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HOW TO WRITE A CV HOW TO WRITE A COVER LETTER. As graduation approaches, students start thinking about their future employment, either full time or part time . One of the first things they have to do is to write and submit a job application and a CV or résumé * . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation






As graduation approaches, students start thinking about their future employment, either full time or part time. One of the first things they have to do is to write and submit a job application and a CV or résumé*. 

In different countries, different conventions apply to the process of job application and interviews. On the other hand, a CV or résumé contains all the unchanging information about the student, i.e. education, background and work experience. This usually accompanies a letter of application, which in some countries is expected to be hand-written, not word-processed.

Sometimes, if you have already had some working experience, a supplementary information sheet containing information relevant to this particular job may also be required.

_______________________ *CV abb. for curriculum vitae = a written record of your education and employment, that you send when you apply for a job; pronounced in AmE [kə,rikjələm ‘vaiti:] and in BrE [kə,rikjələm ‘vi:tai]; Americans use résumé /’rezjumei/ more often


When you apply for a job, you may need to fill in a company

application form (a standard company form) which asks for personal

details, your qualifications, and your work history or you may be asked to

supply a CV, which gives similar information, but which you write yourself.

In either case, you will need to write a cover letter to go with the

application form or CV. Since most jobs are advertised in the papers or

specialist publications, before you write your covering letter you should

study the wording of the advertisement carefully. Find out exactly what the

employer is looking for (e.g., your working experience, knowledge of foreign

languages, etc). Then in your covering letter, try to show that you have all

the qualities, qualifications, and experience that the employer is looking for.

Do not simply repeat all the information in the CV, but highlight the most

important parts.


A CV format should include:

1. contact informationnameaddresstelephonemobile phonee-mail

2. personal informationdate of birthplace of birthcitizenshipvisa status (if you apply for a job abroad)sex

3. optional personal information:marital statuswife’s/husband’s name


4. employment history:position details and dates (in chronological order)work history

5. education high schoolgraduate school

6. professional qualificationscertificatescomputer skills

7. languages

8. references

9. interests & hobbies


RESUMÉ American style ___________________________________________________

Jennifer Roberts Married1320 Forest Drive No children

1 Palo Alto, CA94309tel: (650) 498-129email:

_____________________________________________________________________Objective To obtain a position as a German-English translator with a

firm in the Bay Area. Education_____________________________________________________________1996-98 Master of Arts in Translation, Stanford University 1990-94 Bachelor of Arts (cum laude*)

Major: German; Minor: Russian, Georgetown University 2

________________________ *at the third level of the three highest levels of achievement that students can reach when they finish their studies at college



1998-present Freelance technical translator, German-English 3 mostly for hi-tech industries in California

1996-98 Teaching Assistant (German), Stanford University1994-96 English Teacher, Cambridge Institute, Heidelberg,

Germany Languages Fluent German and Russian Personal Interests sailing, cooking and entertaining friends.____________________________________________________________________ Reference 4 Dr. M. Rosen, Chair, Department of Modern Languages,

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA94305



American style

1 On an American resumé you may choose whether or not to

include your birth date, marital status, children, etc.

2 Begin with your most recent qualification and work backwards.

3 Begin with your most recent employment and work backwards.

4 One or more references may be included on the CV / resumé

or they may be included in the letter of application instead.


CURRICULUM VITAEBritish style Name Peter James GreenAddress 26 Windmill Road, Bristol BS2 6DPTelephone 0117 945649Mobile 1 0779 9238182Email BritishDate of birth 11 March 1977Marital status Single____________________________________________________________________ Profile

2 A highly motivated, well-travelled and creative graduate with practical design experience in a large company.


Education / Qualification

1998-2001 Anglia Polytechnic University: BA in Graphic Design (First Class) 1990-1997 Clifton School, 3 A levels: Art (A); Design and Technology,

(A); Mathematics (C) 10 GCSEs


Employment to date

2001-present EMS Corporate Imaging, Design Department, Riverside House, 22 Charles St, Bristol

Skills Computer literate: familiar with a number of

design and DTP packages; Clean driving license

Interests Tennis, swimming, jazz

References available on request.



1 There is no need for a title or heading other that your own name.Some people omit these labels.

2 Some people omit the Profile section.

Other useful phrases for a CV or resumé

• Native French speaker• Near-native command of English• Adequate spoken Dutch and German• Baccalauréat, série C (equivalent of A levels in Maths and Physics)• The qualifications described below do not have exact equivalents in

the American system.• I enclosed photocopies of my certificates with English translations.



