How to Survive 8 th grade at HJ! By:Lauren Chitty.

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Transcript of How to Survive 8 th grade at HJ! By:Lauren Chitty.

How to Survive 8th grade at HJ!

By:Lauren Chitty

Language Arts/Accelerated Reader

In middle school accelerated reader isn't as big of a deal as it was in elementary. It depends mostly on what teacher you get and how seriously they take accelerated reader. You may have goals of how many points to get or how many books to read in a 9weeks but mostly, there are more important things to do. Like language arts! In middle school you will be reading a lot of novels and books with your class or assigned to read by yourself. We have book reports, tests, and quizzes. If your like me and enjoy reading then you'll really love language arts class!!

Math/Accelerated Math

In math you will learn A LOT of new things! And if your a math whiz then you could possibly be in algebra! Its even harder than regular math and you take tons of tests and do lots of projects! Fun fun:/ Haha! In accelerated math its mostly the same as accelerated reader, it depends on which teacher you get. In 8th grade though I can gatrentee you will be doing a bunch of Amath! So saddle up!

Social Studies

In middle school social studies is sort of boring. You will be doing a lot of book work and tests. If your lucky you will get a nice teacher that lets you have open book tests and tries to make social studies fun by acting it out or giving their insites on the history.


I love science! You will be doing experiments in the science lab and learn a lot of new fascinating things! You'll really enjoy science don't like dissecting frogs!!!!!!!!haha


I prefer bringing my lunch to school. Its not too good. Its pretty much the same thing as elementary school food...yuck!


I loveeeee lockers! Its your own space that you can personalize, decorate, and store all your important posters of hot twilight characters;)!


EWWWWYYY! Lets just rather not go to the bathrooms alot...:S! Their pretty gross and not very clean. There not too bad but there not the very best!


The highlight of my day! If you have friends that aren't in your class or you don't get to talk to a lot any more then exploritories might just be a great thing for you! Theres a lot of choices to choose from like dance, pe/health, chorus, computers, office helper, library helper, art, and more.


There are some fun clubs for those who like to act or help out with the yearbook like yearbook staff and drama club. Theres also quiz bowl and math counts. Quiz bowl is a class where you have to know a lot about science and history and your quick! Math counts is pretty much the same as far as I know. In not sure about a lot of it because its fairly new. There are competitions for both


You must be in 7th or 8th grade to participate in sports. In order to be on most teams you must try out. And remember there are probably a lot of kids that want to play the same sport so practice practice practice!!!!!!!!


I don't ride the buses. Only to sports away games and transportation on field trips. Their pretty much the same as the elementary buses. Except there are probably a little more crazy people that ride it in middle school.

Field trips

You wont take many field trips in middle school but when you do they'll mostly be educational. Sometimes fun.

Favorite memory

My favorite memory was making new friends. You'll meet a lot of new people some might not be as nice..or sane as others but its a good experience!

Favorite teachers

There are a lot of great teachers at HJ and sometimes there are some that aren't as great but you learn to get through it and eventually you'll find out there are some teachers that are much worse!!

Final words of advice

You will experience many new things, meet new people, learn fascinating things, and have a good time at HJ but remember be yourself!GOOD LUCK!