I could live here!!

Post on 27-May-2022

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Transcript of I could live here!!

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee

great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33 v 3

An Sower went forth to sow;

My first ministry in Visakhapatnam was to a village where pastor

Nathaniel had preached the gospel for many months and the Word was taking effect

After preaching the Word and praying for the sick he led me rice to the

families and pray for the sick and needy. I visited the family home of local Christians. Although very basic the hut mud floor was swept and clean the pot and pans arranged nearly on shelves

I could live here!!

Peduyim Home

Sheila Beulah Pastor Nathaniel and Hudson

Peduyim Home |Orphaned Children

Mission India: Jeremiah 1 v 7-9

The Children

With Ten Children

With Five


Early Days in

Peduyim Home.

It started by

renting a

place for two

orphans at £25

a month then

there were 4

children and

it grew with

the Lords


The Lord provided for land to be bought and plans were drawn


At the end of one mission I found myself trapped in Visag as the Airport was flooded. Apparently the authorities were so concerned About the Reservoir bursting due to to the heavy rainfall they decided to let the water out thus flooding the airport. The railways were not running to the lines being washed away there were no buses or taxies available as the roads had been washed away so for a week I prayed meanwhile continuing and completing. The Lord answered and Pastor Nathaniel after visiting and quing at the ticket office for two days managed to obtain an air con compartment on the sleeper overnight train back to Secunderbad where I could connect to my flight from Hyderabad. In 2014 there were severe floods in Visakhaptanm area. Report In Peduyim Home Visakhapatnam there is much damage after the storm but

DV I will at last be able to re-join the pastors in the tribal region in

Visakhapatnam in the derelict church where I taught last year

conditions were rough and I read my Bible with the aid of a hole in the

roof and a torch.

Last year I only went half way as the roads were flooded and conditions

were difficult. 65 pastors attended the Lord blessed and although

perfect strangers at the start we bonded and found we were kindred

spirits in our desire to preach the Word and win souls for Christ. This

year, ( DV) I plan to go further in the mountain region if need be

to sleep over night and walk a while in their moccasins .

Trapped in Visakhapatnam

Apart from precious ministry the Lord has put it into my heart to

select a small group of mature spirit filled men to oversee gifts and

future support for them.

Slum Village. Two years ago I encouraged Pastor Nathaniel to support a

slum village. He has been preaching the gospel and providing rice and

clothing gifts as well as medicines when needed.

Last year a mother named her baby “Sheila Grace” and now we have been

asked to open the church building and dedicate it to the Lord.

The children are excited and looking forward to our visit, I plan more

gospel/ discipleship meetings with them and of course our regular trip

to the beach.

Sheila loves to visit the villages and have hands on to as many babies

as is possible her only problems is giving them back. In every village

meeting souls are saved and everyone request prayer. Because there is

very little medicine available and the doctor or hospital treatment is

not available due to poverty they seek the One who is able to heal and

we witness many wonderful healings as the villagers have faith and seek

the LORD. All glory to God…..

For Prayer and Praise Pastor Nathaniel will be visiting Orissa state to convene a new PTPF ( Peduyim tribal pastors fellowship conference DV on 8/9th December. He is setting up a new Pastors Fellowship and DV has invited me to conduct a pastors conference in the new year DV. DBM have distributed bicycles for the pastors, many have been walking from village to village preaching the Gospel. Beulah has presented the poor widows with Sari’s and poor needy pastors have been given sacks of good quality rice ice ( enough for a family for a month) to the needy pastors families. Also distributing booklets of “Discipleship Course” in Oriya language also Endure Hardness as a Good soldier of Jesus Christ and my Bible study “Our God is a Consuming Fire”

Pastor Nathaniel in Prison. He took regular monthly meetings and had the joy of seeing souls saved. Notice the bibles . The children loved to praise the Lord and each evening after supper we gave out the Word.

Souls Saved

Dear Tony & Sheila,

Evening Worship

Thank you so much for your greetings and prayers for Peduyim children,

about my family, ministry, trustees and PPF Visakhapatnam.

Thank you for your encouragement and I want to tell you one thing which

in my heart that is I am often wept in my personal as well as

open prayers for the winning souls.

Last year two souls saved namely Pawan Kumar and Siva Kumar. Pawan

Kumar is Engineering student studying 3 rd year, Siva Kumar is studying


Please pray for these young boys. They are attending to our Peduyim

Church every Sunday service. We want to set up another church near

Peduyim Home.

Pastor Nathaniel

Pastor Nathaniel arranged a pastors conferences in Yanam and

then another in Kakinada

This is Pastor Godwin and his wife Pricilla who lent me their

home for the duration.

