Human Values and Theories

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Human Values and Theories

  • 8/3/2019 Human Values and Theories


    Human Values andHuman Values and


  • 8/3/2019 Human Values and Theories


    Human valuesHuman values

    Ideas, actions, habits orIdeas, actions, habits orexperiences that contribute toexperiences that contribute to

    the promotion of human life.the promotion of human life.Man is a person because heMan is a person because he

    has intellect and freewill.has intellect and freewill.Self is the first and mostSelf is the first and most

    fundamental of the valuesfundamental of the values

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    Kinds of ValuesKinds of Values

    1.1. Biological ValuesBiological Values necessary to the physicalnecessary to the physical

    survival of man as ansurvival of man as anorganism.organism.

    Life and HealthLife and Health

    Food and shelterFood and shelter


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    Kinds of ValuesKinds of Values

    2. Social Values2. Social Values

    necessary to the sensual needsnecessary to the sensual needs

    and fulfillment.and fulfillment.

    Leissure and sexLeissure and sexMarriageMarriage

    Family and homeFamily and home

    Parental authorityParental authority


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    Kinds of ValuesKinds of Values

    3. Rational Values3. Rational Values

    necessary to the functions andnecessary to the functions and

    fulfillment of intellect and will.fulfillment of intellect and will.

    Understanding and control ofUnderstanding and control of


    Guide and control to oneselfGuide and control to oneselfSolidarity with fellowmenSolidarity with fellowmen


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    Moral ValuesMoral Values It directly pertain to the function ofIt directly pertain to the function of

    intellect and will.intellect and will.

    Choices, decisions and actionsChoices, decisions and actions

    Other values, when they fall within theOther values, when they fall within theexercise of mans freedom of choiceexercise of mans freedom of choiceassume the quality of moral.assume the quality of moral.

    All values are moral in reference to theirAll values are moral in reference to theiruse or abuse by man as a free agent.use or abuse by man as a free agent.

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    Characteristics ofCharacteristics of

    Moral ValuesMoral Values1.1. Moral Values are goods having intrinsicMoral Values are goods having intrinsic

    qualities of desirability.qualities of desirability.

    2.2. Moral Values are universal. TheyMoral Values are universal. Theyappeal to man as man and to man as aappeal to man as man and to man as aspecific individual.specific individual.

    3.3. Moral values are obligatory. They comeMoral values are obligatory. They comeas a natural duty, because possessionas a natural duty, because possessionof them is expected as an integralof them is expected as an integralquality to man as rational creature.quality to man as rational creature.

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    Other ValuesOther Values1.1. Religious ValuesReligious Values

    They pertain to mans relationshipThey pertain to mans relationshipwith thewith the DietyDiety, guiding and, guiding and

    regulating his communion with Him.regulating his communion with Him.

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    2. Cultural Values2. Cultural Values

    These are man shares with othersThese are man shares with others

    in a given community of persons,in a given community of persons,

    shaping their spiritual kinship, andshaping their spiritual kinship, anddirecting their attention to definitedirecting their attention to definite

    ideals of behavior.ideals of behavior.

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    Other ValuesOther Values

    3. Social Values3. Social Values

    Are those that are necessary forAre those that are necessary forthe promotion of human societythe promotion of human society

    as a whole, integrating theas a whole, integrating the

    motivation and interests ofmotivation and interests of

    members towards the commonmembers towards the common


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    Hierarchy of ValuesHierarchy of Values

    Values does not have the sameValues does not have the same

    degree of of desirability.

    Neither is it possible to incorporateNeither is it possible to incorporate

    all values at the same time.all values at the same time.

    Goods pertaining to the intellect andGoods pertaining to the intellect and

    will, occupies the highest level ofwill, occupies the highest level of

    importance.importance. Biological values occupy the lowestBiological values occupy the lowest


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    Hierarchy of ValuesHierarchy of Values

    Subjectivity plays an importantSubjectivity plays an important

    influence in the choice of values.influence in the choice of values.

    Time and place may also dictateTime and place may also dictateour choice.our choice.

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    Choosing our valuesChoosing our values

    Choose values according to theirChoose values according to their

    intrinsic worth.intrinsic worth.

    1.1. Permanent or lasting values mustPermanent or lasting values must

    be preferred over temporary orbe preferred over temporary orperishable values.perishable values.

    2.2. Values favored by a greaterValues favored by a greater

    number of people must benumber of people must bepreferred over those that appealpreferred over those that appeal

    only to a few.only to a few.

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    Choosing our valuesChoosing our values

    3. Values that are essential must be3. Values that are essential must be

    preferred over those that arepreferred over those that are


    4. Values that give greater satisfaction4. Values that give greater satisfactionmust be preferred over those thatmust be preferred over those that

    provide shortprovide short--lived pleasures.lived pleasures.

