I can’t thank you enough for all your time, effort...

Post on 28-Jul-2018

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Transcript of I can’t thank you enough for all your time, effort...

I can’t thank you enough for all your time, effort, participation, and financial support.

You’ve followed our progress and kept informed about our initiatives for locally-led

environmental conservation and sustainable economic development in Central America.

You’ve shared our story with your family, your friends, and your professional network.

You’ve made introductions, hosted and attended events, and visited the region to learn

more about our work. All of this – each and every one of these actions – strengthens our

movement. Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with our partners in Central

America as they work for a fair economy and a healthy environment. Your participation

and support have been instrumental to our successes.

In 2015, we began to lay the groundwork to expand our mangrove conservation efforts in

El Salvador. As you know, mangroves not only play a critical role in local ecosystems, but

they are an important part of solving the global climate crisis. Using the proven method of

Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR), we’ve been able to restore over 50 acres of

mangrove forest, and our community partners continue to steward the forest by creating

and enforcing resource management plans grounded in scientific research. These

experiences are now giving us a platform from which to contribute to national

environmental policies. By strengthening environmental policy and involving community

members in those discussions, we will be able to create lasting change that will protect the

Bay of Jiquilisco and enable people to make a dignified living.

Thanks again for all the support you gave us in 2015. I look forward to continuing our

partnership for a sustainable, peaceful future.

With gratitude,

Karolo Aparicio

Executive Director

• Formalized a partnership with the Salvadoran Marine Science Institute to establish a local fisheries monitoring network and science-based management planning, benefiting over 250 small-scale fishers practicing sustainable techniques.

• Worked with over 125 local leaders and community members to release over 13,000 baby sea turtles into the wild, plant more than 2,600 trees, and preserve nearly 5,000 acres of priority crabbing and fishing habitat.

• Restored over 50 acres of mangrove forest in the Bay of Jiquilisco.

• Led workshops on environmental management, risk management, and climate adaptation.

• Community-based enforcement efforts have resulted in a decline in blast fishing. No sea turtle mortalities were reported in 2015.

• Over 4,750 acres of priority habitat are overseen by a Local Environmental Committee, made up of 12 representatives from six local communities. This body is recognized by government authorities as the legal, supervisory body to enforce existing regulations and direct local outreach.

• Rebuilt a sea turtle hatchery destroyed in a high tide event.

• Established a permanent dialogue space between government authorities and 24 vulnerable communities in the Bay of Jiquilisco, leveraging over $450,000 for flood mitigation improvements in existing infrastructure along the Río Grande de San Miguel River.

• Provided seed capital for a new campesino-driven cooperative business, Xinachtli, which will serve over 300 family farmers and fishers in the Bay of Jiquilisco. The funds were used to help the co-op legally incorporate and develop a business plan.

• Built 14 composting latrines to curb water contamination and improve public health.

• Built a water tank to provide a safe and reliable water supply for 400 families with the help of Engineers Without Borders.

• Supplied domestic corn seed to the government-run Family Agriculture Program, which aids small farmers across the country.

• Trained local farmers in adaptations to climate change and drought conditions brought on by El Niño.

• Honduran partner Red COMAL organized 19 native seed banks to promote food sovereignty and climate change adaptation.

• Provided funds for a network of young people working to prevent violence and increase opportunities for engagement in their communities. 100 young people are active in the youth program.

• Organized youth-led workshops on food sovereignty, climate change, and solar-powered irrigation systems for school gardens.

• Facilitated entrepreneurship and job skills programs for youth.

• Remodeled and enlarged children’s area of community library.

• Strengthened local community radio station by increasing signal strength and developing new programming on current events, politics, health, culture and environmental issues.

• Organized series of meetings with Local Groups to assess current needs and develop plans to meet those needs.

• Worked with Local Groups to coordinate diversified agriculture and environmental conservation activities.

