How To Design with Not For

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How To Design with Not For

How to Design With, Not For



The hardest - and most important - part of user research is knowing that you are not the


Sharing implies vulnerability.

People are complex.

Good user research is rooted in the idea that all experiences are valid.

Your version of rationality is not universal.

What biases do you currently hold?

Unpacking Biases

Left on our own or only working with likeminded people, we remain limited by our experiences: seeing only the problems we see, building only the solutions we know

how to build.

Experimental Modes of Civic Engagement in Civic Tech

Race, income, privilege

Let’s Talk

• Cater to Context: Operate within an informed understanding of the existing social infrastructure and socio-political contexts that affect your work

• Put everyone on the same level, ruthlessly

• Active listening is the art of focusing.

• Use the frame of curiosity and questions as your approach to engagement

Experimental Modes of Civic Engagement in Civic Tech

• Be “narrative aware”: think critically about what it means to work with communities in the creation of technology vs. working on their behalf

• Reflect on how the communities you talk to want to use technology vs. hows technology forces people to behave

• Fundamental to creating new technology is the formation of new relationships

Experimental Modes of Civic Engagement in Civic Tech

Why is qualitative research valid?

The hardest - and most important - part of user research is knowing that you are not the expert.