

Sun ValleyVncaUon 1I0mosiles


., '-'

Agent l"Or:



'e····w·'S..: ", •• 0, .: ,. <.- ., ", '" .," '" '. . " .. , , -- ~

Cablrt:l - r.tarUn:t III $5.000. WIth $500 down. Come In lUld t('l1 \1!1 what'') )1lur pl('(l':l1N!

Business25(} head Cow Ranch - '140.000

43 Section Sheep RancJl - $160.000

Cnbln.'J. with rcslnurnnt and bar with authC'ntle mountn!n atrnO!iphl'Te nt'St lJUte b11'll·

Jl('"''-'J In lm\'JJ-Two cnn handle. Maximum rl!tum for minimum In\'C'ctJnL'tlt.

,Whetllet you're Ihlnklnu of Invcstlna In II b\1!llncm for a JlII:Ulclnl return or a cabin for

II return In plelll;ure, we have the beslllsUngll 8vlll111ble.

BOB PEARSON, RealtorPhone OL '1-«)(2

Kember MLS " 1Joatd· of Kealtors

Residential &.CommercialRalph McGuire





• DEA UTIFUL FAMILY CABIN'n1r(',' bl·t!roolll Illus lImnll !lllcsl hOUl,t'. FUI'ulsh«l Excelll!f1t

COlldltlUII. IIr('lllac('. larllc deeded lot In ul1per cnnyon.·

EASII.Y ACCESSIBLEYt'ar 'l'OUlld locatloll. Two bedroom hornc on laruc d('('ded lot.

011 Ilan·II\CIIl. VC'ry n-:CAlllubh,' down pnyment tlud lerln,.

WIIIcfleld SubdlvL~lon EaRto Eutates

Betty Locke. Realtor·. Sale:l: J D. Locke, Della lIale

Dox CGO, Ruidoso - OL 7-3241 Da)'; CL 7·33113 NlgbtOmce Next to MJdway OataRll

G ~ '.,.-~' - -<';>... ~-... "'_ .._-=......_-~ .. "'.= '..Nl':W Ji'AIlM nUILDlNOS or remOd· , , • .,.,

",OR SAI·E ,,- Almoot IIC'\\' Inrge"SuJlerllllUlC''' 011 hentC'r. $25 Abofurniture odll<! and r/ltln 0010('1' Allnd 2nd r.U'ee1. Schuller Cabin, 9·2tp.

elllln cnn lit' paid for wltl, n low-<,o~t

Llllld Dank Loan. For Informationabout IOll,,·wrlll credit .sec VonnieIn..prr. Mnnacrr Jo'edl'ral Lnnd DankAr."lI('lntlOIl, 216 Nortll R1chardoon,Rmwt'll. NI'w MexIco. I'lIUlle ll22­1354 (l.l)te.

.~_ 2.c;.;,~ :" "'" ~ __,> ""',: ~" ".-" t • •

WANTED-D:lby sitting In my AVON REP.RESEN'1'ATIVE-Myrahomo. day. hour or weelc.PhoDt }d, Morrla. Pho. CL.7.U!l3_ 3·tfe,'CL 7-4347. . ..... -. 51·no.' • - •

• ~ ~... _ __ . ~ OF'F'ICE SPACE 1\'Or feDt. 2.roomLOTS FOR SALE-Cree JleadoWII. .nutieS. tarlre 10b1;/, Included. IU10~ down. bl\lance over , roans. now .nd clrpeted floots. Contact W. t.:y. WATSONPbo CL '1./l43L Il·Uo. R. O. Whlte. Phone CL '1-4372. .l~

7.Uo 3001 !2nd·Ell. - LUbbock- ----------- Phone SW l).()3.8(\

FOR SALE Dellutitul 3 BR" 2·baUI WUl Dc In RUldc:obrlek hOnlc. 1,'100 cq fl. Ju:;t finish· OL '143ned. CL 7.mas. l)·:ttc -----=::....;:..:::;:::;..----.


