I Not. In 'eta, MflL S CUlll Iohrichla/PofP/MDS/1915-09-20.pdf · nue west'lth s olty. She say. he...

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Transcript of I Not. In 'eta, MflL S CUlll Iohrichla/PofP/MDS/1915-09-20.pdf · nue west'lth s olty. She say. he...


·'1 l zo/l'llS"Urrlllll\Ld Oft"1 dU~IIL~~ :tn V1Jla,;e Ullota Not. c7 aD;Q .~ In tllll-l 'eta, featuring AllIIA J

~I' I 110h The a4mtnl8tratr1x aaked . be , l

~; MflL S"", KS CUlll TED Ipe~tted to lIell this real eatate tree 0tIl.. E%clellent Pit1\ KlI I; I tram the dower of the widow. The~Ing , 1 I I .,' ,

, In ':' :' ' .. lplalnWf illl represented. y AttomllYll.. . I, i Hu n &: Marquis.

lach WASHINGTONUY8 ,~S8 i \ ,'" , . ,/. .~F,HOLIDAYS 1IIE~ ".leKS. ,I ~ge Ilcenses ha~veb.en ',;raut-

'- ' OUGHT ~~s ~r .. 'fed In prpbate court to th f~llowtg,;.r FO . 1 I" .rpersonll: i Cyril L. chard and~. '. , "*" 1 ,Jennie jill. Lemle , both' of Butler·I~'..,j";' _

M·S' tI·. fRev. Wees was osen to unite. the The Arr1s Ia o1rerlnl f,Tlle "postomce authort· es • " 1two In' marrl Charlea A. Arm- 011 Sunday and. Monday

ii1gton had notffied thel poatml, tbruster of llance; and Frances n It aong wrttera, Balliof the United Statea "that a,lt ,Hoover of . natleld. Rev. O. E. Har- . d Harry Carroll, the

SON malt aacks whicll are ~y1.ng' u Iria '!.aa :chosen ..:a o~te~ . pearing In a picturiz&lIJ. snd .are not neceesary tr ·the gul r i . h'. great aonp; aueCllSS, "1;'1r mall at the postofilce s!Jiould sen, prb urt an Inquest 0 . ry MarY." The plcturl,>. ,to the mailbag deposltfrl, 1at on !lunsey: ~as. een held and the cou, c p&n1ed wlt-h thesolc,... , so as to be In readiness ifo tfe co • !dec1d.ed t George TheIs, who. has eel brated yonnp; bllrtf

lng hoUday season.' I'1~" fa reald ce In Madison township, I mo Griswold. ThIll j

3hlp, One of the heaviest.l-: s 1 e 'a 'tlt person for !he Toledo State hos ve l&test in, moVinlr..~l. Iat ~seasc>n wlll be cau<ied:D t¥e Ille/ld ng iPltsl. Sheriff Hartenfels wlll conv~ meet1Jir with ,;reat It\l

the out of· catalogs near hOl~ltaf ihlm ~ tf&t }nstitution, the Keith oircuit 6f theBe- varIous· catalog an "malt rder i • ~ . feature pllotoplays" wll

in houses. The post01ll o1lic1als be- I Newsp~per llIa,Ji .Recommends It. thep~am on each ofIpled Ueve 1p. behig prepar ~ ~Im, I ad-.•. R. R. Wentworth of the St. James, ~j ".'

com- vance. These surpl ij +aqrs,1 s veral I(Mo,) Ne1ws, writes:. "Two months , "The E '. itlon's FlJhun~red thou an In I n~m1:ier Bire [aio I toojl: a severe cold whIch s"ttled a western toplay, pr

oom, scattered over e -cou tq. 1 . J ~n' my lungs and' ~ had' such paIns In Famous' iller BrOIl.' 10pian " " !my lUnKS I feared pneumpnia. I p;ot pan)' In true westernCart ' ia bottle cit Foley's Honey and Tar and acts, stsrrlpg Duke R. I

arge,lwllIEWS' OF THE Cl

O·U'R' S' i ~a:tr:~~;'::~dm~t llro ~e:~~;::':ln~ ~~e:~:~,a\b~r~:t~~ssan11 !Cough and lung medicine. -Many. horsewoman of the ~N b ' , I I '.' E', othA¥,swrtte th.is rellable. n\edlclne ,

e " ~ thousand people are Inwas l Icnred their children of croup. Hay .inual I ~ lfeTer and asthma sufferers· say' It· diana, c~wboys and c

