How to Retain and Motivate Your Scaling Team

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to Retain and Motivate Your Scaling Team

How to Retain and Motivate Your Scaling Team

Presented by: Paul Slezak


Paul Slezak


Co-Founder and Head of Marketplace at RecruitLoop

Over 15 years experience managing teams locally and globally

What’s In Store?

• Your role as a leader – now or in the future • Communicating as a leader • Being a boss vs being a leader • Retaining and motivating your people • Managing yourself as a leader


“Leadership is the art of keeping all the

people who hate you away from the ones

who haven’t made up their minds yet”


Have you ever asked yourself why anyone would want to be led by you?


In an Ideal World …


Who would you consider to be a Great Leader? • Who has made a difference? • Who has taught you things? • Who has mentored you? • Who has influenced your beliefs and values? • Who showed faith when maybe others didn’t? • Who has inspired you through their actions?


The 4 C’s of Leadership Clarity -  What’s the plan? -  What are the goals? -  What’s the strategy? -  What are the expectations?

Climate -  The environment you create -  PMA = Positive Mental Attitude -  Create a climate of trust -  “Tough Empathy”


The 4 C’s of Leadership Communication -  Tell them everything or tell them nothing at all -  You will never be accused of over communicating -  Words 7% -  Vocal variety 38% -  Body language 55%

Courage -  People don’t leave companies. They leave leaders. -  Speak from the heart -  It’s OK to reveal your vulnerability


Do you want to be a boss or do you want to be a leader? • A boss places blame. A leader takes accountability. • A boss gives answers. A leader seeks solutions. • A boss directs. A leader coaches. • A boss criticizes. A leader encourages. • A boss is all about “me”. A leader is all about “we”. • A boss demands results. A leader inspires performance.


Bridging the Gap


Retaining and Motivating your People

“If you can learn to recognize and motivate your staff, they will be inspired to return your faith in them with high efficiency and productivity. Shape your enterprise around your people and propel them to excellence …”


Employee Recognition

•  Show that you are genuinely interested • Where possible, have a daily connect • Spontaneous recognition • Verbal and written encouragement • Public recognition


Engagement and Retention

• Engagement strategies • Look out for ‘stressors’ • Flexibility and benefits • Opportunity for advancement



What Motivates Your Team?

• How do you know? • Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators • Autonomy, empowerment • Financial reward • The power of positive feedback



Managing Yourself as a Leader


In Summary

• Create an environment fostering PMA • Communication is key – but don’t hide behind technology •  Implement ‘tough empathy’: Rehabilitate or terminate • Success = activity + quality + attitude & motivation • Shape your company around your people and propel your

team to excellence




Thank you!