Karolo Aparicio, Executive Director Nathan Weller, Program and Policy Director

Amy Kessler, Field Coordinator Jeanne Muller, Communications and Outreach Manager

Luis Flores, Bookkeeper

Jeff Haas, Board Chair Karina Copen, Vice-Chair James Baker, Sr., Treasurer

Mary Frances LaPorte, Secretary Harold Baron, Chair Emeritus

Lisa Brown Oppenheimer Cam Duncan

Salvador Menjivar Michelle Saddler

Erik Schnabel Steve Solnit

Eleanor Stein

Sharon and Gary Davidson Yael Falicov

Jeff Jones Naomi Klein

Bill and Vicki Leonard Avi Lewis

Mariel Nanasi Gilbert Prud’homme

Anna Von Essen Robert Zeigler

Natalie Alfaro Frazier Luis Amezcua Roberta Anderson Kate Anderton Anonymous (3) Aura Aparicio Karolo Aparicio Alison Ascher Webber William Charles Ayers & Bernardine Dohrn James Baker Sr. Jillian Baker Roy & Helen Baker Lee Bar-Eli Barbara Engel Harold M. Baron & Paula L. Baron Rodrigo Barraza John Joseph Bartlett Beverly Bell David Lee & Kathleen Mary Bellefeuille-Rice Rachel Berney Linda Bescript Vicki Bielanski Bill & Penny Ritchie Frank L. & Katherine S. Bixby Bruce & Eileen Blakeley-Smith Paul Blumenthal Andrea Bocanegra Almog Bokobza Noah Borrero Kathy Boudin Peg Bouska Tom Boyd Therese Brandenstein Carissa Brands Jaclyn A. Brilling & Michael J. Horgan Lisa Brown Oppenheimer Lilianne Thorpe Buchanan Mauricio Burgos Barbara Burke Ron Bush Wendy Call & Aram Falsafi Cedar Carlton Bruce Chamberlain Fr. Jim Chamberlain Elsa Chavez Bebe Chiarito Georgina Coca Lauren Colella Hillary Coleman Jeff Conant & Kristen Graser The Copen Family Fund Penny Rubin & Jean Corigliano Gary Cornelius Rocio Corona Rhea Coskey Rabbi Rachel Cowan Rachel Cox Gary Cozette Jeanne & William Dalton

Sharon & Gary Davidson Roger deFreitas Juliane Devlin Nancy & Andrew diSibio Barbara DiTommaso Jacqueline Downing Susan & Cameron Duncan Will Durant Carol Eisenstein Marta Falicov Yael Falicov Maria J. Bustos-Fernandez Sara Ferree Peter Fleetwood Luis Flores Sarah Flosi Amanda Foster Francine Craven Susan Frazier Rebecca Freeman Barbara & George Fridley Joan Fritz Anne Garde Jamie Gardner Glynis Gawn Cerian Gibbes Paul Gibson & Roxanne Barber Mary Gilpatrick Alicia Girnoux Debra Gittler Shana Golden Jay Gore Beverly & Tom Greene Nickolas Grimsman Amanda Hackney Cara Hagan John M. & Renata Hahn-Francini JoAnn Hanson & Eric Stimson Barbara Haya Marc Hayes Linda Helding Jonathan Heller & Sarah McFarlane Jim Helmer & Patricia Skergan Dennis D. & Joanne Henderson Gaile Herling Elizabeth Hewson John & Carolyn Blume Hickman Harold & Jan Hoem Sidney Hollander & Kay Berkson Mary Holmes Gwen Hoppe Catherine Hourcade Annie & Richard Hubbard Cody Dean Huffine Andrew Hummel-Schluger James H. Humston Sharon Hunter-Smith Maureen Hunter Kimberly Iden

Mark & Nancy Jacobs Naomi Jaffe Adriana Jarosz Sheila & Kenneth Javor Elvira Ruiz Jimenez Clark & Janet Johnson Mark Johnson & Sally J. Cummins Patricia Johnson Peter J. Jones & Jan L. Hollinger Jones Karen Ranucci Dollie & Con Kelly Bailey Kelsay Quintin Kelsay Dr. Mha Atma S. Khalsa Anne C. Kimball Brittany King Tim Kingston Timothy P. Klassen Todd Kolze & Brenda O'Sullivan Naomi & Lynden Krause John P. Kretzmann & Ingrid Christiansen John Lamperti Taylor Lanfried Mary Frances LaPorte & Chalres Rial Robert LaPorte Kate Laughton Joan Leary Matthews Eric Leenson Joel Lefkowitz Karen Lehman Victoria & William Leonard Jillian Leslie Aura Marina Llerena David Loeb Clary Loisel Xochitl Lopez Aubrie Lyons Megan Magee Mary Magellan Gillies Malnarich Michael J. Hirschhorn & Jimena P. Martinez Geoffrey E. Mason Terry McEneaney David K. McEwen & Shirley Juhl Maura & Steven McMahon Zeller Nena y Hermann Mendez Salvador Menjivar Berkeley T. Merchant Jerene Merritt Patricia Metz & Max Boese Noah Milman Carol I. Moeller Costa Elizabeth Mogee Edward Monnig Jorge & Lisa Morales Steven Mullaney Jeanne Muller Brad & Alexandra Nahill Mariel Nanasi & Jeffrey H. Haas