O····,s········o·," . ,. . ' ..'., . . ..'., '

Vace.Unn lIomesJles

PONDEROSA HEIGHTS ..... Check this area for package transattions - Featuring 1963values at 1956 prices. Paving, city water,el~tricity all amid the tall cool pines•


11 PINECLIFF Lots sold Sunday and Monday, Aug. 4th and 5th. There are now 65 ofthese choice lots remaining. Check with Davis Developments for an ideal year around locntionitJ. pINECLIF'F, Ruidoso's most dramatic new areal Wide paved streets, city wa.ter, electricity;near schools, chl1rches and convenIent shopping. Unexcelled view - See these lots first!

I "CHECl{ WITH,.,CL 1-0915

/Sun Valley



FO~ SALE-Latc model Under.woo d typcwrtt.er. rooondlUoned,clean. good one, $'15. NeW!l orfice.


t-"61i"SALE'':Prnc'tlralJy new mlmeo­uroph mnchinl'; olr.o Verflfnx photoropy macJlmp PrIced to G<'1l, DanD. ~w(,llrlngl~~ Int'. 8-If('.

LAWN MOWER SHARPENING­Also etectrlo oow filing. Oraveley1'raC;lor Sales. Long's Shepplng CeD­ler. Hollywood. Pho. CL '1-6305.


4 a -"!iii

'" .. ~



N,':u FfJur ~t'lIOol'l

Will Trndr 1';'luttyPur I1ou:;c III HuitIO"'".o

Sun ValleyVneatlon 1I0mC"'Jtl'S

., ,,,"

• »

A·.k Any nUldo:;o Rcaltor About

......... ,~..' • ~.~" 'to "". , ... ,.., •'" ,.

BOX 471Holly\vood, New Mexico

can Dill carpenter - OL 7-6328For TraUer House Service & Suppty



. _.---------


• ~-__ ~ __~---_~_. w _

Ri",~r. Thi$ property l!i ripe for devel·

opm~.hf. Other vari,ed IOlerest!i of the

owners dQ not allow Ihe time to ac·

complish this.

ApproxlJr,lolely 6~.Q(re$, frQotClge

on $""dl;lerth Drive, c1l$0 on, RVido!io .




CL 7·G23lI

-Scrnle Sky Ride for ~alc or Irllde. I'll'" u, lflClay

•SUMMER.CADlN - Ollly $2.700. ('llih

-Memb('r of MUIUplll LlSUll/f 8l'rvlcto':"

,'lo_".,,__ "__<'----=- "


LOTS - 2 Lnrgl'. leveled lot., 111 2nd addl! "III ("1'1'(' Ml'adowH.Cny water nnd Il~hls conncclC'd. PrJeNI rlghl luI' t'a ,h.


CABIN - 2 Bedroom. furnbh"d, Oil Iwo lOll ,- C.ly wnll'r lindpnv('ment. )'('nr aTllulld locntlon. $7,liOO.



. ReaJ Estate and lrn;ul"Ul1ce.P. O,''!Jox 278 - RUhloso, N. M,. PhD. CL 7·27&4 -. cr. 7·/i.li15

SALES: Fred OteBSwell - E. N. OnC1,by. Jolln Smilh. Lois SmithJ. J, DWaolo


for Ruidoso Property

to Trade Artesia home

Ank Any RUldo:;o Realtor Aboul

Sun ValleyVllC4t1on HomesIte!!

..•.--- '

I'Whprp YOU do Bl'ttC'r"Have Client who wishes The Trader - Old Timer

W'''.t (ill ILt\ ,t': ifJ CL 7·33'111TO Clll'v I!l-i All' 2·d'jfJI'

Hr..rlf 'I . I

'0(1 Old l:l:: [)I f.r lIurd Top.Ill'N r'l , ! .lH"t! H.I· tw~,

'04 1'1\'ILljll'h, 4·dofil'. ,Illndavd!ral') JrH"ll.. ~uu. radt"

Mar.)' IIIUlI' narmun' at

Cluvtol1 Bf'IUu,tt'sA'(t'm lhll~' 1'1)\\ ..ll Mo~,r Cn

OrtlccCL 7·3241

". : J" , ... , ,.;",."., ' .. ",'" .,..... ". 4'•..I,..-"',T4"--...-1L.~,tJ..,..(-*",.._e:;,--ro2t·~ .4 '•


• lii, " 1


. .

