Post on 17-Apr-2018

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Transcript of ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ ºÉ®úEòÉ® ú/ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA...





Ê´ÉYÉÉÉxÉ ºÉÆ. ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ/ÉÒ/Ê´ÉYÉÉÉxÉ/45/2012 ÊnùxÉÉÆEò 11.05.2012 ADVT NO. VSSC/P/ADVT/45/2012 DATED 11.05.2012

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For & on behalf of the President of India, the Head Purchase & Stores, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram invites Sealed Tenders for the following :-

Gò¨É ºÉÆ.







1. 9301-2011-8240

OÉÒxɽþÉ=ºÉ MÉèºÉ ʴɶ±Éä¹ÉEò Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Greenhouse Gas Analyzer. Specification as per Annexure.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

2. 3514-2011-8294

|ÉÉäOÉɨÉ-ªÉÉäMªÉ vÉÉ®É ºÉÆnù VÉÊxÉjÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Programmable Current Pulse Generator. Specification as per Annexure.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

3. 4035-2011-8737

ºÉÒ ¤Ééb÷ ÉÉ´É®ú |É´ÉvÉÇEò Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* C Band Power Amplifier Specification as per Annexure

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

4. 4223-2011-8758

¤ÉÉÁ ´ÉɺiÉÊ´ÉEò EòÉ±É 6b÷Ò |ÉÉlÉ ÊxÉ´Éä¶É IɨÉiÉÉ ½äþiÉÖ ºÉÖÊ´ÉvÉÉ Eäò ºÉÉlÉ 12 SÉèxÉ±É VÉÒÉÒBºÉ +xÉÖEòÉ®úEò* Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* 12 channel GPS Simulator with feature for External Real Time 6D trajectory input capability. Specification as per Annexure.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

5. 4013-2011-8764

EåòpùÒEÞòiÉ Bx]õÒ´ÉÉ<®úºÉ B) BÎbÂ÷ ÉÊxɺ]Åäõ¶ÉxÉ EòxºÉÉì±É ºÉÉä]õ´ÉäªÉ®ú B´ÉÆ ºÉ¨ÉlÉÇxÉ Eäò ºÉÉlÉ xÉä]õ´ÉEÇò ºÉä VÉÖcä÷ =ɪÉÉäHòÉ+Éå Eäò ʱÉB BÆb÷ ÉÉä<Æ]õ ºÉÖ®úIÉÉ ±ÉÉ<ºÉåºÉ ¤ÉÒ) BEò±É =ɪÉÉäHòÉ+Éå Eäò ʱÉB BÆb÷ÉÉä<Æ]õ ºÉÖ®úIÉÉ ±ÉÉ<ºÉåºÉ ¤ªÉÉè®äú +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Centralised Antivirus

a) End point security licence for networked users with administration console software and support

b) Endpoint security licence for standalone users Details as per Annexure

1750 ºÉÆ. / Nos.

100 ºÉÆ. / Nos.

` 225/-

6. 3515-2012-0496

´ÉGò +xÉÖ®äúJÉEò Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Curve Tracer Specification as per Annexure

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

7. 6563-2012-0026

ÊSÉjÉÉå Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú ÉÒBºÉ+ÉäB¨É-BCºÉB±É ½þÉxÉæºÉ BºÉ失ÉÒ Eäò ºÉÆÊ´É®úSÉxÉ iÉlÉÉ +ÉÉÚÌiÉ +ÉÉÚÌiÉ +Éè®ú MÉÖhÉiÉÉ EòÒ ¶ÉiÉç +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò I iÉlÉÉ II Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú Fabrication & supply of PS0M-XL Harness assembly as per Drawings. Supply conditions and quality clauses as per Annexure I & II.


ºÉä]õ/Sets ` 225/-

8. 6593-2012-0145

>ð¹¨ÉÉ +ʦɴÉɽþ iÉlÉÉ nùÉ¤É +ƶÉÉÆEòxÉ ¨ÉÉìb÷±É Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Heat Flux & Pressure calibration models. Specification & Drawings as per Annexure.


±ÉÉì]õ/Lot ` 225/-

9. 6545-2012-0283

Ê´ÉtÖiÉMÉÊiÉEò EÆòÉxÉ |ÉEÆòÊÉjÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Electrodynamic Vibration Shaker Specification as per Annexure

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

10. 6541-2012-0427

|É´ÉiÉÇEò iÉlÉÉ ÊxɪÉÆjÉhÉÉå ºÉʽþiÉ =SSÉ iÉÉɨÉÉxÉ ´Éɱ´É EòÒ +ÉÉÚÌiÉ, ºÉƺlÉÉÉxÉ B´ÉÆ =ºÉä SÉɱÉÚ Eò®úxÉÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Supply, installation and commissioning of High Temperature valve with actuator and controls. Specification as per Annexure.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

11. 6526-2012-0510

iÉÉɨÉÉxÉ iÉlÉÉ +ÉpÇùiÉÉ ÊxɪÉÆjÉhÉ Eäò ºÉÉlÉ BEò SÉGòhÉäiÉ®ú EòIÉ EòÒ +ÉÉÚÌiÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Supply of one off CYCLING CHAMBER with temperature and humidity control Specification as per Annexure

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

12. 6083-2012-0100

b÷É=xɺ]ÅõÉäËEòMÉ 1000 ]õxÉ pù´ÉSÉÉʱÉiÉ ¡òÉäVÉÇxÉ nùɤÉEò EòÒ +ʦÉEò±ÉxÉÉ, |ÉÉÎiÉ, +ÉÉÚÌiÉ, =ÊzɨÉÉÇhÉ, ºÉƺlÉÉÉxÉ, =ºÉä SÉɱÉÚ Eò®úxÉÉ iÉlÉÉ ÊxɹÉÉnùxÉ |Énù¶ÉÇxÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò- I iÉlÉÉ +É®äúJÉ ÉÊ®úʶɹ]õ-I, II (B), II (¤ÉÒ), II (ºÉÒ) +Éè®ú III Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Design, Realization, Supply, Erection, Installation, Commissioning and Performance Demonstration of downstroking 1000Ton Hydraulic Forging Press Specification as per Annexure-I & Drawings as per Appendix-I, II(a), II(b), II(c) and III.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

13. 6087-2012-0326

ʨÉÊxÉ ½þÉä]õ |ÉäºÉ EòÒ +ʦÉEò±ÉxÉÉ, ºÉÆÊ´É®úSÉxÉ, ºÉƺlÉÉÉxÉ +Éè®ú =ºÉä SÉɱÉÚ Eò®úxÉÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò-1 Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Designing, Fabrication, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Mini Hot Press. Specification as per Annexure-1

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

14. 8504-2011-9472

=SSÉ ÉÊ®ú¶ÉÖrùiÉÉ ºÉÒBxɺÉÒ ´Éɪɮú Eò]õ ´ÉètÖiÉ Ê´ÉºÉVÉÇxÉ ¨É¶ÉÒxÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò-1 Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* Supply, Installation and training of High Precision CNC Wire cut Electric Discharge Machine. Specifications as per Annexure-1.

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

15. 8311-2012-0114

+É®úB¡ò-b÷ÒºÉÒ ¨ÉèMxÉä]ÅõÉìxÉ EòhÉIÉäÉhÉ |ÉhÉɱÉÒ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É +xÉÖ±ÉMxÉEò Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú* RF-DC Magnetron Sputtering System Specification as per Annexure

1 ºÉÆ./No. ` 225/-

Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 iÉlÉÉ 15 nùÉä ¦ÉÉMÉ´ÉɱÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ-¨ÉɨɱÉä ½éþ* ¦ÉÉMÉ – 1 (iÉEòxÉÒEòÒ iÉlÉÉ ´ÉÉÊhÉÎVªÉE) iÉlÉÉ ¦ÉÉMÉ – 2 (¨ÉÚ±ªÉ ¤ÉÉä±ÉÒ)

Sl. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 are TWO-PART TENDER cases. Part-1 [Technical & Commercial] & Part-2 [Price Bid]

ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¡òÉì ÉÇ VÉÉ®úÒ Eò®úxÉä EòÒ +ÆÊiÉ¨É ÊiÉÊlÉ Last Date for issue of Tender Forms

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 & 15)

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 & 11)

11/06/2012 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16.00 Hrs.

12/06/2012 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16.00 Hrs. ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ º´ÉÒEÞòÊiÉ EòÒ ÊxɪÉiÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ Due Date for Receipt of Tender

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 & 15)

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 & 11)

12/06/2012 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16.00 Hrs.

13/06/2012 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16.00 Hrs.

ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ JÉÉä±ÉxÉä EòÒ ÊiÉÊlÉ / Tender Opening Date

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 & 15)

(Gò¨É ºÉÆ./against Sl. No. 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 & 11)

13/06/2012 10.00 ¤ÉVÉä/at 10.00 Hrs.

14/06/2012 10.00 ¤ÉVÉä/at 10.00 Hrs.

<ºÉ®úÉä ´Éä¤É ºÉÉ<]õ www.isro.gov.in / ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ ´Éä¤É ºÉÉ<]õ www.vssc.gov.in ¨Éå ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉ =ɱɤvÉ ½éþ* <SUÖôEò ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòÉ®ú <xÉ ´Éä¤É ºÉÉ<]õÉåõ ºÉä +ÉxÉÒ <SUôÉ Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉÉå EòÉä b÷É=xɱÉÉäb÷ Eò®åú +Éè®ú ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ +ÊvɺÉÚSÉxÉÉ ¨Éå ÊnùB MÉB Ê´É´É®úhÉÉå Eäò +xÉÖºÉÉ®ú +ÉxÉä |ɺiÉÉ´ÉÉå EòÉä ÊxÉvÉÉÇÊ®úiÉ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ±ÉÉMÉiÉ Eäò ºÉÉlÉ (®äúÊJÉiÉ Êb÷¨ÉÉÆb÷ bÅ÷É]õ Eäò °üÉ ¨Éå) |ɺiÉÖiÉ Eò®åú*

Tender documents are available on ISRO web site www.isro.gov.in / VSSC web site www.vssc.gov.in Interested tenderers may, at their option download the tender documents from the web sites and submit their offers along with the prescribed tender cost [in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT] as per details given in the tender notification.


(+É®ú ÉnÂù ÉEÖò¨ÉÉ®ú/R Padmakumar)

´ÉÊ®ú¹`ö GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É® +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒú, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ/Senior Purchase & Stores Officer, VSSC

xÉÉä]õ/Note :

1. ºÉɨÉOÉÒ Eäò ºÉÆÉÚhÉÇ ¤ªÉÉè®äú iÉlÉÉ Ê´ÉÊxÉnæù¶É B´ÉÆ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ |ɺiÉÖiÉ Eò®úxÉä Eäò ºÉƤÉÆvÉ ¨Éå ÉɱÉxÉ ÊEòB VÉÉxÉä Eäò ºÉɨÉÉxªÉ +xÉÖnäù¶É ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉÉå ¨Éå ÊnùB MÉB ½éþ*

Full details and specifications of the items and general instructions to be followed regarding submission of tenders are indicated in the tender documents.

2. +xÉÖ®úÉävÉ É®ú +Éè®ú ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¶ÉÖ±Eò näùEò®ú ÊxɨxÉʱÉÊJÉiÉ ÉiÉä ºÉä ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉ |ÉÉiÉ ÊEòB VÉÉ ºÉEòiÉä ½éþ* Tender Documents can also be obtained from the following address on request and submission of tender fee :

Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 iÉlÉÉ 6 Eäò ʱÉB: ´ÉÊ®ú. GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, GòªÉ ªÉÚÊxÉ]õ- II, B´ÉÒBxÉ GòªÉ, B]õÒB¡ò IÉäjÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ, <ºÉ®úÉä, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É – 695 022 ¡òÉäxÉ : 0471-2565141 For Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-II, AVN Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 0471-2565141.

Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 7, 8, 9, 10 iÉlÉÉ 11 Eäò ʱÉB: ´ÉÊ®ú. GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, GòªÉ ªÉÚÊxÉ]õ- III, ÉÒ+É®úBºÉ+Éä GòªÉ, +É®úB¡òB¡ò IÉäjÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ, <ºÉ®úÉä, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú É – 695 022 ¡òÉäxÉ : 0471-2563775 For Sl. No. 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-III, PRSO Purchase, RFF Area, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022, Ph : 0471-2563775.

Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 12 iÉlÉÉ 13 Eäò ʱÉB: ´ÉÊ®ú. GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, GòªÉ ªÉÚÊxÉ]õ- V, B¨ÉB¨É<Ç GòªÉ, +É®úB¡òB¡ò IÉäjÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ, <ºÉ®úÉä, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É – 695 022 ¡òÉäxÉ : 0471-2562831 For Sl. No. 12 & 13 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-V, MME Purchase, RFF Area,

VSSC, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022, Ph : 0471-2562831.

Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 14 iÉlÉÉ 15 Eäò ʱÉB: ´ÉÊ®ú. GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, +É<+É<BºÉªÉÚ GòªÉ, ´ÉÎ]Âõ]õªÉÚ®úEòÉ´ÉÖ ÉÒ +Éä,, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É – 695 013 ¡òÉäxÉ : 0471-2569317 For Sl. No. 14 & 15 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, IISU Purchase, Vattiyoorkavu PO,

Thiruvananthapuram - 695 013, Ph : 0471-2569317.

ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉÉå Eäò ʱÉB +xÉÖ®úÉävÉ Eò®úiÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ Ê±É¡òÉ¡äò É®ú “ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉÉå Eäò ʱÉB +xÉÖ®úÉävÉ- ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆ. -------------- ÊnùxÉÉÆEò -----------” EòÉ =±±ÉäJÉ Eò®åú* While requesting for Tender Documents please indicate on the envelope as “Request for Tender Documents- Tender No……….. dt……………”.

3. ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¶ÉÖ±Eò EòÉ ¦ÉÖMÉiÉÉxÉ ¨ÉÉjÉ ®äúÊJÉiÉ Êb÷¨ÉÉÆb÷ bÅ÷É]õ Eäò °üÉ ¨Éå ÊEòªÉÉ VÉÉB* +xªÉ Ê´ÉÊvÉ EòÉ ¦ÉÖMÉiÉÉxÉ º´ÉÒEòɪÉÇ xɽþÓ ½èþ* ªÉ½þ Êb÷¨ÉÉÆb÷ bÅ÷É]õ (Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 iÉlÉÉ 6 ¨Éå nùÒ MÉ<Ç ¨ÉnùÉå ½äþiÉÖ) ´ÉÊ®ú. ±ÉäJÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, B´ÉÒBxÉ ±ÉäJÉÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ Eäò xÉÉ¨É É®, (Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 7, 8, 9, 10 iÉlÉÉ 11 ¨Éå nùÒ MÉ<Ç ¨ÉnùÉå ½äþiÉÖ) ´ÉÊ®ú. ±ÉäJÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, ÉÒ+É®úBºÉ+Éä / ÉÒºÉÒB¨É ±ÉäJÉÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ Eäò xÉÉ¨É É®ú, (Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 12 iÉlÉÉ 13 ¨Éå nùÒ MÉ<Ç ¨ÉnùÉåù ½äþiÉÖ) ´ÉÊ®ú. ±ÉäJÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, B¨ÉB¨É<Ç ±ÉäJÉÉ, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ Eäò xÉÉ¨É É® ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ º]äõ]õ ¤ÉéEò, iÉÖƤÉÉ ¶ÉÉJÉÉ, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É-695 022 É®ú näùªÉ iÉlÉÉ (Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 14 iÉlÉÉ 15 ¨Éå nùÒ MÉ<Ç ¨ÉnùÉåù ½äþiÉÖ) ´ÉÊ®ú. ±ÉäJÉÉ +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ, +É<+É<BºÉªÉÚ ±ÉäJÉÉ, ´ÉÎ]Âõ]õªÉÚ®úEòÉ´ÉÖ ÉÒ +Éä, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É – 695 013 Eäò xÉÉ¨É É®ú ¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ º]äõ]õ ¤ÉéEò, ¨ÉÖJªÉ ¶ÉÉJÉÉ, º]èõSªÉÖ, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É É®ú näùªÉ ½þÉäxÉÉ SÉÉʽþB* Tender Fee shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT ONLY. Other mode of payment is not acceptable. The Demand Draft should be in favour of : Sr. Accounts Officer, AVN Accounts, VSSC (for items under Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6), Sr. Accounts Officer, PRSO / PCM Accounts, VSSC (for items under Sl. No. 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11), Sr. Accounts Officer, MME Accounts, VSSC (for item under Sl. No. 12 & 13) payable at State Bank of India, Thumba Branch, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022 and Sr. Accounts Officer, IISU Accounts, Vattiyoorkavu PO, Trivandrum – 695 013 (for items under Sl. No. 14 & 15) payable at State Bank of India, Main Branch, Statue, Trivandrum

[ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¶ÉÖ±Eò +|ÉÊiÉnäùªÉ ½èþ*/The tender fee is NON-REFUNDABLE]

4. +ÉxÉä |ɺiÉÉ´É EòÉä |ɺiÉÖiÉ Eò®úiÉä ºÉ¨ÉªÉ Ê±É¡òÉ¡äò É®ú ºÉ¹]õ °üÉ ºÉä ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆ. iÉlÉÉ ÊxɪÉiÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ =iEòÒhÉÇ Eò®åú iÉlÉÉ >ðÉ®ú EòÒ Gò¨É ºÉÆ. 2 Eäò |ÉäʹÉiÉÒ EòÉä ¦ÉäVÉÉ VÉÉB* While submitting your offer, the envelope shall be clearly superscribed with Tender No. and Due Date and to be sent to the addressees at Sl. No. 2 above.

5. ÊxɪÉiÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ/ºÉ¨ÉªÉ Eäò ¤ÉÉnù |ÉÉiÉ ½þÉäxÉä ÉɱÉÒ nù®ú ºÉÚÊSɪÉÉå É®ú Ê´ÉSÉÉ®ú xɽþÓ ÊEòªÉÉ VÉÉBMÉÉ* Quotations received after the Due Date/Time will not be considered.

6. b÷ÉEò ´ªÉ´ÉºlÉÉ Eäò EòÉ®úhÉ, nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉ |ÉÉÎiÉ ¨Éå ½þÉäxÉä ÉɱÉä ÊEòºÉÒ Ê´É±ÉƤÉ/+|ÉÉÎiÉ Eäò ʱÉB ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É =kÉ®únùɪÉÒ xɽþÓ ½èþ* VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram is not responsible for any postal delay/loss of documents in transit.

7. |ÉvÉÉxÉ, GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú, ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ, Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉÉÖ®ú¨É EòÉä ªÉ½þ +ÊvÉEòÉ®ú ½þÉäMÉÉ ÊEò ´Éäþ EòÉä<Ç EòÉ®úhÉ ¤ÉiÉÉB ʤÉxÉÉ ÊEòºÉÒ ªÉÉ ºÉ¦ÉÒ ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ+Éå EòÉä +ÉÆʶÉEò ªÉÉ ÉÚhÉÇ °üÉ ºÉä º´ÉÒEòÉ®ú ªÉÉ +º´ÉÒEòÉ®ú Eò®åúþ* Head Purchase & Stores, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the tenders in part or full without assigning any reasons thereof.

I) Tender No. 9301-2011-8240


Detailed Specifications for Greenhouse gas analyzer

1. Minimum Number of Gases to be measured: three It should include CO2 essentially and other two gases among CH4, N2O, H2O. (N2O and

CH4 are preferred)

Measurement technique: Laser based spectroscopy technique

Uncertainty: ~ 0.05% or better

2. Precision:

CO2: 150 ppb or better CH4: 1 ppb or better H2O: 200 ppm or better N2O: 0.5 ppb or better 3. Measurement Range:

CO2: 200 – ≥2000 ppm CH4: 0.1 – ≥10 ppm

H2O: ≤7000 – 70000 ppm N2O: ≤30 – ≥1000 ppb 4. Operating Temperature: 0 – 45 °C

5. Ambient Humidity: 0 - 99% RH, non-condensing

6. Power Requirement: 230 VAC, 50/60Hz

7. Accessories: The analyzer should include all necessary accessories (e.g., Inlet unit,

pump, tubings, etc) for independent operation of the analyzer and data

acquisition/downloading and display system/laptop.

Syringe injection system – capable of discrete sample measurements via syringe


8. Sufficient internal memory to store 5-minutes interval data for at least 2 months.

9. Calibration cylinders for all gases as per WMO standard.

10. Software should be provided to download the data from the analyzer to the PC

11. Installation and calibration have to be done at the site along with training.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. II Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ATF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

II) Tender No. 3514-2011-8294




1. Current pulse amplitude : A fixed value between 0-10A programmable in steps of 20mA

2. Accuracy : Better than 1% of the set value

3. Current pulse width : A fixed value between 1-40 mSec programmable in steps of 1 msec

4. Current pulse rise time : < 100 micro Sec

5. Current pulse fall time : < 100 micro Sec

6. No. of channels : Minimum 128

7. No. of simultaneous channels : Minimum 64

8. Separation between two pulses from same source : 1-2 Sec

9. PC Interfaces : USB/Ethernet/GPIB (any one of this)

10. Time Reference pulse : Active high pulse of min 50 msec width

11. APIs/Software drivers : Software drivers in windows XP/7 and Linux and APIs

in LabVIEW to be provided.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. II Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ATF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

III) Tender No. 4035-2011-8737


Specifications of C-Band Power Amplifier

Frequency : 4 GHz to 8 GHz

Output Power : 30 Watts minimum

Gain : 50 dB minimum

Input for rated power : 1 mw maximum

Input Impedance : 50 Ohms

Output Impedance : 50 Ohms

Input / Output connector : N female (front panel)

Operating voltage : 100-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Over drive protection : Required

Output isolation : Required

Input VSWR : 2:1 typical

Mounting : 19 inch rack mounting

IV) Tender No. 4223-2011-8758


Technical Specification of GPS simulator

Max number of satellites/RF output : 12 satellites (single chassis), expandable to 24 channels

L1 signals : C/A, SBAS

Max RF Output power level : -60dBm @ 50 Ohms to N female

Dynamic range power : +/- 20/36dB, 0.1dB steps


Pseudo range : ± 0.01 m

Pseudo range rate : 1 mm/s

L1 carrier phase (1 second)/Delta range : ± 1 mm/s

L2 carrier phase (1 second)/Delta range : ± 5 mm

Inter channel bias : < 0.05mm


Velocity : 15,000 m/sec or above

Acceleration : 3,600 m/sec2

Jerk : 5,000 m/s3

Angular rate : 2 π rad/s


RF : 1 output SMA connector

Other : 1 PPS, 10 MHz

PRN codes available : 1 thru 37 (includes pseudolites)

Built-in : Calibration option

Interface : Ethernet and GPIB

External profile update rate : 100 Hz or above



Voltage : 230 Volts AC (Indian 3 pin top)

Frequency : 50 Hz

Computer :

Processor : Pentium 4, 3 GHz/ Windows Xp or better

Disk capacity : 512 MB or better

Removable Media : CDRW ( CD writer )

Display : 19” TFT, 1280 x 1024 x XGA

Chassis : Table top

Windows based software for simulation

General Features

• Simulates 24 GPS satellites signal (L1 C/A)

• Simulates both C/A and SBAS signals

• 6-DOP user motion generator and external trajectory input

• Simulates spacecraft velocities and re-entry vehicles dynamics

• Remote control : GPIB, Ethernet, RS 232

• Customization of satellite parameters

• Real-time antenna gain patterns and antenna lever arms

• Closed loop receiver feedback and data logging

• Adjustable RF power output

• One RF outputs; with antenna pattern selection

• Built in IMU

• Automotive outputs : Gyro, accelerometers, wheel ticks and forward/reverse signals*

• Built-in, high-stability frequency standard

• Fully customizable scenarios suite to aircraft, space craft, land vehicle and ships.

• Hardware update rate 100 Hz or above.

• Real time data simulation for 6D trajectory using Ethernet or GPIB.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. II Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ATF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

V) Tender No. 4013-2011-8764


Centralized Antivirus

Period of validity - 3 year for: 1) 1750 new end point security licences. 2) 100 standalone endpoint security and control licences. 3) Central management console software for administering and installing of antivirus remotely.

- Training for two employees for detailed description of best practices, management and administration of software.

- Initial Installation on client server (windows 2008 R2 - Enterprise edition) should be done by the vendor.

- General help manuals should be provided. - Bootable solution: An independent upgradable solution should be provided to check/scan a

standalone / corrupt PC through external drive(USB/CD/DVD). - payment for the three years to be made in yearly installments, with satisfactory service

every year, without which the service/payment may be stopped. - payment after 100% satisfatory upgradation and acceptance, every year. - quarterly/half yearly on-site health check of the system by the vendor.



1. Must be certified for all windows platform. 2. Must be checkmark certified by westcoast labs, for antivirus, antispyware, anti Trojan,

anti malware. 3. Vendor should be ICSA ( International computer security association ) certified.

Antivirus Protection and Other features

1) Must offer comprehensive client/server security by protecting enterprise networks from

viruses, Trojans, worms, hackers, and network viruses, plus spyware and mixed threat


2) Must be able to reduce the risk of virus/malware entering the network by blocking files

with real-time compressed executable files.

3) Must include capabilities for detecting and removing rootkits.

4) Antivirus should have behavior based technology to scan for Trojans , worms and key

stroke loggers to protect from zero day threats. Sensitivity level of this should get

adjusted with customized scanning frequency.

5) Must provide Real-time spyware/grayware scanning for file system to prevent or stop

spyware execution.

6) Must have Assessment mode to allow first to evaluate whether spyware/grayware is

legitimate and then take action based on the evaluation.

7) Browser intrusion prevention: AV should be capable enough to block the malicious

downloads thorough browsers.

8) Must clean computers of file-based and network viruses plus virus and worm remnants

(Trojans, registry entries, viral files) automatically.

9) To address the threats and nuisances posed by Trojans, the solution should be able to

do the following:

a) Terminating all known virus processes and threads in memory

b) Repairing the registry

c) Deleting any drop files created by viruses

d) Removing any Microsoft Windows services created by viruses

e) Restoring all files damaged by viruses

f) Includes Cleanup for Spyware, Adware etc

10) Must be capable of cleaning viruses/malware even without the availability of virus

cleanup components. Using a detected file as basis, it should be able to determine if the

detected file has a corresponding process/service in memory and a registry entry, and

then remove them altogether.

11) Must provide Outbreak Prevention to limit/deny access to specific shared folders, block

ports, and deny write access to specified files and folders on selected clients in case

there is an outbreak.

12) Behavior Monitoring: Must have behavior monitoring to restrict system behavior, keeping

security-related processes always up and running, Safe Software Service to reduce the

likelihood of false positive detections.

13) Must provide Real-time lock down of client configuration – allow or prevent users from

changing settings or unloading/uninstalling the software.

14) Users with the scheduled scan privileges can postpone, skip, and stop Scheduled Scan.

15) Should have a manual outbreak prevention feature that allows administrators to

configure port blocking, block shared folder, and deny writes to files and folders


16) Should have integrated spyware protection and cleanup.

17) Shall be able to perform different scan Actions based on the virus type (Trojan/ Worm,

Joke, Hoax, Virus, other).

18) Safeguards endpoint mail boxes by scanning incoming email and Outlook folders for


19) Should be able to scan only those file types which are potential virus carriers (based on

true file type).

20) Should be able to detect files packed using real-time compression algorithms as

executable files.

21) Shall be able to scan Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) File.

22) Automatic USB device scanning.

23) Solution should able to block devices based on Windows Class ID and should include

USB, Infrared, Bluetooth, Serial, Parallel, fire wire, SCSI and PCMCIA. Solution should

also be able to block and give read/write/execute permission for mentioned devices.

Manageability and integration

1) Should be able to deploy the Client software using the following mechanisms:

a) Client Packager (Executable & Microsoft Installer (MSI) Package Format)

b) Web install page

c) Login Script Setup

d) Remote installation

e) From a client disk image

f) Support MS Systems Management Server (SMS)

2) Must provide a secure Web-based management console to give administrators

transparent access to all clients and servers on the network.

3) The management server should be able to download updates from different source if

required, which could be the vendor's update server, any other server or a UNC path.

4) If the update from the Management server fails, the security clients with the privilege

should be able to get updated directly from the vendor's server.

5) Must reduce network traffic generated when downloading the latest pattern by

downloading only incremental patterns.

6) Must have the flexibility to roll back the Virus Pattern and Virus Scan Engine if required

via the web console.

7) Should have integration with the Active directory.

8) Shall support grouping of clients into domains for easier administration.

9) Establish separate configuration for internally versus externally located machines (Policy

action based on location awareness).

10) Must be capable of uninstalling and replacing existing client antivirus software (Provide

the detailed list).

11) Must support plug-in modules designed to add new security features without having to

redeploy the entire solution, thereby reducing effort and time needed to deploy new

security capabilities to clients and servers across the network.

