How To Rank For Your #1 Keyword

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How To Rank For Your #1 Keyword

How to Actually Rank For Your #1 Keyword


Key #1Less is more – Focus

Not a Good Marketing



Primer: Search Demand Curve


In Other Words…

In Other Words…


How do I find a good Keyword?

Start with your marketing strategy, then:

• Google Keyword Planner

• SEM Rush

But What If no one

Searches My Keyword

Because I’m Doing

Something New?


Ok, I’ve got My Amazing Keyword …Now What?

Tactical Breakdown

How to Properly Optimize a Page of Content

David Yarian

Company XYZ has a problem: it does everything.

Security Alarm

Smoke Detector

Room Thermometer

Detects Water Leaks

Checks Open Doors

Finds Open Windows

Motion & Light Sensor

Guards Safes & Valuables

Checks Keg Capacity

Carbon Monoxide Detector

That’s overwhelming. Where can we focus?

Wine enthusiasts with a wine




Keyword Mapping: Wine Cellars Page

What is the page REALLY trying to win?

But we all know that people search differently.

What topics might a searcher expect to see on a page about

wine cellar monitoring?


How to Actually Build & Optimize The Page

SEO 1.0

•Page Title•Meta Description•H1 Tags•Primary KW in

Title: Wine Cellar Monitor | Company XYZ

MD: Bring the power and connivance of Company XYZ Wine Cellar monitors to your cellar.

<H1> Wine Cellar Monitors

<Body> Company XYZ is the leading technology for wine cellar monitors


How to Actually Build & Optimize The Page

SEO 2.0

•Highly Targeted •Topical Relevancy•Rich Media•Call To Action

Focused: 400+ words about wine cellar monitoring

Relevance: temperature, storage, humidity, sensors, etc.

Rich Media:

CTA: Download Product Kit Info


Key #2Build Your SEO & Brand at the Same Time


Website Foundation

That thing that everyone thinks

they know.


Website Content

Home Page

Website Pages Company PagesCompany Blog

- Keyword X Service- Keyword Y Product

- About Us- Locations- Contact

- Keyword X Tips- Keyword X Common

Mistakes- Keyword Y How To- Keyword Y Trends


Social Media Marketing

Demonstrate that Other People Think you are



You Must Have a Personality!

Golden Rule


Additional Areas that Establish your Brand

Local Listings (e.g. Google My Business)


News Coverage

Guest Blogging

Participating In Local Events

Oh Yeah…And Don’t be a Jerk

Ok…I’ve got all of this stuff, how do I make sure it’s all pointing back to my SEO strategy.

Tactical Breakdown

How to Match your Offline Brand to your

Online Brand

Ashley Berman Hale


Start at Home – Build a Great Website




Invite people overGet the order right

&Never stop improving

Make it a home

Build the house

Get the Foundation Right

Is your Site:

• Crawlable

• Properly indexed

• Organized well

• Fast

• Mobile Friendly

• Secure

Top Tools:

• Google Search Console

• Google Analytics

• V9’s Audit Checklist

Be Better Than Everyone Else

• Unique, Quality Content >Create a good experience>Authenticity & sincerity go a long way>Add significant unique value


• Check Bounce Rates >40 – 60 % = normal

• Review Conversion Rates> 1- 2 % = normal

• Take a step back & read your pages

For the Love of God, Stop Link Building

•Marketing vs. link building>Natural vs. unnatural links>Good marketing leads to

natural links

• Be share worthy>Give ‘em something to talk

about>Cut through the noise

• Be newsworthy >Earn links with PR, but don’t

do PR for links

Build Your SEO in Social

• It’s not about the links!

• It is about engagement.

• Social + SEO>More fans = more legitimate

shares/links = SEO GOLD!

The KEYQuality Content

A Few Content Marketing Stats

70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads

A Consumer is 42% more likely to become a customer if you evoke their interests or passions


Follow the Don’t Suck Test


Main Website Page*Primary Keyword Focus*

Supporting Page

Supporting Page

Supporting Page

Anchor Creative

Stats don’t lie...

Social Posting

“10 Things you Need to Know about X vs Y”

3 Tips for Doing X Yourself Blogs

Tactical Breakdown

How to Leverage Your Content to Push Rankings

& Explode your Traffic

Allison Nuanes


How to do This (and useful tools!)

1. Set Your Keyword Focus – “Local Business Marketing”

2. Persona Development

3. Creative Asset Idea & Creation>Webinar, Infographic, Quiz, Long Blog Post, etc.

4. Content Calendar Development>Main Asset >At least 4 blog posts & 20 social posts

5. Amplification Tactics>Influencer Outreach

- Recommended Tool: InkyBee


How do I rank for my #1 Keyword?

Build Great Content – Don’t Suck

Less is more – Focus KWs & Content

Brand Matters – Build SEO & Brand Together

See You at the Top!


Twitter: @Marketing_Nat



Natalie HenleyPresidentVolume Nine