How to Take an Instagram Account from 0 to 3000+ in 29 Days

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to Take an Instagram Account from 0 to 3000+ in 29 Days

Instagram Optimization

A How-To Guide by Arctify Marketing

Company: Arctify Marketing

Medium:Dakota Shane Nunley, Dylan Blake Nunley


Why Instagram?

● 400+ million monthly users● Higher engagement rates than Twitter & Facebook● Some studies suggest average user spends 21 minutes per day on


In 29 Days, we took our first client’s Instagram account from 0 to 3000+ followers...


We’re about to share with you how we accomplished this, and more importantly, how you can too.

We’ll give you over 15 guiding principles to use in order to get your Follower Game on lock!

A Note on Using Hashtags Properly...


● Put hashtags as a comment, NOT in the caption itself

● Use 5-10 hashtags per post● Use a combination of your own brand’s

hashtag, high-traffic hashtags, mid-traffic hashtags and low-traffic hashtags

Third-Party Tools

Hootsuite: to schedule posts and updates so you don’t have to.

This will save you loads of time over the course of a single week.

Choose one day per week, create a large number of your posts, then put them in the queue so you can focus solely on engagement with your followers and others.

Third-Party Tools

Wordswag: to create beautiful word-art to capture your audience’s attention.

Word-art is a perfect complement to any Instagram strategy. Wordswag allows you to look like a pro designer in minutes. It only costs $3.99 too!

One downside is that it currently is only available for iOS. For Android users, like myself, use PicLab & Pixlr.

Third-Party Tools

Simply Measured: to see detailed analytics of your followers.

Specifically, when is the best time to post for you.

Don’t listen to other Instagram articles saying that 10am & 6pm are the optimal times. While this may be true, if 70% of your followers are from Iceland, then it’s likely your time zone is different than theirs.

Look under Free Tools on the website to access the Free Instagram User Report.

Third-Party Tools

Crowdfire: to unfollow those that don’t follow you back after Follow Frenzies

There are also other tools that have unfollow capabilities as well, like Hootsuite and Unfollowgram.

Third-Party Tools Canva: to enhance your word-art on

Wordswag and beyond.

Canva is a wonderful, easy-to-use graphic design tool. Whether you want to enhance your word-art, add icons to your work, or just prefer Canva, it’s an effective application.

Best of all, it’s free!

Follow Frenzies are when you go to the top Instagram accounts in your industry, and follow a ton of that account’s followers.

Then, wait 2-3 days, and unfollow the people that didn’t follow you back.

Remember that using tools like Hootsuite & Justunfollow will make this a lot easier.

Conduct Follow Frenzies!

You’ve chosen your industry, now it’s time to choose your unique niche.

Remember that being different is key to carving out business for yourself. If you notice that most of your competitor’s Instagram accounts are overly professional, then be the “funny, relatable” account in your industry. And vice versa.

Be different!

Find your unique niche

Make templates of all your content when you can.

If you find yourself creating a post more than once, then it’s time to make a template.

Templates are especially handy and time-saving for word-art posts.

Templatize Everything

Be sure to add your logo as a watermark on ALL of your content. This is a crucial step for brand recognition and brand awareness.

On top of that, make certain that your posts all have the same “feel” and theme. Choose a color scheme, font, font size, etc. and stick to it!

When your followers rapidly scroll through their feeds, catch a glimpse of your brand, then scroll back up to consume your content, you know you made it ;)

Brand Everything

Make your account relevant and human! People like people, not businesses.

If it’s a holiday, add it into your content. If there’s a trending hashtag, then hop on it.

Always be relevant and up to date no matter what industry you’re in.

Contextualize your account

Flipagram is a fantastic asset to Instagram monotony. It allows the brand to tell captivating, original stories.

Try it out for yourself. Your followers will thank you for it.

Take advantage of Flipagram

This seems obvious as hell. Yet, 90%+ of the accounts you see on Instagram don’t do it.

You NEED to take high-quality photos, or you’ll only get so far.

If you can’t afford a camera at the moment, then you can get away with using your smartphone camera if you’re creative with filters.

If you can afford it though, buying a camera is absolutely worth it.

Take high-quality photos

Like & Comment a shit ton! Don’t do it all at once though or it’ll look spammy...

Instead, space it throughout the day. Do it for 5 people, wait a couple hours. Repeat.

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