12) All client features (antivirus, anti-spyware, Enterprise Client Firewall and damage

cleanup) should be installed at the same time via client deployment methods and

managed centrally via the web-based management console.

13) Security Compliance leverages Microsoft Active Directory services to determine the

security status of the computers in the network.

14) CPU usage performance control during scanning, i.e it should not go above 50%


Platform Support

1) Windows 98/Me

2) Windows 2000

3) Windows XP/2003 32-bit Edition

4) Windows XP/2003 64-bit Edition

5) Windows Vista (32-bit & 64-bit)

6) Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003

7) Windows 7, 32-bit version & 64-bit version

8) Microsoft Cluster Server 2003

9) Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, 64-bit version

10) client installation on guest Windows 2000/2003/2008 operating systems hosted on the

following virtualization applications:

VMware ESX/ESXi Server 3.5 or 4 or 5 (Server Edition)

* VMware Server 1.0.3 or later (Server Edition)

* VMware Workstation and Workstation ACE Edition 6.0

10) Should support Intel x64 processor & AMD x64 processor

11) Should support wireless devices such as Palm, Pocket PC, and EPOC.

12) LINUX/UNIX platforms (Redhat, Debian, suse etc.)

13) Updated versions of Windows and Linux/unix during the period of licence.

Notification, Reporting and logging

1) Must be able to send notifications whenever it detects a security risk on any client or

during a security risk outbreak, via E-mail, Pager, SNMP trap or Windows NT Event log.

2) Must be able to send a customized notification message to specified recipients when

firewall violations exceed certain thresholds, which may signal an attack

3) Shall offer customizable & standard notifications via - SMTP, SNMP, Pager, NT Event


4) Complaint/signature addressing should be done within 24 Hrs of reporting.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. II Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ATF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

VI) Tender No. 3515-2012-0496



Socket modules supporting following packages shall also be supplied.

1. TO-3 TO-254 TO-5 TO-18 TO-39 TO-46 TO-60 TO-66 TO-72 TO-252 TO-236AA TO-8

2. SO8


4. SMD-1

5. SMD-0.5

6. DO-4 DO-5 DO-13 DO-35 D-5A D-5B TO-252AA DO-7 DO-13 DO-5 DO-41

7. Socket module for connecting test adapters designed for Tektronix 370 series curve tracers

8. Warranty :- 3 years

Note :- 2 days training shall be given at VSSC at free of cost

Parameter Spec

Maximum Voltage 3000V Maximum continuous Current 60A Maximum Peak Current Pulsed 200A Current resolution 10pA Voltage Resolution 50uV Auxiliary Supply -100V to +100V Line Voltage Range 214V to 250V Line Frequency 50Hz

VII) Tender No. 6563-2012-0026

Quality clauses


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. III Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

VIII) Tender No. 6593-2012-0145


Heat flux and pressure calibration models/ probes


No. Description Quantity

1 Heat flux and pressure calibration model, water cooled, 4 inch diameter, hemispherical nose with sting arm adapter, as per Drawing 1

1 No.

2 Threaded miniature heat flux transducers with straight connectors and 72 inch long signal leads, suitable for mounting in the nose assembly of the above model, each having the full scale value of 20, 50, 100, 200, 300 W/ sq. cm

2 Sets

3 Heat flux probe, water cooled, 30 mm diameter, hemispherical nose, having the full scale value of 500 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 2

2 Nos.

4 Heat flux probe, water cooled, 30 mm diameter, flat nose, having the full scale value of 500 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 3

1 No.

5 Heat flux probe, water cooled, 30 mm diameter, flat nose, having the full scale value of 300 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 3

2 Nos.

6 Heat flux transducer, water cooled, 1 inch diameter, flat face, having the full scale value of 1000 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 4

2 Nos.

7 Heat flux transducer, water cooled, 1 inch diameter, flat face, having the full scale value of 500 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 4

2 Nos.

8 Heat flux transducer, water cooled, 1 inch diameter, flat face, having the full scale value of 200 W/ sq. cm as per Drawing 4

1 No.


1. Desired gauges are Gardon (thin foil) type, with full scale value in W/sq. cm

2. Nominal full scale values are indicated. A deviation of ±10% is acceptable at the time of


3. Calibration certificates, traceable to NIST, should be supplied along with transducers

4. Complete literature and detailed drawings of the offered product must be submitted

along with the quote

5. Products of only reputed manufacturers, having at least 10 years of experience in

design, manufacture and supply of similar transducers for aerospace testing, are

acceptable. Necessary supportive documents in this connection should be submitted.

6. For products from USA, the need of obtaining Export License for supply of above items

to Purchaser should clearly be indicated in the quote.





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60 (typ)

38" OD hard copper


all dimensions in mm

Material: OFHC copper









19 mmthick

14"NPT tap for cooling


24 AWG stranded shielded plated copper cable, PTFEinsulated, 900 mm long

6.6 mm dia.thru, 2 pl.

26 (typ)

Drawing 2


60 (typ)

38" OD hard copper









19 mmthick

14"NPT tap for cooling


24 AWG stranded shielded plated copper cable, PTFEinsulated 900 mm long

6.6 mm dia.thru, 2 pl.

all dimensions in mm

Material: OFHC copper

Drawing 3

26 (typ)

Drawing 4


1 m long, 24 AWG coppertwisted pair, Teflon insulated,braided copper shield

100 mm long, 18" OD SS tube forcooling water





IX) Tender No. 6545-2012-0283



1. Shaker

Shaker Type Electro Dynamic, Air Cooled Armature Diameter 440 mm or higher Peak Sine Force 60,000 N Random Force 60,000 N Half Sine Bump Force 118,000 N Displacement 63.55 mm (Peak to Peak) minimum

Sine ≥ 100 g(Peak)

Random ≥ 50 grms

Acceleration Bare Table

Shock ≥ 180 g(Peak)

Velocity Bare Table ≥ 1.8 m/sec Armature Resonance Frequency

≥ 2000 Hz

Useful Frequency Range 4 to 2000 Hz Armature Cross Axial Response

< 10% in the useful frequency range (Vendor to provide typical cross axis response curves of this armature at various ‘g’ levels)

Shaker Body Isolation Air spring suspension, resonance < 5 Hz Internal Load Support Capability

600 kg or higher

Shaker Mounting Trunion mounted with geared rotation to facilitate rotation of shaker to connect slip table for horizontal axis testing

Total Armature Moving Mass Less than 55 kgs Stray Magnetic Field < 1 mT at 6 inches above armature table, full

field with degauss coil on Shaker Armature Inserts Pattern

M8 inserts 8 nos. equally spaced on 8”, 12” & 16” PCD & one at the centre, Total – 25 nos

Armature Auto Centering Armature auto centering at stated load by means of pneumatic load support mechanism with manual override

Minimum possible bare table test levels

≤ 0.1g swept sine, sweeping rate 1 oct/min from 5-2500 Hz

Nominal length of hose for cooling air (shaker to blower)

10 meters

Compressed air requirement Information to be provided by vendor : not to exceed 7 bar

Acceleration waveform distortion measures at table top

< 10 % at full acceleration level

Shaker Assembly type Combo, shaker and slip table, mounted on a standalone single structure providing

permanent alignment of shaker with slip table with air isolation

SRS Specification Details of SRS specification to be provided Armature Mounting selection Trunnion mounted air suspension Air bellow To isolate the system from ground:details to be

provided Air cooling blower Details to be provided including power

requirement and flow rate of cooler for shaker and ampliflier. Silencer to be provided to reduce noise pollution

Working temperature range Up to 30 degC Total power requirement of ampliflier,FPS,Blower

70 KVA or less

Working ambient range

2. Slip Table

Slip plate size HBT 750 x 750 mm Type Oil Film + Hydrostatic Bearing,

High Pressure Total Moving Mass (Armature, Drive Bar & Slip plate)

< 120 kg

Slip plate moving mass (Including Bearings)

< 70 kg

Flatness of table 0.10 mm/m or better Maximum Slip Plate Stroke > 75 mm Combined Resonance Frequency > 1000 Hz Driver Bar Tension bolt type made of

magnesium Combined useful frequency range 5 to 2000 Hz Slip table Material Magnesium Alloy AZ 31B Slip table thickness 50 mm or higher Driver Bar Material Magnesium Alloy AZ 31B

Pitch > 30 kNm Roll > 30 kNm

Overturning Moment

Yaw > 24 kNm Hydraulic Power Pack Suitable for the bearing of slip

table. Low noise, 70dB within 2 meters from HPP. The pressure and flow to be at least 1.5 times the actual requirement of bearing. The power pack should operate with 415VAC, 50 hz 3 phase power supply. The exact power requirement to be mentioned in the offer. Hydraulic safety interlock to be provided with the power pack to detect low hydraulic pressure

Bearing Hydrostatic :vendor to provide the exact number to meet the above mentioned pitch, yaw and roll

moment specifications Type of insert and hole pattern on the top surface of slip table

As per drawing attached

Slip table to shaker interface With suitable driver bar with in line connection (tension bolt) or driver bar+H adaptor+shear pins. Mounting hole pattern suitable for the above mentioned shaker

Cross axis response Should be less than 10% in the operating frequency

3. Power Amplifier

Power Amplifier Capacity Suitable to the rated shaker capacity

Type PWM Based, switching type, Class D, modular and Air cooled

Frequency Response ± 3dB, 20 Hz to 3000 Hz Overall Efficiency > 90 % Amplifier Shaker Distance 12 meter approx Minimum no. of amplifier modules 4 Total Harmonic Distortion < 0.2% when measured with

matched resistive load at rated output

Amplifier Remote Control panel Remote control panel with all monitoring and control switches be provided with cable length of 50 m via PC interface. Remote controller should provided with the following minimum configuration:Intel core 2 duo e 7500 processor/intel G41 Chip set motherboard/2GB DDR3 RAM/500GB HDD drive/Keyboard and Mouse / LAN / Internal Graphics / Card reader/21 inch or higher TFT monitor,A3colour laser Printer, windows XP OS preloaded with remote control software

Amplifier Soft Start/Shut down Shall be available. This is to avoid transient on the shaker during Power Ampliflier ON/OFF operations. Details to be provided.

System Noise 0.05 Vrms or less Switching Frequency ≥ 150 kHz Signal to Noise Ratio > 65 dB Input Impedance ≥ 10 kΩ Input Sensitivity 1 Vrms for 100 Vrms output.

Differential unput compatible with all standard controller specifically ‘M+P’ controller. Should accept maximum 10 V peak input.

RFI filter to meet EMC Standard Details to be provided

Safety Interlocks Specifications

Amplifier Cooling Vibrator Cooling Vibrator Over Travel Field Failure Module Over Current Cabinet Door Open External Trip- 2 HT Minimum


HT Maximum Amplifier Output Voltage Amplifier Output Current


Field Voltage and Current Output Over Current Output Over Voltage Output Short Circuit Output DC Fault Aux Power Supplies ON Amplifier Cooling Failure Amplifier Over Temperature

The power amplifier and shaker system must be protected with following safety interlocks with appropriately located indicators. This has to be indicated on remote panel and also on amplifier panel.

Indication System Level

Vibrator Cooling Vibrator Over Travel Vibrator Cooling Failure Vibrator Over Temperature Field Failure Supply Low/High Voltage Cabinet Door Open

Emergency Stp Variable Field Control Amplifier should accommodate

field power supply transformer and related circuits. Field power systems should incorporate easily variable controlled field supply

Electrical Wiring & Mains Power Wiring suitable for 415 VAC ± 10%, 50Hz, 3 phase. Lower tapings for 318 VAC to be provided

Power Module The power module should have independent cooling and RFI filters

Power Loss Protection The amplifier should have

synchronized loss protection facility to have a smooth shut down in the event of power failure

System Interface The amplifier should have microprocessor based user interface which improves reliability and fault diagnosis of the system

Power rating of individual amplifier module

Details to be provided



Acceptance Test plan

Vendor shall give full details of his proposed Acceptance Test Plan

(1) At his works and

(2) At VSSC, Trivandrum

Vendor shall also propose the schedule of test plan activities

Details of minimum required tests are given below




Test along the vertical axis Sr.No Parameter Test Specifications

1 Bare table open loop test Frequency range 5 to 3000 Hz

2 Bare table closed loop test At 0.1g: frequency range 5 to 2000 Hz Sweep rate one octave/min

3 Bare table test At maximum rated displacement (d),Velocity (V),acceleration(a) as per rated specifications.

4 Diaphragming test 100 Hz to 1000 Hz,100g Input level Center control and measured at two location 90 degree apart extremes of shaker.

5 Full load test With rated displacement, Velocity and acceleration as per their monogram.

6 Low level random test 0.2 grms: Frequency range 20 to 2000 Hz 7 Bare table random test At 50grms:Frequency range 20 to 2000Hz

appropriately shaped. 8 Full load random test With rated mass.

9 Open loop test with full load

Open loop test with full load: Frequency range 5 to 2000 Hz.

10 Shock test For rated specifications 11 Body suspension test Resonance frequency of body suspension test

Frequency range 2 Hz to 10 Hz Test along the horizontal axis

1 Bare table open loop test Frequency range 5 to 2000 Hz 2 Bare table closed loop test At 0.2g: frequency range 5 to 2000 Hz

Sweep rate one octave/min 3 Low level random test At 0.2 grms:Frequency range 20 to 2000Hz

4 Full load Bare table random test

Frequency range 20 to 2000Hz

5 Open loop test with full load

Frequency range 5 to 2000Hz

6 Bare table open loop test Bare table open loop test 7 System noise test System noise test while input shorted with full



Additional tests can be carried out as per mutually agreed terms for power amplifiers and total integrated system, ie. noise measurement , current and voltage measurement at rated force, distortion measurement and stray magnetic field measurement etc.

Note/Special Conditions:

Vendor shall clearly indicate the shock Response Spectrum (SRS) capability in terms of

frequency band and g for rated shock force. Vendor shall also specify system limitations if

any for conducting SRS test on the system offered.

Vendor shall provide the monogram of the system offered in terms of displacement, velocity,

acceleration v/s frequency

Vendor shall provide the details of the dead weight required to demonstrate sine and

Random force capability along with rated displacement, velocity and acceleration capability

at VSSC, Trivandrum at the time of installation and commissioning

Vendors shall provide the measured test values for their recent supplies of 60kN shaker

systems. The test report shall contain relevant parameters, values and plots.

The system shall be their standard product and must be a regular product line item. Vendor

should provide MTBF values of the offered system based on the field experiences of similar

60kN systems deployed at various user sites.

