How to Use Preset to Use Preset...

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Transcript of How to Use Preset to Use Preset...

How to Use Preset Filters - 1

How to Use Preset Filters


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How to Use Preset Filters - 2

Video Transcript

When you’re using Market Samurai, continually applying the same filters to your keywords can

be repetitive and time-consuming.

To make it easier to apply a set of filters to your keyword list, we added the idea of Presets to

Market Samurai.


A Preset is a specific set of filter values that you can apply to your keywords in the Keyword

Research module with just a single click of your mouse.

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The software comes with a number of default presets which we've found to be useful for

keyword research.

You can also create and save your own presets if you prefer to filter your keywords using your

own criteria.

In This Video

In this video:

• We'll look at how you can streamline the keyword research process using "presets", and

• How you can modify them to suit the needs of your website as it grows.

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New Project

To begin, I'll open a new project.

Project Keyword

Enter the seed keyword "flower pots" .

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Create Project

Click the "create" button.

Keyword Research

And then go to the keyword research module.

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Generate Keywords

To get my keyword list, I'll just click the 'Generate Keywords' button as usual.

Keyword List

Market Samurai then returns my list of keyword suggestions.

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Analyze Keywords

And I can click the "Keyword Analysis" button down here to move to the next step.

Pre-Checked/Filled Filters

On this screen the first thing to take notice of is that Market Samurai has automatically applied a

Preset filter called the Golden Rules.

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Automatically Applied Preset

This preset is made up of the traffic, competition and value filters discussed in the four Golden

Rules videos.

Some Keywords Filtered Out

I can see here that some of my keywords have already been filtered out in line with these


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Some Columns are still Blank

I can also see that some of the columns are still blank. This is because not all the data has

been fetched yet.

Analyze Keywords

To fetch the rest of the data, I need to click the 'Analyze Keywords' button, here.

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Additional Data

Market Samurai then retrieves the additional data I need and filters the rest of the list of

keywords according to the 'Golden Rules' preset.

What's left over is a refined list of the most promising keywords from the original set.

Research Keywords Further

I can go on to research these keywords more thoroughly in other modules such as SEO

Competition, or I can use them as seed keywords in new Keyword Research tabs to further

explore the niche.

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Important Note

It is important to note that the Golden Rules presets may not be ideal for every market niche.

They're a good starting point, but you can adjust the filter values to suit your own situation as


Fast-Track a Few Months

Now let’s fast track a few months and assume that I have created a keyword optimized website

around the “flower pots” niche.

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Let's also assume that the links and content that I’ve been creating have improved my websites

rank and authority in Google.

With this new rank and authority, I now have the capacity to compete for more competitive

keywords that were previously out of my reach.

So let’s create a new preset that reflects the type of keywords I now want to target.

Create a New Preset

For this example I’ll use the “Golden Rules” preset as a starting point.

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Number of Keywords Filtered

Up here you can see that when the “Golden Rules” preset is selected, most of the keywords

have been filtered out (1), and only a few keywords are still displayed (2).

Modify Settings

I can see some of the keywords which were filtered out by the initial settings by raising the

value of the SEOC filter.

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More Keywords are Revealed

You’ll then see down here that the number of active keywords has increased, giving me extra

keywords to target.

Sort by SEOC

To see these extra keywords I can click the SEOC column header twice to sort the results by the

highest value to the lowest SEOC, and I can see the new keywords.

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Identify New Target Keywords

As you can see, the keyword “plastic flower pot” has an SEOC value which caused it to fall

outside the scope of the Golden Rules preset.

However this could be a good keyword to target now that my website has a better rank and

more authority.

Modified Preset

You’ll also notice that up here in the preset drop down box that the Golden Rules Preset has a

star next to it.

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This just means that the values have been modified from the original preset.

Discard Changes

If I want to discard this change to the settings and return to the original preset, all I have to do is

click this button and all the changes will be removed.

Save Changes

Or I can click this button to save the modified preset as a new one. So I’ll just do this now.

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Save Options

You'll then see a dialog box with 2 options:

1) You can save this as a new preset, or

2) You can overwrite an existing preset

Save New Preset

Because I began with a system preset I’ll need to create a new one.

This is because a system preset can not overwritten.

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So I’ll just enter a new name (1), and then click the save button (2).

New Preset Active

Market Samurai then shows me that I’m using my new preset up here.

Switch Between Presets

I can also switch between saved and system presets anytime I want.

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Delete Preset

If I no longer wish to keep a preset I can simply click this ‘X’ button and the preset will be


Modify Preset Again

Or If I want change this preset again, I can make the change...

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Save Preset

Click the save preset button...

Overwrite Existing Preset

Select ‘overwrite existing preset’...

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And click 'save'.

Market Samurai will now automatically remember this preset and apply it to the next list of

keywords that I investigate.

Remove Filters

You can also remove these filters all together just by selecting the “No filters” preset.

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Complete Keyword List

Doing this will show you a complete un-filtered list containing all of your keywords.

To Recap

So just to recap:

• Presets are a fast an easy way to filter your keywords.

• The default preset is "Golden Rules"

• You can create, edit, and delete your own custom presets

• System presets such as the "Golden Rules" and “No Filters” presets cannot be

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over-written or deleted. And,

• As your website grows in authority, you can adjust your presets to target more competitive
