Post on 25-Sep-2020

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Transcript of I “PRESBYTERIAN PORTFOLIO Presbyterian...


“PRESBYTERIAN PORTFOLIO" (USPS 006-105) is published monthly by The First Presbyterian Church, 390 NE 2nd Street, McMin-nville, OR 97128-4789. Periodicals postage paid at McMinnville, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "PRESBYTERIAN PORTFOLIO", c/o First Presbyterian Church, 390 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville, OR 97128-4789.

First Presbyterian Church

Together in Christ for all.

Prayer Requests

Contact Carley Bushart at 503-560-0183 or prayer@fpc-mac.org

Office Hours

Staff are working from home as much as possible. You may contact us by email or cell phone or leave

a message on the church phone and we will get back to you. We will get through this together.

Portfolio Staff

Managing Editor: Matt Johnson Editor: Nancy MacDonald

Church Staff

Pastor: Matt Johnson mattj@fpc-mac.org Administrative Coordinator: Nancy MacDonald nancym@fpc-mac.org Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries: Kate Satterstrom kates@fpc-mac.org Director of Music : David Walters davidw@fpc-mac.org Organist: Phillip Thompson-Aue philliptaue@gmail.com

Next Portfolio Deadline: June 22, 2020




Presbyterian Portfolio

First Presbyterian Church 390 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville, OR 97128

503-472-6256 / fpc.mcminnville@gmail.com / fpc-mac.org Vol. 45 No. 5 May 27, 2020

Upon Further Reflection

Time for a Task Force!

Change, adaptation, and transitions are never easy, but they become easier when we have a sense of the direction and goal. For instance, when a big project needs to be accomplished around the house, we rearrange our weekend rhythms, shift our household spending budget for the month, and everything gets a little hectic, but it’s all worth it because we understand the bigger purpose. Unfortunately, our response to the coronavirus doesn’t feel at all like a big project around the house. Part of the fatigue and weariness that many of us experience is because the transition we are moving through has an undetermined end point. When will it be safe for a group that includes a number of people over 70 years old to gather in a confined space and sing together to express their love for God? We don’t know right now. What other options do we have? Good question!

To help clarify where we are and where things are going the FPC Session is putting together a task force consisting of a Mary Ellen Fleeger (elder, chair), Colin Cameron, Bob Irish, Mary McBride, Donna Reynolds, and Kate Satterstrom. This group will gather resources, identify core principles for decision making, get input from the congregation, and make some recommendations for the elders to work from.

We realize that the situation will continue to evolve and new information will keep coming out. The task force will not be able to define our end goal in high resolution, but we do hope that this group can help us see what “the next steps” are going to look like. The Session will use the information and recommendations as a common reference for their decisions in the months to come.

Thanks for your continuing prayers and support. Regardless of our circumstance, we remain together in Christ for all.

We are one!

Pastor Matt Johnson

Dear FPC Family,

From the very beginning of my time among you, I felt welcomed in such a way that I instantly knew this is where I needed to be, but there is also a profound beauty in knowing not only where you’re needed, but when it’s time to go and let someone else be needed where you were. I will be moving to Baton Rouge in July to pursue a doctorate in Choral Conducting at Louisiana State University.

This is not how I envisioned telling you. Having given this a great deal of thought and been in discussion with several of you for the better part of the last year, I wanted to say something months ago. However, COVID-19 has made every decision more difficult. Some of you might say you always knew it was coming, but I didn’t. FPC gave me direction when I doubted what I was doing with my life; and purpose when my life felt out of control. Thank you is not enough, but you have my gratitude, nonetheless.

The future may seem bleak right now, but I choose to have confidence in a better future because I have confidence in each of you. I wish you all health and a life filled with music.

Much love, David Walters


Sundays - Giving - E-News


All in the Family page 5 Calendar page 6 Children, Youth, & Family page 7 David Walters Letter page 1 Earth Care Corner page 3 Harvest Sale page 7 Nuts & Bolts page 4 Scholarships page 4 Staff page 8 Sundays page 2 Upon Further Reflection page 1

Communion Sundays June 7th & 21st

Have your bread & juice ready and join us for worship online at

fpc-mac.org at 10:30am.

