How to Choose a Content Management System (CMS) For Your Enterprise

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to Choose a Content Management System (CMS) For Your Enterprise

How to Choose a Content Management System

(CMS) For Your Enterprise

Picking the best Content Management System (CMS) for your existing product line prove to be an overwhelming challenge. With hundreds of capabilities to choose from

and match them to your functionalities, we bring you a snip-short guide on how to search and fit a CMS right away.

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A Snip-short Guide On How To Search And Fit A CMS Right Away

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Step 1: Establish Your Ground Rules

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SEO is the king… and if there is anything that can make your posts and content reviews explosive, it is how you implement it in the content development strategy.

Establish ground rules when it comes to picking a CMS- degree of ownership, price of enterprise package, benefits of subscription and staffing options.

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Step 2: Check Out SEO Compatibility

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A good CMS platform must be able to handle basic SEO-related activities:

Customize page titles.

Suggest optimized meta description tags/keywords, H-tags.

Full Unicode support across different languages.

URL structuring.

The smartest CMS platforms ensure that the URLs are not only SEO-friendly but also gadget-specific and customized.

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Step 3: Test Smart Content Repository

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Are you going to develop a content that is one-time use, or do you intend to reuse a hundred times over? Either strategy will require a smart CMS to build a repository and storage platform.

Identify CMS with features like multiple content reuse and unrestricted duplication.

Look for CMS that can handle reused content automatically.

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Integration With Editing Tools

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If you have a dynamic content development team that produces thousands of pieces every hour, you need a robust and multi-component CMS integration.

Fast paced authoring and publishing is possible only when your CMS offers complete version control and integration with third-party plug-ins.

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Step 5: Freedom From Coding Programmes

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Hosted CMS platforms are cutting a big market share for themselves. Reason?

They empower designers in website content development by deploying programming-free technologies.

With no programming involved, designers can focus on creating website contents and putting them “live” in shortest time.

Plus, No-coding feature means you are running a website at a much lower cost of operation.

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Step 6: How About Sharing And Collaborating Files?

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New-age CMS offers an extensive channel to share, collaborate and publish content in real-time.

Look for easy navigation through voluminous content files so that you can share, edit and upload files quickly, and without error.

CMS with tagging and discovery options allow multiple users using different gadget/networks to search for different files at the same time.

And all these activities carry real-time alerts and notifications.

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Step 7: Make Life Easy With Wizards And Templates

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CMS come with exciting themes, wizards and templates. Give your content a more refined and diverse touch with clean and modern design, backed by fully responsive screen features and video background.

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High-end CMS platforms might require heavy duty server capabilities.

Look for CMS package that can fit into a server PHP 5.3.0 or MySQL 5.1.0 for good results.

Even with minimum server background, the CMS should be able to deliver corporate stability and back-end scalability in the future.

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The bottom’s up…

CMS packages come with flexi-use pricing models and 24/7 support and training options. Weed out

the vendors that don’t provide them in the very first filter.

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