26 Middle Road

Bristol BS2 6DP

24 May 2000  Ms Emma CampbellPersonnel ManagerMultimedia Design4 Kennnigton RoadLondon SE1 8DD  Dear Ms Campbell I am writing to apply for the position of assistant designer advertised in the Evening Post of 23 May. Please find enclosed a copy of my CV. 


I have a degree in Graphic Design from Anglia Polytechnic University. Since graduation last summer I have been working for EMS Corporate Imaging on a contract basis.I have become particular interested in interactive and multimedia work and now I wish to develop my career in that direction. I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small, dynamic team where I could make a significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work. I look forward to hearing from you.  Yours sincerelyPeter GreenPeter Green

Enc. CV 


A COVER LETTERyour address:32 Green RoadK-10004


March 2, 2011

the person in charge:Mr Frank Peterson,Personnel ManagerJeans and Co.254 Main StreeetSeattle, WA 98502

Dear Mr. Trimm

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager, which appeared in the Seattle Times on Sunday, February 28. As youcan see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position’s requirements.


My current position managing the local branch of a national shoe retailer has provided the opportunity to work in a high-pressure, teamenvironment, where it is essential to be able to work closely with mycolleagues in order to meet deadlines.

In addition to my responsibilities as manager, I also developed time management tools for staff using Access and Excel from Microsoft’s Office Suite.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited to this position. Please telephone me at (360) 352-0259 after 4.00 p.m. to suggest a time that we may meet.

I can also be reached by email.

Sincerely,Peter SmithPeter Smith



Applying for a job - British style1, 2 22 Rocks Lane

Bristol BS8 9DF 3 20 April 2011Ms Patricia Wright

Personnel Department 4 5 Multimedia Design27 Albion Road London SE1 8DD

Dear Ms Wright 6

I am writing to apply for the post of ...7

Since graduating from Cardiff University I have been working for ....

I would welcome the chance to work as part of a small dynamic team where I could make a significant contribution while devloping my skills yet further. I would be happy to show you a portfolio of my work.

I am avaliable for interview next week and look forward to hearing from you. 8

Yours sincerely 9Mark Wallace 10

Marc Wallace 11

Enc. CV 12


Applying for a job - British style

22 Rocks LaneBristol BS8 9DF

20 April 2011

1,2 Never write your name at the top of

the letter; write your own addressin the top right-hand corner.

3 The date can go on either the left or right.

Ms Patricia WrightPersonnel Department Multimedia Design27 Albion Road 4 Personnel is sometimes

called Human Resources

5 Write the address, name and position of the person you are writing to here.

Dear Ms Wright 6 Use Sir or Madam if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to,

and use the person’s title (Mr, Ms, etc) and their surname if you do.

I am writing to apply for the post of ... 7 In your application use the word post, position

or vacancy, not “job”


I am avaliable for interview next week and ... 8 avoid contractions:I am rather than I’m

Yours sincerely 9 In British English end your letter Yours sincerely if you have begun it with a person’s title and family name. If you have begun Dear Sir or Madam, then end your letter Yours Faithfully.

Mark Wallace 10, 11 Sign your name and print it in full Marc Wallace afterwards.

Enc. CV 12 shows you have enclosed something.



I am writing ...

- explain which job you are applying for and how/where

you heard about it

other useful phrases:

• I noted with interest your advertisement for a .... in today’s edition of ...

• I am writing in response to your advertisement in ... for the position of ...

• I would like to apply for the vacancy advertised in ...

• I am interested in applying for the post of ...

• With reference to your advertisement in ...

• As you will see from my CV ...

• I have enclosed a copy of my CV, from which you will see ...

• Please find enclosed a copy of my CV.



Since graduating ...

- briefly describe your most relevant qualifications and/or


other useful phrases:

•I am currently studying …. at …

•After graduating from …, I …

•Since leaving university, I have …

•On leaving school, I …

•Having gained a degree, I …

•While I was working at …

•During my employment at …

•I am currently employed at …



I would welcome ...

- explain why you want the job and why you think you

would be good at it

other useful phrases:

•This post interests me because …

•I would welcome the chance to gain more experience of …

•I would be greatful for the opportunity to improve my … skills.

•I have extensive experience of …



I am avaliable ...

- say how you can be contacted and/or when you are

available for the interview

other useful phrases:

•If you consider that my experience and qualifications are suitable …

•I am available for interview any afternoon and would be pleased to discuss

the post in person.

•I will be available for interview from … to …

•I can arrange to attend an interview whenever convenient for you.



