How to crunch data into beautiful graphics

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Talk given on how to crunch data into beautiful graphics

Transcript of How to crunch data into beautiful graphics

How to crunch

data into

beautiful graphics

Vitor Domingos – – March 2011

Information needs to be interesting (meaningful & relevant) and have integrity (accuracy, consistency).

Design needs to have form (beauty & structure) and function (it has to work and be easy to use)

integrity + form = eye candy

interestingness + function = experiment

interesting subject, solid information, looks great, but is hard to use = useless

amazing data, well designed, very easy to read but isn’t that interesting = boring

Simple. Clean. Elegant

Make the data distinct from the graph.

Make the data distinct from other data

Keep data organized and clear.

Use common sense.

Make sure your graph makes sense.

Make sure your data is accessible.

Display the most important information at a level that people can quickly comprehend.