How to Plant and Care for Flowers The target audience: Any person who wants to learn how to plant...

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Transcript of How to Plant and Care for Flowers The target audience: Any person who wants to learn how to plant...

Project title: How to Select, Plant and Care for Flowers

How to Plant and Care for Flowers

The target audience: Any person who wants to learn how to plant and care for flowers.

1Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Name: Gayle & Yi

Project title: How to Select, Plant and Care for the Flowers

Type of simulation:Conceptual simulation

Target audience: Any person who wants to learn how to select, plant and care for flowers.

2Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Learning objectivesAfter completing this simulation, the learner will be able to:Find their home zone on the planting zone map and answer multiple-choice questions.Identify healthy growing environments for the seed or bulb.Identify the relationships of plant and environmental variables (water, lights, and fertilizer) in both a healthy and a poor growing environment.

3Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Assessment3 multiple-choice questions where the learner applies far-transfer in identification of:Their home zone on the planting zone map and correct answers on 2 multiple-choice planting zone questionsHealthy growing environments by answering 2 what is wrong with this picture multiple-choice questionsThe cause and effect of changing the variables of sun, water, and fertilizerSimulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-70045

WorkflowSimulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Operation design:During the simulation process, player will do the following operation:Before plantingTheir home zone on the planting zone mapSoil properly prepared for the seed or bulbPlanting environments (condition)During plantingDaily take care(water, light if its indoor planting)Weekly take care (fertilizer, weeding)Randomly take care (bug killing)Helping operationsDuring the whole simulation process, we will have full information appear at proper place of the simulation interface to help player to select right operations and learning how to select right operations.

Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-7006Other Design AspectsSuggested Interface: Multiple web pages or an app with user self-pacing and non-linear navigation.

7Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700List and Description of Interface Component GraphicsSoil types (clumpy, muddy, finely raked, loam, sand, clay)Planting site types (garden plot, pot, wild or untended, in your yard)SeedsBulbsNatural resources (sun and water)Various growing environments8Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Simulation Set-upTo create their unique growing environment, the user will select a graphic/text in response to:Where do you live?Where will you plant your flower?What kind of flower do you want?

Then, in the next level, the user will experience how water, sun, and fertilizer influence:Healthy growing environmentPoor growing environment9Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Exploring the simulation variablesUsers will choose variables with the help of a ped. agent speaking in 1st person, discussing:WeatherSoilPlanting environmentsFlower basics (seeds, bulbs, annuals, perennials)Stages of a FlowerSeed Seedling MaturePlanting procedures (videos to demonstrate)

10Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Simulation previews step1. "Planting zone - provide feedback if too cold or hot for flower chosen and for the next simulation variable setting.2. "Soil (unworked, worked, clumpy, muddy, finely raked, loam, sand, clay) provide feedback if soil is inappropriate for nutrition or moisture retention.

3. Growing environments (garden plot, pot, untended, in your yard) provide feedback if learner chooses untended and some variables become uncontrollable.

4. Growing conditions (what the flowers need during the growing process. For example: when flower need water/ sun /fertilizer.)11Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Growing Condition Simulation VariablesThe learner can select:a time period (then select button or drop-down choices of : 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 10 years)Water volume: Max 5g/day, min 0g/day. Flower Life cycle: seeds planted:15-30days, plant- before bloom 30-50days, Bloom-: 10-30 days 12Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Light-capability(Max ?/day Min ?/day, depends on the plants and life phase)Damage-capability: Water (out of reasonable range)Light (out of reasonable range) Inserts (out of reasonable range)(For example, if there have more that 5 inserts on one plant for 2 or more days, it will be damaged. if player give the plants more/less than 2G/days, it will not grow normally; if player give fertilizer more/less than 3u/7days, it may not grow, depending on water capability)13Growing Condition Simulation Variables (contd)Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Simulation on Growing StagesStage 1: From seeds to plants

Field size has relationship with seeds. (Lets say 1 regular Field can plant 1,000 seeds or 200 flower plants or 100 mature flowers). If you put too much seeds in a small field, it will grow weak because they can not get enough sunlight, and have not enough place to grow.Based on the seeds type (like water/arid), they need water properly every day (or week), less water will make them grow slowly and weak; too much water will also slow the growth and weaken the flower.

