How to Write Great Marketing Content

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How to Write Great Marketing Content

How to Write Great Stuff

The 25 Top “How To” Titles on

There are over 600 articles on

Here are the 25 best on how

to write great marketing content.

!   What to Write First !   How to Be Yourself !   How to Write About People !   Stop Quotation Mark Abuse! !   How to Make Complex Topics Accessible !   How to Rant on the Internet !   How to Write with More Credibility !   Three Steps Towards Creating a Voice !   Ask Yourself 5 Questions before You Post

Titles 1-9

!   5 Tips for Tech Bloggers !   How to Interview Like Jimmy Fallon !   5 Mini Case Study Ideas !   A Blogger’s Guide to Creating Satire !   Add Dialog to Marketing Content !   Details Add Weight to Content !   When to Go Negative !   Make Your Blog Stand Out !   Bad Marketing Language

Titles 10-19

!   Use Questions to Generate Topics !   Step Up Your Game with Curated Content !   5 Reasons No One Reads Your Blog !   5 MORE Reasons No One Reads Your Blog !   Edit Like an Executive !   Don’t Use “Innovation” as a Buzzword !   Proofreading Overachievers

Titles 20-25

What to Write First

At the very beginning of any case study, brochure, or white paper, there is an often-missed opportunity to subtly and powerfully align your brand, and your product, with the needs of your customer.

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How to Be Yourself

As a marketing writer, it’s essential to cater to buyers but also to produce content that is genuine. Here’s how to let your personality shine through without sacrificing professionalism.

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How to Write about People

Personal relationships are important to brand loyalty. Use journalistic techniques to make your employee pages, case studies, and interviews as awesome as the people they’re about.

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Stop Quotation Mark Abuse!

Every day, people are forcing quotation marks into situations that they were never meant to endure. Don’t be part of the problem... be part of the solution.

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How to Make Complex Topics Accessible

Explaining technical subjects can be a challenge even when you know them inside and out. So how can marketers create content that is both complex and easy to understand?

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How To Rant on the Internet

It is possible to write long, passionate tirades on the Internet without boring people or sounding like a crazy person. Besides, we know we can’t stop you, so here’s how to do it right.

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How to Write with More Credibility

When clients do the unbelievable, it’s a writer’s job to make it seem real. That’s why it’s important to be able to establish and maintain a high level of credibility.

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3 Steps Towards Creating a Voice

A consistent and clearly identifiable voice leads to a more dedicated following of readers and more customer conversions. Pick a topic, stick to a rhythm, and write engaging articles.

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Ask Yourself 5 Questions before You Post

When you’re constantly blogging, it’s hard to remember all the little things you should do — or were going to do. Consider these questions before you count that post as finished.

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5 Tips for Tech Bloggers

Bloggers who write about technology need to develop a couple of key habits to hold readers’ interest. Here are a few tips for getting your audience engaged.

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How to Interview Like Jimmy Fallon

Even the most accomplished interviewers can encounter terrifying silence when conversations hit a wall. But there are plenty of ways to prevent this situation and improve your interviews.

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5 Mini Case Study Ideas

While full-size case studies are relatively difficult to produce and publish, mini case studies are relatively easy. And they can bestow many of the same benefits on your business.

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A Blogger’s Guide to Creating Satire

The best way to get a reader’s attention is to make them laugh. Satire will attract a modern audience and get your point across better than if you say what you really mean.

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Add Dialog to Marketing Content

Do you ever feel like your marketing copy isn’t saying as much as it could? Or that it isn’t really speaking to your audience? Maybe it’s because nobody’s talking.

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Details Add Weight to Content

Keeping it short and sweet isn’t an effective long-term strategy in marketing writing — to keep your audience engaged, your content needs some weight.

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When to Go Negative

Marketing copywriters are often faced with the decision of whether to highlight product benefits negatively, that is, by talking about how bad life could get without them.

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Make Your Blog Stand Out

Excited about your new blog, but bummed that other bloggers are posting about similar topics? Here are a few ideas for keeping your content unique in a crowded blogosphere.

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Bad Marketing Language

Marketing is designed to bring customers closer to your company’s ideas, products, or services, but industry jargon sometimes creates more distance than it closes.

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Use Questions to Generate Topics

The questions your customers ask can reveal a lot about what kind of content they might respond to. So don’t just answer them… use questions as a springboard for content creation.

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Step Up Your Game with Curated Content

Curated content isn’t a cop-out; it’s a smart way to increase your content output, engage your readers, and contribute to important conversations in your field.

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5 Reasons No One Reads Your Blog

You’re a fascinating human. People should be hanging on the edge of your every word and waiting with bated breath for your next blog post. So, uh…why aren’t they?

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5 MORE Reasons No One Reads Your Blog

That’s right… there are even MORE reasons for your abysmal web traffic. But never fear, we’re here to steer your blog back in the right direction.

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Edit Like an Executive

A lot of important people have trouble expressing themselves in writing; unfortunately they’re often called upon to do so. Here’s how to hack your way to eloquence like the rich and famous.

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Don’t Use “Innovation” as a Buzzword

Innovation is corporate America’s new obsession — so much so that many people no longer understand why it’s actually an important concept.

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Proofreading Overachievers

Have you ever met any proofreader overachievers?  These are reviewers who insist on applying every “rule” whether or not it adds to the copy’s clarity or power.

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