Rahul Nandi Adele Negro Matt Nichols Patricia Nix-Hodes & Mark R. Hodes Patricia Hickey O'Brien & Edward J. O'Brien Mary Anne O'Neil & Patrick Henry Elvin Ortiz Kathleen M. Osberger George R. & Dr. K. Elise Packard Eric Pahl Mary K. & Mario Pasin Autumn & Paul Pickett Glenda Pawsey Jenna Laurel Payne Kate Pearl Donna Peel Tom Ponce Marleni Portillo Thomas Power & Pamela Shore James Pranger Mary Hawley & Mike Puican Jennifer Quinn Broda Muriel Quinn & Robert Pasin Ry Racherbaumer Rhina Ramos Kelly Ranson Brian & Freeda Rawson Alan Reinach Susan H. Reinach Josué Revolorio & Christine M. Keith Amy Rhodes Chester Rhodes Nancy Rhodes Ricewing Fund Terese Neu Richmond & Keith Richmond Ray & Susie Risho Corona Rivera Harriet Edith Roberts Julia Roberts Mason Roberts Jennie Roitman Sarah Romorini Monica Rosales Colleen J. Rose Frances Sabatini Michelle R. B. Saddler & Ed Shurna Mike & Margaret Saeugling Greta Salem Nancy & Rev. Finley Schaef Erik Schnabel Diane & Richard Schuler Dolores & George Seielstad Abigail Seixas Nancy B. Seldin Jim & Robin Sevinsky Marion Seymour Sarah Shannon Stanley Shikuma & Tracy Lai John Shurtz

Cheryl Simmons Tom & Sally Sincic Janey Skinner Reuben Snipper & Cheryl Morden Suzanne Snyder Stephen Solnit Dale Sorensen Dr. Stephen Speckart Daniel Spencer Rob Sprankle Eleanor Stein & Jeff Jones Mary Steinberg Charlie Stephens Susan Stoddard-Phillips & Julien Phillips The Stromberg Family Katherine Stuart Madeline Stupinski Sherry Sullivan Daniel Susmano Jennifer Susskind Elinor Kerklingh Svihla Ilaria Tare Bonnie Tarses Erica Terence Parker Townley Burke & Karen Townsend Aaron Toy Tyler Trafas Susan Tucker Kent Turner John Urness Val Washington Jacob Vander Schel Sarah & Ana Vanderwicken Zenia Velazquez Jerry Vetter Sarah Vickers Marc Violette & Margaret A. Lanoue Sandra L. & Richard H. Visse Elias Vlanton Aaron Voit Lyle & Shelley Von Essen Allen Weinrub Celia & Richard Weller Nathan Weller Kappy Wells Charles Weno Martha & Ron Wheeland Judith Williams Marcia Williams & Jerome Walker Margaret Willits Fiona Wilmot Elisabeth Jean Wood & Samuel Bowles Amelia Wu Theodore J. Wysocki Jr. & Lynne

Cunningham Janet Zoglin


Alan Altschuler & Donna Katzin Altschuler Fund

AmazonSmile Foundation Beneficial State Bank Beneficial State Foundation Caprock Fund of Tides Foundation CEC Chicago Religious Leadership Network on

Latin America Combined Federal Campaign Communitas Charitable Trust Equiant Financial Services Inc. Eric Oppenheimer Family Foundation The Frank Pace, Jr. Foundation Garnetta Kramer Charitable Foundation Hal L. & Rhea Coskey Fund Holthues Trust Illumio Izote Laird Norton Company Mary V. Duffy Charitable Foundation National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Paul M. Angell Family Foundation Rachel Cowan Fund Redwoods Presbyterian Church Rose Foundation The San Francisco Foundation Second Anonymous Fund, Santa Fe

Community Foundation Task Force on the Americas Tides Center Tikva Grassroots Empowerment Fund, Tides

Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Waitt Foundation Washington State Combined Fund Drive Wildlife Forever Fund

works in partnership and solidarity

with community-led organizations in Central

America organized to achieve environmental

sustainability, economic security, social justice,

and peace. The vision and implementation of

our programs come from our local partners.

You can support our work by making a

donation anytime at .