How To Shine Online - DWCC 2013

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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A panel discussion that looks at the good/bad/ugly faces of PR – and why you need it as much as it needs you. Whether you’re a blogger or brand manager, a journalist or comms consultant, wine producer or content creator, we all need to look in the mirror regularly and ask: am I looking good? Is my brand image all that it should be? This group will examine PR and how it can help or hinder. We are all brand managers. Because everything you do is part of building Brand You. This presentation is owned and copywritten by Louise Hurren, Alastair Bathgate, Justin Howard-Sneyd, Paul Mabray and Richard Siddle. 2013

Transcript of How To Shine Online - DWCC 2013



Richard Siddle

Justin Howard-Sneyd

Alastair Bathgate

Paul Mabray

Alastair Bathgate

Public Relations



Traditional Media

“New” media

Ethics in writing

Nobody is squeaky clean

Build a brand, not just a voice

Be honest about your objectives

Do you stand by everything you’ve said?

Someone will take your opinion as fact


By the Numbers

Jancis Robinson – 29,808Robert Parker - 20,082Alder Yarrow – 18,675Joe Roberts – 13,451Catavino – 5,343Steve Heimoff – 4,140

Blurred Lines

The Math Disconnect

The actual number for 2012 was over 200K.Only approximately 40K are professionally rated.Far less are rated by the super-critics (25 w/ an audience over 100K).

The New Wine Communicators

“It is a bull market for free content,” Tyler Coleman

The New Wine Communicators

The New Wine Communicators

The New Wine Communicators

If all that fails . . .

Filler between Speeches

How to Shine Online

The Decline of PR

Social Media has Reinvented PR

PR is Everyone’s Job in the New World of Social Media

Distribution, Distribution, Distribution

Content is Still King

“Content will be the future of advertising, people distributing and creating content for your brand will be the barometer of your advertising success.” Barry Schuler – former CEO AOL/Time Warner/CEO Meteor Vineyards

Spray and Pray is Toxic

Writer/Publication Accessibility

Gasoline or a Fire Extinguisher

How To Shine Online (and why PR is a necessary evil)

Justin Howard-Sneyd MW

Global Wine Consultant – Laithwaite’s Wine

What are businesses interested in?

What is PR?

“PR and corporate communications is marketing, except, you’re selling

an intangible to an audience with no interest.”

 Richard Reavey

What is PR?

“Advertising: I walk into a bar and tell the first hot girl I see how amazing I am

in bed. The hot girl doesn’t go home with me.  

“PR: I walk into a bar and a friend of the hot girl sees me and tells her friend how

great I am in bed.  The hot girl goes home with me”

 Peter Shankman

What is PR?

“Public relations is the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of

earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behaviour. It is

the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an

organisation and its publics.”  Chartered Institute of Public


Who are the ‘publics’?

Who are the ‘influencers’?

Who are Laithwaite’s target audience?

How do these people choose their wines?

The brand journey


How can wine bloggers contribute?

Readers: no longer just an audience

Join in…take part…set the agenda

Audience now tells the news

It is not as easy as A…B…C…

A master in wine, but not in writing

Just because you know about wine does not mean you can communicate about it

World of wine does not need any more wine specialists

It needs people who can communicate about it

It needs people who know about PR

PR can help you tell the story you have

Have you the right skills to be heard?

Mirror, mirror on the wall…

How to stand out from the crowd


How to stand out from the crowd

You have to know how to “sell” your story. How to use PR

80% of stories in press are from press releases/wires/

Only 12% is original research

But majority of press releases are deleted. No story.

Not what you say but how you say it

Winery invests in a new water plant. Not a story

Winery’s new water plant provides water for local community. Good story

What makes you special?

One thing being a specialist

How you tell your story

Analyse your user traffic/

Google analytics

Go where your audience

wants you to go

To be heard you have to be a DIGITAL SPECIALIST

Digital Future:Old and New Worlds working together

Journalism working with audience/users/blogs

“Audience” using journalism to tell their story

Blogs yes. But live blogging from events

Video yes. Video diary from wine trip/vintage

Vintage news. Live data feed of harvest


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