How to get google page rank for your Website?

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How to get google page rank for your Website?

How To Get Google Page Rank For Your Website?

Do you have a website?

A link analysis algorithm used by the American multinational

technology company Google to determine a score for the

relevancy and importance of pages by evaluating the quantity

and quality linking to the webpage.

Google Page Rank gives every website a score/measure between 0 to 10 on an

exponential scale. The ranking is mainly based on the quality back links that are

generated for a website.

To make it easier for the Google bot engine to find and determine the importance of

contents and links of your website, create and submit your sitemap.

* In order to increase website traffic, you can translate your website into foreign languages.

* Create and provide a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed this too will help you in driving

more traffic.* Get linking of other high-quality and high page ranking websites to

your website for improving the page rank.

* When a website requests you to add their link in your website then check it properly before doing so.* Promote your website in various

social media networks with appropriate and relevant content

and links. * Include your website URL in all the ways that you communicate about your website to others.