How to raise your self belief to believ in yourself again? Abundance Coaching

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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Many people stop believing in themselves when they loose any project or any particular work. Abundance Coaching teaches you and motivates you to achieve your goals and lets you to believe in yourself again. Source:

Transcript of How to raise your self belief to believ in yourself again? Abundance Coaching



What happened is that you started believing. You started believing in lies that were never manifested as reality when you were a small child. You believed that somehow you weren’t good enough, you didn’t measure up. You believed that if you stepped out on faith you would fail. Somehow you lost your sense of exploration and adventure and you replaced your wonder with logic.

You compromised your faith and worried about life. You resisted pursuing the most important things in life because you had fear. You believed that winning was only a ‘maybe thing.’ You started believing that things weren’t worth the effort. You may have even stopped believing in hope. You need to find out how to believe in yourself again.

These conflicting beliefs cause you tension because deep down you know that you were created with an empowering identity and self-worth but you’re not living in the fullness of it. Our beliefs are created from ourselves and we don’t realize that they’re in our subconscious mind so we don’t realize how these beliefs affect us. These limiting beliefs can stop us from being all that we can be.



Let’s go deeper into experience. If you did a quick look through any Thesaurus you would find that ‘experience’ is close in meaning to: understanding, skill, practise, know-how and knowledge. Sometimes all that’s stopping us from believing is the experience of the truth that it exists. But what we don’t do is push ourselves to find ways to make the experience a reality in our mind before we begin.

Experience is important in life. Gaining understanding and skill, knowledge and expertise in anything heighten our belief in ourselves and in anything in life. It is also important to acknowledge that just because you haven’t experienced something that it can still be very real to attain it .


I am a Life Coach in Sydney Australia and before I moved Here I was a Life Coach in Canada. In both countries as well as my clients from around the world I see one belief that stops incredible people from living their dreams. I see people who have developed a sense of unworthiness. This belief of unworthiness is usually masked and under the surface. My clients are usually highly driven people that want to reach high levels of success but this one thing is blocking them .

Of course there are other qualities that block people from achievement like self-doubt, pride, fear of not being loved, rejection and more. We replay the tape in our head about our experiences and our limiting beliefs over and over. We accept what we are capable of achieving based on the level of belief that we have in ourselves. You need to raise your self-belief!


From a young age we have developed ideas and beliefs about our life that aren’t necessarily true. These beliefs are formed because of what our parents, peers, society, the media etc. have programed into our minds. You no longer have to believe in the old story. You are worthy. You were born worthy of great things. Most likely you can think of a time where you achieved more than you thought you could by just going out and doing it. This is a sign that you are worthy.


Successful people in history have conquered the power of their minds to visualise things that they don’t have as if they do have them. There are many visualisations that I do as a coach. I see myself walking across the stage as the Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking and I can see myself shaking the hand of the presenter as if it’s real. For me, mastering public speaking is important.

If you have read this far you are someone who values your personal growth and you have a big dream inside of you. If that dream is to become a reality then start visualizing it. When you visualise your dream use all of your senses. See yourself achieving it, feel the feelings of accomplishing it and see that which is not as if it is. The brain is a powerful muscle that needs to be exercised and stretched otherwise it will default back to a mediocre state.

If you want to achieve your dreams in life you need to vision and then take action on that vision. When you get setbacks your brain will default back to the new programming that you have told it. If you have a dreams and aspirations in life then start by visualising it and believing it to see it. But all of this visualising and beliving is in vane unless we see ourselves like the unborn child. Perfect in every way, created wonderfully and completely worthy. When you become aware of your worthiness is when you can embrace your amazing God Given potential and life purpose.

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