Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000) Citizens Bailout

Post on 09-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000) Citizens Bailout

8/8/2019 Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000) Citizens Bailout 1/2

8/8/2019 Hundred Thousand Dollar ($100,000) Citizens Bailout 2/2

a bring l:a*k our kids from tke Middle East and give them incentives to becorne farmers of fbodand cannabis and industrialize cannabis for clothes, shoes, medicines, pap€r goods, and buildhouses frcm the materiatr and expolt it ta the rx'orld for aat want ts cut cw trees for papera*:'rn*re".@ffiY-i.?8iur*gg-.forg4ygg1; welye gat thelatest technolog,,,* in famr machinerys* it l'*ould be Sasy f*i us to do and save atrat of imacent livesc ti&ltt nsw s$r t**nty is more important tba*baq,Israel, Afghanistan - ra,e have to flx our*rsuntry and then r,r'heri we get strong then we can heip otherloreign

countries againc t* save face r'vittrr the Amerisan pecple rrye wa:rt to raise a hundred-foot statue of Jesus Christ atgt*und zero t* be *rected at the sarne time as the Muslirn is being built * we are sure that theAmeficanand the Arab people wii! agree to this rvithout harsh *itingse b&r. President, w! are looking f*r qualiry of ilfe, high standard of tiving and with these stepsar:d suggesticns from tlie,{rnericfn Feople then wJw.ould surpass evs['other country in ttti.wartrd, we would leap int* the 21st cerrtury modem quality sfiife and high standards for ourcitisens '*ttke United States ofAmerica

s lve \Arant ?* declare a nalional ernergency and a social revoluti+a to prioritize the one-hundredttr*usand d*1lat ($1S*,**0 ) Lr$ citizen bailout

e ihe $100,CI0{i bailout to each etigible citizen is tax free and alladditional earnings rvould be pay

a *nihed ?*ek tax off the gros$ ar&ou&t of their income thi:s eliminates the timelenergy andmcney ittah*s to dc it in the c.urrent complex manner

Th*se r.vould be 2n'€ century laws try the2ltt century

X J*k* h4xtit*vt*?zcn behalf cf US citizetrs rryhen I say Mr. President, please declare a nationale$lctge nc.l'' st} we can get this economy jumping and we wfll stay strong with you.

ti*d Sless\&re rvill aate for 3.'<tu

J ah* Marti**vi ch, pro f,e s sor o t v ariety performin g artsYttzr pr**inc* cap€ain &S asrd &elegateof fV NV.

t*i4 ssP.3. TI:is ean be disbex'sed atS2S,*A* qtzz.tre*y if need be.