Sunlight has the same logic.

Natural damage simulation: 1. sometimes, randomly, there has some insects, they will eat the plant, so, player need kill insects in the flower field. 2. after a short time, the field will has some weeds, so the player need weeding.

14Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Other stagesStage 2: From plants to before blooming Logic is same as with Stage 1, the differences are: 1. the flowers have grown up, player may need more fields if they put many seeds into the field. If player didnt reduce the flower amount, it will badly influence the flowers growing.Influences of too much and too little water.Influences of too much and too little fertilizer.

15Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Other stagesStage 3: After blooming Logic variables are the same as the Stage 2, the differences are amounts of each variable.For example: the flower may need more water and fertilizer.Insects may appear more frequent because the flowers. 16Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Simulation variables hypothesisThere is a group variable hypothesis based on all conditions

Basic condition: indoor/loam/south zone/rose/seedsOther simulation variables: The plants life cycle is (lets say 90days: Stages 1:30days, Stages 2: 30days, Stages 3: 30days) Stages 1: water-1g/day, light- 12hours/day (or ignore this), Fertilizer 5 u/7days (base on the soil condition) (its indoor, we dont need weeding) Stages 2: water-2g/day, light- 12hours/day (or ignore this), Fertilizer 7 u/7days (Unit) Stages 3:water-2g/day, light- 12hours/day (or ignore this), Fertilizer 7 u/7days (Unit)

17Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Simulation interface elementsAfter all conditions have chosen, the growing is built (for example: Zone 3, loam soil, garden planting)With the time line and simulation rules, the water number will decrease, if the water decrease to the basic level, the flower will not grow, and the player need water them, then the water number will plus the number player added.

18Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Pedagogical Agent (stages)

As SproutAs Mature FlowerAs Seed

Typical Screen Header and Navigation:

19Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCareKey for Multimedia ElementsMouseover or Mouse ClickAudio ClipVideo ClipLine Drawing AnimationUse for showing sprouting stages. Use Ped. Agent stages in this line drawing animation.Use for simple demos on soil prep, potting a seedling, planting seeds and planting bulbs.Use for modality as ped. agent on each page view. Open audio clip automatically.Use for proximity of technical details, and for feedback.20Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

First Screen: Want to Plant A Flower?

Audio clip for ped. agent21This is how the higher level looks. But first, you get to play with maps and dirt!Click here to continueSimulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Insert audio clip with ped. agent discussing planting information provided on seed packets22You have just chosen your planting zone! Congratulations.Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Lets Play a Game with a Planting Zone Map

Audio Clip (for modality)Hi My name is Petals

23Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Ready to Make Your Flower?Now you get to chooseYour soilThen,Your growing environmentYour flowers beginningYour flowers blossom

Then you get to plant and water it

Audio Clip (for modality)

24Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

This choice will become the soil of your growing environment.

Audio Clip (for modality)

25Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Insert video clip showing someone preparing loam for planting seeds. Have them self-narrate the video.

26Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

This choice will become your growing environment

Audio Clip (for modality)

27Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

This choice will become your flowers beginningAudio clip for Ped Agent


Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

Flowers are either annuals (die every year and need to replanted annually) or perennials (will re-grow year after year).

Audio Cip (for lmodality)

29Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

What do your petals look like?

On mouseover, provide feedback on each flower type (annual or perennial, acceptable planting zones, sunlight & water requirements.

DaffodilSunflowerPeonyZinnaDaisyAudio Clip (for modality)

30Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

So, this is what you have created:(for visual background, use the growing environment graphic chosen by learner)(show soil)(show flower seed or bulb)

And now I get to sprout!

(next screen view shows seed growinginto a flower)

Audio Clip for Ped Agent

31Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

Sprouting SimulationAudio Clip (for modality)

Stages of a Flower (simple line drawing animation showing a seed sprouting into a seedling and then maturing into a flowering plant.

32Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Wow - Next stepAudio Clip (for modality)

Insert simple line drawing animation to prepare learner for the next level of the simulation. Give simple overview of how the controls will work and what to expect from the simulation progression.

33Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCareAfter selecting the growing environmentThe simulation interface will give player a flower field(based on the preview selection). It will go to the Interface which will simulate the daily maintain for player.It will include three panels: plant panel, condition panel and control panelIt will run based on the time and other variables which will influence the flower growing. For example: with the time going, the water/fertilizer will reduce, if those variables beyond the safe boundary, system will warn player. And player will need operate the variables based on the system warning.34Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

Stage 1: Seeding

Add audio clip of ped agent

35Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

On mouseover for each variable in the vertical task bar, provide name and function of each icon. Examples: Shovel (used to dig up soil to prepare for planting).Fertilizer (used to feed your flower. Too little or too much is bad).Water can (water gently, at consistent intervals appropriate to the soil. For sandy soil, water more often. Rocky soil wont absorb water, so water only enough that roots can directly absorb. Loam retains water nicely, so dont overwater.Stage 1: Seeding

Add audio clip of ped agent

36Warning: light is not enough, you need to give your seeds more light!The simulation system detects if the value of light is too low than normal value!Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

36Stage 2: before blooming

Add audio clip of ped agent

37Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Stage 3: flower

Add audio clip of ped agent

38Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Time for another game! Add audio clip of ped agent

This field has:

Too much water? (Correct. Too much water will stunt the growth of the plants)Too much sun? (No. Too much sun would dry up the soil)Too much soil? (No. It would be very hard to have too much soil in a field)Too many plants? (No. There is plenty of soil for more plants)Make a multiple-choice question. Hide answers and far-transfer feedback until user clicks. On click, provide dropdown of feedback as shown in ( ).Whats Wrong With This Picture?

39Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare

Add audio clip of ped agent

Make a multiple-choice question. Hide answers and far-transfer feedback until user clicks. On click, provide dropdown of feedback as shown in ( ).Again! That was fun.Whats Wrong With This Picture?

OK, this soil needs something. What is it?

More fertilizer?More flowers?More water?More sun?

After user clicks, show this far-transfer feedback:

Maybe. We need more information.No. Not unless it gets more water.Yes. Definitely needs water.No. The excessive sun is causing the evaporation.

40Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700

OK, last game to playGot 3 questions for youSimulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-70041

Which planting zones cover the largest geographic area?

(after user clicks, please supply feedback as follows:

5+6 (No, try again)2 +3 (Thats right !)9+10 (No, that is actually the smallest geographic area.6+7 (No, but they are the brightest colors)Add audio clip of ped agent

Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCare2 more chances to play!Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700After playing this simulation, which environment would you choose for planting sunflowers?

desert, sandy soil, no fertilizer, mostly sunCanadian Rockies, rocky soil, full shade, in a potMidwest, full sun, loam, fertilizer, in your yardAnywhere, it doesnt matter. Sunflowers are very hardy.42

Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCareAdd audio clip of ped agent

(after user clicks, provide this feedback)No. The sandy soil wont hold the water that the large sunflowers will need; sunflowers are also large plants and grown best with some fertilizer.No. The weather is too cold. Check the growing zone(s) on the packet of seeds; being tall plants, they need more room than a typical pot offers.Yes. Sunflowers will like this environmentNo. Sunflowers are sturdy plants, but they still need appropriate sun, water, fertilizer, and well-draining soil.

Still having fun? Good! One last Whats Wrong with This Picture?

Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-70043

Planting Zone Soil Environment DailyCare WeeklyCareAdd audio clip of ped agent

Will these seeds work in this growing environment?

Yes, they will. (No, the seeds are so very small for such a wild environment. Grow the seeds into seedlings first)No. The soil is too clumpy and is improperly prepared, and the seeds are so small (Right!)First it needs to rain (No, rainfall isnt the problem)These hardy seeds could grow anywhere. (No, since this is in the wild, many variables could not be controlled, and these seeds look rather delicate)

Thanks for playing!Add audio clip of ped agent

Now, go plant something! Practice. Practice. Practice.

44Simulation. Yi & Gayle EDTC-651-700