How to live medicine free life

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of How to live medicine free life

How to live medicine free life?

Do you suffer from Acidity?

Do you feel tired after day’s work?

Do you feel body aches sometimes?

Are you not able to lose excess weight?

Are you on medication?

These are initial signs showing your

body's pH is turning acidic

But, what is pH?

We are born with a pH of 7.4.

pH is a scale (0 to 14) that shows your body's ACID – ALKALINE balance.

How do we lose our pH balance?

Stress Toxicity

How do we lose our pH balance?Acidic diet

How do we lose our pH balance?Lack of exercise

Kidney plays an important role to keep your body's pH intact. But to do

so, it uses essential minerals from tissues, organs and bones.

What happens when body turns acidic?

This is a start of your illnesses.

Slowly you start facing ……

Acidity, obesity, hair loss, premature grey hair, muscular pain, frequent headaches, low energy, heartburn, constipation, irritability, bad quality sleep, diabetes, hormonal disorders like thyroid dysfunction, asthma, gall stones, Kidney stones, hyper tension, heart disease, cancer, lack of sex drive, impotence or infertility

70% body, 83% brain/ kidneys and 90% of blood is water

In essence you are what you drink

You should drink alkaline water. Only Alkaline Water can flush out excessive & stored acids from your body…. ..normal water can not..

Then you can live medicine free life.

Difference between normal water and alkaline water…

Alkaline water is ionized water with a pH 8 or above. Normal water is contaminated • due to excessive usage of chlorine, • exposure to pollution, carbon dioxide, & • ground water contamination (free usage of pesticides) • It has positive ORP value (oxidant to our body)

Normal water is slightly acidic, mostly pH 6.5 to 7 (5 to 10 times acidic to body)

But, I am using water filter..…?

Your regular water filter purifies water & make it bacteria free but it does not make

water alkaline.

Water remains slightly acidic. Water below pH 7.4 is acidic to your body.

You can move out of

Drink Alkwa• Alkwa is the most pure magnetized alkaline water.• It’s pH is 8.5 (or above) & it has –ve ORP value. • Its consumption improves your pH balance. It helps

your body to get rid of acidic waste products. It helps body in retaining its important alkaline minerals.

• With plenty of surplus electrons, it acts as an anti-oxidant to your body. It improves body’s immunity and helps each & every organ to function better due to correction in acidic pH.

Thank you