. ',' ",!-<" \.,

" !,,;.'I.~

. . '~..."

... ','

.... ,

. ; ','

. -" [," .;.,


,.,',' i.',:

erq~·leaItJJ· .A6<Jocta!(o"'···(Formerly 'A1lled EeliUty AssQCiates)

Phone CL 7..3303SALES ~ W. B. Alexanqer - W. S, Atwood.....-=..,.,....-...,....

. .

,- "'..

. ,it i. -' : s , _,.


f/ipJlJ Member )1.1•.8.





.I .


- , .. ',

..... -

."C, ~.



J. HOWARlJ MORRIS REAL ESTATEtel. et't '1-6131 •• ~ '.' "the gI1y' with the buy"

tocated IUlt'b""s' from RUidoSO Prot Ofllce:B1tL P1P:PZN - Broker




APACHE PARKNew nubdlvlSlon In the tIlU pine.!!. In the VUlnge limit! with Ullll·• •

ties available - rostrlcted for your protection - no trnllC'n or rltack!lntlowed. LEASE then", lots for le!iS than Intl?rr!lt paymrnl'l. Long t('rm,leases. tran:;fernble. renewnble or lana wrm In!,talllll('nt contract'J,annUllI paymenls. 6~ olmplo ~lerest.

9 other tJubdlvl!lloll!l to choo!;e from - mme deal.

* * *Cabin tJUM \YUh prnvhlan to kn:'p ralinll h!lr'--!'!,1 NUlcl.-tda_ncre lois In beauUfUl Onvllnn ClIn)"on - 10 minU!C"i from lawn, ForICl1!:e or oole.

De!!-uUful Itnclcnda In the Ruldo,;o VallC'y. with 200 acre:) - 35Irrigated. Terms.

Office spacc for rcnt. Scr us for all Iypes of Real E..'"tIlte

,i ' .. -I

~ ~f

sPllt-Level - :3 bedroom. 1 3/( bath, wLill·to.wall carpet, beliUU·

lut flrepmec, ftln1lshed. aM a mngn{fleent view. This lovelY homo

baS' a covered patio with bUllt-ln hl-tl. double sink and cabinets.

bJde-a-wayrefrlgeratt>r. built_in charcoal broiler. tIlble and chairs.

An ldeat place to entertain and has plenty ot privllcy. Btrr mAT'S

NO'%' ALLI There's lUi eU-electric, 2 bedroom gUest home with fire.

p,lace. wall·to-wall Carpet. nice view. completely furnished-pots.pans, dll;hes-the Whole shootlll· match. WAITr 'i'HERE'S EVEN

MOREI! 'l'here ls a mee l·room WIth 3/4 bath eabin that can be

tiSCd as a maIds quarlcts or extra guest hoUse.•

-We lWldlc t.cnfals by the season or the year-

Market Place of Canyon 8£ YeU~'f".,....BUSJNE$ $ D~CTORY--:",Where to Find ~ In RuidosoI ALLd Classltled ",a-h' mun ~ .Jl&ldt ' I ' . OME OF SOUN'D IWE ' , T'" - PAG THIRTEEN ,n II vance wl~.ll t • UoeP..OIl ,0 H ' Sml\.f1l1l\T n··'d N'tbose rllll by regular d1illll&1 ad. . . .". ' . .",..,V,LJ,;,M,..'f ..l'-&l, OIJO. aws~~~~~~r:i"ll' j~' 6J'~r ~~rdol;",~le~ l A.ll ~. tN1)~lNPJ:NT ~!S'rA1.'JJ; B1l0~ . ".. '. "..~~da~\ A:~?~ ~, ..~963, .... 4

