How to Lose Weight?

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of How to Lose Weight?


Be Honest with Yourself Make light changes

Snacking patternParty smartness

Get some Exercise General guidelines

Be Honest with Yourself

Use food scale, measuring cups, bathroom scaleMeasures will help you

be honest

Maintain food diary for a week to tell you how much you eat and why!It will help you take a


Make light changes

At Snacks timeAt Office At Party time

At Snack time

Chew gum while cooking or cleaning the table you will be less likely to snack

Pop corn (without oil and butter) is an ideal snack, it’s only 25 cal/cup

Always keep tasty low calorie food around like plum, fresh fruits/vegetables

Always buy single serving package of chips/candies

At Office

The hunger you feel at work may come from stress. Try taking a walk around the building or climb up and down a few flights of stairs

Try not to sit down with sweet roll and coffee

Plan something to do as soon as you come from work like brisk walk, take a shower followed by a fruit bowl

Party smart

Don’t go out to eat or to a party when you are “starving”

Have a glass of non fat milk or piece of fruit before leaving home

Avoid alcoholic drinks as they have more calories

General guidelines

Get plenty of sleep Eat smaller servings A cup of cleared soup

before dinner can slow you down and fill you up

45 minutes brisk walk daily

“Eat like a King at breakfast,

A prince at a lunch

A poor man at a dinner”
