HUB Berkley Happiness in Action

Post on 24-Dec-2014

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Transcript of HUB Berkley Happiness in Action

Happiness in ActionEnergy Sources for Peak Performance

Corporate Program

Счастье – это состояние (не про иметь, а про быть) деньги +

про то, что есть 1000 определений, но каждый знает

сам, когда он счастлив

Счастье – это конечное благо

Приветствие: яркая девочка – про творчество (Эйнштейн с языком) я коккер-спаниэль, а я

просто пописать

Потому что счастье – это ресурс, в жизни человека


«Вы полностью вовлечены в деятельность ради неё самой… Время летит. Каждое действие, движение, мысль следует из предыдущей, словно играешь джаз. Всё твоё существо вовлечено, и ты применяешь свои умения на пределе»

Видеть смысл

Любить и принимать любовь

Развиваться: велосипедисты и кривая обучения

Program objectivesSuccessful professionals need energy, drive and passion for their work.

Program is designed to help participants:

1. Find and master the sources of energy in their work

2. Learn to create drive and enthusiasm for peak performance in their teams

3. Get power and energy for meeting organizational goals

Program historyIn the last 7 years more than 5000 managers from Russia, USA, Lithuania, Finland, Armenia and New Zealand participated in the program.

Here are several companies that organized Happiness in Action program for their managers:

Program elements


Action map: diagnostics using the model of "7 sources of energy at work". Every participant gets a report-map of their strengths and development areas. Participant see their sources of energy at work and find out where they are loosing energy. They will understand what is important for them to develop.

Factor 1. Optimism philosophy: tools and practices for developing philosophy of optimism that will help to work and get outstanding results in most difficult conditions. Participants will learn to mold stress and pressure into sources of power and drive. They will practice creating atmosphere of optimism in their teams.

Program elementsFactor 2. Flow state - peak performance, joyful action, drive and total concentration. Participants will learn to enter this state at will and use it in their work. They will understand how to help their teams to work in this state of full engagement. They will study strategic and tactical approaches to the flow states and will get a set of tools and practices to work with it.

Factor 3. Meaning: Participants will learn to set motivating goals for themselves and their teams. They will master practices of finding meaning in every action at work and understand how to turn boring everyday work assignments into interesting and meaningful engagements.

Program elementsFactor 4. Action learning: participants will find out how to turn their work into the path of a Master. They will find ways to accelerate their own professional growth and that of their team-members. They will study the learning strategies of the best professionals. They will see how you can find interest in work that you seem to know thoroughly and prevent "professional burnout".

Factor 5. Love. Participants will learn how to transform communication at work from the source of stress into a source of energy. They will see how you can make "rivals" and "enemies" into best teachers and allies. They will learn how to give positive feedback to help the person grow rather than enjoy the status quo. And how to give the corrective feedback so that it creates changes in behavior without damaging relationships.

Program elementsFactor 6. Play. Participants will learn how to do difficult, intense or boring work in a playful way. They will understand how to infuse with play communication with "difficult" clients and colleagues. They will learn to transform pressure of plans and create results from "I want" not from "I have to".

Factor 7. Influence. Participants will learn to find their circle of influence and find out how to create the mentality of a champion. They will get tools and practices for redirecting people's attention from fear of loosing and finding 1000 "why not" reasons for trusting yourself and finding creative solutions in any situation.

Happiness in Action was developed by Phillip Guzenuk, a partner of leading consulting and coaching company Coaching Institute of Saint-Petersburg, Russia, associate consultant in MetaIntegral Asossiates, USA.

In the last 7 years he led more than 200 in-house and open workshops on Happiness in Action. More than 5000 managers have already taken part in this workshop in Russia, Eroupe, USA, Australia, New-Zealand.

Among Phillips’ corporate clients are: General Electrics, Unilever, Johnson&Johnson, Beeline, International Paper, BNP Paribas, Strora Enso, TNK-BP, Woerwag Pharma, Mary Kay, Nokian Tyres, KASPERSKY LAB

Contact:, +7 (911) 927 9248
