Human Biological Science 2 · PDF fileHuman Biological Science 2 ... o Homeostasis of body...

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Transcript of Human Biological Science 2 · PDF fileHuman Biological Science 2 ... o Homeostasis of body...

© Endeavour College of Natural Health

BIOH122Human Biological Science 2

Session 17

Urinary System 2 –

Glomerular Filtration

Bioscience Department

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Session Plan

o Overview of Renal Physiology • Glomerular filtration

• Tubular reabsorption

• Tubular secretion

o Glomerular Filtration • Filtration Membrane

• Net Filtration Pressure

• Glomerular Filtration Rate

o Regulation of GFR• Renal Autoregulation

• Neural Regulation

• Hormonal Regulation

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Overview of Renal Physiology

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Overview of Renal Physiology

o Nephrons and collecting ducts perform 3 basic


• Glomerular filtration: Filtration of waste-laden blood in

the glomerulus.

• Tubular reabsorption: The process of returning

important substances from the filtrate back to the


• Tubular secretion: The movement of waste materials

from the body to the filtrate.

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Overview of Renal Physiology

o Rate of excretion of any substance= its rate of

filtration + its rate of secretion - its rate of


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Glomerular Filtration

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Glomerular Filtration

o Glomerular filtration: The formation of a protein-free filtrate (ultra filtrate) of plasma across the glomerular membrane.

o Glomerular filtrate: Fluid that enters capsular space

• Daily volume 150-180 liters – more than 99% returned to blood plasma via tubular reabsorption

• In the average adult, the body’s entire extracellular fluid volume is filtered about 12 times per day.

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Glomerular Filtration

o Filtration membrane: A leaky barrier formed by the glomerular capillaries and the podocytes, which completely encircle the capillaries

o Significance:• Permits filtration of water and small solutes

• Prevents filtration of most plasma proteins, blood cells and platelets

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Glomerular Filtration

o Three filtration barriers:

• Glomerular endothelial cells fenestrations

• Basal lamina between endothelium

• A filtration slit formed by a podocyte

o Volume of fluid filtered is large because of large surface

area, thin and porous membrane, and high glomerular

capillary blood pressure

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Glomerular Filtration

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Net Filtration Pressure

o Net Filtration Pressure (NFP): The total pressures that drive

glomerular filtration

o Pressures that determine NFP:

• Glomerular Blood Hydrostatic Pressure (GBHP): Promotes filtration.

• Capsular Hydrostatic Pressure (CHP): Opposes filtration.

• Blood Colloid Osmotic Pressure (BCOP): Opposes filtration.


• The NFP of only about 10 mm Hg causes a normal

amount of blood plasma (minus plasma proteins) to filter

from the glomerulus into the capsular space.

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Net Filtration Pressure

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Glomerular Filtration Rate

o Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): The amount of filtrate

formed in all the renal corpuscles of both kidneys each


• average adult male rate is 125 mL / min

o Homeostasis of body fluids: requires constant GFR

• Too high: Useful substances are lost due to the speed

of fluid passage through the nephron

• Too low: Sufficient waste products may not be

removed from the body

o Directly related to NFP

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Glomerular Filtration

Tortora, and Derrickson, 2012

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Regulation of GFR

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Regulation of GFR

o Three principal mechanisms:

• Renal autoregulation occurs when the kidneys

themselves regulate GFR.

• Neural regulation occurs when the ANS regulates

renal blood flow and GFR.

• Hormonal regulation involves angiotensin II and atrial

natriuretic peptide (ANP).

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 17

Renal Autoregulation of GFR

o Renal autoregulation: Mechanisms that maintain a

constant GFR despite changes in arterial BP

• Myogenic mechanism

– Increases in Systemic BP, stretch the afferent


– Smooth muscle contraction reduces the diameter

of the arteriole returning the GFR to its previous

level in seconds

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Renal Autoregulation of GFR

• Tubuloglomerular feedback

– Elevated systemic BP raises the GFR so that fluid

flows too rapidly through the renal tubule and Na+,

Cl- and water are not reabsorbed

– Macula densa detects that difference and releases

a vasoconstrictor from the juxtaglomerular


– Afferent arterioles constrict and reduce GFR

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Renal Autoregulation

of GFR

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Neural Regulation of GFR

o Sympathetic input: Blood vessels of the kidney are

supplied by sympathetic fibers that release

norepinephrine cause vasoconstriction of afferent


Tortora, and Derrickson, 2012

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 21

Neural Regulation of GFR

o At rest, renal blood vessels are maximally dilated

because sympathetic activity is minimal

• renal autoregulation prevails

o With moderate sympathetic stimulation, both afferent

and efferent arterioles constrict equally

• decreasing GFR equally

o With extreme sympathetic stimulation (exercise or

haemorrhage), vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles

reduces GFR & reduced urine blood flow

• lowers urine output and permits blood flow to other


© Endeavour College of Natural Health 22

Hormonal Regulation of GFR

o Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) increases GFR

• stretching of the atria that occurs with an increase in

blood volume causes hormonal release

– relaxes glomerular mesangial cells increasing

capillary surface area and increasing GFR

o Angiotensin II reduces GFR

• potent vasoconstrictor that narrows both afferent and

efferent arterioles reducing GFR

Marieb, and Hoehn, 2011






Regulation of GFR: Summary

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Marieb, and Hoehn, 2011

Myogenic Regulation of GFR

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Tubuloglomerular Feedback

regulation of GFR

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Hormonal regulation of GFR

Renin Angiotensin

Aldosterone System


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Neural Regulation of GFR

Sympathetic Nervous System

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Readings and Resources

o Tortora, GJ & Derrickson, B 2014. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14th edn, Wiley.

o Harris, P, Nagy, S & Vardaxis, N 2010, Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions, 2nd edn, Mosby Elsevier.

o Guyton, AC & Hall, JE 2011, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th edn, Saunders Elsevier.

o Marieb, EN & Hoehn, K 2011, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9th edn, Benjamin Cummings Pearson.

o Moore, KL, Dalley, AF & Agur, AMR 2010, Clinically Orientated Anatomy, 6th edn, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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