How to manage stress?

Post on 15-Feb-2017

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Transcript of How to manage stress?

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Agnese Lubka mat-nr: 20852Ali Chihab mat-nr: 20847Oleksandra Soroka mat-nr: 20856

Stress Manageme


Stage Fright

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

2+Table of contents

Introduction Stress Management

Identify the sources of stress in your life How to cope with stress

Stress Fright Identify symptoms of your stage fright Controlling the symptoms

Activity Conclusion

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Your body's way of responding to any kind of demand Can be caused by both good and bad experiences Your body reacts by releasing chemicals into the blood

that give you more energy and strength: Positive if your stress is caused by physical danger Negative if your stress is in response to something

emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.


Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

4+Stress Management

“Can be defined as interventions designed to reduce the impact of stressors in the workplace, these can have an

individual focus aimed at increasing an individual’s ability to cope with stressors. The goal of stress

management is to help you to manage the stress of everyday life, many different methods may be employed

such as biofeedback, meditation and massage.”

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

5+Identify the sources of stress in your lifeLook closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses: Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have

a million things going on right now”)? Do you define stress as a part of your work or home life

(“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”)?

Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events?

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


How to cope with stress?

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

7+Unhealthy ways

Smoking Drinking too much Zoning out for hours in

front of the TV or computer

Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities

Using pills or drugs to relax

Sleeping too much Postponing Filling up every minute of

the day to avoid facing problems

Taking out your stress on others


Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Healthy ways : The Four A’s

Change the situation: Avoid the stressor Alter the stressor

Change your reaction: Adapt to the stressor Accept the stressor


Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Learn how to say “no” Avoid people who stress

you out Take control of your

environment Pare down your to-do list

Express your feelings instead of bottling them up

Be willing to compromise Be more assertive Manage your time better

Avoid unnecessary

stress Alter the situation

Change the situation


Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Reframe problems Look at the big picture Focus on the positive

Don’t try to control the uncontrollable

Share your feelings Learn to forgive

Adapt to the stressor

Accept the stressor

Change your reaction

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013



Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


Stage Fright

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


“Stage fright is the experience of severe anxiety prior to or during a performance in front of an audience, such as

giving a speech, singing, or playing an instrument.”

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

14+Identify symptoms of your stage fright Sweating Difficulty thinking about anything other than the fear Fear of fainting Desire to Flee Shortness of breath Hot or cold flashes Trembling or shaking Pounding heart

Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

15+Controlling the symptoms

Watch what you eat Take deep breaths, from the diaphragm Use your large muscles Recognize the stress as excitement Establish contact with audience Take the positive emotions and passion into your


Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013



Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013


“Expect, and accept, that you will feel anxious, especially at first. That's OK. If you allow yourself to work with the anxiety, not against it, you'll be able to calm down and

proceed. If you resist the anxiety, you'll make more trouble for yourself.”



Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode 2013