During this period of “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” each Sunday morning a pre-recorded worship service is available to view by going to our website, fpc-mac.org, and clicking on the date under the heading “Sunday Worship.” It will be available for viewing on Sunday morning.

Previous services are also available to view at your convenience. Just click on the date you would like to view.

Sermons are available on the website in written form. You can read them online or print them off. You can also contact the church office to have a copy of the sermon mailed to you each week.

If you have joys or concerns that you would like to have shared during the recorded Sunday worship service prayers of the people, please email or call the church office by Thursday.

Zoom Coffee & Fellowship Time!

Now from 11:30am to noon! Join others on Zoom for a time

of virtual coffee hour.

After you view the worship service online, go to your enews email to find the link to join the

Zoom meeting.

You provide your own coffee and refreshments then join others for conversation and catching

up. Join anytime and signoff when you need to.

Let’s keep connected!


If you are able to make your pledge/contributions to the church, please mail them to the office or go to our website and use online giving. You can make a one time donation online or you can set it up to be recurring. Thank you for your support!

Community Care Fund

A fund has been set up to aid those who are in need of assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interested in contributing to this fund, you may send in a check and note for Community Care or go online and check the Community Care Fund. If you or a neighbor, friend, or family member is in need due to the pandemic, please contact Pastor Matt.

FPC Mid-Week E-News

Each Wednesday the Mid-Week E-News contains a “Staying Connected’ video interview of FPC congregation members. If you would be willing to be interviewed, please contact Pastor Matt or the church office. This is a fun way to see a familiar face and hear how folks are doing during this pandemic. If you are not receiving the FPC E-News and would like to, you may sign-up by going to the church website or contacting the church office.


Harvest Sale - Children, Youth, & Family

Harvest Sale 2020

Thank you to everyone that sent pictures of projects that you’re working on. Lots of new ideas!

With the end of May approaching, local fruits and berries are becoming available. As you are canning, freezing, and making jam/jelly, please consider making extra for the Harvest Sale. We would love to have a wide variety to sell this year. Last year we sold over 250 jars of assorted jam/jelly that included 15 varieties and sugar-free options. (Please prepare jams/jellies in 4oz. and 8oz. jars so we stay consistent on sizes and prices.)

Also, don’t forget to freeze berries and rhubarb in 4 cup packages for making those delicious homemade pies in November. (Please keep any frozen packages in your home freezer for now, until the church freezer gets defrosted.)

One request this month for supplies: we need small glass bottles, about the size of a A1 steak sauce bottle. We will collect them through June and July. You can leave them on the front porch at Ann Widen’s. Thank you.

Stay safe. Blessings to all, Ann Widen, Committee Member Ann2450@gmail.com



Note: Ministry Teams check with your chairperson for meeting times and format.


Earth Care Corner

Quarantine Creations You have probably done some of these either out of creativity, boredom, just for fun, or you needed a challenge. Maybe it was all of the above. These creations could be crafts that you have made by repurposing items (less garbage). You may have gone “crazy in your garden” this year (using God’s soil to grow food to nurture your body). Are you trying new recipes, some which may promote a sustainable environment. Share them with your church family.

Jan starts us off with her tote bags made from fair trade coffee containers, duct tape and rivets.

Marilyn tried a meatless, dairy free Creamy Chickpea Curry. Yummy! Here is the link for the recipe: https://www.healthnutrition.ca/2018/08/27chickpea-curry

John and Pam’s garden is already producing spinach, kale, artichokes and broccoli. Peas and strawberries aren’t too far away, provided the gophers and pests don’t wipe them out first!

Psalm 23: 1-3 (King James Version) The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.

1. As meat shortages are popping up all over the US, we are putting out a call for meat-less recipes. We would like to construct a Virtual Earth Care recipe book and

gardening tips. Email your recipes & tips to Pam Jackson: pbjackson@aol.com.

2. Email Portfolio Quarantine creation pictures to Marilyn Enger: engerdm@outlook.com.


Nuts & Bolts

Session Highlights

Action taken and information items are summarized for the Portfolio monthly. These highlights are from the May meeting:

Session met via Zoom on 5/20/20 at 7:00 pm. 1.) FPC did not receive a matching grant from First Federal, but the $3000.00 in funds from our VISA rewards account ($1000.00), from Presbytery ($1000.00) and from Mission Account #313 ($1000.00) are available to people with needs related to the COVID out-break. MSP - to create a $3000.00 Community Care special fund to be administered by the chair of the Mission Ministry Team and the Pastor.