It is planned to install entire shaker, power amplifier and slip table system, in Air conditioned

area. However shaker cooling system shall be installed in non air conditioned area. Vendor

may take note of this and also identify for any specific requirement in doing so.

The vendor shall specify the environmental conditions required, like the operating

temperature range of the system offered, relative Humidity requirements during operation


The vendor shall specify the maximum peak power required to operate complete shaker

system at rated force (including shaker system, amplifiers, hydraulic power packs for shaker

& slip table, chiller systems, air compressor

Vendor shall submit the documentary evidence from the supplied customers for the

satisfactory performance of the 6 ton shakers. The supplied system must be operational for

more than 5 years

Technical and Commercial Requirements

Supply details of complete shaker system including shaker, slip table, power

amplifier. Vendor should provide details of 60 kN or higher capacity system supplied by

them in the past, which includes shaker, 750mmx750 mm or higher slip table and power

amplifier. Vendor should attach relevant contract/Purchase order copies and other details to

substantiate their claims. Vendor shall specify whether the system was (a) designed and

manufactured at vendor’s works, or, (b) supplied as partially as system integrator or, (c) fully

as system integrator. Vendor to provide details for either case applicable. The supplied

system must be operational for more than 5 years. Vendor to provide date of installation

with a copy of acceptance report.

Test report of supplied systems

Vendor shall submit the detailed test report with results and appropriate plots for shaker

system capacity of 60 kN or higher supplied to other parties with full details of tests carried

out at factory as well as at buyer place with the technical proposal.

Details of associated systems

Vendor must submit the complete details with relevant documents of the associated

systems like cooling system for shaker, hydraulic power pack.

Quality standards

Vendor must provide quality standard followed at manufacturing works wherever

system/subsystem are manufactured and it shall adhered to either of ISO, CE, UL, TUE etc

Details of service centre

Vendor must have service centre in India for pre/post guarantee/warranty service back up.

Vendor shall submit detailed list of service centre/s.

Pre- Despatch Acceptance & Training

Pre-despatch inspection will be done by VSSC Engineers before delivery if found

necessary. As a part of pre-Despatch Acceptance & Training, (1) Vendor shall provide basic

training related to operation & maintenance and trouble-shooting and (2) Vendor shall carry

out and demonstrate all the tests as per Factory Acceptance Test Plan in presence of VSSC

Engineers at their works/site.

Installation, Commissioning, Acceptance Testing and Training at VSSC

Vendor is completely responsible for

(1) Safe transportation of total system,

(2) Unloading and handling of the system at VSSC Trivandrum,

(3) Erection and commissioning of total system at the installation site identified at VSSC,

Trivandrum, and

(4) Demonstration of total performance specifications of shaker system including slip table,

power amplifier and other associated system supplied by vendor.

Vendor shall also impart detailed training for operation and maintenance of the system to

Engineers/Technicians at VSSC, Trivandrum free of cost.

Any special earthing like safety earth, RFI earth must be provided along with all the

cablings free of cost

Standard Guarantee period

All the equipments offered by vendor must have free guarantee support of at least Two

years from the date of installation, commissioning and acceptance of total system at VSSC


Warranty support

Vendor shall also specify the charges for warranty support, beyond standard guarantee

period, on yearly basis

Technical catalogues, literature & service and operational manuals

Vendor should attach Technical catalogs, literature and detailed data sheets of all items

offered by the vendor in support of their technical offer. Installation, Operation &

maintenance manuals of all systems should be supplied with the system.

Essential spares

Vendor is required to submit list of essential spares required for trouble free operation of

total system beyond standard guarantee period for minimum 10 years. Offers should be

provided for one set of spare field coils, one spare armature assembly, one set of spare

armature bearings, f-our nos of power modules. Also this should contain list of consumables

used for preventive maintenance.

Tool kit: A set of tools required for assembly of the items must be supplied free of cost

General Terms & Conditions

Vendor shall clearly indicate the specification of their shaker system and not a compliance

statement to the requirement given by us

The offer should be for the full system and part supply is not allowed.

The vendor should give details of shakers supplied by them earlier of specifications given

in this tender along with performance report for 5 years. If shaker with same specs was not

supplied /supplied is not giving expected performance we have every right to accept the

system supplied to us and make payment only after the system is used for at least six


This is a TWO PART Tender enquiry and quotations are invited in two parts, in separate

sealed covers, from experienced vendors.

Part-1: This sealed cover should contain (a) details covering all the technical aspects along

with necessary technical attachments/literature/documents, if any in support of the

compliance to the specifications along with the Compliance Matrix. Any deviation from the

specifications to be clearly spelled out in the Compliance Matrix, and (b) Commercial terms

and conditions like payment terms, validity etc. It should be exact replica of the commercial

price bid but without price information

Part-2: This sealed cover should contain only the commercial price bid along with requisite

commercial terms and conditions

Vendor is required to give the Name, Address, Email ID, Phone No etc of a Contact person

from his side for all relevant communications/interactions.

VSSC reserves the right to visit Vendor’s premises for verification of information provided by

the vendor in the technical bid and other infrastructure facilities claimed. The technical bid

of the vendor, who is not able to substantiate/satisfy the technical requirements laid down in

this tender, is liable to be rejected.

Vendor shall be ready to give a techno-commercial presentation during the negotiations at

VSSC, Trivandrum. The vendor shall be intimated 30 days in advance for this presentation.

This intimation will be sent to the vendor only after technical evaluation of the proposal and

if it is found technically suitable.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. III Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

X) Tender No. 6541-2012-0427


Supply, installation and commissioning of High Temperature valve with actuator and



Valve Type : High temperature valve

Working fluid : Nitrogen gas

Mass flow rate : 3 Kg/sec

Operating pressure : 30 bar

Operating Temperature : 1600K min

Blow down duration : 60 sec.

Nominal throat dia. : 4 inches

End Connection : Flanged / welded

Actuator : Electro pneumatic / Hydraulic with suitable power pack

Maximum opening time (from fully closed to fully open) : < 3 seconds Maximum closing time (from fully open to fully closed) : < 3 seconds Valve position : Normally closed

Requirements to be met

1. The valve is to be used in a test facility where in hot Nitrogen gas at 1600 K (minimum) flows through the valve for a duration of 60sec. 2. Valve to be operated remotely 3. Valve has to open/ close against maximum differential pressure of 30 bar 4. Valve has to withstand a differential pressure of 30 bar from either side. 5. Valve has to withstand a differential pressure of 30 bar with downstream evacuated to 0.01 mbar. 6. Leak rate should be absolute minimum. 7. Pressure and temperature rating to be met. 8. The valve has to be remotely operated and should be adoptable into a PLC based circuit. 9. Direction of flow shall be stamped on the valve body.

10. Necessary valve cooling provision to be provided to meet the operating pressure and

temperature requirements. 11. Installation, commissioning and training at VSSC site to be carried out. Following additional information shall be provided: 1) List of materials for all valve components.

2) Confirmation that all valves and valve components selected are suitable for full range of process conditions. 3) Valve testing procedures; Valve shall be hydrostatically pressure tested to 1.5 times the rated pressure. 4) List of valves of similar design conditions supplied elsewhere. 5) Valve performance charts. 6) Valve is to be thoroughly tested before dispatch. Valves supplied shall be issued with a copy of hydrostatic test certificates, conformity certificates, fire safe certificates. 7) The flange face on valve is to be protected with a bolted metal flange matching to the size of the flange out side diameter. 8) Valve shall be adequately packaged for shipping to prevent damage in transit and during

storage at the erection site. 9) Valve and valve components have to meet relevant ASME/ASTM standards; Specification

for each components and qualification / acceptance test should be listed. 10) Spares required for the valve shall also be included. 11) Operation /maintenance manuals in English shall be provided.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. III Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

XI) Tender No. 6526-2012-0510


Specification/features of Cycling Chamber Design, fabrication, supply, installation, commissioning and training of cycling chamber at

SOG/VSSC/ISRO as per the following specification: 1. Cycling chamber with temperature and humidity control. 2. Specimen envelope size: 1m x 1m x 1m (1000 Liters) - approx 3. Mass of specimen: 20 kg stainless steel - (Max). 4. Temperature range

Lowest temperature with Refrigeration system:(-) 85°C.

Lowest temperature by using LN2 passing through coil:(-)130°C.

Higher temperature: (+)180°C 5. Rate of heating/cooling

Rate of heating: 5-7°C/minutes from (-)70°C to (+)180°C for empty chamber.

Rate of cooling: 5-7°C/minutes from (+)180°C to (-)70°C for empty chamber.

Rate with 20 kg SS: 3-5 °C/minutes for temperature range of (-)50°C to 100°C

6. Temperature stability: < ± 0.5°C along temp. range of (-) 85°C to (+)180°C. 7. Humidity range: 10% to 98% RH ( fluctuation +-3 RH).

8. Deviation in space: +- 0.5 to +-2°C.

9. Temperature gradient across sample: 1 to 4°C.

10. Material of construction: built in welded, airtight stainless steel with castors with locking mechanism.

11. Chamber feed through:

a) Electric: 51 pin electric feed through, 10A, 300 VDC rating, with mating connectors on both sides.

b) Pressure line: Two number of O-ring compression seal for passing Stainless steel

tube of OD 10mm.

c) Temperature sensor: 10 numbers of sensors (for specimen temperature monitoring). d) Port holes: on each side dia 80mm.

12. Automatic operation: The equipment offered should have automated operation with provision for manual over ride. The operation should be via touch screen (20”) using appropriate software and also by a PC based remote operating console. these console should have minimum distance of 8 m from the chamber.

13. Data logging: Provision for real time monitoring and printing of temperature and humidity

data (for sample thermocouple and chamber sensors) using PC interface. The basic configuration should be as follows:

Processor type: Intel® Core™ i7-880 Processor (3.06 GHz, 8 MB cache, 1333 MHz

memory) or Intel ® Core™ i7-870 Processor (2.93 GHz, 8 MB cache, 1333 MHz memory).Ram : minimum 4GB. Hardisk: SATA 320 GB. Monitor: LED 32 inch. Colour laser printer (model: HP MF PB1 75 3IN1 Laser jet printer) should also be provided for meeting above requirement.

14. Mimic diagram: Full system real time mimic diagram should be displayed on the screen so

that the fault conditions are visible to the operator. In addition, there should be provision for a comprehensive alarm system for warning the operator of any malfunction / variation in service conditions. live synoptic should enable

i) to see chamber at work, watch and check values of parameter in dynamic display. ii) check circuits and pressure values during working. iii) check all inputs and outputs of the board in dynamic display and spot eventually the

defective I/E status. 15. Power supply: 3 phase 50HZ, 415 V +-10%. 16. Other accessories: i) Additional shelf made of SS. ii) Illumination of test space. iii) Observation window on the door preferably with heater. iv) Additional capacitive sensor for humidity measure. 17. Safety features: a) Sound warning on event b) Emergency push button. c) Alarm on door opening d) Thermal fuse connected to alarm. e) Minimum-maximum Electronic temperature safety on sensor. f) Electronic thermostat safety. g) Customized safety by calibrated thermal fuse. h) Adjustable software temperature limiter min/max i) Independent adjustable temperature limiter tmin/tmax.. 18. Restart/power failure: software should be designed such that the chamber should restart

automatically and resume the programme after power failure.

Annexure-2 General terms and conditions

1. Installation and commissioning: It is the responsibility of the party to do the installation

and commission of the equipment at VSSC. Training in the operation and maintenance should be given at this stage. The entire final acceptance test should be carried out satisfactorily as per agreed procedures.

2. Two part bid: party may submit their offer in two parts - technical bid and price bid .

a) Technical bid: It should contain all the design and technical details of the climatic chamber. Compliance matrix with regard to the specification provided should be prepared and attached with the offer. In addition, all other details like technical data sheet, catalogue, options, accessories, etc may be included with technical part of the offer.

b) Price bid: This part of the offer should contain all the price details of the chamber along

with the split up cost for various brought out items, packing & forwarding, installation and commissioning, etc. Price bid should be send in a sealed cover to the purchase department. Price bid send through email will be disqualified.

3. Design & Drawing: Offer should include design drawings, layout/block diagram& footprint

of the system. 4. Technical catalogue: Detailed technical catalogue for the chamber and all bought out

items should be provided. 5. Calibration: Calibration certificate to be provided from an approved certifying agency. In

addition, party should supply calibration certificates for the bought out items like thermal sensor, temperature controller, indicators, humidity sensors, etc. party should also specify the calibration procedures of the sensors (temperature & humidity)

6. Software/Document: Software developed should be given to VSSC in installable CD

media along with source code. Any licensed software used in the system should be given to VSSC along with the license. Update of the softwares should be free of cost. Along with the machine, party should supply minimum 2 sets of operating and maintenance documents.

7. AMC : party should be able to provide comprehensive annual maintenance for the

equipment after the expiry of warranty period as per standard terms & condition of VSSC. 8. Authorisation/Previous experience: Party should provide detail list of the vendors to whom

they have supplied such a equipment earlier. Quotations from the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s authorized sales/ service agents only will be considered. The certificate of authorization must be furnished with the quote.

9. Safety: All statutory safety requirements for the equipment should be complied. Safety

interlocks to be provided wherever feasible. Other than this the safety features specified in the annexure 1 - point no 17 should be strictly adhered.

10. Spares: The offer should include essential spares and consumables required for trouble free operation of the machine for a period five years. Also include list of such items like calibrated sensors, heater, etc proposed to be supplied along with the machine. Quantity and split up cost for each may be included in the offer.

11. Payment terms: Party may mention clearly about payment terms in the offer. 12. Capital equipment insurance: The equipment is to be insured by the party to cover the total

interest, including VSSC’s interest, till such time the equipment is handed over to VSSC after the commissioning.

13. Tools: Set of maintenance tools and any special tools required for the regular operation of

the equipment may be supplied with equipments 14. Time line for delivery: Party should clearly mention the time required for realization of the

chamber from the release of purchase order. 15. Packing and forwarding: After the initial acceptance, party should properly pack and

forward the equipment to our site at VSSC, Trivandrum for final installation and commissioning. VSSC will provide all required logistics/utilities in this regard.

16. Warranty: Total equipment should have comprehensive warranty for a period of two year

from the date of final acceptance at VSSC.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. III Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

XII) Tender No. 6083-2012-0100


Technical Specification of 1000T Hydraulic Forging Press

1.0 Scope of Work: Design, Realization, Supply, Erection, Installation, Commissioning

and Performance Demonstration of downstroking 1000T Hydraulic Forging Press.

