Hunger and famine

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Hunger and famine

  • 1. Hunger and Famine In Africa By Hope Ruotolo

2. The Problem

  • 38 million people face starvation in Africa

3. Political Causes

  • Absence of stable government 4. Military and internal conflict

5. The Effects

  • Unable to improve agriculture 6. Destroyed land

7. Economic Causes

  • Drought 8. Poverty

9. The Effects

  • Fatal crop failure 10. Death of livestock 11. People can not afford food

12. Social Cause


13. The Effect

  • Millions are dying 14. No one to harvest/produce food

15. What the U.S. Can Do to Help

  • #1: Help make food available to those who need it 16. #2: Increase funding and provide care towards sufferers ofAIDS

17. What You Can Do
