HOW TO GET MORE CLIENTS THROUGH NETWORKING. OBJECTIONS Reasons not to network I don’t know how to...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of HOW TO GET MORE CLIENTS THROUGH NETWORKING. OBJECTIONS Reasons not to network I don’t know how to...



Reasons not to network I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know where my prospects go. I don’t think I have the time. I don’t believe that it can be effective.


Overview The ins and outs of networking Why to do it Where to do it


Overview When to do it Who to talk to What to say How to do it

INTRODUCTIONOverview Create a system to pull it all together

Database Newsletter Target List

Create a word-of-mouth marketing plan Commitment


Ground Rules Give before you receive Ask about them before you tell them

about you – listen to their needs Focus on how you can help them, not

how they can help you


Patience Don’t expect instant results. Don’t rush it. Invest time in follow-up meetings,

even though some may seem to be a waste of time.

THE GOLDEN RULEAlways have an event planned you can

invite them to Run an event every month. Schedule them 6 months in advance. Put them on your web site 2 months

out. Use them aggressively in networking. Publicize them.

“I keep six honest serving men,They taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and

WhenAnd How and Where and Who.”

-Rudyard Kipling


Versatility Keeps a flow of potential candidates in

between marketing campaigns. Easier to replace a member who is

leaving without having to do a campaign.


Promotion Helps build the brand Gets the word out in the marketplace Increases awareness The power of association


Formal Organizations Chambers of Commerce Rotary Trade groups Others

WHERENetworking Groups Paid memberships Exist to generate leads Formal monthly meeting Networking first Each person presents themselves


Networking Groups Business in progress Member spotlight Social events Business card exchange

WHEREEvents Galas/Awards Charity Events Socials with a cocktail hour Your own events

WHEREMethodology The more people you know, the more

people you will meet. Go with another networker. Join a group and you’ll always see

people you know.

WHENCommitment Essential to go to organization meetings

regularly. Get to know a group of networkers and

you’ll meet them all over the circuit. Send them information they can use


WHENTiming of Events Evening functions tend to be better

than breakfast/lunch Important to go to a number of

functions Building the network over time


Networking Targets Potential clients or customers Influencers Referral sources for a fee You may not know which category

each person fits into


Telling people what you do Elevator speech Different one for different occasions Different one for different prospects Your elevator speech


Create a target list Active vs. passive 15 names month Ask if someone knows how to “get” to

a person 25% hit rate


Build a system When you meet someone, follow-up. Write something about them on their

business card. Enter their information into contact

management system.

HOWBuild a system Record where you met them and some

brief information. Send them your newsletter to stay in

front of them. Try to refer business to them.


Invite to your events Flyers at meetings and events Ask them to invite people E-mail invitation/sample letter


Suggestions Set a goal for the number of times a

month you will network. Find events and join groups. Set a goal for the number of new

people you will send a newsletter to. Be passionate! Passionate people can’t

help but attract business wherever they go.


Reasons not to network I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know where my prospects go. I don’t have the time. I don’t believe that it can be effective.

CONCLUSION This Works! It takes time, but isn’t hard. The results can be dramatic. Set yourself some goals. Get out there and mingle!