2.) Discussion was held on what the process would be to determine when, how, and what best practices would be for re-opening the church building . MSP - to create a task force to address these issues and report back to Session. Task force shall consist of an Elder, Deacon, a staff repre-sentative, and 3 to 4 at-large members of the congregation. The charter for the Task Force is: a.) Inform Session of helpful resources b.) Identify principles for decision making c.) Get a sense of how the congregation feels about re-opening the church d.) Make one or more recommendations for conditions needed to re-open the church e.) Task force to report to Session by August

3.) MSP - to approve Building and Grounds request for expenditure of up to $30,000.00 for upgrades to Universal Design Access (automated doors) to the three main entrances. The $30,000.00 for this upgrade was a generous private donation.

4.) MSP - to accept with regret the resignation of Director of Music David Walters effective 7/31/20.

5.) MSP - to accept the report and recommen-dations for disbursement of funds from the Endowment Committee.


April Actual Budget Receipts: $ 31,698 8.0% $ 32,966 8.3% Expenses: 27,385 6.7% 33,028 8.3% Year to Date: Receipts: $ 104,586 26.4% $ 131,867 33.3 % Expenses: 124,974 30.9% 134,957 33.3 % April receipts were very close to budget. Expenses were under budget allowing some catch-up on the year-to-date deficit. Thank you for your continued support.

It’s that time again for applications to be submitted for the church scholarships. The application forms are available on the church’s website (fpc-mac.org) or upon request to Nancy MacDonald (nancym@fpc-mac.org) for e-mail or a hard copy. Completed applications are due in the church office no later than June 1st.

If you are planning on attending an accredited university, college, vocational school or seminary AND are a member of FPC, then the Ruby Shelton Scholarship application is the one for you.

If you are planning on entering or continuing a church vocation such as ordained ministry, Christian education, or missionary field AND are an active participant of FPC and under the care of a member of the Presbytery, then consider the O. Emerson Washburn Scholarship.


Remember Our Homebound Members

Barbara Anderson Gus Carstensen Min Coburn Alice Craven

John & Betty Edmondson Beryl Foster Lori Hanson

Fred & Zella Hisaw Fred & Barbara Koch Sue Lekas Wanda McAlister

Janet Myatt Liz Parker Gay & Barb Pudlitzke Bev Steely

Harry Taylor Betty Younker

All in the Family

June Prayer Calendar

"Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

Please lift each household name or group listed below in prayer on that day of the month.

1. Dee Clevenger, Derick 2. Jason Clevenger 3. Jeff & Sharie Clevenger, Mariah 4. Kaylyn Clevenger 5. Nathan Clevenger 6. Community Dinner 7. Min Coburn 8. Greg & Leslie Copeland 9. Alice Craven 10. Shirley Crenshaw 11. Mike & Karen Curry 12. Art & Myrna Cuscaden 13. Shirley Cushing 14. Youth Group 15. Maggie Custer, Jackson Collins & Maddie Blankenship 16. Rich & Ann Custer 17. Session 18. Brian Dailey & Denise Hill 19. Ron & Linda Davison 20. Becky Donaly 21. Fathers 22. John & Betty Edmondson 23. Gene & Diane Ehlers 24. Dick & Marilyn Enger 25. David Everson & Cindy Clark 26. Mary Ellen Fleeger 27. Beryl Foster 28. Lynn & Connie Foster 29. Luella Fritz 30. Daryl Garrettson


Addison Garrettson 6th Thomas Sagers 7th Dale Tomlinson 9th

Katie Slater 11th Oliver Barlow 12th Carolyn Tomlinson 12th Savanah McRae 14th Linda Mihnos 14th Jackson Collins 16th Cliff Van Horn 16th

Martin Chroust-Masin 20th Alice Craven 22nd Connie Foster 24th

Agnes Chegwyn 30th

Our church family extends our deepest sympathy to the family of

June Rogallo

June passed away on May 15th at Hillside.

May God grant comfort and peace to her loved ones.