How to Write and Publish a WordPress Post

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How to Write and Publish a WordPress Post

Step 1. Select Posts --> Add New from the left column

Step 2. Write your post.

Step 2a. Use WordPress' editing features to make your text bold, italic, create lists, or add blockquotes.

To add a link: Highlight link text, then click "Insert/edit link."

Step 2c. Add the link to the URL box: You can add an external link by typing in the URL, or link to another page or post on your site (listed in the bottom section).

Step 3. Add media: To add a photo to your post, click "Add Media," which will bring up the Media Library.

Step 3b. Select your image: After you select your image, click "Insert" on the bottom right.

Step 3c. Edit your image: You can control whether the image is aligned left, right, or center. Click the pencil icon for more edits: image size, add a caption, etc.

Step 3d. Image detail: After you click the pencil, this box will appear. You can add a caption, change the size, link the image to a URL. To save your changes, click "Update" in the bottom right corner.

Step 4. Select category (s):

Step 5. Add tags: Tags are simply more detailed information — usually words or short phrases — that help the reader find the information they are looking for. For example, if you're writing about fruit,

you might have a category for citrus, and tags, lemon, lime, and orange.

Step 6. Add featured image: On the right column, near the bottom, click "Set Featured Image."

Step 6b. Select Featured Image: You'll be taken to the Media Library, where you can select the image you'd like to use for your featured image. When you're done, be sure to click "Set Featured Image" to save it.

Step 7. Publish: Before you publish, click "Save Draft," then "Preview" to see how your post actually looks. Proofread, check the alignment of your images, and be sure it looks the way you wanti it to before you hit "Publish."

Step 7b. Publish date: You can backdate your posts, or schedule them to post on a date in the future. Use the dropdown to set the month, then type in date, year, and time to determine when you want it to post. WordPress will post it automatically.