~VJ'~:uWIl'I!~ 876~.r ~~~t t:1 t~O~~ 4rltli1. fm1'llshed$ b~()Qm, QQlngb~, stock \\,l1~. fill:. . , , •tt) advcrtlslq ollst. This rate holds split level ~llln In upper Cun· tu~ fOf ,~¢. aoOd JOMeI on TRADE SPECIALS'~I'uotor ono woek'", I~sertlon aDd you qn two 50.U. deeded lots building. Prtced r~nab '/.,an be multIplied by tlie nUD:\ber ot P"I"ed '0 sell . Very nice one Ioft"""'''m andwecks tbe 114 Is to be ruP. Wh.n .• " . ,. . . . ~ U\f .nl\lIIng In c!a8sltle<l ada P..... OIl' S . 1 I 'ft hi h den or sun porch. NI<:e fire·,'Io~e clleck' ormone)" order or· It . evera ··n Ce cour", weare place. bullt.IUI stove, carpet.,ou IIVll In Ruldoho brIne them bY , offered very rensonnbly. .furnished. has own well. Price.Ibe ottk" betore Tueal!ay atterDOon . NI S bdi lsi 29 1 $9500 teeDch week. ce u. von. arge . • • rms,-- • ' ~ i lots wl\.-'! 3 houses. One house ~ Three bedroom house furnish·

Trades on RUidoso Property' Is rented for $120 Per month to cd. with f1repln<:o.· on theTn Art('~Ifr; EI Pnso. Hobbs. Lns . Sept, 15. Nine of the lots nre river. One of the choicest river

CIUCl'''. Lo\'lntllon. I,ubbock. Mid- 'on Hlgllway 'l0, Water well ~ 10cnUons In' RUidoso. Hnveland, Ode,sn. Roswell. /. wltll wnter piped to mo,t of :II (lthef river cnblns nnd home~* . the lQts. Full price $59.000'::0 nil with terms.

3IlH FIREPL~CE. CLOSE IN. terms. a Very ntce 2' bedroom liouS(!.'J ACRI~S Nl!:XT TO RACE TRACK. ApprolClmntely 5 ncres Oil 00 furnished. on paved street'.. I 1-Uwny 70; Apple orcl1nrd. C1I Ileal' Oolf Course. Priced to

4 ACRES IN CITY LIMITS Inrge Ume bodroom ~lollse sell.... I nnd barn. Price reduced for f') Approxhnntely 3 acres. with

"mw MEXICO RANCHES. FARMS quick sale. 3 nice houses and two trailer• I 1 bedroom. fUl'lllshed, two ~ houses. barn nnd corral. Clost!

RIO COMMERCIAl, LOT ON MAIN deeded lots and some build· n In. with terms.___.--------------...,..:...-----"----------------------------.----- ROM) IN UATEWA\". lIIg material. Price. $5.900. :' 3 b d bl It t('rIllS, . e room ca n. n upper

• . cal1)·on. completely fUl'Illshed.ABOOT 10 ACR.ES nnd 1400 FEET Two bedroom. 1 314 bath. a/ld h\l'ge dl'eded lot Prlcl'd

ON RlVER EAST OF RACE I garage. WIUl SUn porch over· at $7500 "TRACK. MODERN ilOME looklnl& Ihc' rIver. Terms, .' .

.. . Two' :I. bedro&m IUl'Illsht'd One .ot the nicest lodges In5,.0 FEET AND 8 AORES ON MAIN Cablns and one unfinished Ruidoso offerecl for snle.

ROAD AND RIVER Cabin 011 2' dcedt'd lot'l. ClOSt' I OIflc", spuce tor rent."" In. ovm well Cnll btl bought Hlwe /SClveraJ bou.'ICiI to

HOME. 300·1'''1'. ON RIVIUR E'l')l:u'ntt'ly 'I't,\,1115 rent.

*m'ATroN I.FoAl'lF: & mOIlWAY PAUL H. DOUGLASS REAL ESTATEI;'HONTAOE .BUll• .Pl.IODll 01.- 7.:1000 Relllclonce-PI1Ol1«l OJ., ,.:HlIO

*AOUA PIUA LOT. $2500 In poa1omc~-. . ~ox J!H* . Al Sllllct~ OL 7./i150. • .... Thorn.. D. Jasper. CL'1-62013 Hn. :1 DATIl. GOLF COUrtSE..

CII01CE 1.01'S. 10': DOWN

*:W ACItF.S NF:AH mWAY. $8,000•

:' 1m, SMAl.L DOWN. $50 MO.




w.HOME. 120·FT.• ON RIVER..



H1\'lm. 11 ACRES Fon SUDDI·'vr:'ION .