2.0 Intended use of the equipment & features:

This press is required for forging of various metallic materials viz, Aluminum alloys,

Titanium alloys, Steels, Super alloys, Nickel and Copper alloys.

The press should not have any blankholder or die-cushion type of


Press should have a Double action main cylinder.

Press should be operated fully in both automatic and manual mode with inching.

Both Manual and automatic modes should have necessary safety interlocks. The

machine should be fully controlled by a PLC with all safety interlocks. Both the

automatic and manual modes should be fully independent i.e, Malfunctioning of

automatic mode shouldn’t affect the performance of press when operated in manual


3.0 Detailed Technical specification:

Sl No Description Specification

1. Type Down stroking double action Hydraulic

Press. “Four Pillar type”

2. Maximum operating load 1000T

3. Table Size [ with T slot]

(Drawing of T slot as per Appendix-



4. Daylight 1000mm

5. Holding time

(load application time)

60minutes (minimum)

6. Operating level

distance between bottom table

level to ground level


7. Maximum Stroke 800mm

8. Approaching speed 150mm/sec

9. Pressing Speed 1 to 10mm/sec (provision to select in

steps of 1mm/sec)

10. Return Speed 200 mm/sec

11. Stroke Length 800mm

12. Mode of Operation Automatic & Manual with inching

13. Geometrical Accuracies of the press As per JIS B 6403 Grade-1

4.0 Mode of operation: Press should be operational in inching mode through push

buttons. Separate push buttons should be provided for forward and return motions of ram.

Operation in Automatic mode should include setting of:

Required load from 10T (min load) to 1000T (max. capacity) in steps of 10T.

Pressing speed (1 to 10mm/sec (provision to select in steps of 1mm/sec)

Stroke length (upto 800mm)

Holding time: One hour at maximum rated load (in the range 1 to 60 mins).

5.0 The equipment should confirm the specification as follows:

5.1 Constructional Features

Material of Construction: All materials shall confirm to IS 2062. Grade 1A/1B,

designed for low deflection. These frames must be stress relieved to reduce internal

stresses prior to fabrication.

(a) Frame: These frame to be stress relived to reduce internal stress developed during

fabrication. It is to be finish machined by ensuring accuracies as per relevant

standards for proper alignment and movement for mating parts when fitted.

(b) Cylinder: Single cylinder double action down stroking, made out of solid

drawn seamless tubes, precisely bored and honed to fine surface finish. Supplier

may indicate size of cylinder and operating pressure. Wiper ring/Suitable

mechanism should be provided to prevent foreign particles from entering into the

cylinder. Suitable seal should be provided to ensure minimum oil leakage during

operation. Party should provide details of the seal materials.

(c) Ram: Mild Steel ground to high surface finish and hard chrome plated ensuring

hardness of about 65HRC to give long life and anti-scratch properties.

(d) Table: Table with T slot (refer Appendix-I) will be of Mild Steel confirming to IS

2062 Grade 1A/1B and should be in finished machined condition. The dimensions of

T-slot table should be worked out by the party according to the press capacity.

(e) Pillars and Nuts: Pillars will be made out of alloy steel round bar. They should be

turned, ground and chrome plated. They should be fixed at both ends by means of

threads and adjustable nuts. Material specification of pillar and nuts should be


(f) Lubrication: Automatic centralized lubrication system shall be provided in the


(g) Press accuracies: Shall comply with JIS B 6403 Grade-1 or better.

5.2 Hydraulic system

a. The press is to be equipped with a hydraulic power unit of sufficient capacity to

operate the press continuously for its maximum load and time. The power pack shall

be equipped with all necessary items like electrical motor, hydraulic pumps,

pressure control, relief valves, pressure gauges, safety relief valves, pressure

switches, oil level indicators, temperatures gauges, thermostat, etc. for its smooth,

safe and trouble free operation. It should be provided with proper cooling system

to ensure oil temperature below 60ºC.

b. Party shall provide corrosion free oil tank of sufficient capacity, fitted with drain

plug, strainers, filter/return line filter and necessary items. It should be accessible

for easy cleaning. Position of the tank should be at ground level.

c. Hydraulic pump and all valves, gauges, pressure switches, oil seal etc. should be

from standard manufactures viz. Vickers/Yuken/ Polyhydron/ Rexroth/Denison/


d. Electrical motor should be of 415 V AC, 3 phase, 50 Hz supply and from reputed

manufactures like ABB/Crompton greaves/ Siemens etc.

e. Hydraulic Power Pack to be designed as per the latest trends in the hydraulic

machines to give trouble free operation. The power pack to be mounted on suitable

location (preferably at the ground level)

f. DIN/ISO standard to be followed for all hydraulic systems.

g. Low noise operation of pumps is essential. Damping enclosure to meet noise level

85dB or less at 1 meter from any component of the press is required. Mechanical

vibration of press during operation at maximum rated capacity should be specified.

h. Stroke adjustment: Linear scale to be provided for controlling and measuring ram

movement. Heidenhein / Fager make to be used.

i. Daylight shall be limited by using limit switch. One redundancy limit switch to be

provided for fail safe operation.

5.3 Electrical, Control and Instrument systems

5.3.1. Electrical Panel must be standard make with full opening doors provide to house all

control instrumentation, PLC (Programmable Logic Control) and display-MMI (Man

Machine Interface) control switches, push buttons, indicators, fuses, starter,

overload relay, voltmeter, ammeter, main switch, circuit breakers, contactor etc. All

should be housed in an in-built air conditioned panel (Recommended make: Rittal).

An emergency switch off red in color & suitable size should be provided in the panel

for emergency switching off the hydraulic systems. All electrical systems are

properly wired and numbered as in the circuit diagram as per international

standards. All electrical components shall be from reputed manufacturer like

siemens, ABB and L & T.

5.3.2. In addition to main control panel, a Remote/ Pendent Push Button Station

containing mains on/off, Pump on/off, main cylinder down, main cylinder up, selector

switch for the selection of “Auto” & “Inch” mode of operation, emergency stop have to

be fitted in the press on the right side of the Operator. Same controls should be

provided in main control panel. Selection switch to be provided for shifting operation

of the press between main control panel to Remote push button.

5.3.3. Load Cell: Load cell to be provided for the precise Load measurements and make

should be Rexroth/ IPA/ Honeywell/ HBM. Make of load cell should be mentioned in

the offer.

5.3.4. The system to be equipped with PLC, MMI etc from reputed manufactures like

Siemens, Allen Bradley, Honeywell and properly interfaced with standard personal

computer with SCADA and Windows 7 platform on panel. Display should show

mimic diagram on main screen showing press operation, slide position (status &

sequence display).

5.3.5. Parameters to be measured, monitored and controlled are:

a. Pressure on main cylinders (5% or better in set values)

b. Speed of main ram (5% or better in set values)

c. Actual Load on Workpiece

d. Stroke length

e. Pressing speed

f. Holding time

5.3.6. Graphical display of Stroke Length vs time. & Load vs time should be available. All

data should be stored in excel file.

5.3.7. UPS of suitable rating for 30 min back up time should be provided for control and

data acquisition system.

6.0 Safety requirements

6.1. Total safety of the system to be ensured by supplier by providing proper safety

interlocks. Complete details of all safety features incorporated, including interlocks,

audible alarms, signal lamps etc. shall be provided by the supplier. Safety

measures/provisions to prevent accidental movement of ram should be


6.2. Health of the system to be monitored by a self check.

6.3. Following safety features must be available in the system:

Alarm light showing readiness for press working and failure of any system.

Emergency off switch at safe reach of operator.

Software limit for all the parameters.

Limits for ram position (Electrical and Mechanical).

Overload relays to prevent the electrical system from overloading.

Visual Indication with control against in case of rise in oil temperature above


The lockable type selector switches for press operation to prevent unauthorized


7.0 Assembly, Testing & Acceptance

7.1. Detailed design documents of the press should be submitted by the party for VSSC

Approval within 2 to 3 months of placement of confirmed purchase order.

7.2. Calibration and testing: The party will be responsible for the calibration and testing

of the system at their site and shall arrange all the items required for the same.

Calibration certificate of various equipment/instruments viz. pressure valves, gauges,

sensors etc. should be provided. Calibration procedure and traceability to the

National standards should be given by the party for regular calibration of the press.

7.3. Pre-delivery inspection of press should be carried out as per Clause 8.0.

7.4. Press shall be assembled in our site and demonstrated. Press will be verified for the

compliance of all the specifications mentioned in the Purchase Order. All the

plumbing joints should be leak tight for 2 times the maximum working pressure and

demonstrate for 60 minutes. The components selected for the system should ensure

that the realized system have adequate margin over the system operating pressure.

After installation of press at VSSC, party has to demonstrate working at

maximum rated capacity of press i.e. 1000T for 60mins.

7.5. Software: Software developed for operation/maintenance of hydraulic press should

be supplied to VSSC in installable CD media with source code. Software used in the

system should be given to VSSC with license.

7.6. Utilities required: The party shall clearly indicate basic utilities such as details of

power supply, water cooling arrangements required successful installation of press

at VSSC.

7.7. Lay-out plan: The general arrangement of equipment layout details with drawings

and the necessary building plan for accommodating equipments shall be provided

along with the offer.

7.8. Spares list: Party should provide list of spares along with rates as an additional

Annexure along with the offer. The party should supply essential spares like

electrical fuses, seals, ’0’rings, limit switches etc. along with the press for

proper functioning upto TWO years.

7.9. Delivery: Within 9 Months from the date of Confirm Purchase Order.

7.10. Guarantee/Warranty:

The equipment should be fully guaranteed for its performance as per the

specification for a period of 24 months from the date of commissioning and

acceptance. A certificate to this effect should be given to VSSC..

Party should ensure availability of all components and essential spares for a

minimum period of 10yrs from the date of installation and commissioning of

hydraulic press at VSSC.

7.11 TWO different shapes of Anvils (refer Appendix-II (a), (b) & (c) for detailed

drawing) should be provided as additional spares. TWO sets which include both

TOP& BOTTOM of Appendix-II (a) & (b) and ONE set of anvil holder as per

Appendix-II(c) should be provided. Anvil holder should have provision for

assembling on the T slotted press bed.

7.12 All consumables (including hydraulic oil for initial filling) required during

commissioning trials and load test shall be provided by the Supplier.

7.13 Party should provide all necessary tools related to the press (like spanners, pipe

wrench, allen key etc.)


Pre-delivery inspection at party‘s site:

8.1 The terms and conditions are on mutually agreeable basis.

8.2 Supplier shall submit all documents including test reports and test certificates with

respect to design, materials, fabrication, testing, etc. for pre-delivery inspection at

manufacture’s site.

8.3 The equipment shall be assembled and satisfactory performance of all the systems

shall be demonstrated as per specifications and mutually evolved Accepted Test

Procedures (ATP) at manufacture’s site.

8.4 The manufacturer should demonstrate the successful performance of the system

initially at their work center for the maximum rated load and also after installation

and commissioning at VSSC.

9.0 Erection and Commissioning:

Foundation drawing and other civil works needed are to be clearly provided by the supplier

after placement of purchase order.

Supplier is responsible for:

a) Packing and transportation of the press to VSSC, unloading at VSSC Site

and installation followed by commissioning.

b) Providing foundation bolts, equipment alignment and grouting at VSSC


c) Demonstration of trial forging on workpiece with maximum rated load

capacity & time after installation of press at VSSC.

d) Demonstration of operation and functioning of all mode of the system of

the press at VSSC.

e) Adequate training to be provided to VSSC personnel at supplier’s

workplace during pre-delivery inspection and also at VSSC site. Focus of

training shall be both on operation and maintenance (Mechanical &

Electrical) of the press.

10.0 Technical Documentation: The supplier shall provide THREE sets of technical

documentation in English (Both in printed and CD):

The documents shall contain:

Operator’s instruction manual with the identification of components with part


Catalogue of bought out items.

Complete hydraulic circuit diagram with all details.

All electrical circuits/wirings including details of interlocks & PLC circuits/ Ladder


Overall equipment lay out.

System software and application software in HDD and installable CD media

Service and maintenance manual.

11.0 Submitted quotation should clearly address following major points:

a. Technical specification of the supplied press. (Should address all points in

clause 3.0.)

b. Quotation should consist of construction details with well-supported catalogues

and leaflets along with make and model number of each component. Foot print of

the system, dimension, weigh, mobility and enclosure details to be provided.

Approximate available space at VSSC for installation of press is included in


c. Grades of materials used for fabrication of press.

d. Makes of all systems or subsystems involved in fabrication of press like hydraulic

pump, pressure valves and switches, oil seals, electrical motors, load cell, PLC, Linear

Scale, specification of personal computer etc.

e. Full Cost of hydraulic press and Mode of payment (advance if any).

f. Delivery Schedule should include:

Period for readiness of press at party’s site for pre-delivery inspection after the date

of placement of purchase order.

Time required for installation & commissioning of press at VSSC.

g. List and details of all bought out components shall be provided in the quotation.

h. List of recommended spare parts and consumables with individual quoted price

should be mentioned for smooth and proper functioning of press for 2 years.

i. Cost of Anvils/ Anvil holder mentioned in Clause 7.11 should be separately quoted.

j. All safety requirements included in Clause 6.0 should be clearly mentioned in offer.

k. Details of all Hydraulic systems and Electrical, Control and Instrument systems as

included in clause 5.2 &5.3 should be clearly addressed.

l. Isolation transformer with voltage stabilizer of higher rating should also be quoted

separately as optional.

12.0 Qualification for bidding:

(i) The party must have proven track record of design, fabrication,

commissioning, testing and demonstration of 1000T or higher capacity Hydraulic

press. Along with offer party should submit relevant evidence in this regard.

(ii) Each point/clause of this technical annexure should be clearly addressed in

quotation and non-conformance to any clause should be clearly specified.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. V Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.

XIII) Tender No. 6087-2012-0326






: Double acting 20 ton hydraulic press of open pillar type

construction. The press should use a single cylinder for both

down and return strokes.


Press capacity of the cylinder : 20 tons

Ram stroke : 150 mm

Minimum measurable load : 0.5 Tons or lower

Load measurement accuracy : 1% of the rated capacity

of the press or better

Load cell (preferably attached

to bottom ram)

: 20 tons

Positional accuracy : 0.1 mm

Pressing Speed : 1 mm/sec

Return speed : 5 mm/sec

Ram Size : ∅ 75 mm (minimum)

Daylight : As per the vacuum

chamber design

The geometric tolerances and parallelism of the press and

its sub-systems (e.g. Top and Bottom Ram) should

comply with latest standard JIS- 6043. The frame of the

press and bottom support structure should conform to IS

2062 grade material. The press cylinder should be made

out of drawn seamless tube, accurately bored and honed

to fine surface finish. Pillar material should be made from

low alloy steel, ground and hard chrome plated. Load cell

to be provided for the precise Load measurements and

make should be of Rexroth or IPA.