In the probate cou la. pet tl n 'to lIves ulck action. Will M. Bartin, opening soenes were ts:neys. Bell 'real estate has, bfen 1 e by I~ toq .Advt. pOSition: groundeand,verJt Emnia A. Noss, adml~ls~ratrb\ f the L gen -, the greatest of. '.all p:)~i~~ estate or Samuel 1Il./ Nosa, d~fS~d~i I pro~uce4 liy th1~ big c159- The' heirs, together 'fltb their i\(e I' . EXHIBITION GAME

or husbands are male the lIo lnal!.,. "Cha.rley," Van' LolLId:e~ defendants. It is ay'erred nia t;he!." ~." pal' anc! brain chlld, ..This heir~ of the deceall~d a~e <r.rp1~e8 It' Baseball Sunday . a~rIlqcin at the Into ~iJ !i1ovles,' The'heu- Mc*,UghUn, Ra,ns0rIlj, NOSll,! Idr~~ Itai~gro~lndS, ~cllpse vs..Barnes. Ad· Company recently a)llen W.1\lt~, Grover N:oss'.~~ Lena; .~., !ml~slon ~5 cents,"" . 17·18, conipl~i.lon of a.rrBIIgerrugs.. Btl e. The WldOW'I·E~ma.A. No H; '.,. I' .' , a'settes of three-reel

also . 'bas a d.ower ntere~t. ,e I The m.ember~ of the 'r1aeOnlc fra- titled "Buck Parv1n&namo nt of debtsr&.r~ calmed! 0 ,~e'I'ternlty, who desire to :attep,d the llpll- and based on Van Loo

Iver-' $3,2 2, and. the, ~oStS. . ad1Ij11str,a- ela;! Bob Jones fraternity, J,ll'eellng. p~ rles of 'that' title, wllloney tlon wlll amoun.t tol $~OO addl onat iMonday e.venin:s-. Sept. 20"jwI!l m.ee.:: the MustangFllm (

The deceased dIed s ze~, It Id . aIm- 'at !be f'!ystlc club ,troom'll at 6:4" Mustang company Is th

=;~;~~I;;~;;;~~·~tl~'~;'~'~'~9'~ 'o'clock p. m. 9n that, date and go to company formed In c<

: , INCIflRPO'RA IE I., !the ta1)etl~acI~11.n a body.. :::~~ii~':I;a:C::lI:~TO BE iU.·· I !1 i : ~\ ,. worth oi ~lm flilr the :tf10mb$age T~a., 1)' . (,Tl1le BJardman,' nQv

'I' TT. E:>alem's "~yster1es ofi T..It" •...~ '7'.' t1~ t rr .,;, .....111'..n .... th .. tit

, I~"-------", C.J

mal wal ot .,«00 tOntI, aDdlid by the NlI.tlon8J, Steamshipon Co, She p1llld between

,and .t'JRci&Il porte.. .. '

New ior~, Sel1t, 20,-TheAthlna;!, '

left New York last Thursday tor· l'1- 'raeus, 'Greece, carrying- few paasen~,cera, a lar&. general carl!lO.and manb&ItI of mail. AocOrdlng -to her sched

Ie the Tusoania, Which is reportedh' rescued many pas8engera would :ha been due In 'New York tod~, butowtn to del~,'applU'enUy caueecI: bythe ~ e OD board the Athlna.l, Ilhe WILIl 'not ,e d to arrive befOretomor-nnr, .

fteW'aII 0NanAm81'i


U, Sept. 20,-Rec-


~r!~fJ·nt\I ..ept. 20,-It was learn-~r. IDumba. the'Austro­,assador; whose recall

:::~~~~~a:~~X;;t~:~8 from tli1s port Tues-28:' ' "


lwo weekJ5 and who hM nouncemen~ to becOme put1e. to, th$50..000 ~or libel by the BYIidlcate m! undeMr1'iters., 'ld In an in~l'View' henanatally, ha.d nerr,ed .1.,..___~------l1e" task ot making a' fl [[Sb.il'! congl'egation. The'ell, filled aJ!.d all listen· ' ,greatest interest.' Dr.t :lIay oue 'word

rued Into meaning t my RC[ SU'I1reslp !lie pastorate. n I" ,

D~. Hime llalt1: 'h..ve been the een rand the' calm; alt -, ',j'

praise "llDl!blame., II B-- lI'VDme -- 0 8 ......mttng, and leoturinlf. -... , Il.lVm , ,AIW,"toi $te the am011ll t pn'Gl'Ounds of Ex.'