.*~~10 FT ON mVER. Ul'PER


*3 UR. FtmNISlIEU. 0000 TERMS


~-AII JffifII!Jlf''''""--r.1'mtr._J-':"..~··..·-=-=-=-==1='=1'='=,"=I)=If~===:.l--~-I.:;:2-......,:~L-t-y·Uvt>S to cut all1S!l. 1U1ea Downen on •• l. -Sudderth Drive next to Chamber of Ortle. - CL ,.!IStCommerce. Phone CL '1-4591. 3·111p 4-Bpdl'Oom IIow;(' CY LELAND, SR., l'teattor

I•11 At·t('si.'l ev Leland. Jr., Assoclattl DrokerSalcorJ Mlllnle Little,

Canll('!l AlIC'n. Ethel Black

""""""'~-.•~ ........=- ~'-=.;;. ...:!'"',',

FOR BALE-OGlJ 4·wheel drive Jcep.cab forward. Wl1rn hub:t. cood con·dltlon. Phone CL 7-4441. 8-2Ip. =:::::-.---====::-::---

RUIDOSO REALTY CO., Inc. (1933) -FO-R-RE-N~T---Dcdr-oo-m-an-d:-:ho-U!:e-~....n: ron BALE· ,Or 'would c;~i,;ngl' forDuslnl's!! Ph. OL 7·2085 - HOlne Ph. OL 7·2080 kCt!]ltDg UDItn. Dy the month. Oarden-- PfOptorty ot equal vntue In RUldo!:O,

Emadair Chase Jones, Bates side Motet. OL 7-«9L 48-tfC. A 3-bl'droom home In North RIchland

::========================~ ltil1!l. Ft Worth. with range cover In.r • •• Fon ONLY flO .. month 70U en SUllied. pll'Illy of closets. on 6Ox24D-~~~.d'~ t~&ltQl0::U~ = foot lot; c:hnln link fence arounddren'. :J'Undo IDe.. Cb1D& BldJr. house, corrnt type fence nround re.RlehDIondo VL. or 8&,.. the 01111. malnder; nsbc:;too siding. plenty ofdrell :l'OUDdallo1l" lao. Dos 111, oak trees. J. lL MCCaUll!Y, MA ....9550.NO~~_ ConL h. W n Worth. TelC., or M1'9. Harry Eck.

ert. OL 7-5OlU1, RUldo:;o. Uen.MEMORIAL OIFT _~ .- __ __"At The Time of Death of a Lcwed FOR SALE -- 10;)2 Smdeb:lkef. 4­

One. Give a Constructive Gift of door. mlJ~OT good oonililton. ttres lltldLasting Value. Make n DonaUnn to tnk'rtor [,'OOd shape. Cnsh la1k:l. CL7,the near!. Fund. CiO Mm. li'rcd Gino. '7-3!C. CuSTOM P' f Ing 100Torrez, Box 25. Honrlo. N, 1.1.. Lin. - ., - e~ 1d' ,cturr

kMlom • over

coin OOun1y Memorlnl Olfts Chalr. NL"W l1F.sIDENT-W.'.hf>ll ('mplO)'- mOll In:I''l In ~toc. ae day servlct'man. 't..Ie. menlo 2 yearfl coltegr. 4 yeaN of. U-NAMIT snop. old }lOOt offlcr

, fI('(' rJqWTIMlCP. 3 ~'C'af) df(\f!1n;;:. building. Phone CL '1-3100. 7-t1c-Sctsso---RS--.-Sh-e-arn--a-n-d--~kn-tl-\.e3- 3 ~'C'~r~ l'lerlCul 1'.11" •. RUby Hard· F"OR BAI.E _ 8x4'1 Mobile homeshnrpened. U.NAMIT SHOP•. old in;:. Do';! 41. RUldlY,o. l)~. JlarkciJ acro::;,q from Ice hotl5C. EMYpost oUicc bullding. oIle my &etVlce, IN BI'~AUTIFUL ALTA VlSTA~A lerms. ll-21p.