: Digital display for Applied load and Ram position should be


1.4 TOP & BOTTOM RAM : • The top ram and bottom ram should be made from a solid

heat treated ground stainless steel 304L with water cooling


• Bottom end of the top ram and top end of bottom ram

should be screw-fitted with a molybdenum adapter having

high degree of flatness. Adapter should have same

diameter as of Top Ram and bottom ram and should have

at least 25mm thickness.

• The contacting surfaces of the top and bottom ram to

molybdenum adapters should be ground to high degree

flatness. The rams and adapters should have perfectly

mating surface for transfer of load.

• The clearance between the vacuum chamber and furnace

should be designed such that the bottom end of the top

ram should remain between them during full ram stroke of

150mm. In full stroke condition, there should be a minimum

clearance of 30mm between top ram adapter and furnace.

1.6 Hydraulic Power Pack : • The hydraulic power pack should have sufficient capacity

to operate the press continuously for 12 hrs at its

maximum capacity. The power pack shall be equipped

with all necessary items like electrical motor, hydraulic

pumps, pressure control and relief valves, pressure

gauges, oil level indicators, temperature gauges, pressure

switch, thermostat for its smooth, safe and trouble free

operation. Proper cooling system also to be provided to

the power pack to ensure that the oil temperature will not

exceed 60 °C during the operation.

• DIN/ISO standard to be followed for all hydraulic systems.

• All the hydraulic lines should be made of tubes confirming

to DIN 2391.

• All valves, gauges, pressure switches, oil seal etc. from

standard manufactures viz. Vickers/Yuken/Polyhydron/

Rexroth/ Denison only.

• Electrical motor should be of 415 V AC, 3 phase, 50 Hz

supply and from reputed manufactures like ABB/Crompton

greaves/ Siemens etc.

• Low noise operation of pumps is essential. Damping

enclosure to meet noise level 85dB or less at a distance of

1 meter from the power pack of the press is required.




: Vertically mounted double walled water cooled chamber

having suitable dimension to accommodate the required




: Stainless steel SS 304L for both internal chamber and external


2.3 TYPE OF DESIGN : Front side should be full opening of 180 degree hinge

supported dished end door.

2.4 PORTS : Chamber should be provided with ports for top and bottom

rams evacuation, gas inlet, pyrometer and feedthroughs for

heater and thermocouples etc.

2.5 POLISHING : Internal surface of the chamber to be electro chemically

polished for low out-gassing rates.

2.6 LEAK TESTING : The chamber to be helium leak rate tested to an individual leak

rate of better than 1×10-8 mbar l/s in cold condition.

2.7 VACUUM SEALING : • All the demountable vacuum seals should be made of

Neoprene ”O” rings and gaskets with mating surfaces

machined to close tolerances meeting the generals

specifications of the vacuum standards.

• The seal area should be effectively water cooled to avoid

heat damage.

• Wherever the seals are prone for high temperature

radiation, silicone (or) Viton “O” rings should be used.



: The cylindrical top of the chamber to be fitted with a port

housing shaft seal packing for hydraulic top ram shaft


Bottom cylindrical portion of the chamber to be fitted with a

port housing a shaft seal for stationary bottom ram.

The seal housing metal case should be made from

SS304L and should be water cooled.



: • Chamber should be mounted on a rigid support legs, which

is further attached to hot press frame structure.

• The chamber should be located at suitable height to

facilitate the easy approach to the operator.




: Diameter : 175±5 mm, Height : 175±5 mm.

3.2 HEATING LOAD : 30 kg (maximum) of Metal/ Ceramics/Graphite.

3.3 HEATING ELEMENTS : Distortion free, reliable, long life operation of the furnace

should be ensured by combining proper design and material

selection. High performance lanthanum oxide doped

molybdenum rods, having high ductility, sag resistance and

good dimensional stability, should be used. Design should

ensure that the heating elements do not obstruct the

thermocouple emanating from the feed through in the heat

shield. The heating elements should be procured from reputed

manufacturers such as PLANSEE.



: • Cylindrical hot zone should have one segment of heating

elements in the door and two segments in the stationary

portion of the chamber to ensure the uniform temperature

across the effective hot zone area.

• Heating elements should be arranged to a balanced 3

phase heating power system.

• Heaters should be arranged in such a circular fashion to

ensure uniformity in temperature.

• The heating elements should be supported by water

cooled solid copper (OFHC) electrodes.

• The schematic representing the design and arrangement

of heating elements should be provided along with the




: 1350 0C under vacuum with 30 kg of heating load for 6 hours.



: Better than ± 10 0C across the effective hot zone above 600 0C



: The furnace should be designed to operate at controlled

heating rate of 2 0C/ min to 200C/ min and controlled cooling

rate of 1 0C/min to normal furnace cool rate.

3.8 HEAT INSULATION : • The heat insulation should be provided by radiation shields

comprising of layers of Molybdenum and SS sheets on all

sides to minimize heat loss.

• The insulation should be designed to ensure that the

temperature at outer wall of vacuum chamber does not

exceed 45 °C during operation at maximum furnace

temperature and soaking time.

• Suitable spacers should be provided between each layers

of heat shield to ensure uniform and correct clearance and

avoid deformation leading to a mechanical contact

between shields during operation. The spacers should be

made of high purity (99.5% or better) alumina.

• Integration of heat shield should be suitable for easy

maintenance and replacement of heating elements.

• The schematic representing the design of heat insulation

(no. and type of sheets) should be provided along with the



The equipment should be operated with a rated power supply of 415 V - 3 phase - 50Hz




: • The furnace power supply should be controlled using

Thyristor power controller (preferably made of M/s

EUROTHERM/Siemens) and should be using heavy duty

step down transformer.

• The terminal voltage to the heating elements should be

limited to 36 V (maximum).

• Furnace and heating power system should be designed by

providing sufficient margin (minimum 30%) in heating






: • The vacuum pumping system should comprise of Rotary,

Roots and Oil diffusion Pump of reputed manufacturer.

• The pumping system should have the capability to

generate an ultimate vacuum of 1×10-5 mbar or better in

the chamber from the atmospheric pressure.

• Diffusion pump shall be provided with refrigerant traps.

• A holding rotary vacuum pump of suitable capacity should

be provided to the Diffusion pump.

5.2 VACUUM VALVE : All vacuum valves should be electro pneumatically operated

and should be from a reputed manufacture so as to get

replacement/maintenance support.

5.3 VENT VALVE : A solenoid operated vent valve connected to the chamber to

break vacuum for opening the chamber either by admitting

atmospheric air (or) by connecting dry nitrogen gas source

should be provided.



: • Vacuum Plumbing lines, bellows, couplings and adapters

should be made of stainless steel.

• All the joints in the vacuum lines shall be ISO/DIN


• Necessary bellow adaptors should be provided to connect

the vacuum pumping system with the chamber.




: • A dial gauge of minimum 4” size and 0-1000 mbar range to

be fitted to the chamber to monitor initial rough vacuum.

• Vacuum gauge controller with 2 pirani sensors and 1

penning sensor for measuring the chamber pressure from

1000 to 10-7 mbar should be provided with set point

controller with all required cables and interconnections.

5.6 ULTIMATE VACUUM : • In clean, cold, empty chamber (except the charge material)

an ultimate Vacuum of 1×10-5 mbar should be achieved.

• The total pumping time to generate the ultimate vacuum

from atmospheric pressure should not exceed 60 mins.

5.7 LEAK TEST : • All the weldments should be individually leak tested with a

calibrated helium mass spectrometer leak detector to the

level of individual leak rate of 1×10-8mbar-lit/sec or better.

• The leak rate of entire system (chamber assembly with all

connecting lines, seals and other attachments) should be

less than leak rate of 5×10-3 mbar-lit /sec.





: Microprocessor based digital programmer (PID) controller of


minimum of 20 Programmes should be provided for

temperature measurement and control. Each programme

should have a minimum of 15 steps. The PID controller should

have the capability to select different type of thermocouples

like K/N/R/S etc and to be with communication ports for

interfacing the data logging system.



: Digital temperature controller of M/s EUROTHERM or any

standard make should be provided with a relay output which is

interlocked with furnace power supply in the event of any

malfunctioning of PID and if the temperature level shoots

beyond the normal operating level.

6.3 THERMOCOUPLE : A total of 3 molybdenum sheathed “R” type thermocouples

should be provided inside the furnace. One of these will be

used for over temperature controller. The other two will be

used for temperature control.

Thermocouples should be located at suitable positions to

achieve uniform temperature control throughout the hot zone

area and it should not be obstructed by the handling of job.

An Extra feed through port for connecting 3 nos of

thermocouples for job temperature measurement/ calibration

should also be provided.




: An auto/manual vacuum controller should be provided with

fully automatic and manual overriding facility with mimic

diagram, manually operated ON/OFF switches, with indication

lamps, auto/manual standby selector switch, utility failure

indications and alarms etc.



: A programmable logic controller of reputed make like M/s GE

FANUC/ SIEMENS should be provided in the system for

complete automation of vacuum cycle, temperature cycle and

press operation and also to achieve various interlocks provided

in the system.



: • Gas inlet manifold with a provision to connect 2 argon

cylinders with individual control valve, solenoid operated

valve, a preset needle valve and pressure gauge to admit

Argon in the furnace chamber should be provided.

• Pressure switch should be provided to cut off the gas

supply by closing the solenoid valve after achieving the set

level of pressure.

• A digital pressure controller with pressure sensor and

suitable pressure control mechanism should also be

provided to control the chamber pressure at the range from

0.02 mbar to 500 mbar.

• A mechanical pressure relief valve (set 1.1 bar absolute) of

suitable size should be provided on chamber to prevent the

argon pressure hike above the desired level.

8.0 CONTROL CONSOLE : Control console made of mild steel should be provided to

house all the control instrumentation and switches for

automatic and manual operation of the equipment.

All control and monitoring instruments should be placed at

suitable positions in control panel for easy approach to


All the electrical switch gear like control transformers

contactors, relays, fuses etc are mounted on a plate and

fitted vertically for the convenience of maintenance.

The control panel should have audio-visual alarm for

indicating any failure in safety systems, auxiliaries, power

and control systems etc.

Panel should be provided with volt meters, ammeters,

phase indicators, indicators for all motors and valves,

indicators for heating power control and hydraulic system.

Panel doors should be designed to get easy approach to

all the internal components.

An emergency switch should also be provided in the

control panel for emergency shutdown of equipment.

All electrical items like circuit breakers, relays, power

contactors should be procured from reputed manufactures.

Control console should be wired for 415V - 3 phase - AC


Electrical wiring of the panel should confirm to accepted

Indian/ International standards.

The control console should be of IP-54 class.

The control panel should be air-conditioned.

9.0 SAFETY &


: The equipment should be provided with all the safety

devices and inter locks to protect the system and the

operator from malfunction and possible operator’s errors.

The hydraulic press operation should be interlocked in

such a manner that accidental movement is avoided.

The maximum top ram movement should be interlocked by

a limit switch.

The door should be interlocked with vacuum system,

heating system and gas filling systems to avoid accidental


Heating system should be interlocked with water cooling

system, vacuum/pressure.

Vacuum system should be interlocked with pneumatic

pressure, water cooling system.

Vacuum valves should be inter locked to prevent its

accidental operation and for sequential operation where

ever necessary.

Gas purging should be interlocked with chamber vacuum

valves, chamber pressure and inlet gas pressure.

A pressure switch should be provided in pneumatic line to

alert the operator by alarm and should be interlocked by

PLC in case pneumatic pressure in the supply line falls

below the required operating pressure.



: All the electric motors should be protected, by thermal over

load relay, from drawing excess current due to over loading.



: • Cooling water lines should be provided to different system

of the equipment from a central manifold with individual

control valves.

• The outlet water from different systems of the unit should

be connected to a common outlet manifold.

• Water flow switches should be provided on the outlet of

each system so that the water flow of each of the system

can be sensed and may be interlocked by PLC for safety of

the equipment.

10.0 AUXILIARY SYSTEMS : The party should also supply the auxiliary systems required for

the independent operation of the equipment.



: • Water cooling tower of suitable capacity with closed loop

water circulation system to all water cooled parts.

• The temperature of the cooling water at the outlet manifold

should be maintained below 45 degrees during operation

of equipment at maximum capacity.

• The supply should also include all interconnecting lines

from cooling tower to equipment.



: Water storage tank of 1000 liter capacity to maintain cooling

water supply at the time of power failure.

10.3 WATER PUMPS : Cooling water circulation pumps of suitable capacity should

also be supplied.

10.4 AIR COMPRESSOR : Air compressor with reservoir of required capacity and Air

dryer, filtering and lubricating system and all connecting

pneumatic lines.




The equipment will be inspected at the manufacturing site by our representatives before

dispatch. The following tests should be carried out in presence of the representatives:

Leak testing of the whole unit mass with a calibrated mass spectrometer leak detector (to

be arranged by party).

Vacuum level testing of the completely assembled furnace (except job) to the ultimate

vacuum level at room temperature.

Testing of automatic operation of vacuum system from cold start to vacuum ready


Testing of furnace to the operating temperature of 1350 0C under vacuum to mutually

agreed heating cycle.

Testing of Hydraulic system for load, travel, position etc at full capacity at room

temperature and high temperature.

Testing of the unit completely with safety devices, interlocks and mechanical accuracy

wherever specified.

Testing gas control system and partial vacuum system.

12.0 TRAINING : Two VSSC personnel should be trained for the operation and

maintenance of the equipment at the time of final inspection

and commissioning of the equipment.

13.0 DOCUMENTAION : Two sets of complete operation and instruction manual should

be provided along with the equipment. The assembly drawing

and service manuals for each component should also be

provided. Two sets of all electrical wiring diagram, PLC inter

locking schematic diagrams and all other relevant documents

should also be provided. All documentation should be in

English language. All softwares/programmes developed

should be supplied in installable CDs with Licences.



: The party should install the equipment at our site, commission

and demonstrate the performance of the equipment.

15.0 UPS The control console should be backed up with a suitable

capacity UPS for 30 minutes.

