How to choose an affiliate program

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How to choose an affiliate program

Affiliate Program

How To Choose an affiliate program learn the way to choose a affiliate program

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About The Author Rebecca has over a decade in experience designing, developing and marketing websites and products. She has created Rebecca's Resource to help website owners create money online, by helping with education and resources. she loves to help people achieve their goals.



Before choosing an affiliate program, do some research. Make sure you have a checklist

of things you want and need before you join and it will save you a lot of trouble and

wasted time later on. Answer the following twelve questions to help you make a good

decision about the perfect affiliate program for your niche.


Question 1

Do the products compliment your niche perfectly? If the answer is no, move on.

Question 2

Is it free to join? If it isn't, consider not joining. Most are free.

Question 3

How are the commissions issued and when? Some pay weekly (rare), monthly or

quarterly. Most have a minimum you must earn before you can get paid. Are you sure

you can reach this minimum? If you can't you'll probably forfeit anything you earned.

Question 4

Do they pay in your currency? The Internet is global, yet some companies fail to realize

this. For example, a company that will only pay checks in USD is no use to me in Australia

because the bank fees will wipe out even a $100 check. I need an online payment

processor like Paypal or a direct bank deposit or even a wire transfer.

Question 5

Can the affiliate program tell you it's average conversion rate? The conversion rate is the

number of clicks on a link before a sale is made. For example, a ten percent (unusual)

conversion rate means an average of ten people must click a link for a sale to be made. A

once percent rate means one person will buy in one hundred clicks and a 0.1 percent

rate means one thousand people must click before one will buy.


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Question 6

How does the affiliate site track it's referrals? How long are they kept in the system? You

need to know that the affiliate site will correctly track your referrals as that is the only

way you can be credited for a sale generated from your link. You also want to know that if

the same person decides to buy a month or so later that you still get the credit because

the information is stored in the system.

Question 7

Do you get statistical information? You should get good quality statistics available online

at any time. You should be able to follow the effectiveness of a link on a particular day

and see where it originated. You need to compare hits and sales and page impressions to

know how well your advertising campaigns are working and if you need to change them.

Question 8

What commissions are available? Are you getting paid per sale (most common), paid per

click or paid per lead? You need to know exactly what you are going to be paid for


Question 9

Who is the company you are affiliating with? Are they reputable and is their product

reliable? You can search the Internet to find out information about the product and

company. If you can't find many other affiliates, then the product isn't selling well. If you

find thousands and thousands of affiliates, then you aren't likely to generate many sales.


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Question 10

Are you paid once only for a sale or hit, or is it a multi-tiered program? Some sites pay

you a small commission on the sales on anyone you directly refer to also sell the product,

as well as a larger commission for products you sell.

Question 11

What is the percentage of commission paid? Is it a flat fee or a percentage? Companies

like ClickBank who sell digital products pay 35-75% per sale. Other companies offer

5-20% per sale. Large turn over products are likely to pay you less in commissions as you

are expected to have a high hit/sales ratio.

Question 12

Is the market saturated with the product? A quick check in a search engine will reveal

how many other people are selling the same product. Not enough people means the

product probably won't sell, too many means you won't get enough market share to

make a nice income.

Consider all of these questions before you join an affiliate program. Read the FAQs and

affiliate information pages carefully. Email the company and ask questions if you are

unclear on anything. If you don't get an answer, you may well find you will have other

problems with them later. Look at multiple programs if there are several products suiting

your niche and compare the options. Take the time to do your homework and you will be

more likely to create a nice income from affiliate marketing.


There are other things you should consider before making a decision about choosing an

affiliate marketing company to represent. Read Affiliate Secrets to discover more about

affiliate marketing and promoting your affiliate business successfully.


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