, . 8-UC; group d rfllt."lJ cabin. fncln:t p:1\'t"- ':Et:::-::.E:-::c:~I-'R-I-C-\"-O-.y-O-;EI_-.-A-t-the--A-rt.:..l.FOR SALE-Dlnck and white smnl1 m;nt War:.f~~.B~r('u. R{',,::.I!tlT. f)·lIc san Shop O:unf."q. hobbles. craft:J.check all ...:oot soIt. Jacket tined ANTIQUE SPINNING. W1Ui:EL $3,;, !itt suppH('~. The ArtIsan·s Shop Inwith red, size 10. prIce $10-00; 0.100 Spool C,lb:nM Sl!J50 W!llrun Whet>l. Adllb<' Plaza 9,ltc.oU white pure s1Ik !V:a-plece SUIt, $3.50. IWund Oak TablC'. SW OIl nar· .....,' '••'size 10. price, $10, Both suJts In per. barn lIUlltl'P-"(, Ant.quM. 2100 Sud· -,,--------------­feet condlUon lUld may be seen at d(!r!h Drl....p. Pnon(l CL 7·2830 g'He. Ask Any RUIdoso Realtor AboutNews office. 'FOR SALE-OnC good s~ddte h~rse: :FOR SALE BY OWNER-Largel'J1qtllre nt Shamrock Station _ U CllbIM• very ntce o.nd completely

V> , furnished In Midway nnd Uppererr: 'l~._. __..__ ----2"7. ~tf:: ClUlYon. Phone bL 'l·2!lGO. 5I·lfc,F'1XIT aHOP-We fix 'mo,,"1. nny. MIKE~SWELOrNG8iRV1Cs:-'~:•thtng. t1·NAMlT SHOP, Phone or. 7· pairs of nll typC'l';. tJOl'tablC' eqUIP. --:-----------~l~. Old post oft~ce b~ldlng: '1:t1Cl,: ment. garage n!ld mO!or work, ncr.'=====:-===========::======================.=============1SPINET PlANO <New) _ Located 1l1to CItY. Phone EL 4·2G25 ICnpl.1"'

. in yotii' vienttf, WI11 sacrifice to fun eXlthange). 9-4tp.party able to -assume $21.50 monthly. .. I ~ tile'" .",-e' *"~au-:'~:·' :7"~,. ·,tl:;;:'-~ ':i"~;;F';";"

Write Chanher Music 00" Sterling.Colo. g..Itp,

i<x>RSALE-EllectriC range, Laurt.dromat Wnsber, other oddg nnd ends. --''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-_''''''''''''-Log slab hOuse wl!$t of go11'coUise •.near 6th hOle. on Lower 'I'etrMe A C KELL'Y'firlve, 9·2tp.· •

,. ,. LICENSED OONTRACn'ORFoR SALE-$66 Stantey'miter ~" nooB: at~ \"lORK:and saw. bl11f price. Dan arlttlth, Ph0D6 OL '1-41M,. RtlJdoso. N. IL~dobe Plaza. .; Mte. P. O. Box 11'1. B'oUnroocL N. II.'J!WO BEDROOM Ii'umlsbedhouse ,. , .

",.' .. ,' ' ...... '.,' ,", "" "i{Oo£~i'tl;;'I~Ubn~" 'il~~ ~:a~~.~~ ~~ ~J1~~~ ~""'cHfLijCARE "i Aak' Any Rlitd06Q matfOr About . f::etJY~i:'~el~~urt. ~tw~: ~~1~:U:~' '1~M~~ LICENSED NURSERY

.. , .SunVetllev ._' ... ':roX, ·~iJldcl~.·~~~; ~~oY:.: cof~I,~J~b,_~ert'~mo~i RUiIZ.~~~~~~~ND~.' .~ ""'" '.'S··".'==:.i 1---- modem. deeded lot, 1$ nlcert 1Ocit.- .D'" .. - .-U><:' n"... .' '" .."