16.0 Data logging system


PC based Data logging of the Load and Ram position,

temperature, vacuum/pressure.


The party should have previous experience in the field of manufacturing similar

equipments. List of customers with address where the party has supplied similar

equipment should also be attached along with the quotation. The parties who have

supplied similar equipment in last 5 years will only be considered.


The party is expected to provide two part quotation i.e. Techno-commercial and

price bid.

Quotation should consist of construction details with well supported catalogues and

leaflets along with make, model number of each component.

Commercial valuation of each sub-system should also be indicated in the price bid

Certificate of calibration of all indicating and control instruments, thermocouples,

load cell should be provided from calibrating agencies those have traceability to

national standards.

Any software developed/ procured for operation of the equipment should be

supplied to VSSC in installable CD with license and source code.

The general arrangements of equipment and lay out drawing with necessary space

requirement shall be provided along with offer.

The party shall clearly indicate the details of water and power requirements for the

operation of the equipment. VSSC will provide the electrical power supply and raw

water supply only.

The supplier should undertake the full responsibility for the dispatch and unloading

of the equipment at the installation site in VSSC, successful installation,

commissioning, testing and demonstration of the performance.

VSSC will undertake the required minor civil work to install the equipment.


The party shall submit the design documents within 3 months after placement of order. The

equipment should be supplied within 6 months from the date of clearance of the design

document from VSSC.


The performance of the equipment should be guaranteed for a period of at least two years

from the date of acceptance.



1 Heating elements 1 Set

2 Rotary Pump Oil 12 Ltrs.

3 Vacuum Gauge Controller 1No.

4 “O” rings and Gaskets 1 Set

5 Diffusion Pump Oil 1 Ltr

6 Diffusion Pump Heater 1 No.

7 Indication Lamps 10 Nos.

8 ON/Off Switches 5 Nos.

Schematic of the Mini Hot Press



Top Ram


Bottom Ram

Adapter Bottom






I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit No. V Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre RFF Area, ISRO PO Trivandrum - 695 022

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.



B Technical Features of the machine

1 Submerged wire cutting ty pe

2 C.I./poly mer concerete bed

3 LM Guideway s

4 Linear motion with ball screw

5 Automatic lubrication sy stem

6 Direct f eedback sy stem with linear scales

C Specifications

1 Axis travels (nominal)

1.1 X-axis 500mm

1.2 Y-axis 350mm

1.3 Z-axis 425mm

1.4 U/V Axis +/- 70mm

1.5 Max. taper angle <°/height 300/100mm

2 Work Area

2.1 Max. workpiece dimensions L x W x H pl specif y

2.2 Max. workpiece weight (min) 200kg

2.3 Univ ersal clamping f rame f or best utilisation of the work zone

2.4 Machining in bath 400mm

3 Accuracies(as per VDI DGQ 3441)

3.1 X,Y axis

Positioning uncertainty , P 0.006 mm or better

3.2 Geomtrical accuracies X,Y,U and V Pl attach similar model test report

4 Feed & Feedback system

4.1 Ty pe of driv e AC digital f eed driv es

4.2 Driv e element Preloaded backlash f ree ball screws

4.3 Ty pe of f eedback Closed loop

5 Traverse feed rates

5.1 Rapid trav erse of linear axes : 4 m/min

5.2 Feedrate of linear axes : Pl specif y

Machine Description and applications

Specifications of 4 axis CNC Wire cut machine

XIV) Tender No. 8504-2011-9472

This machine is intended f or the use of complex prof ile cutting,thin wall cutting with high aspect ratio on

aerospace materials of v arious high strength steels, Titanium alloy s, Supper alloy s, Copper alloy s etc.

The machine shall also capable to cut Graphite,HSS,carbide and CBN material.This machine shall be of 4

axes linear interpolation conf igured with geometry X,Y,U&V. The machine shall be equipped with state-of -

the-art CNC control sy stem and driv es.

6 Generator

6.01 The generated should be of latest one hav ing f eatures f or cutting Graphite, Titanium ,Carbides ,CBN etc

Should hav e f eatures like anti electroly sis

High power generator capacity 60A

6.02 Wide range of tested techology f or common users work piece materials

6.03 Max. cutting rate with 0.30 mm wire . >500 mm2 / min

6.04 Finishing quality , best roughness Ra 0.2 µm

6.05 Finishing quality , best roughness Ra 0.1 µm, pl quote as optional

6.06 Duotec, technology f or the use of two wires ty pe in a single contour

6.07 Smoothsurf , best surf ace homogeneity , unif ormity of the eroded surf aces

6.08 Perf ect contour accuracy and cy lindricity control

Control f eature to control inf luences of wire wear and f lushing pressure

6.09 Dy namic path optimisation and process adaptation in the radii

6.10 Real time detection and correction of the wire bending

6.11 Dy namic Corner Control

6.12 Automatic power optimisation

6.13 PCD Module, machining of PCD disks or cutting tools pl quote as option

7 Wire threading system

7.1 Automatic wire threading required

7.2 Threadable height Pl specif y

7.3 Threading nozzle Pl specif y details

7.4 Wire driv e, wire spool upto 25Kg

7.5 Wire disposal chopper ty pe

8 Dielectric conditioning unit

8.01 Dielectric conditioning unit should be integrated

8.02 Filter cartridges Specif y details No of f ilter etc

8.03 Filtrate quality pl specif y

8.1 Deionizing

8.11 Deionizing bottle charge v olume Specif y details

8.2 Cooling

8.21 Generator and control unit pl specif y

8.22 Dielectric with water/ water heat exchanger Specif y details


9.1 Remote control with all setup f unctions with LCD display

9.2 Operating sy stem Multitasking Windows XP

9.3 Resolution : 0.001 mm

9.4 Serv ocontrolled axes X/Y/Z/U/V

9.5 Display : 17" TFT

9.6 Hard disk capacity : 20 GB (min)

9.7 Data interf aces V24 RS 232C / V11 RS 422 /Ethernet

9.8 Data storage media CD/DVD Rom f or updates and on line manual, f loppy -disk, USB

9.9 Machining simulation 2D and 3D v iew

9.10 Dust proof casing f or CNC sy stem

CNC system and programming

9.11 ISO programming in metric & inch

9.12 Cartesian, polar programming

9.13 Parametric programming

9.14 Mathematical f unctions, logical operators

9.15 Coordinate transf ormation

linear tranf ormation, rotation in the machining plane,scaling

9.16 Sub programs

9.17 2D and solid Graphic simulation

10 Compensation

10.1 Wire radius compensation

10.2 Pitch error compensation

10.3 Quadrant error compensation

10.4 Backlash compensation

11 Machine Guarding

11.1 All mov ing parts/guide way s/ball screws shall be protected

against dust incursion by prov iding suitable cov ers/bellows

11.2 Machine shall be prov ided with adequate guarding & doors

11.3 Control sy stem elements shall be enclosed in a dust-proof

cabin with air conditioning

11.4 Washing gun required

12 Electrical specifications

12.1 Voltage : 415 v +/- 10% AC, 3 phase

12.2 Frequency : 50 Hz +/- 2%

13 Accessories (quote as optional)

13.1 3R clamping sy stem f or round and f lat jobs Pl quote as optional

13.2 Any other accessories Pl quote with f ull details

14 Spares and consumables Pl quote as optional

14.1 Hy draulic / pneumatic spares

14.2 Electrical / electronic spares

14.3 Any special lubricants used in the machine

14.4 Consumables like nozzles,f ilters,current pickup etc f or two

y ears of operation pl quote with details

14.5 Three sets of complete machine & maintenance manuals

14.6 Any other relev ant spares -Pl specif y

15 Inspection


15.2 Machining a component (to be identif ied by us) to demonstrate the geometry ,surf ace f inish ,sizes etc.

16 Training

16.1 Training f or two persons at manuf acturer's works f or the programming,operation and basic troubleshooting


The machine shall be inspected as per VDI/DGQ 3441 standards f or positional and geometrical accuracies

at manuf acturers site and cleared bef ore despatch

Training on basics of EDM technoligies,Selection of parameteres for the given component & work material etc.

17 Installation

18 Delivery period to be specif ied

19 Machine Acceptance

20 Warranty

Minimum one y ear f rom the date of commissioning.

21 Others





21.5 All commercial terms like FOB, Insurance, Pay ment terms etc shall be clearly mentioned.

The machine has to be installed at our site by y our experts and demonstrate the perf ormance by

machining a component af ter installation.

Technical leaf let and write-up of equipment must be f urnished by the party along with quotation.

Acceptance of the machine will be based on the geometrical test and positional accuracy of the machine

as per VDI / DGQ 3441 at y our site as well as the perf ormance of the machine af ter installation at our


Quotation shall be prepared and signed by the original machine manuf acturer only .

Ref erence list of organisations (with postal address,contact person and f ax number) to whom similar

equipment in recent past may be f urnished along with of f er.

The bidders should hav e manuf actured and supplied similar machines during last f iv e y ears.


I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer IISU Purchase, Vattiyoorkavu PO Trivandrum - 695 013

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility

and reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.


XV) Tender No. 8311-2012-0114












Contents I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... ….3

II. DETAILED SPECIFICATION OF THE UNIT................................................................................................. 3

1.0. VACUUM CHAMBER .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.0. SUPPORT STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................... 3

3.0. MAGNETRON SOURCE ...................................................................................................................... 4

3.1. UNIFORMITY ..................................................................................................................................... 4

3.2. SOURCE SHUTTER ............................................................................................................................. 4


4.0. RF POWER SUPPLY 600 WATTS ......................................................................................................... 5

7.0. SUBSTRATE HOLDER BIAS ................................................................................................................. 6

8.0. FILM THICKNESS MONITOR ............................................................................................................... 6

9.0. GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 6

10.0. RESIDUAL GAS ANALYSER ................................................................................................................. 6

11.0. COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 6

12.0. VACUUM PUMPING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 7

12.1. ROTARY VACUUM PUMP .............................................................................................................. 7

12.2. TURBO MOLECULAR PUMP ........................................................................................................... 7

12.3. HIGH VACUUM VALVE ................................................................................................................... 7

12.4. ROUGHING & BACKING VALVE ..................................................................................................... 7

12.5. VACUUM PIPE LINES ..................................................................................................................... 8

12.6. VENT VALVE .................................................................................................................................. 8

12.7. VACUUM MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................................ 8

12.8. AUTOMATIC THROTTLE VALVE CONTROLLER ............................................................................... 8

12.9. VACUUM CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................... 8

13.0. INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 9

14.0. SAFETY DEVICES .............................................................................................................................. 10

15.0. PNEUMATIC SUPPLY ........................................................................................................................ 11

16.0. SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................... 11

17.0. INSPECTION ..................................................................................................................................... 11

18.0. DOCUMENTATION .......................................................................................................................... 12

20.0. TRAINING ........................................................................................................................................ 12

21.0. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................. 12

22.0. PARTY/VENDOR EXPERIENCE .......................................................................................................... 12

23.0. CONFIGURATION LAYOUT ............................................................................................................... 12

24.0. PRICE ............................................................................................................................................... 12

25.0. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT .............................................................................................................. 12



The equipment is meant for development of high quality, high performance, and multipurpose, long life

sputter coated thin films for space application. The films are mostly of self-lubricating dichalcogenides

like MoS2 (Molybdenum di sulphide), WS2 (tungsten di sulphide) etc or hard coating TiC, TiW or

multifunctional nano-composite films .



The Ultra High Vacuum Chamber is to be fabricated out of stainless steel SS 304 L and having

inner dimension of 490mm (W) x 460mm (H) x 475mm (D). Front of the chamber is to be welded with a

flange and fitted with Viton ’O’ Ring to serve as door. Approximate opening of the door is to be 400mm


A hinge supported door is required to achieve vacuum sealing with chamber’s front flange. Front

door is to be provided with a view port for observation of the process inside the chamber. View port size

should be approx. 250mm.

A diagnostic port is to be provided (oblique, line of sight to wafer surface) and on the side.

The chamber is to be provided with water cooling system. A Vacuum Pumping Port is required

on the chamber to connect the Turbo Molecular Pump based Vacuum Pumping System.

A thin stainless steel sheet liner is to be provided inside the chamber to prevent the deposition

on the chamber wall.

Bottom plate made of Stainless Steel SS 304L is to be provided to support 4 Nos. of Magnetron

Sources. Top plate is to be provided with ports for substrate rotation, mechanical / Electrical feed-

through etc.

4 Nos. of pneumatically operated source shutter feed throughs are to be provided.

Ports for substrate rotation, mechanical / Electrical feed-through etc. is to be provided. Spare

ports with above mentioned standard sealing shall also be provided. An additional set of substrate

holder ports with mechanical/electrical feed through is to be provided on the side wall.

Gas Inlet Port as described in 9.0 is to be configured and provided. Chamber inner surface is to

be polished for low outgassing.

Chamber weld joints are to be leak tested using Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector to an

individual leak rate of 3 x 10-9 m.bar. ltrs / sec.


Support Structure should be made of mild steel Tubular Frame Structure, neatly powder coated

is to be provided to house the chamber on the topside of the support structure. The support structure is

to be sturdy enough for vibration and noise free operation of the system.



Three numbers of magnetron source of 3” dia source, which are Water Cooled are to be

provided. These Magnetron Sources should be RF & DC compatible and should have tilt motion


The Magnetron Sources are to be positioned towards the substrate and is to be provided in the

Sputter up Configuration from the bottom Plate. Switching provision should be provided for the sources

with switch control from outside the chamber during sputtering.

The Magnetron Sources have to be of M/S. ANGSTROM SCIENCES, USA make

The sputtering targets two nos. of Molybdenum di sulphide, 3” purity 99.99%, 3mm thick and a

TiC 3” purity 99.99%, 3mm thick has to be provided. The target disks should have proper copper

backing (Cu bonding of target disk).

Sputtering sources to be fitted with the “in situ tilt” option for precise and repeatable con-focal,

direct, and off-axis deposition. This option is to allow the sputtering targets to be precisely swiveled

from outside the vacuum chamber through an actuator. The swiveling motion should be independently

computer programmable for fine tuning the incident angle which can deliver better than +/- 5%

uniformity on substrates. Swiveling angle should be approximately ± 20°.

Target selection should be through control panel. Single or multiple target operation should be



Uniform Deposition of ±5% on 2 – 2.5” diameter substrate has to be demonstrated.


Pneumatically operated Source Shutter fabricated out of stainless steel is to be provided to each

Magnetron Source to open or close the required Sputtering Source during Sputtering operation from

control panel.


