How to give a awesome presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to give a awesome presentation

Method 1: Creating an Effective Presentation

***Learn and understand the topic.

***Organize the material in a clear and logical manner.

***Clearly explain and define key concepts

***Create interesting visual aids

***Include audio and video material when possible.

Learn and understand the topic:

If you are asked to give a

presentation on a certain topic it

is likely because you are

knowledgeable about the

material. If this is not the case, you

need to make sure you fully

understand the material inside

and out prior to the presentation.

The best presenters are those who

understand the topic and are

clearly passionate about the

material they are presenting

Organize the material in a clear

and logical manner:

The most engaging

presentations are easy for the

audience to follow. Make sure

that the material you are

presenting is arranged in a

logical order and flows between

topics. This will help you maintain

the attention of your audience.

The audience should not

struggle to follow the

presentation because this will

detract from the information

being communicated.

Clearly explain and define key


Some presentations will include

complex concepts or key terms that

require special attention. It is a

good idea to isolate these terms

and concepts and clearly explain

them to the audience

Create interesting visual aids:

The most engaging presentations

are always accompanied by some

form of visual aid, usually a

slideshow presentation. Slideshows

allow you to provide graphs, charts,

images, and text to accompany

your oral presentation. Consider

using one of these helpful tools:



3.Google Slides

4.Zoho Show


Include audio and video material

when possible:

Audio and video material can

also be included to make a

presentation more dynamic and

fun. When possible, include a

video or audio clip from a

relevant movie, television show,

music video, or commercial. This

will help to break up your

presentation so that the

audience does not become

bored listening to your voice the

entire time

Method 2: Engaging With Your Audience

***Ask questions throughout the presentation

***Have audience members help with the presentation

***Find creative ways to distribute additional material

***Provide a refreshment break if possible

***Allow time for the audience to ask questions.

Ask questions throughout the


Encourage your audience to

think actively about the subject

you're presenting by asking

questions. This will help to

engage your audience and

make the presentation more fun.

Make sure that the questions you

ask either promote discussion or

critical thinking. For example,

asking an audience: "Does

anyone have any questions?"

Have audience members help

with the presentation:

Depending on the type of

presentation you are giving you

may be able to ask some of the

audience members for help at

different points. This will allow

you to actively engage

audience members and will

ensure that your presentation is

both fun and memorable. A

few ways to allow the audience

to actively engage with your

presentation include

Find creative ways to distribute

additional material:

If you need to provide the

audience with a hand-out or any

additional material you can come

up with creative ways to include

the audience. For example, you

could hide material under their

chairs so that the audience

members have to move around in

order to access the material. During

a more informal presentation you

could create a scavenger hunt for

the audience to find materials

hidden throughout the room. Be

creative and come up with a fun

way to distribute material and

make your presentation stand out.

Provide a refreshment break if


If you are giving a long

presentation, regardless of how

fun you are making it people will

get tired and their minds will start

to wonder. By giving a 10 to 15

minute break you will allow the

audience a chance to go to the

washroom, get a coffee, socialize,

and stretch their legs. This will help

you keep their attention for the

remainder of the presentation.

Allow time for the audience to

ask questions:

Some audience members may

want to ask questions during the

presentation. Make sure that

you set aside time to allow your

audience to make comments

and ask questions about the

material. This will help them

engage with the presentation.

Here are a few suggestions for

incorporating a Q and A section

into your talk

Method 3: Entertaining Your Audience

***Be a dynamic presenter

***Provide a humorous observation or anecdote

***Make eye contact

***Make a personal connection

Be a dynamic presenter:

These is nothing worse than

listening to a presenter with a

monotone voice. Entertain your

audience by showing your

enthusiasm for the topic. This will

make your presentation more fun

to listen to and will help keep the

attention of the audience. Use

inflection in your voice, be

excited, incorporate hand

gestures and move around the

room. Your enthusiasm for the

topic will rub off on audience

members. Even if you are

presenting on a perceivably

boring topic you can help make it

fun by being enthusiastic and


Provide a humorous

observation or anecdote:

Presentations are always more

fun if you can find a way to

insert a little humour, but this is

not an easy task. Here are a

few things to consider when

adding a joke to any



Make eye contact:

Making eye contact with your

audience is a great way to hold

their attention and provide an

effective and entertaining

presentation. If you are presenting

to a small group you should try

and make eye contact with all

audience members. For larger

audiences try and make eye

contact with each section of the

audience.Avoid only making eye

contact with the people you know

in the audience or with the person

who is assessing the presentation.

Make a personal connection:

If you can find a way to make

the topic you are presenting

meaningful to your audience it

is more likely to have a lasting

impact. For example, try and

tell a relevant story or current

event and connect it to the

topic of the presentation. This

will get your audience thinking

and will make your topic more

relatable. Alternatively you

could try providing a local

connection. For example, how

does this topic directly impact

the people in the audience?

Thank You For Your Patience

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