:s:U:~~~w::'d"<;~, fI: Oruelty~ FERENDUM ANNOUNCED"~,e~:jnX:yth:e:pa:~1b~~. EOa ~P1l~ ~brookhaall1e4 her 'ONM'DfRMOU LAWno~gh to paY,all and petiflon In. the probate court &I~ ;'anew, perhaplli not' in a divorce, ~OlDOharleti iii.'Ashbrook, "Y : ",-

Il-vel'haboldut , 'cftn°nCIUded._ farmer '~ ot thlll,city, W.,S. By A1I8l>OlaU4 Pr.... J]~r ,s ou ~ \. -!l s, "err ia the e's attorney; , " _ ColnmbulI;'Sept. 20.-otftatal' an- J0V\'(Jl calling., It III 8fti' ed that the Aahbroolal nounoement'W&1l made by the'secre.- l, Dr. HilUs will ynount were marI'I d, on JUlle 18, 1890" anti taryOr staJte;today that there would I


O,OO? How much, that ,Illmlll ~ Ildren were born to,them, be 8 reflllrendnm on the McDermott ,he., nor his counsel-' ~th8l'j !IT ml, Mary, ,Carol,lD.e. liquor license law at the November, I

fIinrlchll---wiH say. He, Charles, J'l'., EUa Jane aIld Jack. Theetect1on. ~enllmber cit valid Sl~~ ie last 10 yearll seen' Bulngwife ~B she has at all times tttres OIl tIle rete~ndum III moret10 ;POUI' til and Gut of been a taith rand dutittll' wite. Her 36,000, abot1~ ;lfi,OOO more than 8nouSb (irlses~'that he believed: hUBband, ah clallD8, has lieu. pilti to blllUr8 a r,eterendllJlL About 6,000 11m la wealthy man, bill: ot extreme uelty aIle\ aboat MaT 10! tD.Ta11d elPl.~9S were ~rown ou't., !

oT~r; buryinl> him be- 1916. des~, her and rert1lled to'8tlp" " Ickage: I ' . port 'the ~r pay 'the rent ot thelr~ (

s ~1l1Ilig hiB sll1endid home. Sh,eye, that lIi1l0,,e thJB refullal ' WILL1S, P,ARD,ON8'NE,GR,'O@roe: plaee, and startillC. Ilhe herself hall suppOPted the chU- , 1

mqdest !lOUII~ or In, a eiren, Who 11 e with her a~d have no i' 1

~d 'apartmellt. ,means of IU ~. , , B7 Assoolat.c1 Preu.I ,The defu. ant o~ a creat UIlOUDt Columbu, sept. aO.-"Governor WIl. tI _ , of 'propertj, Mr•. AshbroOk llQlI, be-UII tod~' _ted an Emancipation ~

S'IIL8 SE'PT 28' Ilidell an',lnt rest In the reat4ance'at Day pardon ~ Arthur Ginn, colored, t" • the cornlf a Bowman and Park ave- colpred. ~Ife, prlllonet sentenced rtom'cJ

nue west'l th s olty. She say. he owns perry «nmty iill 1909 tor murder, i'a ,drUc IItorand' other bus1D.eu fJl ' - "tFtndlayand as owing to him the lIum! I,or .~,OoO:I' e aillo' Is l'!aid 'to' Olt1l FAULLYHURT IN AUTO WRECK 0$1,600ot th stock of the Security , ' DSa-nn..6l: Ilt: Co. " " ,I ' ' ,

She allb for permanent alimony, Upper SanduskY, Sept,.20.-John" , th ' Boucher, employe ot the Standard, 011 I

rea:sonab~e ~11mony pendm. e ac- Coin~..... wasI fatally In.u 'to',ofty, DUon and ~ fujunction which wtil,pre- .,-, I, pvent Ashtr k rrom disposing ot his When the 'au~moblle he was, d'rl:v\ngproperty. tu;rned tu,rtle ~d p'lunged; oyer an em- a

bankment. I. -, , ci tJ

New! SUIte In CMaL ~Panama. s4pt. 20.-A. lIerIous sJide' :,

In the canal loccurred north or Gold ;.