How to use remarketing to successfully recover abandoned shopping carts

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to use remarketing to successfully recover abandoned shopping carts

Becky Hopkin

A Little About Me

Becky Hopkin

Head of Customer Strategy at Digital Gearbox

Google Adwords Certified

The Rise of The Abandoned Cart

● 88% of consumers have abandoned a shopping cart without completing a transaction

● 24% of consumers add items to their cart for later consideration

● 1 in 4 retailers reported a rise in their shopping cart abandonment rate from the previous year

Data Sources: Jacob, S. (2011) “Do your users have shopping cart abandonment issues?” Online, Kissmetrics Baymard Instiitue (2015), Online

A Common Frustration...

A Cart Recovery Solution

Capturing your audience

Creating your audience

Step 1: Create an audience of all those who have reached the add to cart confirmation page

Step 2: Create an audience of all those who have reached the checkout complete page

Creating your audience

Step 3: Create a custom combination audience of all those who have reached the add to cart confirmation page but

not the completed checkout page

Crafting your campaign message to grab their attention

Source: via GIPHY

Landing Pages

A Case Study...

The Results...

● 10% of abandoned shopping carts returned to site

● 10% of these return visitors ultimately converted

● Conversion rate 600% higher than account average

● Campaign cost-per-conversion nearly half that of

account average

● 468% increase in ROI after tweaking CPC bids

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