.. ,,~WU\l~"'" ell Terms. Watn!Ji ~rrett. tteattot. hind•.OIle With tilClC. t991'6~ another, CL 7..6572': '.' '(. .' . '. . ,S/-lte, WlthOtitIOCk, onb'$lI6 flO. ,,1M R.OL .. : ',M "",' ., '"',q,, ... ," y', . ' . H'" N. "o(..(1tawer ,metal filing cablne,t./l'~'ER·1lARGAIN' ..... Orilf St.l'1d:M'.1m tlOT:I'AGE "",,,':f'o;r !IIlle mlel~!l" s~: ...!8l·f0'11 :,nd"'p.!.-di'aWeT _ ',.. ...•.lOl4f.,~ s~, ~ . lI-ltc. MOdern, .' t'urtrl!l1hed.' Deeded Jot: '. e... • . ..,•...,•. 8 Z.,. '~.. '-"."" '111ltl/t .:':.lJl'Wt: fSttl.ke.,', , ,.. ; ....•.., ,. ;_~ t+ .nelt·... nI....cabInet.m.15. all PrlCel 1nClt.\l:ki. iI'1l'r14ettlll. 1'l!Uremeni .,..--:'~'",,:'~."·0"',,:,,. ... ,. ... '.. ... . .' 'OJ. .P'U+'" '''t ..0.. .. ..... tAlC, 'rh~ News, • 3-tfOO, hOrrita .... tfuiY' c""t.~

1II,1lW~~!e:=..·~Jn~ron;·sAi.~~i~·l'~tdMt 1l.1:B .NEW...Bcokh..~ .... "". i • "l' ';".". . lltUe Al:Kt to'1ijl ."' .......~.... _ ..-.........~=...n .........!..... od_ ~e'- l.......L dell\il -1O·Ubj 'i.f......;t~ ~fI" dOMd· .1l1llck. seo· out lJIC"I.'~ 1l.~._..,.C ..,,,.. """'''''''' v,"~J .....- ~•. c." unltY CI . ev=". i ce............._'_~ * d." '.r . 9"1&CJ.. Eel4t,ef. OL q4I38, . 8-2td. ~,NQ'W ~ tJ;li If.tft.~ , .... ....







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4 Roll Pkg.39c.- - t



,tr _",

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Quart ., ••• ., .. .,:t .

J.2 Can •••• to , ., .




8 0%. Can f ..


~o~:":~ i • • : •••• 35c

. 39<:'Reg .. SIx. .." .


16 Oz. Jar •••••••••••••••••••••••• 29<:







.....-:, :' "

BLACKEYE'PEAS ~~~~~.... 15~

DRIVE·IN GROCERY. . . ---~"'~~.,

··Open 710 11~·365.DaysAY~i =~~CrushedI~ *Sar~U&' '* HoI~ 'N. ()De J>cinlUB. ,

.• No.8\ '::~Comer Sudderth &Mechem)jr~

".' ~o.lZ"$HitYhway 70mHQn~ood~N ..M•.. -" ~. ~. ."...'.

, ...' ~ - - ' " "', ,',

,.,..p:r ·0_


CA'NNED MILK' PCI or Carnallon 2 33c- Tall Can " • , • . • .. • .. For '

KOUNTY KIST CORN ~~~~' 2 For 29<:

DIAMONDTOMATOES ~~3" ...... 2 For27c


WAFFLE SYRUP'Khnbell's -- . 39c. 24 Oz. Jar .,,,. .



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r'~' ,·d' .' .. . .


If~ DOGFOOD T~~~tlvr..: .....•••.........•.• 2 Lb. Box 39c

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USDA WholeFresh DressedPound •••

- . -', . - , . .'~"'>'- - _;;t'( T(f "t i&--r ¥h!;;-;:"..:.".':' ::,~::;:;:::-,,~, ;~_i.oL~~~~i~: ..UWIi' ::75f:'/··e,;';•. '~ i:$-a-' .• ' ,;,;,~.l' 'r 'irl/ji' .'.1'", .a ibh(¥' .bdt,.,. , t! r~n''fl;;i4i'" f·t~, lI.i· -- ,~' ~"'1 ---,,1.' t';""" ......~ :'-'_'~'''~.·'L_".:_ ,I. ,";'..:-.-' . " ;

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46 OZ. CAN "

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21!2 CAN, EACH • • • •

EAR LONNIE'S-5j- ····OWN- .


LB. l'

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LB. 10¢lB. 2~¢

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2LBS. 19¢



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