How to bulletproof your content and survive any algorithmic change mor con 2011 upload

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Transcript of How to bulletproof your content and survive any algorithmic change mor con 2011 upload

How To Bulletproof Your Content and Survive Any Algorithmic Change

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Who Am I

Fast Outline

• Google Algorithm vs Your Content• What is Google Algoritm• How Google Changes Algorithm• Google Agent: Manual Raters

• The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• How Deadly A Change in Algorithm Can Be• Non Quality Content vs Quality Content • Bulletproofing Tips• Conclusion

• Algorithmic Change Losers and Winners

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• What is Bulletproofing

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Definition for bulletproofing:Web definitions:make bulletproof; "bulletproof the car“Bulletproofing is the process of making something capable of stopping a bullet or similar high velocity projectiles e.g. shrapnel

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• What is Content Bulletproofing

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Definition for bulletproofing:SEO definitions:make bulletproof; "bulletproof your content“Bulletproofing is the process of making your content invulnerable to changes in search engine algorithm e.g. Panda Update,

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Because we all depend on search engine rankings

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

So you won’t be among the many people who are like this:

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

shift careers

lose interest

So you won’t be among the many people who:

forced to resign

got laid off

just quit

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

There are winners and losers in every algo update:

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

There are winners and losers in every algo update:


The Need to Bulletproof

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Top 3 Reasons why there are more losers than winners…

3. Webmasters/SEOs become lazy and carefree

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Top 3 Reasons why there are more losers than winners…

2. Overconfidence – too complacent of their top ranking

The Need to Bulletproof

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Why is there a Need to Bulletproof Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Top 3 Reasons why there are more losers than winners…

1. Webmasters/SEOs are not being informed

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Winners

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Characteristics of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers (time of penalty)

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Low information value

Content is not reusable / Unlikely to be republishedLow or no media content

Content produced by non authoritative source

Lots of grammatical errors

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Characteristics of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers (time of penalty)

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Definite/Predictable number of outbound links

Continuous block of textsNo social media integration

Content is not original (different from unique)

Content is not insightful

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Not in compliance with:

More guidance on building high-quality Friday, May 06, 2011 at 11:22 AM

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Your Content vs Google Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Why is your content in an apparent battle against Google’s Algorithm?

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Your content is like a terrorist in the eyes of Google - SPAM

Your Content vs Google Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Why is your content in an apparent battle against Google’s Algorithm?

Kim Tyrone Agapito

You are out there just to make money online

Your Content vs Google Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Why is your content in an apparent battle against Google’s Algorithm?

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Google is made for searchers

Not for SEOsNot for affiliate marketersNot for third world country online workers

What is Google Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithm as an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions for calculating a function. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning. In simple words an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for calculations.

Kim Tyrone Agapito

What is Google Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Google Algorithm or more precisely Google Search Algorithm is Google’s own way of ranking websites and webpages for a keyword based on many ranking factors – more than a single blog post can cover.

Kim Tyrone Agapito

- Complex formula, and no one knows exactly what it is

- Composed of known and unknown variables (ranking factors)

- Formula is tweaked every now and then ( 500 times on 2010)

- Algorithm can be a bitch

How Google Changes its Algorithm

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Supposing Google Algorithm can be presented in a simple equation

Kim Tyrone Agapito

R = A + BWhich variable is identified first?

How Google Changes its Algorithm

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Content Removed MORCon 2011 Participants Eyes Only

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

• Takeouts: 2011 Google Quality Raters Handbook

Relevant vs Useful

Relevant pages should still “fit” the query, but they might be less comprehensive, less up-to-date, come from a less authoritative source, or cover only one important aspect of the query.

Broad KW = general contentLongtail KW = specific contentGeneral Niche = NOSpecific Niche = YES

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

• Takeouts: 2011 Google Quality Raters HandbookSpam

Presence of deceptive technique to trick Google

So yes, you can have quality content: vital, relevant and useful but still be marked as SPAM

Spam classification and Quality rating are independent

- Quality Spam

Google Agent: Manual Raters

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

• Takeouts: 2011 Google Quality Raters HandbookPure PPC Pages

Pages that contain PPC ads only, or have very little content – clear MFA

Copied content from authoritative website which allows redistribution of their content like Wikipedia

Use of freely available feeds through XML and RSS + PPC ads = SPAM

Content is OK but not helpful, has no clear purpose = SPAM

Content won’t make any difference, ignorable = off topic

Content is so so, poorly written, gibberish = SPAM

How Deadly A Change in Algorithm Can Be

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Few of the Biggest Google Algorithmic Change Losers

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Non Quality Content vs Quality Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Identify from:

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Google Quality RatersLosers from Panda UpdateWinners from Panda UpdateCausation vs Correlation = Circle of Algorithm Spammy Footprints vs Non-spammy TrendsAuthoritative and High Quality Content Footprints

Non Quality Content vs Quality Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Causation vs Correlation = it’s a Circle

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Causation = The act of causing something to happen

Correlation = A reciprocal relation between two or more things

"Correlation does not imply causation" (related to "ignoring a common cause" and questionable cause) is a phrase used in science and statistics to emphasize that correlation between two variables does not automatically imply that one causes the other

Non Quality Content vs Quality Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

• Spammy Footprints

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Footprints of scripts / tactics that are turned into tools for spam… note guest posting, all positive one sided reviews – spammy content structure

News sites spam, algo is rolled out even real news sites were hit

Layout is predictable, is under a specific “formula” … ie EzineArtilcles, 1 or 2 links right at the end of content

Little or no link outs, unrealistic / non authoritative = think of Docus, Research Papers etc.

Non Quality Content vs Quality Content

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Authoritative and High Quality Content Footprints

Kim Tyrone Agapito

Author of content is indentifiable and a is real person in the eyes of Google

Placed on sites and pages with quality content

Social and with Real Social Proof/Social Signal = social influence

Links to relevant and useful content / websites

Bulletproofing Tips

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Publish Content Like Matt Cutts is Right at Your BackPublish Content Like a You’re a Google Quality

Rater / Reviewer

Think of Adding Real Value to the Internet, not Money or Profit I said think, like it should be part of your mantra

Publish Timeless Content, or at Least Content that will Last Long

Bulletproofing Tips

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Follow Google Webmaster Guidelines

Follow Google Guidelines for Quality Content

Be SocialSocial Media Integratio + Social on your content

Bulletproofing Tips

Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito

Write Content Like a Proor hire someone who can... Or have it supervised by someone who can :P

Be UpdatedUpdated about the news, trends and changes

Adapt and EvolveAdapt to the changes in web content publishing, what used to worked yesterday may not always work today and

tomorrow, somehow in the future something called HTML 10 will be a standard, use it

Contact Info


Kim Tyrone AgapitoKim Tyrone Agapito