    Our value preferences determine ourOur value preferences determine our

    lifelife--style and our and our character.

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    God as the highest valueGod as the highest value

    Ultimate and absolute good thatUltimate and absolute good that

    will fulfill all human desires.will fulfill all human desires.

    St. Augustine says, that ourSt. Augustine says, that ourhearts are restless until we findhearts are restless until we find


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    Ethical TheoriesEthical Theories


    Believed that man is freeBelieved that man is free

    Man deserves to be punished forMan deserves to be punished forthe sins he freely commits.the sins he freely commits.

    Happiness is not found in theHappiness is not found in the

    things that merely serve mansthings that merely serve mans

    use, nor in the pleasure of earthlyuse, nor in the pleasure of earthlylife. But by the exercise of But by the exercise of virtues.

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    Ethical TheoriesEthical Theories


    Man has threefold nature: vegetal,Man has threefold nature: vegetal,animal and rational.animal and rational.

    Man must realize his nature byMan must realize his nature bycultivating all his naturalcultivating all his naturaltendencies.tendencies.

    He needs to fulfill his basicHe needs to fulfill his basic

    biological and sensual needs,biological and sensual needs,guided by temperance.guided by temperance.

    Happiness is attained in theHappiness is attained in thepractice of virtues.practice of virtues.

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    Ethical TheoriesEthical Theories

    St. Thomas AquinasSt. Thomas Aquinas

    The highest good consist inThe highest good consist in

    beatific vision of God.beatific vision of God.

    No earthly good can fully satisfyNo earthly good can fully satisfy

    human desires.human desires.

    Happiness is possible only withHappiness is possible only with

    Gods help through the infusion ofGods help through the infusion ofsupernatural grace.supernatural grace.

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    Ethical systemEthical system


    Islam is a philosophy of life, aIslam is a philosophy of life, a

    complete system of living, basedcomplete system of living, based

    on the word of God revealed toon the word of God revealed to


    It teaches that the Greatest ValueIt teaches that the Greatest Value

    is ones surrender to ones surrender to God.

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    Ethical systemEthical system

    Five Pillars of IslamFive Pillars of Islam

    There is no God but Allah, andThere is no God but Allah, and

    Mohammed is his prophet.Mohammed is his prophet.

    Prayer brings man in the rightPrayer brings man in the right

    relationship with Allahrelationship with Allah


    Observance of the RamadanObservance of the Ramadan Pilgrimage to MeccaPilgrimage to Mecca

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    Ethical systemEthical system


    The Greatest value according toThe Greatest value according to

    Buddha is the liberation of manBuddha is the liberation of man

    from sufferings throughfrom sufferings through

    abandonment of all egoisticabandonment of all egoistic


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    Ethical systemEthical system

    Four noble Truths:Four noble Truths:

    1.1. Life is the root of all sufferingsLife is the root of all sufferings

    2.2. Sufferings are caused by desiresSufferings are caused by desires

    3.3. Desires can be eliminated byDesires can be eliminated bynegating lifenegating life

    4.4. Elimination of desires can beElimination of desires can beachieved by accumulating karmaachieved by accumulating karmaor deeds that eventually free theor deeds that eventually free theindividualindividual

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    Ethical systemEthical system


    The greatest value is pleasureThe greatest value is pleasure

    Man being a sociable animal,Man being a sociable animal,must conduct his affairs in a waymust conduct his affairs in a way

    that would benefit others.that would benefit others.

    The greatest good:The greatest good: by happiness by happiness

    is intended pleasure and theis intended pleasure and theabsence of pain; by unhappiness,absence of pain; by unhappiness,

    pain and the privation of pleasurepain and the privation of pleasure

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    Ethical systemEthical system

    CommunismCommunism Based on the teachings ofKarlBased on the teachings ofKarl

    Marx that the greatest good isMarx that the greatest good isabsolute equalityabsolute equality

    The mission is the production ofThe mission is the production ofmaterial wealth by means ofmaterial wealth by means ofcollective labor, so that the goodcollective labor, so that the goodwill be enjoyed according to hiswill be enjoyed according to his

    powers and receive according topowers and receive according tohis needs.his needs.

    It aims a classless society. AndIt aims a classless society. Andthis could be attained when thethis could be attained when the

    state rule absolutely.state rule absolutely.

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    Ethical systemEthical system


    Based on the teachings of ChristBased on the teachings of Christ

    that the greatest value is lovethat the greatest value is love

    Christian Morality is essentiallyChristian Morality is essentially

    based on love which embracesbased on love which embraces

    even the enemy.even the enemy.