How to successfully create a Social Media Marketing Formula

Post on 10-May-2015

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How do I build a social media following? Where do I begin? What do I do? How do I do it? I don't have all the answers for you and your company, but if you follows these rules, and create a marketing plan, you too can build a successful social media following. Be sure to comment below, and I follow you back on all your platforms.

Transcript of How to successfully create a Social Media Marketing Formula

The perfect formula for your social media program, will be different than the next person who reads this presentation, but you can create your own perfect formula by following these best practices.

“Claim your Social Media Profiles”Even if you do not ever plan on going on and posting to a particular social media platform, you should go setup a profile, and create a link to your website.

Now how do you go about creatingthat social media formula?

Now how do you go about creatingthat social media formula?

Well First you need to

“Appeal to your Audience”

Now how do you go about creatingthat social media formula?

Well First you need to

“Appeal to your Audience” Who are you trying to reach?What do they like? What will they respond to?

Now how do you go about creatingthat social media formula?

Well First you need to

“Appeal to your Audience” Who are you trying to reach?What do they like? What will they respond to?

Once you know the answer to the above questions, you can brand yourself, and focus on the people who matter most.

So you know who you are trying to reach, you need to

“Engage your audience”

So you know who you are trying to reach, you need to

“Engage your audience” Give them what they want, and respond to their feedback.

So you know who you are trying to reach, you need to

“Engage your audience” Give them what they want, and respond to their feedback. Also find those who engage regularly

with your competition, and engage them.

“Give them a reason to respond”Questions can help encourage the engagement on your postings, many people do this with

“Give them a reason to respond”Questions can help encourage the engagement on your postings, many people do this with

“Which do you like better picture A or B?”

“Give them a reason to respond”Questions can help encourage the engagement on your postings, many people do this with

“Which do you like better picture A or B?”

People like to be heard, especially when its going to enhance their experience with your product or service.

Social Media is a place people like to go to get away from their

normal lives.

“Keep it short”

It is a place to relax. They don’t want to read a paragraph, and

they don’t want to think too hard.

“Keep it short”

Pictures are good, too much text is bad.

“Keep it short”

If I hadn’t broken this point into multiple slides you would have

already stopped reading this.

“Keep it short”

“Use multiple platforms”

Google+ if you do no other social media, you should be here, Google rules web searches, and it has been proven the social interaction on Google+ can positively influence your SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages)

“Use multiple platforms”

YouTube is now owned by Google, and if your not here, you are also missing the boat, Youtube is a great place to get quality links, and with the tie to Google+ its easier than ever to get likes on your videos.

“Use multiple platforms”

Twitter when used effectively can highly influence a generation. While it may seem hard to keep your tweet to 140 characters, once again think imagery. A picture is worth a thousand words, or at least characters…

“Use multiple platforms”

Facebook is currently the most used social media platform in the world.

“Use multiple platforms”

Facebook is currently the most used social media platform in the world.

So why is it 4th on my list?

“Use multiple platforms”

Facebook is currently the most used social media platform in the world.

So why is it 4th on my list?

Because Google only looks at a fraction of what is going on there, and if you have restrictions in place, it ignores you entirely.

“Use multiple platforms”

It is not a complete waste of time however, when used properly, Facebook can be a great way to interact with your client base, just don’t expect it to drive your SERPs.

“Use multiple platforms”

Pinterest is a traffic driving machine! Everytime someone re-pins your content, they effectively re-create a backlink to your website, so don’t upload pins, but them on your website and then pin them. You can get an amazing amount of link juice here.

“Use multiple platforms”

Tumblr is a blogging site now owned by Yahoo, and is very popular with the 12-25 crowd. While the links are potent they are most effective on Yahoo.

“Use multiple platforms”

Vimeo – the little video site that could... Vimeo could be compared to YouTube in as much that you create an account, and upload your videos there. It actually was started before YouTube, and you should be here, just put more on Youtube, than here.

“Use multiple platforms”

So how much, where?

“Use multiple platforms”

So how much, where?

How much can you produce?

“Use multiple platforms”

So how much, where?

How much can you produce?

How much can you keep up with?

“Use multiple platforms”

My advice:

Create profiles on all these platforms, and focus building a following on One.

“Use multiple platforms”

My advice:

Create profiles on all these platforms, and focus building a following on One.

Over time, expand to others, try to cross over as much as possible

In conclusion• Stake your claim on all social media

platforms• Know your audience• Engage them regularly• Keep post short – lots of imagery• Post with consistency

You can find a list of all my social media here