Tijardovićeva 1710110 Zagreb(01) 3881 477

April 22, 2010

SIEMENS d.d. Human ResourcesHeinzlova 70 a10000 Zagreb

Dear Sir,

I would like to apply for the post of Development Engineer, as advertised in the

April issue of Electronics Today. I enclose my CV with the name of one referee.

I consider myself well qualified for this post. My college work was good and I

have completed all my modules successfully. I have just graduated from the

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb and I got my

Master’s degree.


I am now looking for a permanent position in a dynamic, interesting and

challenging working place which would give me an opportunity to fully

realize my interests and qualities and to continue my education. I am

confident that with my relevant qualifications, knowledge of English

and German, as well as my personal qualities, I will be able to satisfy

all your requirements.

Please find attached a copy of my CV and reference. Hoping that you would

take my application under serious consideration, I remain,

Yours faithfully,Hrvoje HorvatićHrvoje Horvatić



Name: Hrvoje HorvatićAddress: Tijardovićeva 17

10110 ZagrebPhone: (01) 3881 477E-mail: hrvoje.horvatic@fer.hrDate of birth: February 12, 1986Nationality: CroatianMarital status: single

Educational background2008 – 2011 Graduate Study Programme (MSc), Faculty of Electrical

Engineering and Computing, Zagreb University,

2004 – 2008 Bachelor Programme (BSc Undergraduate Programme), Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Electrical

Engineering and Computing, Zagreb University,

2000 – 2004 Mathematics high school (MIOC), Zagreb,


Working experience

2007 summer practice in Electronics and Telecommunications, Zagreb

LanguageEnglish – written and spoken fluentlyGerman – finished elementary school in Berlin (my parents worked there) Other qualificationscomputer knowledge: operational systems: DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95, UNIX, programming in Fortran, Turbo Pascal and C, basics of SQL-a, developing Web pages, (publishing information on the Web, HTML maps, HTML forms, basics of Java script, etc), using MS office, Internet


driving license (category B) since 2002 Interests theatre, movies, reading, swimming

Reference Prof __________________, PhD



Ever since Croatia started democratic processes in the early

nineties of the last century, both Croatian and foreign companies and

employers have been advertising posts emphasizing

the need of applicant’s fluent knowledge of at least one foreign


Therefore, CVs and covering letters should be written in a foreign

language, mostly English. The interviewers usually ask applicants to speak

English and if they get the job, they are often sent to specialize aboard,

usually to the country from which the employer comes from. For our

graduates, knowing at least one foreign language is an imperative not only

when European Union is regarded, but the Bologna process requirements

are the same.


There are different kinds of interviews:

- either traditional one-to-one interviews, or

- so called panel interviews where one or more candidates are

interviewed by a panel interviewers.

Sometimes applicants have to demonstrate how they can cope in actual

business situations. The atmosphere of an interview may vary

-from the informal to the formal and

- interviewers may take a friendly, neutral or even hostile approach.

Different interviewers use different techniques and the only rules that

applicants should be aware of may be

“Expect the unexpected” “Be yourself”.


Of course, the salary is an important part in the process of job hunting. Certain

companies, beside a good salary may offer some

extra benefits, such as

a company car or

cheap housing loans, bonuses paid in, the so-called “thirteenth month”,

company pension schemes,

free canteen meals,

long holidays or

flexible working hours.

All these definitely contribute to the attractiveness of a job.

Unfortunately, you can only dream about it.

What could help you is a good knowledge of at least one foreign




is no more a subject of discussion

it is a necessity, an obligation

it is the way how to make students globally competitive.

As Dr. Dan Davidson, President of the American Councils on International Education says:

“Learning a foreign language is the first step to getting that job that pays seven figures and gives you two paid

Hawaii vacations a year.”



A family of mice was surprised by a big cat. Father Mouse jumped and said, "Bow-wow!" The cat ran away.

"What was that, Father?" asked Baby Mouse.

"Well, son, that's why it's important to learn a second language."

*******A person who speaks two languages is bilingual...

A person who speaks three languages is trilingual...

A person who speaks four or more languages is multilingual.

What is a person who speaks one language? An American.


A JOB INTERVIEW JOKE Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources personasked a young applicant fresh out of school,

"And what starting salary are you looking for?“

The applicant said, "In the neighborhood of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.“

The interviewer said, "Well, what would you say to a package of 5 weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years - say, a red Corvette?"

The applicant sat up straight and said, "Wow! Are you kidding?“

And the interviewer replied, "Yeah, but you started it."


Good luck in writing a successful cover letter, impressive CV and most of all,

find a good job!