Pastors conference in Bargarth.


Amazing Meeting

Many young men . They ;listened attentively. The Lord anointed the Word It

flowed well. Much good was done. Praise God. Timing good

Returned to a lovely meal mash onions

Pastor Godwin returned with Prisila very happy Big beams over their faces;

Glory to God Sujan was blessed. We took photos. Talked with Nathaniel and

Sujan Very great blessing

Monday 14th November

Pastors Meeting in Kakinada

Up at 5 AM waited until 7 AM before bath and upon roof. Prayed much for

Sheila Family and folks back home

So my last meeting. Felt very heavy burden to be care not to be presumptuous

but to prepare so I did

Pastor Godwin knocked but I said sorry I am working. Sujan came he said the

Lord woke him at 4 AM He was up on the roof praying so Praise the Lord the

blessing is transferring. Glory to God

Prayed with Pastor Godwin before he went off to prepare

The car arrived at 9 45 but we got lost on the way The meeting was possibly

one of the best. ”The Lord keeping the best until Last”

Sujan had travelled from Bapatla to be my

translator. The Lord blessed him as he was

preaching the Holy Spirit empowered him and

he preached with fire

I was “Honoured” again and also bedecked with lovely flowers. Rather difficult

to minister. Sujan read out the Cloud of witnesses. Then slowly one item by one

we managed to cover Cell Phones discipline in the church Hallelujah syndrome,

Fear of God, All pastors-testimonies, then some teaching on Prayer life faith

sacrifice obedience before testimony of myself then Sheila then Hospital

ministries Preaching Philippines and India all with the one challenge “Whom

shall I send Who will go for us. Here I am send me. Any thing any time,


So then Lord helped me. The word went forth with power. Glory to God

We distributed booklets then presented a young pastor with a bicycle He was

really thrilled Photo

In Pideagallig

Pastors turned up by walk

They set off at 5 AM walked 15 Miles


Sujan translated 14 meetings for me


Joseph and Mary have had the “Discipleship Booklet” printed in Hyderabad in

Kananda language for Kerrala. They have supervised the editing formatting and

printing of the booklet and have had a thousand copies printed and sent them the

Pastor Raja. I will ask Joseph to send me the translation by email if possible.

One of the ways the Lord guided us in supporting Peduyim

Pastor was in donating bicycles to the men most5 needy on the

basis that they would be able to cycle to the next village to

preach the gospel. Around a hundred were given both in Peduyim

and Sheila’s Home.

5pm Visakapatnam The train was so slow with railworks everywhere.

We eventually pulled in the station at 12 35 PM midday. I stood on the

platform observing the teeming throng dispersing all around me. Then I

spotted a white banner and when it turned I saw my name TONY DALY. Pastor

Nathaniel met me with his wife and her sister and brother . Their child

Hudson 3 years of age .

After introductions we made our way out to wait for the small car

to arrive. It was very welcome transport. On our way through the now

familiar traffic chaos to the Hotel Royal Fort. It was a new hotel only

opened three months ago and very palatial. They had booked me in at R750

per night for two nights. Oh praise the Lord for clean room, clean water.

I shared with them briefly and decided that I liked them very much. After

showing photos and telephoning Pastor Joseph they left me to rest and will

return at 6 PM to take me to the meeting… Tomorrow they tell me we go to

the village, then to the church in the evening DV. I have a Word. “Seek

ye the Lord while he may be found. He will abundantly pardon”

Isaiah 55 v 6

Later at 6PM we drove along the coast road to Tagarapuualsa town and I met

Grandpa and Mother. He was a little confused.

At the church I was bedecked with flowers which was embarrassing in the

church I had to take them off before I could speak. They are very heavy .

I gave out the Word “My people shall be willing in the day of my power”

. The Lord greatly helped me. Several pastors from other churches came.

I prayed for many folk including a woman with cancer, a man with skin

disease and young teenager with sever sight problem. After praying for so

many people (they all want and insist on you laying hands on them) I had a

Pepsi and we returned via the main Highway Calcutta Road.

We stopped at a place in Visag to obtain bread Cheese butter it was almost

midnight. On the way home a young translator Vigarr (meaning Victory)

asked many questions, mainly about church discipline, heavy shepherding and

who should he obey? the pastor or the Lord.. I heard the world news on the

radio. Breakfast tomorrow is compliments of the hotel. They come to

pick me up at 8.30AM Lord a good night’s sleep please… AH clean sheets.

Lovely… Goodnight!!!

Friday the 10th January. Visaghapatnam

I slept well Praise the Lord.. I was awake at 6.30 AM I am going to breakfast at 7 AM.