Two numbers of substrate Holder made of Stainless Steel SS 304L, to hold discs ranging from

250mm to 15 mm dia and width upto 50mm- are to be provided. The job on collet has to be rotated such

that width side of the job is coated and job is rotated continuously through rotary shaft seal using

suitable drive.

The rotary shaft seal and the rotation mechanism have to be provided on the top and side wall

port of the chamber for the substrate holder. The system should be configured with replaceable

substrate holders. Two separate substrate holders are to be supplied as detailed below.

(a) Substrate holder with rotation and horizontal motion:

It is to be provided by means of suitable Drive Mechanism with rotation speed of 2- 20 rpm. Substrate

should have horizontal motion control. Motion controllers for substrate translation should also be

provided on the control panel and should be computer programmable.

(b) Substrate holder with planetary and up-down motion:

Planetary substrate holders to achieve excellent uniformity shall be provided. The work holder should

be able to accommodate min. of 3 nos. of planet, which should be capable holding substrate of size


50mm. Substrate should have vertical motion control .The planetary work holder rotation should be

computer programmable.

The substrate holder is to be provided with facility for biasing using RF Power Supply of 300

Watts, 13.56 MHz frequency.

The deposition will be done on the width side of the disc which is up to 50mm.

Figure 1: Proposed Scheme for substrate holder mounting on the chamber


Suitable substrate heater is to be provided to heat the substrate in the range of 150-4000C

Type of the heater employed in the system should be IR source or quartz source and of reputed

make. Temperature control system shall work in close loop.

Temperature measurement and the control has to be by means of PID controller (preferably M/s

EOROTHERM make) with chromel alumel K type Thermocouple with SSR power controller.

4.0. RF POWER SUPPLY 600 WATTS – 1 No. :

RF power supply of 600 W of M/S. HUTTINGER, GERMANY Make nominal frequency of 13.56

MHz with auto matching network is to be provided in the unit to feed the RF Power to the

Magnetron Source to carry out the RF Sputtering operation.

The party should have some prior experience in RF power matching network tuning.


M/S. HUTTINGER or M/s ADVANCE ENERGY make pulsed DC Power supply of 5KW rating is

to be provided for DC Magnetron Sputtering with adjustable frequency range of 5-350 kHz.


Suitable RF and DC selector switch box with RF filter is to be provided to select desired

magnetron source



M/S. HUTTINGER, GERMANY make RF Power Supply 300 watts capacity of 13.56 MHz with

auto matching network has to be provided for RF biasing of the substrate holder. Biasing of the

substrate holder is to be carried out through a specially designed slip ring mechanism, to feed RF Power

and substrate holder has to be suitably insulated.


M/S. SIGMA, USA Make Film Thickness Monitor Model SQM – 160 with standard Single Sensor,

remote oscillator. Cables to be provided (Spares 10 nos of quartz crystals are also to be provided).

Shall be supplied with PC controlled multifilm thickness monitor, free from RF interference. It

shall also include crystal holders.


A Gas Manifold fabricated out of stainless steel is to be provided which accommodates 3 Nos of

M/S. BRONKHORST Make Mass Flow Controller having flow range of 10-100 sccm with filter, valve to

feed gas into the chamber to carry out sputtering operation. The Gases used are Argon, Nitrogen and



M/S. INFICON or M/S HORIBA STEC make Residual gas analyzers to measure real time traces

of impurities remaining in vacuum chambers. The unit is to be equipped with a color liquid-crystal

display, which allows obtaining analysis results on easy-to-read graphs.


Lab view based computer control system. This control system should accommodate a large, flat-

screen laptop in 19 “drawer the control system should allow the user to operate in either the “manual

mode” or the “automated processing mode”.

In the “automated processing mode” shall enable user to designs process “layers” which could be

compiled and saved as a “process.” The system shall allow limiting access to a user’s layers and

preventing unexpected corruption of a user’s saved processes.

The control system shall accommodate RF power supplies, one 3-way RF switchbox, four process

gases, closed loop automatic pressure control and substrate temperature control. Processes should

abort if plasma is not detected. Standard data logging and downloading Process data to common

spreadsheet programs should be possible.

All the substrate and target motion should be programmable on the monitor and should allow

custom storage of programs. Display of all the above motions should be available on the screen.


Oxygen Inlet

Nitrogen Inlet



M/S. EDWARD make Direct Drive Rotary Vacuum Pump having 1000 ltrs/min. capacity is to be

provided for rouging / backing operation of the vacuum chamber. The noise level while in operational

condition should be less than 50 dB and should be oil free dry type, clean room compatible.


Turbo Molecular Pump of make M/S Pfeiffer having pumping speed of 1150 ltrs/sec for N2 is

required. The pump is to be provided with Turbo Controller, Inlet Screen and Emergency Vent Valve etc.


Electro pneumatically operated High Vacuum Valve is to be mounted above the Turbo Pump.

This High Vacuum Valve facilitates the isolation of the Turbo Pump when the chamber is to be brought

to atmospheric pressure even when the Turbo Pump is working. This valve operation is to be

interlocked with roughing valve and vent valve.


Electro pneumatically operated Right Angle Valve is to be provided for carrying out roughing,

backing operations. Operation of these valves is to be inter-locked with High Vacuum Valve and Vent


Fig: Evacuation System

Argon Inlet

Gas Vent

Main Valve Roughing Valve

Fore line Valve








The Vacuum Pipe Lines are to be fabricated out of stainless steel SS-304L with necessary bellow

adaptors provided to arrest the vibrations, if any.

12.6. VENT VALVE :

An air admittance valve is to be provided to break the vacuum at the end of the coating cycle to

expose the substrate to atmosphere. This valve operation is to be interlocked with the High Vacuum

Valve such that when the Vent Valve is in operation the other valve cannot be energized.


Vacuum gauges are to be of M/S. EDWARDS, UK Make with TIC Instrument Controller with 2

Nos. of Pirani Gauge Heads to measure vacuum from atmosphere to 10-3 m.bar and 1 No. of Inverted

Magnetron Sensor with pressure measuring range of 10-3 to 10-9 m.bar is to be provided. (OR) M/S.

INFICON Make Vacuum Gauge with 2 Pirani and 1 Invert Magnetron sensor is to be provided.


Motorized Throttle Valve of suitable size with Controller is to be provided to maintain the

required partial pressure of Argon inside the chamber to carry out the Sputtering operation.

The valves to be used in the vacuum system, water system and gas distribution system

needs to be specified by the party with respect to their make, capacity and quality.



Ultimate Vacuum of 5 x 10-7 m.bar has to be achieved with Turbo Molecular Pump in clean, cold,

empty degassed chamber after back filling with pure and dry Nitrogen.


10-6 m.bar is to be achieved in 20 minutes after opening the high vacuum valve in clean, cold,

empty thoroughly degassed condition and after roughing the chamber to vacuum of 0.05 m.bar.


Working Vacuum will be in the range of 10-3 m.bar depending upon the requirement during

sputtering operation.


All the components, sub-assemblies and final unit are to be leak tested using MSLD to an

individual leak rate of 3 x 10-9 m. bar ltrs/sec.

12.9.5. LEAK RATE:

Total leak rate of 1 x 10-3 m.bar ltrs / sec can be achieved by pressure rise method under valve

off condition in clean, cold, degassed condition.




An auto/manual vacuum controller is to be provided for complete automation of vacuum

pumping system with fully automatic and manual override facility with mimic diagram, manually

operated ON/OFF switches with indication lamps, auto/manual /standby selector switch, utility failure

indication and alarms etc.,


A Programmable Logic Controller is to be provided in the system for complete automation of

vacuum cycle and to achieve various interlocks of the system. This PLC should have necessary number

of inputs and outputs, communication interface module etc.


Control Console is to be fabricated out of Mild Steel neatly powder coated is a part of frame

structure should house all the Electrical Control Instrumentation and Control Switches which houses the

following: -

1. Auto / manual Vacuum Controller

2. Programmable Logic Controller

3. Vacuum Gauge

4. substrate heater control

5. Mass Flow Gas Control

6. Mains Control with RYB Indications and Isolator switch.

7. Turbo Pump Controller

8. RF/DC Power Supply

All the electrical switchgears like Control Transformer, Contactors, Relays, Fuses, Timers and

Motor Starters etc are to be mounted on a plate and fitted vertically for the convenience of maintenance.

All electrical controls, circuit breakers and terminal strips are to be located in an enclosure. All

pumps, power supplies, hoists, instrumentation should be with separate circuits with circuits breaker.

The above Control Console is to be neatly wired to operate on 415 V AC, 50 Hz, 3 Phase Power

Supply. The equipment is to be designed and constructed for clean room compatible.

Control panel should be configured with

target shutter selector, roughing valve, fore line valve, RF/DC selector, tuning knob,

impedance matching, Argon inlet, mechanical pump switch, rotary pump switch, main

switch, cathode selector, cathode shutter controller, DC power display, plate current meter,

plate voltage meter, incident power meter, reflected power meter.

Substrate heater switch, substrate coolant supply switch, cathode chamber coolant supply

switch. Rack mounting of power supplies.

Substrate motion ON/OFF switch control and display, rotation, translation, planetary

speed control, Target motion ON/OFF control and display, swivel angle, motion display.

Motion/position program, speed control.



The Sputtering Unit is to be provided with all safety devices to protect the system and the

operator from mal-function and possible operator's errors.


The system should be equipped with its own cooling water supply system with all

feeding pumps and compressors, filters, plumbing, valves, gauges etc. De-ionized water in a closed cycle

system should be used. These accessory systems should be of reputed make.

Water lines for different system of the sputtering unit are to be taken from a central manifold

distributing them into various circuits providing each with a control valve for independent operation.

Similarly the outlet water from different systems of the coating unit is to be connected to a

common outlet manifold. Water flow switches are to be provided on the outlet of each system so that

the water flow rate of each of the system can be sensed and OK signal is to be given to operate respective

power controls.

In case of water supply failure or reduced rate of water flow those switches de-energise the

electrical circuit and give alarm showing the status of the system through LED indicators.


Pressure switches one in pneumatic line is to be connected to alert the operator by alarm in case

pneumatic supply drops below the required operating pressure.


The High vacuum valve is to be fitted with micro switches which provide the signal on the valve

fully closed position so that even if the electrical signal gives any wrong status the micro switches will

not allow other operation to be carried out.


Pirani vacuum controller are to be incorporated operating in the range of 0.5 to 1 x 10–3 m.bar

through a roughing pirani gauge head and backing pirani gauge head. These vacuum controllers sense

the vacuum of respective places and energies the relay when the preset vacuum is reached.

The pirani controller fitted to roughing gauge head is normally set at 0.05m.bar which is the

normal vacuum to be created before opening the high vacuum valve. In case of leak in the chamber or

any degassing the controller should not allow the high vacuum valve to open until the preset vacuum is

reached in the chamber there by protecting the diffusion pump.


Invert Gauge Controller which operates in the range of 5 x 10–3 m.bar to 1 x 10–6 m.bar is to be

inter connected with coating unit power controls such that if vacuum falls beyond the set value the

controls and respective power supply will be de-energised.



The system should be configured with its own pneumatic supply system with filters, compressor,

and its associated piping. All the equipments should be of reputed make and clean room

compatible. Compressor noise level should be below 47dB.


The following inputs will be provided at the site are which required for the proper operation of

the Magnetron sputtering unit. Provision to be made to have proper power, water, pneumatic

supplies with proper connectors at the location of installation


The whole coating unit is to be wired to operate on 415V AC 3 phase 50Hz, with power neutral

and ground connections.


Process gases for carrying out sputtering operation with cylinder and 2 stage regulator will be



Inspection and clearance by IISU representatives needs to be completed at definite phases of

fabrication. The following tests are to be carried out during this inspection and before the

shipment of the item to IISU.

a) After the completion of the vacuum chamber, inspection points are to be specified with respect

to Overall finish (UHV quality) and size of the chamber, Verification of the ports on the

chamber and Provisions for mounting attachments inside and outside the chamber and Base

vacuum measurement.

b) Leak testing of the chamber and its sub-assemblies (if any) to an individual leak rate of 1 x 10-9

m.bar ltrs / sec using Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector.

c) Testing of ultimate vacuum of 5 x 10-7 m.bar in clean, cold, empty thoroughly degassed


d) Testing pump down to 10-6 m.bar in 20 mins. After roughing the chamber to 0.05 m.bar and

after opening the high vacuum valve in clean, cold, empty thoroughly degassed conditioned


e) Demonstrate molybdenum disulphide/TiC sputtering on specimens by RF Sputtering with

sputtering rate of 5 A0/S and thickness uniformity of ±5%.

Characterization of films will be carried out at IISU.

f) Testing of automatic operation of vacuum system from cold start to vacuum ready indication.

g) Testing safety interlocks functions.


h) DC or RF connectivity to any desired Magnetron Source and conducting sputtering using on

supplied coupons.

i) Inspection of all equipments before assembly.

j) Inspection of the RF Sputtering system in assembly condition.

k) Trial run and demonstration of the process


Provide 2 set of Instruction Manual for operation and maintenance of the system and manuals

of purchased items. Documentation should be in English. Hard and soft copies to be supplied.

19.0. SPARES

The party supplying the system should supply spares listed below for minimum three years of



Provide Training to user engineers at our site for 2 days.


The systems should be commissioned and demonstrated at IISU, Trivandrum with all

accessories on a turnkey basis. All the imported subsystems warranty period shall be

extended to our end. System shall carry two years warranty.


The party supplying the sputtering system should have prior experience in building and

commissioning of RF sputtering systems in India should be produced with documentary proof.


The party shall provide the configuration layout. The configuration layout of the sputtering

system should detail all equipments, water connections, water circulation system, gas

distribution, control panel, valves, switches etc. This should contain all the views with

dimensions. Control panel configuration detailing equipments, power supplies, vacuum

measuring equipments, thickness measuring equipments, mass flow meter display etc should be


24.0. PRICE

The party shall quote separately for all the above mentioned components of RF Magnetron

Sputtering System.


The party must provide compliance statement with respect to each point mentioned above

clearly detailing deviation in specification if any.



I. PART - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:- Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.

III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.

The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer IISU Purchase, Vattiyoorkavu PO Trivandrum - 695 013

IV. Where an agent participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he should not to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with first manufacturer in a subsequent / parallel tender for the same item. However the Indian agents at their option can quote on behalf of one or more principals/manufacturers provided the items pertains to different Brands/Makes and/or with different options.

V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and

reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.

VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.

VII. TENDER OPENING The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.

VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.

IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.