Later 4PM Breakfast was good. No bacon no sausage so I had to be content

with omelette, Cornflakes and toast 3 slices with tea. I was ready at

8.30 but Ravi did not arrive until 8 45AM. He had apparently lost his key.

We travelled on the main Calcutta highway avoiding three head on crashes

before turning off down a rough track to the to a village. I was given a

flowery welcome with Hepsit and Beualh ( Pastors wife and sister) throwing

petals over me..

The meeting commenced with me being bedecked with a garland of flowers

and more quantities of petals thrown over me. The girls beautifully dressed

sang as a choir and it was lovely. Around 15 adults and twenty five children

gathered to hear the Word.

I preached on As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness”, and

“Two blind men” Twenty folk responded to the Word, lifting up their hands,

saying they had prayed a sinners prayer. Then nearly all came for prayer,

older folks with weak hearts skin diseases and all terrible ailments caused

I think by bad sanitation, dirty water and awful conditions of poverty.

had to tell some of them (before I could pray for them) to remove and

destroy their occult fetishes, obtained from the witch doctors , and the

jewels in their noses,

The Lord blessed and I was led to give money for a sack of rice for

the villagers. I returned down coast road to Visaghapatnam and stopped

briefly on the beach to paddle and have an ice cream.. The ice cream was

a disappointment being so small but I rejoiced for it anyway. The sun was

hot the beach inviting and I had paddled in the Bay of Bengal!!! Vee-

jay came to take a photo and |I returned to the hotel at 1 PM to enjoy egg

chips bread and pineapple..

Brother Riva is coming at 6.45 to take me to the meeting at the

Baptist Church in Tagarapuualsa .

Pastor Riva came at 7PM and we set off for the Baptist church. Stopping

on the way at Pastor Nathaniel’s home where she had prepared a watery


They live in two rooms on the upper part of o house. The district is

poor and noisy. There is a church nearby which was not mentioned.. He

showed me his wounded and scarred feet injured through waking to the

village. I was given a packet of Bourbon biscuits.

On the way Riva played my tapes on the car radio. It was lovely to

hear Sheila singing… We proceeded to the Baptist church I gave out

“Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil” Warn the righteous

Ezekiel. Cyanide poisoning and the Lessons from Amalek. The Lord

greatly helped me. After the message around 30 came for prayer

From the poor

village to the

palace e The

Dolphin Hotel

Peduyim Home



Testifying and

sharing her

faith in a small

prison. Notice

the prison

officer sitting

in listening.

The children

attended a

local village

school and

Sheila used to

love to walk

the children

to school.

Later we were

invited to

talk with the


Pastor Samuel



Church Members

Dear Tony & Sheila,

After your visiting to Peduyim we took three days rest and started

ministry again here among the prisons and villages to distribute the


After we received two bundles of tracts from John Harder your

friend . With help of the children we are all made it in a proper way of

folding them for distribution.

During this month of March with help of the children we are all

distributed the tracts in the each home in all the following villages.




Among the two bundles of CALVARY LOVE Tracts we are completed to

distributed one bundle of it. So we have remaining one bundle only.

About Prison Ministry


I am regularly visiting the prisons and tell the love of Jesus to these


Two prisoners accepted to take baptism also. Their names are VEKATA


and SATTI BABU. kindly pray for them.

with regards Nathaniel

Pastor Nathaniel sent a annual Christmas

Photo of the Children. Each year each child

had new clothing

Children We have twenty two children sponsored.

4 in Peduyim Visakhapatnam which opened in February


And 18 in Sheila and Barbara’s home in Bapatla!

It was a great joy on my last visit to see the children

all so well dressed well cared for and well loved.

I was thrilled when after singing choruses to me in

Telugu and English several of the children recited

memory verses in Telugu

An Invitation to a wedding

Evening Meal

On missions I stayed in the Guest Room. Beulah would always

shop for Cornflakes and provide clean water. Soon she was able

to cook egg and chips.

Travel in India . The roads I found very dangerous especially

at night where Indian driver would use full headlight on full

beam only switching off to allow the traffic to see their

silhouette and then the other driver would reciprocate. But to

suddenly be plunged into total darkness was not pleasant. The

trains were safe but platforms always crowded

Above daily Worship and Bible studies . Beulah is translating. Many of

the children were wonderfully saved baptised and went on with the Lord.

Mostly all from a Hindu background


In the original Peduyim Home, two rooms rented upstairs in a two story building

At every opportunity the sower would walk the beach and cool down

talking things over with the Lord

For more visit www.dailybreadmissions.org.uk

God be praised. The Sower